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 OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)

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Logic Bomb

Logic Bomb

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 28, 2015 11:49 pm

Name: Logic Bomb

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 14-16 (Last used in a group that worked based on maturity levels rather than ages)

Mane: Two-tone blue, light and dark. Mid-length and messy most of the time.

Coat: Light gray. Short.

Cutie mark.: Cartoon-style bomb with 1/0 on it in white and a lit fuse.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:

Distinguishing Features: Blue eyes.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Latent Chaos magic/Complexity sense. He can sense magic and with some effort, identify its purpose and origin. This gets harder the more complex it gets, but it gets easier to notice. Similarly, he can disrupt it, though he can't disrupt Alicorn magic or any other magic beyond a certain power level.

Weaknesses: His chaos magic is draining to use actively, though simply sensing complex magic is passive, and gives him headaches when he uses it too much or for too long, followed by nosebleeds, cramps, and unconsciousness if he continues. He is also not particularly fit, as he spends more time studying magic of different kinds so he'll recognize them if he senses them.

Occupation: Helps his parents with their antiques store in Manehatten, has advertised himself as being able to identify magic items and does so for a fee which depends on certain conditions like the difficulty and how big or awkward the item is. Also takes odd jobs when the store is going through a slow patch.

Gear: A silver warding bracelet that protects him from adverse environmental conditions such as heat, cold, bad weather, etc. and a shiny dark blue one that guards him from mental and magical harm. Neither are particularly strong, and both were gained from ponies who had them identified and decided they didn't want them at his prices afterwards.

History: Born in Manehatten. His mother is an Earth Pony from there as well, his father is a Unicorn from Canterlot. He's an only child. He was born with a minor sensitivity to magic, and then had it massively expanded upon by Discord during his first escape in Return of Harmony. He knows some magical theory from reading his father's old textbooks from magic classes. His mother has a clockwork specialty, reflected in her clock face cutie mark with some gears exposed, and his father has a repair work specialty, represented in his cutie mark by a hammer and a wand in an X shape.

Personality: Open-minded. Normally a nice guy. Not always patient, especially when he thinks people are being willingly stupid. Willing to help others learn, though they'll usually have to ask him first.

Current Home: Manehatten, above his parent's antiques store, though he's saving for his own place.

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2015 12:08 am

Logic Bomb wrote:
Name: Logic Bomb


Big_Boss_Man wrote:
Big Boss Man:

Still needs fixing.
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The Notebook

The Notebook

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2015 7:52 am

Name: Muffler Doll
Race: Unicorn
Age: Varied (Normally 22 unless otherwise stated, or needed.)
Mane: A Blue-esque Black, the tips of his bangs a rich, dark violet.
Coat: A deep violet, almost black in tint.
Cutie mark: A straight uncurving line, seven green bubbles floating up.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He constantly wears a large red muffler.
Distinguishing Features: Muffler has four zippers attached to his body. One on his chest, one on his mouth, and  two that travel the length of his forelegs.
Specialty: Silence. Muffler is trained to kill, which only covers for half of the term silence. His other silence, is like a shut-off silence. Cutting it off from the source, this can include simply just hushing a voice to shutting down areas of the nervous system by nullifying parts of the nervous system, or silencing that area of nerves. This, however, is a rather strenuous task and can take a lot of energy from him if he tries to do this to anything larger than a silver dollar.
Weaknesses: A long box he keeps with him, possessing his internal organs other than his digestive system. They are enchanted to function as if they were never removed from his body.
Occupation: Ex-Zebra Living Military Weapon; Private First Class in the Royal Guard.
Gear: His large red muffler, which holds the symbol of his tribe; The Alpache. When unzipped Muffler's two arms unfold a robotic mechanism that wraps up and about his arm in a spiral, each with a scorpion stinger tip on the end. Each is engraved with Zebra Magic Runes. One meaning 'Death', and the other 'Kiss' the phrase forever putting a poisonous tip on the stingers.. When unzipped, his chest, reveals a rather large object akin to a switchblade. The blade of the object can rotate in a full 360° as he maneuvers the device. Both his arms and chest have been hollowed out effectively and forced to grow around the storage areas that were placed their.
History: Muffler Doll was born to a very poor family on the outskirts of Equastria. His Mother and Father being addicts to a Zebrican Herb known for its halliganic properties. Always in need of more. Muffler was one of 15 kids born this particular couple. All of which had been traded off to the Zebras in exchange for the plant they craved for. Alongside his older brother and two younger sisters he ever knew, Doll was sold to the zebras.
  By age three Muffler and his siblings were bombarded daily by injections and shots, none of them fought back against the zebras, too scared to be hurt the same as the foal they had seen as they entered the clans military experimentation labs. They had watched him get crushed beneath a adults hoof. They never questioned what they were given to eat. If they were told to do something, they learned to do it the first time.
  By age seven Muffler was already larger than most his age, his body built sturdy like a earth pony foal. This was when they became true rag dolls of the zebras. They were taught many ways to fight, and to fight to kill. With weapons and by hoof. By age Twelve Muffler Doll had murdered his siblings in a test to kill off his emotions. At least outwardly, he no longer felt physically or emotionally attached to things. Attachment would kill you.
  At the age of seventeen, Doll was a tall, oddly built pony. One that looked somewhere between nowhere, and somewhere. When he reached the age of twenty they made one last experiment. This resulted in his box of organs. Soon after this he was stuffed with things the tendril like flesh within his pockets held in place. With this done they Zebras had control, a perfect husk. A living killing machine made by ponies. Something to combat the machines the other tribes built through tedious work. After all their hard work, he was but an earth pony if he had no horn. His horn was what they wanted to utilize with his combat. Sitting him down they taught him how to read.
  By age 21 he finally had his cutie mark. A pulse gone silent, followed by the rising of seven green bubble. The silence of life, he was taught specifically to hush everything and anything. Never let even a thought process in their head. Basic at the time, it grew to be what was a lethal force; complete silence, eternal silence. He learned to kill by muting everything. It was after he was ordered to kill the runt of the tribe's foals as an example of what would happen if you disobeyed that Muffler finally thought something himself. This was wrong. His logic correct in his eyes, he proceeded to murder the tribe's leader and some of their guards. Leaving he brought many of the village foals with him using one of the only basic magics he knew, levitation. Hefting the box of his organs onto his back he left and didn't turn back.
  Once he had reached a town he looked for shelter. Unable to find until an older Earth Pony stallion offered him and the children a place to stay for the time being. After discussing it as well as he could, Doll explained his situation. The old stallion being the town's school teacher the old boy had a deep passion to raise children to shape tomorrow. Leaving the young children in the care of the kind school teacher in Lotterbale, Muffler left to find work. The child he was meant to kill that day giving him the only possession they had as a thanks, a large red muffler with the tribe's symbol on it. leaving him their only possession. For the first time in his life since infantry Doll smiled.
  Over the next year he went through training to become a soldier in the equestrian guard. What else could a stallion of his background go? Assassination was a option, but that was his past. For once, Muffler was calling the shots. He got to say yes and no. Half his earned money being sent to Lotterbale to help pay for the expenses of the children.
Personality: Empty, Doll has a lot of bottled emotions to uncork one by one. Being raced to kill them off he learned to just hide them deep within. Somewhat like a Husk he doesn't really react to anything at all.
  Quiet out both lack of social skills, and a desire to speak aloud he only talks when talked to. Because of this he is oblivious to sarcasm and doesn't quite understand the meaning of "Joking". When he is flirted with. He will answer honestly as subtle hints do nothing to phase him. Despite that he is rather street smart. Able to notice a rat in the crowd he can avoid the cons of the market and easily barter.
  Honest, and blunt almost to an extreme level Doll tries his best not to lie as he has no reason to. Overly modest when he sees obscene objects of any sort, and very portective of his box of organs.
Current Home: Crystal Empire Guard Barracks.
Misc: Muffler has a foalish tendency to say his name while talking, as well as a child's level in terms of speech skills. (Ex. "Doll thanks you much.")

Last edited by The Notebook on Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 30, 2015 1:46 am

The Notebook wrote:
Name: Muffler Doll

As Dual has left this one up to me, upon verifying the latest change in description, it is approved... Just remember that I must sternly debate the existence of such a character in regular MLP as far as I know, though AU I have little to no issues with depending on the context. Do use responsibly, but there you go: Green lit.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 8:33 pm

Name: Goes by Peanut, a nickname given to him by Sugary Market.

Race: Breezie

Age: 18

Mane: Light Green

Coat: Cyan

Cutie mark.: None

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: The most peculiar of his antics always involve glass jars in some way. He also is around a lot when Sugary Market is involved.

Distinguishing Features: His gear make him stand out from other breezies. That is, if one can spot him first.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Being a companion and a lookout (When not distracted anyway). Is also strangely durable for a creature his size.

Weaknesses: Gets distracted easily, also gets into trouble a lot. Also breaks the 4th wall constantly. Trust me, this is a weakness.

Occupation: None

Gear: A tiny army helmet.

History: He was part of the great Breezie swarm that Seabreeze and everybreezie else was part of, but he got separated early on from them, reason being that while he was refreshing his strength, he got stuck in a glass jar. Sugary Market was the one who found him. Elated with joy at his rescue, he tried to rejoin the swarm but they were nowhere to be seen. Eventually he decided to stick with Market for a time, forming a bond of friendship with the stallion. After a while he decided to try and help others. He still helps Sugary every now and then when their paths meet.

Personality: He tries to be serious (Which usually makes him sound rude at times) but his antics usually result in these attempts becoming adorable. He is also hungry often due to his small size and metabolism, which make him do things that make him look even more adorable.

Current Home: None.

Misc: Breezies have both an exoskeleton and endoskeleton which makes them rather heavy (For their size anyway) and if they were pony-sized, they'd weigh around 50% more than an earth pony stallion. This is my headcanon anyway.

Theme Song:

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 11:39 pm

Brother Roga wrote:
Name: Goes by Peanut, a nickname given to him by Sugary Market.

Then that's his real name, because the God-Emperor of the Mighty Turtle Army is right about such things.

Character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 02, 2015 2:42 am

Name: Kataskopeia

Race: Unicorn

Age: 28

Mane: Dark blue, rather short mane, but a long tail.

Coat: Dark grey.

Cutie mark.: A butterfly knife.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her left eye is blue, and her right eye is hazel.

Distinguishing Features: Her multi-colored eyes and her two watches she wears on the same leg.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Kataskopeia is very good at stealth. She is not only great at knowing how to reduce the noise she makes, but she is capable of 'cloaking' herself, rendering the mare completely invisible to the sense of sight. She can also, from touch, use a quick scanning spell to make a full illusion of the person she touched, down to the exact detail. The mare also knows anatomy very well, so she knows exactly where to stab someone if she gets into a fight.

Weaknesses: Though her invisibility is powerful, and doesn't cost too much mana, if someone or something bumps into her, she will become slightly visible, enough for a bare silhouette, but it is only noticeable to the one who touched her, and also to any looking in her exact direction. Kataskopeia is also not very strong nor very durable, relying on stealth at all times to get her through fights or to escape.

Occupation: Spy.

Gear: Kata wears two watches, one enchanted to have a dark blue gauge to let her see how much mana is left in the wearer's mana pool, the other serves two purposes, the foremost is that it tells the time, the secondary bit it has is a very powerful but very small dose of mana potion is concealed within it for emergencies. Kata also has two butterfly knives, both strapped to her upper left leg, concealed within the hoodie she normally is seen wearing.

History: Kata was born in Canterlot, but was put into an orphanage early on in her life, growing up there. She was usually bullied by the older kids, but she got them back afterwards. Missing possessions or trashed rooms at first, but later on she got a bit violent when they messed with her or her friends, the young mare getting her cutiemark after she stole and threatened one of them with his own butterfly knives. She kept the knives afterwards, sort of as a trophy in her eyes, and she took care of them.

Later in her life, as she started to get better with her magic, she took jobs that involved theft or slipping into places to gather information. But after a few years, she was approached by an unusual stallion and he questioned her, and made her an offer. She took it, and still considers herself unaligned to the organization he is a part of, but she does help him every once in a while. Slipping him information she picks up on around the country and helping with anything she finds herself involved with or paid to check out.

Personality: Kata in general tends to act very different in rpivate than she does in public. With those she considers friends, she's a quite kind and friendly mare, but in public she acts rather distant or cold, if she's not on the job.

Current Home: She has a home in Canterlot.

Misc: She is basically a changeling, but with invisibility.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2015 4:27 pm

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Kataskopeia
Misc: She is basically a changeling, but with invisibility.

I disagree with that statement but this character is approved.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2015 9:37 pm

Name: Castle
Race: Crystal Earth pony
Age: 20
Mane: Onyx
Coat: Pearl
Cutie mark.: A cobble stone brick with a raven feather leaning against it.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features:
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Castle can speak with all types of birds, but she gets along with corvids, who tend to do as she wishes for the most part. They will protect her when they can, as well as scout for her.
Beyond that, she is very good at climbing and moving through obstacle course like areas (crowds, rainforests, very cluttered rooms, etc.) as result of her time navigating the maze of passages, incomplete staircases, and hidden ladders that make up the Rookery Tower.  Her crystal pony nature makes her a bit more durable than other earth ponies, and she has skill with her dagger. In order to keep her emotions from controlling her appearance, Castle has a firm hold on her will and feelings, giving her a high resistance to mind magic.
Weaknesses: While she has some level of combat ability, Castle is not a trained soldier. Her birds are normal birds.
Occupation: Handles the sorting and sending of the mail system. Manages the rookery.
Gear: A close fitting black coat and a cold-iron dagger.
History: Castle was born to earth pony parents in Trottingham, many years before the return of Nightmare Moon.  As a result of the crystal pony ancestry in the bloodlines of both her mother and father, Castle was born with a gleaming coat and mane like that of her ancestors. Her parents were fairly well off, upper middle class and able to afford a good education for their filly. While they did not have servants or extravagant curtains, they did a have a grand piano, which Castle took to as soon as she was old enough to play, and a respectable house near the cemetery.
Growing up, Castle seldom interacted with the other colts and fillies of her neighborhood, and they her. It was not out of fear or spite in either case; merely, she was introverted and few were brave enough to approach. The reason for this fear was the near perpetual blanket of crows, magpies, ravens, rooks, and other corvids around Castle’s home. For her part, she preferred the company of the birds.
Eventually, Castle was old enough to bid her family goodbye. Paying for train tickets to Canterlot, Castle left to seek her fortune in the Capital. Upon her arrival, she was immediately met with problems. The cousin she had planned on staying with had lost their home in a bet, and then fled the city. Left with nowhere to go, Castle travelled from job to job, often playing the piano at various bars and taverns. One day while she was pursing the paper for jobs, a small announcement caught her eye. The previous manager of the Royal Guard’s Rookery had tragically passed away, and the opening was available to anyone who could manage to birds. Seeing that it included lodgings and meals, Castle quickly packed up her meager belongings and headed to the palace. The rookery tower was seldom used for actual royal Guard business, since Pegasi were more readily available. After demonstrating her ability to pacify the various crows, ravens, and other birds dwelling in the Rookery and an uncomfortably thorough background check, she was admitted to the office. Due to it relative disuse, the prerequisites were not as high as they would’ve been were the tower seeing constant use.
For the next few years, Castle busied herself with cleaning up the Rookery, learning its layout, and managing the messengers. When she needed extra money, she made a few bits playing the piano for various restaurants. She lead a fairly routine life, until the day of the Captain of the Royal Guard and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
Castle had mostly stayed in her tower for the wedding. She wasn’t a quest, and few noticed her. She was further unable to act due to the massive shield blocking what few messages she might get. While on the roof of the tower, mingling with her flock, she noticed the changelings assaulting the shield. Quickly running downstairs to warn someone, she found out that the assault had already begun, her warning too late. Quickly moving to call back her flock, Castle secured the tower and waited out the invasion.
She stayed their, comforting her birds, until the wave of pink energy rushed through Canterlot. Deciding that such was cause for investigation, she sent out birds to report back. Upon learning the invasion was more or less over, she ventured out of her tower to aid in the cleanup efforts. One of the officers informed her she had a meeting to attend.
Despite the seemingly uselessness of her job, she was still required to attend meetings between the head of the Royal Guard as the Commander of the Unkindness. Upon meeting up with the other officers, she began her first proper task. One of the first questions raised was getting information out to other cities. Most messenger pegasi had been injured or compromised, and the news needed to be sent out quickly and en mass. Castle immediately offered to assist, thought she was not sure if her birds were ready for extensive duty after such a long hiatus. Regardless, it was necessary. She quickly headed back to her tower, communicating the situation and prepping birds for flight. Several maids were conscripted to hand her messages and prep birds.
For the next few days, Castle sent messages almost nonstop. Finally, after a long period of paranoia and worry, the flow calmed down. It was about the time she was ready to go to bed that one of her birds pointed out she had finally earned her cutie mark. She still passed out a few seconds later though.
In the aftermath of the invasion, the Royal Guard began to remobilize in case of new threats. They had been lax, but with such a fresh reminder they could not afford to slack off. Messenger pegasi were needed for combat duty, leaving Castle with a job.
Personality: Castle usually maintains a neutral state of mind to avoid her coat from blinding those around her. She will let go when around her birds, who don’t care, or at informal parties, where no one cares.
Current Home: The Rookery Tower in the Royal Palace.
Misc: Private cannibal, though she generally keeps it quiet.

Last edited by Lorthalis of Crows on Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:03 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 04, 2015 3:15 am

Lorthalis of Crows wrote:
Name: Castle

1. Crows.
2. Ravens.
3. Dual fangasming like mad.
4. Character approved.
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Johnny Maker

Johnny Maker

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2015 8:01 am

Name: The Killer Clock. The Death Chime. The Mortality Timepiece. Tick-Tock the Clock

Race: Clockwork Golem

Age: 142 years

Mane: Short, and kind of stiff. As in, it's carved mahogany, polished till it shimmers when it catches the light in just the right way and a very dark, rich brown, a similar shade to dark chocolate. 

Coat: What's there is mainly just supports bronze and mahogany mahogany plating and like it's mane, polished till it shimmers softly. The gaps give way to see into the inner workings of the construct. A complicated mess of gears and pistons all working together to keep it powered and moving. 

Cutie mark.: None.

Distinguishing Features: In the centre of it's chest is a large, ornate clockface, complete with hour, minute and second hands that tick noticeably. It's always the right time, no matter what. The construct also had a large windup key sticking out it's back that slowly turns and winds down as it runs out of tension. 
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): It can turn into a large grandfather clock at will, and can emit a loud, echoing chime which it uses for a fear factor and be very unnerving. Messing with those around it is something it can do very well, changing the time on it's clockface to panic or scare. It can also do this with other timepieces, being able to change the time on anything from mechanical to digital clocks just by being near them and changing it's own time. 
Another more supernatural ability it has ties to the very fact it's alive. With a bit of focus, it can bring smaller clockwork clocks to life for a short period of time, giving them strange forms to move around in. This tends to only last for about half an hour though, depending on the size of the clock brought to life, larger ones lasting a shorter amount of time.

Weaknesses: Even though it's mind is magic, it still runs on clockwork power, and if denied a windup, it will run down, and not be able to move, though it will still be alive, watching and waiting for someone to get curious enough to wind it back up. It also doesn't like water, as it messes with it's gears, and it does have a fear of rusting, liking to stay protected with a layer of polish. 
Physically unable to lose it's Winder, as the thing always returns to it, the same cannot be said for it's other parts. They'll attract to each other, but if destroyed, it can't put itself back together unless it has a hoof spare and still functioning. 

Occupation: Spy for the Canterlot Guard. 

Gear: Kept in a little compartment behind it's clockface is a cloth and tub of metal and wood polish, along with a screwdriver and spanner. Kept hooked at the back in a special clasp is it's winder, oddly in the shape of a heart. 

History: When you're good at what you do, sometimes, you're hated for it. A master clockmaker in Olden Canterlot had a lot of hate aimed at him from rivals in the craft, who could never compete because his clocks were just better. In the end, someone got very, very jealous. So much so that eventually, someone decided that getting rid of the competition was a fantastic idea. This ended up with the Master Clockmaker ending up with the minute hand of a grandfather clock stuck through his neck from behind. 
The stallion had been too focused on a special order from a Canterlot noble that he never heard the other pony coming into his workshop, nor did he hear the clock hand being picked up and raised, brought down with a soft whistle of air. 
The attacker was gone when the Clockmaker's wife walked into the room with a lovingly made cup of tea that ended up shattered across across the floor as the mare screamed her lungs out, and ran over to her husbands still warm body, picking him up in her hooves and weeping as she tried her best to wake him up, to no avail. He was dead, no question, and the main obstacle in the way of new clockmakers was gone.   

I suppose you're wondering where the Clockwork Creature comes into this, aren't you? Well, the Clockmaker's wife was understandably awash with grief. Her dear husband, a stallion as devoted to her as he was to his work, was gone, and she knew some ponies were celebrating by the sudden increase in the sale of other brands of clocks. 
This made something break inside the mare. A restraint keeping her as this classy, dignified mare, the kind that laughed softly over tea with her friends and attended garden parties while bringing home made scones. In it's place a monster was unleashed. A monster set on revenge. But she knew she couldn't do it herself. She wanted it to be poetic. Something that would truly scare the bastard before the life faded from their eyes. The thought would make her giggle manically as she worked on such a way to kill. 

Having spent years watching and helping her husband work on his clocks, the mare was quite good herself, and began to craft the finest clock of her life. A tall and beautifully made grandfather clock. But it was what it could do that made it special. the mare's true skill was enchanting, something that used to give her husbands clocks an edge, and she poured her heart and soul into the enchantments cast on the clock. She gave it a mind, a rough one, very simple, no more then magic that could listen and do what it's told. 

The mare had tracked down the one who killed her husband, having done so with painstaking amounts of patience, lies and trickery. She hadn't gone to the authorities with this information because She wanted the joy of ending her husband's killer's life. So she told her creation to sneak into the house of the stallion, and wait in his workshop for him. And it did just that, going unnoticed the whole day it was there. After all, who would question a clock being in a clockmaker's workshop? 
The stallion certainly didn't. He never even noticed it until it started to chime. He'd been working up late again, trying to fill out another large order for some of 'The Finest Clocks In Canterlot', and had jumped when the sudden, deep chiming of the strange grandfather clock echoed about the room, the rest of the clocks in the room joining in, even though their times hadn't been set the same. 
This was surprising, but not unnerving. What was unnerving was when all the clocks started slowly ticking faster, their hands moving around their faces faster and faster. 

And that was when the the Grandfather clock transformed, parts of it opening up and shifting with smooth, beautiful mechanical precision, until a familiar figure for the terrified stallion formed. It was the Master Clockmaker, the crafter immortalised by his wife with an imposing, moving statue that stared down at it's target with empty, cold eyes made of gears.
As the murderer fell backwards in fear his Reckoning started to walk towards him. Frozen with shock, the stallion could only watch with wide eyes as the stallion he had murdered stood in front of him, made of gears, wood and metal, and raised a hoof, pointing it at him. 

"What the hay are you?" Were his last words, as out of the pointing hoof extended an overly large, and sharpened, minute hand. With a sudden jerk from the Clockwork creature, it drove the spike straight into the stallion's heart, the blade slipping easily between two ribs. Pulling it out slowly, the monster's chest opened up, the clockface there falling down to reveal an opening, and it pulled out a rag, cleaning the blade before retracting it. It's job done, the construct hid, going over to the place it had stood before and transforming back into a grandfather clock. The very best hiding spot, right in plain sight, surrounded by similar things.    

Hearing the news of the mysterious murder the next day, the Clockmaster's wife laughed and laughed, dancing around her house madly before finding a picture of her and her husband together, smiling. She smiled at it as she stabbed herself in the heart. With her husband avenged, she had nothing more to live for. 
She never gave a second thought to her creation, now being sold off in a mass auction to get rid of the killed stallion's stuff. 

But luckily, it could take care of itself. It actually earned a name for itself, trading hooves many times over the next hundred or so years. The name it earned for itself was not a good one. Wherever it went, if a murder was committed, the killer always ended up dead, killed by a blade being pushed into their heart and withdrawn. Ponies started to make the connection between the grandfather clock and the killing, for there was always one strange thing connecting them. The clocks around the victim were always the same, down to a second. That's how it gained such names as The Killer Clock, because everywhere it went, someone eventually died. 

Ponies didn't like it. Sure, it only killed murderers, but then after a while it's target's broadened. Rapists, thieves, the lawless in general started dying around it, and ponies got scared. They got scared that this clock was starting to judge those around it, and they didn't want it to deem them as a potential target for whatever reason. 
So, as another body was found dead in an alley with every single clock nearby matching his own, the current owners of the Killer Clock decided they wanted nothing to do with it. But instead of selling it on, they boxed it up in a crate reinforced with metal, and hid it away in their cellar, which they promptly boarded up and sealed. 

Down in the dark, the Killer Clock couldn't move. There was no space in the crate for it to transform, and so, it couldn't wind itself up. It stood there, against the wall of the cellar, trapped and feeling it's springs begin to loosen, it's ticking slowing, before finally, it was silent. 

It was a few decades later when the cellar was finally reopened, a new set of owners of the place stumbling across it by accident, and once they got inside they found it. Opening the crate, they found this pristine, run down grandfather clock. And the first thing they did after moving it into their sitting room? They found it's winder clipped to the front of pendulum, and they wound it up. Once more, the gears started to click, and the clockface slowly set itself to the right time. Pleased with their find, the family gave it no more thought, until a few months lather, someone broke into their house. The single mother and daughter couldn't do much against the home invader, but something else could. 
The mare and filly were being backed into a corner of their own sitting room by a stallion with special horseshoes on for an extra hard punch. As the stallion went to strike with a blow that would have been fatal, the filly screamed, and the Grandfather clock began to chime, even though it wasn't even close to the hour. 

The soft clicking and clanking made the stallion glance behind him, his eyes widening as he saw the metal monster that to walk towards him stiffly, but slowly getting smoother as it's found it's legs again, empty eyes locked onto the stallion's fear filled ones. Shaking off the blanket of fright that had draped itself over the stallion's mind, he lunged forward, trying to punch the construct. The Clockwork creature simply raised a hoof, and watched with an eerie calmness as the stallion's momentum impaled himself on the minute hand extending from the raised hoof. 

With the attacker dealt with, the construct cleaned it's blade, as it always did, and returned to it's position, becoming a grandfather clock, leaving the mother and daughter to stare at the body laying crumpled in a heap in horror. The mare quite quickly called the guard, and the matter was dealt with. But for a short time afterwards, while her mother was trying to find out more about the clock, her filly started to talk to it. She called it Tick-Tick the Clock. Her protector, which she quite proudly told her friends. 

The clock found it liked being talked to. It's mind over the years had gown and festered, like mould left to it's own devices, developing into something more... Alive. It would observe the filly as she sat down in front of it, just nattering on about how her day had gone. It was the first time anyone had actually talked to it. They talked around it an awful lot, but never to it. 
One day, the filly asked it if it could transform, and it did, changing into it's stallion form without the intent to end something's life for once, and the filly's mother got quite the shock when she came home to find the large, mechanical construct partaking in a pretend teaparty with the filly. Though to be honest it was just sitting there being a little confused at why it had to bring a small bowl with a handle on it up to it's face and tip it. 

After that incident though the mare contacted the guard once more, and the clock was taken away, much to the disappointment of the filly, who begged the guards not to take Tick-Tock away. Unfortunately for her though, it was, and someone in the guard saw potential in it. They started to train it, make it a little less murderous. They made it into a tool for stealth and recording. All they needed to do was get it into someone's house and boom, instant undercover agent. 

It was even given a code name. But that was dropped, as the thing never stopped answering to Tick-Tock the Clock. 

Personality: Quiet, calm, never really showing emotion. Except two. A cold fury when making a kill, a ghost of it's original purpose, revenge, and a sweet affection towards those it likes. It's also very reliable, both in time keeping and time management. 

Current Home: The office of the head of the special services division of the guard, but there to be a clock, but also a backup guard. 

Misc: It can't speak, and will communicate if it has to with different pitches and speeds of ticking.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 09, 2015 6:00 pm

Johnny Maker wrote:
Name: The Killer Clock. The Death Chime. The Mortality Timepiece. Tick-Tock the Clock

Our Maker has returned, with a creation that is very him. Welcome back, Johnny. Smile

Creepy as hell, but cool as hell, and approved of course.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2015 3:51 am

Name: Velox Ormi

Race: Thestral

Age: 29

Mane: Dark black, short.

Coat: Very dark grey.

Cutie mark.: A steel grey lance with a light grey vapor trail coming from it's handle.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: His eyes are a very bright amethyst.

Distinguishing Features: His startlingly bright eyes and tall stature.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Ormi, though a thestral, and therefor not naturally capable of using magic in itself, was born with the innate ability to perform a rapid, teleport-esque 'dash' of sorts. It works like a teleport in only one way, moving Ormi towards his destination. But it is very unique, and instead of removing him from one area and placing him elsewhere, he performs a rapid motion towards the area he dashed to, getting there just as fast as teleportation, but getting a large amount of momentum to use in tandem with his lance or sword. He also is capable of reacting as rapidly as he is moving while in a dash. Ormi is also very well muscled and handsome, but built like a distance runner, lithe and endurant.

Weaknesses: Though Ormi is quite adept at using his dashes, overuse of such will render his mind very lethargic, and slow his reaction speed and overall movement down quite a bit, due to his mind trying to adjust to the speed of his dashes. Ormi also cannot change his course very easily at all while dashing, rendering maneuverability almost null while he dashes. The stallion is also not very strong, making the momentum he gains from his dashes very important to his fighting style. His dashes also burn out his energy if used too many times in under an hour, making any prolonged fights very bad for Ormi's chances.

Occupation: Mercenary.

Gear: Ormi wears a simple chain mail shirt over his long sleeve shirt. He also wear hard leather boots, enchanted to be tougher than stone, but soft as silk for the foreleg's boots. He wields a large, six foot lance with a wide, dome-like crosspiece, and keeps it well-maintained and the point very sharp, as well as it having a reinforcement enchantment. He also has a side sword with him, a sword with a flat, three foot long, flexible blade that holds a razor sharp edge.

History: Ormi was born in Canterlot, and raised there for almost all of his life. His father was in the guard, so the colt's original plan was to do the same, growing up and trying to get tough so he could prove himself, using his innate ability to help him plenty in the fights he always found himself in during most of his childhood. Later on, his goals turned away from the guard, and more to travel, so he decided instead to be a Mercenary, and as he got older, slowly learned to fight with teaching from his dad, as well as help from some of his father's friends. The stallion now travels Equestria every few weeks in search of some work, but mostly stays in Canterlot.

Personality: Ormi is very respectful towards newer people, regardless how they treat him initially. But for friends, Ormi is a very kind and helpful stallion, and can be quite charming with his good looks, but only if he actually tries, since he isn't the best with mares.

Current Home: Canterlot.

Misc: He is too sexy for his shirt. o.o
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2015 4:45 am

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Velox Ormi
Misc: He is too sexy for his shirt. o.o

. . .

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2015 12:14 am

Name: Impes Inpono

Race: Changeling Royal

Age: 273, appears to be 20

Mane: Long, flowing sapphire blue.

Coat: Light Grey chitin.

Cutie mark.: N/A

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her eyes are a deep, crystalline sapphire. The carapace on her back and her wings are also blue, though her wings have an oddly crystalline look to them.

Distinguishing Features: She is quite beautiful and very graceful.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Inpono is extremely skilled at reading others' emotions and predicting what they will do, as well as being quite good at seduction and making others calm down. Inpono's magic is also quite strong, though she does not excel at anything other than basic telekinesis and barriers. The Queen has also put powerful enchantments upon her body, making the touch of her tongue, or what lies between her legs boost one's libido more and more the longer the parts are touching them, to the point of making any other thoughts other than sex extremely difficult for all but the strongest of wills. The Changeling also has a very strong will, and her mind is near-literally a fortress against mind-based magicks.

Weaknesses: Though her mind and magic are quite strong, Inpono herself is not the strongest nor is she the fastest, the mare beaten by most average ponies in both of those points. Inpono also is quite inexperienced when it comes to physical combat.

Occupation: Canterlot Noble.

Gear: Inpono has a long, dark-and-light-blue scarf and plenty of money.

History: Inpono was born within a Hive that lied within the Gryphon Kingdom, and the mare was raised there, though the first thirty years of her life were pretty rocky, what with her Hive not faring so well and gryphons and ponies and such not living very near. But after Inpono decided to leave her Hive to make her own path, as well as thinking of starting her own hive, the changeling went to Equestria, where she traveled all the cities until she was able to settle herself in Canterlot as what most believe to be a Unicorn Noblemare. After she did settle, however, she had to be quite discreet about her true looks, as most ponies did not know much about changelings in the slightest, and she would have guessed she might not be popular. But later on in life, a certain queen named Chrysalis made it much more important for Inpono to keep her changeling nature hidden from all but her most trusted friends.

Personality: Inpono is very kind and caring to those she deems to be her friends, and is always respectful to almost anyone she meets. She is also quite a tease when she decides to be a bit playful with others.

Current Home: A mansion in Canterlot.

Misc: Her name mean something terribly naughty.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:35 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 15, 2015 1:59 pm

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Impes Inpono

Given your frequency of posting characters, Aes, I'm becoming concerned that you're closing in on your numerical limit...

However, both because the character passes my standards and because I was weeping IRL and hoping for a good character to approve and you gave me one, this character is approved. Plus, "best lay EVER" amuses me as a concept.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2015 12:36 am

Name: Equinox

Race: Thestral/Batpony

Age: 41

Mane: Blue and silver pattern (picture for reference), usually cut fairly short.

Coat: Onyx

Cutie mark.: A sun rising over a mountain range

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Minor case of Coloboma, causes a brown "run off" from his otherwise green left eye down to the edge of his iris (for more simple description; from his pupil he has a brown mark running across his iris as if his eye is leaking).

Distinguishing Features: The aforementioned eye defect, in addition Equinox has a tattoo of a sun on his left shoulder and a full moon on his right.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): A physically well trained stallion in excellent shape, experienced in travelling and survival methods under moderate circumstances.

Weaknesses: Has several nagging injuries such as a bad left hind leg knee due to his tendency toward dangerous activities and expeditions.

Occupation: Freelance explorer/nature writer

Gear: Mountaineering equipment most commonly when on an expedition, also tends to carry a notepad and quill with him.

History: A young thestral from the island of Baleborough, just off the cost of Trottingham and on the edge of Griffon territory, Equinox spent almost all of his childhood exploring his home island and the others nearby, either flying to them or on particular safe days he would swim to them, preferring the feeling of swimming to the feeling of flying though to this day in his writing he insists that the two of them are very similar experiences.

As he grew Equinox found it difficult to find meaningful use for his love of exploration, and jobs as a mailcarrier and weather pony failed to hold his interest. He finally received his chance when he was offered to write a column for the Canterlot Daily News on natural wonders that ponies could go to as possible expedition spots, to encourage activity due to a rash of reports about the fear of exploring the kingdom present in children and their parents at the time.

Since then on top of writing his column on a bi-weekly basis Equinox has also worked with many famous authors in Equestria taking them on expeditions to exotic locations to see locations to be used as inspiration for their books, most notably with Twilight Velvet (author of Escape From Midnight Castle) and AK Yearling (author and creator of the Daring Do franchise).

Personality: Equinox has a tendency to go stir crazy when forced to stay in the same place for too long, hence his expeditions. Equinox's reason for his adventuring is little more than "why not" and he has declined numerous times to get involved in competitions such as racing expeditions or fitness events as he feels they remove the enjoyment element from the activities to have to rush them.

Having seen some of the most amazing sights in Equestria on his routes and some extremely rare events such as viewing a solar eclipse while on a mountain peak above cloud level, Equinox has an appreciation for the natural world and it's secrets; because of this he is also an environmentalist who opposes the idea that such locations should be built on or to for easier access, arguing that the journey is just as important as the destination.

Current Home: Equinox does own a flat in Baleborough however most of his time is spent living at a large campsite he has set up on a small island roughly a mile further out to sea. The island is small and abandoned, with Equinox's campsite being the only actual structure on it. A marquee tent is set up for Equinox where he usually sleeps but he also has a small wooden hut in case he is ill or the weather is too problematic to sleep outdoors.

Misc: Despite working with AK Yearling very frequently, Equinox is not privy to the information that she and Daring Do are one in the same; he simply assumes AK Yearling based Daring Do's appearance on her own.

Equinox has occasionally worked with Princess Luna on conservation efforts, usually regarding rare species of animals or plants which need to be removed from their natural environment for preservation purposes.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2015 5:14 am

ObsidianPony wrote:
Name: Equinox

Needs more Razor. Everything needs more Razor.

A conservationist batponi... interesting. And approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2015 6:42 am

Name: Artemia Lumos

Race: Alicorn

Age: 987

Mane: Artemia’s mane is a long, tangled mess of dark green

Coat: Her coat is a shade darker than her mane, and is matted

Cutie mark.: Yggdrasil  

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Artemia is almost always accompanied by a large wolf, who shadows her movements.

Distinguishing Features: Artemia is, as most alicorns are, quite tall, towering above the average pony. Further, she always has a faint, earthy smell that most find pleasant.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Artemia’s powers stem in her firm belief in the sanctity of nature, and thus, she is an earth mage of the highest calibre. She can manipulate the earth and plants around her with the same ease as a normal pony breathes, though doing so for too long will take its toll on her. Her power is almost god-like in some respects, as she is able to tear the earth apart, create miniature earthquakes or accelerate the growth of plants to their absolute maximum. However, doing any of these activities drains heavily upon her mana pool, leaving her exhausted and defenceless. Her reliance upon nature also grants her several unique abilities. Firstly, her skin in almost stone-like in its resistance to blows, meaning swords have a tougher time cutting her, though once her skin is cut, the flesh inside is easily damaged, as it lacks the same quality. Further, she can commune with animals and plants with ease, with no apparent language barrier when speaking with multiple species.

Weaknesses: Despite her god-like status, Artemia has several large weaknesses. First among them is that she is incredibly slow. She moves much like a glacier, or the expansion rate of a forest. Everything she does is implacable certainly, but she can easily be outmanoeuvred. This means that regardless of Artemia’s power, if you are able to move quickly enough, she will instantly be at a disadvantage. Her stoneskin, though effective against blades, provides no defence against blunt weapons, as it is only her skin that is like stone, and therefore she can suffer internal injuries easily enough. The stoneskin also provides a weakness in that it makes her incredibly difficult to treat, as it takes quite the effort to merely cut her skin. She also has two large weaknesses regarding the elements. Ice and fire are both exceedingly effective against Artemia, any sort of cold beyond mild slowing her down, and making her responses sluggish at best, whilst fire will burn her far more than a normal flame should, the heat from a candle flame enough to inflict second degree burns against her after contact for more than a few seconds. Further still, despite being called a Goddess, Artemia can be killed. Anything that may kill an ordinary pony can eventually kill Artemia, though it will take quite a few more strokes of a sword than normal. Finally, despite her near perfect ability to speak with animals, Artemia lacks even the most basic form of equestrian, meaning it is completely impossible for her to speak with other ponies.

Occupation: Artemia serves as the Everfree Forest’s protector of sorts, able to deal with threats that the forest is incapable of defending itself against.

Gear: Aretmia does not carry much in the way of the conventional gear, indeed, the only piece of equipment she carries is a small, hoof-carved necklace that bears her name.

History: As a child, Artemia was abandoned by her parents, left in a small forest to die so that the parents would not be persecuted by the rest of the village for having a ‘mutant’ for a daughter. Alone, cold and with no-one even remotely nearby, Artemia did the only thing she could; curl up, shiver and start to cry. Fortunately for her, an old wolf, whose own children had died, discovered the crying foal and curled up around her and kept her warm through the night.

The rest of Artemia’s young life was spent with the old wolf, who taught her to survive in the forest, and how to protect herself against predators. It was around this time that Artemia’s magic began to manifest itself, plants and animals growing faster, and their injuries healing quicker whilst they were around her.  She also began to understand what the animals were saying, her magic granting her the innate ability to speak with them, and for the first time, she was able to thank the wolf for saving her.

All things must come to an end though, and even with Artemia’s magic now sustaining her, the old wolf died. Despair and anger filled Artemia, her every breath cracking the ground around her as her fury unlocked her last vestige of hidden power. She snapped, and began to destroy the forest apart around her, the ground shattering and the plants growing at an exceptional rate. Striding forth, she sought only destruction, something, anything to fill the void in her heart. Her destruction rampage went on for hours before she was confronted by a group of wolves who had come to see what was attacking the forest. It was then that Artemia stopped to see the damage she had inflicted and realise how close she come to annihilating it completely. It was also the moment that her mana finally ran out, and she collapsed to the ground.

After many days, Artemia awoke, still lying in the crater of destruction. Standing groggily, she stumbled away from the disaster area, distraught by the damage she had inflicted. Dragging herself from the crater, it took all her willpower not to scream when she discovered the true cost of her momentary madness, a young filly, with her leg impaled on a spike of rock Artemia had created. Reaching deep inside her, Artemia drew upon all the magic she had, freeing the filly from the stone, and using her power to heal her injury. Around her neck was a small, wooden necklace with the name “Artemia” carved into, and as her breathing eased, Artemia allowed herself a breath of relief.

The filly eventually awoke, and smiled up at Artemia. Still quite weak, she gave the older mare a smile, and a gentle hug. Hugging back, Artemia began to cry quietly. To her, the idea that she had harmed such innocence was unbelievably humbling. The filly continued to smile at her, giving her the necklace before slowly stumbling home, Artemia watching over her the entire way. Vowing never again to wreak such havoc upon the land, Artemia fled the forest, her old home, and never looked back, refusing to see what she had caused, but always keeping the memory of it in her heart, using it to tame and control her powers. She eventually reached the Everfree Forest, still young in those days, and took refuge there, looking after it from the inside. This is also where she met Amadeus, a young, loyal wolf with a hulking frame, who took an instant liking to Artemia and swore to follow her till his death.

Though rare, whenever a pony intrudes upon the Everfree, they can be sure that they are being watched, a pair of piercing golden eyes watching them, ensuring that they do not harm the forest.

Personality: Artemia is fiercely intelligent, and was once quite fiery. Her experience has tempered this flame, leaving her coolly detached at times, able to analyse a situation and then plot a solution. She does not mind the company of others, but she prefers to be alone, or with animals, rather than ponies.

Current Home: Artemia sleeps wherever she wishes, though she does have a small cave in the Everfree which she considers a more permanent home.

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 17, 2015 9:01 am

The_Pariah wrote:
Name: Artemia Lumos

Approved. I personally think that the revision to injuring the filly instead of killing her made it a better story and more impactful. I think near-misses are scarier than accidental hits.
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Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2015 10:08 pm

Name: Star Sentinel

Race: Thestral

Age: 16

Mane: Black

Coat: Gray

Cutiemark: Constellation of Scutum

Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add: Cat like eyes that are teal.

Distinguishing Features: His bat-like wings, fluffy tipped ears, and sunglasses.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He has excellent hearing, and can see better in the dark than normal ponies. He is also rather fast and strong for pegasus standards and knows a bit of hoof to hoof combat.

Weaknesses: High pitched noise and when not wearing his glasses he can get blinded by bright lights. He doesn't like talking about his past, much less want to remember anything that happened in his past.

Occupation: Lunar Guard

Gear: Sunglasses, lunar guard armor and a sword that has an engraving of the moon on the hilt.

History: In the time period Star had once lived in, it was in devastation after Discord had ruled. Ponies were suffering and when Celestia and Luna trapped Discord in stone, things got only slightly better. Ponies were still starving and there were more foals in orphanages then they could feed. Some foals were just out right thrown out into the streets to fend for themselves.

When he was a foal, Star was left at an orphanage by his parents. Having no parents and a caretaker who didn’t care about the foals, Star had to learn to grow up faster than what he was supposed to. He met a pale blue unicorn named Sweet Heart. They quickly because best of friends and helped each other out when they were in a pickle.

As he got slightly older, he and Sweet helped the other younger foals. At that time he was about nine years old, but he know more things than any adult would in terms of survival. He knew how to stick to the shadows and when not to be stupid. He knew how to live in the environment Discord had left Equestria in.

One night, and a few other foals including Sweet Heart went out of the orphanage to explore Canterlot, even though Star said they shouldn’t. They went towards the castle, as close as they dared to go without getting in trouble. They saw two guards standing still as statues. They almost through they were statues until one of them sneezed. Star panicked pushed the other foals back towards the orphanage only to be caught by another guard that was patrolling around Canterlot.

Unlucky for them, this particular guard didn’t really like foals and seeing that they weren’t suppose to be roaming around Canterlot made him all the more happy to punish them. Star stood in front of the other foals, intending to protect at all cost. Sweet was with the foals and she was his best friend. He had to protect her and the foals. At that moment a constellation appeared on his flank, marking that he got his cutie mark. This particular constellation, however, represented a shield. It showed that he would protect others from threats no matter the cost.

The guard just laughed at Star and his futile attempt to protect the other foals. While the guard was laughing, however, Star jumped towards him and punched him as hard as he could. The guard was taken back by the sudden punch. He fell to the ground, shocked at the little colt. The guard jumped back to his hooves, drawing his spear and trying to hit Star with the handle.

Star was hit on the head with the handle of the spear, but didn’t move back as Sweet got the foals to move back. He stayed there in front of the other foals. He wouldn’t let this guard get to the others even if he get severely hurt. The guard just stared at him, silently wondering. They both stared each other down.

Star jumped at the guard again. The guard, however, was ready and used his spear to swat Star away. Star landed on the ground hard. The guard raised his spear and brought it down on him. Star covered his head with his hooves, waiting for what was to come, but it never came.

Star moved his hooves away from his head and saw a dark blue shield around him and the other foals. The guard’s spear was on the ground and the guard himself was cowering on the ground, staring at a tall, lanky figure flying in the sky. The figure had both wings and a horn. Star looked at the figure, knowing that he has seen this pony before.

The figure landed right in front of the guard, glaring at him. Able to see more of the figure in the dim moon light, Star could see the pony had a dark purple coat and a starry mane. It then just clicked in Star’s mind who this pony was. It was Princess Luna, the princess of the night. Star watched as Luna’s magic aura wrapped around the guard, and in a flash the guard was gone. Most likely teleported to the dungeon.

The shield around Star and the other foals disappeared, Luna smiling at them all. Star quickly bowed down to Luna, the other foals following his lead. Luna told them to rise and asked them what they were doing exploring Canterlot alone at night and where their parents were.

Star explained to Luna that they were orphans and didn’t have any parents. He also said that they wanted to explore Canterlot at night because they had a lower chance of being caught by an adult. He quickly apologized to Luna for them getting in trouble with a guard.

Luna told Star that it was alright and that he was a very brave pony for standing up to a guard. She told them that they should probably get back to their orphanage before another guard comes by. The other foals quickly ran off leaving Star there with Luna. He quickly hugged one of her forelegs and ran off after the others. Soon after Star caught up with the foals, Sweet kissed Star on the cheek and stuck her tongue at him. Star just shook his head at his friend and continued towards the orphanage.

Later that month, a festival was being held in the center of Canterlot. The festival was dedicated to Starswirl the Bearded. Star and some of the foals from the orphanage attended and looked around at all the stuff. Star and Sweet Heat wandered over to watch a demonstration of Starswirl’s time travel spell.

The ponies that were demonstrating it asked for a volunteer from the audience. Star had asked Sweet if there was even such a thing as time travel. He trusted his friend with knowledge about magic considering she was a unicorn and she should know about magic. Sweet just shrugged and said Star should try and volunteer. What were the chances that he’d be picked out of everyone there anyway? Star raised a hoof to volunteer and somehow by some mirical he was picked to be their test subject. The ponies were pretty sure the spell wouldn’t work and figured it was harmless to try it on a little colt.

Star looked at Sweet for a moment before he flew up onto the stage and stood still, waiting for the ponies to cast the spell. The two ponies wrapped Star in their magic aura and casted the spell. In a flash of bright light Star was gone, shocking both the ponies on the stage and the audience as well as Sweet Heart.

Star had to close his eyes at how bright the flash was, and when he opened his eyes he saw he wasn’t on a stage anymore. He was standing on a cobblestone path leading into a small town. Wondering where he was, Star followed the path into the small town.

Once in the town, Star looked around at the builds, noticing they weren’t like the building in Canterlot. He quickly crossed out being in Canterlot as a no brainer, because the town wasn’t on the side of a mountain and he could see Canterlot in the distance.

He considered asking one of the ponies in the small town where he was, but decided against it because they would find out he’s not from this town. Something clicked in him mind that seemed to elude him earlier. He didn’t remember a town being anywhere near the base of the mountain that Canterlot resided on.

Star wondered if there was a library in the small town, spreading his wings and flying, he flew around the town. He had to learn at least where he was and if that time travel spell had actually worked or not. Of course, he was a bit worried about leaving Sweet all alone in Canterlot, but was sure she’d be fine.

Star stopped in the air when he saw a giant tree that looked like it was made into a house. He landed in front of a window and looked inside. Seeing bookshelves and books, he ran inside the tree and started searching for what town this was and when it was built.

He searched hours on end and didn’t find anything. Just as he was about to give up he found a book called “Predictions and Prophecies”. It told about a Mare in the Moon and the Elements of Harmony. Star didn’t really understand what the book was saying, but was pretty sure there wasn’t a mare in the moon the last time he checked.

Star closed the book and put it aside for a later time, continuing his search for what town he was in. Instead of find the name of the town he was in he found more information on the Mare in the Moon and a pony named Nightmare Moon.

Convinced he wouldn’t find the name of the town in the books, he just started to read about Nightmare Moon and how the pony was sent to the moon. The more he read, however, the more the pieces started to line up. From the spell that was suppose to teleport him in time to the legend of the Mare in the Moon and Nightmare Moon.

Star was too focused on to books he never even noticed when the sun went down. He did, however, notice that he was sleepy. He just continued to studying the books and tried to make sense of it all.

The next morning, Star woke up to some crazy pink pony shaking him. The pink pony quickly said to go to the park and meet an orphanage caretaker by the fountain. The pink pony put the books he was looking back on the shelves and zoomed off, grabbing Star on her way out.

When the pink pony finally stopped, Star was practically screaming in terror. After all, he was just rudely awaken was carried all the way to the park by a crazy pony. The pink pony dropped him down in front of an earth pony mare who looked at the pink pony curiously. The pink pony just smiled then zoomed off.

The pony asked if Star was an orphan like that pink pony said he was. At first, Star was hesitant to answer, but after a few moments he said yes. The pony seemed to smile even more at Star. The pony started to walk away, Star following close behind for reasons unknown to even himself.

The pony walked over to a building, walking inside. Star poked his head inside and saw other foals playing around, jumping on bunk beds and playing tag. Star’s eyes widened jsut a bit when he realized what kind of build this was. It was an orphanage and this pony was the caretaker of the orphanage. As small smile crept onto his mouth as he walked in and played with the other foals. He figured if the other foals were happy then the caretaker had to be nice. His thoughts were proven right over the years.

A few years later, Star had lived in the orphanage with the other foals in Ponyville, learning the name of the town when he was brought to the schoolhouse to learn. He had forgotten about the books he was researching when he first got to Ponyville and about Sweet Heart. Only a few months ago did he remember what he was researching because Nightmare Moon returned and Princess Luna was made co-ruler of Equestria again. He was also reminded of his best friend and how she was probably lost to time by now.

He thought he owed a debt he need to repay for that night Luna saved him and wanted to do something for Sweet Heart since he had forgotten about her. He moved away from Ponyville and moved to Canterlot so he could be close to Luna and be a Royal Guard. He trained his hardest to be a guard and when he was accepted he was happy as can be and continued to train with all his might. He wanted to be the best guard he could and be the knight that Sweet had always joked he was.

Personality: He’s a kind brave pony who’s also goofy at times just to make a pony smile. He can also be too serious sometimes like when he’s around Luna or on duty.

Current Home: Canterlot

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 7:54 am

Star Sentinel wrote:
Name: Star Sentinel

Character update approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 7:46 am

OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 WickedHeart_zpsyglpjlt7
Name: Wicked Heart
Race: Amorphous Cursed Earth Pony
Age: 900
Mane: Dark Violet with white highlights
Coat: Sinful Green
Cutie mark.: XXX
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: incapable of having children
Distinguishing Features: constant glowing symbols
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Free morphic shapeshifting. Immortality, Eternal Youth
Weaknesses: Without a constant supply of 'life' she will enter into a dormant state. Life meaning pieces of others soul, or bodily fluids, semen, etc. [essentially no one needs to die for her to get 'life' to keep her out of her dormant state]
Occupation: Call-to-Order Professional Erotic Escort Mare.
Gear: None
History: Originally Wicked Heart was apart of a dark cult that worshipped an unknown god that had been infamously known to be the deity spirit of carnal pleasures. She was not a nice person, and selfishly did things for her own gain and in the name of this deity spirit. She would manipulate and do whatever she could for her own gain. She came from a poor family, and eventually resorted to selling her body to get the bits she needed to survive. Overtime it provided her with a lot of what she needed, and she constantly thanked this deity spirit. Upon her passing her twenty fifth year, she joined her cult in a ritual that was to thank their lord and master. This carnal filled ritual succeeded in that it cursed Wicked Heart into an eternity of worship, her body constantly covered in glowing markings, which gave her immortality, inhumane regenerative powers and the ability to morph her body to whatever she pleased. At first it was thought that it killed her due to her inability to control the power as her lack of focus would actually cause her to liquify. Eventually as she gained control of this power she was able to restore her original appearance. With time passing she'd learn of her immortality at how she constantly kept her same appearance while everyone around her aged and died.

For a time it had driven her mad, to time's she'd purposely tried to kill herself off, but it's only resulted in a mountain of pain, and quick recovery. From blades, to falling, to hanging, to even poison, nothing worked. After the first couple centuries she'd come to accept her fate and and it was around her 250 year where she had come to learn of her dormant state. she was in a dormant state, and she she did she turned into stone. When she next awoken, it was completely by accident where a pony had spit onto what he thought was a statue. Which this 'life' the very little energy she gotten from the spit awakened her and left her with this craving. She soon after this come to realize this curse she had gotten, was the blessing of her deity she worshiped.

she come to return to her old ways of manipulating others for her own selfish gains, eventually she come to live in Canterlot and open her own Escort Service and caters to all kinds of ponies and non-ponies alike to all stretches of Equestria.
Personality: Manipulative, egotistical, and Selfish
Current Home:Canterlot
Misc: Sexy times only pony.

Last edited by Heartstring on Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:37 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2015 5:19 am

Heartstring wrote:
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 WickedHeart_zpsyglpjlt7

So this is what happens when a Heart goes bad... O_O;;;

*approves and goes to hide under my security blanket*
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2015 4:23 pm

You allowed me to do this for the time being, Dual, so. . . here.

Name: The Nebula sisters (group of 7)
The list above goes from youngest to oldest. The rest of this bio will go that way as well.

Race: Sirens (normally go around disguised as ponies)

Age: Varied, but all are over a thousand years old. Physically, they would range from schoolfillies to adolescent mares.

Mane: Varied. Each has a different-colored mane. (This only applies to them in pony form.)
-Melody: golden with white streaks, tied into pigtails at the crown of her head
-Lullaby: gray with dark teal blue streaks, straight and chest-length
-Gothic: mint with chocolate streaks, rather long haircut (about chin-length)
-Chime: peach with orangish-pink streaks, two thin braids from crown to shoulders
-Trill: indigo with cherry streaks, very long hair that can reach flank that behaves as if in water
-Shanty: vermillion with jet-black streaks, bristled bangs and one long wavy ponytail at back of head
-Diva: purple with lemon streaks, long straight-edged hair from head to knees

Coat: Varied. Each has a different color. This is also the color of their scales while they are in siren form.
-Melody: yellow
-Lullaby: silver
-Gothic: forest green
-Chime: orange
-Trill: cyan
-Shanty: blood red
-Diva: lavender

Cutie Marks: Varied (notice that none of them give away their musical talent)
-Melody: a green gemstone
-Lullaby: a purple open book
-Gothic: a brown quill
-Chime: a maroon will-o-wisp
-Trill: a white spool of thread
-Shanty: a black bow-and-arrow
-Diva: a purple horseshoe

Distinguishing Features: The eldest, Diva, has a purple “X” marked on her forehead between her horn and her eyes, the symbol of the alpha of the band. Her deputy is Lullaby, despite her being the second youngest. Lullaby has a small black Eye of Horus on her right forehoof. Trill is considered exceptionally beautiful. It is worth noting that Melody and Trill are pegasi, Gothic and Shanty are earth ponies, and the remaining three are unicorns. All are capable of eating normal food and sustaining themselves with it as much as they are capable of gaining power by doing what sirens normally do. Also, small faceted garnets are embedded into their skin at the base of their throats (no, they cannot be broken).

Specialty: They are all sirens, so they can naturally sing to arouse emotions in other ponies and feed off of them, thus gaining more power. However, unlike the sirens more well-known in Equestrian history books, they can choose to either arouse positive or negative emotions. Sometimes, they have no control over the emotions they cause; if they are carried away by unbridled joy, anger, or etc., so will their song. Their true specialties, though, are Songs of Sins and Songs of Virtues. They are capable of having ponies commit acts of Good or Evil according to the song sung.
-Melody: Greed and Generosity
-Lullaby: Sloth and Zeal
-Gothic: Envy and Love
-Chime: Gluttony and Faith
-Trill: Lust and Chastity (though Song-invoked Lust isn’t as strong as the lust her appearance invokes)
-Shanty: Wrath and Patience
-Diva: Pride and Humility
Singing is not necessary for them to use magic, but that is an entirely different story. (What other magical feats they are capable of differ according to the RP universe they are in.)

Weaknesses: Should any of them choose to send their song into overdrive (singing through unrestrained emotion or using up excess power when in a cinch), they pass out. Upon awakening, they are rendered unable to sing for six hours.

Occupation: All are open for any sort of job, though there are jobs that they like more than others.
-Melody: Any job where she will get decent pay
-Lullaby: Any job that requires more brain than brawn
-Gothic: Any job that’ll allow her to interact with others
-Chime: Any job where she can help others
-Trill: Any job that requires a keen eye
-Shanty: Any job that requires physical actions
-Diva: Any job that she will gain recognition for
All of them are great performers (duh). They can act, dance, sing, do tricks, etc. They prefer concerts over most other types of shows, though.

Gear: They only real “gear” that they possess are their siren gems. IF battle is required, they have a vast array of weapons and other items to assist them.

History: Very little is known about sirens other than their abilities and their origin. The same goes for the Nebula sisters. They are mysterious creatures, and they have the wisdom of many centuries of history (though that doesn’t necessarily mean that they know everything). Rumored to be biologically immortal, their voices sound ever youthful. They’ve seen many generations come and go. But the only facts they are willing to confirm are their magical prowess and the names of their parents. No one knows why their secondary names are the same: Nebula.

Personalities: Varied, but they’re all quite loving towards each other.
-Melody: Daring, stubborn. She likes adventure, so treasure hunts are almost like a hobby to her. She also tends to retaliate a lot, so it takes some patience to deal with someone like her.
-Lullaby: Good-natured, apathetic. She does tend to be compassionate and sociable with others. However, she is also naturally disinterested in certain matters that require excessive work or thought.
-Gothic: Witty, depressed. She is pretty clever, so her strategizing skills and overall intelligence are not to be underestimated. Unfortunately, she does not deem herself worthy of putting that brain to use.
-Chime: Polite, temperamental. She is a very sweet filly in general, and she keeps most of her emotions in check beneath her demure mannerisms. But she also gets nervous very easily.
-Trill: Tender, vulnerable. Along with her seductive grace, she’s very caring, and also the least likely to resort to intentional violence. She’s also rather sensitive and can be emotionally hurt easily.
-Shanty: Spirited, short-tempered. She tends to be optimistic and hyperactive for the most part, being jubilant when the situation calls for it—or doesn’t. She’s also quite the belligerent one, and it’s not so hard to hit her nerves.
-Diva: Talented, nagging. Diva is great at almost anything, but she isn’t so haughty about it unless she’s fooling around. She does, though, annoy her siblings sometimes by being overly motherly or nosey.

Current Home: Unknown. If they have one, they certainly don’t want to talk about it. Probably because there are things in their house that better not be seen. (No, it’s not a bunch of dismembered corpses or weird stuff, stop thinking it’s anything gory or suggestive.)

-“Ye Powers of Darkness” that Melody, Chime, and Trill used can be confused. Greed is the basic desire to want tangible stuffs and to keep what materials one already has. Gluttony is the desire for more than what one needs; gluttons already have their share, but they want more. Lust is like Greed, but the Lustful are often more determined and mature than the Greedy, as the former know that what they want they can put to use instead of just keeping it; also, Lust tends to be temporary desires, rather than the desire to keep things forever.
-They do not know of the sirens canon to the show (the Dazzlings), but they have heard of them. Needless to say, Star Swirl didn’t banish most of the siren population. Somehow, the history books left that info out. . .
-For anyone who’d like to know, their parents’ names were Bass Comet and Sonnet Aurora.
-How they got around to inducing more than one emotion is anypony's guess. . .
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