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 Brand New OC Character Thread 3

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 8:20 pm

Newly Added Please Read; https://ocroleplay.forumotion.co.uk/t652-character-creation-rules

Important!: In this thread specifically, you are to post BRAND NEW OC's here to be looked at for approval. Only new characters that have not been approved are to be posted here! Also, remember that you must WAIT for an actual approval before you can use a character, so pay attention to Dual Thrones or possibly Mr. Market(that's me) in some cases.

Important 2: Though not a rule, Admins make a case by case observation of people making/posting many characters but not using them. Should the Admins make such a request to slow down or stop, you must listen.

In an effort to try and improve the quality of our group as well as to help compensate for the very varied levels of experience present in the group we are adopting a new way of writing characters in the form of the sheet below. Please do not make a new thread for your character, post it here. Also, keep in mind that the following format by default is mainly aimed towards making a PONY character, but we allow ALL sorts of races, so make changes or adjustments as needed such as: Replacing or removing coat color, mane, and cutiemark with something appropriate for your character.

Also note: A sheet does not need to be in exactly the same format as the following, but it is crucial that our requirements are met. If you want to copy-paste a different format into here, or have a different take on how you want to make the sheet for some reason, make sure the important details are all accounted for or it will likely be rejected.

Name: A last or middle name is not needed, but what you call your character is needed at least. link to a pony name generator if you have trouble coming up with names. (Market's note: In the event of, say, a Changeling that uses multiple names to use as aliases, only the original name matters. In the likelyhood of it being a character with literally no given name or nickname, it's advisable to point it out. In the off chance they're named after a sound like the formerly famous Pop-Star, Prince, try your darnest to describe it, but I guess a link to a song or something might work.)

Race: Remember to say a few words in a note if your character is a race that you yourself have invented or is not native to canon Equestria.(Market's note: If your character's race is one who may very well be considered powerful to begin with in an MLP setting, be wary as restrictions and detailed justifications may be requested to say the least.)

Age: The age of the character. Simple as. If you can't think of an exact number for whatever reason, try and go with a roundabout number that seems fitting.

Mane: Colour(s) are needed, but style is a plus.

Coat: Colour(s) are needed, but length is a plus

Cutie mark.: Details are appreciated but a basic description will do. Unless it's a blank flank, in which case, None.

Distinguishing Features: Example, what is the first thing that stands out about your character? If you saw him on the street what would you remember about him?

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Here is a good place to mention what your character is especially good at, or any sort of odd skills they might have. If this skill comes from an artifact or piece of equipment please include that in gear instead. (Market's note: The greater the raw power range, the greater the chance of restrictions and justifications being requested; We may not try to balance all characters strictly, but I believe we need to keep things such as world destroying powers in check to say the least. We also don't expect every character to be good in battle, so skills placed here may very well just go hand in hand with occupation or plain mundane things. No need to feel like you must have a battle savvy character to do things in this forum if you read other people's sheets before this.)

Weaknesses: Here’s where you’d put what you character is especially bad at. Any sort of flaws in their abilities or capabilities or such would go here. It’d be a good idea to balance out any specialties with weaknesses, this helps to keep a balanced character for you. As a general rule if you have a hard time thinking of any weaknesses for your character there is a problem. (Market's note: In contrast... there is such a thing as having too many weaknesses. Carefully consider if your seemingly reasonably fit and strong character has a list of weaknesses that makes one wonder how they even get up in the morning. Weaknesses ought to be proportional to the character as a whole. It should only be fair to realize that a Sage or a Barbarian should NOT be tiring out easily in battle, so you may have to take a more clever approach as to what else may reasonably get to them, such as some sort of allergy, or emotional baggage, or poor knowledge in maintaining the very gear they fight with, to name some examples.)

Occupation: What is your characters job? Do they have one? If they don’t what sort of job would they want? Note that this job does not necessarily need to be tied to your character's backstory or their specialty; more mundane jobs are just as welcome.

Gear: You do not need to mention that your character owns a saddleback or small things like that, but things that are special, or weapons for that matter, would go here. (Market's note: Same as with Specialty, gear with increasingly greater ranges of raw power will be judged with greater scrutiny. On that note, if you want to use a special weapon or item specifically, such as say a Keyblade or a Power Morpher coming from a known game and such, really try to justify having it at all.)

History: This is the spot for the backstory, it does not need to be a novel, but writing a few lines would be a good idea. (Market's note: This section of the sheet is absolutely NOT optional by any means. The point of this thread is to KNOW about characters, so of course we expect to see at least a typical summarized backstory. If for some reason you cannot come up with one, it can be discussed to provide a placeholder before approval. Also, and this is VERY important, be wary in what way your character's history coincides with show canon, or even possibly comic canon events. Be prepared to be restricted or requested to make changes if you claim to have a character that's, say, married to Twilight Sparkle. As a rule of thumb, the more closely related a character is to canon, the greater the scrutiny. If we had every character in the forum related to the same canon character by default, I can guarantee there will be conflict... Unless someone actually made a thread under that premise for shits and giggles, we can totally allow that.)

Personality: Here is the spot to describe what it is that makes your character tick, is your character extra nice to people? Compassionate like no other? Maybe sadistic and likes to eat small ducklings? Here is the spot for tell all about that.

Current Home: Where is your character currently living? Do they live alone and if not who do they live with (this can be other users OCs if you both agree to that). Mobile homes are also acceptable.

Misc: This is for anything that doesn't fit in the other sections. Any extra little things and all that. This can help add some more depth to your characters.

Thank you everybody.

To save you some time here is a blank version of the character sheet for you to copy and paste.
[b]Cutie mark.:[/b]
[b]Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing Features:[/b]
[b]Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):[/b]
[b]Current Home:[/b]

~Original sheet structure fabricated by Admin Heartstring and Obsidian Pony.

Last edited by Mr. Market on Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:11 am; edited 7 times in total
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2015 7:16 pm

Name: Lightning Chaser

Race: pegasus

Age: 19

Mane: brown with pink stripe, long, fluffy

Coat: lavender, medium length, extra fluffy
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Lightning%20chaser%20completly%20designed

Cutie mark.: light bulb with 4 stripes, red, yellow, green, blue

Distinguishing Features: buck teeth, freckles, left eye burned, prosthetic right hind leg, magic rainbow gem amulet

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): imagination; can create anything with her mind. Can tell the future

Weaknesses: pit bulls, because they don’t like her

Occupation: orphanage manager, professional doctor

Gear: blue rectangular glasses, eye patch for left eye

History: Born in Cloudsdale, Lightning Chaser was the daughter of a drunk and a Weather Worker. Her father didn’t show up for her birth, a.) he was an earth pony, b.) he wanted nothing to do with them. Five years later, he died in a carriage accident when his carriage fell off a cliff. Lightning Chaser’s mother, Cloudy Nyght, tried her best to handle single parenthood, until she died when she went down to Ponyville, when the hotel caught fire. Lightning made it out, but she was the only survivor. 10 years later, Lightning Chaser met a handsome stallion and his friends, Blue Jay, Onyx Stone, Flame Charm, Crystal Charm, Frost Charmer, P.I.X.A.L., Amber Charm, Spirit Smoke, and Dusty Tome. Later did she learn that Dusty was his mother and that Spirit Smoke was his uncle. The handsome stallion’s name was Loyal Charmer, son of Night Myth and Dusty Tome. More on him another time. Currently, they’re coltfriend and marefriend. Waiting for that special day long in the future.

Personality: sometimes bubbly, emotional, anger issues, likes to talk cute when she sees something cute.

Current Home: living with boyfriend and his friends and family at their new monastery.

Misc: brown eyes. loves all colors. enjoys wearing pretty dresses.

Last edited by lightningchaser1 on Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:51 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : not complete)
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2015 6:09 am

lightningchaser1 wrote:
Name: Lightning Chaser
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): imagination; can create anything with her mind. Can tell the future

I need you to clarify what this means because at face value, it seems severely overpowered.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 17, 2015 10:32 am

Name: Dread Lock

Race: Crystal Pony

Age: 40

Mane: Sparkling brown, dreadlocks

Coat: Sparkling gray

Cutie mark.: A vibrating gem with 5 strings embedded in it

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: His mane and coat lose their sparkliness outside the Crystal Empire.

Distinguishing Features: A guitar made of crystal strapped to his back, along with a small speaker made of the same material. A scar across his left eye that extends to his chin. Plays metal music.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Has developed music that accelerates the production of endorphins in the body, effectively acting like morphine and making the hearer feel good in general.

Weaknesses: This effect is muffled in non-crystal ponies, though the music still sounds the same.

Occupation: Band leader and lead guitarist.

Gear: A guitar made of crystal strapped to his back, along with a small speaker made of the same material.

History: Dread Lock was one of the ponies who were struck the hardest when King Sombra took the Crystal Empire for his own. He was a sullen person, who found few joys in life, one of them being a guitar that was a family heirloom. Upon the re-emergence of the Empire and the death of King Sombra, Dread Lock was still a bit sullen, though the Crystal Heart's magic did help a bit. However, one day he asked permission to study the heart up close. He found that his instrument produced rather specific soundwaves that made him feel good when playing in it's vicinity. This effect also seemed to extend to those who heard his music. He began to search for the material that the Crystal Heart was made of and succeeded, incorporating it into his portable speaker to produce this effect wherever he went. He now travels with a band across Equestria, playing in concerts from Hoofington to the Rainbow Falls, with funding from the Empire. But there is a catch to this. Due to the properties of the music, Dread's concerts are to be made free to all those who suffer from chronic pains, injuries and illnesses. The band is more than happy to oblige and call themselves The Imperial Samareitans in recognition of this.

Personality: Dread used to be a sullen person, but nowadays he has become a more jolly pony who really likes playing for children. His deep voice sometimes makes him seem like a wolf in sheep's clothing to skepticists, but the most sinister thing about him is the fact that he's got a scar across his left eye from when he snapped a string once.

Current Home: Crystal Empire

Misc: Bassist: Ambra, a Saddle Arabian beauty. Drummer: Rimshot, a former comedy show drummer. Synth: Sour Note, a crystal unicorn.

Songs by his band in their first album, Fall of a Tyrant:

Second Album, Night Glow So Bright, feat. Octavia Melody:

Song list during their short concert in Marelin, Germaneigh (With Dread singing after studying the language for several years)

Last edited by Brother Roga on Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:35 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 2:53 am

Brother Roga wrote:
Name: Dread Lock

Metal men are gentlemanly as shit. Smile

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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 7:32 pm

DualThrone wrote:
lightningchaser1 wrote:
Name: Lightning Chaser
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): imagination; can create anything with her mind. Can tell the future

I need you to clarify what this means because at face value, it seems severely overpowered.
she's an oracle, and u know what they say, some dreams r so powerful they become real. well, this applies also to her thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 10:39 pm

lightningchaser1 wrote:
she's an oracle, and u know what they say, some dreams r so powerful they become real. well, this applies also to her thoughts.

Well, I can't approve a character that is pretty much a god. If your mere thoughts turn into real things and your dreams turn into real things as well, you are effectively a god who can alter reality at whim. That's far too powerful to be approved, so it has to be altered some way to drastically de-power it.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2015 7:37 pm

Name: Nightwing
Race: Thestral
Age: 21
Mane: A dark blue-purple, it is flufy and messy in the front, with a sort of two-layered hairstyle in the back. His tail is puffy and thick. It curls a little unpredictably, but becomes a point at the end. Also, it's my current profile picture.
Coat: A lighter, faded blue color.
Cutie mark.: A left-facing crescent moon. It has three clouds, two overlaping the bottom, and one at the top. It symbolizes his duty as a guide at night.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has green, cat-like eyes, and is a little shorter than most ponies.
Distinguishing Features: Long, fluff-tipped ears, short fangs, small, blueish pendant.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He has echolocation, takes a little longer to adjust to bright lights, is proficient in combat with a dagger, and a broad-bladed cutlass. He wears them both on his left side, along with a light armor set. He likes to move fast in combat.
Weaknesses: Very bright light very suddenly, betrayal, can be very bashful, and doesn't particularly like being the leader of a group. He's introverted, and feels a lot of pressure to do 'the right thing' when he's in the leadership position, which slowly wears on him.
Occupation: Night-time guide and guard for a stretch of path that runs through the Everfree. It can be dangerous, but it's normally a pretty smooth job.
Gear: Some light armor, with a metal plate over his heart. He also has a helmet that lets his ears through, and the cutlass and dagger mentioned earlier.
History: Nightwing was born to a small family of bat ponies living in a community inside one of the caves dotting the mountains of central Equestria. This cave was situated just a little ways away from a small community of ponies, and the two villages often traded between each other. While things were generally pretty peaceful between them, from time to time things would pop up. Ponies get nervous when their neighbors have fangs. That's a story for another time, though. Nightwing went to his cavern's primary school before his parents transferred him out. "Life will be easier for you," they would say, "Because you will know more about others."

Secondary school was not the most pleasant experience of all time. Being one of a handful of bat ponies at the school was bad, but being small made him a target. They teased him about his fangs and his wings, but they latched onto his eyes. His pupils weren't slits like other bat ponies, nor big circles like the others. Names like half-eye, and cat face were tossed around. Life wasn't great.

Not helping matters was his moral compass. In his head, he felt he had to do the right thing. This might mean dropping hints to teachers about wrong-doings, or taking a beating for somepony else in order to get them away. The thought was that, if anypony had to feel like trash, might as well be a pony already feeling that way. He didn't make many friends at first; he was a little bit bitter about the way the world worked, and it would translate later into introversion.

He got his cutie mark during a night around this time. It was a custom of his, after leaving the cave, to observe the moon at night until he absolutely had to go to bed. He would fly to a tree top a little ways out of town, and just watch the moon. On this night, however, he'd been followed. One of his classmates had noticed him flying off at dusk and decided to play a little trick on him. What it was isn't particularly important. (It involved a length of rope and some rather inspired knots.) On this night, the moon was obscured by clouds, and the bully quickly lost the darkly shaded bat pony, finding himself face-to-face with a rather hacked-off badger. Badgers are, unfortunately, very territorial creatures. Nightwing heard a cry and flew down to help. He landed in front of the other pony and took a painful claw to the shoulder as the badger lunged to attack. Flinging it against the tree he made himself as big as possible and intimidated the poor badger into fleeing. When he turned around, the clouds had cleared from the sky, and the moon shone over his new cutie mark, and a rather embarrassed pony who was coming down from an adrenaline rush. Nightwing lead him home, before going home himself. He got a lecture about recklessness, a bandage shoulder, and a much happier time at school.

After school, he pursued training to be a guardspony. While he completed the training, he didn't join the guard due to a lack of positions in his area. (He didn't want to move to Canterlot. The city is too big.) Instead, he found a stretch of road, and set up an outpost to guide ponies through it. He does charge a fee, but tends to be very flexible about it's payment. He's been paid in food, knick-knacks, bits, and one time, a kiss. He stays in the near-by town of Coltfax, in a small cave-like hole.

Personality: He's bashful and introverted. While he likes to be complimented, he'll often blush and tuck his head. He has a few hobbies that he's really into, likes to read, and has a very romantic view about love. He tries hard not to offend ponies he doesn't know. He likes to keep a few close friends, really likes spending time with them, and develops loneliness very quickly. However, he doesn't do well in large groups, and can quickly become warn out when around others for too long. He likes hugs, cookies, and secret harbors a desire for adventure.
Current Home: Coltfax
Misc: Not that I can think of right now. ^.^

Last edited by Dawnpath on Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:38 am; edited 3 times in total
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2015 4:05 pm

DualThrone wrote:
lightningchaser1 wrote:
she's an oracle, and u know what they say, some dreams r so powerful they become real. well, this applies also to her thoughts.

Well, I can't approve a character that is pretty much a god. If your mere thoughts turn into real things and your dreams turn into real things as well, you are effectively a god who can alter reality at whim. That's far too powerful to be approved, so it has to be altered some way to drastically de-power it.
well, she is a cousin of the princesses. so yeah, she's supposed to have those powers.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2015 5:05 pm

lightningchaser1 wrote:

well, she is a cousin of the princesses. so yeah, she's supposed to have those powers.

I'm sorry, but I think you'll have to discuss this in far greater detail with Dual or the both of us to make sure all the details get ironed out, because at the moment there is NOTHING in the sheet indicating ANY sort of relationship to the Princesses given the history you provided. There's also nothing being shown that would justify having that kind of power in the first place, with or without royalty involved.

Take this with a grain of salt, but we do try to help people in writing out more consistent characters if they're willing to work with us, and so far I'm not seeing much consistency from you as to who and what this character of yours is and their power.

Skype is a service many in the group use, but if that's not available even in terms of Web Skype, we can try alternative methods for a proper discussion.
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2015 11:39 pm

Dawnpath wrote:
Name: Nightwing

Smile Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 21, 2015 4:22 pm

So I'm posting this character sheet six months and a day after I joined the forums... yay...

Name: Ardent “Ardor” Cadency ⊕

Clade // Species:  Dracogriff / Griff / Gryph
Biological Sex: [♀] {Female} (This time, anyway...)

Physical Age: She might be described as a young adult.
Inherited Age: Centuries to maybe even millennia, give or take a few decades.

Mane: A darker shade of grey than her coat. It runs along her spine to her tail.  
Coat: A lighter shade of off-grey than her mane.
Tail: Terminates in a vane similar to that of some pterosaurs to aid in stabilizing flight.

Glyph:  [⊕] A Circled Plus, Earthwheel, or Earth’s Shadow. In many depictions of Ardor, this symbol floats above or near her head akin to an angel’s halo, directly facing wherever she is looking or whatever she is paying attention to. It is not very visible most of the time, except maybe to some magically-adept persons and when she wants it to manifest.
Cutie Mark (?) :  Whatever that is on her hind legs, it looks… scarred. And dark. And it seems to be moving around if you look at it too hard. She usually has it covered with her wings or with clothing. She doesn’t talk about it.

Distinguishing Features:
At a glance:
Long ears, one of which has some sort of earring near its base. Dark streaks around her eyes. Bright red eyes. Right wing looks crippled.
Less obvious things:
She seems not to blink very often. Her telepathic speech tends not to use contractions (ex. do not instead of don’t, cannot instead of can’t). It uses <> symbols instead of the typical quotation marks most are used to.

Ardor is an accomplished empath and communicates to others mostly through telepathic channels. Her mind is literally opened up, allowing her easy access to the local mindscape. She is a good translator for languages and concepts, able to act as a transfer bridge for ideas and complex thoughts for small groups of people.
She also seems to be a natural translocator (but half the time is actually just being super sneaky). She loves to appear in unseen corners or right behind people, most of the time relying on how the world is perceived by others. She fails at long-distance travel, as these shortcuts are only meant (both in-universe and IRL) for comedic effect most of the time.
She has a tendency to edit her own memories to keep herself happy. Traumatic experiences are often reduced in significance, bad events are completely removed, et cetera. This tends to have more negative than positive results. Many of her past selves got too reliant on ‘fixing’ memories and broke their minds irreparably. The way she does it often makes it extremely unhealthy.
Because her mind is so opened up, she needs to develop many defenses to keep malicious things out. She is more vulnerable to "psychic" attacks and effects than most others.
Getting around in pony society is difficult for her since most things are not designed for her particular body plan and alimentation. It's a large inconvenience.

A pair of wing support mechanisms for when she wants to actually fly.
A collar with an amulet passed down from... she can't quite remember who.
Many memory orbs and memory gems for infostorage.

Rebirth & Remembrance:
Ardor is immortal the way phoenixes are immortal. Her physical bodies only last, at most, a century or so. The way this reincarnation happens may vary from setting to setting (or not be included at all). Examples include the stereotypical phoenix’s ashes-to-chick life cycle, her memories (what more spiritually-inclined people might call her soul) finding a newborn body to inhabit when convenient, to her spirit being inherited by her own child. When she is reborn, she generally does not possess memories of her past lives for the first dozen or so years of her life. The memories and personalities of her past selves begin to come back as she matures, fractured and imperfect ideas and skills and experiences integrating with her as she ages. Because all of her selves at one point learned how to edit their own memories, her mindscape is very patchy and inconsistent.

[X] Once upon a time, an extremely long time ago, there was a griff born of draconic blood who lived in the Hyperborean Outlands, one that grew up seeking the truth of the past in the strata of the mountain ranges. He was raised in a clan of griffs who all shared an ideology that had much to do with archaeology, rediscovery, and recording history. Living amongst the spirits of memory that the tribe he belonged to so revered had a very profound effect on him, seemingly more so than the others. His talent at communicating with distant memories and making friends with locally-bound lost souls and ghosts was seen as a gift from the ancestors.
The griff soon took to wandering the caves and mountaintops with a spirit that he had fallen in love with. A deal was struck with the spirit. They remained together for many years as great companions, bonding emotionally and magically.
A few years later, mortal danger struck. The griff was badly injured, at the verge of death. His friends tried to heal him the best they could. His soul threatened to flee from his body. One of his friends attempted to tie his rapidly-untethering life-essence back into his body with the spirit trying to keep him together. Whatever happened worked to save the griff's life in the end. Yet his soul had been anchored to a body of flesh and blood, held together by a spirit of memory and of rebirth. The experience broke his essence open, letting him literally speak his mind.
The griff died many decades later, but he lived on afterwards, echoing endlessly...
The spirit joined him, bound to him as she was.
And they bled into each other and became one.
[λ] Flashes of lightning. Dark, starless nights spent crouched in front of a fire. Chasing prey. No one to talk to. Always the voices. More fire. Less food. Lungs burning with water.
[%] Orphaned since birth, raised by wanderer dragons. Learns at an early age to fight. Travels across the badlands, follows the vagabond way. Dies in battle.
[ø] A learned psycholar, Ardelle released many papers on advanced crystallography before her untimely death.
[9] Nine Daughter Sun Heat Sand Trees Water Sand Lake Fish Sky Cloud Rock Gem Light Fire Blood Nine Wood Bird Nine Horse Words Hate Kill Air Fall Trees Lake Sand Nine
[Ç] A normal life with loving friends and family always there by her side to help her through any hardship any trouble there for her always and forevermore
[×] Parasprites.
[☿] Executed for treason and for the forgery of ███ ███ ████.
[Ξ] the feeling of being watched.
[☥] She started out as a young griff leaving her clan for the first time. She encountered many different cultures in her young age and learned to never settle down. She travelled across the continent, often settling down for years at a time before moving on again. She went around as an educator, helping communities in need. She is known in folklore and tales as a wanderer, saviour, and an accomplished magic user.
[♃^] The Everfree was her home.
[  ¿] Being an artist was never so hard…
[!!!] Always so, hungry But not ever need ing too Eat
[&|] The best infiltrator and hacker in the Northern Griffin Clans!
[⊕] Née Ardent Cadency, Ardor grew up in a fringe community of griffins during her early childhood. At a young age, her guardians decided to move to small outlying town far from the main cities of the continent. She adapted quickly enough and learned the Equestrian trade tongue as her main language. She was the only one of her species basically anywhere and she had eccentric tendencies and a hard time socializing with peers for the first few years, sticking to the book club and joining the local flight team for a short while.
She did make several very close friends during her teen years, brought together by a common passion for storytelling and art and the sciences. This is around the time when traces of her past personalities started to develop, first as imaginary friends then as people she seemed to be able to talk to in her mind to a degree. Ardor didn’t keep this as a secret from her friends, though. It seemed easier to talk about herself in that way, somehow.
Then she lost her ability to fly.
Her college years were always busy. With her somewhat poor organizational skills, she had a hard time for the first little bit but then gradually made her way up to work that she found she had a passion for. She had always been sensitive to ambient magical energies and she found out ways to develop that into an intuitive sense. That helped her greatly with developing spell matrices during her early adulthood.
Then she got her... mark.
Years later, Ardor somehow got recruited to one of those arcane science organizations that were important on a national level and has began to help out with research on atypical arcane fluctuations near the Everfree and other anomalous hotspots, as well as aiding in research for rudimentary neural interfacing technology and crystallography.

Notable Personalities:
Her personalities have been exaggerated, corrupted, fragmented, patched together, lost, found, reconstrued, dimmed down, and driven to madness or just faded away over the ages.

[X] .love.
[λ] Hiding in the shadows. Survival.
[%] You wanna fite me, m8?
[ø] I’m not a cynic, I’m a critic.
[Ç] We can get through all this together just as long as we stick together and trust one another
[¶] Analytical, calm thinker. Everything must make sense.
[Ξ] look past, see beyond … theres never a way of telling what people are really thinking but you can at least try to get in their head
[♃^] The Forest is my friend. There is never any need to fear.
[  ¿] Always so many ideas. Never anyone to talk to about them…
[&|] Give it your best shot. Have faith in the Goddesses that it will all work out.
[⊕] She’s quite friendly and bouncy when she is around people. Close friends and associates tend to get a stronger wash of her uniqueness. Her ability to communicate and translate technical concepts to people and to show memories is a large part of who she is. Non-conventional artwork and expression is common coming from her.
Ardor rarely ever actually communicates her inner feelings and desires and emotions, however. She dislikes it when people can’t communicate things to her and would like for things to actually make sense every once in awhile.
She’s very cuddly and affectionate when you get to really know her. And when you get to really know her, she is a griff that’s scared of ending up like her previous iterations. Always wanting to learn more but never really getting to know herself…


Illustrations of Ardor

She likes to eat meat while it’s still fresh. This habit tends to be kept away from many of her herbivorous friends for a good reason.

Last edited by PortalHunter on Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:41 am; edited 4 times in total
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2015 4:05 am

PortalHunter wrote:

So I'm posting this character sheet six months and a day after I joined the forums... yay...


PortalHunter wrote:
Name: Ardent “Ardor” Cadency ⊕

That history was... difficult to make sense of. I get what you were trying to do but you did so much style that you left out the substance of how her major abilities, such as empathy and reincarnation, came to be. So please revise her history to provide a complete picture of how she works and how she came to be where she is. You can keep the babbling of other personalities in, but I need a real history.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 1:46 am

“Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.”
Habakkuk 1:5

Name: Pykewright, aka, Prince Pykrete
Race: Earth poUnicorn
Age: 33
Mane: White, with a cyan fringe. He keeps it cut short and sharp.
Coat: White, woolly, and fluffy.
Cutie mark.: A leafless tree with icicles hanging off it.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He’s a bit above average height and built rather sturdily, on the “Big Mac” side of the musculature scale.
Distinguishing Features:
You never will get where you’re going: Pykewright tends to stand out whenever he walks into a room. Given that he is perpetually followed by an icy breeze, a chilling eddy that constantly swirls around his person and leaving behind a thin layer of frost on anything frost can be left on, everything within a foot or so of him experiencing something similar to early winter regardless of the time of year or the actual climate of the region. Alongside this strange effect, Pykewright leaves a trail wherever he walks, with plants sprouting up in his footsteps wherever he walks (so long as he’s walking on something capable of supporting plantlife. Stone certainly won’t allow that, but stepping on the cracks between concrete certainly will). This effect seems to be more one of accelerating the growth of what’s already there, and a similar but lesser effect spreads in a radius around him, causing plants to grow fuller and healthier in his presence, though it would take a significant time for that particular effect to bear fruit.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):
If you never get up on your feet: Pykewright, while by no means formally educated in the art of spellcraft, is a rather accomplished mage, with a lot of potential to draw from. Overall, his magical solutions tend to involve either brute forcing his issues, or more likely, assemble something that can solve his problems without direct application of magic, whether that’s a sledgehammer or a complex mechanical device made out of wood and ice. Lacking any appropriate use for his magic, Pykewright will stoop to punching and kicking, and he’s been known to pack quite a wallop in that regard given how he’s built. Nonetheless, he stands out from other ponies in several other qualities as well.
Com’n there’s a good tailwind blowing: Pykewright’s far more dangerous as a designer than anything else, given his creativity and capacity for realizing his ideas. Pykrete stands at the forefront of his inventions, a mixture of ice and wood pulp that is significantly stronger than either and is highly resistant to melting (more akin to concrete, really). Strange flying machines and ships that have more in common with icebergs than tankers come to mind whenever he’s involved. The cheapness of his favorite material just means bigger is almost always better.

A fast-walking man’s hard to beat:
While not a proper “chosen one” of any sort (merely a candidate), Pykewright commands some level of influence among the deeper forces of the world, even if he doesn’t care to realize this fact. Those capable of detecting such cosmic forces will note that Pykewright has an “alicorn-like” nature, and will respond to him in a way reflecting this (depending on whether they like or hate alicorns and such). And though he may not have a proper patron of any sort, there are certainly at least some entities hedging their bets on his eventually ascension, and having made such an investment in him, are willing to tilt the odds in his favor from time to time. [This only comes into play at GM discretion, should such entities exist in the thread]

If you want to change your direction
A bit flamboyant and with not only a distinct appearance, but distinct signs of his passing, Pykewright is rather easy to track down. He makes absolutely no secret about what he does in his free time when he isn’t being some kind of superhero, and this lack of separation between his private life and his public life might make him or his friends a target of anyone who doesn’t appreciate his heroism.

If your time of life is at hand
Plenty of ponies have the sort of intuition that tells them what’s wrong with the world, or even just a certain feeling that tells them that there is something wrong at all. Pykewright has a particularly debilitating case of this. While he’s been working on gaining control over this aspect of himself, the presence of major ecological disasters, even just disasters waiting to happen, causes him great pain. This is a primal reaction, and typically causes him to freeze up completely, rather than getting him into either fight or flight mode.

Well don’t be the rule be the exception
While exceptionally intelligent, Pykewright is essentially uneducated. He has plenty of practical experience with the world, but this extends purely to areas of life he has personally experienced. He lacks a lot of knowledge that one might expect from a pony as successful as he is, and he’s more than willing to admit that a lot of his success has to do more with luck and sheer persistence than actual knowledge or skill.

A good way to start is to stand
Despite having a halfway decent backing among some higher powers, Pykewright also has rivals for his potential position as well as opposition from beings similar to those that support him. While just making him disappear would never be a quiet proposition, there would certainly be entities out there with more raw power than him that might just want him incapacitated, or simply dead, or entities so far beyond his power as to be incomprehensible and unassailable by him.
[In effect the GM is basically free to throw random enemies at Pykewright as well as arbitrarily declare that someone’s influence is messing with his ability to do things, though this is all, of course at the GM’s discretion and only makes sense if any sort of mysterious alicornifying entities exist out there.]

Occupation: Superhero/regular hero/inventor

Gear: Potentially any strange invention I can find on the internet and that the GM will let me have. Most importantly and in most threads I could fit him in (certainly in Maretropolis), he would have a ridiculously large ship made out of pykrete, because he entirely needs a Habbakuk.

If I want to change the reflection
Born a good Vanhoover son, Pykewright was always the adventurous sort. He liked to mix things together when everyone else simply understood that things didn’t need mixing. Whether it was earth pony hardheadedness and unicorn magic or aircraft and submarines, he didn’t understand the concept of simply not putting them together.
Most of the time, it was about as successful as expected. Not successful at all. Sometimes, however, he would happen upon some mixture with positive qualities. His most favorite of these successes is his first, the mixture of ice and wood pulp known as pykrete, a material that has more in common physically with concrete than with ice.
As an adolescent, he merely tinkered; as a young, unmarked adult, he strove for purpose in a life that had so far lacked it. He fell back on the sort of work many earth ponies did: farming. Potato farming really held everything a pony could ask for. Food, a place to sleep, and the sort of hard work that earth ponies craved like unicorns crave peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. It wasn’t exactly easy, but it kept him out of the city and out of the sight of those who might find the idea of a blank-flanked adult ridiculous or perhaps designed for mockery.
And so life went on for a few years, until one fateful ChristmasHearth’s Warming Eve. A day of particularly great whimsy and which would host the most peculiar of friendships. That was what KwanzaHearth’s Warming was all about, after all: strange bonds of kinship between the strangest pairings of creatures.

I see in the mirror each morn
So on this one particular year, one of particularly heavy snowfall, with young Pykewright feeling no more welcome to Vanhoover’s festivities than he felt any other time of the year, the stallion took solace in his own little form of celebration: a sabbatical into the Unicorn Range just east of Vanhoover. A little time in nature, away from any other pony, always seemed to put him at ease.
It was there that he ran into the Everyeti. A beast that had been banished from the peaks of the snowy mountains for its own strangeness amongst its kind there. Well, beast is perhaps an extreme word in this case; the Everyeti was every bit as sapient as any pony, after all, even if his language was perhaps a bit guttural, and his moods a wee bit on the side of fickle. But back to the nature of their meeting:
To call it a meeting is perhaps a bit of a kindness. Being shoved into the ground and growled at is, in most of Equestria, seen as a form of rudeness. The people of Vanhoover, however, did not seem to understand the concept of rudeness, or at the very minimum, Pykewright did not grasp the idea. So, Pyke, in a moment of well-meaning Earth pony hospitality, decided to return this greeting in kind. With a bit of squirming, he managed to twist himself around enough to deliver a hoof to his assailant’s face.
Thus were the bonds of manly friendship born. Forged with the pure force of sequentially exchanged blows, and culminating ultimately in a rolling snowball of fury descending from the mountain heights, this was the sort of bond that transcended mere mortal friendship. Mortal friendship was a thing where one half of the friendship ended the day conscious.
Not a bad day’s work for a pony with no cutie mark.

You mean that it’s just my election
Of course, this friendship was put on quite the fast track after their little combat had concluded; trapped in a snowbank with his now unconscious ‘comrade’, Pykewright could only dig out in a mad scramble to escape the crushing snow. Pulling his new friend from the snow, Pyke was eventually rewarded with the ghostly visage of a very angry and probably malevolent horselike creature.
Perhaps thus far this history is not quite complete. Do recall Vanhoover’s peculiar level of snowfall, and even Pykewright’s own fear of rejection from an otherwise perfectly fine, upstanding community. Hearth’s Warming had always been a time of reminiscence among Equestrians, but this year hosted a rather strong reminder of the past.
As is well understood, windigos are best defeated through the power of undiluted friendship. Best results came from using a freshly-formed friendship, especially with a stranger of another species.
So it was with great trepidation that Pykewright stared down the windigo he just met. It stared back, of course, having failed to anticipate the strange pony actually surviving falling down a mountain while fighting a yeti. Ponies were, after all, made of weak, vulnerable flesh, and they were known for their particular skill at dying. Pykewright, meanwhile, came to his senses and, as an earth pony is wont to do, turned himself about and attempted to buck the windigo in the face.
This went about as well as one could expect, and Pykewright succeeded only in throwing himself right through the windigo and belly-first onto a snowbank. Not taking no for an answer, Pykewright decided that if bucking it in the face was insufficient, punching the windigo would certainly work. And so he engaged in an epic round of hooficuffs with the creature. Or he would have, had the windigo actually been something punchable.

To vote for a chance to be reborn?
It was about this time that the yeti on the ground came back to its senses, only to stare at the insane pony he had been arguing with trying to fight the air. Insane or not, the pony didn’t give him any of the foul looks he had anticipated from any sentient creature happening upon him, even while they’d been fighting. He’d seemed to have relished the combat, actually.
He was a weird pony, that much was obvious. And if that didn’t make them kindred spirits, nothing would.
As was said before, friendship has great power in regards to dispelling windigoes. This particular batch, these raiders from the north, searching for a foothold in Equestria, while they had stoutly quashed the spirit of HanukkahHearth’s Warming in Vanhoover proper, had not quite calculated for a pair of social outcasts to run into one another and recognize friendship-at-first-sight (a poorly understood phenomena even among ponies, even given the wide acceptance of love-at-first-sight).
Not even seeming to care about how he and a yeti had driven off an incorporeal being, Pykewright took the lumbering beast back to his home. That night the two of them drank themselves silly on maple wine, and while both would claim very heartily that nothing happened that night, Pykewright will gladly divulge that he woke up that morning with a splitting headache and an achingly hard horn atop his skull.
He had had the strangest dream as well, even if it felt a little vague even then. What he could recall of it was that he saw a lot of pictures of himself, and perhaps a bit more chillingly, he was given a promise.
“If you keep on this path, perhaps there will be a pair of wings in your future.”

It’s a difficult responsibility
Pykewright would spend the next few years continuing along at what he did best. Which amounted to farming potatoes, messing around with strange combinations of materials, and now, throwing around magical power like it was a toy. At the time he seemed a relatively normal, if not strangely-muscular unicorn. Eventually he would happen upon a mixture of ice and wood pulp that had a strength more akin to steel than to either of its component parts. It was discovering this peculiar combination that finally, finally sparked his cutie mark taking form on his flank.
This was perhaps because it was his first “invention” to actually show any signs of success. Thousands of attempts, one success, but hey, he’d learned thousands of ways to not invent something.

Finally feeling unburdened with the need to find his own meaning in life, Pykewright took off into the world in a very strange way. He felt he was special, and that was rather hard to argue with given that he’d earned a horn. Or at least been given one. Something like that. And being special, that meant he ought to be especially responsible; that was the logical process in his mind, at least. Comic books may or may not have heavily influenced this point of view.

When you accept an appointment from His Majesty
Thus, Pykewright decided to do something a little ridiculous. He put on a mask and a cape, and started doing as many ‘superhero’ things as he could find. Whether that meant delivering presents to needy children on ChristmasHearth’s Warming day, or stopping a dam from shattering to pieces. He slowly grew renown for himself in the Vanhoover area, but he always knew there was more he could do...

You must strive for just the perfect quality
[This is where Normal Pykewright and Maretropolis Pykewright diverge. Normal Pykewright first:]
Seeing more need than he could deal with alone, Pykewright found himself finding similarly-empowered beings and united them under a common banner, this act itself coming with a rebranding of himself. From there on, acting as a hero he became to be known as Prince Pykrete, founding member of the Vanhoover Heroes Initiative. Originally a West Coast counterpart to the Power Ponies of Maretropolis, a bit of a friendly rivalry shortly grew between the two organizations, though after a few “hot” incidents between the two, it was decided that some longer-term collaboration between the two would be vital.
Pykewright volunteered himself to be the first to test out this new plan: he shipped himself off to Maretropolis proper as a sort of liaison between the two groups, and while his first little round of service is long-over, he’s still taken to visiting Maretropolis rather irregularly, whether announced or not.

Of important note is that after founding the VHI, Pykewright came forward and quite happily revealed his actual identity to the world at large; there’s no real question as to who “Prince Pykrete” is, and it is this forwardness and lack of deception that made him an ideal candidate as a liaison between the VHI and the PP.
Oddly enough, he’s also earned a strange sort of friendliness with some of the villainous crowd in Maretropolis, and though this is mostly just a mutual respect, some of the less vile among them have [grudgingly] accepted him as a drinking buddy. Most of this arises from the genuine camaraderie he holds with idealistic villains, notably his Maretropolis rival Situation Normal.

When you’re the first toymaker to the king
[Normal Pykewright time]
Seeing more need than he could deal with alone, Pykewright set out to found the organization that would later become known as the Vanhoover Heuristics Institute. He searched down fringe investigators, inventors, and other ponies downtrodden by most of the scientifically-minded community, and brought as many of them together as possible. So many things in the world simply were never put to use in Pyke’s mind, because the ideas were just too outlandish for normal ponies to conceive of, or because they were simply not “understood” well enough. In finding a positive outlet for the energies of other ponies who, like him, had always had exactly the kind of ideas that others would call strange, he also tapped into a veritable army of willing philanthropists. And to work they set, and while it certainly wasn’t perfect, the VHI has also certainly provided innovations and, well, unique, tactics when it’s come to dealing with places and ponies in need.
Even when he isn’t investigating some sort of strangeness in the world, Pykewright can be found falling back into the whole ‘hero’ thing he used to do, being about as stereotypical as possible. He knows a lot of such heroism is posing, but sometimes people do just need someone to look up to.

Personality: As an Earth pony, Pykewright was rightfully regarded as muleheadedly stubborn. As a unicorn, this trait has become even more obvious, as if it were subtle to begin with. While he’s not exactly temperamental, and he’s usually ridiculously buddy-buddy with everyone around him, Pyke’s been known to occasionally have outbursts of anger that tend to leave behind toppled buildings in his wake.
Some have called him disturbingly polite, though not out of any sort of tact or inner motive; he just seems to genuinely like people just for being people.

Current Home: The Habakkuk
Misc: Pykewright experiencing particularly intense emotions has been correlated with unseasonal weather conditions, though, given the nature of Equestria’s weather, which one causes which is rather questionable. It’s probably completely unimportant, but does a good job of taking the place of old fashioned special effects.

Allies: The Power Ponies
Associations: The Vanhoover Heroes Initiative/Vanhoover Heuristics Institute

Power Level
Strength: 3
Intelligence: 3.5
Energy Projection: 4
Fighting Ability: 4
Durability: 3
Speed: 2
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 3:58 pm

Mr. Market wrote:
lightningchaser1 wrote:

well, she is a cousin of the princesses. so yeah, she's supposed to have those powers.

I'm sorry, but I think you'll have to discuss this in far greater detail with Dual or the both of us to make sure all the details get ironed out, because at the moment there is NOTHING in the sheet indicating ANY sort of relationship to the Princesses given the history you provided. There's also nothing being shown that would justify having that kind of power in the first place, with or without royalty involved.

Take this with a grain of salt, but we do try to help people in writing out more consistent characters if they're willing to work with us, and so far I'm not seeing much consistency from you as to who and what this character of yours is and their power.

Skype is a service many in the group use, but if that's not available even in terms of Web Skype, we can try alternative methods for a proper discussion.

well, it all started a few years after the season 5 finale. lightning chaser was working in her lab, when pinkie pie came in and tripped over a wire and banged into lightning's invention. after they woke up they discovered that they were siblings. it was also found out that luna-- keeping a piece of her soul like a light side hocrux, conceived a foal that was named granny smith. the pony was an earth pony, so she was sent when she was old enough helped to found ponyville. and sine applejack and pinkie pie are 3rd cousins twice removed, that makes lightning chaser related to the princesses.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 5:11 pm

lightningchaser1 wrote:
well, it all started a few years after the season 5 finale. lightning chaser was working in her lab, when pinkie pie came in and tripped over a wire and banged into lightning's invention. after they woke up they discovered that they were siblings. it was also found out that luna-- keeping a piece of her soul like a light side hocrux, conceived a foal that was named granny smith. the pony was an earth pony, so she was sent when she was old enough helped to found ponyville. and sine applejack and pinkie pie are 3rd cousins twice removed, that makes lightning chaser related to the princesses.

Mm... I am aware of the discrepancy about Granny saying she helped with the foundation of Ponyville and Twilight saying it's hundreds of years old, but that's as debatable as can be still from either one. That said, I'm pretty sure we get to see her father in one of her flashbacks either way, so that sorta takes out the Luna related thing; Not to mention Luna would've likely been in her 1000 year banishment still, Horcrux or not. For your idea to work as is as part of Chaser's default history, it'd require others to agree to it since it seems to contradict canon a bit, which already starts to put restrictions, so be wary of that.

Now... You haven't quite addressed how Chaser is related to the Princesses, only how Pinkie, AJ, and Granny could be. What of Chaser's side of the family? How far back would  would we have to go for the family tree to actually signify that relation? I'd like to point out it's much easier to convince us of Chaser just being a distant cousin of the young mares since they have broad family lines than it is with your explanation of being related to Luna so far. You mention in the history about relatives and not-relatives she's been with, so there's a lot going on to keep track of, because it seems she had a real family but was then forced to be with another family for... reasons unknown so far; Reasons I hope you'll provide.

That still leaves the following though, and perhaps the most important thing that needs to be addressed: Nothing in the sheet seems to compliment the oracle ability and powers of manifestation, temporary or otherwise. In fact, the history seems pretty depressing overall when there's nothing about the character's supposed creativity or ability to see into the future to try to avoid or prevent those disasters, or anything afterwards when things seem to be settling well in her later years. Again, simply being related to Luna or Pinkie would not justify great power of manifestation or a heightened level of awareness; Especially as -distant- relatives for that matter on top of having Chaser listed as a Pegasus and not a Unicorn(in which case I'd be a bit more lenient about the powers of manifestation otherwise). I hope you'll give me more details on this.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 2:06 am

Name: Leviathan
Race: Nephilim[Half Angel, Half Kaiju]
Age: 25 [Soul and mind are immesurable]
Mane: Gold
Coat: Scales of Cobalt and Electrum
Cutie mark.: None
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Laevateinn_by_blanham17-d6yyr2h
Distinguishing Features:
Metallic scales and flesh[literally], bifurcated jaw, long blonde hair, large breasts, really freaking hyperactive.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):
“Angelic Aura’[all ‘good’ characters feel calmer in her presence, all evil characters feel frightened], lightning magic, weapons-grade adorableness, Angel Wings[can literally create a set of Angel Wings made of lightning]
Exceedingly heavy, slow when on two feet, clumsy
“Bazooka Babe’ at Vault 13
Nothing[actively nude everywhere]
Leviathan, many millions upon millions of years ago, was one of the great powers of the world, a primordial entity of creation, The Lord of the Sea.

However, after the death of Magic in her home realm of the Amalgam Universe, Leviathan slowly withered away, until her soul-bound husk was recovered and used to create the human-kaiju hybrids known as ’The Nephilim’.  

Eventually, her own DNA was used in its own right, rather than merely as a binding agent.  The end result was a True Nephilim, a fusion of a mortal[her ‘daughter Tytanna] and a divine being[her old corpse].  Soul bound to a new body, she decided it was high time to live the life she was forced to never experience.

No longer the life of an ancient warrior.  But of a happy child.
Likes to pretend she’s a puppy, has a massive appetite, and tends to be very eager to make friends, usually ending in her leaping onto new people.
Current Home:
Vault 13: Ponyville
Is technically a magical entity.  Loves cuddles.  Bit of a dork.  FAR smarter than she acts.

Last edited by Sir_Knightmare on Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:15 am; edited 2 times in total
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 2:33 am

Name: Vix

physically: female

Race: Wolf pony

Age: 13 (23 pony years)

Mane: Brown, a bit scruffy and long, two lengths hang down in a traditional fox tribe style (I'd try and find a picture to help description, but this isn't necessary)

Coat: light brown

Cutie mark: A knife through a scroll bleeding ink

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Transgender, so he dresses as a male, acts like a male, and goes through great lengths to keep from others knowing he's not a male. but physically he is female.

Distinguishing Features: His eyes are cloudy brown due to the damage done to his soul.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is well skilled with weapons such as knives, daggers, swords, and spears due to his experience in combat. He also has experience with mana stones and knows wind spells, water spells, fire spells and illusion spells. He's learned wolf clan martial arts in training for his clans military.

Weaknesses: He hates being referred to as female and he will do almost anything to avoid others knowing his sex. As a carnivore, things such as bread and veggies are really bad for him.

Occupation: Mercenary, hire-able fighter/strong man.

Gear: An ornate dagger,a sword, a bow, a bag full of manna crystals, clothes he always has on him, and his binder bandages.

History: Vix was born in the Calpar commune part of the wolf pony tribe, born of an escaped slave and a farmer. Vix wasn't very well off, she had enough food to live none the less and the Calpar commune was a well placed and well defended commune. At the age of 5 Vix saw slavery for the first time. On a rare business trip vix, her brother Lilin, and her father went to the dog tribe commune of nat'na, the trade point between the Demorai and the ponies. Here Vix's father planned to make trade connection with those in nat'na. While their slaves were constantly being moved around the town. Foxes, wolves and even tiger, from kids to adults. The trade mission was a success either way and in the end a deal that benefited Vix's family was struck.

A few years later when Vix was 7 and her brother was 9, Lilin joined the liberation force, this is a typical age for such and due to her respect and trust in her brother, Vix followed suit. There they learnt how to liberate slaves, use mana crystals, pick locks and basic fighting styles, and after a month they were ready.

After a 3 month gap of training and practice, the real event happened. Some members of Vix's commune had vanished from their homes and Vix's father noted that some dog Demorai where near his land in the near by forests. it was obvious they had been taken by slavers and the best place to find them would be nat'na, and that's where they went. At nat'na the missing members were found, on top of 47 others about to be shipped off and taken away. They attacked the slavers and set free the slaves, how many got away was unknown but 37 Demorai out of the 56 released, were brought back to Calpar and given sanctuary. Unfortunately, there was some loss. Vix and Lilin, were captured and taken into slavery.

In Vix's 6 months of slavery, she was kept with her brother and past on between 5 families. Through outstanding luck, the buyers/owners were rather kind and while she was made to work of course, she was never forced to do unimaginable acts. At the end of her time in slavery, Vix and Lilin attempted to escape, about a mile from nat'na the ponies caught up to them, and it went from a chance of escaping home to a fight to survive. The paw to hoof combat with the mundane fighters was not a problem, it was when the magic user used a horrifically evil spell that marked when things went sour. It was aimed at Vix, but like any loyal big brother, Lilin got in the way by tackling the caster as it was being cast, the result was the utter destruction of both the magic user and lilin's soul. This in turn sent soul shrapnel in most directions which chipped at Vix's soul lodging themselves within her soul to fill in the new gaps.

The only large part of her soul that was dislodged and lost was the part that identified her as female, but it was filled by the shards of her brother's soul, making the wolf male in mind and spirit but not body. Vix didn't however have time to freak out about it, something more important had to be done first. He picked his brothers now lifeless and limp body and as their goal stated he finished his journey to Calpar. What he was met with was not a sight anyone deserves. It turned out that the slaves vanishing was well noticed and due to this the ponies attacked the wolf tribes. Mostly they had been held off but the wolves never expected the first attack and so the first place to be struck had very little in means of defense. The ponies had seen the liberation as an act of disrespect and found it suitable enough of a reason to claim this commune and all within it unworthy of mercy. Cubs, mothers, and fathers were all mercilessly slaughtered and left Calpar a ghost town. That evening Vix started with a mass ceremony to respect them all. In Demorai tradition states you burn the body then scatter the ash, so post burning, he transported the ashes to the forests where he scattered them.

Within a week he made his way to the head commune to seek council with the king. Vix informed him of his actions at the now ghost town before he left the building and set off to sign up to the invasion forces since war was on the horizon. But when he was sent on his first mission though he learnt that both sides were evil. He had full respect for his race felt passionate about looking after his race, but his order was to much. Vix was commanded to, accompanied by 4 others, attack, slaughter, and burn down a small village that not only was out the way but completely peaceful because some general was born there, thus his family was there. After denying his orders he was named a traitor, he fled to the fox tribe and met a welcoming response, was treated very well and due to this, he decided to leave. For if he was found there Vix did not doubt the wolves would attack there allies to kill 1 traitor. There was only 1 tribe that was far enough away and to not be at risk but at the same time militaristic strong, the tigers.

Moving to the tiger tribe at first seemed like a bad idea since relations between the wolves and the tigers had gone further than south, but as Vix assumed, they were still capable of rational thought thus they may understand, and they did. He had political and military refuge among the striped kind.

Personality: Abrasive and brash. He is also secretly lonely, he emotionally pushes most but a few away.

Current Home: Constantly travelling around the world, mostly around the 'continent' but sometimes in equestria too


Demorai: Within käslolösmark borders, 4 other tribes exist. These tribes are named after the race of animalistic pony like beings know as Demorai. The tribes consist of the noble fox tribe, they are on border with the dog tribe along with the wolf tribe. There is the regal tiger tribe, regarded by many as the royalty among the Demorai. Many wolf Demorai refute this, but there are those that have swallowed there pride to accept there is a reason for the tigers being know as such. There is the elusive leopard Demorai, but very little is known about them. Finally there is the dog tribe, this tribe lines the border of käslolösmark and Kaylo, and although by the ponies of Kaylo they are regarded as a bridge between the two cultures. Most Demorai, more so by the wolf tribe, see them as traitors to all Demorai as they often will help the ponies of Kaylo to round up slaves and often almost treat in a pet like respective, being bread and kept as well as slaves. Many argue due to their unfortunate locations, its not their fault as it was the only way to survive but none the less there subservient behavior and backstabbing actions has had a negative effect on the rest of the Demorai, from feilemi (feline like beings such as the tiger and leopard Demorai) to canimi (canine like beings such as the wolf, fox and dog Demorai).
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 5:02 am

Brony_Khaos wrote:
“Look at the nations and watch—
   and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
   that you would not believe,
   even if you were told.”
Habakkuk 1:5

You're not as awesome as you think you are, Khaos. But that was still cool. Very Happy

Brony_Khaos wrote:
Name: Pykewright, aka, Prince Pykrete

...OK, maybe you are as awesome as you think you are. And that quote was cool. Character(s) approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 5:05 am

Sir_Knightmare wrote:
Name: Leviathan
Race: Nephilim[Half Angel, Half Kaiju]

And 1/4 boobs. Razz Actually, her breasts are pretty normal, I'm teasing. Wink

I see no obstacle to the approval of this, so approved. ^.^
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 5:10 am

Unity Wolfpony wrote:
Name: Vix
Distinguishing Features: His eyes are cloudy brown due to the damage done to his soul.

Damage done to his soul, huh? Does it affect his eyesight?

I think I remember now why I had issues with this. It was during the long time in which I suppressed any attempt to go wildly out of canon with backstories. Events since then have forced me to be more lenient so I can now approve what I once stopped. I'd still like an answer to my question, however.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 1:07 pm

DualThrone wrote:
Sir_Knightmare wrote:
Name: Leviathan
Race: Nephilim[Half Angel, Half Kaiju]

And 1/4 boobs. Razz Actually, her breasts are pretty normal, I'm teasing. Wink

I see no obstacle to the approval of this, so approved. ^.^

HUZZAH! and her boobs are, like, 90% Electrum[gold/silver alloy] so...yeah, they have an excuse for being impossibly round considering her nudity.
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 2:22 pm

no but the idea is based off of the idea that the eyes are like a gateway to the soul, it just seemed to make sense that there eyes would be a little cloudy as the soul is damaged, if you'd like me to get rid of that part that's not a huge part of his character so im ok with that.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 2:41 am

Name: Helena Wisher

Race: Lynx

Age: 24

Hair: Her hair is fashioned into a pixie cut, dyed white, with a single grey plait on the right side.

Fur: Fluffy and chocolate brown, with small patches of black and white. Her chest, the front of her neck and lower portion of her face are a solid white, as well as her paws and the tip of her tail.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: She has a piercing on her lip, which she has to take out regularly during training or in formal company.

Distinguishing Features: She is required to wear glasses, as her vision is slightly poor, but chooses to wear contact lenses instead. She only wears glasses if she she's in private, or is around those she is comfortable around.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She has extensive knowledge of medical practices, as well as a prowess at performing emergency field surgeries.

Weaknesses: Being called 'cute' or 'kitten', anything pink, being spooked, and eating spicy food. She is also not very proficient in combat, but can hold her own if desperate.

Occupation: Combat Medical Technician for the Princesses' Royal Army Medical Corps.

Gear: She carries a small medical kit on her person whenever she's on duty, as well as a small combat knife to defend herself with.

History: Helena was raised in a strict household, with a single mother, in the western province of Catifornia. She was always dreadfully rebellious growing up, due to the lack of a father figure to guide her, as he died during service whilst she was still very young. She would often cause trouble, getting into fights with other cubs and kittens, or just wasting away her childhood. This caused a bit of a separation between her and her family.

It was only when her grades started to drastically drop during her late teenage years, as a result of her very minor catnip addiction, that she found her place in the military, like her father before her. The constant training drills quickly ironed out her personality into a somewhat respectable one, making her more mature as a result. She still retained the stubborn directness and rudeness, but learnt how to use tact to filter what she said into something a little more agreeable. It was at this point that she cut all of her hair off into the way you see today, as a sort of reminder to herself to never let her personality get the better of her, or to push people away.

The relationship she had with her mother also improved as a result of her time in the army. She came to love them dearly, always taking time during her leaves to stay with her and keep her company.

Eventually, her time working as a soldier improved her grades exponentially, allowing her to pursue a career in the medical sciences. She worked as a nurse in her hometown for a few long years, before switching back over to working as a medical technician for the army.

It was then that she was selected to be stationed in Equestria, the pony country to the east. She packed up her things and said her reluctant goodbyes to her mother, and went off to study further under the brightest medical professors in the world.

Personality: An extremely cautious optimist, Helena is a rough and tumble kind of girl, and often very rude, giving her a kind of boyish attitude. She likes to get very paws-on with things, making her very direct and often rude when dealing with the problems and people she faces. She carries herself confidently whenever in the presence of those above her, a result of her time in the military.

She is secretly very submissive under her rough shell, and will likely fold to anyone who doesn't agree with her attitude. She enjoys putting up a fight, though, and sees it as a sort of test for people to attempt. She also secretly loves cute things, though her pride will lead to her shyly and embarrassedly denying such accusations.

Current Home: Currently stationed in Canterlot, away from her home in Catifornia.

Last edited by Syntavant on Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 7:37 am

Unity Wolfpony wrote:
no but the idea is based off of the idea that the eyes are like a gateway to the soul, it just seemed to make sense that there eyes would be a little cloudy as the soul is damaged, if you'd like me to get rid of that part that's not a huge part of his character so im ok with that.

If I wanted you to get rid of it, I wouldn't have approved the character. Smile *pets the wolfpony*
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