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 Night time Sounds

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Night time Sounds - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 4:16 am

As the circle began to form up around and inside Rez's little area of vibrating air, Rez finished pulling himself up to the roof of the nearby building. Looking back over to see Gale just sitting there with closed eyes, he aimed the gun, first at her and fired off a couple shots, and then while they were still in transit, he shifted his aim and fired at the focusing magic. Sometimes if you threw in some random spell while a bigger one was being created, it'd get disrupted, fail, or do something un-intended. Not a guarantee, but it was something and Rez had come from HIS crew, so chances were made to be taken. Still, Rez didn't want to be any closer than he had to be, and so he turned about and ran across the roof then, away from Gale and whatever crazy spell she was readying.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 4:38 am

The circle finish filling with smock even with the the few shot taken. gale open her eyes to a few fire balls. One knocked off an good chunk of her mane and more burn marks. She narrowed her eyes of rage. "I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should." She stood on her hind legs.
She open her arms to show a small glowing egg. "MURDER!" with that she clap her hoofs together. The circle spawn an decent cloud of shadowbirds (structure of a bird, Pitch black) "Rez must of shot it or this flock be at least twice as big. I'll remember that when I'm sucking his blood dry." The cloud of birds start heading towards gale. before the cloud reach hr she return back to all four and reviled her vampire fangs. The cloud into by her and flew after right after Rez. Gale disappeared in the cloud of birds.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 4:59 am

Rez barely even needed his magic to hear the sudden abundance of flapping wings behind him, and as he looked over his shoulder, his eyes sprung wide open at the sight of a flock of black birds giving chase. Deciding to pick up the pace, Rez began to elongate his limbs, taking longer strides that covered more ground more quickly until he just hopped off the edge of the current building. Stretching out one of his hooves to latch onto the edge of another building across the street, Rez swung along on the limb like it was a vine, or similar to how a certain red and blue super hero with an affinity for spiders might. While this was done with alternating use of his hind hooves, Rez twisted his uninjured forehoof back around towards the murder of birds and began to fire more fireballs into it's ranks as he continued to swing from building to building at a much faster rate than he could run.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 11:30 am

The flock of bird keeped up the chase on rez. Flying upwards and downwards to invade some shots. Some of the shot did hit the flock but the birds that were hit simply vanished upon being hit. The birds picked up speed and all got to one side of rez, when the flock finally caught up to rez swinging, The flock flew into and pass one of rez limbs, scratching up rez arm as they impact.
The flock flew forward a building or two, making an cloud at the guesstimate area of where Rez would be next. Upon entering the flock Rez would receive an meteor strike kick (downward kick.) to the street below.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 3:40 pm

As the murder closed in and Rez realized he wasn't going fast enough to escape it, he let go of the current building he was swinging on, and dropped to the ground below, only incurring a hoofful of the scratches as the flock reached his last stretched out hoof. Rez then stretched his limbs to reach the ground, and tumbled forward while retracting them so he managed to avoid any falling damage, but also stayed on his hooves and utterly avoiding the murder ahead of him. Abruptly, he turned down an alleyway, still looking it seemed to be trying to avoid the murder at all costs.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 10:28 pm

The Flock chase after him into the alley. Once in the shadow of the ally, Gale jump from the flock into the building shadow.
As the flock flew over Rez, Gale shadowed herself and reappeared in front of Rez. Swing a punch to the face. The Murder did a half loop down the alley. Heading straight towards Rez.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 10:53 pm

Gale and her little flock were exactly what Rez was waiting for to enter the thin little alleyway. As soon as they did, Rez ripped the headphones off his ears as Gale was sailing towards him, and he'd have grinned if he could in the next moment. In the confined space, there's no where to dodge, and the sound has no where to branch outwards towards, so when he created this exceedingly loud shockwave of sound, it created groove like craters in the walls on both sides of the alleyway. When the punch connected with his face, he let the blow land, and used the sound of it to add a final spike to his sound explosion. As he staggered back from the blow, Gale would be dealing with the brunt of both sound explosions while the crow flock would just be dealing with the one.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 11:41 pm

"AAHHH" Gale was flew back from the shock wave. "Ahh, so saw this coming" using the group of bird left from the blast to catch her to turn back to shadow.
The murder split into two one half staying where it is and the second half flying over Rez sound wave. Gale shadow to the building and appeared at the end of the alleyway pointing her glowing hoof down the alley right at Rez. "Buckshot!" Once again an energy ball big enough to cause damage to both buildings speed down the narrow alley. The half of birds that carried Gale over, hover over her giving her shade from the light.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 12:03 am

Gale's own spoken words were turned into painful blasts of sound by Rez's magic, but that still left Rez with a giant ball of energy to deal with. With the flock of birds above him, the ball to wide to dodge around the sides of, Rez turned about and started to run back out of the alleyway, flattening to the ground when the ball was upon him so that it passed over his head. Soon as it was passed though, Rez sprung back up and continued running down the length of the alley. As soon as he was at the edge of it, Rez rounded the corner and drew his dagger.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 12:32 am

Gale didn't bother with the birds and just shadow down the alley behind him. Turning back to pony, a few feet from where from where Rez is, She drew her knife which had a little of Rez's blood left on .
Using the same hoof to make an arcane circle. Pointing at the corner, She got into dual stance. The nanosecond, Rez turn the corner she will would activate the circle and slash him with her knife.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 12:41 am

Rez didn't peak around the corner, he'd seen that fail too many times before to bother with it. Instead, he inched the blade of his dagger out until he could see down the alleyway in it's reflection. Spying Gale's magic, Rez drew out his own pistol in the off hoof, but continued leaning back against the corner. To start things off, Rez twisted his hoof so that the blade of the dagger clanged off the side of the building. The high pitched noise was shot down the alleyway, cracking and shattering the fragments of glass that littered the ground on it's way towards Gale.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 1:16 am

Gale notice something shining from the corner. Before taking a second thought, She drop to the ground and shadow into the building rez was leaning on by the second story window. Before the sound wave could hit her directly and the glass.
Upon reappearing in the dark room and she made an other circle that pointed at the window that was over Rez. If he tries to scale his way up he be in for a shock "Let see how long I could think before he tries to make me deaf again." With that the birds return with a small group flying behind and into the building with Gale as the rest flew up and over and around the other side of the building heading towards Rez. With one mission left . "Cut the wire to his head phones."
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 1:23 am

Upon hearing where the two halves of the flock had gone, Rez fired off a couple shots into the building at random windows in the building and then a couple shots towards the flock that'd circled around the side of the building. Rather than stay in on spot, Rez turned and began to run away from the flock, firing off additional shots at the flock as he ran. If the flock started drawing closer, Rez would create another sound explosion, using the sound of the flapping wings as a source to disrupt and break apart the flock of birds.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 1:44 am

With the sound of birds flapping away and rez running away. Gale didn't show any emotions and spin around in a circle drag her tail along the floor. Once she span around three time she place her knife back in the hoister, looked forward and sat down. Closing her eyes the circle around her started to glow red, she stuck out her hoof and as quietly as she could summon the chain before wrapping around her arm again and returning it to the original position.
As for the flock of bird some stopped and landed on he ground and street as for the rest began to dolphin while chasing Rez.  (Flying and gliding upwards and closing their wing on decent. minimizing wing flap)
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Night time Sounds - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 2:52 am

Despite the birds doing what they were doing, Rez continued to run, shoot, and explode the sound they made into additional force attacks to try and blow more of the birds out of the air of make them disappear as the ones hit with the fireballs did. Wanting to get back off street level, Rez launched a hoof up to the roof of another multi-story building well away from Gale, and pulled himself up to the roof while continuing to fire into the flock with the pistol.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 3:32 am

The majority of the bird that followed him that were still left landed on the street and started to hop back in Nightingale's direction. Ten birds hop in behind an ally out of Rez line of sight.
Back to Gale, she still sitting there and the ring is still glow red but two other rings were scanning her body. Five of the birds that were left behind, flew upwards into Rez sight and began the screech and make a lot of noise. As Gale whisper as softly as possible while allowing the spell to work whisper.
"Deaf" the two other ring disappeared, but the one on the floor remain.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 3:42 am

Rez looked over towards the screeches, but didn't let them go on for long before turning the sound right back around, trapping it in a ball around the crow with it at it's center. Then he shot at the now virtually silent birds with his fireball shooting pistol, aiming to take them all out before pressing onward again across the roof and to the next one, effortlessly using his malleable limbs to cross as simply as if just walking.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 9:18 pm

Gale was still back in the building. The ring was still there but black smoke had completely swallowed her hoofs. She only let out an wift. "His blood senses is fleeting but, I could still track him."
Gale stood up but kept her eyes closed, She turn toward the senses of Rez's blood. "It show time kid" Without opening her eyes, She turn into shadow and followed Rez at extreme speed. With the birds that were with her following behind.
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Night time Sounds - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 6:07 pm

Rez came up to the next roof, a nice flat topped building and began to stride across it. With no more birds coming after him, and Gale unable to currently be heard, he started to look around for a more favorable place for their next confrontation, but he didn't have long before the still very distant sounds of flapping hit his heightened ears. Looking around, but not seeing anything quite yet, Rez's horn lit up with magic again as he made another barrier of sound, more immediately around him that cracked the roofing he walked upon as he continued to look for signs of Gale, her birds, or a more preferable location.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 7:26 pm

Gale reappeared on top of a building of her own. far enough to not be seen by Rez. She kept her eyes closed. Her legs weren't smoking any more but the coat of her legs had an black flame Markings on it. She once again took a wift. "He stopped but, I want to get closer before doing any spell." The rest of the murder landed behind her.
She drew her kunai, upon taking it out the tip of the knife, began to glow violet. Gale took five of the remaining birds and disappeared in to the shadows, heading to Rez direction. The five birds flew building to building and hopped across roof tops slowing them down a bit but provide the least amount of noise.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 7:50 pm

Seeing nothing better for a location for the moment, Rez set about getting the building he was on ready for their fight. Firstly, Rez pulled down his headphones so he'd have another constant sound going on. Then he took to manipulating that sound by first filling the building with it. Not to the devastating volume levels that the building would begin to crumble, but with a much higher pitched sound that would fracture glass and unnerve many of the most stalwart minded. Then came his second setup which was a another wall of sound, but this was considerably louder and more condensed right along the edge of the building's roof, so any trying to access the roof would meet that first.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 11:46 pm

Gale reappeared in the shadows of the a building across the street of Rez's building. Keeping one eye closed, She narrowly cracked one eye open with one eye to the tower."He's up their, good." She once again turn used the shadows to reach the Rez's tower. She climbed the tower behind where Rez was facing and hit the wall of pure extrem sound and appearing in the shadow of the roof access. "Pretty sure that was suppose to be very loud... pity that." She pointed her knife which was now completely glowing, at Rez while his back was turn. and made three stacked arcane circles pointing at Rez with her knife arm . 
Gale thrust her knife threw all three circles. Three bolts went toward Rez. One above and one for both sides. After breaking the circles Gale shadowed back to the floor below, where once again the high pitch doesn't seem to faze her.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2015 12:07 am

Rez would have the time to be glad he'd bothered with the walls of sound fueled by his magic later, right along with the notion that Gale's magic passed through his little walls, otherwise he'd have had no notice that they'd come at all. Rez reared up on his hind legs and thinned them out to avoid the two orbs to the left and right, and then bent over backwards to avoid the high flying one. Finishing the rotation to where he was back on all four hooves again, Rez looked over to where the blasts had come from, and didn't see anything aside from the opposing building. Rez looked about quickly, towards any other points of interest to see if he could spot Gale again, but with nothing in sight he was left with but one assumption. Rez once more looks to the tower the magic blasts had come from and throws his hoof at it to begin reeling himself up, but just as the hoof grabbed onto the building, he turned his attention to the building he was currently on, or more specifically the magic that was flooding it. Rez spiked it up high to the point where it would collapse the building while canceling out the wall around the roof. As the structure gave way, Rez was pulled to safety by his outstretched hoof, while he drew his dagger with the other one.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2015 12:25 am

"Well some pony pissed." She shadowed before the roof caved in and follow the broken bits down. Using the cloud of dust as a brief cover. She appeared and let her hoof glow again, before shadowing to the tower Rez was heading to. 
 She appeared on the roof under the shadow of the roof access on and pointed the glowing hoof where rez's hoof is. "buckshot." An ball of energy about the same size from the ally went straight toward the hoof and the rest of Rez body. She keeped her knife in her hoof, preparing for a dual and her mouth  continued to smoke.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2015 12:34 am

Rez just reached the roof as he heard the spell's call, and to avoid it, he just let go of the roof and allowed the fall to carry him out of the attacks course. Then he just reached up again, and hoisted himself up on another side of the building in a swinging motion to where he was to Gale's side. Drawing his pistol as well and depositing the weapon back in the fold of the bandanna, Rez sprung forward with the dagger poised to stab at Gale.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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