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 Character Creation Rules

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Character Creation Rules Empty
PostSubject: Character Creation Rules   Character Creation Rules Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 6:10 pm

1. Characters that are moved from one universe (including story universe, headcanons, TV shows, etc) need to have a thorough explaination of where they came from and how they got to Equestria. Preferably, this should be placed in the "History" section.

2. Character histories must explain all major elements of a character. If they have an unusual power, or artifact, or some other characteristic that deviates from the norm, it has to be explained with the detail of explanation scaling to how unusual the characteristic is. If your character is the secret daughter of Spike and Rarity (not that this would ever be allowed anyway, just using this as an example) you'd need far more detail and explanation than them having a birthmark that's a perfect miniature map of the Friendship Express routes.

3. Following on from the example in Rule #2, your character cannot have any kind of relationship with an a canon character. "Canon character" in this instance is any character that's a repeat component of the show. This rule can be bent, however, with characters that are almost pure fanon, like Octavia, Vinyl Scratch Doctor Whooves, etc, because there is no canon concerning anything about their parentage, marital status, relationships, or even what work they do

4. Characters must reasonably fit within the show's canon, either being consistent with what we already know, or simply avoiding contradiction with what we know. Obviously, the show has a fairly narrow focus on wherever the characters are at any given time, and we've only seen a few Equestrian towns and cities in the show, so there are large gaps that deviations from canon can fit into. So long as these deviations don't contradict the show or are contradicted by the show, they will be entertained.

4a. AUs and fanon that jump off from outdated canon (such as Fallout Equestria that jumps off from Season 1) will be granted extra leniency because they made a good-faith attempt to fully incorporate the canon of which the author was aware, and cannot be reasonably expected to be updated as canon is added and/or altered.

5. For the purpose of all rules, "canon" is the episodes of the show and nothing else. No comics, no statements from show writers or producers, and no books.

6. Fanon, such as stories on FimFiction, the afroementioned comics, books etc, cannot be cited in shorthand. What this means is that no one who reads the sheet will be obligated to read any particular story or comic to understand a character's history and background; such history and background must be written in the sheet for easy perusal.

6a. Fanons and AUs that are famous or otherwise very well-known in the fandom (Fallout Equestria being the most obvious example) are exceptions to this shorthand rule because it can be reasonably presumed that the average player or admin reading the sheet would have sufficient familiarity to understand the character's background without extensive explanation.

7. The sum total of a character's sheet ojn the forum cannot exceed 1400 words, with the words use for format (like actually writing "History" and the like) not counting towards this limitation. No more than 1100 words of this limit can be taken up by the history. Obviously, the limit itself will be somewhat fluid on a case-by-case basis the way that all sheet-related rules are; the character admin exists to recognize exceptional circumstances as well as enforce standards, after all. This rule is not retroactive so all submissions prior to the time the rule is posted are exempt.

7a. The 1100-word limit for character histories applies to character histories contained wholly within the forum. If you wish to write your 100,000 word history in a Google Drive document and link it, that is permitted. The character admin, as with all other admins, only have authority over the group OCRP and cannot govern what you do on another web site. That said, the history must still adhere to all other standards laid out above.

8. Characters must be balanced, having weaknesses that compensate for their strengths. The degree to which this is accomplished is going to be highly subjective and as such is something players are strongly encouraged to have a conversation with the character admin about if their initial proposals aren't acceptable.

Two last matters, neither of which are strictly a rule:
* There is presently a thread started by group member Lolk allowing players to fill out their headcanons with special locations and the like. Take advantage.
* I am flexible and helpful. I'm also completely without sympathy if you make no attempt to work with me and then complain that I'm being mean to you. We all want to see your characters in threads, fully fleshed-out, and people (yourself included) having fun with them. So for the love of good bread, people, meet the character admin halfway.
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