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 OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 5:35 pm

Name: Rakera Ledi

Race: Zebra

Age: 22

Mane: Black with with blue and pink streaks toward the ends of her mane

Coat: White and black stripes

Cutie mark.: N/A

Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add: Speaks Zebrican as her first language, so occasionally lapses into it

Distinguishing Features: Her mane with it's streaks which she often makes temporary changes in color to. Has exceptionally large and shiny emerald eyes. Usually has several earrings in her ears.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Fluent in both zebrican and Equestrian, plays several instruments such as guitar and keyboard. Fairly knowledgeable and from her parents has a moderate level of potion brewing.

Weaknesses: Disorganised, stubborn, can show arrogance when pursuing an ambition. Additionally while she is intelligent and works to overcome it she suffers from dyslexia.

Occupation: Arena Staff

Gear: Has her instruments and also has a handbag she carries which is enchanted to be able to contain the contents of a small suitcase. Almost always wears three necklaces, one with a dragon's fang, one which bears a sapphire carved into a crescent moon and a third which has a golden spider (the spider is the symbol of her ancestors' tribe).

History: Rakera was the first of her family to be born in Equestria as opposed to Zebrica and was also the youngest of her parents' children, their eighth child. Rakera's father and mother were ambassadors to Equestria for the nation of Zebrica until they retired, whereupon they decided to settle in Equestria as they felt it was a better place to raise a family; Rakera was born only a year after this move.

Rakera was initially bullied by some of the ponies in her school due to her lack of proper Equestrian language skills but she very quickly picked it up and took pleasure in confusing them by speaking Zebrica. Her older brothers and sisters also helped the bullying be cut off at the head once they knew about it, though Rakera's parents were annoyed that she would scare the bullies by encouraging stereotypes like zebras eating ponies.

Rakera's love of rock music was initially started when a friend offered to lend her a record for a local band in exchange for Rakera doing her foreign language homework. She agreed and found that adored the music and soon began picking up more and more rock music wherever she could; her current job as a staff member at the Hot Spur Arena is so she can see the biggest bands perform in the arena without having to pay admission to get in.
Rakera is currently seeking to start a career of her own but she is balancing it with a number of other things in her life, most prominently her job and completing a course to become a nurse.

Personality: Rakera has always been very loud and bombastic, whether around her friends or ponies she barely knows. She can come off as rather overwhelming at first but when she feels like it she is capable of being more calm and down to earth; Rakera is mostly a humble sort who would rather have a quiet life, which presents her with a difficult choice to make as she wants to pursue her own career as a musician in the future but does not want the fame and attention that would go with it, which is why she pursues a job as a nurse in hopes that if she decides not to follow through on starting a music career she will still have a secure future.

Current Home: Lives in Flat 042 in the Abscission Apartments, a luxury set of apartments which Rakera's parents pay for her to stay in until she can either get a record deal or complete her medical training.

Misc: Despite loving rock music and dressing very much like one would expect of a rock fan, she secretly has a great enjoyment for the music of Octavia Melody and Glitter Bomb.

Last edited by ObsidianPony on Fri May 29, 2015 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 6:11 pm

ObsidianPony wrote:
Name: Rakera Ledi

A Zebra rock fan... once again this is OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Glorious

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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2015 2:09 am

Name: Radiant Hope
Race: Fallen Major Angel of Hope, Lesser Fallen Angel of Sanity (Appears as Four winged Pegasus)
Age: 3000
Mane: Gold and Red stripes
Coat: Steel Blue
Cutie mark.: A Horseshoe surrounded by a semi circle of light and five outward pointing daggers.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Likes tea and scones.
Distinguishing Features: The extra set of wings. In addition, whenever music is playing she glows blue faintly.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Despite having fell, Hope did not go all the way to becoming a demon. She still retains some of her former self, and as such can still occasionally call on favors from her home and her innate angelic abilities. In addition, she is still a competent mage and swordsmare. She specializes in frost based elemental magic, which she has learned to combine with her own innate angel magic and sword work. Her innate angelic abilities as an Angel of Hope and Lesser Angel of Sanity (thanks to Blurred’s sacrifice) allow her great control over the emotions of those around her, especially their sense of faith and mental stability. The traits of Sanity she received have also given her strong mental defenses. Like all angels, she possess the ability to heal wounds in others through prolonged contact over a period of 20 minutes, and heal her own wounds temporarily in an instant. They reopen after 20 minutes, forcing her to use more mundane methods such as bandages.
In Heaven, all Angels are required to learn to play the Lyre. As such, she is fairly competent in it, and carries one with her whenever possible.
Weaknesses: Because of how suppressing Heaven is of innovation and yearning, Hope has little to no experience adapting to situations not involving magic or combat, such as public transportation. The only skills she has learned are cooking and how to tip at cafés.
Occupation: Occasional caravan guard.
Gear: Armored Angel-Skin trench coat (with wing slots), Magic-Piercing broadsword, and a Lyre that has been enchanted to be more durable.
History: Long ago,  during Discord’s reign, there existed angels. Personifications of the various virtues intelligent life had created to preserve its sanity. However, when Discord saw these angels trying to rise the sapient life above him, he sealed them away on another plane of reality. But the seal was not perfect, allowing angels to whisper to the sapients down below, words of encouragement and prophecy filtering through the air.
Once the Diarchy sealed away the chimeric monstrosity, the door was open for angels to once again venture out into the world. However, sapient demons had also been created by the strange effects of Discord’s madness, and the clash between these two forces was great. Eventually, the threat to the mortal world was so great that the two sides were forced by necessity and some very angry alicorns to sign a treaty; while there were many clauses and loopholes demanded by both signers, the core of it was that no entities of either side would come to this plan without individual permission, such as a mage’s summoning circle.
Skipping many centuries later, and we come to around 100 years before the return of Nightmare Moon. By this time, the angels had divided up into specific divisions based one what trait the championed, and were kept as boxed into that trait as much as possible. Enter Radiant, a Hope Angel. One of the more talented and high-ranking angels, she often enjoyed exploring the other divisions of the city. At one point, she encountered Blurred Sanity, a low-ranking angel of Sanity. The two hit it off immediately, and soon began visiting each other constantly.
As time progressed, Radiant began to notice something gnawing away at sanity, but for the life of her she could not get him to tell her. There were strict rules about interfering in another division’s chosen trait, and having been raised to obey such rules she was hesitant to pry.
What she did not know was that Blurred, despite his low rank, was part of the Outer Circle of Heaven, unlike the Inner Circle Raidant. This meant mortals could summon him. Radiant had not scored well enough in the evaluations to be allowed to view the mortal world, nor did she have any real desire to. Blurred on the other hoof had scored quite well in the evaluations, and his superiors were confident in his ability to face anything the mortal realm could throw at him.
Their confidence was catastrophically misplaced. Blurred was summoned by a diabolist, and imprisoned next to a demon who began corrupting him while the diabolist took notes. When he returned, he did so with a mind-shattering realization that nearly caused him to Fall the instant he returned. However, due to previous lack of such a precedent, the wards that protected Celestial Society were not programmed to deny entry to an angel returning from a summon, fallen or not. This would soon change however, as Heaven watched the resulting events in horror.
Radiant watched Blurred spiral lower and lower, but still was unwilling to act.  She eventually worked up enough of a rebellious spirit to turn to Blurred’s superiors, but by then it was too late. He went on a berserk killing spree, and cut a path through the city. He was finally stopped when Radiant struck him down with a sneak attack from behind, causing him to crash in mid-flight into one of the towers. Wanting to know why her friend had done this, she followed. Once she arrived, it was clear to her he would likely not last long enough for a detailed explanation. Realizing this himself, Blurred instead imparted to her the realization and emotion that had driven him to do what he had done. The realization was simply: Mortality was a lie. Nowhere in the universe was there one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. It was an illusion.
While this smashed through Radiant’s psyche (already fragile form having killed her friend) it did not send her on a killing spree. Instead, she Fell, the Celestial Plane warping her to the ground below in a fantastic fireball streaking to the surface. When she arose, her connection with the Celestial Plane was severely weakened, and she had little choice but to try and live in the mortal realm.
After traveling four about a month, Radiant came upon a pony caravan beset with timberwolves seeking to eat the innocent equines. The guard had been incapacitated in the initial charge, leading the inexperienced traders in a fight for their lives. Her own morality kicking in, she quickly rushed in to defend them with her blade. After quickly dispatching the wolves, she then proceeded to heal the guards and traders that had been wounded. The group expressed their gratitude. The guard, named Ironwood, noticed her utter inexperience with society and offered to apprentice her until she wanted to travel elsewhere. Hope agreed, and spent the next few years helping guard the caravan, learning basic life skills and tidbits of knowledge about the rest of Equestria.
Eventually, such happy days came to an end. Ironwood was badly injured during their return trip to Canterlot, and though he survived, his guarding days were over. Hope bid her mentor goodbye, and continued on her way.
Personality: As a result of the circumstances that cost her her friend and her home, Radiant is very quick to pry into other’s affairs ‘for their own good’. She has little to no concept of ‘not her business’, ‘personal space’, or ‘rudeness’. She tends to try and balance out ever action with its moral opposite, to keep herself ‘karmically neutral’. Whether or not she actually needs to do this is something she has not bothered to figure out. She is quick to heal those who are injured, but can be very blunt at times. She doesn’t really know how to talk to others, so she tends to rely more on her ability to manipulate emotions rather than actual word choice, meaning her grammar can be very odd at times.
Current Home: N/A
Misc: N/A

Last edited by Lorthalis of Crows on Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2015 8:57 am

Lorthalis of Crows wrote:
Name: Radiant Hope

Fascinating. Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 12:05 pm

first of 2 oc character on this site

Name: Cryo Blast

Race: Unicorn

Age: 20

Mane: Dark blue and rust red, short unkempt mane and tail

Coat: Blue coat

Cutie mark.: N/A

Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add: Sees poorly without his glasses and can be very lazy, also a big gamer

Distinguishing Features: N/A

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Uses special gem runes to use magic in a different way than regular unicorns like augmenting his mobility or speed, or give off auras and passives, whether in combat or in daily life

Weaknesses: Relies heavily on his runes to do magic, and can only use telekinesis and mana bolt spell without his runes, usually drops his equipped gems at times when attacked, has Asperger Syndrome and thus dose not understand all the things happening at times and loses concentration easily at times

Occupation: Self-taught gem runecrafter

Gear: A vest and a rune bag hidden in his mane
History: Cryo Blast is a unicorn with humble beginnings, living a normal life with family and friends and having some rest and relaxation weeks after his graduation.

However, the memories of his past are not his own but of someone else up to a certain point, and yet they felt real to him.

One day he was working down in his basement following the guide of a ancient runecrafting book he found months ago after exploring some old castle ruins a dark forest. As he was downstairs in his basement working, a thunderstorm was rolling in over his home and he failed to notice the storm due to his working until it was too late.

When he finally heard the rumblings outside it was too late for him to react, a thunderbolt passed trough his tiny basement window and struck his recently made shapeshifter rune and started to overload it.
As he saw it happen he acted on impulse to save his rune that he had worked on for several days, but it shattered upon his touch.

The shattered rune left a cloud of uncontrollable magic and engulfed him and after he woke up after a while, he saw himself, but as something else, and he felt his soul had been split into 2, one in Cryo and one in his other self, but both still wonder who is the real one.

Personality: Usually very calm, lazy and a positive thinker, has a good sense of adventure,childish at times, and has a little bit of a problem with controlling his emotions and as such he can have periods of mood swings

Current Home: In the outskirts south of Ponyville, in a misty forest with a large calm and beautiful lake behind his home, and a hill behind the lake.

(i have uppdated cryo's description, sorry for the lack of proper grammar, dyslexia is a anoying thing)

Last edited by pyroman33 on Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 10:20 pm

Race:Earth pony/Vampony hybrid
Age: Looks 24 Realy 251
Mane: Black with a Violet highlight. Style punkish
Coat: Dark caramel
Cutie mark.: Bloodraven
Extra details: Gale tends to lie about her cutie mark and says she a supernatural expert,She actually got her mark at the age of seven after her first kill.
Distinguishing Features: Her Blood red cat like eyes
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):Using her vampony blood, She can disappear into shadows and can't be killed by natural causes(age, illness, ext.) She learn a few arcade dark magic spells,Since she been around for a while, she has 251 years worth of strength (so she very strong). Lots of experiences running from things that want her dead, making her quite fast and have good agility, during her years she been threw a lot of fights making her durable. her coming up with escape routes on the fly, normally resulted in climbing something giving her a lot Parkour experiences.
Weaknesses: Due to her only being a half blood.She doesn't have the ability to fly, nore can't turn to bat, becomes weaker in sunlight (normal vampony thing) but can still put up a fight. she needs blood every now and then to stay in her prime condition. She has a hard time opening up to others. Weak to any form of light spells (anything that has to deal with solar or the sun. hurts her more then other spells.) Can be killed if stabbed thru the heart, losing her head, and taking too much damage from silver base Weapons. Since she is a "monster" she not liked by monster hunters. Even though she part vampony, she could still be knock out if she has taken too many hits. Since she was born long before and has only hooves, She never got a lot of experiences with technology causing her to know next to nothing about technology.
Occupation: Theft/ Bounty Hunter ( If she going to kill might as well get some bits)
Gear: a kunai (those ninja throwing knife) and a little surplus of potions with range of results. and her most common spell that summons a chain.  
History: Nightingale Born 251 years ago as an half vampony (from her mom side) and half normal earth pony. (her Dad's side) growing up she was raised in a nice ish vampony family that accurately had some moral/ rules: try not to kill the innocent and only cause harm to those who deserve it. (short version of her family rules) growing up with that mindset nightingale tend to fight those that try harm her or those that she seem fit. (she doesn't view all hunters as evil just misunderstood since "monsters" do not get the best reputation for being nice) Nightingale left her family and tries to find a settlement to call home, normally resulting in her being chased out of town by an angry mob,guards, hunters, or other (not so nice) monsters. After a long time she started to become really depressed about losing far to many friends and loved ones some in which she killed herself. She try her best to not get to close to any pony. Watching friends grow old and die as she stayed the same prime age (the eternal curse) got to her pretty badly. Normal ponies she tends to leave before she get to close or before they find out her secret. she hides her vamponies using her retractable fangs. She has a habit of being friendly enough to fit her social needs but not enough to get to close.
Personality:Despite her past moments of depression, She still extremely friendly and will become good friend, Tend to be a little smart alick at times. Very fun loving and most of the time cheerful.
In a fight:
Current Home: She currently lives in a little camp in the middle of the woods. Currently in between towns.
Misc: She will open up more she feels accepted, might even reach a point to show her secret.
Gale even thought was never a mother herself,does tend to know how to interact with kids. (Kid at heart)
Gale really HATES the term "monsters" as she know quite a few that are nice. ( to her calling her a monster is like calling a earth pony a Mud pony, It just mean.)
Also not a fan of being called "Nighty" or "Mud Pony"
Being a theft she did pick up lockpicking,
Knows How to make potions
many experiences got her to be a Silver tongue to get out of situations or Flirty (SFW) to get out of situation. (normally resulting in other pony in pain)
Very reliable and could improvise very well with her environment.
Would take a non fatal shot for a friend.
Loves : music (mainly rock), horror stories, the color violet and even numbers. (Odd numbers make her feel uncomfortable)
Blood Withdraw:
With a lot of experiences sneaking and stealing, She became very stealthy.
Lastly even though she never admit it she does want to have a very special somepony.
(hopefully this one better then last time.)

Last edited by jz96 on Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Grammar Corrections)
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 5:58 am

jz96 wrote:
Cutie mark.: Bloodraven

To answer some questions.
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 My-new-quot-not-soo-cutie-quot-mark-282471881
(Hoping that the hyperlink works)
Also My vampony canon is that, Once a vampony reach a certain age, Their body stop ageing.
In other words, she looked like she was in her mid to early twenties for about 200+ years.

It works. Smile and the question I asked was more about your character being a mix of earth pony and vampony (implying that a vampony is a distinct race of pony) than her age.

At any rate, the character is approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 4:36 pm

pyroman33 wrote:
Name: Cryo Blast
(i have uppdated cryo's description, sorry for the lack of proper grammar, dyslexia is a annoying thing)

Don't worry about it. We have enough people with dyslexia and related disorders to constitute our own internet support group. Wink Character officially approved, and thanks for making the corrections.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 5:05 pm

Name: Pyroman or just pyro
Race: human
Age: 20
Mane: brown to dark brown hair
Coat: N/A
Cutie mark.: N/A
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: wears glasses, very big gamer, daydreamer
Distinguishing Features: N/A
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): uses gemrunes similar to cryo, though is a bit more combat orientated, wields a magical shifting sword named the variable sword that can magicly extend its reach depending on how the sword is swung and stance
Weaknesses: has little to no magic att all, heavily relies on runes to do magic to protect himself or others from threats, to do advanced tasks and to move through difficult terrain.
Occupation: self-taught gem-runecrafter and miner.
Gear: has crude armor parts on parts of his body over his normal clothes, normaly is unarmed but often carries a picaxe when mining and/or a weapon for selfdefence, has the variable sword when out adventuring.
History: pyro's story starts with a rainy day att his home in earth, having a fever he contracted a few days earlier, lying in bed ready to doze of for the night.
While sleeping though, he was having a very lucid dream of a dark horrible forest, being chased by shadow copies of himself and eventualy gets caught by them in which causes pyro to jolt upp awake, but something was amiss.

when he woke upp, he didint find himself in his bedroom OR his home att all, but in the same forest he dreamt of earlier but lighter by the weak sunlight passing trough the thick treetops. thinking first that it was his abnormaly lucid dream, he began wandering in the forest for a way out untill he found some old castle ruins, and not before long something in his gut told him to look around in there.

minutes passed untill he found a old book in the ruins in what seemed to be a collapsed chamber and just decided to take it to calm his curiosity, that is untill he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg, he looked att it as saw a deep cut in his leg that was starting to bleed. his calm mood was crushed by his bleeding leg and the relisation that everything he experienced so far was real, and began to panic before he noticed a glowing gem slowly hovering towards him from the ruins.
Scared like a child, he was holding his wonded leg hard untill the pain suddenly dissapeared and the gem claterd to the ground, confused he looked down to see his leg had been healed somehow and took the gem out of curiosity, and noticed that it had a plus sighn on the front.
he took the opputunity and carried the rune and the old book with him to find the forest exit and hoping to find civilisasion, moments later he did find his way out of the forest, but it was nothing he expected to find, he found himself to be in a world inhabited by multicolored ponies.
he felt a familiar feeling about them but he ignored it and decided to walk to one of the outlying villages or atleast a forest near the setlement. months passed since he arived and he has managed to survive in the nearby forest alone, being the alien in thier world he had remained in the shadows, observing them and learned from them at a distance.

during the past months he discoverd that the old book had several missing pages and belived that it would be the key to return home. one day though during a rainy day in his home in the forest, he was working on a shapeshifter rune to actualy interact with the ponies and be as them, but his plans changed when a thunderbolt struck the rune and shaterd it. he was engulfed in a chaotic magic cloud and he felt himself split into 2, the pain was to much for him and fainted.
a while later he woke up to see a pony infront of him laying on his side, the pony woke upp moments later and was equaly confused over what happen, saying that he recall every moment for the past months upp to that point and then it hit them, they where split into 2 seperate beings with the same soul.

from that point onwards they have lived togheter, akwardly att first but slowly grew acustumed to it, but they have the same goal to return back home

Personality: friendly and careing, adventurous and protective, has moments of moodswings
Current Home: south of ponyville, in a misty forest, lives with cryo
misc: has phobia for bugs

(and here is pyro, my main oc i use the most, hope this is satisfactory)
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 12:33 am

Hope this is okay using two characters, since they're one in the same.

Name: Echo / Candlelight (Disguise)
Race: Changeling / Unicorn
Age: 23 / 23
Mane: Gray-Changeling / Red
Coat: Black-Changeling / White
Cutie mark.: N/A / A single lit candle
Distinguishing Features: Right eye is red
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): As a changeling, she can change shape as well as fly and use magic, though to a lesser extent than either a pegasus or a unicorn respectively.
Weaknesses: She has a short fuse and can be very easy to upset. She isn't the BEST impersonator on the planet, either; she spent most of her training in leadership rather than infiltration.
Occupation: Fmr. Military / Dress Maker under Rarity
Gear: N/A
History: Echo was born in Chrysalis' hive, never really having been made aware of her parents. When she was very young she was selected to undergo training as an officer in the changeling military force, and spent most of her life only knowing that. Aside from her natural abilities, cursory training in deception and disguise gave her enough knowledge to succeed on her own if need be. After the Canterlot deabacle, she was far-flung to ponyville, where she quickly found some friends... and eventually some enemies. / A traveler from Manehattan, born in the midwest. She became a dress maker when Echo decided she needed to have something to do for a living.
Personality: Aloof, a bit snarky, very sassy. Sometimes flirty. Easy to annoy and quick to anger. / Kind, bubbly, a bit shy. A loner except for her close friends.
Current Home: 2 bedroom house in Ponyville

* Edited June 7 2015

Last edited by EchoChangeling on Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 2:49 am

Name: Eros

Race: Human

Age: 20

Hair: Long, Shaggy Brown.

Coat: A very comfortable black hoodie.

Cutie mark.: The word Έρως

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He loves Coffee.

Distinguishing Features: He's a human, and he acts like either an idiot, or just crazy.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He's clever enough to figure a way out of most situations, but most of the time too distracted to try the ways, and has quite the silver tongue on some occasions. He is also rather fit for how tall and skinny he may be, and just as strong as the average earth pony.

Weaknesses: Without his necklace, he has no way to combat/defend against magic in any way/shape/form. And though he's fit, he's still not the strongest. A solid punch may still take him down with relative ease. He also cannot read Equestrian writing very well.

Occupation: N/A

Gear: Eros has a necklace given to him by his friend, which is enchanted to form a barrier around the man that will dissolve/deflect incoming magic, but the barrier doesn't stop physical forces. He also usually has his black cargo pants and hoodie on him at all times, though, on occasion, the man is seen wearing a very large tartan-plaid "Wizard-Robe" with a matching staff of a dark mahogany, with a rather large marble fused to the top. This staff is enchanted to allow the man to channel the mana it constantly generates into a telekinesis spell, but he so rarely has it, so it's rarely effective. He also always has the inner pockets of his Robes filled with sand.

History: Eros grew up rather normally, average childhood, average school life. But his story begins on the day of Discord's escape from being stone. The excess chaotic energy he was throwing around Equestria had seeped inbetween dimensions, tainting and weakening the barriers between the equestria world...and the world Eros comes from. Eros himself was always the oddball, and always the clown among his group of friends. So he, of course, had been hanging out with what little friends he had, but as he walked through the door to enter his local game store...He found himself in equestria. Though at the time, all he knew was falling ten feet straight onto your back is not fun at all. Ten minutes after that, he met two ponies, and after an hour-long bout of flipping out, he calmed down enough and they stopped threatening him enough for the three to talk rationally enough for a while. A month or so later, he was living with one of them, and adapting rather quickly to his new environment and the new creatures he kept on meeting. Though after a year of living in equestria, he's rather devolved into something a bit less calm like he started out, and more...not all there. One full year of living away from his own kind and around things not in any way close to what he was used to kindof deteriorated his mental state, if slightly.

Personality: To sum up this man...Insane. To put out something more general, he's clever, confident, crazy, and is very good at reading people and adapting how he acts accordingly, so no fights happen.

Current Home: Canterlot.

Misc: Don't encourage or question him when he's wearing his robes.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:56 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 3:49 am

pyroman33 wrote:
Name: Pyroman or just pyro
(and here is pyro, my main oc i use the most, hope this is satisfactory)

It's fine. I'll approve this now, but I'd be grateful if you corrected the grammar and what not, as a favor.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 3:52 am

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Eros

...I will find and destroy you...

Character approved. x.x
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 3:52 am

Name: Lucky Star

Race: Earth Pony (Half Zebra)

Age: 29

Mane: Striped/Gold

Coat: Gold

Cutie mark.: A shooting star

Distinguishing Features: Lucky's mane is striped with light and dark shades of gold, much like a zebra's.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Lucky is a pony's pony, best known to wiggle himself out of a jam with wit, charm, and a soft guitar chord. True to his name, Lucky is also a very lucky pony, notorious around most, if not all casinos. He also happens to know a why around a bobby pin and a set of tumblers, purely for emergencies, of course.

Weaknesses: Lucky is not a quick thinker, nor a strong fighter. Should anypony catch him by surprise or walk past his gun barrel, he's likely to be in some sort of pain and other general trouble if he's alone. His luck is also never consistent, as he tends to end up in sticky situations when left alone in bars and places of ill-repute

Occupation: Caravanner/Gambler

Gear: Lucky tends to wear a patchwork suit coat over a clean, collared, white shirt, complimented by his wide-brimmed hat, also patched in places to match his coat. He keeps his personal sidearm, a custom, silenced revolver in his coat pocket, but has been seen with a variety of pistols and rifles. Lucky's closest possession is an acoustic guitar, a gift from his late mother. He keeps it polished and tuned, just in case a tune needs playing.

History: Before Lucky started Star Caravans with his brother, North, Lucky was a traveling gambler, making his name and living off the many patrons of many bars before the owners threw him out. Before this, Lucky was a young stallion who had lost both his mother and father to a terrible act of group bigotry which involved a lynching, many fires, and a lighthouse. He had met his brother as he was fleeing New Mareleans after a scuffle with both a local crime-lord and the corrupt sheriff, somehow coming out on top with two guns and a heafy sack of caps.

Personality: Lucky is often referred to as 'the most pleasant pony in the most unpleasant of places." Hardly spotted without a smile on his face, Lucky tries to bring just a little cheer to those around him, sometimes with song. Many debate the reason why. Some say he's simply too naive, yet too lucky to die, others say he truly is one of the last few lights yet to be snuffed out by the darkness around him, still, a select few say he's only happy so his true feelings don't bring others down with him.

Current Home: Lucky can be found enroute to one of Star Caravans outposts, or blazing a trail with his brother, but can reliably be caught at Star Caravans HQ in the Equestrian Heartland

Misc: For personal reasons, Lucky doesn't take kindly to those who talk bad towards zebras, that is one of the few ways to make Lucky truly angry. Lucky also vastly prefers stallions. Nobody is sure why.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 3:59 am

Someonewithapen wrote:
Name: Lucky Star

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 6:19 am

EchoChangeling wrote:
Hope this is okay using two characters, since they're one in the same.

I wouldn't necessarily call them two characters since one of the "characters" is merely a fake identity for the other. So this is fine. In fact, this character is approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 12:56 am

Hello all. This is my first time making a post here, but I hope it all goes well. This is a character that I intend to use for more slice-of-life type RPs.

OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 MarbleRyeVest_zpskje7ld3i

Name: Marble Rye
Race: Pegasus
Age: 30 years old
Mane: Dirty blonde in color. Short in length, hanging to the left side of his face.
Coat: Medium brown
Cutie mark: Three slices of marble rye bread
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Wears glasses when he needs to read.
Distinguishing Features: Has five cream-colored freckles under each eye. Muzzle and lower legs are also cream. Eyes are a dark, chocolate brown. Somewhat taller and bulkier than an average pegasus stallion.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Skilled as a chef and confectioner with years of experience and schooling. Has expert knowledge on the edibility of wild mushrooms. Has moderate knowledge of fungal and plant biology.
Weaknesses: Slightly near-sighted. Easily intimidated. Submissive. Gets nervous if pretty mares get too close to him.
Occupation: Chef
Gear: Reading glasses, vest, shirt, and saddle bags when necessary.
History: Marble Rye has lived the entirety of his life in Cloudsdale. He was brought up in a middle class home with a brother, six years his senior, named Perry Graph. The age difference between the two often served as a source of conflict, with Perry usually coming out on top. The two of them were rarely close, but their parents were loving of both. His mother would often take him out on mushroom hunts, while his father would take him to watch the Wonderbolts perform. Even at a young age it was apparent that he was going to be a large stallion, a fact which often caused others to invite him to get involved in sports. Such physical activities held no interest for the colt, however, and he turned his interests towards the kitchen. Even before he became a teenager, Marble would regularly help his mother prepare meals. He would eventually earn a degree in the culinary arts after completing college, finding his first full-time job in a small cakery. The pegasus, however, proved hard to satisfy and would jump around through the years from one cooking establishment to the next. He eventually found work at a higher-end restaurant named The Cirrus Garden, where he works to this day.
Personality: Never one to stir up trouble, Marble Rye has a tendency to mind his own business. He rarely goes out of his way to start a conversation with strangers, unless they demonstrate an interest similar to his own. Marble is most often calm and collected, not given to a short temper. When he does become angry, he tends to clam up instead of shouting. In spite of his overall positive demeanor, Marble often finds forgiving those who have wronged him to be a challenge. Has a need for close friends despite the difficulty he sometimes has in socializing.
Current Home: Third floor of an apartment complex in Cloudsdale, room 326.
Misc: Dreams to become a royal chef for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Has a crush on Spitfire of the Wonderbolts, but doesn't like to talk about it.

Last edited by Kryptid on Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:32 am; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 1:43 am

Kryptid wrote:
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 MarbleRye_zpsfdvi0slv
Name: Marble Rye

Approved. Nice picture. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 6:11 pm

OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 U13lCs0m
Name: Garnet Desires

Race: Unicorn

Age: 21

Mane: Blonde

Coat: Forest Green

Cutie mark.: A Garnet gemstone overlapping an blank piece of parchment.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: N/A

Distinguishing Features: Garnet is a stocky male Unicorn of medium height. His defining characteristic is his Garnet Red eyes, which earned him his name. His long, messy blond mane and tail will, surprisingly enough, never straighten out, no matter how much time and effort Garnet or anypony else puts on it. Blending that all in is his Forest Green coat, making Garnet unique enough to easily be selected out of a crowd.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Garnet specializes in artistry, mainly drawing and painting. He has a knowledge of basic healing spells.

Weaknesses: Indecisive, tends to make poor choices, silent, rather awkward at times

Occupation: None / Artist

Gear: N/A

Garnet was born in Fillydelphia as the only son of the female unicorn Topaz and the (then well known) male earth pony Artistic Vision. Unfortunately, Artistic Vision was called away to the Griffin Empire on a business trip shortly after Garnet's birth, leaving Topaz to care for him alone. Garnet was raised well, and was taught basic magic from a young age. Eventually, he became so widely known in his hometown, that he was accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Knowing that he'd leave his friends and town behind, Garnet was initially hesitant to leave for Canterlot; however, the assurance by some of his trusted friends and neighbors of renown throughout Equestria convinced him to go.

During his time in the academy, Garnet found himself under intense pressure and often struggled with his coursework although he pulled through by several means of hard studying, even taking part in extracurricular clubs to assist in finding a special talent. At the urging of his mother, Garnet participated in numerous art-based contests, including Poetry, Slam Poetry, and Marching Band. Unfortunately, he wasn't particularly good in any of them, and he hadn't found the slightest hint of a cutie mark.

Garnet eventually found solace, however, when he was a young colt. During a particularly boring school session, he found himself drawing in a spare notebook, attempting to disguise it as taking notes. Unfortunately, his teacher noticed and called him up to the board to solve a problem. With his ruse uncovered, Garnet decided to come clean, presenting the teacher with his drawing of a detailed gemstone. Impressed, the teacher started praising Garnet's work before pointing out that something had appeared on his flank. Turning to look, Garnet was surprised to see that he had finally obtained his very own cutie mark.

The rest of his life had gone well right up to one summer. During the time that he was reaching adulthood, Topaz finally told him the truth about his childhood. Artistic Vision wasn't really away in the Griffin Empire, he had been killed by a runaway Carriage almost immediately after leaving the Hospital. Believing most of his life to be a lie and harboring resentment towards his mother, Garnet locked himself in his room, to the detriment of both his studies and health. Just when it seemed that nopony could get him out, Topaz started relaying back her opinions about Garnet in his early life to him, eventually apologizing to him about hiding his father's death. Seeing how sincere her mother was at that moment, Garnet finally agreed to resume his life and make up his studies. Sadly, he had lost a considerable amount of knowledge of spellcasting while giving way to anger and grief.

Fresh out of the academy Garnet worked for a small but profitable company, eventually earning enough to buy a house in Canterlot. For a while, nothing happened and Garnet grew bored. Just as he began to accept that his life might never be more than this, he was told that there were a few aspiring artists in the nearby town of Ponyville. Packing his things, selling his house, and bidding farewell to his Canterlot friends, Garnet excitedly prepared for his new life in the small, quiet town.

Bright, charming, creative, and always the one to step in before you make an irrational decision, Garnet is the pony that you'd want by your side. He is reserved and a bit Anti-Social at times, but will never pass up the chance to continue a conversation. He has multiple habits that make him intelligent, observant, and never the one to back down on a promise. Garnet also possesses a high vocabulary, and other ponies will sometimes have trouble telling what he's trying to say.

He has his own view of other ponies; he is reserved, distant and cold towards the ones he doesn't like, but the opposite is true for his friends. He bases this upon how they act while in his vicinity. As such, it is possible to switch from his good side to his bad side and vice-versa. Once he grabs hold of an idea, he will never let go unless that idea has been disproved. Always the one to put on a smile, his anger only shows under dire circumstances.

Garnet is a Pacifist. He loves peace and harmony between others and hates violence and discord between other ponies and even entire nations. As such, he will go to great lengths to break up any fighting and will go to great lengths to create such peace. He has an eye for beautiful paintings, murals, sculptures, etc. He has an eye for fine art(Paintings, music, etc.), often silently critiquing any form of art he sees. He also has a penchant for Gemstones, mainly Garnets and Emeralds. He strongly dislikes crime and dishonesty. If a pony is really getting on his nerves, he will let loose on them, even ironically cursing in the process. He cannot let another pony die, even if it seems like they deserve it.

Current Home: Ponyville, Equestria

Garnet is married to the half-changeling Emerald Desires.

Garnet's House is located a few blocks down from the dead center of Ponyville.
The kitchen right when you walk in the door with the dining room directly neighboring it. Going through another entryway in the dining room takes you to the living room, a moderate sized room with a single couch, a chair in the corner, and a painting of himself facing the couch. In the hallway are three rooms. One of them is a room slightly larger than the living room containing numerous books. On the other side of the hallway, there is a small bathroom with shower and a supply closet. Upstairs, the first room to the left is Garnet's bedroom, which contains a double bed, a large drawer, and a painting of Garnet and his wife, Emerald Desires, on the wall facing the bedroom closet. Directly next door to the bedroom is another bedroom for their children. This room contains a single, smaller bed, a desk in the corner of the room, and a painting of their son and daughter. on the other side of the hallway is a room the same size as the library which holds all of Garnet and Emerald's artistic equipment.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 8:40 pm

Hey ho, everybody! I'm not, in fact, dead! (Although Sharp may have kicked me back into the forum to increase membership on his thread o3o) Anyway, take this character. Enjoy it. But not too much, there's no need to make a mess.
Name:Mechana Gears

Race:Earth Pony


Mane:Her mane is a short, black affair, purposely cut that way to keep it on her head and out of her face, range of motion, and other such places where it might obstruct her work.

Coat:Her coat is kept in the same utilitarian style as her mane, and is, much to her chagrin, a very noticeable shade of pastel blue.

Cutie mark.: A hammer and sickle for the glory of the Soviet Engineering Forces Three interlocked gears, which is really annoying to her because the system is not actually a functional system. Three gears with locking teeth cannot turn. {INSERT RAGE HERE}

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her favorite saying is "The light that burns twice as bright lasts half as long."

Distinguishing Features: What's distinguishing about her is just how plain she is. Although, in a world of energetic pastel ponies with brightly colored manes, perhaps she is distinguishing because she's on the low end of said spectrum.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Her specialty is her ability to work with small contraptions without using weird unicorn telepathy hi-jinx.

Weaknesses: Her weakness is that she is very prone to being startled. It's easy to sneak up on her.

Occupation: Engineer

Gear: A toolkit. It contains a full set of wrenches, of which there are many types and sizes. It does not, however, have a 5-foot pipe wrench, because that would be silly.

History: Mechana's lived a pretty normal life, as far as being an engineer goes. Going to school, getting trained in the family business, all these things. She's essentially just another cog in the Glorious Soviet Motherland's Glorious Regime machine that is Equestria. She has, however, obtained some renown through various design competitions thanks to her engineering skill. Furthermore, Mechana has been known to light off large amounts of explosives, safely of course, for fun, much to the dismay of the constabulary.

Personality: She's very calm and collected. It takes a lot to fluster her. She makes decisions slowly, deliberately, and thinks everything through.

Current Home: Manehattan, but this is highly likely to change as threads demand it to.

Misc: She leaves her 5-foot pipe wrench at home, of course. Who would be crazy enough to lug that thing around all day?

Last edited by eqbotanium on Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:19 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2015 2:35 am

retrosteamknight wrote:
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 U13lCs0m
Name: Garnet Desires

Good detail, and approved character.
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Melon Blast

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2015 2:30 am

Name:Melon Blast
Race:Used to be human but is now a Pegasus.
Mane:Lime green with a style like Fluttershy's.
Cutie mark.:Game controller
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:Tail is the same color but it's styled like Rarity's. Also they have blue glasses and blue eyes.
Distinguishing Features:They look like a watermelon.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):They have an amulet that allows them to use fire fists in hoof-to-hoof combat.
Weaknesses:The fire takes about one second to charge up, and can severely backfire if it is interrupted.
Gear:Amulet that looks like a blue flame, a Game Boy
History:They used to be a boy named Sean. Then the were sent to Equestria with no memory.
Personality:Very happy-go-lucky, with some prankster and some jokester.
Current Home:Technically dark alleyways because they spend most of their time there.
Misc:They're scared of a lot of things, but FNAF is what they fear the most.
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Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2015 12:13 pm

Name: Jamberry

Race: Changeling

Age: 25

Mane: Red

Coat: Chitinous

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:

Distinguishing Features: Tends to have a canteen hanging from his neck.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He knows basic magic skills and knows how to survive in the wilderness.

Weaknesses: Unlike most changelings, Jam can’t use his magic to change his appearance. He’s also very oblivious to the world around him sometimes.

Occupation: Wanderer

Gear: A canteen, a lighter, and a knife.

History: When Jam was little, he had been dropped on his head by some clumsy clutz. When Jam grew, he wasn’t able to do the things that other changelings did, which was change their appearance, and was always so happy. Being virtually useless to his hive, he was thrown out into Equestria to fend for himself at his young age.

Jam wandered as far away from his hive as he could that same day he was thrown out and tried to find somewhere where he’d fit in. During his wandering, he ran into a bear that didn’t take too kindly to him. He ran as fast as he could away from the bear, eventually tripping and falling down a hill. He rolled and ended up in a blackberry bush, lying there injured. He started to cry at his bad luck.

Fortunately for him, a wandering merchant couple walked by on a path. They both paused when they heard him crying and the stallion decided to investigate. He found Jam curled up in the blackberry bush, tangled up in the thorny branches. The stallion was wary for a moment. He heard tales about changelings, but he never thought he’d see one in person. His sympathy over took his wariness and he pulled Jam out of the bush with his magic. He then brought him over to his wife so she could treat his injuries.

When Jam was patched up, the couple asked what he was doing in a berry bush. Jam told them all about what had happened to him from being kicked out of his hive to the bear attack. The couple asked if Jam wanted to come with them and what his name was. He said yes and told them he never had a name. The couple decided to call him Jamberry because they found him in a berry bush. They took Jam out on their travels and thought him everything he needed, from basic magic to reading and writing.

As Jam got older and his “parents” stopped traveling, he wanted to go out and see more of the world he didn’t get to see with them. When he was old enough, he took a few bits with him and went out of their house and began wandering Equus. always sending letters back to his “parents.”

Personality: He’s cheery, optimistic, and tries to be funny. He likes meeting new ponies who like meeting him back and is a good friend.

Current Home: Wherever he stays for the night.

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Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2015 5:22 pm

Name: Evening Tide

Race: Pegasus

Age: 22

Mane: Short and maroon with thin bangs

Coat: Deep Blue and scruffy

Cutie mark.: A nautical compass

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Has emerald eyes and a shark bite mark on his leg

Distinguishing Features: has two scar like marks going down neck that reveal themselves to be gills when in water.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Has the ability to breathe underwater and is a fantastic swimmer that's actually better at using his wings underwater than he is in the air.

Weaknesses: Has a small gait when he walks as the wound on his leg never healed right but after so many years its not as noticeable. Often talks out loud rather than thinking to himself. Will not stop talking when he's scared and just starts blurting things out. Is a normal Pegasus other than the breathing underwater thing.

Occupation: Biologist and Explorer, does field research for the royal canterlot archives. Also does photography on the side.

Gear: underwater camera, waterproof vest with pouches to keep his stuff in. Sometimes carries around a saber and pretends he's a pirate.

History: Was actually raised in canterlot with a noble family but didn't actually take to the high life very well and left as soon as the opportunity arose. He had an immense interest in the ocean and marine life and begged his parents to join a research team when he was 14 in a more of learn by observing kind of deal. It was to be a 2 month long voyage in which they observed the migration patterns of sharks. However, the boat was hit by an unexpected monsoon and capsized, as the ship capsized Eve was thrown about the ship and banged his head on the railing nearly knocking him unconscious and causing him to bleed from his head. Eve survived for 2days floating on a piece of debris from the ship before falling unconscious. The blood from his head finally caught the attention of one of the sharks who dragged him under. Luckily the debris from the ship had caught the attention of a school of seaponies who came by him on their way to check out the wreck.
Just as he was getting dragged underwater by the shark. The seaponies scared the shark away and saved Eves life. Among the group of seaponies was the recently turned seapony Hoofbeard the Ex-pirate who took pity on the poor lads fate and pleaded on behalf his behalf that Eve be given the ability to live underwater or else they had just delayed the inevitable. After a few stern glares from Hoofbeard's wife the other seaponies agreed and magiced him a pear of gills claiming that although they will let him live he did not choose the life of a seapony and so therefore cannot be one of them. Eve lived among the seaponies for 4 years exploring the ocean and learning how to swim masterfully with his wings before he finally was able to make his way back home.
Thought to be dead by all even, a tearful reunion awaited him back home where he discovered some of the crew had survived as well but it was only a couple. Even after the whole ordeal his love for exploration had only grown and 2 years later had gotten a job with celestias own archivists and now works as a field researcher exploring all over equestria and beyond.

Personality: He can sometimes be a little shy at first but is talkative and friendly once you get him going. He loves the ocean and exploring equestria in general. During the two days adrift he formed the habit of talking outloud to himself in order to force himself to stay awake, this habit however stuck with him and often thinks out loud which has gotten him in trouble with the locals on multiple occasion's. His greatest virtue is his honesty, though he will lie if absolutely necessary, he can still be honest to a fault preffering to avoid beating around the bush and just let the truth be heard and consequences be damned

Current Home: He owns an apartment in Canterlot but is rarely found there and is often flying around exploring equestria.

Misc: Was taught fencing techniques by Hoofbeard however everything he learned was taught underwater so he's still not very good at it.

Is bisexual although most would never know as he rarely reveals any outward signs of what sexuality he is.

Often fantasizes about becoming a sky pirate and joining Luna's lunar pirate crew and sailing the sky's all over the world.... In actuality he's really just fantasizing about Luna in a pirate outfit but he swears its the adventure he's interested in. (I imagine the Lunar pirates to be a popular book series in equestria, a work of fiction in the canon world of MLP much like daring do)

Last edited by Darth Quadro on Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 9 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 14, 2015 6:14 pm

Darth Quadro wrote:
Name: Evening Tide

Approved. Smile
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