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 Brand New OC Character Thread 3

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 08, 2017 7:44 am

Toffee wrote:
Name: Toffee M. Scotch

Well-built. Makes me feel desperately sad for him, but a good build. Character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 15, 2017 3:32 am

Name: Clarity Mirrors

Race: Earth Pony
Age: 23
Mane: Yellow
Coat: Yellow
Cutie mark: Eighth note, gold ribbon tied around the stem
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features: Distinctive heart-shaped ends on either side of her mane, curvy and appealing body

Specialty: Clarity is skilled in vocal manipulation, able to manipulate her voice and use it to influence the moods and thoughts of others. She's also adept at sleight-of-hoof and misdirection of attention. She's also stronger than she looks, though not exceptionally so.
Weaknesses: Though not exactly unstable, Clarity is quite emotional. How well she performs any given task is highly dependent on her mood.
Occupation: Performance Magician
Gear: Clarity carries on herself a small variety of tools and trinkets useful to a magician, most notably knives, mirrors, and confetti canisters. It's anypony's guess where exactly she keeps them all...

History: Clarity was born to a well-to-do couple in Canterlot, an only child. Her parents were both unicorns, and her being born an Earth Pony was a surprise to both, given that neither was aware of any Earth Pony heritage in their family lines. They didn't mind, though, and raised her the best they could in the proud Unicorn capitol of Equestria.
It wasn't to be, though. Her mother died when she was three due to a wasting heart sickness. Her father was a scientist who had been trying to find a cure for her, and he felt like a failure for letting her die. His work slipped past that point, and he died in a chemical spill a scant two years later.

From there it was straight to the orphanage, where she didn't fit in particularly well, being an Earth Pony. Things were quite unpleasant for her for quite some time, until she met a blind pony recently orphaned who had lost his memory. In desperate need of somepony to be close to, she attached herself to him and told him they were twins, and he just didn't remember.
From that point on, they treated each other like family, largely inseparable and highly supportive of each other. Emotionally, she was in much greater need of him, and he relied heavily on her for his physical needs and well-being.

They were never adopted, as they were at that point a package deal, and there were none willing to adopt one that were also willing to adopt the other. Over the years, she learned to use her voice and physical charms to influence those around her, swaying their opinions favorably towards herself and her adopted "twin" and generally making their lives easier. To make up for her own lack of magic in Unicorn-dominant Canterlot, she also trained her manual dexterity and sleight-of-hoof to high levels.

Upon reaching adulthood, they were discharged from the orphanage and moved out of Canterlot to Ponyville. There, she found herself drawn to the performing arts. She tried becoming a singer first, as that was her talent, but she found herself wanting to do something more...showy. Inspired by a magic show, she decided to become a magician herself, working hard to push her limits. Though she couldn't do everything a Unicorn using actual magic could do, she found herself able to pull off a good show anyway, her natural showmanship and craftiness helping to fill the gaps left by her abilities. Her voice and body didn't hurt, either, and some find novelty in watching a magician with no real magic. To this day, she enjoys a modest amount of recognition in Ponyville.

Personality: "Confident" is probably a word most would use to describe Clarity. Everything about the way she moves and talks would give the indication that she's a pony who knows precisely what she's doing, where she's going, and how to get there. She also flirts unabashedly with approximately anypony with a pulse, regardless of whether or not she's interested in them.
When she's not in a good mood, though, she has issues. She lashes out at others, not physically but emotionally, spewing words designed to cut to the philosophical bone (as opposed to the funny bone). She doesn't tend to do this often, but some things just set her off.
She's also highly competitive.
Clarity isn't above taking things that don't belong to her. She's generally skilled and petty enough with her thefts that what she takes isn't noticed and often isn't missed if it is.

Current Home: Clarity currently lives in a small house in Ponyville with her "twin brother".


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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 15, 2017 6:35 am

Name: Clairvoyance Mirrors (goes by Clair)

Race: Unicorn
Age: 23
Mane: White, center-parted and long enough that it partially obscures his eyes
Coat: Neutral Grey
Cutie mark: Light purple crystal ball with rainbow highlights
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Clair is quite small and light, with a thin frame.
Distinguishing Features: Milky white eyes with no pupils

Specialty: Clair's specialty is perception. Though his eyes do not work, his other senses are quite powerful. And though he doesn't see like regular ponies do, he is able to see life force.
Life force appears to him like light appears to normal ponies, coming from living things as its source. Most physical barriers don't obscure this. Plants tend to be quite dim and indistinct, animals brighter and sapient ones even brighter still. Life force in his vision tends to generally conform to the shape of the life form from which it comes, brightest at the hearts and brains. Injuries tend to be brighter as well, as they cause life force to leak from the body. Other factors can affect the perceived shape, texture, and intensity of it, allowing him to use it as a diagnostic tool for health and emotion, but he needs to know the source of it fairly well to do so accurately.
This sense is not native to him, it's the result of a spell. Due to head and horn trauma from when he was young, he's unable to stop using the spell, but it can be suppressed by others.

Weaknesses: Though his other senses do partially make up for it, he is still blind, and even with his spell running he can't see nonliving matter. As such he has difficulty with many tasks on his own in an environment he's not very familiar with. Inside his home, he can function almost independently; venturing outside the house requires much help.
A life of dependence and his small body leaves him weak and fragile, and he has a very low tolerance for pain. His life-seeing spell running constantly also drains his energy, requiring him to sleep much more than regular ponies.
Clair is also something of a trouble magnet.

Occupation: None
Gear: None

History: Clair's first memory was waking up in a hospital bed with no memory of who or where he was. He learned shortly thereafter that he had lost his memory in the airship accident that claimed his parents not long beforehoof. With no record of any extended family, he was admitted to the Canterlot orphanage. Things could have gone poorly for him, if not for an Earth Pony filly he met there. She introduced herself to him as his twin sister who he'd forgotten, and set about being everything he needed.
He knew it wasn't true, from what he heard around the place, but he needed somepony, and she so clearly desperately also did, so he let her believe that he believed it, even adopting her surname as his own. He was her emotional support, and she regaled him with stories of "their" father, who sounded like a good stallion, and "their mother", who he was certain was made up, given that certain small details changed with every story. He didn't mind, though, and ate the stories up, as well as her emotional outletting.

When he was barely past his tenth birthday, Clair had an exceptionally bad day and was given stark reminders of how his blindness set him apart from others, feeling below them. In an emotional fit, he tried to fire off a spell formed mostly by his emotions and desires, that his eyes could show him something, anything of what he was missing. It blacked him out and landed him at the hospital. When he woke up a few days later, things were...different. He was scared at first, and oh so tired much more, but overjoyed when he realized what this meant for him. Even though he couldn't see like other ponies, he was seeing something. Life force, to be exact. It took him a while to adjust, but from that point on everything seemed...brighter to him.

When the two of them came of age and moved to Ponyville, Clair found himself sitting around the house a lot, with Clarity being away from it a lot. He took up reading, and Clarity would check out as many braille books as she could find at the library as often as she could, but even for Clair, it got to be...not enough. So, oddly enough, he turned to painting, of all things. Simple hoof painting. He can't see what he paints and tends to make a mess, but he enjoys it.

Over time they became more secure in their finances, and Clarity was able to spend more time with him. Her being as social as she is, though, she wasn't content to just spend that time at home. Instead she started taking him out on outings. He's made some friends now, and even though he does still spend most of his time at home, all he has to do is step outside and wait if he wants to spend some time out. Before too long, somepony will notice him and invite him off with them to do something.

Personality: There are a few words that come to mind when describing Clair. "Calm" is one of them. Getting him riled up is a feat worthy of being sung in ballads by the bards of old. Not to say that he doesn't feel emotions, quite the opposite, as he wears his heart on his sleeve...er, face. If you want to know how he's feeling, his expression says it all, and most of the time that expression is a small smile. Sometimes the smile gets bigger, sometimes it's a small frown, but his baseline is happy.
"Patient" is another word that fits him well...though less generous language would describe him as "slow". He walks slowly, talks with a measured pace, and is clearly in no rush to do anything at basically any time.
One of the most prominent descriptors for him, though, is "affectionate". He enjoys closeness and is generally quite comfortable seeking it from others. A mere introduction is enough to warrant a hug, and when standing or at rest his favorite position is leaning against somepony else.
Current Home: Clair lives in a small house in Ponyville with his "twin sister".
Misc: When standing still on his own, Clair tends to hold his hooves close together under him, giving him the appearance of always being slightly off-balance.
He sleeptalks a lot.
He's a universal donor and donates blood approximately every two months.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 15, 2017 11:06 pm

Name: Clarity Mirrors

Wot? An orphanpone who has a good life, an adopted sibling that's not actually her sibling, and seems pleasant? We don't cotton to well-adjusted ponies with tragic backstories in these parts.


Character approved!
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 15, 2017 11:12 pm

Name: Clairvoyance Mirrors (goes by Clair)

Oh, and a twofer. I... I don't know what to say. Are you trying to bribe the character admin with good new pones?

It's working. O_O

Character approved. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 2:02 am

Name: Viscount Brass Ponigsberg II

Race: Unicorn

Age: 28

Mane: Alternating gold-brown and pink-brown stripes, worn long for a stallion and neatly trimmed and combed.

Coat: Faded orange and cut to a short, even military trim.

Cutie mark:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Flaming_claw

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has gold, somewhat squinty eyes.

Distinguishing Features: He has the athletic build of a professional soldier and stands almost a head taller than the average stallion, though just barely shorter than his twin sister.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is an adept mage, specializing in spells that conjure and control fire and light. He is also a masterful swordsman, specializing in his family’s traditional sabre and dagger.

Weaknesses: His vanity leads him to occasionally underestimate his opponents, and his vanity, fiery temper, and zealotry lead him to frequently pick needless fights, even if he knows that his opponent or opponents outclass him.

Occupation: His official role is that of the Viscount Oatstadt, giving him rulership of the fortified district of Oatstadt in the heart of Ponigsberg. Due to his father’s advanced age, he has also taken over command of Ponigsberg’s military.

Gear: He wears similar jewelry to his sister, though it is more elaborate. His gold diadem has two small horns above his eyes, in a similar but less grandiose design to the horned crown worn by his father. Instead of a choker, he wears a gold gorget engraved with a scene of a tall unicorn in full plate armor standing over the broken bodies of the Royal Sisters as Ponigsberg’s army routs the Royal Guard in the background. His legbands are studded with the amber mined from the mountains near Ponigsberg and dredged up from the bottom of its harbor. Golden shoes that rise up the fronts of his legs to form greaves engraved with his cutie mark complete his jewelry. He wears a velvet cape the same dark blood red color as his cutie mark and a black leather belt embroidered with gold thread identical to his twin’s, which holds his sabre and dagger. It is not uncommon for him to supplement this ensemble with a gleaming steel cuirass, and he wears his cape and a suit of elaborately fluted and gold-trimmed full plate armor when he knows he is going into battle.

History: Brass was born a few seconds after his twin sister Bronze, much to his extreme aggravation. With his mother’s attention primarily focused on managing the household and bearing more foals, he was raised mostly by the castle servants. From an early age, he gravitated mostly to the Master-at-Arms and the High Priest of the Path of the Golds, his city’s ancient and obscure cult. At only six years old, he decided that he wanted to become a warrior in the service of the Path of the Golds, embarking on the strenuous training of the professional soldiers of the Ponigsberg Elite Guard instead of pursuing a more traditional education. He has never once regretted it. Among his city’s unicorn lower nobility, military, and clergy, he is largely respected, admired, and even adored. However, his choice of lifestyle has seriously strained his relationship with his family. He views his family as sadly under-zealous and lazy at best and as disgusting heretics at worst. His family views him as over-enthusiastic at best and dangerously psychotic at worst. Just under a year ago, he married the Lady Aether, a unicorn from one of Ponigsberg’s lesser noble families. In public, he is a kind if largely aloof husband. In private, however, he is violently abusive in the brief periods of time he spends with her, though he takes care to ensure that he doesn’t inflict any wounds that would be permanent or visible to the casual observer. On the rare occasions that he isn’t training or handling the small amount of management that Oatstadt requires, he can usually be found killing monsters he’s had his troops drag out of Ponigsberg Forest or executing convicts.

Personality: Brass is a psychopath, but while he feels no guilt for any of his actions that most ponies would view as evil, that doesn’t mean that he has no sense of morality. Indeed, he lives by a very strict code personal discipline and views the world in terms of moral absolutes. These absolutes, however, are based off the intensely xenophobic tenants of the Path of the Gold. As a result, he is an ardent unicorn supremacist and views any sapient creature that is not a unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony as unworthy of life. He is also a sadist, taking great pleasure in torturing and killing non-ponies and heretics. He is intensely vain, seeing himself as the epitome of the perfect pony as outlined by the Path of the Golds - an opinion the Golden Priests have only reinforced. His vanity, hatred for almost everyone around him, and violent tendencies combine to give him a hair-trigger temper, and any disagreement with him is likely to result in a challenge to a duel.

Current Home: Ponigsberg Castle
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 24, 2017 2:05 am

Name: Lord Lead Ponigsberg

Race: Unicorn

Age: 21

Mane: Black with a white stripe down the center, left long and ungroomed.

Coat: An ashen gray, as messy as his mane and tail.

Cutie mark:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Red_gem

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has narrow, blue-gray eyes and a similarly-colored muzzle.

Distinguishing Features: He’s taller than the average pony, though not to the same degree as Bronze and Brass, standing about half a head taller than the average stallion. He is also abnormally thin, though not to the extent of being gaunt.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is naturally skilled at spells of illusion and psyche, being particularly adept at turning himself invisible. His pendant allows him to see even better in the dark than in the light and survive without food, water, or sleep, though he still needs to breath (albeit not as much as an ordinary pony). It also makes him significantly more resilient to all forms of harm, including a vastly increased tolerance for pain and heat and functional immunity to even the most extreme cold. He can actively tap into the pendant’s power to turn into a roiling, intangible mass of shadows, shoot beams of dark magic from his horn, or exponentially improve his physical abilities and the power of his own spells. In terms of non-magical and non-physical abilities, he possesses a keen understanding of economics and an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient Equestrian history - albeit an encyclopedia that is filled with pro-Ponigsberg propaganda and historical revisionism.

Weaknesses: His pendant’s powers come from an Umbrum - a demon of cold and shadow - trapped within it. The Umbrum is constantly trying to take over his body, forcing him to keep part of his concentration on fighting it off. Actively tapping into its power pushes him to the very brink of losing control, but without it, his physical abilities are unimpressive and he lacks any conventional combat spells.

Occupation: Thief and mercenary, usually, though he has no steady form of employment and only rarely actually takes jobs. Instead, he spends most of his time wandering the world, seeking anyone he can convince to help him on his quest.

Gear: He wears jewelry similar to Brass’s, though his is made of silver, his diadem has no horns, and he does not wear a gorget. Instead, he wears a pendant around his neck consisting of a chain and hoof-sized hexagonal plate made of dark iron. Inlaid into the plate is a dark red gem of the same shape which emits a faint light that usually isn’t noticeable unless the surrounding area is completely dark. He wears a faded reddish-gray cape and a black leather belt embroidered with silver thread, from which he hangs his gold-hilted sabre and dagger, along with several pouches full of bits and gems.

History: Lead is the third and last son of Earl Copper III and his sixth child overall. Like the rest of his siblings, he was raised primarily by the castle servants. He proved to be a rather troublesome colt, regularly playing pranks on the servants, guards, and his siblings, though always out of a desire to have fun and not malice. When his proficiency with invisibility first manifested when he was eight years old, it was to the utter despair of those assigned to keep him in line. His slippery nature quickly earned him the nickname “Quicksilver.” However, one night when he was eleven years old changed him completely. Invisibly tracking Bronze with the intent to pull a prank on her, he unintentionally witnessed her seducing and then having sex with her latest target - the family’s middle brother, Cobalt, who was only thirteen at the time. Rather traumatized by this, he withdrew from his family, abandoning his pranks and throwing himself into his studies. With the exception of Bronze, those around him considered this change welcome, if somewhat concerning in its suddenness. He was quickly found to have an affinity for economics, ancient history, and the nastier side of Ponigsberg’s medieval-style politics. As part of his economic studies, he apprenticed himself to Ponigsberg’s harbormaster, where he heard tales of far away lands and bizarre species and became acquainted with quite a few less-than-reputable individuals. Though he believed in the Path of the Golds just like the rest of his city, his experiences with the pegasi and earth ponies working at the docks softened his opinion of non-unicorns, eventually coming to believe in equality between the ponies of the Three Tribes and even being willing to peacefully interact with and work alongside nonponies, albeit very begrudgingly.

When he turned eighteen, he served his required year in Ponigsberg’s military by signing up as a lieutenant in the navy. Upon his return, he discovered Bronze to be behaving in an even more flagrantly sexual manner than when he left. Still holding true to the non-racial tenants of the Path of the Golds, he viewed her actions as an insult to his family and degrading to their honor. Unable to provide concrete evidence that would get her executed and no longer capable of sneaking up on her to assassinate her himself even when invisible due to her telepathic abilities, he resolved to find some other way to cause her death. He turned to the knowledge he had gained of the world outside of Ponigsberg. Faking his death one day by walking into the monster-infested Ponigsberg Forest and never visibly coming out, he began wandering Equestria, looking for something or someone to give him a definitive advantage over his sister. Over a year later, on a treacherous mountain north of the Crystal Empire, he found a pendant frozen into the side of a glacier, its red crystal emitting an eerie light. From his knowledge of ancient Equestrian history, he knew that such crystals were used to imprison Umbrum, demons of shadow and ice that had menaced the Crystal Empire long ago, when it was first founded. He laboriously carved the pendant from the wall of ice, and when he put it on, the demon spoke in his mind, offering him immense power in exchange for partial cohabitation in his body. He agreed. But when he returned home, he discovered that Bronze had already been exiled. Leaving his city again without ever revealing his survival to anyone, he set out in pursuit of his hated sister, vowing to one day track her down and kill her, by any means necessary. Ever since, he has wandered Equestria, making deals with criminals and mercenaries, stealing most of what little he needs to get survive and buying the rest with the funds he receives from his dealings with businesses both legitimate and illegitimate.

Personality: Ever since his life-changing experience at age eleven, he has been quiet and withdrawn, rarely speaking unless absolutely necessary. After he formed his pact with the Umbrum, he has become even more so as he needs to devote his attention to keeping the demon at bay. He has also become noticeably more single-minded and ruthless in his pursuit of revenge due to the demon’s influence, losing what little traces of cheer and goodwill he had left. He is careful to keep his emotions in check to avoid giving the demon an opening in his psychic armor, and the only thing that can really provoke an emotional reaction out of him is insults to his family.

Current Home: None.
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 25, 2017 6:42 am

TathemRelag wrote:
Name: Viscount Brass Ponigsberg II

Character approved. No comment on how this is a horrible person; you made him such and did so well.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 25, 2017 7:33 am

TathemRelag wrote:
Name: Lord Lead Ponigsberg

I feel like I want to visit your canon because these characters are interesting. Character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 12, 2018 1:06 am

Name: Aria Cappella Schwambart

Race: Pegasus
Age: 26
Mane: Forest green, semi-short. Parted on the left.
Coat: Light green.
Cutie mark: Musical staff with a few notes on it
Extra details: Due to practice and use of his bows, particularly his greatbow, he has a great deal of upper body strength. This might not be apparent at first, as he usually wears a sweater and a many-pocketed black vest.
Distinguishing Features:

Specialty: Schwambart's talent is singing, and he is quite good at it. He can even split his voice to sing two pitches at once, or even three though that's pushing his limits. He's not really the most comfortable with performing in public, though, so most ponies around him probably don't even know he's capable of doing so.
His most notable strength though is his eyesight. He's farsighted to the point of needing glasses to see things up close, and even with them on he prefers to be able to keep things away from his face as much as possible. He doesn't know the upper limit of his vision, all he knows is that for him not to see something clearly it needs to have an obstruction in the way or be "way the heck over there". He's also quite accurate with a bow.

Weaknesses: Schwambart's eyes are quite a boon and quite a bane to him. He can see incredibly far at the cost of his near sight. Without his glasses, anything closer than 20 feet or so is a blur. With them, he can deal with close things much more easily but still has problems and loses some of his far vision range. He doesn't use contacts because he likes being able to remove or wear them quickly and easily.

Occupation: Schwambart's main job is that of courier. Usually nothing terribly important, he just carries small parcels and letters. It's a job with minimal social interaction, plenty of opportunity to spread his wings, and decent enough pay, he supposes.
But more than those, his job is a nice complement to his other occupation. He's a part of a small monster hunting group whose main priority is keeping watch for the supernatural and keeping innocents out of harm's way from it. It's not a very large group, and it's semi-volunteer with not great pay, but he enjoys feeling like he's helping. Despite his skill with the bow, he doesn't participate in many hunts himself. With his superior eyesight, he's employed mainly as a lookout and scout. His lodging is provided for him in Canterlot, as its perch on a mountainside provides an excellent vantage point for his long vision.

Gear: Schwambart has three different bows that he uses for different ranges and plans. He has a small one that's more portable than the others though its range is quite limited, especially compared with the others. It's the one he carries most often just because he doesn't usually need to use it. The next is a full longbow, which is the one he carries most often when he expects to use a bow.
The third is a greatbow, longer than he is. It's a great metal behemoth, quite heavy and difficult to draw. For accurate aiming, it needs to be anchored in the ground before it's fired. The arrows that it uses are large spikes of metal, wood, or stone, depending on availability. Because of its weight and size, he rarely takes this bow, leaving it on a platform on the mountain not far outside Canterlot. He can usually carry no more than 4 great arrows with him when he does take it, though he has a stockpile near his perch so he has no worry for ammunition when using it from there.
He doesn't handle melee combat well, but he knows it is a possibility, so when he thinks he might get into it he carries a pair of short blades. Their blades shine brightly and leave afterimages in the air. His main strategy when using them is to flail about with them to make it as hard for his opponent to see as it is for him, then try to make a break for it.

History: Schwambart was born to a large mixed-race family in Las Pegasus. He led a largely unremarkable life, where he was smarter than normal but not too smart, and didn't really have any great accomplishments. He didn't have many friends growing up, but did have the constant companionship of his twin brother, Hex Schwambart.
After growing up, the two of them moved to Ponyville, where they worked for the mail service. That's probably where he would have stayed, but Hex got recruited by monster hunting organization the Vigil and A. found himself looking to join up too. He was turned away when he tried for weapon aptitude as a melee fighter, but when it was suggested that he take up a bow and arrow, he took to that like...some kind of simile that isn't cliched and overused. He was taken on not only as a hunter but as a scout and lookout for the group, and got lodging set up for him in Canterlot.

Personality: At first glance, Schwambart is a joker. Look again, though, and he'll still be a joker. In fact, he'll probably keep joking as long as you keep looking. He likes to make others happy, and he likes to seem happy himself.
However, this is just a facade. As genuine as the joy is that he gets from making others smile and laugh, he isn't a pony pony. He always seems kind of stiff in conversation when he's not making jokes, and gets anxious when around crowds. He has issues trying to take things seriously and difficulties making real connections with others. It's not that he doesn't like other ponies, he just...isn't good with them.

Current Home: Schwambart currently resides in Canterlot, though really he spends more of his time outside it than in it.
Misc: Schwambart is embarrassed of his first name, as it seems more of a mare's name than a stallion's and drew much unkind attention from others growing up. He usually introduces himself as "A Cappella", "Schwambart", or just "A.".
His vest pockets are almost always filled with knickknacks and things, and he jingles when he walks.
He always has bubble mix on him. Always.

Last edited by PLOTYNSTYNE on Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 12, 2018 2:47 am

Name: Freedom Bright

Race: Earth pony

Age: 32

Mane: Purplish-red with a bluish-purple streak in the middle that starts very broad in the front and tapers to a point in the back, worn long and unkempt.

Coat: A light, creamy yellow with a dark gray patch on the tip of his muzzle, cut very short.

Cutie mark:
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Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has dark blue, almost black eyes.

Distinguishing Features: His right ear is torn vertically in half, and a livid scar runs from the base of that tear, above his eye, and down his muzzle to the base of his jaw, just barely missing his mouth.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): His natural earth pony strength is augmented by the heavily-muscled build of a miner. He has a gift for fiery oratory, his great passion usually more than making up for his somewhat limited vocabulary.

Weaknesses: He is deaf in his damaged ear. While not outright addicted to alcohol, he is nonetheless a heavy drinker.

Occupation: Ex-miner, revolutionary, propagandist.

Gear: He wears a red phrygian cap and a plain, heavily worn black vest over a red-cuffed shirt that used to be white but has been stained over the years to a yellowish off-white color.

History: Freedom Bright was born to factory workers in Fillydelphia, the second of six foals. His father worked in a foundry, while his mother worked in a textile mill. To help support his family, he dropped out of school when he was sixteen and got a job in the foundry his father worked at. However, the foundry shut down five years later. After giving all his earnings to his family, he and his adult siblings left the family home in hopes of finding work elsewhere, never to meet each other again. At this time, Freedom Bright first started relying heavily on alcohol.

Still, he proved to be among the luckiest of his siblings, finding work in short order with a large mining company expanding its operations to an untapped vein of crystal in the Crystal Mountains. He was soon relocated to the isolated company town of Mountain Rapids, along with a thousand other miners and their families. He quickly discovered, however, that the company was deeply corrupt, bribing mine inspectors to ignore widespread safety violations and often withholding the miners’ pay. The “town” was little more than a tent city, providing almost no protection from the biting mountain cold. A platoon of security guards were brought in, allegedly to protect the miners from the monsters that lived in the mountains, but their true purpose was to force the miners to work uncomplainingly despite the appalling conditions. It was not uncommon for a miner who slipped outside the town to relieve himself to be discovered several days later, nothing more than a bloody and shattered skeleton torn to pieces by yetis. In this horrific environment, Freedom Bright grew to hate the company bosses who caused his misery, the Princesses who failed to stop it, and all forms of authority or inequality. In secret, he began writing and speaking, inflaming his fellow miners’ desire for vengeance on their oppressors.

Then, one day, his opportunity came. Despite attempts by the company bosses to isolate the miners from the outside world, they were unable to prevent the miners from learning when Tirek rampaged through most of Equestria, subduing the alicorns and most of the Royal Guard. Seizing upon this momentary anarchy, Freedom Bright led his fellow miners in a rebellion against the company bosses and corporate enforcers. In the fighting, he was struck by a glancing blow from an axe, splitting his ear in two and carving a deep scar down his face. Nevertheless, the miners were victorious, driving out their long-time oppressors and declaring their village independent from Equestria. Freedom Bright stayed in Mountain Rapids just long enough to oversee the establishment of a new Workers’ Council to manage the village and mine before leaving to spread his ideals and the tale of his revolution.

Workers of Equestria, unite!

Personality: On the surface, Freedom Bright is a callous pony, hardened by mistreatment and his harsh environment. However, a pony of great passion lies just beneath this shell, and he is eager to let out his inner revolutionary in energetic pamphlets and speeches. He cares deeply for the ponies of the working class and is always eager to help out those he views as in need. However, he is still a fanatic, and he is harsh and even sometimes cruel to authority figures, the wealthy, or anypony else he believes to be standing in the way of the liberation of the oppressed.

Current Home: Anywhere his wanderings take him. Usually, this means a sleeping bag or tent somewhere well away from inhabited areas, as his revolutionary rhetoric and actions are far from appreciated in most places.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 13, 2018 5:08 am

Name: Aria Cappella Schwambart

This seems to be another fun Ploty character. Smile Approved!

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 13, 2018 5:16 am

TathemRelag wrote:
Name: Freedom Bright

Cool beans. Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 22, 2018 1:31 pm

Old one can be found here.
Name: Tabithi (Tabi for short)

Race: Female Wolf

Age: 21

Coat: Very dark-grey, her belly is slightly lighter

Extra details: Her hair is usually over one of her amber eyes. A necklace out of animal fangs hangs around her neck almost always. Light blue highlights in her hair.

Appearance: 8 feet tall, dark furred (as mentioned above), usually wears heavy plate armour when prepared for combat, on other days she wears casual clothing depending on the season (tank top, shorts in summer, etc.). Has Dark, almost black hair with blue highlights, bright amber eyes.
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Tabihe10

Distinguishing Features: her size and race (anthro wolf could be considered quite unusual among ponies?)

Specialty: Is rather strong for her size and agile when not in her heavy armour, is very good at blocking attacks, well skilled in combat.

Weaknesses: Longer runs, as she only has so much stamina, especially with the heavy armour; small areas.

Occupation: Traveler, mercenary

Gear: Heavy steel plate armour, large and thick shield, a longsword (that could be considered a greatsword by regulars)

History: Born in Las Pegasus, she had a pretty decent childhood as a unicorn, her parents being caring and rich. That was, until she was bitten by a wolf while hanging around in a forest. After the bite (Which her parents thought of as a normal bite) she started having high fevers and even lost consciousness a few times, and after she lost it for the last time, she woke up locked in a cage. Her parents were scared of her new form, and partially acted like she wasn't even their child anymore, even after Tabithi tried to convince them that she is still herself in mind. Her parents soon abandoned her in the forest, where she was forced to start living by herself. After some time of getting used to her hands and not able to use magic due to lack of her horn, she slowly started to make contact with citizens of Ponyville, eventually gaining their trust and asking a local blacksmith to make her some armor and gear. After that, she started traveling, looking to help Equestrians any way she can to gain their full trust.

Personality: Cheerful, likes dark humour, flirty at times.

Current Home: Baltimare
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 24, 2018 4:14 pm

Xereth wrote:
Name: Tabithi (Tabi for short)

Not that it's really necessary, because the character hasn't changed from when it was approved before, but here's an extra credit approval stamp anyway. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 24, 2018 4:47 pm

Name: Ironfire

Race: Unicorn

Age: 29

Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 VtVPN4il

Cutie Mark:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 UevmGzZm

Distinguishing Features: Is rarely "naked", preferring to wear his blacksmith boots, belt, and goggles, even when out and about.

Specialty: Metalwork and fire magic. While not immune to fire himself, long use of fire magic in his work has caused an odd kind of leak, creating an aura of warmth around him that he cannot control.

Weaknesses: Cold. The leaking magic to warm things up becomes especially draining in colder climates. This can make it difficult to focus, or even become life-threatening in a hurry if not properly protected as his strength is drained to fuel the magic.

Profession: Blacksmith

Gear: Tools of the trade, as well as his own store.

History: Originally born in Manehatten, his family moved to Canterlot while he was still young, meaning he doesn't remember a thing. He grew up in Canterlot, going to school whilst learning blacksmithing from his father, and a small amount of jewellery crafting from his mother. It was through this he eventually got his cutie mark and took over the business when his parents retired and moved back to Manehatten. He now runs the forge himself, using the skills of his father to make the heavier things, while his mother's skills allow him to add finer details, resulting in a lot of decorative pieces that appeal to the nobles of the city.

Personality: Reliable and hardworking. Can be known to speak his mind at times, but keeps a reign on it to avoid angering the wrong nobles.

Current Home: A two story building in the business district of Canterlot. The ground floor houses the forge, while the upper level is his home
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 25, 2018 4:50 am

Ironfire wrote:
Name: Ironfire

Nice, simple character. Smile Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun Feb 11, 2018 2:42 am

Race: Unicorn
Age: Indeterminate
Mane: Jet black with a raised center parting. As he gathers charge, it illuminates, seeming to contain a lightning storm within.
Coat: He claims it's black, but it's only a dark grey.
Cutie mark: A convergence of lightning bolts. The mark glows and flashes as his charge level increases.
Extra details: PLO is quite large in stature with a sturdy physique.
Distinguishing Features:

Specialty: Lightning. Electricity is PLO's realm of expertise. He manipulates it and even passively generates and gathers it, and he is immune to any direct adverse effects from it.
PLO acts like a self-sustaining electrical battery, passively generating and gathering electrical energy from his surroundings for later use. His charge level affects his appearance. As he stores energy, his mane and tail flash as though lightning strikes within them, with the frequency and intensity increasing with his charge. His cutie mark also glows and flashes with his mane and tail. At a high enough charge, lightning will course up and down his body between these three spots.
In addition to this manipulation, he is capable of converting himself into lightning. When doing so, he can move like one, charging through the air or electrical conductors. He has some...trouble doing this well, and tends to crash when coming out of it. He doesn't do it very often because of this.
Aside from these talents, he is also quite large of stature, solidly built, healthy as an ox, and strong as a...as a horse. Yes.

Weaknesses: PLO's power is tied to his charge, and not just his electrical power. When his charge is depleted, he is weaker in every way, magically and physically. He isn't terribly good at controlling his power expenditure when using it, tending to overuse it for any given task.
He also can't let his charge grow too great. As he accumulates energy, he is followed by a storm cloud. It cannot be dispersed, and maintains a charge equal and opposite to his own, and increases in size to reflect it. When he gets too much, a bolt from the cloud strikes him, neutralizing all of his charge and dispersing the cloud as well. The lightning bolt itself has no ill effects on him, but the shockwave from it can be quite powerful as well.
PLO is relatively easy to manipulate by anypony with half a mind to do so. It's easiest to do so by playing on his pride and attention span and making him believe what he's doing is his idea.

Occupation: "Occupation? I am no peasant, forced to work to justify my existence."
Gear: PLO wears a black cape that appears to act as an extradimensional space where he keeps things. Notable possessions are an umbrella, his purse, and his sword. The umbrella is industrial-grade and well-suited to its purpose. He originally started carrying it to protect him in case of falling chandeliers. He has needed it for this twice. His purse is tied to his family's treasury, allowing him easy access to their funds.
His sword is very finely crafted and appears to be powerful to anypony who sees PLO hold it, but it's completely normal. He uses it mainly to appear more intimidating.

PLOTYNSTYNE hails from the land of Pransylvania, a country across the sea that boasts a small, superstitious populace and creatures that justify the superstition. At least, that's where he was born. However, the site where he was born has been taken since then. His family, a large one filled with powerful Unicorns, took over a portion of it when he was yet young, declaring themselves a separate nation. The ruling class of Pransylvania initially tried to take it back, but when it became clear that they weren't interested in conquest or expansion, it was deemed not worth their time to spend the resources necessary to reclaim the land by force. As such, PLOTSYLVANIA is unofficially recognized as its own inconsequential nation, by virtue of nobody taking the time to prove it otherwise.
PLO is the youngest of the family, and the only male child. He grew up without really being treated as royalty, as nopony outside their kingdom really recognizes any of them as such, and he's the runt of the litter in his family, metaphorically speaking. He has many older sisters, all of which are more powerful than him, and they all delight in playing pranks on him and generally rubbing his nose in his inferiority to them.
In Pransylvania he wasn't taken seriously as a royal, but was not taken lightly as a pony of power, either. Beneath his entire family he is magically, but stands head and shoulders above most others. He commanded respect from them not because of his title, but because of his raw might...and definitely not his raw intellect. On two separate occasions he set Pransylvania's woods alight during their Feral Hunts, and was subsequently barred from participating in them.
He is currently in exile from home as a prank by his sisters.

Personality: Proud, impulsive, childish, and stubborn. PLO thinks very highly of himself, not as a result of his lineage but because of his belief in his own power, almost as a defense mechanism against his sisters' constant belittling of him. He gauges worth on strength and power rather than status, and thinks himself above others in the absence of proof or significant reputation for might on their part.
Which isn't to say he's unpleasant about it. When things are going well for him, PLO has very little problem with anypony, even being amiable (if a bit egotistical) company. When he feels in control, he has an incredibly regal and commanding bearing that makes it seem only natural to follow him. If things take a turn for the worse, he can become volatile and dangerous. His temper tantrums would seem almost comical if he wasn't packing the power to demolish a small town when at full charge.

Current Home: PLO is currently a vagrant, exiled from his home.
Misc: It's impossible to pin down just how many sisters PLO has, the answer changing every time he's asked. He's given numbers as low as 9 and as high as 43. The only sure thing about the number is that it's not small.
There's rumor of elementals being in the family ancestry, but who could say?
When calm and collected, PLO shows traces of a Pransylvanian accent. When agitated, the accent becomes incredibly obvious and pronounced, even exaggerated.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2018 8:57 am

Gear:The umbrella is industrial-grade and well-suited to its purpose. He originally started carrying it to protect him in case of falling chandeliers. He has needed it for this twice.

I... really and truly have nothing for this.

History:He is currently in exile from home as a prank by his sisters.

Exiled... as a prank. Again, I have nothing.

This is

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I could not possible describe what precisely makes it is, or how it is glorious, and yet I'm very certain that it is. Just one of those things, I guess.

Character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2018 8:23 pm

Name: Sheol
Race: Pegasus
Age: 30
Coat: Navy blue
Eyes: Brown
Mane and tail: Cobalt blue (outer) and Crimson (inner).

Occupation: Spy/assassin

Cutie mark: Dashite brand (formerly a bloody dagger)

Gear: A pair of wingblades, a pretty battered looking pistol, and a suit of thick leather armour.

Specialty: Sheol is, to put it simply, a close combat monster before anything else and there hasn’t been much that she’s run into that’s given her all that much trouble up close.

Weakness: Her near unshakeable loyalty in the Enclave means that while one could convince her that individual projects and personnel may have faults she will defend the regime itself regardless of what actions it takes. Come hell or high water Sheol will do whatever the higher ups tell her to do, all for what in her mind is the “greater good”.

Backstory: Sheol was born above the cloud cover in one of the Grand Pegasus Enclave’s surviving cities. She was born into a military family and raised from the start to be a soldier and, being an only child, all her parents’ hopes and expectations were put into her and her alone. This resulted in an intense and seemingly endless training regime (complete with lots and lots of lovely propaganda) rather than an actual childhood.

When the time came for her to join the actual training program for potential recruits she finished leagues ahead of most of her colleagues and, as her cutie mark implies, she fared extremely well in CQC; particularly with knives and similar weapons. The higher ups in the Enclave military took notice of her skills and sent her for further training to join Wing 15, a secret espionage group based in the Equestrian Wasteland that specialises in infiltrating enemy organisations and “removing” high value targets. When her training was complete Sheol was branded a Dashite and cast out into the Wasteland. This is standard procedure for all Wing 15 operatives in order to make them appear less suspicious. Before being sent away Sheol was told the location of a safe house that the group used as a base from which she would receive her orders but to all but those in the highest positions of authority within the Enclave she was a traitor and would never be able to come home. Over the course of the following ten years and dozens of assignments that fact hasn’t changed.

Personality: Oddly kind hearted and compassionate for an assassin. Despite her deep loyalty to the Enclave Sheol sympathises with the inhabitants of the Equestrian Wasteland and the problems they face every day (and of course she believes the Enclave hold many, if not all of the solutions). She tries her best to do her job while keeping collateral damage, both to property and the lives of civilians around her, to a minimum though the mission always comes first, so if it came down to it she would blow up a building full of innocent hostages just to kill one guy.

Home: The hidden Wing 15 safehouse

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2018 7:01 am

Jammex wrote:
Name: Sheol

Neat. Smile Haven't had a FoE character in a while (or maybe my memory is just poor). Needless to say, approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat May 05, 2018 2:01 am

Name: Dr. Florid Corposant

Race: Unicorn

Age: Mid to Late 20s

Mane: A jagged pattern of a luminous white slowly transitioning to a Ætheral blue, most of his mane is a rather messy and frizzy hairstyle usually kept back using a hairband or the hood of his outfit. The majority of his mane looks like series of bundled cables splaying out in various random directions. The occasional discharge and snap can be heard from his mane, traveling down his mane showing off the strange energies that course through his horn.

Coat: Electrical Blue covers most of his body, the light ionized blue color brilliant in its luminous form. Darker patches between the cracks and cervices giving a heavier contrast to his form. Most of his fur is a short softness though frequently has the scent of ozone in its sharp acrid scent. At the tips of his fur around his tail also have that tip of white.

Cutie mark.: A pair of googles, a wrench and a tendril like tree made of iridescent plasma arcing across behind the two instruments.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has a burn mark underneath the top part of his mane where the lightning bolt had struck him. On top of that he is inordinately tall for being a unicorn though lithe and willowy in his stature.

Distinguishing Features: Other then his unnatural appearance, he wears thick black lens, brass googles on top of his head near constantly and is dressed in a white full body robe with an added thick collar with buttons across the front of his chest and down partially his sides to secure a lab apron made from a brown burlap layered several times and soaked in Alum to help prevent his clothing from catching fire. The same has been done to his gloves. He also wears rubber galoshes most of the time, insulating himself from his work encase of an accidental discharge.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): His main specialty is the the arcane use of electricity in the production of machinery and some alchemy, spending some time messing around with chemical compounds. Having some skill in the art of casting electricity magic, he is not the best and tires easily from such usage.

Weaknesses: He does not know how to best conduct himself when talking to others. He comes off as awkward or strange and eccentric most of the time. Another of his problems is he has a degree of clumsiness which results in him being zapped or catch a face full of a small explosion. This clumsiness has been a plague on him since he was young but now he can sometimes not entirely mess up a project by pouring an accidental too much of a chemical into a mix. Weak magically, having little outside diversity in magic.

Occupation: Scientist/Alchemist, having gone to the University of Canterlot and specializing in the field of Alchemical Hermeticism .

Gear: His outfit, a satchel he often carries around holding various journals, a few chemicals of his choosing usually his medication for when he has anxiety attacks, a watch given to him by his parents, and a leather tomb called “Alchemy and you, 1001 magical recipes useful in daily life” that he frequently makes notes in trying to perfect.

History: Florid had been born on a particularly special night when a storm had been raging, this gave credence to his name as a bit of a joke how his father teased him about how little Florid must have brought the storm with him when he had been born. They night the sky had lit up like a rock band laser show, with many hued lightning bolt arcing their jagged bodies across the clouds.

Having been born into a middle class family Florid received a good education early on, his father providing for the family being a pharmacist and running the Pharmacy that their family lived above. His mother made sure that Florid got to school on time, teaching him due diligence in his course progressing through childhood. Soon enough two other siblings came along, another brother and a sister. He tried his best to help around the house though his clumsy nature made it hard to perform well before his parents. They tried their best to consul him but this came to a head during a particular lesson about the weather when the teacher asked Florid to explain how lightning happens. Florid immediately broke into stuttering, repeating himself several times, the other ponies snickered at him and whispered their various demeaning or mean comments.

Bolting through the door and out into the rain he ran into the open park area, hiding beneath one of the trees to keep out of the rain. That is when fate stuck forth with destiny. A lightning bolt struck the tree he had been hiding under. The mighty crash sent the small unicorn flying back into the rain leaving his mane a rather singed mess, sticking out at random directions. The lightning changed the color of his coat to the lighter hue, implanting white onto the ends of his mane. Quickly discovered by the teacher he was rushed off to the hospital to make sure he was fine. Laying in the hospital bed while waiting for his parents, he could not but gaze out the window to witness another flash of the brilliant light. This strange nearly incorporeal force of nature acting on its own whimsy intrigued him so.

The event never left him, even the day he said his good byes to his parents and headed off to Canterlot University. Knowing what such a prestigious place demanded of him, he would quickly set down into the tried and true method of studying and restudying his material till he would understand what they were teaching like gospel truth. Quickly finding his niche in the field of Alchemy and Arcana studies, he would not be allowed to progress further along the Arcana field due impart to his lack of magical prowess needed to pass those classes. One of the counselors directed him towards the more machine and alchemical side of magic where he prospered. Advancing through those classes he arrived soon enough at his Doctorate in his chosen field. Graduating with full honors he immediately went to work unraveling any mystery he set his mind to, building up a laboratory to do his experiments and show the world what just he could do.

Personality: He is rather timid in nature, reluctant to approach larger groups of ponies. Preferring the calm organized place of his laboratory then the hustle and bustle of the world around him. When he is forced into situation that involve a group of people he tends to stutter, falter in his words, play with his hair in an awkward manner or shuffle his hooves while avoiding eye contact with the group. During smaller scale encounters one can see he is rather passionate about his work, enthused to explain any part of his knowledge to anyone willing to listen to him. He one day dreams of being written down in a history book like all the greats which fuels his fervent nature.

Current Home: Canterlot

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSun May 06, 2018 10:32 pm

The Adept wrote:
Name: Dr. Florid Corposant

Cool. Smile Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2018 1:39 am

Name: Maya

Race: Cat/Anthro Cat/Neko

Age: 19

Mane: Black hair when neko, straight and reaching to her waist

Coat: Black fur on ears and tail when neko, all over when cat, has white tufts inside ears

Cutie mark: n/a

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: She's short (slightly over 5ft when neko) and thin, but athletic, and she has bright blue eyes. When neko, her nails are slightly longer than normal for a human and very hard and sharp.

Distinguishing Features: Cat ears and tail

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She's an amazing acrobat and climber, able to grip onto almost any wall that isn't completely smooth. She can move quickly and almost completely silently. She also has some skill in combat medicine and hand-to-hand combat and is a bit tougher than most. Her cat ears let her hear at higher frequencies, at longer distances and with more accuracy than a human. Though she doesn't have a cat nose, her sense of smell is unusually good compared to most humans.

Weaknesses: She's overly suspicious of people she's just met, but she also becomes way too trusting pretty quickly. She's a bit of a xenophile, and she doesn't feel any extra caution when dealing with a new, unknown species. She's naturally curious and willing to take large risks, and she doesn't have a very good idea of what isn't socially acceptable behavior.

Occupation: Scout, spy, and (somewhat reluctantly) assassin for hire.

Gear: Tight black bodysuit, skimpy pink dress, large purple hat, various sets of lingerie, throwing knives, and a doctor's bag

History: Maya and her older sister Suri were created by a rogue alchemist in an attempt to make the ultimate supersoldier. His experiment failed when first Suri and then Maya managed to escape their cages and strike out on their own, neither realizing that the other was both free and alive. Though her training wasn't completed, Maya is a competent martial artist, and she has quickly learned that she can gain a significant advantage in many situations by exploiting the natural reactions many men and some women have to her appearance. Between her combat skills, inherent stealthiness and curiosity, and other assets, she has become fairly accomplished at doing black ops and other top-secret work for whoever will pay her - or provide her with certain other forms of compensation.

Personality: She's generally cheerful and very often flirtatious - at least, once she's gotten over her initial shyness at meeting new people. She likes learning about new things and has a special fondness for discovering new species.

Current Home: Wherever she can find to sleep that night.

Misc: Sexy, kinky neko. What else is there to say?
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 1:28 am

[quote="BaseDeltaZero"]Name: Maya

Approved. The history is vague enough to where any ambitious villain-to-be or troublemaker could come up with her even taking vanilla MLP in mind, as Obsidian had suggested to you. Just be mindful of a thread's mood/theme should you join in with her is all, and everything should be gravy.
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