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 Night time Sounds

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Night time Sounds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 2:08 am

Gale turn back to pony form this time next to a broken pipe. she broke the pipe in half, after taking a brief second to aim she hurl the pipe at Rez arm that grasping on the roof. Aiming for the top portion of his arm. "any thing else?"
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 2:16 am

As his hoof reeled him in, Rez heard the pipe being broken as loud as if it'd happened right next to him. He had plenty of time to look at it, pass the dagger sized blade to his other hoof, and stretch it to intercept the projectile, knocking it away with a simply buffet. With the immediate danger deflected, Rez stored the dagger in it's sheath and then drew the pistol again. He didn't have a true spot to shoot at yet, so for the moment, he just lit up the area where Gale had gotten the piece of pipe from, and the surrounding area. Rez for the moment, just hung on the side of the building like he was, though his hoof was mostly reeled in now and his back hooves were pressed flat against the side of the building allowing him to look out over the area.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 2:55 am

Gale saw the balls of fire heading toward her and dashes behind the donut shop. Giveing her at least cover while she thinks of her next plan. "That didn't work, does that thing have unlimited ammo." faze to one end of the building. "There must be something I could use." She notice that the hotel cast a shadow it within her sight but, not not yet her reach. "If I run for it I'll be lit up like the witches. Need a distraction." She took a moment to think of an plan. "donuts use oil.I wonder." She shadowed in to the destroyed donut shop kitchen. Disgusting would be putting it nicely. Gale hold back making any sound of her disgust. "Oil, Oil where are you." She looked around the kitchen while staying in the one spot. The smell made her nose scrunch. She found this both disgusting and useful. The whole floor cover with oil.
She let out an calm "This could work." Before bucking down the far past broke fryer. and turn back to a shadow. She left the donut shop and hide behind the wall from the previous building. She got in a running stance. Keeping an eye on the one the sky. " Fireball equals GO"
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 3:00 am

Sure enough, Rez heard the commotion going on in the doughnut shop, and with a couple shots, Rez finally managed to score one into the opening where the oil was and ignited. When he saw the flames inside the doughnut shop growing instead of diminishing, Rez pulled himself the rest of the way up onto the roof of the hotel, and sheathed his pistol again. Back on all fours, Rez proceeded into the center of the roof, sat down, and pulled out his music player again before fiddling with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 3:30 am

Within the cover of the fire. Gale sprint to the hotel shadow and fazed in. The fire was a little tense for her liking, but a believe to be dead gale is a lot more likely to be scary. She used the shadow to enter the ground floor smashed window. She got to the center of the foyer "Now how to get him." She looked at her hoof, It gave off a little glow but not too much. "Not yet, Great." She looked around looked like a battle broke out here. she notice a damage chandelier. she then notice n welcoming desk. It was in rough shape but still cover.
She shadow over behind the desk and use some of the energy to make an arcane circle point to the main stairwell. "Darkness is my jungle." She drew her kunai with one hoof and rang the service bell with the other. "welcome to darkness"
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 3:42 am

While he heard the bell ring, Rez didn't even bother moving, at least not at first. He was busy selecting out a new song to listen to, and after a little bit more time spent searching, Rez finally settled on something. Then he got up and wandered around the roof for a moment while thinking about which way to proceed. It was obvious that Gale was in the hotel, she even rang the bell to get his attention after all. There were two immediate ways he could likely enter the building from, down the stairs or down the side of the building and then in through the front door. Figuring both would be trapped, Rez shrugged and began to proceed down the stairs, one flight at a time, until he finally reached the bottom floor.

Upon reaching it though, Rez didn't even try to spot Gale, and instead he once more pulled down his head phones. This blast of music wasn't as focused or as powerful, but it was loud enough to shake anything loose and blasted out in all directions. Yet in the wake of the wave of sound, there was absolute silence, and that silence was enhanced yet limited in Rez's well trained ears.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 3:55 am

Gale popped up from the desk an punch the circle. Once again an black bolt appeared heading toward Rez. She again turn to shadow and zigzags around. With no particular directions.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:00 am

The bolt slammed into Rez, and he was sent flopping end over end back up the staircase just a bit, and then into the wall slightly where upon his head slumped forward. Sound returned, and now Gale could once again hear the sounds of the building settling after having to deal with the bolt and the sound explosion.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:17 am

Gale reappeared behind one of the pillars. "Oh that going to hurt. Oh wait I can hear again.That neat." She manage to get one hoof glowing violet again. "ereh revo teg" and once again Gale got a ghostly chain in one hoof. and her knife in the other.
She twirled the chain around her hoof leaving enough for a short hit and place the knife in her mouth. She kick off from the pillars and started to run on the outskirts of the foyer. A little amount of of black smoke is leaking from her mouth.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:31 am

Rez shook his head to the sides as he refocused himself and get rid of the dizziness that tried to cloud his thoughts. He lifted his head to see Gale running around outside the staircase, and not coming at him just yet. With a shrug, he tilted his head to one side and then the other, eliciting some cracks from it both ways. The music was still playing from his headphones, but as he withdrew the music player, Rez set about switching the song again. Once the new song began to play loud enough to be head from his headphones that weren't currently on his ears, Rez would look up with slitted eyes that were relaxed at first, and then hardened in an instant while his head began to bob to the music.

But then Rez moved the headphones back up to his ears, and he seemed to let his eyes close while moving his hooves up to the headphones and holding them close to his head. One of his back began to rock back and forth while the other one lifted up a little from the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:47 am

Gale stop running to look at Rez. "What the actual hell. Is he try to say something or is he waiting for something, I don't know what he wants." She dashed over the welcome desk and hide behind there. "He not reacting the way I expected. but it bugging me. But charging him hadn't ended so well last time."
Gale stayed behind the desk, Readying herself for whatever he's planning. She made an circle spell on the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:52 am

Apparently happy with his choice, Rez get up out of the indention in the wall he'd made and proceeds to dust himself off a bit. Then Rez quite simply turns about and punches the wall with his hoof. As the sound echos out, it explodes in volume that fills the foyer, but is primarily focused at the impact point of Rez's hoof with the wall. After a second longer, a section of the wall collapses and Rez hops out of the building. Now on the street behind it, Rez turns back around to face the hole and cocks back one hoof as if he's about to punch the wall again.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 5:07 am

" AH Son of a... what Is he doing?!? when did he turn so strong." Gale try annoy the ringing in her ears and pay attention to Rez. She saw an open window to one of the sides and decide best to jump out. " Now a hoof to hoof combat that i can get into . but might want to see what this second one does."
Gale turn to a shadow and backed up quite a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 5:32 am

Rez threw the hoof forward, and it stretched the extra distance until it connected with the side of the building. A visible shock wave rippled outward from the impact point as sonic vibrations tore at the structure's supports. The sound of groaning metal, splintering wood, and crackling plaster was then further enhanced just as the initial impact had been until the entire structure started falling apart and collapsing into a massive pile of rubble. The build's collapse however achieved a secondary effect rather quickly and that was the creation of a massive dust cloud that completely engulfed everything in the immediate area. And then silence, as Rez dulled the sounds to nothing aside from what he heard, effectively eliminating 2 of his opponents senses.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 12:39 pm

As the building started to crumble Gale turn back to pony form. "Wow ,but still." Gale took a small wift to smell out Rez blood. "Got ya". She once again turn to shadow.
Using the falling building and cloud of dust, Gale shadow her way next to Rez. Upon turning back, she unleashed a punch right at her opponent.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 3:12 pm

Not expecting to have been found so quickly, Rez took the brunt of the punch, but that didn't mean he was about to leave it at that. The punch made his take a step forward, but he used that to pivot his self about and throw a punch right back, his hoof stretching outward as he did so.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:15 pm

Gale took Rez punch to the side of her face causing her to wince, but she managed to latch on to the punch with her chained hoof.
She removed her knife from her mouth and with her free hoof went to stab Rez arm.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:27 pm

That was what Rez was waiting for, something on Nuria to make a sound, and the jingling of the chain wrapped hoof was more than enough. Rez's horn glowed brightly as he shot himself backwards and seized that sound with his magic. Then he sky rocketed it's volume to the point where it practically exploded outward with enough force to create a small crater in the ground and blowing away just about all the dust cloud in the immediate area. His eyes shut for a moment with his own hoof being in the blast radius of the sound bomb and still possibly getting stabbed, but if anything, it showed that this DJ wasn't done and out yet as he stood up and began to reel his hoof back in, slowly.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 4:56 pm

Gale had to shut her eyes from the dust and staggering back due to the blast while still keeping an grip on the knife. It took her a moment to realize she was getting reeled in. She open her eyes again. "Oh now he just showing off."
She whirled her chained hoof around rez's. She then let go of some of the chain to give her more to work with. She raised the hoof that once held the knife and point it towards Rez. The hoof started to glow again. "Buckshot." Once again an ball of violet energy head toward Rez but only half the size of the first one.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 1:28 am

Rez felt the extra weight on his hoof as it was reeling in and so he changed up his tactic, thankful he'd been reeling in the limb slowly. Instead, he turned about and lifted the limb in an overhead arc while grabbing onto the chain as well, turned about while rolling the limb and slammed it down into the ground behind him. The movement creating an almost whip like motion as the still fairly stretched out hoof was slung overhead and then down along the ground again. All along the impact with the ground, Rez heightened the volume into a line of sound explosions along it's length as it hit the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 1:52 am

" here we go" Gale reacted to the the arm being flung over. "I so saw this coming"
She once again grabbed her knife that was stuck in Rez's arm and unravel her chain around her arm. She keeped a grasp on both until, she was over Rez. The second she wasn't on top of Rez, She drag the knife out of rez's arm. Causing an deeper and bigger cut. Letting go of the chain, She landed on rez's arm. The shock wave and fall was a discomfort but it better then being slammed. She made a motion to slash his arm.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 3:19 am

Rez reeled in his hoof quickly this time since the blade wasn't in it and the chain was no longer holding it, ripping it right out from under Gale's hooves. With his other hoof then, Rez drew the pistol and fired it repeatedly at Gale as she fell. The air immediately around Rez also started to practically vibrate, as he hobbled forward while continuing to shoot.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 3:35 am

"OW OW OW HOT HOT." Gale tried her best to Back step from Rez While also dodging the balls but still a few manage to hit their mark. Her front hooves started to glow again. and she tumbled out of the way of fire. The fire left quite a bit of marks and burnt a few portions of her mane. " Do you know how hard it is to dye your mane with out magic?"
Even though it hurted a bit, she began to sprint in a circle around Rez. Jumping, ducking and drifting to throw off his aim. As she was running the smoke from her mouth continue to leck.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 3:50 am

Seeing Gale running around Rez, just outside the ring of vibrating air, Rez raised up on his hind legs and began to stretch upwards. When he was a good ways up, Rez reached out with his uninjured hoof to the roof of another nearby building, and begin to pull himself away. The ring of vibrating air was left to guard himself as he stretched. A column of extremely high volume sound, condensed into a specific space that should Gale make contact with, she'd find the deafening volume washing over her at levels well past the point of drawing blood from one's ears.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 4:10 am

Gale notice rez stretching up and out. She immediately made a drift and turned in the other direction. once she a good toss away. she sat down looking back at rez.
She lift up her glowing hoof and clap them together. The circle that gale was running began to glow. She closed her eyes as to concentrate while at the same time a black mist appeared to spawn within the circle but stayed inside the circle. "This guy really getting on my nerves now, never thought I had to pull this card on a 1v.1."
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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