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 Brand New OC Character Thread 3

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 30, 2016 8:21 pm

Name: Stetson Trilby

Race: Unicorn

Age: 21

Mane: Long, messy, and a very dark brown colour.

Coat: White

Cutie mark: A sparkling trilby of course. o3o

Distinguishing features: A little shorter than average. Has a particularly pointy horn. Almost always wearing some kind of hat.

Specialty: Alteration magic. Specifically she can turn herself into a hat and back again at will. The hats become damaged if she if injured and the damage becomes more apparent as said injuries become more severe.

Weakness: Her only magical ability is to turn into a hat.

Occupation: Stetson owns a hat shop in Ponyville. She feels at home among her own kind.

Gear: Saddlebags full of various hats that she "rescued".

Backstory: Stetson Trilby was born and raised in Ponyville where she had a hard time honing her magical skills. The problem being that, despite the facts she is a unicorn... she didn't seem to have any. Every spell she tried seemed to just fizzle and fail until one day where she read about a spell that could alter someone's physical form. After spending a few moments of preparing herself Stetson attempted to cast the spell. Her horn sparkled for a moment before she was enveloped in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared Stetson seemed to have disappeared; leaving nothing but a dusty bowler hat behind. A few seconds of silence went by before muffled cries of triumph could be heard coming from the hat before it changed back into Stetson in another puff of smoke, her cries becoming much louder as she assumed her original form. The event also gave her the sparkling trilby cutie mark.

The fact that the spell only seemed to allow her to turn into different forms of headwear didn't bother Stetson at all. Before she knew it she was obsessed with hats and when she was 20 she opened a small shop in her hometown where she sold hats of all shapes and sizes for everypony to enjoy and in her spare time she often wanders the local area looking for abandoned hats to "rescue". With countless hats and the business she'd wanted since she discovered her unusual ability. Stetson has never been happier.

Personality: Stetson loves hats and will often pick up any she finds abandoned on her travels to either sell at her shop or keep for herself. She's normally really happy to meet someone new and likes spending time with her friends... and giving them hats.

Current home: Ponyville

Last edited by Jammex on Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2016 1:33 am

Jammex wrote:
Name: Stetson Trilby

Hatponi. Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2016 1:52 am

Name: Jakky Lantern

Race: Unicorn

Age: 24

Mane: Orange and plum

Coat: Lavender

Cutie mark.: A jack o' lantern

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: She likes to wear hooded jackets as she's often working outside late into the night.

Distinguishing Features: Her mane and tail are layered and voluminous, with dark plum streaks cutting bold lines through the orange.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She's particularly good at manipulating fire and electricity--mostly in pursuit of finishing her Nightmare Night decorations, though she has found other practical applications for such spells.

Weaknesses: Oddly enough, she's deathly afraid of the dark. Jakky always has a work light when putting up decorations, and she cannot fall asleep without a nightlight. If plunged into darkness, the unicorn is paralyzed with fear. She is also worthless at levitation spells.

Occupation: At the end of the year, Jakky finds herself busy with special orders for custom lights and Nightmare Night decorations. Once the holiday is over with, she does light maintenance for the public streets and government buildings of Seaddle.

Gear: She is seldom seen without her thick green cotton hoodie. She also has a simple tool kit for fixing electrical wiring, and her pumpkin carving tools are well-used and very precious.

History: Jakky Lantern is the only child of Hearts and Hooves' most famous mare baker, Satin Love, and one of Hearth's Warming's most popular stallion toy makers, Ember Sweet. Given her family's strange affinity for holidays, she was raised to look forward to special times during the year, preparing arduously for her moment to shine. Growing up as a blank flank filly, Jakky was a happy-go-lucky and inquisitive pony. But then, during one of her parents' many special business trips, the family had taken a wrong turn straight into the Everfree Forest.

A storm struck, trapping them there. They were lost in the dark of the woods. Then the timberwolves struck. Her parents fended them off as best they could, but without proper light, they were fighting a losing battle. Jakky, in a fit of panic, lit a dead tree on fire. As the flames licked the dry wood, it became apparent that one side of the tree had been rotted away to resemble a fierce some face. The timberwolves shied away from this strange fiery being, giving Jakky's parents the chance to capitalize on the distraction, and blast away their foes in the fire light with their magic.

Jakky felt a power surge through her, and when she rose from the ground where she had collapsed, her parents gushed that she had saved their lives, and earned her cutie mark in doing so. The harrowing experience forever made its mark on Jakky Lantern, however, turning the once carefree filly into a nervous and hyper-vigilant mare.

Personality: Jakky is a nervous and paranoid mare, a fact that puzzles her customers given her talents for the spookiest night of the year. She is polite when speaking to new ponies, but you get a distinct sense that she's watching you closely as her body stiffens and her smile turns fixed. Unless she's known you for at least a year (and done a background check on you) that's the only time she'll start to relax in your presence. A quicker route in gaining her trust would be a large selfless gesture that carries inherent risk to the one doing it (like pushing Jakky out of the way of a train seconds before it hits you both, for example).

The calmer side of Jakky is still a tad peculiar. Her humor is wry and morbid, but she is loyal and doting on those she calls friends.

It should also be noted that while Jakky is a twitchy pony that is constantly looking over her shoulder, she is not, however, a coward. Her ongoing paranoia allows her to react to a threat quickly and efficiently. It's true, however, that she would do so without cheer or pride. Jakky never wants to be right about a potential threat, but she will vanquish them if they make themselves known.

Current Home: Seaddle... Though she frequently travels to fulfill special orders.

Misc: The only time Jakky seems to completely shed her nervousness and pessimism is when she's dressed up in a Nightmare Night costume. It's like the outfit allows for the mare to step out of herself, and she steps into a persona to match her clothes with gusto.

(And a picture!)

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon May 02, 2016 12:01 am

NineCaliber wrote:
Name: Jakky Lantern

So punny it hurts. Wink

NineCaliber wrote:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Screen%20Shot%202016-04-05%20at%2010.03.08%20PM

I want to hug this pony. But all I can do is approve the character. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 12:35 am

Name: Epithymia Gia Katapolemisi.

Race: Alicorn.

Age: Not even she remembers, assumed to be millenia.

Mane: Long, metallic silver, with a splotch of red in her left bangs like a splash of blood.

Coat: Light, pale bone white.

Cutie mark.: A sword crossed with a ruby-tipped staff.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her eyes are a beautiful, deep shade of brilliant ruby.

Distinguishing Features: She is quite tall for a pony, rivaling the height of Princess Luna, as well as being rather pretty.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Epithymia excels at most forms of combat, specifically those that involve using a weapon of sorts. For the most part, she is good with melee combat, but she also has knowledge of powerful offensive spells, and strong spells for defense. She is completely immortal and extremely powerful, in all rights worthy of the title of a ‘goddess’.

Weaknesses: While she is indeed powerful, if one challenges her, be it a formal challenge, or by attacking her, her power is severely reduced proportional to how powerful the challenger is. If her challenger is the average earth pony, her magic is severely limited and so is her flight, but her physical strength is that of just above the average earth pony. And similar goes for any race that would challenge her. But after being challenged, she is as harmable as the level she was toned down to, but only the one that challenged her is capable of harming her. It is a sort of binding, magical contract, existing only because Gia desired a challenge, and with her body and magic limiting itself so upon a challenge, it made things fun again. Once the challenger has won or has lost, she returns to her normal prowess, awaiting the next challenge.

Occupation: N/A

Gear: Not usually seen with anything in particular besides a ceremonial longsword strapped across her back. But she can, from a storage spell, summon her armor and shield in a split second.

History: Gia, since she was born, was raised and worshipped as if she were a god. But as she grew up, she was never spoiled, she was never a brat. She was still, even as she was worshipped, trained and disciplined by the people of the Polemistic nation. As she got to adulthood, the Polems learns what her godhood ruled over. She was a monster in combat, decimating most anyone who even dared to cross her blade. Decades passed by, then centuries...She wandered, no idea why, but she still felt the prayers and worship of the Polems. They drove her to continue her journey...She felt such boredom, always looking for a worthy opponent, never finding one who truly matched her in combat. She even ripped her way through Dragon territory, and still had none who had the skill to make the fights last long enough...She still wanders to this day, after so unbelievably long...

Personality: Gia is quite kind to those who show courtesy and are respectful. But those who are disrespectful or mean tend to make her irritation grow.

Current Home: N/A

Misc: She is is the deity of the nation of Polemistis, having been worshipped by them almost since the very nation began, but has not, for centuries, been seen in the country itself, only having been around there for a century or two.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Wed May 04, 2016 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 8:19 pm

Several revisions done to this character.

Name: Nox

Race: Alicorn

Age: a little over 400 years old

Mane: black; ethereal

Coat: dark grey

Cutie Mark: a black circle

Extra details: violet eyes, uncut fetlocks

Distinguishing Features: when in public, Nox takes on a disguise by suppressing her powers; this makes her weaker, shorter, lighter in color, and her mane and tail do not flow: they are completely solid, and very curly; when she does this, she typically goes by New Moon


-Shadow control
-Shadow Teleportation: teleporting through shadows (they can’t be too small, or too light, and need definable borders)
-Shadow "communication"
-Very acute senses
-can imitate several monster and animal noises
-can easily go in and out of the Shadow World (though she prefers not to, as Grogar is there)
-She can feel spirits’ presence, to the point that she can see them if she wants to; she can also acutely feel the flow and movement of magic just about anywhere she is, as well as others’ emotions sometimes

Weaknesses: while having fought monsters most of her life, she is not actually trained in combat; the more intense a light, the harder it is for her to make/maintain a shadow; severe trust issues; she’s a weak flier (for an alicorn; about average for a pegasus) and a bit of a hoarder

Occupation: monster hunter (self-designated)

Gear: an old, battered, dark-purple hoodie, and a belt underneath to keep her wings folded to her sides; a Bag of Holding around her neck with: a Swiss Army knife, numerous books, food and water supplies (emergency, fresh, and sometimes stolen), several note and sketchbooks, a necklace holding multiple Gem Maps (Gem Map: a gem holding the image of a map, enchanted to ping little red dots where there are significant threats), sunglasses, a white cloak (for when it's hot), a rock with a black galaxy-like spiral engraved in it (it is connected to other Shadow Teleportation runes Nox has set up throughout Equestria for easier long-distance teleporting) and other miscellaneous items

History: Nox was found in the forest outside of Hollow Shades. She could already say her name, her magic aura was two colors (sort of: purple with a light blue twinkle at the tip), and she had wings and a horn (both larger than average for year-old foals). The owners of the orphanage believed this was a birth defect- as it had been seen before -and that she had been left in the forest to die.

Nox’s life was somewhat average for one in Hollow Shades at the time, if a bit sad. In the orphanage, she had a lot of trouble getting adopted and was generally rejected by most of the other foals because of her supposed birth defects and her choice in friends: Misty, who could talk to ghosts, Midnight Rose, a rule stickler, and Cookie Crumble, who was chubby. The ponies who ran the small orphanage did scold and punish the foals, when they actually caught them picking on Nox and her friends.

Her classmates treated her similarly; one pony in particular became her childhood rival. Many adults that Nox met were either condescending, patronizing, or avoided her (and sometimes dragged their children with them) like she was contagious.

She had a few adult friends: the owners of the orphanage, her teacher, and a pony named Weatherworn Compass; he took her on adventures with him and encouraged her sense and curiosity… until some witnessing adults were worried he was taking her into the forest to do bad things to her and Nox was forbidden from going into the forest again or anywhere where ponies wouldn’t be able to see what they were doing. After that, they settled for reading in the town’s library together and sharing stories.

Nox was finally adopted just before she turned 14. The couple was interested in learning more about her and her apparent condition, and upon really meeting her for the first time they were quite surprised to find that her horn and wings both appeared to work just fine, even above-average. They decided to postpone any surgery and instead figure out the exact nature of Nox’s condition. At first, this involved a lot of poking, prodding, and examinations. Later, it involved testing and raising her limits with regular flight exercises and spell practice. But through all of it, were questions. So. Many. Questions. Nox hardly cared for it at all. She felt more like these ponies’ science experiment than their daughter, so she avoided the house as long as she could and instead hung out with her friends- sometimes around the orphanage, sometimes the library, sometimes the sweets shop, and sometimes at the outskirts of the town.

When she was 16, Nox’s parents took her out into the forest for a test, and she brought her friends with her. This time, they wanted Nox to focus all of her magic into one spell: an umbramancy spell. Nox complied, and under all the magical strain… the blue twinkle, at the tip of Nox’s horn… exploded. It exploded like glass. And that’s when everything went dark.

When Nox finally managed to get a hold of herself, she found everypony injured- Weatherworn most severely -and Midnight missing. Nox herself… had changed. She was taller, slightly darker… and her mane and tail flowed like… like solid shadow.

The search for Midnight Rose lasted months; Nox had to be banned from the search because she’d worked herself to total exhaustion. Meanwhile, the town was buzzing with rumors and questions about Nox, as many of them were now quite curious and afraid of her: she was taller, darker, her mane seemed to be made of darkness itself, and… just look at what she’d done!  By now, it was clear that she was not disabled at all…

Months after Rose’s disappearance, a unicorn in golden armor showed up in Hollow Shades; turns out, Nox’s rival’s mother had sent an urgent letter to a relative in Canterlot about recent events and had begged her to help. The new pony demanded to know 1.) just what had happened, and 2.) everything the townsponies had to say about Nox. The more she heard, the more wary she grew of Nox.

Within two days, the pony believed to know exactly what was going on: Nox was evil. She was the Alicorn of Darkness and Evil. She had deliberately hurt her friends to show them just what she could do to them; she wanted to use Misty to channel evil spirits to aid her; she didn’t like her parents, so she’d tried to poison them with pure Dark Magic; Midnight was obviously the only one who wouldn’t stand by her in her conquest for Equestria, so she had to get rid of her and incapacitate Weatherworn to make sure she wasn’t found. And she’d given them all a taste of Dark Magic, so that they would want more and join her to get that power.

Nox was dumbfounded. She thought this mare had been here to investigate and answer why things had happened the way they did, but instead she was calling her the Queen of Darkness and Evil and accusing her of deliberately hurting her friends! She didn’t stand for it, and in her defense of her friends, herself, and- importantly -darkness, Nox earned her cutie mark.

However, that became the pony’s trump card. With a song, she stirred the crowd up into an angry mob intent on taking Nox dead or alive. Her friends and family were helpless to stop them or help Nox, and Nox was forced to leave the town, and keep running. It was then she realized that that pony was right: she was the alicorn of darkness. But not in the way she thought, and not in the way everypony else would think. She’d be the only one in all of Equestria who knew she was good. She was so close to the dark, something so instinctively feared by ponies, where predators lurked and stalked, waiting for the perfect moment to strike…

Nox got an idea: what if… what if she got rid of the things that made the dark so scary and dangerous? What if she got rid of the horrors and stopped the evildoers that hid in the shadows, like slimey little snakes? She knew she couldn’t get rid of it all, but… maybe, just maybe, she could do enough to do some damage to the idea that the dark only had evil and fear to offer ponykind. It would take a long time… but hey, she was an alicorn, apparently. She had at least a thousand years to change this reputation. And then she could re-join society.

Her first century was rough: that pony that had ruined her life in Hollow Shades followed her for decades before finally dying, and in that time she made sure Nox never had any “followers” for long, whether they were pets or ponies or monsters (vampires, werewolves, ghosts, dragons, etc.), and she made sure that ponies knew about her, whether they knew it or not; that’s where the legend of the Pony of Shadows came from, though across Equestria it only stays the same in its name.

Nox continues to fight for the dark to this day, and has collected many tools to help her over the centuries. She even found a friend who won’t die: a phoenix, whom she named Pyra.

Personality: quiet, optimistic, persistent, curious, investigative and perceptive, hard to read, old fashioned (mostly romantically and sexually), accidental racist, socially inept, commanding, can be vicious

Virtue: determination

Current Home: N/A

Misc: she has a, rather motherly, phoenix companion named Pyra.

Last edited by veryveryfluttershy on Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:39 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 11:04 pm

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Epithymia Gia Katapolemisi

I like it. The only problem is that you dropped a good weakness on her that balances out her strength, said that it was per a magical contract, then said nothing about the contract. Just add something somewhere in the sheet explaining what it is, what the terms are, how it came to be, etc and you can consider this character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 11:10 pm

veryveryfluttershy wrote:
Name: Nox

I heart this horse. Smile

Changes approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 4:22 am

Re-Submittion time

Name: Pariah Farcry

Race: Unicorn

Age: 26

Mane: Dark brown, extremely messy

Coat: Short, dark blue

Cutie Mark: Sigma

Distinguishing Features: Pariah’s horn is scarred and cracked, as he has used it as a defensive weapon on more than one occasion.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Pariah is capable of speaking 17 languages, with 13 authentic accents. He was trained from a young age to wield a bow, and he can do so with an extreme amount of accuracy, despite a distinct lack of magic. He has also learnt a lot during his time in the wilderness of Equestria, and is a somewhat skilled hunter, tracker and forager. His ingenuity is also unquestionable, as he has beaten foes who are quite a bit stronger than him through a series of traps or merely outwitting and outmaneuvering them.

Weaknesses: Pariah is purely mortal. He no access to magic of any kind, the closest being runes with he would require someone else to activate. Further, despite all his ingenuity and wiles, he can be outplayed, and he can lose.

Occupation: Scholar of languages, Royal Ranger.

Gear: He carries his enchanted saddlebags, which contain the pocket dimensions he created in his youth and for the most part hold various plants and such collected on his journey, as well as a lightweight recurve bow and arrows.

History: Growing up in the slums of Canterlot, Pariah grew quickly used to hardship, though he was able to find small joys in his father teaching him to use a bow. Despite being born to a pair of pegasi, Pariah’s magic was unusually powerful, and he quickly found himself in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Tragedy struck however, as after demonstrating prestigious magical ability, Pariah grew overconfident in his power. Against both his teacher’s and his parent’s advice, he attempted to place a pocket dimension in a saddlebag. The ensuing explosion burnt away most of his coat and mane, and though he managed to create the pocket dimension, he completely destroyed his magical ability in the process.

The coma that this placed him in lasted several months, with each day causing more and more grief to his loving parents. Eventually though, Pariah was brought back to the land of the living, his first sight upon returning being his parents fast asleep next to his bed, and a young filly the same age as him staring at him intently.

Not even introducing herself, the filly began to bombard him with the questions, the most of which he did not have answers to. Struggling to speak, she merely giggled, before waving and trotting off, leaving him to greet and hug his parents when they woke up.

As the years passed, and Pariah grew used to his new affliction, the filly he had met in the hospital room grew with him. The gangly young colt Pariah had been was replaced by a confident scholar, his magic replaced by a dedication to a discovery of languages. The pair fell in love with the passing of time. However, fate is seemed had plans for the happy couple. Silver followed her own passion, joining the Royal Guard whilst Pariah joined the Canterlot University.

On the day of the Royal Wedding, Pariah planned to propose to his lover. However, when he arrived at the agreed meeting point, a bridge spanning two buildings, he was greeted by the sight of Silver Star being pushed over the edge by a changeling. Without his magic, Pariah could only watch as Silver fell, striking the ground with a sickening crack. Blaming himself for her injury, Pariah fled Canterlot, fearful of hurting her further.

Pariah spent years travelling the world, learning to utilise his every available resource to outwit and trick both the beasts of the wilds, and the occasional villain that he encountered upon his journey. His expertise with a bow and his skills in the forest gained him the attention of Canterlot, and on request by the Royal Sisters themselves, he returned to the capital.

There, he was greeted by the both sisters, and Silver Star, who had achieved the rank of Lieutenant. Celestia explained that she wished to utilise both his skills in language, and in the field, to become a sort of ranger, a pony they hoped would be able to track down and resolve issues before they had a chance to spiral out of control. Pariah opened his mouth to refuse, only to be slapped hard enough to knock the stallion over by a tearful Silver. Refusing to let him refuse, the bottled up anger and hurt of being abandoned all those years ago erupted from her, and the stunned hunter had little choice but to apologise and accept Celestia’s offer.

Following his employment as Royal Ranger, Pariah struck up a quick friendship with the Princess of the Night, who he refuses to call anything but Moonbutt. He began to also spend a lot more time in Canterlot, as opposed to the caves he had found comfort in, and finally gathering the courage to ask Silver again if she wished to marry him, receiving an ecstatic yes in response.

Personality: Pariah is a mixed bag of emotions. He believes somewhat in chivalry, in particular the ideal of protecting mares. However, he is also a little short-tempered, flaring up when dealing with a pony he doesn't like. Razor Back in particular seems draw out this angry side. Further, he has a complete lack of respect for any sort of authority figure. He is brazen and sometimes reacts without thinking of the consequences. No matter how many threats he makes however, he will not attack a mare without a damn good reason.

Current Home: When in Canterlot, he will spend almost all his time with Silver. More often than not though, he sleeps in any cave he can find.

Name: Silver Star

Race: Pegasus

Age: 26

Mane: Short, golden, flows to the left side of her face.

Coat: Short, silver.

Cutie Mark: A pair of crossed falchions, with a trio of silver stars above them.

Distinguishing features: Her left wing is missing a number of feathers, and is permanently bandaged. She often wears her Royal Guard armour.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Silver Star is a natural born warrior, one trained to be a royal guard from nearly the day she was born by her father. Her weapon of choice is a pair of falchions, a rather unique pair of weapons which she had crafted for her. Using her wings as a balance, Silver fights on her rear hooves in an offensive style she created for herself and her unique situation.

Weaknesses: She has an extremely cool head, but she often contemplates things too long, and winds up missing the opportunity. Further, despite being a pegasus, she cannot fly due to a permanent injury to her left wing.

Occupation: Lieutenant of the Royal Guard.

Gear: Silver carries a pair of hoof-crafted falchions, as well as the standard Royal Guard armour.

History: Silver was born in Canterlot, and raised a Royal Guard by her father. The stallion served faithfully for many years, and when she was old enough, he taught her to protect and serve. As a child, Silver trained every day she could, often forgoing her own education to learn the blade and shield. It was on one such day she caught a blade poorly on her shield and it cracked, before breaking her forelimb. Despite the seriousness of the injury, the little filly was not discouraged and after only a few days she was up and about, exploring the hospital. It was here that she came across a wounded colt, the same age as her, covered in burns.

With a distinct lack of horror at his injuries, she returned to his bedside every day, waiting for him to wake up. When he eventually she did, she barraged him with question, but he failed to answer answer a number of them, and she left with naught but a giggle and a wave.

She continued to chase the stallion, named Pariah, eventually befriending him. This friendship blossomed as the pair grew up, the young filly becoming a strong, fiercely loyal mare. Together they aced their respective classes, Silver moving up through the ranks of the guard, whilst he reached the top of his class. The pair, realising their mutual attraction, began to date, Pariah moving into Silver’s apartment when he turned 18.

On the day of the Royal Wedding, she was waiting for him on a bridge, expecting him to ask for her to marry him, only fate dealt her a terrible hand, a changeling bursting through Shining’s shield and side-swiping her from the bridge.

When she woke up in hospital, she found a note from Pariah explaining that he was a fault her destroyed wing. Refusing to accept his reasoning, and with anger and sadness now burning in her heart, she pushed herself well beyond her limits, nearly destroying her body in the process. Her wing, though it could have healed normally, was utterly ruined as she pushed herself, eliminating any chance that she would fly again.

Years passed and Silver reached the rank of Lieutenant. It was then that she started to hear rumours of a blue stallion, using a bow carrying a bag which held more than it had any right to. Convincing the Princesses to seek him out, Silver was elated when he accepted their request, and returned to Canterlot.

His face now bore scars and was weathered, every new line and scratch reminding Silver that this stallion, the one she loved, had changed. The fear that he had forgotten her overwhelmed her to the point where when he started to reject the Princess’ offer she erupted, unable to contain herself anymore. Striking him down, she glared at him through a veil of tears till he revealed that he had never forgotten her, and in that instant all the fear and hate and sadness that had been building in Silver’s heart was released.

After that, Silver maintained her position as Lieutenant always waiting for her Fiancé to return from his missions.

Personality: Silver is a happy-go-lucky pony, though she always considers her position and the likely consequences before she makes a decision.

Current Home:Silver lives in her apartment built near the inner wall of the castle.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 9:11 am

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Pylii (Na Sapygida)

Changeling (Sapygidan breed)
((The Sapygida are not a hive in the traditional sense; named after a species of wasp that preys on the hives of bees, these loners live and hunt outside the bounds of a hive for not ponies.... but other changelings. For this reason they are known most commonly by scholars and those they prey on as the 'Hive Hunters'.))


(Changeling: Violet) Pony: Dark grey, pale blue striped sections. Long.

(Changeling: Black) Pony: Medium grey and unmarked.

Cutie mark.:

Distinguishing Features:
Wears rounded glasses. Her pupils are not quite as black as is normally expected.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):
Hive Hunter - Pylii's subrace of changelings are loners, and hunt others of their kind; they cannot be detected by other changelings when disguised and are immune to the effects of changeling magics. They feed directly upon other changelings, but are able to subsist upon pony-generated emotions for some time.
Shaping - Pylii has learned and specializes in a form of conjuration and alteration magic that uses her natural capabilities as a changeling to perform drastic changes to objects. It is an ideal and tradition as much as a science, with seemingly odd movements and requirements that could be confused for ritual. Using shaping magic, Pylii crafts and repairs glassware and crystalline objects as a profession, especially lenses of glasses or optical equipment. She aspires to become a Master Shaper... but as there are very few left alive who practice the art, she has been left on her own.

Fear of the Depths - Pylii has an irrational fear of deep water, and cannot swim very well. If she cannot see the bottom of a body of water she is prone to panic. She is very, very reluctant to ride in boats or ships.
Unnatural Hunger - Pylii's subrace are cannibals by birth; though she may resist, her instincts call her to seek out and hunt other changelings. This could potentially get her into very, very deep trouble...

Glassworker / Merchant
She buys, sells, and repairs numerous objects, usually of glass or the enchanted variety.

Glasses of Arcane Sight - Gifted by her original teacher in her magical art, Silver Dust, these glasses were once used by artificers to examine enchanted objects. As part of her training Pylii was required to learn to read the Ley and its movements, and to this end she was given these glasses.
These glasses cause the wearer to see as though in daylight regardless of lighting conditions, and highlight magical auras in visible color and patterns, though it takes years of study to understand these.

Na Sapygida came to Equestria by ship, a trip she hardly enjoyed, with her 'relative' Orrum. Apparently, some friend of a friend of hers had been cooking up something grand and wanted others of their rare breed to be involved. It wasn't until Na and Orrum reached Equestria's borders and met their contact that they discovered what exactly.

A coup against a hive. Such hadn't been attempted for centuries at least, and Na hardly wanted any part in it.

But a part in it she played, regardless. Na, Orrum, Hyse, Valorie, and Takuta; five cannibal Sapygida united for the first time in ages in an ambitious attempt to infiltrate and usurp the ruler of the Chyrsalida Hive, the ancient Queen Chrysalis herself.

Unfortunately, the Queen had plans of her own against Canterlot that threw this plan against herself entirely out of sorts. Before anything could be established against her within her hive, the five conspirators found themselves dragged into a hellbent raid against the capital of the most powerful nation in the known world, playing the part of mere drones. Ponykind will long recount the tale of how Chysalis was defeated... but none recount the fate of the would-be conspirators.

Na Sapygida took on a new form; a unicorn mare named Pylii. Trapped in Canterlot, a city on high alert for changelings, she had only her co-conspirator and steadfast optimist Takuta at her side. There was little that could be done save to follow the flow of the city and hope to blend into the chaos of the aftermath.

Unfortunately for the 'war refugees' that had 'lost their home' because of the attack... the home they found themselves staying in was that of a very capable mage. Silver Dust the Shaper, a former professor at Celestia's own school, had the means by which to detect the two shapeshifters that had begun boarding with him. Twice he was questioned... and twice he chose not to reveal them to guards.

Instead, he confronted the comparatively lesser creatures and gave them an ultimatum; either they would leave the city with his help and never return to it... or they would remain, and take the place of his 'example students'.

Takuta was of the opinion that leaving was better.... but Pylii was more interested in what the second option meant.

Silver Dust had set himself the goal of teaching the ancient art of Shaping in the unicorn school in Canterlot, and had been a professor for some time there.... but the art was not one that could be easily taught. It was dangerous, and ambitious young unicorns often were not capable of learning the art without great harm to themselves.
The death of two students prompted his resignation.

The unicorn mage believed that perhaps a changeling might serve as a better first example; their bodies were used to transformative magics and such was their natural talent. It was his belief that perhaps these two might be able to serve as a safe test bed to validate his teaching capability... and restore his reptuation.

Takuta refused.

Pylii accepted and became the first student of Shaping since Silver Dust himself had learned the art, sixty years prior.

(--Fanfic Events Occur!--)

It has been some time since then, and at this point all that is known is that Pylii now lives in the building that Silver Dust once called home. Professor Dust has not been seen in some time, and according to Pylii she doesn't know where he has gone. She takes a bit of a sad tone when saying as much. What he taught her and what was said between them she will not speak of.

The whereabouts of Takuta and the other conspirators are unknown to her. Her nature remains unknown to ponies, and so far she subsists on a bare minimum of what her customers can provide in gratitude.

Pylii, the unicorn mare this changeling has lived as for some time, is normally the optimistic sort prone to being extraordinarily generous to others.... something she uses to subsist on the gratitude she receives in return. She often appears concerned or afraid in tense situations, but underneath this facade she remains cold and calm. Indeed, much of what she displays could be said to be a mask, but after a couple years of wearing this mask it is hard for this particular changeling to recall which is real or not.
As a general rule, Pylii is of the opinion that her nature as a changeling is a simple fact that she wishes others could not hold her at fault for. She cannot change what she is, though she might change who. She believes in second chances and in keeping one's word, and is generally the type of individual that tries rather hard to be fair.
Pylii, however, is but one of the forms used by this changeling.... and others may have entirely different personalities.

Current Home:
Depends on RP setting. Typically nomadic or owns a shop. Otherwise, from Vanhoover.

Other established forms:

Lucent - A crystal unicorn mare
Rule Book - A pegasus tabletop gamer colt
Cirrus Swirl - A faaaabulous pegasus colt
Sona - A changeling 'female' of the Honeycomb breed. Dim, but generally good-natured.
Takuta - The stolen form of her former accomplice
Facsimile (Fax) - Pylii's designated form for 'revealing' herself to other changelings, usually. An odd conglomerate of pony and changeling features meant to be 'familiar' to either race.
Basu - A zebra form that seems to alternate gender rather whimsically.
Many others...
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 5:15 am

The_Pariah wrote:
Name: Pariah Farcry

Re-submission approved, at least in terms of this character. Smile

The_Pariah wrote:
Name: Silver Star

Yay. Smile Approving this too.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 5:26 am

Tyro wrote:
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 YwoBo6m
Name: Pylii (Na Sapygida)

This is so fascinating I hardly know what to do with it. I'm approving this of course, because it's
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but I'm deeply interested in this race as a variant of changeling.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 4:45 pm

Name: Candlelight
Gender Male
Race: Moth Pony ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XZH8OUdEbYZE3RzblzRR5V1cBbvSoh4LAbMDnDyTXJw/edit )
Age: 17
Mane: Brown, short, and layered.
Coat: Light cream, furry
Cutie mark.: A bottle with a small candle-like fire inside.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: A little shorter than the average pony, eyes are silver
Distinguishing Features:
Goggles, a small saddle bag of alchemy supplies.
Half-moon shapes on each of the 4 brown wings, another set of crescent moon shapes on the tips:
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Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Cooking, alchemy, cutely charming others... Oh, and he can smell and see things better, with a bit of night vision.
Weaknesses: Changelings easily detect his emotions, can be manipulated through mind control a little easier, not very strong physically.
Occupation: Alchemist/Cook.
Gear: Goggles, satchel, small knife.
History: In this new age, it is rare for moths to be stolen from their homes. Especially from Canterlot. Much more rare than in their wild history, where it was not uncommon. However, Candelight was an exception. Candelight was stolen from his home in his cocoon form, after receiving a cutiemark for alchemy. While not very important, he managed to make a small cure potion for a sick friend. However, almost a month after, warm and safe in his cocoon, the changelings attacked during the events of The Canterlot Wedding. Unable to protect the cocoon, his parents were subdued and he was stolen.
In the months that followed, he grew closer and closer to emerging, his parents enlisting the help of law enforcement to find him. Unfortunately, they didn't, and he emerged to a small group of hungry, slightly defeated changelings. He was fed well and treated well, but slowly drained of any happiness. He began to feel a little brainless, like a well-kept cow. Complacent, but not overly happy. And then the changelings left.
Candelight never figured out why the changelings left. What he did find out was that he'd been gone about a year. Upon returning home, he met his happy family with a broad smile and a light heart. But those who knew him before described him now as slower, like the rhythm of his life was not marching forward at the same pace as before. It took him longer to think, longer to perform tasks, longer to get up. He wasn't actually any less intelligent, just slower on the draw. Concern on this lead to the not-uncommon psychologist visit, to which the best they could come up with was, "The changelings must've done something." To this day, he's a little bit too trusting and a little bit carefree. On the bright side, he's happy, right?
~Nightwing's Case File, Private Investigation
Personality: Warm, care-free, and a little dim-witted outside of his crafts.
Current Home: Everfree Cottage just outside of Coltfax
Misc: Sometimes, Candelight will 'break out of' his fog, in which cases he becomes a little nervous, but also fairly quick in his tasks. This happens most often when working with alchemic items, and almost always with medicine. Because of this, his parents started him a small medicine shop in Coltfax in the hopes of him getting better.

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 8:32 pm

Dawnpath wrote:
Name: Candlelight

I approve of this male character that uses female and male pronouns interchangeably. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat May 21, 2016 2:08 am

Shhhhhh.... *Goes to fix it*

I think I got it.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat May 21, 2016 2:37 am

These two characters are inhabitants of a labyrinthine otherworld existing transversally against Equestria’s universes. Some compare it to a spider’s web stretched across the multiverse, picking up lost things. It is made of an amalgamation of lost locations like sections of ancient ruins, obsolete fallout shelters, forgotten forest paths, and abandoned rooms all intermingling in a stew of nonreality and heavy perception magic where the twisting tunnels reorganize themselves when people aren’t looking and rooms are much too large on the inside. It is thought that this maze has been in operation as long as ponykind has existed in Equestria. There are only a few safe zones where society can survive. These havens experience little to no reality shifts and are usually far apart from each other. This world’s societies have branched off from Equestrian ones and have become very wary of anything vaguely foreign, for nothing can be trusted in the maze when reality itself is prone to fits and hallucinations.

It is in this happy happy underland of mistrust and extreme chaos magic where these two characters live.

[Fervor Cadenza], [Ferve Caden], [Fer Caz]

Species: Golden Griffin
Age: 15~20

Fer is a bit on the shorter side compared to most griffins. E has a fair complexion and long, blonde hair to match. Fer’s fluffy face and pointed ears, combined with their near-constant mischievous smile, gives em a whimsical look a great deal of the time.
Fervor is a so-called golden griffin, which helps explain the golden fur. A nice real-life comparison of colours rests with lions. Eir piercing blue eyes seem distracted most of the time, and eir ears are usually twitching at random background noises. It sometimes gets difficult to tell whether or not e’s paying attention to people during conversations.

Specialties & Ineptitudes:
Fer is great at noticing things. This was very useful for living in a constantly-shifting environment. Noticing social cues? Not so much.
His smaller size doesn’t help with situations where physical prowess is demanded of em. He can still maul people pretty bad if need be, though. And when he happens to call up favours from the surrounding maze, things can get ugly.
Fer is pretty healthy overall but is more susceptible to certain drugs and spells (and is commonly described as a lightweight). Examples include going unconscious after what most would consider enough drinks to get going or getting knocked out far longer than anticipated by the use of tools such as tranquilizer guns and sleep spells.
He’s one of those people who get surprised easily, which leads to some moments where his jumpiness and acute senses come together.
This is related to Fer frequently being sensorily overwhelmed. That doesn’t stop him from trying to be outgoing. HAHAHA.
Fervor seems to have some sort of connection with the maze’s danger zones. He’s rarely had to worry about getting injured deeper in the maze, and feels restricted somehow and vaguely uncomfortable in safe havens. This leads to Fer’s frequent expeditions outwards, something that tends to attract attention in a not-so-good way.

Once upon a time, betwixt the magical lands of Equestria, a griffin was born to a group of griffins. There were hunters and scavengers and hunter-scavengers in their society. At a young age, Fervor ended up moving elsewhere to a community in a safer zone. It wasn’t that hard to adjust to another haven at first, but things got a little more complicated for Fer as he discovered that he had some a deeper connection with the danger zones.

“Gotta go fast but legs are short waaait guys lemme catch up~~”
“I am not short
“I guess I like my meat raw?”

“It's weird to see

Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Fervor_the_griff_by_portalhunter-da17eme
Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Ayyy__i_m_a_bird_by_portalhunter-da2olzc

[Tawn], [Tane]

Species: Some sort of chaotic creature, maybe? No one is sure, and she either doesn't know or isn’t telling.
Age: 17~24

In her equine form, Tawn usually looks like a fairly tall zebra mare with prominent stripes across her face and a wavy mane. Those big, all-too-bright green eyes of hers give a hint to her illusory nature… which no one is exactly sure about. There’s a lot of dark, shaggy fur and bright, empty eyes involved, sometimes with hornlike extrusions and long claws. She’s been described as looking like an oversized bear, a hellhound, an amalgamated murder of corvids, and a whole bunch of other generally spooky things that were once familiar. Many of these scary depictions of her ‘true form’ have come from her love for special effects and totally shouldn’t be taken at face value for her inherent power and ingenuity. No, really.

Specialties & Ineptitudes:
Tawn usually keeps her unappreciated nature hidden away from ‘normal’ ponies because revealing herself isn’t an option where she lives. It’s really too bad that she can’t keep up her illusion for more than a few days at a time without having to take short breaks. At times of high stress, her façade begins to break up a little…
She likes to spook people on occasion by appearing behind things or magically obscuring light sources. Writing in the air with glowy magic and being able to describe things with holographic diagrams is very helpful too. Her speech impediment gets in the way of rapid conversations, so Tawn occasionally defaults writing her words out as subtitles in the air or displaying pictographic representations of what she wants to say when she doesn’t wanna bother with words or when there is no common language to be spoken. This makes conversing with people difficult in societies that don’t accept magic.

Tawn appeared in a wooded corner of the maze with rudimentary knowledge of how things worked and sorta how to survive but with practically nothing else of interest. She had been drawn in by the maze from elsewhere, with most of her memories left behind. She eventually learned how to interact with people without scaring them off, but had a very hard time with verbal communication. A few years after her sudden introduction into the maze, she settled herself down in a haven community to try and sort out her life to make it into something a little more manageable.

“Ehehehehehehe. Surprise~~”

These two characters are portrayed together most of the time as close friends who originally met through “loner association” – by being social outcasts. They can freely express themselves around each other with their chaotic abilities without fear of persecution from the haven-dwellers.

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat May 21, 2016 8:09 pm

[quote="PortalHunter"][Fervor Cadenza], [Ferve Caden], [Fer Caz]/quote]


PortalHunter wrote:
[Tawn], [Tane]


I have absolutely no idea what is going on here but I don't see any problems and I assume that the oddities will be smoothed out when you refine the sheet.
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 3:54 am

Name: Phantasmagoria (Phantasma for short, but very few have the privilege to use that name)

Race: Changeling Queen

Age: 20

Mane: dark blue

Chitin: black, shiny

Extra details: blue irises;

Distinguishing Features: normal curved changeling horn, no Swiss Cheese-iness; her magic is blue; holes are smaller than her mother’s and don't go all the way through; iridescent wings; in between Celestia and Luna in height

Specialty: shapeshifting; mental influence; Hivemind command and connection; insect climbing ability; gem cutting; singing and dancing, can speak multiple languages

Weaknesses: her power level, and life, is very reliant on love and pony magic,

Occupation: Changeling Queen


History: Phantasmagoria’s egg was rescued by a changeling who betrayed Chrysalis and ran off with it, claiming to be taking the job off her hooves (she was injured and rather irritable at the time). The changeling wandered with the egg for a good while, very soon realizing he didn’t actually know where to go or what to do, and that if he didn’t figure it out soon the egg wouldn’t make it.

The changeling struggled to keep the egg well and himself merely alive and the both of them from being discovered by ponies or found by Chrysalis. Finally, he met a griffon outside the city of Baltimare and appealed to her sympathy and pity to convince her to let them live with her and feed off her love.

The changeling taught the little Queen everything he knew about what it was to be a changeling, and everything he knew about Chrysalis. The little Queen, not yet with a name that satisfied her, provided her own thoughts about the information, mainly about Chrysalis and her woefully indiscreet and shortsighted tactics. The griffon housing them became less and less comfortable with having them around over time, so the changeling used the opportunity to teach the little Queen about manipulation and mind control.

When she was old enough and educated enough to keep her disguise consistent in public, she and the changeling left the griffon… in the hospital. They drained her enough to leave her in a coma; no witnesses who’d be motivated by conscience or revenge, and no mysterious murder or disappearance that’d prompt a police investigation.

She headed straight for Canterlot: the city of riches, class, and beauty. There, she drained and took the place of the wife of one of the city’s rich stallions; the changeling played a butler. They formulated plans for a hive, most of all wondering where it would be located in a city as populated and busy as Canterlot and under the nose of Princess Celestia.

Phantasmagoria and her “husband” found an entrance to the caves by accident during a hike. After some careful exploration, she and the other changeling found a spot in the caverns deep enough, hidden enough, and spacious enough to fit their needs. Phantasmagoria faked her death (putting the mare (whose life was drained at this point) she’d been imitating in the casket in place of herself) so that she could marry a poorer but more loving stallion closer to an entrance into the caves. That’s where she’s been since, growing and looking after her hive, going about Canterlot doing what she needs or wants to do, and doing her part with flair and fabulousity. That one changeling from Chrysalis’s hive is still with her, is named Mesmer, and is her adviser and father figure, and she cares for him deeply.

Personality: flamboyant and eccentric, but clever, deceptive, manipulative, and strategic, generally Neutral but can be vindictive, has a vendetta against Chrysalis, has great love and interest in Equestrian performing arts, usually only has interest for her and her hive’s gain

Current Home: the Canterlot caves

Misc: Queen Chrysalis always destroys any Queen eggs she lays to protect her power over her hive and prevent competition for resources. Phantasma’s changelings have darker chitin and light indigo eyes.

Last edited by veryveryfluttershy on Fri Sep 02, 2016 8:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 2:45 pm

veryveryfluttershy wrote:
Name: Phantasmagoria (Phantasma for short, but very few have the privilege to use that name)

Sounds like a more canon changeling. Damn shame that, but good character. Smile Approved.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 5:25 pm

Name: Apis

Race: Changeling Queen of the Apidae genus.

Age: 32

Mane: Yellow-ish orange

Coat/Chitin: Gray and black like all other changelings.

Cutie mark.: None, as with all other changelings.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her wings constantly flutter at rapid speeds, producing ultrasonic waves that her hive uses to keep track of her location while she's in the hive.

Distinguishing Features: Her horn is curved and hollow, constantly leaks a liquid that her servants collect and feed to the larvae of the hive when she's not collecting love outside the hive. She is about the same height as Chrysalis but she and her kind are not made of swiss cheese.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Commanding a hive of Apidae-genus changelings, which include cadres of crystal stinger-toting warriors, who's stings are lethal. She can also discharge liquid from her horn like a spray of goo that slows prey, buying her warriors time to attack or for the queen to retaliate. In addition, she is also capable of transformation like other changelings.

Weaknesses: She is very vulnerable without her troops to guard her, and discharging her goo is a waste of resources she would rather avoid.

Occupation: Exactly what you'd expect a changeling QUEEN to be.

Gear: None herself, but her warriors are born with special stingers that inject victims with venom and microscopic crystal shards that causes havoc to the body, usually leaving the victims looking redder than a tomato as their bloodstreams are torn to shreds. These warriors also couple as drones that ensure the next generation of queens, mating with her when she deems the time is right.

History: Apis was born to a world of strife. Her first moments were spent overcoming her mother, Osiris. Upon her death, she left to find a place to establish her own hive. Not many such places exist within the cold north of the Crystal Empire, but her kind have adapted well. A few miles from the borders of the Empire, she established a hive in a cave that a rival changeling hive had been made in, an offshoot of Queen Chrysalis' hive. She dwells there to this day, sometimes disguising herself and sneaking into the empire to collect love and crystals that her warriors devour to fuel their stingers.

Personality: She is aggressive and overprotective of her hive, though not above sending troops to their inevitable death to buy the hive time. Kill one to save a hundred and all that. In disguise, she sometimes slips into this aggressiveness, though she can usually get out without much trouble.
She is also a veritable beast in bed.

Current Home: A cave to the east of the Crystal Empire.

Misc: Early in her life, her horn had the same properties as her warriors stingers have. Now it has become a source of nourishment for her larvae as part of her natural life cycle. Her particular species is also carnivorous, though they prefer love as a source of nourishment. She also has a craving for honey, the pure stuff.

Theme Song:

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2016 12:57 am

Brother Roga wrote:
Name: Apis

Approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2016 8:46 pm

Name: Candle Flame

Race: unicorn

Age: 26

Mane: gradient yellow to red; short; in a ponytail

Coat: candle wax color

Cutie mark: a flame

Extra details: royal blue eyes

Distinguishing Features:

Specialty: pyrokinesis: regular fire, waterproof fire (green), messenger fire (also green), permafrost fire (blue), Friendship Fire (pink), Aphrodisia Fire (purple); meditation; dancing; resistant to fire and high temperatures (to an extent)

Weaknesses: weak swimmer; she’s rather mediocre in other areas of magic

Occupation: pyromancy teacher; firedancer

Gear: hair band with a fake lily

History: Candle was adopted when she was an infant. One of her dads was a Royal Guard, the other ran a cafe. When she was a little filly they saw a special gift in her for pyromancy, and applied her for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. She was accepted.

Turns out the schoolwork was a lot harder than Candle thought it would be. It put a lot of strain on her and absolutely drained her free time, having to spend so many hours to understand the material. Her struggling with schoolwork also attracted bullies; didn’t do good for her self-confidence.

Candle also got a younger brother. She was ecstatic about this at first, but it turned out that her little brother was a bit more than a hoofful: energetic, impulsive, and no concept of personal space. Unfortunately, Candle had little to no time to spare for him thanks to her schoolwork, so for a long time their relationship couldn’t develop past “the nuisance and the grumpy stick-in-the-mud”.

Eventually, the intense workload, bullying, and having absolutely no time for anything but school finally got the best of Candle and she dropped out of Celestia’s School. This brought her self-esteem to an all-time low and prompted an emergency family meeting. A lot was confessed that night: Candle’s parents had worked so hard to make sure she could go to Celestia’s School that she felt she couldn’t give up no matter what, and she had desperately wanted to; her dads were actually glad she had dropped out: they had seen her so stressed out and miserable and they worried that was the mare she was going to grow up to be; her brother simply said her homework “had made her a real grump”. That lightened the mood.

Since Candle wasn’t consumed by schoolwork anymore, she actually had time for a life. She helped her dad with his cafe, babysat her brother when her dads were both busy or on a date, and started helping out at an orphanage and an animal shelter. She still didn’t have her cutie mark.

Her brother convinced her to teach the orphans some things about fire: different kinds of fire, fire safety, that sort of stuff. She tried it out and the kids were pretty interested in what she had to say. Then her brother told them that they could see her firedance on Saturday if they liked, and they all wanted that. Only problem was that Candle had never firedanced in her life.

By Saturday, Candle had a simple show planned out. It was definitely the work of an amateur, but as she danced with the fire swirling around her, passion and energy filled her from horn to hoof. She was in tune with the flames, and felt her heart soar with them, and come the finale a brilliant flash of light emanated from Candle’s flank. Almost all of the orphans were screaming about her new cutie mark.

Now, Candle teaches pyromancy and firedancing on weekdays, and volunteers at the orphanage or the animal shelter after work and on weekends.

Personality: Candle often appears a calm and upbeat individual, not easily upset by things. She also loves to help others, when and however she can. That’s how she likes to appear and how she likes to be, but she does have certain points that bother her and can upset her sense of self-worth… or just get her uber pissed at you. For example: insensitively or outright insultingly mentioning her past academic failings, equating her wealth with her worth, or treating others that same way. The cattiness and pomposity of most Canterlotians really rubs her the wrong way, and being subject to enough of it in a day may cause her to explode on somepony, either leading to somepony being knocked down a few pegs or Candle embarrassing herself with her temper.

Current Home: Canterlot

Misc: has two dogs and three cats

Last edited by veryveryfluttershy on Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed May 25, 2016 5:10 am

veryveryfluttershy wrote:
Name: Candle Flame

Approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2016 3:22 am

Name: Salem Sunrise, Hereditary Grand Duke of Arkangelsk

Race: Half-Thestral Unicorn (thestral mother, unicorn father)

Gender: male

Age: 23

Mane: Black

Coat: Light grey

Cutie Mark: A set of gallows with a surprisingly nice sunrise in the background.

Extra details: Light blue eyes

Distinguishing features: Dresses like a witch hunter from Warhammer. Has ear tufts like those of a thestral and, while lacking proper fangs, has rather distinct canines.

Specialty: Salem is a talented magician with a knack for investigation and deduction. Hunting undead and such. Also coming up with ridiculous plans that somehow work. He can speak fluent Saddle Arabian, Zebrican, and a selection of older, dead languages.

His magical talents leave him something of a jack of all trades in most respects. He can encase a weapon in flame for short periods, fire searing beams of light (a powerful spell, he would note, but very draining even after one use, twice in succession is a big push), and strengthen the resolve of others if he so wishes among other things. His more impressive talents lie in enhancing his own physical strength, speed, and general fighting skill to a level where he can at least keep pace with most fighters for a couple of minutes at a time. He can also detect the presence of others in close proximity and even manipulate their nervous system in such a way as to induce feelings from rapturous pleasure to an unbearable, burning agony. Very useful for interrogations and the like.

In addition to all this necessity has required him to develop a respectable amount of skill when it comes to medicine and the treatment of wounds and sickness. After all, he can’t defend the public if he, or someone he’s interrogating, happens to succumb to either wounds or infection.

Weaknesses:Pickup lines and his paranoia though the latter can also be considered a strength in his line of work. Very sensitive about his tufts. On a more serious note despite his magical talent Salem could be considered below average in conventional close combat at best and utterly ineffectual at worst without magical aid.

Occupation: Witch Hunter / Inquisitor

On his person-A bandolier holding 6 flasks of holy water, stakes, a heavy repeating crossbow with 2 extra clips and 15 loose bolts for reloading, a breastplate, and a sickle.
On his cart/carried by burlap- A literal barrel of water, a pair of one pony tents, a couple sacks full of extra clothes and grooming supplies, and 4 chests of various sizes respectively containing:
*A selection of tomes covering various subjects such as occult rituals and ancient magical arts, esoteric organisations, a general history of various important individuals, and a myriad of creatures one may encounter the world over. Also copies of his own books to either use as a reference or give away as gifts.
*A quiver of 20 silver bolts, various magical foci and fetishes and, wrapped in a weathered old flag of Arkangelsk:
Lunblade- Found by Salem during his many travels. This artifact weapon, forged by a smith unknown and given the blessings of many good, borderline deific  (and some who were more neutral in the affairs of mortals) "prefers" the shape of a long sword but can assume the shape of just about any edged weapon. its pommel and crossguard of gold, its grip wrapped tightly in new and comfortable leather, and its blade, seemingly a shaft of golden energy that simply phases through non-magical armour, is “inscribed” with spiraling runes that go from its base to its tip. No matter what form it takes, the portion just before the "business" part is of gold as is the bottom, and as much as is possible is covered in the spiraling runes. It appears to have a personal hatred of lycanthropes, vampires, and many abominations considered ‘unkillable’ by normal means, erupting in pale grey flames when such things are close.
*A few weeks worth of dehydrated food and medical supplies.
*Coins and valuables easily valued in the tens of thousands of bits.

Backstory: Salem Sunrise was the third born son of Somber Sunrise, the Grand Duke of Arkangelsk. His Childhood and that of his two brothers in Arkangelsk’s wealthy capital, Hayesborg, was largely uneventful.

When he was 16 Salem, rather than go through his compulsory period of military service like any other citizen of Arkangelsk, went with his uncle to become an Inquisitor . Being trained how to root out treachery and corruption wherever it can be found along with how to dispatch many of the fierce creatures that roam Equestria. After his training was finished he headed for home but only found madness. Under their ancestral home Salem found his family creating undead, consorting with demons and performing blood sacrifices on their servants.

Salem fled before returning with his uncle to destroy the corruption that had taken root in his home. Killing his brothers and both of his parents in the process. They also rescued Burlap, the only survivor of the family's servants, before leaving and burning the place to the ground.

Now Salem Sunrise travels across Equestria with Burlap as his "companion" (he just carries the luggage and drinks really), purging any and all evil they can find. He has also since become a relatively successful author as he regularly publishes books following his exploits and describing the myriad places, ponies, and creatures he has to deal with in his line of work. This has, along with the proceeds gained from his regular duties, allowed him to maintain a not inconsiderable level of wealth on his travels.

Personality: As previously mentioned Salem is rather paranoid, always assuming that everyone is out to get him and that what can go wrong will go wrong. As such he is normally prepared for any situation he is likely to come across and plans for the event of any betrayal. Despite his paranoia Salem is capable of being friendly if he wants or needs to be (or he can be super snarky).

Current home: nowhere permanent, just wherever he feels he needs to be.

Misc:  Travels with a scruffy earth pony called Burlap.

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PostSubject: Re: Brand New OC Character Thread 3   Brand New OC Character Thread 3 - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 18, 2016 3:42 am

Jammex wrote:
Name: Salem Sunrise

+1 The Pone, the Myth, the Drunkard.

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