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 Night time Sounds

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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 4:56 am

Rez wasn't up for letting Gale relax for long as he kept stepping forward to press the attack. Just moving against the tension he already had built up from the prior slash ending with his right forehoof now near his left flank, Rez stabbed forward with the dagger and would then slash upward with the dagger as another followup attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 10:37 am

"Ok, Nevermind." Gale Step over the left to dodge the stab. Follow by a lunge forward to slash Rez's left legs.  Finishing an few feet behind him.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 12:56 pm

As part of the right rear leg pivot Rez went about to keep Gale in front of him, Rez's left leg was pulled away from her slash. Then pushing off with the left leg, Rez stepped forward a couple times to keep the distance close in this dagger fight and swung the dagger again, this time in a downward diagonal slash starting up high on the right and ending low on the left.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 1:14 pm

Gale reacted by doing an lower left to high right swing and followed  rez's knife downwards keeping the knives in between them. While in this motion Gale went for a right hook for rez's head. Using her hind legs for balance.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 1:26 pm

Rez simply let his body follow the downward motion of his knife as it clanged off of Gale's to duck under the hook Gale threw at his head. Then he'd step forward again while stepping up and stab forward with the knife again at Gale's exposed middle.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 1:58 pm

Gale using the motion to her hook and rez's stabbing arm to  pull herself over rez body. Rotating her wrist in a way so the knives stay in contact before before pushing herself away from Rez. Tucking in her legs to avoid the wings. and using to hook's momentum, she manage to tumble up and over rez arm and to the left without getting stabbed and making an tiny slit on Rez knife arm. She tumble an small distance away from Rez, before returning to all fours.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 2:50 pm

Rez's dagger followed Gale, turning from a stab into an overhead arcing slash, and clashing with her attempt at cutting his foreleg. As she descended and started her tumble, Rez lashed out with a hind hoof to kick at her, the limb reaching out to make sure contact would still be a threat even as she came out of the tumble.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 4:35 pm

"Not what I'm expecting but I'll take it." Gale stabbed rez kicking leg and took the kick to the guts. Using the combined momentum of both her and Rez's kick. She latch onto the stretched out leg and lift rez body over her's and as the arc was on it decent. She remove the knife from Rez's leg and send him flying in a downward angle, off the roof.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 4:51 pm

Gale would just find more slack hoof was she pulled it and tried to throw Rez over the edge of the roof as the limb continued to stretch out. Slack hoof that was now mostly around Gale, and suddenly tightened as it tried to wrap around her and pin her hooves to her sides before reeling back in to drag Gale into Rez's outward pointing knife on the end of his outstretched forehoof.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 5:13 pm

"Hing" as the leg tighten around her body. "Ok, what would alpha do in a time like this."
Gale using her fangs just started to repeatedly bite rez leg over and over. without sucking any of the blood. While this was going on she jiggling her knife up and down which was still stuck in rez leg. and starting to beat on the inside of rez legs to loosen up.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 5:26 pm

With Gale not managing to escape as Rez's leg reeled in, and wincing past the pain of the bites and stabs, Rez aimed a stab at the center of Gale's back. Simultaneously, Rez threw back his other forehoof a short distance to let it build up some extra momentum and power before whipping it forward in a powerful punch aimed at Gale's head.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 8:45 pm

"Oh forget it." The split second before the knife hit her back, Gale vanished in the shadow of Rez's leg to appear beside of Rez with an downward slice to his neck. An portion of Gale's torsal and her mouth was cover in Rez's blood.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2015 11:45 pm

Rez didn't know where Gale had disappeared too, but that wasn't the part he was focused on in the moments that his bleeding leg suddenly went slack. "Guess the reins are off," he thought to himself as his eyes began to glow. "Good thing the horn was just a formality," Rez went on as he unleashed a very powerful blast of sound magic all around him. The eruption of sound was more than enough to destroy the roofing he was on with devastating force and deafening volume. All of this was done without him regrowing his horn, just showing that he didn't actually need the thing to actively use his magic, even a spell of this power level.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 1:25 am

Gale was sent flying in to a building which was an few building behind the which they were standing on.
Gale crash threw a window and landed on all fours with her eyes close. 
"I'm am one hundred and ten percent done."
 she open her eyes with purple smokey eyes. The darkness on her hooves reach the way up to her body. The smoke from her mouth started turning in to an violet sparks of lightning. SHe pointed her knife at Rez as it grew to a katana.
Bringing her shadow darkness sword to her left. She whisper to it."soul skinner" and with one swing  an visual slice of blood red shotted toward Rez. the slice got bigger as it approach it target. Gale stood there for a brief second before vanishing in the shadows.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 3:06 am

Now Rez jumped off the side of the building, stretching out one of his uncut hooves to a nearby building to easily pull himself out of the way of the slash. He'd thought that last blast might have done it with the level of power he'd used, but if the slash was anything to go by, it apparently wasn't, shame too because he was running out of time. Gale had cut him up pretty badly on his two hooves, and he was still loosing blood. Rez made sure to keep himself well away from the larger shadows for the moment, and was soon reeling himself up towards the roof of the other building he'd grabbed onto.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 3:44 am

Gale reappeared on the building where they had their knife fight. There was a big slash where it made contact not enough to cut the building in half but yet it was for souls. It didn't took long to follow the blood an his scent to find out where Rez went. She never like letting her shadow mage or her vampony blood get to her but she wasn't about to go out like this. 
She shadow over to the Rez perious building and spotted the building he was Reeling him self to next. She gently turn the sword back to a knife and placed it beside her. She lift her hoof up to the building and shot off a tiny ball missing Rez but landing on the building. She then sat down, closed her eyes and pointed both of her hoof down wards and kind of like a clock slowly rose both of them on both sides of her in a way that they would meet in the middle. With every tic-tock like motion an small black energy ball appeared.
(Stuck of Dusk spell)
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 4:15 am

Rez looked back towards the building where Gale had landed and launched the energy ball from, the one that blatantly missed. He got ready to focus another blast of sound and as his hooves hit the building he was swinging down to, the sound was shot toward's that building's roof, and elevated to a volume where the structure began to crack and crumble. In seconds, it'd fall into nothing but rubble and debris. Meanwhile, Rez wasn't sure why the last shot had missed without him even having to dodge, but he didn't like the implications of what Gale could be planning, so he just let go of the building and dropped to the street below where he began to move down it, away from Gale.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 4:25 am

After the last tic, her hoof meet in the middle. "struck of dusk." The little ball of energy that was on the building  and now under a pile of ruble imploded and spectacle exploded and started to shoot off debris in all direction creating a massive creator. on the street below. 
Before an chunks of debris could hit Gale she swooped up the knife with her tail and disappeared in the shadows.Using the debris's shadow as an expressway in Rez direction.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 4:45 am

Rez looked up at the rumbling that he didn't cause, and shrugged at the explosion of the building. Rez stomped his hoof again to give a seed sound as to say, and then used that noise to create another sound explosion to blast away the rubble that was falling towards him, as well as some of the rubble in his path. With they way cleared, Rez would continue down the street, jogging lightly as he waited for Gale's next attack.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 1:45 pm

Gale appeared from the cloud of dust rez made with the rubble. once again gale moved her knife to from her tail to her right hoof as the knife glow back to it katana state.
Once again wind up for a swing and whisper to the blade even softer then her first time "soul skinner". She swing once in parallel of rez's head and again at an angle that aimed for his lower half and his right. While still in the cover of the dust cloud, she shadow over to the left side of the street and followed Rez.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 3:53 pm

Rez quite simply ducked under one slash and side stepped the other as he kept his expression calm and continued onward. The dagger ended up seized in the grip of one of the impromptu wing's Rez still sported as he jogged, and the gun rested in the grip of the other. Meanwhile, one hoof went to his music player and started fiddling around until he found a new playlist and started up a different collection of songs. As he walked, he made sure of a couple other things. One being that the light was behind him so his shadow was on the ground in front of him, along with various other amplifications and silences to the surrounding area, he was setting a trap.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 4:29 pm

Gale reappeared on top of a building that rez ran by. "Music plus shadow in front equals an blast of music to my face, ya not going to happen." Gale then remember she still had an small murder left. The rest of the murder 40 in total came flying to gale. 15 landing beside her, 5 flew around the buildings to rez right 10 flew high above to cast an spot of shadow. as the last 10 flew to gale and started to hop building to building following Rez. " Try to gum you way out of this." Gale's free hoof began to glow before Gale turn back into a shadow while stay among the left side of rez with the 15 bird staying where Gale was.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 4:50 pm

Rez didn't even halt his stride as he took towards trying to disperse the birds the moment their presence was made known. Their slightest sounds turned into the attacks made against them. The flap of a wing, the click of claw and foot upon landing on a building, both were turned into weapons in the form of explosions set to destroy the remains of the flock. Four locations, yet five explosions as Rez turned his own walking into a smaller explosion to keep the dust away from himself as he continued on down the street.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 01, 2015 8:51 pm

Gale reappeared in the ally an few building in front of rez. "One plan down thousands of more painful ones to go."
She stabbed the ground with her sword  and using her hind legs launched herself across the street all the while dragging her sword along the ground and making a black smoke line. Before landing on the other side she flipped and kicked herself backed in the direction but in a acr motion. "Try you sound waves I dare you." While in the arc she made multiple of flips in midair all while causing an line of black smoke were made with the tip of her sword. Before she hit the ground, she shadow herself away to another building ahead So she could watch over Rez running down the street. but keep her sword in attack position.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 12:18 am

"Did she expect me not to see of hear that?" Rez thought to himself as he observed Gale obviously setting up some kind of magical thing ahead of him. The only part that actually had him cringing was Gale disappeared immediately again into the shadows. With little more than a shrug, Rez simply stretched himself up and over one line of buildings and then back down into the middle of the next street over. Repeating that step 1 more time to make sure he was well away from the slash, Rez continued walking down the street, still waiting for his shot at Gale.
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PostSubject: Re: Night time Sounds   Night time Sounds - Page 5 Icon_minitime

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