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 OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2014 5:30 am

Name: Sharp C. Note
Race: Unicorn

Age: 28

Mane: black, long and typically loose.

Coat: a snowy white.

Cutie mark.:  a grand staff with bullet points between each bar line, next to the brace, a #C.

Distinguishing Features:   Sharp is rarely seen bare, always wearing long, and typically concealing clothing.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Sharp’s specialty lies in the assimilation and application of knowledge. In short, she’s a fast learner.

Weaknesses: Sharp is a very physically frail pony, an issue further perpetuated by her constant skipping of meals and erratic sleep schedule. For all of her intellectual prowess, she’s a very absent minded pony, frequently forgetting to do the most important of things.

Occupation: Sharp currently holds a position as the night-time librarian at Canterlot’s royal library.

Gear: Nothing special. Carrying things isn’t something Sharp does.

*History: Sharp was born to a family of relatively renown musicians, Minor Note and Long Bar, both employed to Canterlot’s Royal Orchestra. Life for Sharp was for the most part, luxurious anything she could ever want or need was provided to her.  She earned her cutie mark during one of her piano lessons, when the instructor had left the room, telling her to simply practice a certain song, and to his surprise, she’d replicated it perfectly for him upon his return. The rest of her life was fairly straight forward, studied at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns, graduated with flying colors, applied for a position at the Royal Library, was accepted (Much to her parent’s chagrin, who had assumed she’d join them in their profession)… and here we are.

Personality: Sharp is the quiet scholarly type, books and scrolls are borderline drug-like to her. Straight to the point, ironically blunt, absentminded and sometimes recklessly impatient, she is probably one of the most reserved ponies you’d never meet. Has a tendency to be dramatic when dealing with stress.

Current Home: her parent’s mansion in Canterlot.

-Sharp has an irrational fear of rocks. She simply doesn't trust them. They are evil, horrible monstrosities. They all exist to get in her way, trip her, or be thrown at her.
-She has a massive, and obviously unshared crush on Twilight Sparkle.
-She has a very difficult time grasping the culinary arts, her cooking will probably kill you. (Not literally, it's just...bad.)
-Her favorite tea is sweet
- Among Sharp's few friends is a certain airship owning muscular unicorn who had an odd tendency to wear bright colors, speak about incredibly foreign written works, which served to cement their friendship, and constantly worries over her frail health because "She simply would not stop reading for a short while before her food spoiled."
- Has a sort of friendship with Atom Split.
- Current theme

Last edited by Sharp on Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:01 am; edited 9 times in total
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2014 6:06 am

EDIT: For some odd reason, the name was taken off from the intended quote... But the character being referred to here is Starlight Abyss.

What a strange, strange character you got here, but oddly endearing in her own way too. Now, Wiser, I need to be very clear on something... I don't see a particular problem with the character herself, but I need to make it explicitly clear that you MUST be fair and careful with just what sort of information she can actually know as a Grimoire per thread. It goes without saying Metagaming is frowned upon, and this may allow for the wrong kind of Metagaming(the right kind being for purely comedic purposes and harmless fun sparingly) if it goes too freely unrestricted. I am aware that you seem to be in the mindset of doing so already, but I'm writing it here now as a strict reminder... That said, character approved.

Last edited by Mr. Market on Fri May 22, 2015 3:17 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 22, 2014 7:32 am

It is with great pleasure that I welcome Sharp C. Note to our group. Character approved... And who could this mysterious muscular stallion possibly be? :U

Last edited by Mr. Market on Fri May 22, 2015 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 05, 2015 10:04 pm

Name:Snow Blind
Race:Northern Pegasus (slightly fluffier than a common Pegasus.).
Mane: Slightly curly fluffy full and thick, its striped with light blue and almost white blue. has a braid and slightly spiky bit.
Coat:Blue, thick and fluffy.
Cutie mark.: A curled (ready to strike) hoof with sound waves emanating off of it
Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add: She has an odd love of lavender both sent and taste.
Distinguishing Features:She is always wearing her bandanna over her eyes, and behind said bandanna are a multitude of scars and her very damaged eyes.
Speciality (e.g. special spells, unique powers etc.):She knows a thestral martial art known as Oto No Michi which she learnt at the same time as echolocation as a form of self-control and focus. it uses use of defensive stances and sequences similar Wing Chun and or Aikido on prolonged fights and teaches quick knockout and strikes for a strong offensive, teaching the 5 second rule, if the offensive part fails to succeed in 5 seconds the art style changes entirely, rather than fighting with means of taking the target out with constant attacks, it turns to a self defence strategy focusing on principles of finding weakness in the opponents movements. she was once was taught a form of magic perception that mimics sight in black and white.
Weaknesses:As she relies on her magic to see if there's a large spell it can not only disorientate her it can also plain out make her unable to see her surroundings.
Occupation:Waitress, martial arts instructor, and honorary guard.
Gear:Sound dampers, manna transmitter (allows her to cast simple spells such as movement levitation and similar).
History:Snow was born in the northern lands of käslolösmark. Born with somewhat weak eyesight, She was named after the similar condition. She was a rather quiet filly but at the age of 6, she was hit by a runaway waggon which popped her left eye and impaled her right causing a figure 8 fracture around her eyes. Now blinded she learned how to navigate by memory but soon she would meet a thestral that would change all this. One day after school she was heading through the town centre, she bumped into a tall male thestrel, he was her neighbor, he rarely left his house par to get supplies, he had been at one point a martial art instructor but upon moving had given up on teaching as most ponies in the area where to busy to learn. The stallion recognised the filly and apologised, he offered to take her home. on the journey he gave her an offer, he could teach her echolocation and a martial art that uses it, she accepted and began the next day. during the time of her training, during a particular bout of low confidence, a mare that possessed an odd presence appeared to her in a dream, the mare explained that she would like to teach the filly a magic ability that would allow sight in black and white picking up on waves to show shadows once again taking the offer. the next day the mare appeared in her garden and the extra lessons began. she practised the art furiously adding it where she could in her life. Several years passed and she was more than proficient, she found her Cutie mark in it. At age 16 she moved to Equestria where she finished high school and met Lightning Blast and Sky Buddew two cast outs by the rest of her school, she became friends with the two, in time, becoming best friends. The young mares worked and lived together from then on, supporting each other and having fun without the need of those that bullied them.
Personality:Dark, chaotic and anarchistic, but somewhat caring to those she knows.
Current Home:She has no permanent residence and lives where ever sky and lightning go.
Misc: The bandanna snow wears is traditionally given to the students of Oto no michi to help them get used to working with echolocation, but was given to snow purely for the sake of tradition.

Last edited by unity wolfpony on Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:47 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2015 3:54 pm

Name: Star Fury

Race: Unicorn

Age: 26

Mane: Long, vivid pink, with bright yellow highlights on the left side.

Coat: Dark pink.

Cutie mark.: A yellow star.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Loves to come up with new ideas on how to use her powers.

Distinguishing Features: Her eyes are a light shade of yellow and look almost crystalline.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Star is rather good at using her magic in combat. She specializes in forming crystalline-looking bolts of magical energy which she can either fire at an enemy or control, moving it around at will. The bolts' versatility is up to the creativity of the user. Very strong-willed.

Weaknesses: Star may be powerful magically, but physically she is rather on the weak side, and can be taken down fairly quickly, but do expect a fight.

Occupation: Royal Guard.

Gear: Star always carries a large tome with her at all times, though it's enchanted so only she can read it. The contents of the book are rather lewd. The reason she carries this around is unknown to all.

History: Star was born and raised into a noble family. Unlike most families, however, this one was a militaristic family. At a young age Starfury was trained and trained in controlling her magic and herself, never to let her magic or mind wander. Until age seventeen, that was all she was learning outside of school, after her birthday, the guard training started. It was brutal and unforgiving with her family training her, knowing her limits and straining them, but after a few years, they happily said the mare was ready to join the guard, and she did. Starfury now lives in Canterlot with perpetual boredom, as not many exciting things happen in the Guard.

Personality: Flirty, friendly, and polite to everyone, even the jerks.

Current Home: Canterlot.

Misc: Likes cookies and chocolate.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:56 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2015 4:36 am

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Star Fury

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 1:36 am

Name: Boysenberry, though she is preferably referred to as Haunt.
Race: Unicorn
Age: Twenty
Mane: Unkempt and wild, her mane sticks out in all directions. It is a very light purple in color.
Coat: A darker purple, it grows darker down to her hooves, around her snout, and her rump.
Cutie mark.: a ghost-like orb with a mischievous expression. [Pony/Cutie Mark Image]
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: She has a small obsession with shiny items, often veering from her path to collect shining trinkets that have been left behind by their previous owners.  She's also known for her selective Photographic memory, which only revolves around locations and landmarks rather than information in books and text. The only exception is when she would study illusionary magic.
Distinguishing Features: Haunt’s eyes are almost always wide and unblinking, which, coupled with her toothy grin, can leave quite an impression.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Haunt is quite skilled in Illusionary magic, primarily using it to frighten others.
Weaknesses: Haunt is, to put it lightly, quite unintelligent. She is very motivated to learn, but nothing ever clicks for her. She has to have anything given to her simplified greatly for her to understand it, and even then it’s a serious gamble on whether she understood correctly. She also lacks an understanding of pain, unless inflicted on her. She doesn’t know when ponies are hurt, like a kitten that hasn’t yet learned that their claws injure their owners.
Occupation: Haunt works as a Night Guard for Canterlot Museum.
Gear: N/A
History: Haunt was born into a rather well respected business family, not quite a noble family as most residents within Canterlot, but they were well set in wealth. Her family was known to sell several types of fruits, both the exotic and those normally found in a market. As the eldest born in her family, she was expected to be the one to carry on the family trade. Her parents gave her the name of Boysenberry, berry being a suffix only given to the first born. However, she was born with rather evident learning disabilities, leading to her constantly switching schools in search of a program that could help her. Haunt’s parents constantly pressured her into taking up the family trade, and for her entire life at home she tried the best she could. Though her parents acted as if they respected her effort, it simply wasn’t enough for them.

She was assigned tutor after tutor, and finally one of these tutors suggested they try teaching her a more difficult form of magic. They predicted that if she were to learn something more advanced, the more basic magic she was required of would come easier. At the next session the brought a book on the basics of Illusion magic, and,  something clicked! Like a lightbulb going off, Boysenberry was able to master the trade of illusions easily. This dumbfounded her parents, how had she mastered this in only a few hours when she couldn’t learn the simple magic they needed her to? They were quick to assume she had been slacking. They put her back to her regular tutoring studies, though to no avail, she showed very little progress. Behind their watchful eyes, however, the tutor continued to sneak Boysenberry books on illusionary magic and other advanced forms of magic. Illusionary magic was the only one to click.

On her 9th day Nightmare Night she had learned nearly all basic illusionary magic and, with her parents permission, she went out to play with the other fillies and colts. She wanted to test her illusionary magic, and, with precise planning, she snuck up on her friends from school. Casting a spell to bring about images of terror, she easily made the fillies and colts jump back in fear. Thrilled with her success, Haunt was oblivious to the fact that her cutie mark had appeared underneath the dark sheet she used for a ghost costume.

  The next day, when her parents noticed the mark, they were quite disappointed. Though they were supposed to be proud, Haunt’s parents weren’t happy about the mark. It signified the mischievous nature of her illusionary magic, not anything that pertained to their family’s trade. Without mentioning the mark, they watched her go. She would find out at school.

From there, Haunt honed her skills, and, after many (sloppy) written apologies and nights spent in trouble, she came to find her occupation. It was something she could do with joy! Something she could use her skills to benefit others. Yes, she was given the task to Haunt the Canterlot Museum. It was there she started to go by a new name. A name that matched her job; Haunt.
Personality: Haunt is, as said above, less intelligent than most. She has a very hard time comprehending things unless put in an extremely simplified form. Though, Despite this, She has always been very determined to understand things and participate in activities that were beyond her. She’d push and push, putting in more effort than most with a higher education would, yet she still lacked the ability to learn what she wanted to so desperately. It would frustrate her, though she wouldn’t show it for too long. She would just keep going.

Due to her determination to participate in activities with a more intelligent crowd, Haunt would often mess up and make a fool of herself. Even in the simplest of activities, she’d find a way to have those around her laugh. Though, even while being ridiculed, Haunt wouldn’t understand. She thinks of everyone as her friend, and when people would laugh at her, she’d laugh too. Unless they hurt her physically, she wouldn’t find any reason to hate anyone. Along with this, Haunt is extremely loyal. She’s always there to help in any way that she can. It is up to her ‘friend’ as to if they abuse this or not.

Haunt takes her jokes to the extreme, and thinks of scaring people as her ultimate job. She is very skilled in getting under people’s skin. One thing she never forgets is people’s fears, which she uses against them in her scare plots. Though sometimes she goes too far, and the scare ends horribly for the pony frightened. Haunt, however, wouldn’t be aware of this. She thinks of her scares as a joke, and has never thought they could hurt someone. This brings back her inability to sense those who are in pain. If her ‘joke’ were to injure someone, she would still laugh at the success, and then worry why they were fleeing from her or not waking up later.
Current Home: To be roommate of Notebook’s Ponysona
Misc: Her current collection of shiny things includes a few plastic diamonds, several dozens of random silverware, a few shiny buttons, some random metal pieces, an old pocket watch, four aluminum bracelets, and some old coins.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 2:30 am

unity wolfpony wrote:
Name:Snow Blind

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 2:36 am

Blu wrote:
Name: Boysenberry, though she is preferably referred to as Haunt.

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2015 4:52 am

Name: Emperior
Race: Earth Pony
Age: 28
Mane: His mane is cut short, sticking out about an inch or two from his hide. It is colored a deep blue.
Coat: Emperior’s coat is the color of tar, though his stomach is a snow white.
Cutie mark.: A golden trident, similar to his face guard.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: The golden faceguard he wears muffles his speech
Distinguishing Features: Emperior has an extremely prideful walk, and is almost always scowling.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He’s exceptionally skilled in the ability of water manipulation and hoof to hoof combat.
Weaknesses: Emperior is incredibly conceited. He sees anyone who fights beside him as another challenger, and refuses to accept help almost all the time. Emperior also has a tendency to fight to the brink of death, only accepting medical help when he can no longer move from either pain or fainting.
Occupation: Royal Guard
Gear: Emperior owns various pieces of hard iron and gold armor. The golden mask comes  to three points, like a trident. His golden boots hold a large deep blue crystal on the front of them. The crystals are enchanted to allow Emperior the ability to control water and ice. He, however, can not create water and can not draw water from the bodies of other living beings. His Chest armor is made of Iron stained blue.
History: Emperior was born into a family of strong guards and warriors known for guarding ports, oceanic trade centers, and ocean borders. He grew up alongside his father for the most part, a large earth pony clad in strong armor. His father taught him the ways of combat as soon as he was able to comprehend it all. He started slow, until realizing how determined his son was in the arts of battle. They sped up their training rapidly, and as Emperior aged he grew more confident of his skill.

At the age of six, he began going on patrols with his father along the beach. It was here that he would visit his mother, as she would often come greet them as they passed. Emperior was always fascinated by his mother. He was so detached from her as a child, though, that he never grew to properly lover her as a parent. Instead, he found a love for her species. It was when his younger sister was born, however, that he became completely infatuated. She was a mutant, a cross between his mother and his father. He was so intrigued, so jealous, though he hid that jealously with admiration.

The two grew up separately, With his sister being raised by their mother and he by his father. Still, Emperior would often visit his mother and his sister. He learned all he could about her, every little bit. Though it was almost a year after she was born that he received her name; Pulchritude. Beauty, yes, she was a beauty. He certainly thought so. Though, not in that way, of course. Emperior was in love of Pulchritude’s mutation. He did not care for her personality, or who she was mentally. He found no reason to.

When Emperior matured he was given his own set of armor. It included a golden face plate, deep blue body armor, and golden boots with blue gems infused in the front of them. As his family is known for their artifacts of war, especially enchanted pieces, these gems were certainly not ordinary. They allowed him the control over water and ice. Emperior was thrilled. He trained relentlessly with the ability, and became quite skilled with it in a record time. It was around this period in his life that he received his cutie mark; a golden trident.
Personality: Emperior is very prideful of his ability as a fighter. He does not, however, flaunt his abilities until they are needed. At the first hint of battle, Emperior’s mind clicks and his entire being is focused on how he fights. Immediately, he sees both his allies and his enemy as less than he. Combat relies strongly on strategy, or at least that’s how he views things for the first few minutes of battle. As it continues on, he begins to charge into things without thinking it through, thus making him known for fighting to the brink of death.

In or out of a violent situation, Emperior is awfully savage and hostile. If someone refuses their automatic place as below him, he begins to get defensive. Emperior does not appreciate others challenging his strength and reputation. He does not want anyone pushing him off of his first place pedestal. He does not like to be beat. So, to avoid this, Emperior can become hostile and unpredictable quickly.

Coupled with his desire to be above all others, Emperior’s opinion is law to him. Unless his sister says otherwise, he will not accept any alternative to his own views and methods of doing things. He is strictly his own person who will not be stepped on by others, not even if the advice or suggestion given to him is significantly better than his own. He will still attempt to disregard it, or act as if he changed his own opinion without any influence of others.

Despite all explained above, Emperior will swallow his pride for one pony; Pulchritude. He has always been infatuated with his sister, so much so that he would do anything for her at a moment’s notice. She has him wrapped around her hoof, so to speak, and Emperior is perfectly fine with that. His sister is everything to him, the sun and the moon and all. However, his love her her isn’t that of the love a brother feels towards a sibling. No, his love for her is completely material. Emperior has fallen in love with her mutation, what she is biologically, not her personality. He could care less of her personality. In fact, Emperior has never known what it was like to love someone romantically. His love has always been purely aesthetic., the moon and the sun. However, this love he feels for his first place pedestal. Emperior hates to be beat.
Current Home: Lives with his sister near the coast.

Name: Pulchritude
Race: A mutation between a Merpony and an Earth pony.
Age: 22
Mane: A royal purple, matching the color of her fins.
Coat: Her coat is short and a deep magenta. It has a glossy sheen and almost always feels slick.
Cutie mark.:  An intricately designed crown
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: The spots along her body are actually luminous. They give off a soft purple glow when in the darkness. The same goes for the webbing on the back of her hooves, her ears, and her tail fin.
Distinguishing Features: Pulchritude appears quite regal, and her sharp, condescending tone of voice is sure to sit itself in the root of someone’s mind for quite some time.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Due to her mutation between species, Pulchritude is able to breath both on land and in the water. She has a dual oxygen system, including both gills and lungs. Pulchritude is also able to withstand the high pressure of the ocean on her back, making her exceptionally strong.
Weaknesses: Due to her deep sea dwelling biology, Pulchritude is almost completely blind in bright lighting. She can only see in darkness and low lighting. The direct sun irritates both her eyes and her skin greatly. She dehydrates quickly, and without access to a place to bathe or swim, Pulchritude would have to drink copious amounts of water to remain hydrated.
Occupation: Unemployed
Gear: The gem on the chestpiece she wears is enchanted to hold about four hours worth of water in which Pulchritude can absorb to keep hydrated when away from the sea or a sufficient swimming area. It can only be recharged by soaking in water, and takes about the same amount of time to recharge as it takes to drain completely.
History: Pulchritude was born submerged. All she knew for her first year of life was the ocean, and her mother for that matter. She knew no one else for that entire time. Pulchritude was treated like a princess, horribly spoiled. However, it couldn’t have effected her much in her first year of life. Even after seeing the surface for the first time, she was still only concerned about her mother. She felt protected by her mother, she felt comforted, as any filly should.

As Pulchritude aged, she still never left the water. Her mother kept her close at all times, save for the few times Pulchritude would wander off to explore deeper waters. Her mother continued to spoil her, and it soon began to affect her personality. Pulchritude was molded into a nasty girl who demanded her way. It was around the time that her personality fully set in that her cutiemark appeared. Unlike Emperior, she was not a late bloomer. It took the shape of a crown.

When Pulchritude was fully grown, she was gifted an intricate chest piece with a gemstone in the center of it all. When fitted to her, Pulchritude’s mother explained the gemstone would allow her to stay hydrated for a limited amount of time while on land. With that news, Pulchritude didn’t hesitate to step foot on dry ground for the first time in her life. However, she turned back quickly, returning to the depths. The sun, shining brightly at the time she reached the surface, blinded Pulchritude and burned her eyes. She didn’t like the feeling, and certainly did not appreciate the handicap of being blind. Though she was still intruiged, and, when the sun set, Pulchritude emerged once more and headed for the small house her father and brother lived in a bit away from the beach.

Pulchritude knew little to nothing about her brother and her father, despite what she learned from their visits. So, as she approached (her bioluminescence giving off a glow in the darkness), Pulchritude just barely recognized the muffled voice of her older brother. He seemed shocked, staring at her with wide eyes. At this moment Pulchritude fell into the swing of things, straightening up a bit and raising her chin. The mock crown upon her head, in which was very similar to his face guard, glinted in the moon’s gentle light. This was the first official meeting between a ‘queen’ and her servant.
Personality: Much like her egotistical brother, Pulchritude thinks very highly of herself. She thinks of herself as royalty, like her mother treated her when she was young and isolated from the rest of the world. Her brother proved no help to this, treating her just the same way as her mother did. She is known for her condescending attitude towards others, and her regal posture in which she never strays from.

Pulchritude can be very nasty. She has to get her way, no matter what. Other ponies’ feelings are none of her concern. If someone is in her way she eliminates them, or rather, has Emperior do it for her. Pulchritude doesn’t like to get her hooves dirty, avoiding it the best she can. She allows her brother to do her dirty work, or manipulates someone else into doing it for her. Never would she think of doing something that could taint her name on her own.

Speaking of manipulation, Pulchritude is quite skilled in the matter. She uses various dirty tricks, and is not below blackmail or rumors. As long as it gets her what she wants in the end, Pulchritude has no limits. If anyone were to become angry with her for cheating them, Pulchritude wouldn’t have to worry. The femme has her bodyguard to take care of them. Emperior is strong and well known, making the chance of her getting hurt close to zero. Besides, the only way for that to happen is if he turned on her, and she was certain her dear older brother would never do such a horrendous thing to such a highly pony as herself.
Current Home: Lives with her brother near the coast.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2015 6:24 am

Blu wrote:
[justify]Name: Emperior


Blu wrote:
Name: Pulchritude
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Due to her mutation between species, Pulchritude is able to breath both on land and in the water. She has a dual oxygen system, including both gills and lungs.

What you're describing here is being amphibious. You could save yourself a bunch of space here by using the correct word that encompasses all the content of these two sentences. Changing it, however, is not required for approval.

Character approved.

For the future, do a single character per post.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2015 6:27 am

Ah, okay. Thank you. uwu
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2015 5:50 am

"Come Tartarus or high waters, freezing cold or scorching heat, sleet or hail, the mail is getting delivered."

Name: Tenebrae

Race: Moth Pony 

Age: 20

Mane: Honey orange. Kept long, but braided

Coat: Coconut white, with honey orange tufts of plush fur on the chest leading around the neck and above the hooves.

Cutie mark: A black sun with what seems to be an eye

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Tenebrae has feathery antennae and a large pair of luna-moth like wings. Her irises and pupils, instead of being circular, are hexagonal. She also has a proboscis that's about a foot and a half long instead of a tongue.

Distinguishing Features: The large, orange and red luna-moth like wings. The feathery antennae used for extra sensory navigation (enhanced smell, primarily)

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Tenebrae can make illusions. These range from mirror images of herself to making patches of darkness that consume light, to making bright flashes of light. The main problem is that the illusions require close proximity to the target, though they make no noise when being cast. Her 'field' illusions are weaker overall, but aren't as strenuous to keep going in comparison to mirror image and other powerful illusion spells.  

Tenebrae has excellent night vision and smelling capabilities, being able to smell something 50 meters away without even seeing it first. She also has the inexplicable ability to land on any surface, be it a wall, ceiling or cloud and instantly be able to stay on it. This includes the underside of clouds

Weaknesses: Despite her excellent night vision, she is attracted to light, and she's completely confused during the day, flying about with no sense of direction at all. As stated before, her stronger illusions are strenuous to maintain for long periods of time. Her sense of smell can be very easily overpowered by extremely unpleasant scents.

Occupation: A courier for the Royal Mail Service Filly Delphia branch

Gear: a courier bag made to fit with her wings that has large magical storage, a rod that shoots magic bolts, a magical map that shows the location of the user, landmarks, and towns, full cover silver tinted sunglasses for the daytime, and her courier hat made to accommodate her antennae 

History: As a child, she lived in the White Tail forest with her extended family and other families in an isolated village. Not much happened there, and schooling was easy enough that she passed all of her classes with zero effort. She was assigned the job of 'pollinator' as the village didn't know what to do with her other than to have her tend to the plants. Then one day she received a strange box with a scroll in it. She opened the scroll, finding what seemed to be alien writing to others, but she saw that the writing was clear to her, and recited the spell. It cast a field of illusory darkness, earning her her cutie mark. She realized that she needed to return the scroll to the owner, she checked the strange postage on the box and sought out the return address. She eventually returned the scroll to its owner, a rather large pegesai that claimed to have sent it to her address by 'accident'. Now out of her stifling little village, Tenebrae sought work, managing to make her way to Filly Delphia and get signed up with the Royal Mail Service. She has been working now for two years, getting steady pay for her work.

Personality: High energy. She tends to talk fast and move fast. When she's on the job, she goes into her 'efficiency' mode, where she diverts all of her energy and concentration into finishing a task. Normally she's bouncy and easily excitable, it would take a lot to get her down in the dumps.

Current Home: An apartment in Filly Delphia

Misc: Moth Ponies normally drink nectar, meaning they have a high sugar diet and tend to consume large amounts of sugar to keep moving. The moth ponies of the White Tail forest, thanks to being so isolated, aren't all familiar with social norms, like not shooting your proboscis at someone to suck up a drop of sweat on them. Generally speaking, Moth Ponies are exactly what they say on the tin, ponies with many similarities to moths, though their origin is still debated.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2015 6:18 am

Wiserodin032402 wrote:
"Come Tartarus or high waters, freezing cold or scorching heat, sleet or hail, the mail is getting delivered."
Name: Tenebrae

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 9:22 pm

Chappy wrote:
Name: Jian

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 23, 2015 5:45 am

Nova Storm
Name: Nova Storm

Race: Dragon

Age: 49

Alignment: Good

Mane: Short blue spikes.

Coat: Ice-blue scales

Cutie mark.: N/A

Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add: 

Distinguishing Features: Nova is over 8 metres in length, excluding his tail, and when he stands up, he towers over ordinary ponies. Furthermore, he lacks a crucial feature of most dragons, in that it appears he has no wings.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Nova is a rather rare breed of dragon, and lightning arcs from his mouth rather than the usual flame. These bolts of electricity dart at a maximum range of 45 metres, and unlike normal lightning, do not seek somewhere to ground itself, but rather where Nova wants it to strike.

Being a lightning dragon, Nova is immune to virtually any form of electricity-based attack, and his laughter sounds like rumbling thunder as they patter harmlessly against his hide. Dragonscale is famously tough, and Nova's is no exception. 

Despite his lack of wings, Nova is capable of flight, able to form a pair of wings from living lighting, giving him a set of crawling wings if need be. He is also able to pour this living lightning into any part of his body, from his spiked tail to his jagged claws.
Weaknesses: Whilst Nova is a dragon, his species have different weaknesses to others of his kind. He may be immune to energy attacks, but his hide is terrible at repelling heat. Indeed, he almost lost his right arm to a lava flow, the scales on that arm darkened and weakened by it. Further, his scales may be tough, but they are not unbreakable, particularly along his underside. This weakness extends to his eyes, as they bear no protection at all from the scales. 

Magic is another large problem for Nova, as he has no particular resistance to it, allowing mages to strike him with impunity. 

Another large weakness of Nova's is that whilst he can control his lightning, it can still be grounded by a sufficiently large lightrod, or if the target he is attacking get behind large enough pillars of earth or steel. This weakness also extends to his wings, which can be grounded in a similar fashion, which will result in he himself being grounded.

Finally, Nova cannot swim, though not due to his lack of trying. Strange as it is, whenever he enters a large enough body of water, his body seemingly electrocutes itself, effectively short-circuiting himself. This knocks him about for about an hour, assuming he can be retrieved before he drowns.

Occupation: Nova is the leader of a group known as the 'White Knights', who are in essence a group of vigilantes who follow Nova without question, operating in any environment to perform any job.

Gear: Nova lost one of his eyes during a fight with a rival, and had it replaced with a magical equivalent. The only difference to his vision given by this replacement is a slight sharpening, and unlike his flesh and blood one, it cannot be deceived by illusion. The only other possession that he has is his warship, the Hammer of Wrath

Quite possibly one of the largest airships ever built, the Hammer has a steel, re-enforced hull that can be made airtight, and has been runed against damage. Across her deck, enormous crossbows point out, forgoing cannons for a less volatile weapon. The hull itself features windows, but nothing else. 

The ship itself does not run on magic, but rather, on electricity. Deep in the bowels of the ship sit eight enormous battery banks, though curiously, there is no generator that powers the ship. The ship is powered by Nova himself, as no pony made generator could provide enough energy to even lift the behemoth.

The most interesting thing about the Hammer though is something only visible from underneath the ship. Eight large, circular hatches like the bottom of the ship, each allowing the drop of a metal capsule affectionately known as 'rescue pods' by Nova. Each pod consists of six airtight doors, and is made of solid steel. The entire pod is enchanted to be resistant to deformation from impact, and anything inside to be protected from the jolting force exerted upon them by the sudden stop. Each pod is large enough to house twenty ponies comfortably, and can be used to transport supplies quickly to the ground, or for rapid insertion, as each pod is designed to be dropped from the Hammer as it flies above cloud level.

History: Born into a family of seven, Nova was quickly taught that if he wanted something in life, then he should fight tooth and claw for it. The greed that overtakes lightning dragons differs from most others in that they do not desire gemstones and gold, but rather, they desire power. 

Nova's parents never grew out of their greed, and their desire for power manifested in control over their seven children. Of the seven, only two never bowed to their parents whim, Nova and his sister, Ion. The pair were as close as two siblings could be, one often finishing the other's sentence. Together, they fought against their parent's tyranny every step of their lives. 

Time however is the enemy of every living thing, and Nova was subject to a particularly strong greed. Manifesting in a shrewdness that he had never exhibited before, and has not shown since, Nova stole the majority of his parent's horde and used it to fund a project to build something that ultimately would allow him to kill the beasts that had raised him. 

His order lead him to meet a pony by the name of Tinker, a stallion who would eventually become his right hand man.

Unlike her brother, Ion had quelled her greed and urged her brother to do the same, culminating in her begging for him to abandon the project and flee with her. He responded by throwing her from the mountain, his claws raking her face as she fell. With the Hammer of Wrath near completion, Nova's greed reached a crescendo, and with it driving him, he taunted his parents, drawing them from the cave towards the ship. 

It was on the deck of the ship that Nova's greed faded, having gained something that he saw as ultimate power. Unfortunately, this left him, completely conscious, and confronted with two enormous and pissed off dragons.

His father attacked first, tearing gouges in the steel as he leapt across the deck towards his child. Nova met his father in the middle of the deck, his claws barely scratching his father's scales. In reply, his father backhanded him hard enough to break his hide, sending him tumbling into one of the crossbows. Scrambling to his claws, Nova growled and spun, only to get struck by his lightning breath. Driven to his knees by the sheer force of his father's lightning, he could only look up to see his mother diving at him. 

Just as her claws reached to snap his neck, her body jerked and collapsed to the ground, dead, a crossbow bolt having punched through her throat. Disorientated by the death of his mate, the enormous male dragon stumbled back, searching for her murderer. Clinging to the back of the crossbow was Ion, blood trickling down her face. 

Nova growled, finally able to stand, as he tore a large chunk of steel from the hull of his ship. Striding towards his father, he stepped through the lightning arcing towards him, adrenaline pumping in his veins. 

His father, still disorientated by his wife's death, could only watch in horror as his son buried his makeshift dagger in his throat. Letting his father's blood drip onto his deck, Nova dragged himself over to his sister, cuddling her closely. 

In the years that followed, Nova set out aboard the Hammer, gathering a crew of various races, all kind, and yet brutal in combat, and all people that Nova would trust with his life. 

Personality: Nova is often calm and quiet, and often asleep. When fully awake, he has a strong sense of justice, and a huge desire to protect everyone.

Current Home: Nova lives aboard the Hammer of Wrath, where he can often be found sleeping curled up around the generator, his gentle snorts of electricity being absorbed by the ship's batteries.

Last edited by The_Pariah on Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 9:49 am

Name: Jet Stream

Race: Dragasus (A draconic Pegasus)

Age: 22

Mane/Tail color: Crimson red

Coat Color: black

Cutie Mark(s) crimson dragon mark (Similar to the symbol to Skyrim) with a pony outline at the bottom of it.

Extra Details: Has crimson red, draconian eyes and dagger-like teeth, he can only become a dragon at night.

Distinguishing features: His draconian eyes and sharp teeth.

Specialty: Jet's ability of becoming a dragon pony, although he cannot fully control when it happens, the only time being at night, is very helpful in situations where a pony's life is in danger, including his own. Instead of a normal dragon flame, he can breathe out a crimson red flame, a cooler flame, but still hot enough to cause damage.

Weaknesses: When in his draco-pony form, its a fifty-fifty chance of him losing control, cold temperatures, a weakness towards children

Occupation: Weather pony

Gear: None

History: When Jet and Sonic were born, their parents knew for a fact that they were different. When Sonic first learned to walk, he immediately learned to run as well, running all over the house at top speeds, watching him zoom around and laugh happily, while Jet would simply walk around, fly a little, or read. Mainly, he'd read. His parents had no idea that Jet had a gift, or perhaps curse, that on nights of the new moon, their quiet son would become a draco-pony. His feathers would fall from his wings, making his wings leathery and covered in scales and his eyes becoming jagged. At first, they had no idea what to do, but then, their father had the idea of leaving Jet somewhere in the Everfree, but their mother would have none of it, saying that she would sooner die than leave her baby to suffer such a fate. For a long time, the father kept his tongue still about the whole thing, Jet and Sonic continuing as they had been, untill their 12th birthday. That night, a new moon had risen and Jet had transformed yet again. Their father had grown weary of the many times he'd had to put up with Jet and walked out. The next morning, the smell of flames and smoke was noticed around the house, Jet being the first to have awoken. He  shot up out of his bed and tried to open the door, but it was locked and felt like it had been barricaded. He used all the strength he could muster and rammed through, looking for his mother and brother who were still in their room. The two were also behind a locked and barricaded door that only opened inwards, so it didn't take as much strength to break that door down as well. Sonic cowered by their mother who was coughing and hacking from the smoke and flames. Jet shook and pokes Sonic, trying his best to get him up. It took a little effort, but soon, the two got up and grabbed their mother, carrying her on their backs as they ran from the burning building. The two made it out safe and sound, but their mother had stopped breathing. Her lungs had filled with too much smoke and she suffocated from it. The twins were heartbroken at the loss of their mother, Sonic wanting to believe she was alive, but Jet told him it was a useless effort and that she was gone. Instead, the two used the last of what little strength they had to go to the hospital, collapsing the moment they entered. Later on, the two were sent to an orphanage outside of Ponyville where they were made fun of and picked on by the other orphans, as well as some of the staff. It was like that for about three years, Jet protected Sonic as best he could  and kept him safe... Until the day came when he had to say goodbye to his brother. A pair of pegasai came in one day and asked to see Sonic, and only Sonic, to Jet's dismay. But at the same time, he was ecstatic for his brother. He was more than happy to know that he was going to have a home and a family that loved him, other than Jet. Sonic wanted to protest and tell them that unless they adopted Jet as well, he wasn't going with them. But Jet didn't want his brother to lose this opportunity just because of him, so he told him to go, forcing him almost as they walked him to the train station and took him away to Maretropolis, a long ways away from Ponyville, and his brother. A few more years went by and Jet was adopted by a family in Ponyville that consisted of an earth Pony mare named Note Worthy who worked as a writer and a Pegasus stallion named Sky High who worked as a bartender at the local bar. Jet was glad that he had a family, but all the years of insults and bullying towards him made him gain a distrusting and distant nature, so he didn't speak to his family much. After a year or so, on his 19th birthday, he got a job as a weather pony, and he was also given a teammate who happened to be none other than his brother, Sonic, all grown up. The moment Sonic saw him, a smile a mile wide crept onto his face and he lunged at his brother, hugging him tight and crying, Jet doing the same. Before long, thy were back to how they were and, with some help from the few friends they'd made, mainly Sonic made, they got a house and live with each other in Ponyville.

Personality(s): Jet is a stand-offish kind of stallion after years of bullying, only having a soft soot for children and his brother, Sonic.

Last edited by CloudCrusher on Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:03 pm

New Race (Skeletal Ooze/guardian): The skeletal ooze is a frightening biomechanical monstrosity, a left-over of an ancient civilization. Once the guardians and recorders of a Great Library, with the fall of the empire came their slide into obscurity. Only recently have they begun to resurface, for reasons unknown.

The skeletal oozes are blobs of bio matter with the ability to mimic other forms of life. they can change color and solidify internal sections of their mass to create a skeleton. they can also change the feel and superficial properties of their mass (making it feel like fur, hooves, etc.) to where they can mimic a pony quite easily (While they can create feathers, they A) cannot/will not remove them [see below] and B) have to use noticeably non-Pegasus magic to stay aloft, as they can't change their mass.)
In addition to the above traits, Skeletal Oozes possess fully decentralized bodily systems, and have much greater capacity for mind and magic.
This power comes at a potentially fatal cost, however. The overall design of the skeletal Ooze renders it vulnerable to lightning and other forms of electricity. Most mages capable of creating lightning will have easily sufficient power to render a skeletal ooze comatose, at which time their current shape will melt into an clear substance with the consistency of maple syrup. The ooze will remain inert for a solid day, before it enters 'Reformation Mode'. This is the self-repair mechanism of the construct. Each portion of the ooze can sense other portions as long as they are on the same plane of reality, and will move in the most direct path to get to them. It is utterly mindless, and very vulnerable in this state. The minimum amount of ooze necessary to regain cognitive functions is 60%, but the Skeletal Ooze will be severely weakened and suggestible until it is fully reclaimed itself.

Skeletal Oozes are about as strong as an earth pony regardless of current shape, unless they are specialized towards a specific purpose.

Name: Mind Blaze
Race: Skeletal Ooze (Guardian)
Age: ???
Mane: Forest Green and White stripes.
Coat: Light green.
Cutie mark.: A thought bubble alight with black flames
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Magic aura color is white outlined with black, pupil ad iris one solid color.
Distinguishing Features: Unusual eyes, beyond that appears as a normal pony.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Blazes specialty is dark magic and arcontech. He has extensive knowledge of runes, and how they can be used to power machinery such as golems. Additionally, by completely surrounding sleeping or unconscious sentient beings in its goo, Mind Blaze cam assimilate their knowledge, and a small amount of their spells if they have them. (the reason in took so much of Sharp Mind and Phantom Blaze is because those to were completely converted into skeletal ooze in order to make a new body. Mind Blaze could not “eat” another pony unless on the verge of destruction.
Weaknesses: Lightning.
Occupation: Professional Heretic, cultist for hire.
Gear: None
History: In the beginning, M=Min Blaze was not known as “mind blaze”, it was known as Librarian No.004 of Library Alpha. The fourth Guardian of the most important Library of the ancient Nakian civilization No.004 was one of the many “skeletal oozes” or as they were once called “Guardians”.  No.004 did its job well, having as close to pride as a emotionless construct can.
Until the Great Cataclysm. An experiment gone wrong that destroyed the civilization. For each settlement of Nakaya had a communication crystal to connect it with the rest of the Civilization. The experiment caused each one of these crystals to explode violently, as well as the detonation of any smaller connected crystals throughout the various residential areas, or remote ones carried by scouts. The only structures that did not have such crystals were the Libraries, as the type of crystals used to display information within them did not react well to the communications crystals. In short, they exploded violently. The experiment in question had been intended to fix this flaw, but the communication crystal being used had not fully disconnected from the network.
And so, the Nakian Empire fell. All except for the Libraries. That being said, they did not fare well either. Cut off from the support of the Empire, the Libraries soon became under siege from the monsters and oppressed sentients previously quashed under the unforgiving heel of Nakaya Empire. Griffons, ponies, and others rose against them, systematically destroying the libraries until only the Alpha Library remained.  The Guardians would defend it to the death, bearing no emotions or goals except the defense of knowledge. For the Alpha Library was the backup of the civilization’s knowledge, and the most well defended of the libraries. The only problem was, a large portion of its defenses ceased functioning with the utter destruction of both the Empire and the other Libraries. So while the other Guardians “perished” fending off the rogue sentients, No.004 carried out a procedure. It was an untested experiment. Firstly, it required the Viden. The Viden was the most powerful knowledge crystal ever created. It was a blank slate as well, for the Nakians had wanted to replicate it before using it, but they never had. Now, No.004 planned to store the Library’s vast knowledge inside the Crystal fuse with it, and flee. The first step succeeded, though at the cost of making the knowledge stored within extremely hard to get out without extensive power beyond even the Guardians. The second step however… Well, it worked, but not without consequences. The fusion with the sum total knowledge of the Empire, compressed knowledge though it was, fired No.004’s systems. While physically, it removed the previous invulnerability to weather al Guardian’s possessed and imbued on their libraries, it also affect No.004 core logic.
Emotions and other previously unknown facets of sentience flooded into the Guardian, while at the same time damaging the other Guardians and the Library itself. The entire structure exploded soon after, collapsing on top of No.004. but this would not be its end.
Centuries later, during the time of Luna’s banishment, No.004 was recovered by an expedition. Their leader, Sharp Mind, had acquired an ancient knowledge crystal from Alpha library. It was a fragment of one of the security cameras that had been disconnected from the Library’s network during the attack. Possessing an AI of its own, the crystal not only showed No.004’s actions, it also gave a hazy explanation of what was actually going on. Sharp’s thirst for knowledge and riches was excited by this. If even individual pieces of the overall security systems had this much complexity and power, then even a small portion of such a ruin would pay huge dividends.  Taking a crew to the site of the crystal’s recovery, Sharp Mind and his sister, Phantom Blaze,  the team got to work. Phantom Blaze’s ability, a unique method of phasing through objects that allowed her to fit her entire body into objects that should not contain it, proved invaluable in the discovery. Eventually, they found No.004. Sharp Mind and Phantom Blaze investigated themselves, bring the crystal along with them. Unfortunately for them, the crystal had tricked them. The fell into the dormant goo of No.004 along with the crystal, which awakened the ancient Guardian. No.004 for quickly surrounded and assimilated them, taking their knowledge, appearance, power,  names,  and abilities. Using the data in the security crystal that had also been assimilated, the newly christened “Mind Blaze” made its way to the surface with the late Phantom Blaze’s phasing ability. After slaughtering the rest of the crew and taking what knowledge it could, Mind Blaze set out for Canterlot.
Personality: Cold and calculating, utterly sociopathic in nearly all aspects except for tea and knowledge, both of which Blaze holds in utmost regard. Damage to either will invite Blaze’s full wrath. Beyond this Blaze barely cares about anything not related to his current goals, whatever they may be.
Current Home: N/A

[Alt. Version for Lower Power Level]
Name: Mind Blaze
Race: Unicorn
Age: 25
Mane: White and Dark green
Coat: Minty green.
Cutie mark.: To parallel lines, one a emerald green two shades darker than her coat, and the other cyan. A red arrow moves between them.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features: Her pupil and iris are one solid cyan disc. In addition, she is a bit taller than most ponies. Her stature is between that of a normal pony and Fleur's leaning more towards Fleur's.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Mind Blaze is a specialist in Transportation spells, such as phasing, teleporting, and movement acceleration. In addition to her Transport magic, blaze can cast to other spells that aren't within her bailiwick. The first is a low powered version of a Apprentice stealth spell that makes her partly transparent (Only effective in water or lowlight levels) as well as causing casual notice to slide off her (But not if they are actively looking for her, and in that case they would find her more easily by following the location that tries to push their glance aside). The other is the basic range of telekinesis, including a low powered telekinetic beam that is taught to most unicorns for the purposes of self-defense. these two spells take her slightly longer to cast though, the burst a 1 second delay before firing and the stealth spell a full thirty seconds. Basic telekinesis, phasing, and teleporting she can do by instinct. the more complex spells, such as ones affecting momentum, she can do around 30% faster that other mages. While this isn't as much as other many of the other specialized casters she went to school with, she has a much greater mana efficiency, and can weave multiple ones at once while on the move.
In addition to this, Blaze is very smart, having a storng grasp of magical theory and able to think quickly when in stressed conditions or mentally burdened (Heavily Sleep-deprived, sick, magical effects designed to weaken her mind, that sort of thing. She takes decent care of herself physically, except when it comes to getting enough sleep. She isn't at the level of a Royal Guard, Mercenary, or farmer, but she won;t be out of breath within 20 minutes of walking.
Weaknesses: While she is very good at Transportation magic, she is very bad at most others (beyond the two spells previously mentioned). while she can understand the theory without much trouble, her ability to cast outside her field is lacking. While she can technically cast the spells, it uses up nearly triple the amount of mana it normally would. Blaze has a slightly above average reserve, but trying to cast out of her field will still render her unable to cast for at least ten minutes, and without followed by food, sleep, or both she certainly won't be able to try casting anything except her own transportation magic.
Physically, she has trouble getting enough sleep. This means that she is almost constantly sleep deprived. While she can work through this, it doesn't change the fact that her mana will regenerate much slower than most, and that she is more likely to miss minor yet important details in conversation and equations.
Note: Unlike the AI Mind Blaze, Alt. Blaze is much more skilled and powerful in transportation magic, even able to take other ponies and times along in her phasing. However, her power is limited to Transportation related magics. She does not have the dark magic and golem magic, the durable and flexible goo body, or the powerful AI organizational skills of the AI blaze.

Occupation: Freelance Mage for Hire, trying to pay off College Debts.
Gear: Black Duster, and a basic mage staff that helps her set up more permanent spellwork, like teleport circles.

History: Mind Blaze hails from the city of Trottingham, born to middle class parents and taught through the local schooling. Through the early years of her life, she more or less avoided other ponies, occasionally helping out whenever they needed additional telekinesis on some group project or surprise for someone's parents, or an attempt to get their cutie marks. As one of the few unicorns in her area of the city to get her control over her magic at a young age, she was frequently dragged away from her book to serve as the Crane in the local foal's games and pranks.
As she and the rest of her 'friends' grew older, their projects got ever more elaborate. She was still the best at magic by way of having the most practice with it, but she was no longer only one with it, and unlike a few other foals, she still lacked her cutie mark.
One day, when the group was attempting to get cutie marks in siege warfare, the ballista they had cobbled together broke, sending wires they had used in its construction scything across the area. At that moment, Blaze's magic took hold of her, and in the resulting wild surge of magic, she teleported herself and the other foals out of danger, before passing out. Upon waking up in the the hospital, she discovered she had earned her cutie mark.
The event had taken place near the end of the year, meaning that when she was finally recovered, it was time for her to move up to the next stage of education. While she had originally anticipated she would be going to one of the local Trottingham schools, her parents told her they had saved enough money to send her to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. After making her goodbyes, she boarded the train with her parents and went to Canterlot.
Upon arriving, she immediately headed to the School, despite it being several hours before the exam was to take place. After pleading withe the teachers, she was allowed to take the test early. Her magic was ill suited to hatching the egg, and the spells placed upon it prevented her from trying to teleport the dragon out. She began to pick apart the wardings by trying to inject uncontrolled magic, but her time soon ran out. Still, she had done better than most, and was accepted into the school.
The next few years went by for her in a haze of sleep-deprived studying and coffee. When she came out of it, she was a certified mage and the owner of a massive student debt. From there, she took odd jobs around Canterlot, managing to get an apartment half paid before the ever absent Faerie Fire. Eventually, a noble, Lord Bell, found out about her abilities, and offered her patronage in exchange for moving materials quietly for him. Desperate for money, she accepted. Eventually the Lord no longer needed her services, and dropped her. By this point though, she had gotten enough reputation to take jobs from other nobles.
Personality: Mind Blaze is a strange mix of 'Wild and Free' and 'Introspective and Introverted'. She is very intelligent, but her somewhat erratic nature can lead her to act without considering all the variables of a given situation. Despite her forceful personality, she rapidly looses patience with social interaction, and will abruptly leave with her magic to go read a book in a quiet room. She has trouble facing heavy emotions, such as wronging others, rejection, or rejection others. She tends to run from these problems rather than facing them, going to insane lengths. She can still move past them quite quickly and continue interacting normally with these ponies, but unless forced she doesn't get an experience from the issue, meaning that when other ponies are involved she has a hard time learning from her mistakes.
Current Home: An apparent in Canterlot. Supposedly she has a roommate named 'Faerie Fire', but beyond paying for her half of the room, Mind Blaze never sees the mare.
Misc: Blaze's fur is abnormally good at carrying a static charge, leading her to be zapped and shocked often. She constantly crackles around carpeted surfaces.

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 2:32 am

Lorthalis of Crows wrote:
New Race (Skeletal Ooze/guardian): The skeletal ooze is a frightening biomechanical monstrosity, a left-over of an ancient civilization. Once the guardians and recorders of a Great Library, with the fall of the empire came their slide into obscurity. Only recently have they begun to resurface, for reasons unknown.

The skeletal oozes are blobs of bio matter with the ability to mimic other forms of life. they can change color and solidify internal sections of their mass to create a skeleton. they can also change the feel and superficial properties of their mass (making it feel like fur, hooves, etc.) to where they can mimic a pony quite easily (While they can create feathers, they A) cannot/will not remove them [see below] and B) have to use noticeably non-Pegasus magic to stay aloft, as they can't change their mass.)
In addition to the above traits, Skeletal Oozes possess fully decentralized bodily systems, and have much greater capacity for mind and magic.
This power comes at a potentially fatal cost, however. The overall design of the skeletal Ooze renders it vulnerable to lightning and other forms of electricity. Most mages capable of creating lightning will have easily sufficient power to render a skeletal ooze comatose, at which time their current shape will melt into an clear substance with the consistency of maple syrup. The ooze will remain inert for a solid day, before it enters 'Reformation Mode'. This is the self-repair mechanism of the construct. Each portion of the ooze can sense other portions as long as they are on the same plane of reality, and will move in the most direct path to get to them. It is utterly mindless, and very vulnerable in this state. The minimum amount of ooze necessary to regain cognitive functions is 60%, but the Skeletal Ooze will be severely weakened and suggestible until it is fully reclaimed itself.

Skeletal Oozes are about as strong as an earth pony regardless of current shape, unless they are specialized towards a specific purpose.

Provisional approval.

Quote :
Name: Mind Blaze
Occupation: Professional Heretic, cultist for hire.


Disturbing but I see no problems with it. Approved.
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 4:44 am

Name: Mari
Race: Patchwork zombie
Age: Died at the age of 21, but has been around for 43 years.
Mane: Brown and scruffy
Coat: Gray, with other colored patches stitched in
Cutie mark.: Has faded to where it is no longer discernible
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: When Mari reanimated, she was missing her bottom jaw. Now she has a new one sewn on but is still mute because of this.
Distinguishing Features: She has multiple stitches and scars, sometimes even missing hole portions of her body.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She doesn't need to breath or eat, also losing body parts isn't much of a problem as she can replace them later. So long as her brain is intact, Mari she can patch herself up.
Weaknesses: Holy relics hurt when in close proximity, and her "soul" can be severed from her body with the right spells.
Occupation: Her creator's daughter's guardian, protector, and dolly.
Gear: Often dressed up by a foal while some parts of her are covered in bandages to hide the missing pieces and so others aren't scared off by the gore.

History:In life Mari was alone. Her parents had died and she was an only child, leaving the young mare to fend for herself as the days passed by in little but a blur while she worked at the nearby cafe to support herself. By means unknown to her, Mari received a ticket one day for a free train right to Canterlot. Seeking a break from the monotony that her life had become, Mari took the chance but as the train was en route she carelessly leaned against the door of the train car. The door gave way to her and out Mari fell to the hard ground below. Before the already battered mare could recover though, her tail had gotten caught under the train and she was pulled beneath the cars where she was torn apart, though her head and a large part of her torso remained mostly intact.

Despite the grisly death, Mari's body was donated to a research facility devoted to science and magic. There her corpse was acquired by a stallion who'd been dabbling in reanimation practices. With Mari's battered pieces (and a few others who wouldn't be needing them anymore), the stallion reconstructed her as best he could, though some things were simply missing and the areas were covered with bandages to be hidden from sight, especially her mouth since the bottom jaw had been destroyed in the accident. The scientist reanimated Mari and had the patchwork mare serve as a lab assistant for him for some time. Eventually, a replacement jaw was found, but when it was attached, the muscles didn't work. When this happened more than once, the scientist assumed it was something with Mari herself and not the part, and resigned to simply sow her mouth shut.

Later, when the scientist became a father, he gave Mari a new purpose and job. Instead of serving as his assistant, she was to be the daughter's nanny, a role that became considerably more serious when the foal's mother died, leaving Mari to take her place.

Personality: Happy, cheerful, sarcastic and silly.
Current Home: In her creator's daughter's house in Canterlot
Misc: In her free time she will often roam the city trying to relearn what she forgot because of the reanimation procedure.

Last edited by Unity Wolfpony on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 3:30 pm

Name: Sonic Boom
Age: 22 (younger than Jet by two minutes)
Race: Pegasus
Mane/Tail color: Cobalt Blue
Coat Color: Cyan Blue
Cutie Mark: A white whirlwind surrounded by blue feathers.
Extra Details: None
Distinguishing Features: his right ear has three silver piercings, he's usually seen wearing headphones everywhere he goes.
Weakness: His love of mares and children, pastries, pressure, boredom, darkness, the Everfree forest
Occupation: Wonderbolt in training, but mainly a weather pony
Gear: A tape recorder and a pair of blue headphones
History: When Sonic and his brother Jet were born, their parents knew that they had given birth to an odd pair of foals, but they loved them regardless. Sonic was always running around as fast as he could the moment he learned to walk. Jet on the other hand, learned to fly before Sonic, and instead of running, would usually walk, or read books. Sonic couldn't have been a happier foal, getting to play with his brother all day, being loved by his parents, he was overjoyed about his life. Until one night, while Sonic was asleep, he heard slight growling next to him. He yawned and rubbed his little green eyes, to be met with a crimson red pair of orbs, the pupils slit. He stopped when he looked closer and gasped slightly. He knew within seconds that the miniature draconic thing was Jet. He was slightly startled but then shouted for his parents. They ran in and gasped, seeing Sonic hugging the scaly, draconian next to him, the dragon-like foal smiling lightly with a small blush as he hugged him back. Their mother thought it was odd but adorable at the same time, but their father found it shocking as he swiftly pulled Sonic out of the crib they were in and glared at Jet in fear and disgust. Sonic, being barely a few months old, was surprised by their father's actions as he looked at Jet who reached for Sonic through the little bars with his claws, saying his first word which was "Son-Son", his attempt at calling for Sonic. Sonic flailed in their father's grasp as he called back "Jey-Jey". Their mother, almost shocked to tears by their speaking, pulled Sonic out of their father's forelegs and brought him back to Jet, the two hugging again, Sonic whimpering lightly as Jet did the same. Their father didn't react very well and hit  their mother, making her fall as she groaned. Jet saw this and growled as he breathed in and blew out a small stream of fire at their father, lighting his wings as he screamed and shouted painfully, running to the bathroom and jumping into the shower, his wings doused by the water. His wings were damaged to a point where it was impossible for him to fly again, which enraged their father greatly. Their mother told him to never touch either of their sons or her again or the guard would be all over him, so he kept quiet. Until their twelfth birthday. That night, while they were all asleep, their father snuck out of the house. The next morning, Sonic could smell the fire and smoke, but he was still drowzy, so he believed it to be a dream. Until he heard Jet slamming himself against the door to their room. He slowly awoke and realized that he was no lo NH g next to Jet, but their mother, who was coughing and breathing haphazardly. He gasped and looked around at the smoke, but he covered his face with his wing as he did the same for his mother, trying his best to block the smoke from seeping into their lungs as he cried out for Jet, who then bashed through the door, spotting Sonic and their mother on the bed, Sonic looking horrified and their mother coughing still. He tried to get Sonic to snap out of it so they could leave, and after three or so minutes of trying, a falling beam next to them got him out of his frightened and confused state, the two of them doing their best to drag their mother and themselves out of the house. They panted and breathed in the semi-fresh air, being about two yards from their burning home. The two of them had survived, but their mother, without either of them noticing, ceased her breathing. Sonic tried to awaken her to the best of his ability, shaking her softly as tears seeped from his eyes, repeatedly crying for her. The two then used what energy they had left and carried their mother to the hospital, where they both collapsed from exhaustion and major fatigue. A couple hours later, a few guards came to the hospital, asking about the burning house. The receptionist lead them to the room where the two foals were lying, though in separate beds, they were facing each other as they slept. When they awakened, they were taken to an orphanage outside of Ponyville where the two were mistreated by the other orphans, and even a couple of the staff. This went on for three years, foals and fillys alike making fun of the tw, but Jet made sure that no one layer a hoof on his brother, getting into fights and threatening lives, all to keep his twin brother safe. Until it was time for them to bid each other farewell. When Sonic and Jet turned 15, a couple came and asked for Sonic... And only Sonic. Sonic fought and shouted at them, telling them that they'd either take them both, or leave with neither. But Jet talked Sonic into going with the couple, not wanting to hold Sonic back from going to a good home. So, with a heavy heart and tears falling from his eyes, Sonic was taken to Maretropolis, for the first time ever, being separated from his brother. Sonic was adopted by a unicorn stallion named Remix, who worked as a DJ at the local club, and an earth pony mare named Sugar, who worked as a baker and often baked for Sonic to cheer him up. When Sonic turned 18, he left his new home and went to Ponyville, getting away from the noise of the city and got a job as a weather pony. While he was there, he was told he was being paired with another new pony, who was none other than Jet, all grown up. Sonic gasped and ran at Jet, tackle hugging him to the ground as the two laughed and hugged one another, overjoyed that they were reunited. With the help of their parents, and a few of Sonic's friends, the two bought a house in Ponyville and live there, so that they'd never be separated again.
Personality: Sonic is a care-free, laid back, sweets loving stallion that will more than likely hit on every and any mare he sees, he adores children and he can become rather annoying after a while.
Current Home: Ponyville
Misc.: When he first started, Sonic had a bit of a crush on a certain pink party pony, and still does.

Last edited by CloudCrusher on Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 5:51 pm

CloudCrusher wrote:
Name: Jet Stream
Mane/Tail color: Crimson red

Coat Color: black

A red and black dragon-pony? Oh, it is ON.

Quote :
Weaknesses: When in his draco-pony form, its a fifty-fifty chance of him losing control, cold temperatures, a weakness towards children

What's a weakness towards children?

So... a red and black dragonpony with a tragic past. I never thought I'd see someone name the trope but the character is solid. So this character is approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 5:55 pm

CloudCrusher wrote:
Name: Sonic Boom

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2015 5:58 pm

Unity Wolfpony wrote:
Name: Mari

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2015 1:58 am

Name:Plamie 'Sharie' Sherbert
Mane:Deep purple mane that's rather messy and flat and of medium length.
Coat:A strange blended mix of red and blue in a random pattern similar to swirls.
Cutie Mark:None.
Distinguishing Features:Her strange blended coat.
Weakness:Being a small filly she's naturally weak and not very fast plus very curious and a bit stubborn.
History:Born in Trottingham she was raised alone by her mother and was mainly a not very social child preferring being with her mother.She is very bright in school and loved by the teachers for her excellent academic performance but is often disliked by the students for her strange behavior.She has strange sleep problems where certain days she can stay up all night and be asleep all day or vice versa, its very strange for ponies who don't really know her.
Personality:She's a kind friendly filly who enjoys being with her mom and learning about the world but her natural curiousity leads her to trouble a bit and is a bit annoying to some.She enjoys relaxing and is a bit lazy preferring to sleep than do work and is not very strong a factor that upsets her along with her small size.She gets mad when people make fun of size or mother and is very protective of her.
Current Home:Trottingham
Misc:Her nickname was taken from the last two letters in her first name and first four in her last name.

Name:Zephry Hazel Sherbert
Mane:A violet color with some very on the ends.
Coat:A average Blue.
Cutie Mark: A smile with a toothbrush.
Special Skills:Photographic Memory and Quick Learning Skills.
Weakness:Not very strong or fast and has a habit of getting too focused on a single thing distracting her from other things.
History: Grew up in Manhattan and earned her cutiemark early and decided to go into dental hygiene buisnesse.Due to her quick learning she easily went through school and even took a few basic medical courses on top of that and earn her masters in Dentistry.She moved to Trottingham and opened her own office and soon was the most used Dentist in town for her effiancy and expertise. She briefly had a one night stand with a stallion and became pregnant later giving birth to her daughter Share.The stallion was last heard heading to Ponyville to find work. Hazel balanced her work and parenting the best she could though it was stressful but she did it for her small daughter who she loved more than anything.
Personality:She's very kind and authortive often like a teacher and likes to give happiness to others but can be a bit stressed at time and fell exhausted.She rarely gets upset and trys to keep a positive spin on things. With her daughter she tries to bond and teach her as much as possible and enjoys playing with her but if she's hurt or in danger Hazel will become extremely determined and possibly furious at any pony who caused her little filly harm.
Current Home:Trottingham.
(Making these two for Dragon Souls Island Survival Sign-up)
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