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 Brand New OC Character Thread 3

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu May 17, 2018 3:17 am

BaseDeltaZero wrote:
Name: Maya

Character approved. Sorry for the white noise that led up to it.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2018 11:56 am

Name: Silver Sunrise

Race: Unicorn

Age: 50

Mane: Red, reasonably long, and tied back into a ponytail (pun intended).

Coat: Dark blue

Cutie mark.: A silver Phoenix rising from crimson ashes.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Silver’s tail and mane have begun greying in his old age. Blue eyes.

Distinguishing Features: Has a lot of old scars. Most notably large burn going down the right side of his neck to his shoulder even magically induced fur growth couldn’t entirely cover up. A ‘memento’ from the early days of his studies on pyromancy.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): With over three decades of experience Silver is one of the best in his field(which is helped by the fact Inquisitors are rather predictably rare in Equestria).  with a basic understanding of most uses of magic, Silver has mastered the use of telekinesis, magical healing, and pyromancy. Silver has also proven himself to be quite gifted when it comes to taking a more diplomatic approach in more recent years.

Weaknesses: Silver’s more diplomatic approach to his work has led some to believe he’s started going soft and, in some ways, they’re right to think this as he can end up leaving himself open for a surprise attack from someone who had earlier claimed they wish to be ‘redeemed’. Also though he is markedly more competent than his nephew Salem when it comes to conventional close combat it’s starting to show that the older stallion is starting to lose his edge as he’s truly well past his prime.

Occupation: Inquisitor

Gear: Sabre, silver rondel dagger, breastplate with jack chains, and a chest full of various tomes covering a variety of subjects.

History: The younger brother of the late Somber Sunrise, Silver spent much of his colthood reading about the long history of his family and the city of Hayesborg from the time of the Unicorn Tribe all the way through to the present day. Marvelling at the mention of creatures such as the such as the windigo from long ago and also the mention of so-called ‘inquisitors’.

As he completed his compulsory military service Silver immediately pursued his old interest in the rather grim profession, taking to his inquisitorial duties with a fiery zeal matched only by how he threw himself into the study of magic in order to better himself and his work even further. By the time he’d reached his mid-twenties he’d already mastered the use of telekinesis and was well on the way to doing the same with pyromancy (though not without his fair share of potentially lethal mishaps).

Just over two decades into his career and after making quite the name for himself Silver found himself softening up as he reached his forties, more often attempting to take a more diplomatic approach to his work that almost seemed more effective than the “fire, blood, and brimstone” methodology he had relied on so much in his younger years. He even found the time to have a modest home constructed in Appleloosa and meet some pretty, younger mare to settle down with during his downtime.

Seeing that soon he would start to soften physically as well Silver came to the conclusion that he would soon need to pass on the figurative torch. So he returned to his ancestral home to visit his brother for the first time in many years. Despite having never approved of his union with a non-unicorn Silver deeply desired to keep his knowledge in the family. Looking over Somber’s sons, Silver settled for the taking in the youngest of the three, Salem, as his new protégé after bearing witness to his nephew’s own magical talents.

After traveling and carrying out their duties for a couple of years together the pair would once again return to Hayesborg to discover that the worst had happened. Not only had they found their relatives had secretly degenerated into revering the darker powers of demons and everything that came with dealing with their ilk but Silver was himself horrified to see how his nephew went about dealing with it. Sadistically mutilating them as punishment for their dark deeds before seeing them burn along with the home that had been in the family for a little over a millennia.

In the years since Silver has had little contact with Salem. Not wishing to be reminded of the horrific incident in Hayesborg half a decade before. So scarred was he by what happened that he spent much of the time in his Appleloosa lodgings with that pretty young mare raising new hope for the future of his house in the form of a young son, Scarlet. However it would also be this new life that drove him to return from his ‘extended vacation’ and ply his trade anew to ensure the existence of a safer Equestria for his new heir.

Personality: Silver is much more openly warm soul than his nephew (and indeed himself in his youth) and will often go out of his way to be kind and... mostly courteous to those he encounters, enemies included. Unfortunately for those adversaries who reject his attempts at diplomacy or even decide to attack find that he is just as capable of flying into a near inextinguishable rage as his infamously sadistic nephew.

When he isn’t on the job Silver can be seen as the typical loving, if rather withdrawn husband and doting father besides the very occasional slip ups where the aforementioned rage briefly surfaces in the form of thankfully mundane outbursts of angry yelling and profanity at whoever might be unlucky enough to be nearby at the time.

Current Home: A small, out of the way house in Appleloosa where he can spend his downtime in peace with his family.

Misc: Uncle and mentor of Salem Sunrise

Last edited by Jammex on Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2018 11:30 pm

Jammex wrote:
Name: Silver Sunrise

Yay. ^_^ Approved.
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Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 8:54 pm

Full Name: Katima Darastrixi
Nickname(s): Kati (Katy), Most commonly known as The Varangian
Age: 24
Height: 6'4"
Weight: Average
Gender: Female
Race: Kirin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Home: Her ship, The Leviathan

Physical Description
Katima’s coal gray mane runs the length of her back to the tip of her tail and flows as freely as her spirit over her orange-yellow scales. Her back and legs sport an intricate pattern of green, and her eyes are a fierce magenta.

When in her full set of Draconically patterned armor, her gender is indistinguishable. However, she normally wears very comfortable seafaring clothing, or nothing at all.

Weapons/ Equipment
While trained in spear and sword like most kirin, she prefers her trusty hand ax for its utility. Along with this she often carries a shield.

Her ship, The Leviathen, is a frigate class ship, fitted with an armory and adequately stocked living quarters. The deck holds a number of harpoon launchers that are used not only for fishing, but for grappling any ships that find themselves the unfortunate pray of The Leviathen. She has a number of smaller craft used to quickly make it to land for shore raids.

Kirin fire breath as per normal and studies mysticism to a degree.

As a career raider, knows the ins and outs of sailing and much of beach assault. Is a skilled fisher and hunter. And her time as a Varangian gave her experience and status to start her life as a raider.

Flirtatious and deceptively religious. Katima might kiss you just as soon as she would stab you in the heart. She very much rolls with her gut and does things necessary on the fly. This is not to say she doesn't plan out her moves. After all, nobody made a career off of simply winging it. She's loyal to her sailors so long as they remain so to her in return and splits shares of plunder to each according to their work.

She carries a sigil of The Mother, a little dragon image, on a necklace at all times and can sometimes be spotted clutching it as she says a quiet prayer. She believes that if The Mother didn't will her to raid, then some force would have stopped her by now. She holds herself in high regard and would only ever willingly submit to a Dragon themself. No other is worthy of her submission. She was also raised to believe that all things in life are predetermined by The Mother.

Katima was born in a bit of a zealous community to a fishing family. They took their religion and history much more seriously than the new age kirin of Dracotalon, which meant that combat was a much more prevalent occurrence in society. Katima was raised this way and taught her religion as part of her daily routines. The tenants of their worship. And that The Mother determined the outcomes of all. With this in mind, Katima grew up lacking any particular fear of failure, feeling that any such thing was simply as The Mother willed it.

This belief brought her far, as she strove hard to be better and better than her peers, eventually serving a term in Caelum, Lux. Working for a noble until his death. As per her contract, this entitled her to any portion of his treasury that she could get her claws on before anyone else. And with this new wealth, she went back home and purchased a grand and marvelous ship, filled it with crewmen, and set sail. She started out with honest work, but upon being attacked by pirates, she and her crew were forced to defend themselves, which eventually devolved into ransacking the pirates ship and taking anything that wasn't nailed down. She found she had a knack, and a particular enjoyment from the event, and eventually grew into the raider she is today.

Fears basically nothing.

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2018 2:54 pm

Alpha P wrote:
Full Name: Katima Darastrixi

Cool. A raider version of a floofy dragonpony. Smile Approved.
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Brother Roga
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2018 7:09 pm

Name: Written Word
Race: Unicorn
Age: 70
Mane: Leathery Brown
Coat: Vellum White
Cutie mark: A quill and book suspended by magic.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features: Has a long well-kempt beard. Also bald.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Limited mind control.
Weaknesses: Must read whatever effect he wants to have on a target (See Misc.) Old and frail, thus useless in direct combat.
Occupation: Scholar
Gear: Several old tomes, spellbooks and works of fiction in saddlebags.
History: At the age of 10 Written had found an old book in his recently deceased uncle's attic and brought it downstairs to his parents who were arguing about how they should deal with the new house they got as a part of said uncle's will. When they noticed the colt and the book his mother's eyes widened to saucers. The book was a long lost tome on magical creatures of Equestria that was not available in any library. She would know, she was the crown-appointed Keeper of Lore, a pony who procured any books that the Princess would think should be kept from the public. This was the most interested she had ever been about anything Written had done, so he also took an interest in the book. In the dead of night, he would sneak in to his parents room and locate the book and bring it to his room to read it till the crack of dawn. More than once he had been caught and chastised but the colt was not discouraged. Infact, the book seemed to have instilled a sense of discovery in knowledge. He began reading and reading, sifting through the entirety of Trottingham's public libraries by the age of 14. His self-taught knowledge got him high grades and during his graduation from school, he was asked to held a speech as he was known as the most well-versed student in the entire school. Admitting his love for old books and such, he gained his cutie mark.

Many years later, he would bear witness to the return of Nightmare Moon and subsequent return of Princess Luna. The town of Ponyville had now become a landmark of great importance in Equestria and also happened to be located next to the forest where the Castle of the Two Sisters was hidden - a site of lots of long lost knowledge. At the age of 30, he heard of the Alicorn Amulet and it's effects. This made him curious and caused him to study similar artifacts. Eventually he found himself understanding the mechanics of such mind controlling devices and even crafted a spell that has similar effects. Unfortunately the spell took a lot of power to maintain as well as a visual component - books. More specifically words that evoke certain responses from those who hear them. Now he has grown old and his scholarly ways have made him wise on many topics, yet they've also made him a single man for his entire life. His own parents had passed long ago and he found no need for the real estate, so he had sold them and used the funds to purchase a shop in Trottingham, where he would sell books old and new. On occasion he hears of something interesting in the world and travels with a group of adventurers, using his sizeable wealth to pay them, whoever they are at the time.
Personality: Somewhat senile but polite, has a story for every situation, hard to stop once he starts talking, asks people to "halt and heed" occasionally. Also gives advice to anyone who asks.
Current Home: Trottingham, but travels constantly.
Misc: For example, if he wants to have a pony cry, he must read a poem or a story where a character is crying. He cannot simply repeat the same sentence to sustain the effect but find a new section with similar effects.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2018 4:20 am

Brother Roga wrote:
Name: Written Word

Fascinating! O_O Also approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 05, 2018 7:10 pm

Let's start with my ''narrator'', main character. Damn i've got too many of them.

Name: Orpheus ''Ammadeus'' Apokryfes, III.

Age: Time has no effect on him. Appears late 80's.

Race Due to his 'rebirth' power, he can appear only one of the three main races, and can't use magic (past basic levitation) or fly with any dexterity (can still use wings to glide, average maneuv.) Usually goes as an old earth pony.

Colors: More often then not, he wanders around as a terracota maned, dust-grey coated stallion. Can add a little color to mane or eyes; basic color is dull grey, slightly beige. Mane colors matches the eyes.

Cutie Mark: an old book, opened at the middle. A sphere of sometimes glowing arcane energy over the book. Changes colors with mane/eyes to match. When glowing, eyes emit low-light. (darkvision 30ft)

Extra details that aren't needed and nice to add: Race name is Aether Born. In all honestly, i've created the race based on a few things, but none of my players want the disadvantages:
-Age gap; always consider himself older than others, and rarely deems other fit to understand his reasoning. Makes quite a 'hard-to-live' with character, kinda jerky.
-Knowledge Loop: after 50 years, his memory goes in a loop and starts to fade. He can't remember more than 50 years of his life, apart from the spells/stuff written in his spellbook.
-Wizard's Preparation; being an Arcane Being, he doesn't need to prepare spells like a wizard does, however, he does need to look and study his spell list for the day, everyday. Else, he can only cast his [caster level] number of spells / day. Huge drawback.
-Arcane Link; since he is connected to the nearest leyline, or his mother leyline depending on sub-class (mine is mother leyline), destroying or dissipating the leyline results in loss of immortality; any blow that would break a 5 year old tree is enough to kill him, in this state.
-Arcane Appearance; he is covered in blueish, purple spots. If hit, theses spots implode and Orpheus takes 1.5 times the normal damaged cause by the attack. If the attack was enough to bring him to half his life points, he must roll a die- only luck decides if he lives or dies.
-Thats about it. there are other particularities but they're not life-changing.

Distinguishing Features: He likes to have a beard, and has many OCDs. He himself can hide his presence, and alter his appearance, but the OCDs and the beard, along with a pair of round, golden and amber glasses are a dead giveaway.

Speciality/Role: he is a scout, support, in your known RPG's. (see history) He tracks his targets and is peaceful. Has access to powerful magic, but can't cast it alone- he needs to twincast to make spells other than basic levitation and cantrips, such as spark or douse. Any 1st-9th level, wizard
pathfinder or Dungeon's and Dragons 3.5 spell might find it's way in his spellbook- with the exception of Divine schools.
Also, his main power is called Forced Rebirth. He can kill himself, alter his body and be reborn, all in the same day! But it uses most of his magical energy, and leaves him tired for a few days.

He is also limited in that he can't heal ponies; to perform healing spells, you must have an understanding of the creature you're trying to heal. Being born by the arcanes... He can heal golem and magical creatures, but no ponies.

Weaknesses: you've already got a good grasp of his strenght and witnesses by now. Of course, he isn't corporeal entirely- his body is hollow. Weak and brittle, you should think of him as an elderly with broken hips and rusty joints. Also, living, in itself, is painful to him. Any movement, strain on the arcane web or leylines will directly affect him, negatively rather than positively.
Another of his powers (that he considers a flaw) is the ability to sense twinges in magic. Whenever someone casts magic next to him, if the spell is arcanic or elemental in nature, he has an understanding of the spell's potential. He can also feel living beings, and they disgust him. Only heroes are an exception- having enough willpower suppresses the effect of his constant scrying.

Occupation: World Stalker. His 'ambition' is to find and support groups of 6 heroes overcome adversity and grow. Usually won't interfere with living creatures. Tends to avoid crowds- Heroes, in his eyes, aren't drawn to each other, and he makes it his job to assemble heroic teams.

Gear: An old cape, torn and dirty, with a light-refracting spell cast on it. It will direct anyone's attention elsewhere, upon failing DC 17 Willpower (thats quite low. Peasants will look away, anyone with half a brain will notice him.) A spellbook identical to his cutie mark; for a full description ask me. This book is... Well, it's too much to handle. Orpheus can't decipher it completely by himself- only 7th level or higher spellcasters (Twilight Sparkle, Sunset, Starswirl, Celestia, etc.) can aid Orpheus in deciphering it, but the means are unknown to old Apokryfes.

History: i won't go into too much detail. His spellbook is actually one of my fics and campaigns still underway.
What you must know, however, is that he is as old as the world, and was first created by the Great Old Ones. They sent him on Equus as they sneezed into the proverbial, primordial soup; linking him to the magic inherent to any and all creatures. (thus why he has a constant scrying spell on him, in a way)
The reason for his appearance in the world was to support the web of magic, and taking care of Leylines. However, due to his memory looping, he forgot about it, and became interested in the most powerful forms of life. Those able to stand up for themselves and their virtues. Those fighting righteously. He then dedicated his life assembling the elements of harmony before Celestia was around. When she took over the job, he instead decided to compose teams of heroes, to protect the universe's saviors. Concretely... He's the head guard of the elements, or Starswirl and his crew. Consider him the don of the mob, the mob being the universe's heroes. That's how he views himself.

As for a proper 'history', you mostly need to know that he roamed the world and most likely helped to draw maps of the known world. He is true neutral in alignement, but as a soft side for those fighting for something greater then themselves, or their direct, personal gain.

Personality; Starswirl-inspired. Though he is conscient of his unusual appearance and demeanor, and has grown slighlty self-loathing after a few millenias. Is constantly bored with everything... But heroes. Honestly, a rock as more personality than him. He is always right about everthing... But has poor short term memory, and too much pride to admit it when he's wrong. His worldly knowledge is the only reason others wants him around. Otherwise, he is nothing but a big pile of smelly farts, obvious facts and bad attitude, all nestled together under the blanket of lost memory and condescendance.

Current Home: last seen near the Everfree, shadowing a potential hero.

Misc: the actual character sheet used to be nine word pages long. I shortened it to fit this tiny description. Full sheet can be available... But there's a lot of weird stuff on it. Coffee stains... And stuff i don't even remember writing.

This being the first sheet i'm uploading here... I'm ready to alter the character a lot. After all, his powers are pretty... OP.
But apart from his long spell list, i think his flaws are enough to compensate... Of course, being a Dungeon Master, i know just how much opinions of OPness can diverge. Also, English is my second language- some stuff might not be understandable. Please point out my mistakes! I'll happily correct them and meet the admins half way.

Last edited by SaulLaski on Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:18 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Ran out of characters. Had to shorten the Char Sheet)
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 06, 2018 4:36 am

SaulLaski wrote:
Name: Orpheus ''Ammadeus'' Apokryfes, III.

This is pretty cool. I approve, in an official capacity. Just remember that the forums are not technically D&D. Wink

Also, would you like me to fix the misspellings for you? Talk to me in Discord with your answer.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 24, 2018 9:36 pm

Name: Trinitite

Race: Unicorn

Age: 28

Mane: Slate gray with pale yellow streaks, left long and messy.

Coat: Medium red, scruffy.

Cutie mark:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Mythos10

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Eyes the color of tarnished gold.

Distinguishing Features: Somewhat short and stocky, usually scowling, breath usually smells of alcohol.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is a capable chemist, specializing in pharmaceuticals and (unknown to most) poisons. He also has some ability in fire and healing spells, an extensive academic understanding of dark magic and demonology, and knowledge of numerous tidbits of random trivia.

Weaknesses: He has no formal military or self-defense training, relying exclusively on what he can glean from the few martial arts manuals he has managed to obtain, and is not in unusually great physical shape. He suffers from mild alcoholism and doesn't get along very well with others.

Occupation: Pharmacist

Gear: A utility belt with some basic field rations, some basic first aid supplies, and a Bowie knife.

History: Trinitite is the son of an accountant and an elementary school teacher in the small railway town of Cantle, between Manehattan and Neighagra Falls. He was very socially awkward as a foal and made few friends, a state that was exacerbated when his cutie mark of a dragon skull appeared. Though he originally wanted to join the Royal Guard, his lack of physical ability and motivation meant that he failed to qualify for the Guard, and he instead went to medical school in Manehattan, even more bitter than before. He slowly became more and more solitary, eventually becoming entirely isolated by the time he left medical school, turning to alcohol instead of friends for comfort. Once he graduated, he returned to Cantle and joined the town's small medical practice, though he still holds dreams of adventure in far-off lands.

Personality: He is cold, withdrawn, and arrogant, rarely speaking to anypony except on business. He is severely lacking in empathy towards other ponies, considering himself their superior. However, he does have a soft spot for animals and those few ponies he considers to genuinely deserve his compassion and help.

Current Home: A small house on the outskirts of Cantle.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 27, 2018 5:38 am

TathemRelag wrote:
Name: Trinitite

This is sort of depressing and hardcore... but works for me. Approved.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2018 4:50 am

Name: Proper Maintenance (Friends call her Prism)
Race: Unicorn
Age: 28
Mane: Muted Brown (Hickory), tied in a bun
Coat: Lighter shade of brown (Tawny).
Cutie mark.: A lattice surrounded by a magic glow.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Has glasses with extra lenses to "zoom in" on stuff.
Distinguishing Features: Slight dusty smell, strangers touching her usually get zapped by static.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Maintaining old unicorn dueling armor.
Weaknesses: Antiquated unicorn duels mean outdated defensive spells, bit of a perfectionist streak. Shortsighted due to special talent honing. Seeing museum stuff being mishandled sends her into a rage.
Occupation: Curator & Antique Restoration Expert at the Canterlot Museum.
Gear: Glasses, notepad and quills.
History: Born to a family of antique collectors, Proper was not that interested in the actual acquisition of relics from pony history, but keeping them in perfect condition was something she liked a lot, helping her father sell them forwards to earn a living. When they were contracted to study some caves undernearth Canterlot however, they found something incredible - an intact, albeit rather dilapidated, arena used in the past to hold duels of honor before the time of the Unification and the Princesses. It was festooned with things like magic limiter horn rings for novices to avoid arcane burnout, arcane jousting rings to train their accuracy with levitated or conjured weaponry, even a full set of armor with magic woven into it to absorb and deflect minor magics. When she touched it, she could see the way the armor was enchanted and realized she could fix it. This caused her cutie mark to appear. When they presented their findings to the Canterlot Museum that contracted them in the first place, she asked if she could stay and help restore the armor. With an unsure OK, she was apprenticed to the lead restoration expert at the time. In time, she came to excel at her duties, but was kept purposefully from helping with the armor restoration due to the old unicorn being one of those old kooks who begrudgingly trained new people even though they wouldn't ever be as good as they are. But being old had it's downsides. The old curator had died of a heart attack 2 years after taking Proper on as an apprentice, single and without an heir. With nopony else left, she was given the position of Lead Antique Restoration Expert. Her first job was to fix the armor's enchantment. She completed it in less than a month. Replicas of the original now stand in the interactive section of the museum, showing young foals how they were used during duels in the old days. Now she has moved on to other projects, yet always fondly remembers the armor as her first true masterpiece.
Personality: While she claims to dislike elitist nobles, her time around old tomes of ye olde unicorn master race have rubbed off on her slightly. Hates teenagers that trot around museums like they own the place, for they usually wreck the place and get the guard involved as a result. Has a soft spot for studious types and has always wanted to attend Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.
Current Home: Canterlot
Misc: Her parents are called Digsite and Dirty Trowel. The Dirty part implies something completely different.

Last edited by Brother Roga on Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2018 4:05 am

Brother Roga wrote:
Name: Proper Maintenance (Friends call her Prism)

Cool. Smile And approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2019 2:10 am

Name: Lady Diamond Mind the 5th

Race: Unicorn

Age: 25

Mane: Blue and pink

Coat: White, fluffy and well-groomed

Cutie mark: The seal of House Vitreous, the four-pointed star of union.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Diamond’s mane, tail, and eyes have a minor glow about them that’s easily visible in the dark. They glow brighter the more energy her spellblade stores.

Distinguishing Features: She has a long, whip-like tail that ends in a tuft of fur. She’s also taller than most average ponies, standing over them by a full head in height.

Specialty: Lady Diamond Mind is a mage in a general capacity, utilizing the magical arts of Abjuration (Magic shields, passive defensive spells), Evocation (Elemental spells, telekinetic spells), Transmutation (Object reinforcement), and Conjuration (Short-range teleportation, healing, projection). Her basic telekinetic blasts can deal damage to stone structures like castle walls.

Lady Diamond Mind finds her specialization and talent in the usage of Hard Light. She can near instantly manifest weapons, objects, and armors, with a greater hardness and durability than steel made purely of solidified light. She can create one such weapon or armor at a time with an enchantment (Flaming, frost, impact resisting, etc) immediately. She can even make doppelgangers made of hard light (They look like a wire frame of her), however this normally takes more focus and takes longer than other things.

She is also a practitioner of an older martial art called Bladecasting, which is primarily used by unicorns wanting to take telekinetic melee combat to the next level. A unicorn can weaponize their special talent through the creation of a ‘spellblade’, a sentient magical weapon made out of a superconductive magical alloy (e.g. Platinum-Iridium) or crystal (e. G. Corundum). Spellblades themselves are known for their ability to split into shards, ranging from 2 to 12 for most practitioners, though legends say they can go up to 20. Diamond is a proficient 10 piece practitioner, highly skilled in the art and knowledgeable of the combat forms utilized by Bladecasters.

Diamond has recently found a deeper art within bladecasting, which lets her generate massive amounts of magic in a short amount of time and infuse it into her body, letting her do near impossible stunts like leap up falling rocks to get to a ledge, react to a crossbow bolt fired when she was completely unaware of it, catch it with her sword, and fling it back at the shooter. She can only maintain this for fifteen seconds at a time, and must wait an hour between uses.

Physically speaking, she’s an incredibly fast combatant, able to react fast enough to deflect a crossbow bolt fired from in front of her or evade an attack from behind.

Her more mundane skills, outside of being simply a good fighter, primarily entail alchemy and a near encyclopedic knowledge of literally anything that threatens Equestria. She’s also an okay cook, and knows a variety of skills like sewing.

Weaknesses: Diamond Mind is young and strong-headed for a pony of her lineage, and due to her upbringing will always try to do what she believes is right, leading to extremely stupid decisions. If Equestrian lives are in danger she will drop everything she’s doing to save them, as she grew up in a house that preached an extreme form of Noblesse Oblige. This is part of why she’s still poor.

She has a strong distrust of non-Equestrians, viewing anyone not from being from Equestria or a nation allied with Equestria as a potential enemy, especially Yaks.

Combat wise, she fights like a hybrid of mage and knight, which as a unicorn can be disadvantageous to her, as she’s still limited by being a unicorn. No amount of magic is going to make her a better physical combatant than a combat-trained earth pony. Spamming magic outside of Bladecasting is physically taxing without support.

Bladecasting requires confidence and assurance in one’s abilities, thus if someone demoralized Diamond, she could no longer Bladecast until she could snap out of it, and while she’s bladecasting she can only use light magic.

Diamond has an education at about a US high school level with a trade education in monster hunting.

She has a distaste for killing, and will try to avoid if possible, but will if she has to or if she feels someone deserves it.

Occupation: ‘Knight Errant’, mercenary, bounty hunter, monster hunter

Gear: For generic stuff: gambeson, brigandine, a hunting knife , five throwing knives, a special lever-spanned arbalest (which can put out up to 5,000 lbfs of force) with forty bolts, a shortsword and a buckler bearing her house insignia, camping equipment, an alchemist’s toolset, a compass, a map, a week’s worth of travel rations with water, and 50 to 70 bits.

For magical gear, the first thing to cover is Diamond’s jewelry.
-Her earrings are an array that provide a sixty foot radius of vision all around her
-Her metal choker provides four hours per day of worry-free breathing in any condition, be it submerged in water, in a room filled with toxic gas, or completely deprived of oxygen
-Her left foreleg bracelet lets her walk up steep surfaces and up walls
-Her right foreleg bracelet negates all damage from falls up to 10 times per day
-Her right hind-leg bracelets double her jumping ability both horizontally and vertically (Taking her horizontal jump length from 28 feet to 56 feet and her vertical jump height from 8 feet to 16 feet), and lets her jump a second time in the air.
-Her tail bracelet and tail rings act as an array that adjust up and down her tail to make sure she can balance on nearly anything that can support her weight.

She carries most of her equipment in a bag of holding.

Diamond Mind also wields the 10-piece spellblade, Nothung, made out of a platinum-iridium alloy. Like all spellblades, it is indestructible. Like all spellblades it stores all impacts the blade takes as magical energy, and can spit it back out as kinetic force on the blade or waves of slashing force. However, as Diamond made it, it is in tune with her cutie mark, allowing her to use it as a focus for her light magic. This drastically reduces the strain of using hard light projection spells in combat, and vastly simplifies the hard light doppelganger technique, making it feasible in combat. She can even use the stored magical energy to cast her hard light spells instead of her own reserves of magic.

History: Lady Diamond Mind the 5th is the daughter of Lord Sapphire Mind the 4th and Starlight Abyss, making her the 22nd generation of House Vitreous. While she grew up in the decrepit and rotting St. Petershoof Castle in the Glassy Reach (On the border of Yakyakistan for those who care), she grew up in abject poverty, the family relying on the meager income Starlight made and the pitiful stipend that Lord Sapphire got from the Equestrian government. She was trained by the ever loyal family retainer, Sir Ivaropex, the ‘Pilgrim Knight’ as he was called, and the only remaining member of the March’s military. She never really questioned why she was being taught how to fight, how to use magic, how to do alchemy, how to bladecast, how to survive in the wilderness, or why she was going to public school until she was 17, when a substitute teacher mentioned how strange it was that a noblemare was even touching a public institution.

Diamond brushed it off by using the Noblesse Oblige ingrained into her skull, cemented by Lord Sapphire and Sir Ivaropex’s teachings. ‘A noble should not consider themselves so above their people that they wouldn’t dare mingle with them or learn what they know.’ And yet, it gnawed at her, causing her to doubt, that doubt turned into a burning question. ‘Why?’ She didn’t like the answer her father gave.

According to Lord Sapphire, their family, House Vitreous, was once a proud family of military nobles, part of a network of nobles along Equestria’s border to protect the country from outsiders. These were known as The Marches, and having a standing military at all times. They were expected to be leaders and warriors, to having a standing military at all times to protect the border. However, after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, something changed. Princess Celestia started centralizing power, and with that came the stripping of their ability to levy new military forces to expand their army proportional to their population. Then came the stripping of their funding, not sparing a dime for the Marches to fund their militaries, and forcing the Marquis and Marchionesses to live on a strictly limited stipend. Then came the final nail in the coffin, the stripping of the Marches’ ability to maintain a military. They were still expected to defend the border, but they were prevented from doing things like stockpiling supplies, lest they be building an armory, and thus be trying to build a military. For such a thing would be punished.

In the last 500 years, the monthly stipends have been getting smaller and smaller as more and more of the Marquis and Marchionesses had died without an heir, took their own life, or violated their noble vows and were stripped of their rank. And now, all that remained of the Marches was House Vitreous.

Diamond was understandably horrified, and that’s when her father divulged his plan. She was an instrument of his spite, a light to the future, his legacy. She was to go into the world after graduation and seek her fortune, and when Lord Sapphire, who was bound to the Glassy Reach, died, Diamond would bring the fortune back, enriching her house and making sure Equestria would never forget their history. While she thought that it was an impossible dream, she saw the light, the life in her father’s normally cold, dead eyes, and she realized that saying no would be the death of him.

At 18, Lord Sapphire opened the vault when Diamond graduated, giving her the magic jewelry she wears, the bag of holding, the buckler and shortsword, and a curious platinum-iridium longsword. She knew what she had to do with it, having the sword sharpened, then undergoing the long, arduous process of making the weapon into a spellblade.

Sir Ivaropex finalized Diamond’s training, the duel between them lasting over ten minutes with Diamond using her new spellblade, Nothung, to overwhelm him. With her victory, he used some of his connections to get her a gambeson and brigandine bearing her family insignia and giving her his blessing to finally leave the Glassy Reach.

In the seven years Diamond has been adventuring, she hasn’t found a single treasure. She keeps failing to save money due to ending up in tight spots and doing charity work for poor villages or clients who are outright unable to pay. She's formed the alias of 'Hexer' as she is uncomfortable with her own family name. But, most importantly, she hasn’t gone hungry.
Personality: Diamond is a rather headstrong and stubborn mare in spite of her intelligence, inflexible in her values. Honest and loyal to a fault, she sticks to her word and never takes back a promise or a pledge. While clever and resourceful, she very direct in her approach to things. She also has next to no filter, which can sometimes come off as rude. Her perception of the world is highly skewed and doesn't much understand how things like 'economies' and such work, only really understanding contractual work.

She sees many things as duties, including menial monster-hunting duties such as clearing out Timberwolves, and will thus take almost all monster hunting contracts that comes across.

Interestingly, she does not afford anyone she fights a shred of chivalry without them showing off following a chivalrous or similar code first.

Current Home: The road

Misc: Bladecasting inspired by AestheticB’s Bladecasting in The Immortal Game
In settings with monster hunter publications, she is in exactly one issue of each Monster Hunting magazine under her alias of 'Hexer'.

Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 CnQmxrD

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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 12, 2019 4:43 am

WiserOdin032402 wrote:
Name: Lady Diamond Mind the 5th

As far as I can tell, anyone and everyone on the forum is a fan of your Big Floof. So'm I, and the sheet is awesome anyhow. So, approved. Smile
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Momus Filias   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2019 5:40 pm

Name - Momus Filias
Birth Name - Kami Kaze
Race - Changeling (Princess)
Age - 47
Mane - Pale yellow membranes, allowed to freely drape down the sides of his head.
Coat - Black chitin
Eyes - Bright yellow, full depth, as opposed to his membrane’s pale hue
Cutie mark. - N/A
Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add - His favored disguise is a white-coated earth pony with a short gray mane, scarlet eyes, and a wolf's head for a cutie mark, which is still recognizably him in build and stature.
Distinguishing Features - Momus is short, stout, and sensitive about his height deficiency.
Virtue - Hope
Vice - Sloth

The Hunt - Momus is a professional, accredited, and registered monster hunter within the bounds of Equestria and its territories. Though, he is registered as a pony, which is obviously a lie.
Momus does not largely consider himself a sellsword and limits his employment to instances of proper monster hunting. Though he has also been known to work an abnormally high amount of pro bono jobs in his time; given that he gets some delicious appreciation out of it, that’s all he really needs to keep doing it.
The Glory - Perhaps unsurprising given the length of his career and his unwavering dedication to the duty, Momus has accrued a great deal of fame within sellsword and monster hunting circles. He has been in a fair number of exclusive publications catering to these markets, from gazetteers to magazines, often earning front page status and hosting some kind of interview within.

A Thousand Words - Momus is a fast talker, a fast thinker, and a fast mover. He's been known to talk circles around ponies until they realize that attempting to argue with him is an experiment in futility, and at least half the time, he'll use their exasperation as an excuse for them to agree with him and do whatever it is he's suggesting.
A Thousand Steps - Though the above comes to Momus naturally, what he has actually mastered through practice and training is sheer speed on the ground. Through a combination of magical and physical training, he has become able to move at speeds that really ought to be impossible, getting up to 50 m/s within a few steps on the ground, and coming to a halt just as swiftly at that speed. And that’s simply a light jog to him; he can go faster, and faster, though he needs more and more time to break then, getting himself up to
Between intense magical and physical training, he has gained the ability to accelerate to a ridiculous speed of 50 m/s within a few steps without incurring any long-term strain on his body, and an equal ability to slow down just as quickly. Beyond this base speed, he is capable of continuing to accelerate (at approximately 50 m/s/s) to a maximum velocity of 200 m/s, though slowing down from such speeds is typically more difficult (only 30 m/s/s) since the ground underneath his hooves would give out if he hit the breaks any harder, and while he is most certainly durable enough to not completely splatter himself against a wall at that speed, impacts are still painful and injurious.
A Thousand Ways - With over two decades of combat experience under his belt, Momus is a superb fighter, with the flexibility and spatial awareness required to make his high-speed maneuvering actually work. Which is to say that he does not simply crash in to his problems willy-nilly. He hits them correctly in the face with his hooves.
But while he tries to keep it on the low down and quashed compared to his physical abilities, Momus is intelligent and knowledgeable when it comes to dealing with wildlife, unsurprisingly, but he also has a surprisingly strong grasp of culture and history, knowledge that he rarely wields either in his profession or even in casual conversation.
A Thousand And One Nights - It goes against everything he cares for, and he constantly tries to get past it, but Momus is talented. Everything just comes to him naturally, and he just hates it. Just as an example, Momus’s breed of changelings are closely connected to the spiritual, enough that Momus can see and physically interact with spirits and ghosts. Most people with such gifts might wield them to help them pass on to the next world, or to forge deals for mystical power.
Momus uses his gift to punch evil spirits in the face.
He does this with basically any incidental talents of his, and if his parents knew he was using his talents to do this well a mother could just die.

Wings Aloft - Despite his very impressive land speed, Momus is a slow and clumsy flier, and he cannot piggyback a flight on his land speed to get him going faster, as it would simply tear his wings apart. He is altogether just bad in the air.
Hooves Aground - Momus is also an incredibly poor spellcaster; his magical potential is great, really—his raw capacity is amazing, to be perfectly honest. He does a fine job burning off his magical energy to enhance his physical capabilities, and his disguise is just fine, it’s how he can move so fast. It’s just that once it involves using his horn to cast a spell, everything falls apart; he can manage telekinesis, sure, but it’s poorly practiced, and anything beyond that is simply outside his knowledge.
A Wolf Alone - Despite his professional stature and occasional fame as a monster hunter (short-lived as ponies seem prone to forgetting who exactly saved their town within a week), Momus is a loner and has never been known to engage in his profession with any form of companion or sidekick, actively turning away offers and pushing away any ready volunteers. He seems paranoid about the idea of working for any length of time with anything resembling a partner.
Which might be unsurprising for an unreformed changeling. But in a profession defined by danger mediated with cooperation, he’s incredibly lucky he hasn’t died already.

Miyamoto Musashi - Momus carries a rather unique weapon that is about as plain as could be, in the form of a simple staff about 6 feet long. The only unique thing about the staff is that it is made of a single, solid piece of steel, which has been colored black along its length through careful heat treating.
Sasaki Kojiro - Around his neck, Momus keeps a beloved necklace of gold filigree with a piece of smokey quartz inset in a silver pendant on the front. The gem is an odd choice for such a fine necklace, but the reasoning becomes more clear on seeing the acicular rutile crystals sticking out of one side, like spears driven deep into the earth. The setting keeps these crystals tucked to the side of the gem, and a fair sized section is devoted just to protecting the fragile things.

The fey creatures of fair Neighpon live in a world all their own, separate and yet alongside the lives of the daywalkers and mundanes. Among these youkai, the creatures known elsewhere as changelings are a common sight, with vast numbers compared to the more exotic sorts, and are categorized under the somewhat larger header of ‘oni’, and as such local ponies refer to changeling hives in Momus’s region with a prefix of ‘oni’ (鬼).
Momus Filias was born into this world of ogres as a the crown princess of the hive that called itself ‘Kami’ (神), which in a cruel twist of this tradition turned their name into 鬼神, ‘kishin’, a word for demons and their ilk, not mere fairies and ogres. Nonetheless, hive Kami held themselves up to higher standards than their kin, aimed to achieve spiritual purity and enlightenment.
And Momus, born Kami Kaze, was born to enlighten. The overbearing, unyielding wind that would light the darkness. This is the path Destiny had set out for him. And for the first 17 years of his life, years spent in ignorance of this fated path, all seemed to be going well.

Oni wa sō o motte iru - Ogres have Layers
In this idyllic life, Momus lived a simple life; as the firstborn princess of his hive, he was to one day inherit it all, and he always held the favor of his parents. Their love ran deep, and survived whatever new quirk rose up in the growing changeling, and through his youth he seemed determined to do one thing and one thing alone: to earn that love; to prove himself worthy of that look he evoked in the eyes of his parents.
And on the eve of his 18th, his mother confided in him the meaning of his name, the reason he held it. That his destiny was to blow away all the darkness that had long entrapped the changelings of Neighpon, and to return them to the old glory days, when, if legend is true, the changelings stood as kings among youkai and openly held equal footing with their equine cousins, rather than being relegated to dark caves and the undersides of bridges.
Understandably, this was a bit more than Kaze was ready for. He was prepared to start taking on real responsibilities in the hive, and to take his place in the court. Not be the fated savior of his race. He wasn’t even worthy of his parent’s love, so he believed, much less a position of such honor and prestige. And he spent a month barricaded in his room contemplating just that, that and what failure might bring. Surely, surely the seers meant someone else, had seen someone else, how could he, just some princess, untested, unknown, do something so grandiose. If he stayed here, he knew he would be shoved in to it, and failure would follow, he was certain.
In the dead of one star-crossed night, he took leave of his home, and everything he loved. If he could avoid this failure, he would have to be somewhere beyond here.
It probably would have been more epic and rebellious if Mom didn’t hand him a sack lunch and take the opportunity while slipping a lovely necklace on him to wrap him into a hug, or if Dad had not begged him for and received a goodbye hug and kiss of his own. That, on the whole, ruined the entire atmosphere.
Parents are the great ruiners of a good scene, always there to destroy all the angst and maturity in the room.

Oni wa kēki no yōde wanai - Ogres are not like cakes
Eventually, Momus’s retreat from destiny brought him across land and sea to the magical and mysterious land of Equestria: a land where the ponies spoke in odd tongues, all he knew was right was not quite right, good children went punished, bad children did as they wished, love flew freely and for the most flimsy of reasons, and monstrous beasts roamed the land and menaced its residents as an obvious punishment for their wrongdoings. By the time he arrived, he had already picked up on the art of fighting and hunting, and in this strange place, where reverence was rarely paid in due, he found himself revered for what he could do.
And the rest, as they say, is history.

In public, Momus keeps an air of bravado wrapped in machismo swathed around himself. He presents a seriousness only matched by his cynical wit, and though he'd never admit it, he's been shaped heavily by his time in Equestria, becoming a bender of rules and a defender of happiness over one of honor.
In private, his presentation is much the same, though it is tempered a mild fear of failure. When he is actually unsure of his position, though, this fear becomes starkly apparent, a dangerous proposition indeed.

Hey Dual why hasn’t Momus ever met up with yo changelings
Fix this plz
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2019 1:16 am

Brony_Khaos wrote:
Name - Momus Filias
Birth Name - Kami Kaze
Race - Changeling (Princess)
Age - 47
Mane - Pale yellow membranes, allowed to freely drape down the sides of his head.
Coat - Black chitin
Eyes - Bright yellow, full depth, as opposed to his membrane’s pale hue
Cutie mark. - N/A
Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add - His favored disguise is a white-coated earth pony with a short gray mane, scarlet eyes, and a wolf's head for a cutie mark, which is still recognizably him in build and stature.
Distinguishing Features - Momus is short, stout, and sensitive about his height deficiency.
Virtue - Hope
Vice - Sloth

 ♣️ The Hunt - Momus is a professional, accredited, and registered monster hunter within the bounds of Equestria and its territories. Though, he is registered as a pony, which is obviously a lie.
Momus does not largely consider himself a sellsword and limits his employment to instances of proper monster hunting. Though he has also been known to work an abnormally high amount of pro bono jobs in his time; given that he gets some delicious appreciation out of it, that’s all he really needs to keep doing it.
 ♣️ The Glory - Perhaps unsurprising given the length of his career and his unwavering dedication to the duty, Momus has accrued a great deal of fame within sellsword and monster hunting circles. He has been in a fair number of exclusive publications catering to these markets, from gazetteers to magazines, often earning front page status and hosting some kind of interview within.

 ♥️ A Thousand Words - Momus is a fast talker, a fast thinker, and a fast mover. He's been known to talk circles around ponies until they realize that attempting to argue with him is an experiment in futility, and at least half the time, he'll use their exasperation as an excuse for them to agree with him and do whatever it is he's suggesting.
 ♥️ A Thousand Steps - Though the above comes to Momus naturally, what he has actually mastered through practice and training is sheer speed on the ground. Through a combination of magical and physical training, he has become able to move at speeds that really ought to be impossible, getting up to 50 m/s within a few steps on the ground, and coming to a halt just as swiftly at that speed. And that’s simply a light jog to him; he can go faster, and faster, though he needs more and more time to break then, getting himself up to
Between intense magical and physical training, he has gained the ability to accelerate to a ridiculous speed of 50 m/s within a few steps without incurring any long-term strain on his body, and an equal ability to slow down just as quickly. Beyond this base speed, he is capable of continuing to accelerate (at approximately 50 m/s/s) to a maximum velocity of 200 m/s, though slowing down from such speeds is typically more difficult (only 30 m/s/s) since the ground underneath his hooves would give out if he hit the breaks any harder, and while he is most certainly durable enough to not completely splatter himself against a wall at that speed, impacts are still painful and injurious.
 ♥️ A Thousand Ways - With over two decades of combat experience under his belt, Momus is a superb fighter, with the flexibility and spatial awareness required to make his high-speed maneuvering actually work. Which is to say that he does not simply crash in to his problems willy-nilly. He hits them correctly in the face with his hooves.
But while he tries to keep it on the low down and quashed compared to his physical abilities, Momus is intelligent and knowledgeable when it comes to dealing with wildlife, unsurprisingly, but he also has a surprisingly strong grasp of culture and history, knowledge that he rarely wields either in his profession or even in casual conversation.
 ♥️ A Thousand And One Nights - It goes against everything he cares for, and he constantly tries to get past it, but Momus is talented. Everything just comes to him naturally, and he just hates it. Just as an example, Momus’s breed of changelings are closely connected to the spiritual, enough that Momus can see and physically interact with spirits and ghosts. Most people with such gifts might wield them to help them pass on to the next world, or to forge deals for mystical power.
Momus uses his gift to punch evil spirits in the face.
He does this with basically any incidental talents of his, and if his parents knew he was using his talents to do this well a mother could just die.

 ♦️ Wings Aloft - Despite his very impressive land speed, Momus is a slow and clumsy flier, and he cannot piggyback a flight on his land speed to get him going faster, as it would simply tear his wings apart. He is altogether just bad in the air.
 ♦️ Hooves Aground - Momus is also an incredibly poor spellcaster; his magical potential is great, really—his raw capacity is amazing, to be perfectly honest. He does a fine job burning off his magical energy to enhance his physical capabilities, and his disguise is just fine, it’s how he can move so fast. It’s just that once it involves using his horn to cast a spell, everything falls apart; he can manage telekinesis, sure, but it’s poorly practiced, and anything beyond that is simply outside his knowledge.
 ♦️ A Wolf Alone - Despite his professional stature and occasional fame as a monster hunter (short-lived as ponies seem prone to forgetting who exactly saved their town within a week), Momus is a loner and has never been known to engage in his profession with any form of companion or sidekick, actively turning away offers and pushing away any ready volunteers. He seems paranoid about the idea of working for any length of time with anything resembling a partner.
Which might be unsurprising for an unreformed changeling. But in a profession defined by danger mediated with cooperation, he’s incredibly lucky he hasn’t died already.

 ♠️ Miyamoto Musashi - Momus carries a rather unique weapon that is about as plain as could be, in the form of a simple staff about 6 feet long. The only unique thing about the staff is that it is made of a single, solid piece of steel, which has been colored black along its length through careful heat treating.
 ♠️ Sasaki Kojiro - Around his neck, Momus keeps a beloved necklace of gold filigree with a piece of smokey quartz inset in a silver pendant on the front. The gem is an odd choice for such a fine necklace, but the reasoning becomes more clear on seeing the acicular rutile crystals sticking out of one side, like spears driven deep into the earth. The setting keeps these crystals tucked to the side of the gem, and a fair sized section is devoted just to protecting the fragile things.

 ♣️ 鬼神 ♣️
The fey creatures of fair Neighpon live in a world all their own, separate and yet alongside the lives of the daywalkers and mundanes. Among these youkai, the creatures known elsewhere as changelings are a common sight, with vast numbers compared to the more exotic sorts, and are categorized under the somewhat larger header of ‘oni’, and as such local ponies refer to changeling hives in Momus’s region with a prefix of ‘oni’ (鬼).
Momus Filias was born into this world of ogres as a the crown princess of the hive that called itself ‘Kami’ (神), which in a cruel twist of this tradition turned their name into 鬼神, ‘kishin’, a word for demons and their ilk, not mere fairies and ogres. Nonetheless, hive Kami held themselves up to higher standards than their kin, aimed to achieve spiritual purity and enlightenment.
And Momus, born Kami Kaze, was born to enlighten. The overbearing, unyielding wind that would light the darkness. This is the path Destiny had set out for him. And for the first 17 years of his life, years spent in ignorance of this fated path, all seemed to be going well.

 ♣️ Oni wa sō o motte iru - Ogres have Layers ♣️
In this idyllic life, Momus lived a simple life; as the firstborn princess of his hive, he was to one day inherit it all, and he always held the favor of his parents. Their love ran deep, and survived whatever new quirk rose up in the growing changeling, and through his youth he seemed determined to do one thing and one thing alone: to earn that love; to prove himself worthy of that look he evoked in the eyes of his parents.
And on the eve of his 18th, his mother confided in him the meaning of his name, the reason he held it. That his destiny was to blow away all the darkness that had long entrapped the changelings of Neighpon, and to return them to the old glory days, when, if legend is true, the changelings stood as kings among youkai and openly held equal footing with their equine cousins, rather than being relegated to dark caves and the undersides of bridges.
Understandably, this was a bit more than Kaze was ready for. He was prepared to start taking on real responsibilities in the hive, and to take his place in the court. Not be the fated savior of his race. He wasn’t even worthy of his parent’s love, so he believed, much less a position of such honor and prestige. And he spent a month barricaded in his room contemplating just that, that and what failure might bring. Surely, surely the seers meant someone else, had seen someone else, how could he, just some princess, untested, unknown, do something so grandiose. If he stayed here, he knew he would be shoved in to it, and failure would follow, he was certain.
In the dead of one star-crossed night, he took leave of his home, and everything he loved. If he could avoid this failure, he would have to be somewhere beyond here.
It probably would have been more epic and rebellious if Mom didn’t hand him a sack lunch and take the opportunity while slipping a lovely necklace on him to wrap him into a hug, or if Dad had not begged him for and received a goodbye hug and kiss of his own. That, on the whole, ruined the entire atmosphere.
Parents are the great ruiners of a good scene, always there to destroy all the angst and maturity in the room.

 ♣️ Oni wa kēki no yōde wanai - Ogres are not like cakes ♣️
Eventually, Momus’s retreat from destiny brought him across land and sea to the magical and mysterious land of Equestria: a land where the ponies spoke in odd tongues, all he knew was right was not quite right, good children went punished, bad children did as they wished, love flew freely and for the most flimsy of reasons, and monstrous beasts roamed the land and menaced its residents as an obvious punishment for their wrongdoings. By the time he arrived, he had already picked up on the art of fighting and hunting, and in this strange place, where reverence was rarely paid in due, he found himself revered for what he could do.
And the rest, as they say, is history.

In public, Momus keeps an air of bravado wrapped in machismo swathed around himself. He presents a seriousness only matched by his cynical wit, and though he'd never admit it, he's been shaped heavily by his time in Equestria, becoming a bender of rules and a defender of happiness over one of honor.
In private, his presentation is much the same, though it is tempered a mild fear of failure. When he is actually unsure of his position, though, this fear becomes starkly apparent, a dangerous proposition indeed.

Hey Dual why hasn’t Momus ever met up with yo changelings
Fix this plz

Khaos wrote:
Name - Momus Filias
Birth Name - Kami Kaze
Thank you.

Khaos wrote:
Hey Dual why hasn’t Momus ever met up with yo changelings
Fix this plz
Be glad to. But how?

Of course this is approve. It's cool, what with all the squiggly letters and gaijin Japanese. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2019 11:23 pm

Name: Sola

Race: Earth pony

Age: 24

Mane: Straight, simply styled, light blue.

Coat: White

Cutie Mark: None

Distinguishing features: Sola has probably never been observed to smile. She always seems to move with purpose, too.

Specialty: Sola is typically a very good sniper. She focuses on stealth tactics while doing so, trying to ensure that her enemies are at best unaware of her actions and at worst unsure where the shots are coming from. In addition, she is, in many canons, an accomplished gunsmith. She may have played the piano a long time ago, but is probably rusty.

Weaknesses: Sola finds it difficult to ignore what she considers to be injustice. This can oftentimes lead to friction with those who are potential allies. In addition, due to her tendency to phrase things very precisely, she can be at times difficult to understand.

Occupation: Gunsmith tends to be a constant. She can also be an independent combatant or a mercenary in others. However, she would not mind if she was no longer required to do either of those things, as it would mean that violence has passed from the earth.

Gear: Sola typically has two rifles--one for damage, one for armor penetration--and a backup pistol. She takes gunsmith's tools with her almost always.

History:Although this would vary from canon to canon, it follows a quasi-archetypal path. For instance, I will use her original campaign as an example. Sola was an oligarch, part of the ruling council of a powerful island nation, one that tended to dominate trade. However, the desire for profit above all else started to permate the island's society--eventually, blood started flowing more than money. Sola attempted to get the other councilponies to take action to quell the developing greed on the island, but she could not secure a majority to do so. Disappointed, she sold her possessions and left the island, wandering the Frozen North for some time. She ruminated on philosophy, eventually coming to her present worldview. From there, she set out to solve the injustices of the North, looking for allies to help her foster goodwill between all beings.

Personality: Sola is externally emotionless. She oftentimes foregoes physical pleasures in favor of meditation and learning. However, internally, it can be discerned that she harbors a great deal of empathy for all, even her enemies. While she is not a total pacifist, she refuses to kill in cold blood and is willing to stop anyone who might. Her philosophy revolves around the core idea that everyone is redeemable and that people, therefore, should harbor not hate for others but a desire to help them improve themselves and the world.

Current Home: A small house, somewhere in the barrens

Misc: Behold, Sola:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Sola_210
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Sola_h10

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2019 9:41 pm

Name: Thunder Strike

Race: Pegasus

Age: 29

Mane: Black, somewhat long, and usually disheveled.

Coat: Tan, cut to a short military trim.

Cutie mark: A red X.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Dark brown eyes.

Distinguishing Features: Slightly taller than average, lanky in frame, almost always smirking, and sporting a thin handlebar mustache.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is a gifted survivalist, a polyglot with a particular emphasis on dead languages, skilled in unarmed combat and the use of most conventional weapons, and highly athletic.

Weaknesses: He is cocky, impulsive, and a bit too trusting, tending to rely on his skills and good luck instead of any sort of planning and often getting himself into trouble as a result.

Occupation: Adventurer

Gear: He almost always wears a brown campaign hat and red bandanna, and he usually brings a large rucksack/saddlebag with a pickax, shovel, binoculars, and any other gear he thinks may be useful on his expeditions. In anthro settings with sufficiently advanced technology, he carries a revolver as part of his regular outfit.

History: Thunder Strike was born in Dodge Junction, and he took to the rugged lifestyle like a tumbleweed to the wind. Orphaned at a young age, he was raised by his scholarly uncle Cloud Lightning, who instilled in Thunder a fascination with the ancient and the mysterious. At 18, Thunder joined the Royal Guard to gain the chance to travel all over Equestria. However, he quickly found the strictly regimented lifestyle to be anathema to his wild, carefree spirit. After his initial period of service was over, he left the Guard to work with his uncle's archaeological expeditions. He has since struck out on his own, earning his living (and a certain degree of fame) by finding ancient, mystical artifacts and selling them to museums.

Personality: He is carefree, energetic, and amiable, always quick with a (terrible) pun and usually quick with a drink. However, he is somewhat naive and easily deceived, and he chafes under almost any form of authority.

Current Home: An apartment in Manehattan.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2019 7:04 pm

Cynicalwhovian wrote:
Name: Sola

Race: Earth pony

This is a good anger-pony. A little bare-bones on why her default expression seems to be anger/frustration, but still good and solid. Approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2019 9:34 pm

TathemRelag wrote:
Name: Thunder Strike
Race: Pegasus

Cool. So, sorta Indiana Jones-ish. Approved, of course.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 31, 2019 3:36 am

Name: Stygian Sunrise AKA “The Bloody Sentinel”

Race: Unicorn

Age: 29

Mane: Yellow with pink streaks. Long, scruffy, and coarse to the touch with a thick beard to match.
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Coat: Light blue
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Cutie Mark: A shadowy talon grasping a longsword.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Standing almost a full foot taller than the average pony Stygian’s form, while covered in scars as a result of his being tortured by Salem, is nonetheless well built, statuesque even. A result of both his military service and pride in maintaining his great physical ability.

Distinguishing Features:Since his escape from the inferno of Sunrise Hall and the legend of the Bloody Sentinel coming about,  Stygian has only ever been seen either in either a moth-eaten army greatcoat with a set of greaves and gauntlets or completely clad in his suit of incredibly sinister plate (though this is often saved for when he encounters a particularly worthy foe), complete with a helm bearing the red flame and black crossed spears of House Sunrise.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): While fully versed in the fundamentals of most forms of magic, Stygian’s two primary magical specialties are his Umbramancy, teleportation, and his skills in enchanting. The uses of the latter are expanded upon by the fact he is also a very skilled smith (as shown by the fact that both his sword Blackguard and the Soul of the Silver Storm are his own creations).

Stygian’s Umbramancy allows him to both manipulate and produce shadows and darkness. With a reasonable amount of effort he can quite literally manipulate the shadows to reach out and attempt to ensnare or outright attack his foes, with warped talons and pitch black blades striking out from the very darkness itself. This, however, requires constant concentration that leaves him unable to pause even to cast even the most trivial of spells and can, of course, be broken by hitting him with a solid attack.

With a great deal more effort he can produce an aura of magical darkness (30 feet in all directions) that is to only impenetrable by normal light sources, by also unable to be dispelled by anything less than the most powerful of magical lights as well. Far from merely a patch of near impenetrable darkness, within this aura Stygian can be anywhere at will, allowing him to avoid most attacks (notable exceptions being attacks that engulf the whole area or ones thrown so fast he can’t even think) with a mere thought. This spell, while actually requiring little in the way of concentration, is incredibly draining and can almost totally exhaust Stygian magically after a couple of minutes of sustained use.

Stygian can teleport short distances (10-15 feet) and is also able to teleport his equipment from far greater distances (up to 10 miles) away. He often uses this ability to teleport his armour straight onto him (a simple a more or less uninterruptible process), teleporting Blackguard to an opponent before using TK for a surprise attack albeit with much less finesse and skill than if he was wielding it physically, or even to instantly reload empty chambers in Wit’s End which, due to the precision required to load it correctly this way, take a couple of seconds and can easily be interrupted by breaking his concentration in some way.

Lastly, Stygian is both a skilled warrior and tremendously strong and tough for a unicorn. Able to suffer debilitating wounds, deadlift weights of up to 700lbs (with quite a considerable amount of difficulty), and literally punch through treetrunks without being simply stopped in his tracks like most. However, such strength alone does not make him a match for any equally skilled and well built earth pony or Pegasus should he encounter one.

Weaknesses: With his magical and physical abilities, and surprisingly high quality equipment, Stygian can have a tendency to be dangerously overconfident in the event of a confrontation. Underestimating and/or holding back against opponents he should be taking far more seriously (and even some that are barely a threat) he can find himself taking a surprise hit from someone that wouldn’t even have been an issue had he simply not neglected to use his powers properly.

His very identity is also a great curse. Being responsible for assisting in some horrendous atrocities and escaping his cruel, but ultimately justified demise, his identity and survival becoming publicly known could easily lead to an endless tide of bounty hunters, guards, and worse bearing down upon him.

Occupation: Unemployed

Mundane items:
Crudely made shortbow and a couple arrows for hunting, A few days worth of food and water, a blanket, a few medicinal herbs and poultices, and a large backpack in which to store all his stuff on the move along with a couple small pouches.
Currency: A couple dozen bits along with a few other small valuables looted from fallen enemies (rings, small jewels, etc.).
Notable and magical items:
*A few specialised tools (both magical and mundane) and such Stygian has managed to cobble together over years to form an improvised enchanting and maintenance setup. Allows him to enchant ammunition and powder for Wit’s End (or other ammunition like arrows) and do basic equipment maintenance. While his skills allow Stygian to create significantly more powerful items (such as Blackguard), this setup is far from adequate for making them.
*Wit’s End- A finely made seven-barrelled pepperbox with heavily reinforced, rifled barrels (6 inches in length) bearing an elaborate engraving that depicts a grand manor caught in the midst of a great snowstorm that continues onto the walnut grip. Custom made during his time in the Arkangelsk Grand Army, it’s reinforced build, while excessively heavy to most, allows it to fire enchanted rounds and powder loads too dangerous to fire with a regular handgun, something Stygian himself learnt several times when “lesser” weapons ended up failing quite spectacularly as a result of his pushing them too hard. This eventually lead to this gun’s creation by a particularly frustrated gunsmith (one might say he’d reached his wit’s end). The rounds and powder in question and the amounts carried are as follows:
-28 rounds of lead ball: Normal .52 calibre musket balls. Often combined with a larger than average powder load for a slight increase in muzzle velocity (900 feet per second rather than a typical 830).
-14 steel balls: as above, but made from steel to allow for better performance against armoured targets.
-7 smoke rounds: Enchanted with extremely rudimentary pyromancy and relatively ineffective if fired at most targets but these rounds burst into a small cloud of smoke (typically 6 feet in diameter) upon impact. Not useful on a windy day but nonetheless capable of providing a degree of concealment or sowing some confusion in a pinch. Can also be set off if someone particularly strong throws them hard enough.
-7 flame rounds: These are fully capable of totally engulfing a pony-sized victim in a brief but violent burst of flame upon hitting and covering them in first and second-degree burns (and potentially setting clothing or other flammable objects on their person alight if they’re unlucky). Surprisingly not able to hit multiple targets unless they’re within inches of anything unlucky enough to get shot by this.
-7 flash rounds: These rounds explodes into flash of light that induces temporary blindness in a close proximity (5 foot radius around the point of impact) and is accompanied by small chunks of the round sent hurtling about the place, potentially inflicting minor injuries. Obviously not practical at close range.
-7 shots worth of ‘hyper’ powder: With a little magical enchancement, this powder can give some real bang for your buck. Able to produce a far greater amount of energy upon ignition, rounds fired with this powder behind them easily reach speeds of 1050 FPS, a significant upgrade even compared to the enlarged powder loads Wit’s End regularly takes. Especially effective against armoured targets (or very fast ones if you’re somehow able to lead them enough) without steel rounds and with them is even capable of piercing some magical barriers. Warning: regular firearms (those not enchanted or reinforced like Wit’s End) will almost certainly explode if loaded with this powder.

*Blackguard- An enchanted longsword with a blade Stygian forged from a hunk of singularly dark steel by, 5-feet long from pommel to tip, has a fuller  made distinctive by a sterling silver inlay made to resemble a gout of flame licking its way up the blade. The pommel, grip, and crossguard, unlike the rest of the sword, are forged from brass rather than steel. The pommel is a mostly unremarkable threaded affair bearing the crest of House Sunrise, the red flame a masterfully worked dark red garnet and the twin spears made from small star black diopside stones. The guard is mostly of a typical, straight design, the regular rain guard is replaced the visage of a snarling dragon head from which the silver flames spew, its eye represented with a gleaming ruby and each tooth in its maw a small piece of diamond. Blackguard’s grip, wrapped in a layer of near white sharkskin, is, while certainly of as fine craftsmanship as the rest of this monster of a longsword, positively mundane by comparison to its other components.

Blackguard is also imbued with a great deal of magical power, some of which only becomes apparent when wielded by its creator, such is the bond between Blackguard and its master. Even when wielded by someone other than Stygian, Blackguard is both unnervingly sharp and far more durable compared to a normal sword, to the point where even in the event that it should be destroyed Blackguard simply reappears by Stygian’s side 1-3 days later, its once ruined form whole again. In addition to this, Blackguard actively drains a portion of the life-force from its victims and feeds it into the wielder, with each life taken slightly rejuvenating their magical abilities and mending lesser wounds in mere moments.In Stygian’s hands/hooves Blackguard’s blade seems to gain a sort of will of its own, an extension of its master’s capacity for violence as its blade is enveloped by a fell red flame that sears the very flesh from the bones of his foes (it will also momentarily turn black if the blade is hit hard enough by something).

*Soul of the Silver Storm: An incredibly sinister looking suit of magic plate armour (complete with the maille and such that one would wear under that of course) named for its ornate silver trim, complete with spiked horseshoes/gauntlets and a great helm boasting a mighty looking pair of steel horns (three horns if you include Stygian’s). The aforementioned spiked gauntlets , each with a small quartz inlaid into the metal, can begin crackling with barely contained bolts of magic lightning and wearing the whole suit grants the wearer both increased speed and a level of protection above that which a mundane suit of plate can provide.

                                                      I: The Beginning
Born the first son of Grand Duke Somber Sunrise XII during his short lived first marriage to Grand Duchess Leafy Groves. Short lived as she, with a startlingly cold reaction from her husband, tragically passed away bringing Stygian into the world. Leaving Somber alone with his firstborn until he eventually remarried to Ebony Dusk, a thestral from a minor Equestrian house, a couple of years later

Stygian wouldn’t remain an only child for long as within a year of his fathers remarriage the young colt would find himself with a new half-brother, Smokey Sunrise, who would be followed three years later by the third and last of the Sunrise brothers, Salem. While as close to Smokey as any sibling would be, Stygian would form a close bond with Salem during their colthood. While Salem was often left to his own devices or stick his nose in some musty book by his parents and most of the household and Stygian spent most his days being groomed for future rulership or indulging a growing interest for smithing (and the blacksmith’s apprentice), the two seemingly always found a gap in which they could spend time together even if that meant merely managing to be in the same room.

At 16 Stygian, like anyone else mentally and physically fit to do so, was pressed into service in Arkangelsk’s military and, surprisingly, didn’t seem to interested in shooting for a leadership role of some kind. Rather he ended up among the quartermasters, enchanters, and smiths within the military for much of his compulsory service. An excuse for him to turn his interest in such arts into a well honed talent to match any great craftspony. Such enthusiasm and drive eventually bore fruit with Stygian forging for himself an ornate suit of plate and a massive, ornate longsword named the Soul of the Silver Storm and Blackguard respectively by their gleeful creator. These two great works, that he claimed to describe without ego as the finest he would ever make, would go on to serve him through the rest of his service and the... darker chapter that would follow.

                                                      II: The Dark Awakening
It had been no secret that Somber and his wife Ebony had become more and more withdrawn and ‘eccentric’ over the course of their marriage. Often they would neglect their sons in order to meet with odd individual or partake in esoteric, occult rituals that seemed more than a little queer to those both in and outside the Salem household. Even his brother Silver, as he whisked Salem away to serve as his new protege and future inquisitor, regarded his brother with cold suspicion as Stygian sent off Salem with a tear goodbye. Little would either of them know that this was their last friendly meeting.

Soon after Salem and Silver left Arkangelsk in their travels, Somber and Ebony started becoming far more open when it came to their affairs behind closed doors. As their interest in the occult turned more and more extreme they began talking others into partaking in such activities including, eventually, their two remaining sons. Over the following months studying the occasional tome or reciting the occasional chant dedicated to some fell power rapidly grew out of hand as the family and their growing cult of fanatics moved on to such foul practices as necromancy, blood sacrifice, and the summoning the demonic scions of the powers they called upon. With their activities becoming more brazen and the number of new converts grew, it would be a mere two years before the entire noble district of the city of Hayesborg was reduced to a bloody  hellscape as raving cultists and their otherworldly compatriots rampaged through the streets. An utterly chaotic orgy of destruction that Stygian, blinded by the influence of both his corrupt parents and the powers they sought to serve, absolutely revelled in. At least they did... until the return of some ‘concerned’ relatives.

                   III: The return of Salem Sunrise. Showdown at Dawn Hall.
In a painfully predictable twist, the brazen acts of evil committed by the insane members of House Sunrise quickly gained the attention of those who would seek to bring retribution upon them. Fitting, but cruel, it would seem that that retribution would come from their own kin. Merciless storms of magical fire and the bite of a sickle’s edge signalled the raging return of Silver and Salem Sunrise, their path towards their ancestral home, Dawn Hall, marked by the ruined corpses and ashes of those that stood in their way.

Salem in particular seemed driven by an unquenchable rage that drove him to reach Dawn Hall long before his uncle. Hacking, shooting, and burning his way through the halls of his family home in search of the kin that had so ruined and tainted the live of so many innocent souls until, finally, Stygian met him. Unarmoured and unarmed save for the lightning wrapped gauntlets of his plate.

One would not have been able to tell how close the two brothers had once been with how they set themselves upon each other, trading blow after blow through room after room. In his madness induced arrogance, Stygian had thought his brother beneath him, always a poor fighter possessed of a comparably pitiful level of strength and not worth him even using the full extent of his powers. This folly would eventually be punished when, mid-maniacal laugh, Stygian felt a shooting pain as he found a kinesis driven halberd driven through his back, sending him tumbling back with a suitably dramatic spray of blood as Salem continued his vicious onslaught.

More pain was all that followed as followed as Salem, rather than dispatch his brutalised sibling, dragged him down into the depths of Dawn Hall’s dungeons, restraining him with a set of barbed, heavily reinforced manacles, he abandoned Stygian only to return later bearing Ebony, then Smokey, and finally the Grand Duke Somber himself. Then, taking up the tools of a long since slain torturer, he set about making sure agony became the core of their existence as he inflicted every horrific torture his mind could conjure up and using magical healing so his victims couldn’t prematurely expire., Salem’s mind was utterly consumed with a rage that, in time, clearly turned into a beyond sadistic sense of glee.

It would only be when Silver, having finally cleaned up the last of the filth that infested the streets above, discovered the grisly scene that the pain finally stopped. Stygian was the only one of Salem’s victims left alive and even then only barely. As he dragged Salem  away from the mutilated bodies of his once family, the vengeful brother offered Stygian nothing in the way of mercy as he conjured  up a fierce gout of flame before being dragged out of the now burning dungeon.

This fire, however, was a mistake. As the flames licked up around him,sheer desperation finally proved to be enough for him to break the manacles that held him regardless of how their cruel barbs pierced and tore into him as he did so. Deciding to at least put his abilities to use in saving his few prized possessions Stygian made his escape as the inferno raged through Dawn Hall, leaving a burnt out husk behind him as he limped off into the night...

                                                 IV: The Bloody Sentinel
Perhaps the most surprising part of this tale, Stygian felt little ill will towards the brother that had mutilated him so. A mixture of both the last vestiges of that colthood bond, and the clarity that finally being free of his father’s clutches gave him as he began to spend his days wandering the wilderness. The pride that had grown in his dark times remained to a degree, yes, but even an inflated ego could begin to see that at least in some way Salem maybe wasn’t entirely unjustified in how he reacted.

Alone in the wilderness, Stygian would spend his time living out of crypts, caves, abandoned buildings, and occasionally even an inn or farmhouse whose occupants took pity on this wandering stranger. However a peaceful existence of obscurity was never for Stygian Sunrise as everywhere he went, no matter how far from home, bandits would “disappear”, monsters too, and occasionally a lone farmer would get his teeth knocked out before being liberated of some of his surplus grain. To Stygian these were mere ways to amuse himself or take some free food but all this and more was becoming attributed to this lone figure in the wilderness, with Stygian being mistaken for a capricious spirit by many. An embodiment of the suffering that had occurred at the Dawn Hall that sought the wicked, slew the beast and, if you were unlucky, might just come for you for sport.

It’s name would follow Stygian wherever he roamed for they were one and the same. He and the ‘apparition’ that became known as the Bloody Sentinel.

Personality: With a wit seemingly typical of those of House Sunrise, Stygian can be prone to throwing out a stream of insults and mockery at those he deems to be acting foolishly. Said mockery is unfair as often as it’s not, as symptom of the ego that remains. He is also something of a blood knight, a part of him often yearning for the thrill of a good fight in the absence of any other sport for him to partake in. In spite of these things, Stygian is not entirely devoid of compassion or admirable traits now he’s free of his father. Even with his apparent liking for violence Stygian wouldn’t willingly hurt a foal or one too crippled to even put up a token fight and is a believer in a degree of honour, as much as the name of his sword would strongly imply otherwise.

Current Home: Crypts, abandoned buildings, and occasionally a cheap room in an inn.


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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 31, 2019 4:21 am

Jammex wrote:
Name: Stygian Sunrise AKA “The Bloody Sentinel

Approved. Also, Salem being a torturer makes me sad. Related to that, I have a great idea for a campaign antagonist, if I ever start up a homebrew.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2019 4:17 pm

Name: Midnight Strings
Race: Thestral
Age: 21
Mane: Cyprus
Coat: San Juan
Cutie mark: A lyre over a shadow with tendrils snaking around it
Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features:
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Following the lost art of the Umbral Weaver, Midnight has harnessed the power of shadows to a degree rivaling similarly specialized unicorns. Though she prefers using her magic for sabotage and trickery, rather than assault.

Firstly, her bread and butter, the Shadow Weave. By combining music with her magic, she can extend tendrils of shadow out towards her enemies within an approximate 60 foot radius. The shadows wrap around their targets, inhibit their movements, and can even physically injure them. She particularly likes to target spellcasters in hopes of messing them up.

Second, the various other magic spells and abilities she can utilize with the power of music and shadows, such as throwing ribbons of solidified shadows to ensnare others, conjuring weapons and bodyguards out of solid shadow, and laying down areas of magical darkness. She is also an expert of illusion magic, able to infuse them with shadows to make them a bit more realistic, and can even attack with them.

Lastly, she has a bit of non-shadow magic from her studies as a bard, including the ability to inspire and fill her friends with hope, use sound in various ways to attack, teleport short distances, and temporarily swap the gender of anyone who fails to resist her magic touch.
Weaknesses: Her magic is often tiring to use for extended periods of time, not quite having the same stamina as most unicorns. (The lucky gits.) On top of that, all the time spent in the shadows has left her eyes less accumulated to bright light than most other thestrals. Light in general, particularly magical light, tends to counter her fairly well, though she can usually power through the weaker stuff.
Occupation: Bard, Mercenary, Adventurer
Gear: Her trusty lyre, being her signature instrument and conduit for her bardic magic, is also enchanted to be resistant to most forms of damage. She also carries a couple mundane weapons, such as a shortbow and rapier. On top of that, she wears a pair of enchanted sleeves, which can turn into any outfit she wishes.
History: Midnight started her career as a bard at an early age, shortly after getting her cutie mark during a school performance. Though she initially didn’t understand what the shadows meant, she figured it out soon enough. During a creative slump a few years later, she stumbled upon an old book that told the story of a group of bards that once could control darkness with their music known as the Umbral Weavers. Intrigued, she investigated further and found that the ways of the Umbral Weavers was mostly lost over the ages, but by looking over their records and practicing with her own music, she was able to figure it out. And the world of shadow magic opened up to her like this was her true calling all along. And she put in her whole teenage life mastering as much of it as she could, becoming the first of a new generation of Umbral Weavers. And hopefully not the last.
Personality: Midnight is very carefree. Actually, carefree isn’t the right word. She gives no fucks. Her only loyalties lie with her whims and conscience. Yes, she has a conscience, though she won’t admit it. Also, despite the sometimes questionable nature of her magic, she doesn’t have a malicious bone in her body, and is instead playful in her trickery. Sometimes a little too playful.
Current Home: Hollow Shades
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2019 4:34 pm

StrawberryGamer wrote:
Name: Midnight Strings


StrawberryGamer wrote:

Personality: Midnight is very carefree. Actually, carefree isn’t the right word. She gives no fucks.

So, she's you.

I approve this. I approve of this. Of course I do. ^_^
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