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 Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]

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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon Apr 28, 2014 4:31 pm

It was a regular sunny day in Canterlot, clear skies and hot weather. A changeling was wandering the streets, trying to ignore those hateful looks she was given. She looked exactly as her mother, Queen Chrysalis, had looked, though with a silver color scheme. Her eyes were silver, her wings were slightly silvery, the carapace on her back was silvery, both her mane and tail were also that very same metallic silver. She walked quietly, avoiding the gaze of any others, and looked pretty sad about the hate she got from her mother's invasion, even though she had never even participated in it. Her name was Aura. She wore a white T-shirt and white short shorts, nothing else. Her chitin was the darkest part of her, being black.

There was a loud crash, and she ran over to see a stallion lying on the ground. She immediately noted his dazed expression, and figured he hit his head. She also noticed how he winced whenever his leg moved, and figured either a fracture or break. She quickly moved over, and knelt beside him, wings buzzing nervously. She snapped her fingers in front of his nose. "Hey, don't fall asleep now, you need to stay up, or I can't heal you properly." She lets a small flow of healing magic flow around him to find any extra injuries.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:00 pm

Said man with the injuries was not so happy to have fallen off a piece of scaffolding that was unstable, and unable to unfurl his wings in such a tight alleyway. Much as he needed the help, he was none too pleased to see a changeling, even if she was attempting to help. "More likely trying to feed.. But, despite his distaste, he did appreciate the small scan with healing magic as he sat up and winced. "I ain't gonna fall asleep." Giving his leg a small poke, he winced again and sighed. "Damn leg's fucked..... Imma..." Despite his broken leg, the grey pegasi pulled himself to his feet, or foot rather, and braced himself against a building for a moment. "Hmmph.... I got this.. just go on elsewhere whoever you are." he hissed as he extended a hand, silver band around his wrist flashing for a moment before a sheathed katana appeared, him grasping it and using it as a brace, limping forward, only to make it a few steps before the end of the sheathe failed to maintain its hold, and him subsequently falling onto his face and groaning in pain as his leg collided with the ground again.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 7:27 pm

Aura sighed unhappily. "Just hold still." She said softly and began administering some basic healing spells. She was silent, and obviously a bit irritated. "Try to be less rude, please, I get enough from everyone else in this city." She said, a hurt tone within her voice. She really hated how ponies were always so racist against her simply because of what she was, even though she was not even a part of the invasion. "I need to brace your leg, can you summon that…katana?" She asked, not getting the name at first. Or a smaller blade, but it must be straight." She pulled a few bandages out of her storage spell and looked to him. "My name is Aura, by the way, nice to meet you, I guess."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 2:33 am

Sword rolled his eyes as he sat up. "A sheathe or blade is a piss poor excuse for a splint. Wrap my leg the best you can, help me out into the streets, and then I can fly to the hospital. Feel free to lead me if that makes ya happy, or leave. I've had worse." Extending his leg for her with a muffled groan, he sat in silence for a moment. "You can call me Sword." he muttered, deciding to at least pay some level of respect to his benefactor, despite his extreme distaste for her race.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 2:45 am

"It's better than making it worse!" She sighed and groaned unhappily as she muttered about stupidity. "I am helping you all the way there, on foot, you hit your head and that could lead to further injury, head trauma is deadly to flyers who aren't properly healed…Sword…" She went quiet and just simply set to work, tying the bandages in such a way and using magic to make them harden into a cast-like state. She hooked an arm underneath his own and helped him up slowly. "The cast is temporary, a splint would have been better, but it will do for now. And…I apologize…I sense your distaste for me and my kind, but I want you to know…I wasn't part of the invasion, thus why I was exiled, so do not treat me like I am some cockroach, please?" He expression said she doubted he would even consider kindness.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeTue May 06, 2014 10:49 pm

"Heads fine, that much I can tell ya. and..." Sword grated his teeth as she started to bind his leg, and was impressed with her transfiguration of it into a cast. Bracing his weight on her, he pushed up on his good leg while she lifted him. "Not bad. That'll hold nicely till I get to the hospital and get it set properly. As for you and your kind." his expression went dour for a moment. "I don't need your personal history. You help me to the hospital, and I'll consider you right as rain. As for the invasion, I wasn't present, I was....elsewhere at the time. Save the life story miss. Just tell me where the hospital is so I can kick off and get there."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed May 07, 2014 11:26 am

"No." She hooks her arms around his shoulder, holding him up. "I said I would take you there. Sorry for the explanation…I rarely even get this close to ponies, they avoid me." She starts walking with him, staying on the side with his hurt leg, seeming to watch his expression and body language to check for any other problems. She finally noticed his actual features, especially how handsome he was. She blushes but looked away, sh hoped he hdn't noticed.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeSun May 11, 2014 3:16 am

Sword's expression softened slightly, still irritated, but a little bit less so as she helped him down the street. Other than his leg, he seemed to be fine, him ignoring the pain, now lessened thanks to her. "Look miss, I appreciate your help. I appreciate that you're trying to make your race look good to me, but," Sword brushed her off, wings flaring out and him crouching. "I'm taking off how. I'll be fine on my own. Its just how I do things." Sword then lept off his good leg and flapped his wings hard, rising up slowing and spotting the hospital now that he was above the buildings, turning to head towards it.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeSun May 11, 2014 3:41 am

Aura raised an eyebrow, and sighed, irritated. She bolted after him, accelerating quite well. She lazily floated beside him. "I am still gonna follow until you get to the hospital." She said, keeping up as if she wasn't even trying. "And if I get out of range, that cast will fall apart, and you'll be in more pain." She looked at the leg. "Almost did, too, good thing I'm a fast flier." She glares at him, but dropped it after a moment. She looked away, blushing a bit, looking embarassed.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 2:17 am

"Follow all you want, I just see no point in limping my way there when I have 2 perfectly good wings to carry me there. And you should have told me that before I took off. Assert yourself better next time." Sword replied, not looking back at her, focused on his destination. "As for fast.... you certainly are agile to catch up so quickly to me, although I was never known for my extreme speed, I trained for stamina." Why did I add that? Bah, doesn't matter Sword though to himself as he flew, having noticed her gaze over him earlier, wondering what she was on about there as well, but dismissing it for now.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 2:29 am

Aura blushed a deeper green at the mention of stamina, her body betraying her conscious thoughts. "Assert myself? What do you mean? I felt pretty assertive…" She trailed off, unsure of what to think before she ran into a chimney, crying out in pain and falling for almost the entire way down before barely catching herself before she hit the ground. She sat there, dazed. "Muh?" She cradled her left arm to her chest, wincing. She laid there a moment, then tried to get up, but fell back again. "Ow ow ow ow ow…" She mumbled, completely forgetting about Sword's cast, Sword, the hospital, anything. All that was in her mind now was pain. The chitin on her left forearm was cracked, leaking a green liquid that was her blood. Her left temple was also cracked, and bleeding.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 4:28 am

Sword heard a crash, then felt the cast around his leg vanish, him grunting in response to a sharp jab of pain. Halting himself in mid air didn't do his leg any favors either, him landing on his good leg, looking over the mess that was the changeling before him. Ok, she's now more messed up than I am. Why the buck wasn't she paying attention while she was flying.

He knelt, looking at her wounds, frowning at the crack in her head. "Your exoskeleton appears to be fractured in several places, and that wound on your head makes you casting magic inadvisable..." His band flashed, a small dagger appearing in his hand, him then taking off his shirt. "Stupid stupid stupid..." he muttered to himself as he sliced the shirt into bandages, taking her arm and wrapping her wound tightly. "Hmmm... she appears to be concussed... I'll have to carry her as well... this is gonna hurt." Taking another bandage, Sword wrapped it around her head and tied it firmly, then hefting the smaller changeling onto his shoulders in a fireman carry. Unable to take off on one foot, Sword hobbled his way to the edge and dropped off, spreading his wings and pumping them as hard as he could to keep the two of then aloft as he took the two of them towards the hospital.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 12:12 pm

Aura mewled in pain as he picked her up, grunting as they took off. She looked like she was drowsy, and was muttering incoherently, something about sapphires? She shifted lightly and grunted as she felt him begin to, and finish, bandaging her arm. She had not liked the take off, but her wounds bleeding more as she subconsciously realized he was holding her, her blush darkening and resulting in her right arm moving up to try to cover her face. Her bleeding only made worse by seeing no shirt on him.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 3:26 pm

Sword saw the entrance to the hospital, letting himself descend, and landed in front of the hospital. Unable to support the two of them any longer, he collapsed, falling onto his back, keeping his wings spread to dull the impact as he switched her to the front of him, grunting as he hit the ground. Seeing her bleeding increase, he frowned deeper. "HEY! CAN I GET SOME HELP OUT HERE!" he yelled, applying pressure to her head wound. After a few moments, a small group of unicorn doctors ran outside, Sword sighing with relief as the head of them started shouting orders, him and Aura being suspended in telekinetic fields and carried into the hospital. He'd be fine, but he didn't know about her.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 3:54 pm

Aura was still, the second impact of them hitting the ground rendering her unconscious. She looked like she'd have a very nasty headache, her arm's bandages already showing the color of her blood. She mumbled softly, and it sounded suspiciously like "Sword." She barely had even registered the trip there, but was now subconsciously trying to move, believing she was in a bed.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 4:28 pm

Sword watched as they levitated Aura off to a separate room, himself being carried into an X-ray room to have his leg examined and casted.

Meanwhile Aura was in an operating room, doctors removing her bandages and wincing at the cracks in her exoskeleton. "We'll need to clean these cracks and then seal them with magic. Someone fetch me the changeling expert here!" a doctor ordered, him beginning to clean Aura's wounds as the doctor they called for appeared in a flash, her taking a look over Aura for herself. "Hmmm... that's a nasty looking head wound.... but nothing I can't fix. Gimme a bit of space please." she requested, horn lightning. Aura would feel the pain around her head double as the doctor began to break her chitin back into place, and then the pain would recede as it started to regenerate, sealing her wound. The same two stages of pain would be replicated on her arm as well. "That should take care of her. She'll come around in a few hours."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2014 4:38 pm

Aura had not even reacted to the pain, simply stayed unconscious and still. She woke after three hours, looking around frantically, confused and disoriented. "Where? Who? What?" She mumbled groggily, scooting back against the pillows, hugging her knees quietly. She looked around again, this time taking more care to notice she was in the hospital. She winced as he felt a massive headache pound her skull. "Agh, what minotaur ran me over?"
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2014 5:01 am

A Nurse looked over her as she woke up. "Calm down miss. You're in the hospital. You had several exoskeletal fractures and a massive concussion to boot. a rather well built pegasus stallion with a broken leg carried you here, although how he pulled that off, I've no clue. Must be one of those guard types. He's in room 11 down the hall, but I suggest you relax for a moment before walking miss. And if you do visit, take it easy. Last I saw he was napping, and he wasn't too pleased before he passed out either, although the morphine we gave him while we set his leg certainly helped his mood. Oh and we're keeping you here overnight as well just to make sure your restoration went smoothly. Other than that, feel free to take a stroll around after you've got your head straight."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2014 11:59 am

Aura nods softly, and relaxes. She stretches softly and grunts as she spins on the bed to slip off. "Need to…apologize…and thank him." She pants, seeming to not care about her own safety at that moment. She laughs softly. "I'm a field medic, well, was a field medic, and I think you ponies know more about us than we do you. Give my gratitude to whoever fixed me up, he or she did a good job." She stands, wobbling lightly, then set off. She ignored the nurse, determined to get to Sword's room. She got there quickly, and plopped down next to his bed, in a chair.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2014 6:23 pm

As soon as Aura opened the door, Sword's ears flickered, and his eyes snapped open, a flurry of expressions going over his face ranging from irritance, analysis, and finally a resigned expression as she plopped down in the chair beside his bed. "Well, I see they got you patched up. What are you doing here? They making you stay overnight like me?" Sword asked, gesturing to his casted leg. "Not sure why I gotta stay to be honest. Probably a side effect of the drugs they gave me... gotta let'em clear my system."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeTue May 13, 2014 6:50 pm

Aura sighs and groans. "Yep, stuck here." She scoots the chair closer, looking like she was sorry. "I…I do not remember anything after finding you…but I was told you carried me here…" Sh gently grabbed him hamd, clasping it gratefully. "Thank you, I hope it was not too much of a burden. I am skinny, but I am still heavy. I apologize for whatever happened." She said quietly, the released his hands and leaned back lightly.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 4:58 pm

Sword shrugged. "Eh, one good turn deserves another. You helped me out when you found me. And you crashed while helping me. I wasn't gonna leave ya there no matter how heavy you were." He didn't react when she clasped his hand. studying her instead. "But I am curious, what distracted you so much that you crashed headfirst into a chimney? First rule of flying his eyes up, head clear."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 5:09 pm

Aura blushes, the reason being the one thing she remembered most clearly. "W-well…Umm…I apologize for such thoughts but…You said you had a lot of…stamina…" She blushes harder and shifts nervously. "I admit…My thoughts were a bit steamy…but…I mostly thought of feeding…I-I am sorry…" She looked terrified of what his reaction might be, and shrunk into her seat. "I-I've not fed in a while…" She hoped he would not get angry, and looked to him, equal parts scared and hopeful.
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 5:49 pm

Sword raised an eyebrow. "Really now...." Sword let his voice trail off, looking away from her for a moment. Never did study their love nutritional requirements. Not that I'd understand how one feeds off an emotion anyways. I don't see how it could be harmful. "Just a question Aura: Can't you just feed passively off of crowds? Or is there some other mechanism for feeding? Just curious. I can't fault you for thinking something dirty, especially when, if I had to guess changelings are already inclined towards such thoughts with their need for love energy."
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Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitimeWed May 14, 2014 7:42 pm

She sighed in relief, but then grumbled. "I could if I was disguised, but I never disguise myself as ponies, ever, I made a vow. Passive feeding without a disguise makes the others around me simply give off negative emotions, which are like poison to changelings. Active feeding, at least for me, requires consnt, other changelings would just drain you as fast as possible…if I ever did have the chance, I'd try to be gentle." The last part was not intended to come out, and her blush deepened, but she looked a bit happy.
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PostSubject: Re: Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro]   Making Peace [Private w/ Sword Symphony, Anthro] Icon_minitime

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