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 Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 1:55 am

"Skull crushed... between your legs...?" Sugary was blushing mildly now. For a mare that was rather chaste from her experience, Baker was still certainly arousing his kink for strong healthy mares. Obviously, he would be wise to respect her might, but that didn't stop him from admiring it and hoping to see it for himself one way or another. She was also doing wonders winning him over with her kiss on the head, making him giggle a bit and then gently nuzzle her neck and cheek softly. "I still say you've got a lovely mix of beauty and brawn going for you. No reason to fear either one, is there...? As for when we leave... I really must insist on waiting for the weather to calm down a bit. But we should probably leave no later than three days from now. Plus, you still intend to sell some more of your wares here, don't you...? While we're here though, any chance you'd care to share more of those wrestling days?" He sounded particularly eager to hear more of that part of her life, but he also had noticed she was getting more mellow. "Unless... You feel like taking a nap?" Every time she adjusted, he moved in her favor. If she opted to rest up to the sound of good music and rain, he was all for it as a cuddling companion.
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 12:13 pm

Baker nodded in agreement at Market's proposal to leave after the weather calms, looking out the window thoughtfully. "Yeah, I hope to finally get some better guns for the road before I leave here, hopefully a rifle and a pistol of some sort. Been saving up caps for it so I can buy them. I need a better main weapon than my cannon, and a backup handgun to my revolver." Baker giggled as she felt the stallion nuzzle her adorably, and she kissed the tip of his nose and winked at him. "Awww. You're adorable, Sugary. And I suppose I have a couple more stories to tell. There was one time I was in another wrestling match for caps, put up against gremlins. You know, those four foot tall disheveled little mutant things? Probably some strain of pony that got mutated and degenerated into those dirty, stupid little things they are now. Anyway, I was put up aganst five of them at once, in a tank top and shorts, and I was struggling a bit at first. They were literally all over me at first, so I started by throwing myself backwards, and I crushed two of them under my back. The next one was subject to a lobotomy by my hands, and I picked up the fourth one by the legs and used it to beat the fifth one to a pulp, like a ragdoll."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 14, 2015 8:30 pm

Sugary felt quite warm in spirit being told that he was adorable as he smiled for Baker. That had been a first in his life, especially from a mare that wasn't a caretaker from his youth. He kept lightly cuddling and nuzzling her neck and chest slowly as she shared her stories with him, and despite the fact it was all about deadly fighting in skimpy clothing, he was quite entertained. Plus, he thought Baker wearing skimpy clothing was enticing in itself as it were.

He then took his turn to speak. "I... think I'll stick to my usual choice of fighting. Not that I can't ever shoot, but I always prefer to keep honing my might without relying on other weapons and tools if I can help it... I probably should get my hunting rifle tuned though. Wanna make sure Valiant's as reliable as ever." He looked over to one of the cabinets, seemingly where the rifle he spoke about is, before looking back at her. "I don't know what got you to make a living that way, but it all sounds like it just toughened you up even more, huh? Can't say I ever really found myself in a brawl pit sort of place... I have been challenged to brawls for caps out abroad though. Lost a few, won most. Hard as I tried, I just couldn't pin a dragon I met once, but his offer was too good to pass up... At least he was a good sport, and didn't demand more out of me than what we agreed on, so... It was a nice lesson on just how tough it is to fight a dragon hand to hand to say the least... Say, you haven't asked much of me, have you? Come on, don't be shy. I got a few things to tell if you're interested... Not that just napping is still out of the question."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2015 3:30 pm

Bella shrugged a bit and grabbed her radio, turning it off and tucking it away in her cleavage again, making sure it was attached to her paracord necklace. Her necklace was made of braided paracord, with a carabiner and a knife with a small leather sheath hooked to the front, which she could use in an emergency. The carabiner and knife's sheath were hooked to the same keyring on the front, and the strap for the little radio flashlight was hooked to the carabiner. "I'd like to hear them, but we should save them for another time. I would like to get moving down to the market street soon, if that's alright." Bella stood up, setting her smaller friend on the couch, and she smiled warmly at him before she put on her trench coat and backpack. The huge mare's revolver sat at her hip, of course. "Do you want to grab your rifle? I'm sure I can touch it up for you, if you want, or I could pay a few caps for the gunsmith to do it. Up to you."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun May 17, 2015 6:46 pm

Sugary whinied softly as he felt the cuddling ended too soon, but he understood why well enough as he got down from the couch and began to get his things: Namely, his robes from earlier and the hunting rifle he spoke of as he got it from a cabinet in a corner of the room. "Alright, another time then... As for the rifle, I think I'll spend the extra caps on it. Been a long while since it was given a professional tune-up since I just try to maintain it, and I'm not really an expert on rifles aside from good aim. May as well give it the best treatment it can get before we set out, don't you agree?"

The Valiant, as he called it, was actually more of a somewhat shortened double-barreled shotgun rifle for taking down medium to large-sized game effectively at varying ranges. The barrels themselves were sturdy black colored tempered metal on a hardwood gripping base. It looked a bit antiquated, but it was a powerful and durable weapon in and of itself as the barrels were hardly thin; They were meant to last. He walked with it over his shoulder after placing the robes on, and moved to Baker's side. "Okay, ready to leave when you are."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2015 3:54 pm

Baker smiled and gently put her arm around Market's shoulders, holding him close for a second before letting go, and she kissed his forehead softly with a giggle. "That was for being so sweet." She said with a playful grin, and she led her friend out of the apartment building and down to ground floor, her massive hips swinging behind her. Her colossal, muscled hyper butt was in full view of Market, her long curly white tail swishing slowly with her hips as her jeans strained to contain all of her massive body. Her trench coat covered her lower body down to her knees, but the outline of her butt could clearly be seen, and the split tail of the coat let her curly tail out.

The huge mare walked down the street with a grin, looking around at the stalls as she turned onto the market street. There were food vendors, junk and scrap vendors, vendors of herbs and remedies and clothing. A vendor for just about whatever someone could need or want. Baker gave a soft gasp and grinned as she saw a gunsmith working out of the back of his cart, which was the husk of a large pickup truck with a covered truckbed, pulled by a bovine mutant, a common cattle for settlers. The unicorn gunsmith had set up a table with several guns on display, from handguns to rifles and shotguns and knives, as well as a few automatic weapons for a bigger price, and ammunition for sale as well. There was also a few lesther vests for sale, as decent protection from mutant attacks and the occasional bullet.

Baker smiled widely as she approached the stand, looking over the weapons with an eager gaze. The unicorn grinned and waved a hand at the table. "See something you like, madam?" He asked with a slight British accent. Baker smiled with a light blush as she realized how she was appearing. "Yes, I'm just in need of a good rifle and pistol. I have a revolver, and it's nice, but it lacks long range capabilitiy and good follow-up shots." The gunsmith nodded in understanding, looking around at the weapons on the table. "Hmm... I think you'll like a nice 30 caliber rifle. Here, try this." The gunsmith lifted up what looked like an AK-47, though it had no combat handle, and instead had a wooden stock like an hold bolt-action rifle. "AKM, modified for ranged precision. It's only semi-automatic, but that's still all you'll need for ranged firepower, especially if you're trying to conserve ammo. Here, I got some shortened 12 round magazines for it, better for balance and ammo conservation." Baker grinned as she took the magazine, but she gave a soft "oops" as she dropped it, the magazine sliding under the gunsmith's heavy cart. The gunsmith just sighed. "Well, it'll be some work to get that-..." The gunsmith's jaw dropped as he watched Baker bend down and casually lift up his immense cart with one handm grabbing the magazine with the other before setting the cart back down. "Sorry about that, I'm a little bit of a klutz sometimes." The huge mare stated with a soft, slightly embarrassed smile as she set the magazine on the table. The gunsmith was still just speechless, blinking slowly as he processed just how strong this mare actually was. She looked strong, but... not like what he just saw...
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2015 4:45 pm

Sugary blushed mildly again at the kiss he got from Baker near his horn as they went out. And as they walked out, he certainly didn't miss out on admiring her backside either, as the occasional soft snort would indicate the more he watched.

Walking through the rain and getting to the gun smith was about as eventful as he'd expect since the town was never really a sleepy one as far as he knew. There was always something going on. He couldn't fully make heads or tails of all the details of what the shop owner was telling Baker, but he knew one thing: he felt that much more attracted to Baker the moment she picked up the cart with relative ease. His mouth was open from a broad smile unlike the stunned shop owner. "It's not always a bad thing being a bit clumsy..." He said more to himself than Baker, but that was how he felt about it at the moment.

When the gun smith was taking his time reacting, Sugary decided to jolt him back to reality by showing him his own shotgun rifle. "... Excuse me! I'd also like service... I'd like to ask for a tune-up on this rifle. I just need it to be in peak working condition. Aside from that, if you got ammo for it, I'd also be willing to purchase some."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2015 4:56 pm

The gunsmith shook his head a bit to snap himself out of his stupor, and he smiled to Market and nodded as he took the rifle. Baker was still fiddling with the rifle, seeing if it was something she wanted. "Sure thing, I don't charge much for cleaning. Let's see..." The gunsmith broke the barrels open, eyeing the weapon down the barrels. "Hmm... 12 gauge and .300 winchester magnum combination. You don't see guns like this often, but it's as easy to clean as any other shotgun." While the gunsmith took out his tools and began working on cleaning Market's gun, Baker gave a soft "hmm" as she looked the rifle over. "It's certainly a nice weapon. I think I'll take it and some extra ammo and magazines, but I'd also like a pistol as well, and I'm considering a shotgun along with it." Baker seemed rather unsure of herself; she needed a long range weapon and a second backup to go with her revolver, but she didn't have that many caps to throw around.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2015 5:45 pm

Sugary smiled and nodded at the gun smith, gracious for the service. He didn't do much else aside from observing some of the other weaponry lying around and others walking by with vague interest. It wasn't until he noticed that Baker looked rather thoughtful to him that he decided to place an arm on her shoulder and talk to her. "Something wrong? You almost look like you want something badly."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 4:43 pm

Baker sighed and looked to the rifle, then to Market, and then to the gunsmith. "Just trying to make sure I don't overspend, or buy something that'll fail me." The gunsmith nodded in understanding, then looked at the weapons on the table. "I understand, madam. I do my best to make my weapons last as long as the customer. Many of these are made from salvage and piecemeal parts, but I do strive to keep designs simple, and I use the Kalashnikov design, that is, the AK-47 design, very often." The AK-47 design was certainly popular among the wasteland; it was unbelievably rugged, and the mechanism was so simple, any problems were able to be fixed by anyone with a hammer. It was also cheap and simple to make, made out of stamped sheet metal and carved wood.

The gunsmith thought for a moment, then smiled as he bent down under the table. "I may have something for you, madam." The unicorn came up from under the table with another classic, rugged, simple weapon; it was known as the Uzi, a stamped metal submachine gun that was famous in old films for its sleek, modern appearance, and proven on the battlefield as an effective weapon. It was every bit as effective as it was cool-looking. This Uzi was a full-size variant, using the 9mm pistol round. "This is a little something I've been saving, they exist in great surplus, but I had reinforced and tuned this one myself. It has a semi-automatic select fire as well as its normal full-auto, a slightly higher rate of full-auto fire, and I tightened the spings and gas seal a good bit to give each round a marginally higher velocity. To be honest, I've yet to find a normal person who could weild it accurately, but you, madam..."

Baker, with wide eyes, reached out and gently grasped the handle of the SMG, feeling her fingers slip around it like a glove. It felt balanced in her hands, and, like the rifle, it felt solid and rugged. "Wow... How... How much for it?" The gunsmith smiled warmly and just looked down the street to Baker's food stand. "Buy the rifle and some ammo for your weapons, and I'll provide the Uzi and some spare magazines for free. All I ask is that I get a warm meal from you tonight. I just got into town yesterday, but I can still smell the bread you were baking the other day. I've no need for this weapon, but a strong mare like yourself could make use of that beast, I bet." Baker smiled widely, the huge mare grinning and giggling as she bounced up and down a bit where she stood, and she shook the gunsmith's hand firmly. "You've got a deal! I'd make you a feast, if you asked, but I'll set a nice big plate of food for you aside tonight. I'm baking bread and steaming rice and beans tonight." She replied as she set caps on the table, paying for the rifle, some rifle magazines, and ammo for her new Uzi and her new rifle. Baker also bought a couple strips of .44 magnum rounds for her revolver.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 10:39 pm

Once again, Sugary's mind only spun further in confusion at the talk of weapons, but both the gun seller and Baker seemed to be in their own little bullet heaven, so he merely smiled as they got along in their own way as he simply could not provide any proper aid. He did understand food very well though, and licked his lips at the mention of a good meal later on still. That didn't mean he didn't pay attention to any of the talk about the weapons either though. "A rapid-fire weapon with more kick to it than normal, huh...?" He proceeded to amuse himself with the image of Baker going trigger happy with her kindly smile.

That still left his own weapon and needs to deal with though, and so he spoke to the gun smith again. "Ah, by the way... Will my rifle be ready soon, or should we come back later?"
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 12:17 am

The gunsmith chuckled as he took out some cleaning tools, taking off the rifle's twin barrels. "Oh, no, please stick around a bit. A weapon this simple will take but a minute to clean." Baker smiled as she fiddled a bit with her new weapon, sliding it into a simple holster under her left arm. She had made a holster, a simple one made of leather and adjustabls straps, in anticipation of her new sidearm. "The higher kick comes from a more sealed chamber." Baker explained as she finished adjusting her holster to fit her uzi. "It increases the gas pressure from the bullet's powder. It makes the bullet leave the gun faster, but the increased force goes both ways." The gunsmith had quite quixkly finished cleaning Market's rifle, and he smiled as he handed back the rifle. "I see your weapon holds .300 Winchester Magnum rounds and 12 gauge shotgun shells. I have a few of both, if you wish to buy some ammo."

Last edited by Craterfist on Fri May 22, 2015 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 1:28 am

Sugary was glad he wouldn't have to wait long, and so he entertained himself by watching just how much Baker enjoyed fiddling with her new weapon. Only when told of his weapon being done and the offer did he speak again with a thoughtful look. "Mm... Well, sure, give me some. Something tells me I could use a bit of the extra for target practice, things are as hectic as ever outside the town last I checked." He was always more inclined to relying on his own might above all else, but the shotgun rifle was as good a tool as any.

Once the gun smith gave what he needed, he'd pay in full. No more, and no less than he owed. His attention would then turn to Baker once the purchase was complete. "You geared up quite a bit for this... Let me ask you something, do you think you'll need all of it once we set out or not?" The question was intended to mean exactly what it said. He merely wanted to know what her prediction on their own gear would be. He wouldn't mind if Baker said more than a yes or a no either, since it would help him get to know how she thinks better still.
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 4:56 pm

Baker just raised an eyebrow slowly as the gunsmith slid over the boxes of the large ammunition and took the caps from Market, adjusting her holster a bit. "Um... I don't know?" She replied tentatively, seeming unsure of what she was being asked, or even why. "I take everything I own with me when I travel, you know, and I don't plan on leaving my stuff behind here if we're going to be gone for a while." Baker frowned as she fiddled with her holster, then sighed and looked to the gunsmith. "Trade you a pistol holster for an SMG holster?" The gunsmith nodded and pulled out a different leather holster, one based off an older design meant to allow for a concealed carry of any compact automatic weapon. It held the SMG against Baker's right side, and two extra magazines against her left side. Baker smiled and handed her holster over, taking the SMG holster and sliding it on over her turtleneck, under her thick trench coat. "So, Market, to answer your question, I plan to take these guns with me, but whether I pack up all my things and take it with us depends on how long we plan to be on the road."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2015 8:22 pm

Sugary nodded at Baker's answer. "I see... I actually did want to know if you thought we'd be fighting a lot or not; I was curious about how you thought things would go is all... But you're right about looking after your own things too... I think there were a few managed storage areas for safekeeping. Um... Well... Safekeeping. It all depends on how much you're willing to pay, or how much they like you. Figured that might interest you a bit... That said, I'm with you now, so I can help carry a few things for you. I don't really own too many things myself."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2015 9:04 am

"I was just going to set my stuff in your apartment while we were gone." She replied simply as the tunsmith handed Market back his clean, tuned up long rifle. "I mean, again, depends on how long we're gone. Are we coming straight back here after we go visit that strange town?" Baker then stopped and frowned as she looked her friend over, then to the gunsmith. "Market... Is that your only gun?" She asked tentatively. "I know you're good with magic, but I would really recommend having some sort of second firearm. Besides, doesn't combat magic take a lot of concentration? There may be a moment where you don't have the time to concentrate and cast a spell."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2015 4:32 pm

As Sugary took the rifle and ammo back, paying him in return, considering Baker's own idea about storage, as well as her concerns about his gear. While Baker frowned, he'd in turn smile softly, confidently as he organized his belongings upon himself. "Combat magic can be like any other magic. The more you get used to it, the easier it gets. Concentration is a non-issue for making it deadly and swift as a bullet, I can use the rifle just as well as my magic under pressure... Well, actually, that's not true... It's harder for me to use my rifle than my magic ever could be. Magic is an extension of one's self, and I can control mine at my own whim quite well." His smile then wavered a bit as he spoke further. "If I pull the trigger on my weapon though, I have no real control over the bullet as it flies off, nor is it ever merciful... I get your concern, honest, but I'll stick to just the Valiant... That aside, I was actually thinking you could do with a secure location for your stuff while we were heading off regardless for how long; My apartment just has the one door. I see no issue with it, of course, but we might have to get a bit creative on where we put your stuff away. That sound okay to you?"
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 3:31 pm

Baker smiled warmly as she heard her friend explain his skill with magic, and she just hugged him tight and kissed the top of his head. "Okay, I trust you. I just want to make sure you're safe, cutie." The huge mare pulled away with a giggle and sighed, glancing down the street at her tent. "Hmm... Well, I don't really wanna put my things in that shady storage, and if you don't feel your apartment is safe enough, I can just take my stuff with us. It won't be any issue, and I don't want to stash my things somewhere if I can help it." Baker smiled again as she adjusted her holsters, hiding them under her long coat, and she rolled her neck a bit. "Alright, it's late afternoon. I'm going to go get baking for the dinner rush, want top help?" She asked as she walked down the street at a brisk pace, intent on getting the dough in the oven as soon as possible.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 8:25 pm

Sugary was glad to see Baker understood things from his end, and smiled with a light blush as he moved his head slightly to move his horn out of the way while she kissed him. "Well, I managed to do well this far..." he then smirked as she let go. "Besides, didn't you wrestle mutants in a skirt? Who should be concerned for whom here again?" He was teasing, of course, as he trusted her to be responsible with her own safety as well.

Placing his rifle over the shoulder, he smiled to Baker as he moved right by her side. "I'd be happy to. I did say I could choose to take the whole day off if I wanted, didn't I?" And for the time it would take for Baker to keep moving towards her tent, he'd remain by her side.
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 1:10 pm

Baker giggled as she stepped into her workplace under the tarp, setting her coat, backpack, and uzi holster aside in the cart. "Alright, I just need you to make the dough while I prepare the oven and the soup." She stated as she pulled out an old binder that was in a big plastic zip-lock bag, and she removed the bag and opened the binder up to the recipe for the bread, setting it on the table before Market. "And be sure to wash your hands in the basin." Baker washed her hands in the basin of water she had set up, using the bar of soap, and she dried her hands with the towel and began taking out ingredients from her cart, setting them on the tables to be used. She then went to her oven and got the fire going inside it again before returning to the table to prepare the meat.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 5:47 pm

Sugary nodded and placed the rifle in a safe corner near her weapons once he got in along with her. He'd pull back on the sleeves, and start washing half his arms for good measure. Once he was done, he'd move by Baker's side, but while looking at the ingredients, he then realized he hadn't been cooking for himself very often. "Ah... Baker, you're gonna talk me through this, right? I did used to do some cooking where I got cared for, but it's been hard making baked goods afterwards. Not easy to get ingredients for treats when it's usually about the bare essentials... Kinda rusty here."
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 7:46 pm

"Water and flour mixed in a bowl, little bit of yeast with it, mix it up and let it sit for a little bit to rise." Baker replied, not looking up from her own work. "I'll handle putting it into the oven as loaves, just make the dough, please. Follow the ingredient measures in the cookbook there."
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Mr. Market
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 7:28 pm

"Right-o!" And so, like a good assistant, Sugary made good on his promise to help out by getting the book and searching out the measurements. Good thing he knew math well to do so, but he was a bit slow on the actual preparation, which stemmed from his claimed 'rustiness'. However, what he lacked in professional speed, he did make up for with finely made dough as needed, which showed he had experience after all. From then on, he'd continue to follow Baker's lead a she needed while smiling, just enjoying his time there helping to bake. "... Thanks for letting me help with this. It really has been quite some time since I helped at my old home...
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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 12:26 pm

Baker smiled thankfully as she took the dough, shaping it into small loaves and setting the pieces aside on the tray. "Alright, just dice up those veggies and throw them in the pot. Go for centimeter-wide chunks." Baker bent over her oven and slid the tray in, giving Market a quick view of her colossal backside, straining her jeans. The huge mare stood back up and stepped back over to her work table, getting some white rice around into a little steaming pot she made.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 6:26 pm

"Can do!" And Sugary worked along as eager as ever, but unlike when he was tending to the dough rather methodically but with obvious care and joy, he diced up the vegetables with swift precision and lack of hesitation while still happy to help; Perhaps a sign that he had some skill with blades due to his own career.

He'd also look by the corner of his eye over to the rather generous view he got of temptingly covered mare flank from Baker as she bent, eyes mildly opening up wider as he could have sworn they would rip through the fabric at any moment, until it didn't happen. "That sounded close to start ripping..." As he kept cutting and placing the chunks in the pot, he then thought to ask her about her work ethics, and to try and keep getting to know her. "Say, Baker? How often have you gotten to cook with others like this in your travels?"
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PostSubject: Re: Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private)   Justice, Jewels, and Jugs (Private) - Page 4 Icon_minitime

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