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 Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 7:11 pm

Shanny merely lay on the unicorn, spent and exhausted. Her panting becoming slower and slower as she was slowly calming down. She merely moaned in answer to his question, her hot nethers still tightly squeezing around his shaft, not releasing even if she wanted to. The dragoness would lay still on him for a while more, almost as if she fell asleep, before all of the sudden somewhat swiftly rising herself just enough for her melons to just not touch Sugary's chest anymore before smiling seductively at him. "Heh... kinda.. powered down there for a minute.. or a few..." she said, blushing deeply.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 1:09 am

With a soft chuckle, Sugary lightly urged her back down onto him, tail swaying upon the bed from having her with him still. "I don't mind... You're really warm and cozy like this, and you looked pretty relaxed to me..." Even if she didn't accept the invite, it was very clear she was still welcome on his bed to stay the night as they agreed on. And if the way his arms lovingly caressed her into staying with him was any indication, he looked forward to sleeping in a lover's embrace with her. "Plenty of time for us to stay like this before we go our ways... Relax and enjoy, you know~?" He kissed her gently, looking the calmest he'd been all day with her.
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Age : 28
Location : That one tiny country noone knows about.

Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 12:29 pm

Shanny would accept his invite and lay back down on him, her soft breasts squishing against his chest. "Mhmm... whole night..." she slowly said, closing her eyes and lightly humming. She would not be asleep yet, though not far from it either, and should Sugary want to flip her on her side to let her weight off, she would allow him without question. The dragoness would keep a sly and warm smile on her face for a while, and would try to stay awake as long as Sugary.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Age : 37
Location : Arizona

Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 8:53 pm

For the most part, he'd indulge in light cuddling and groping with her for as long as they remained not-asleep, his cock stuffed in her throughout as well so light movements just made their pleasure last all the more. But eventually sleep would come to the lovers, though she never was removed from atop him; Her weight did not bother him in her shrunken state and her warmth was all he'd need to get a good night's rest while he kept his limbs around her...

... Eventually the weekend would pass by, and the time for the dragon to earn her keep as a maid came about... After they kept indulging in each other's company that is. Between her draconic stamina and his vigor and magic, there was plenty to drive them into passing the time in the throes of passion. But he was a good host otherwise and her cooking was more than welcome so long as he brought her ingredients.

Their workout and bonding having come to a halt, they parted ways very amicably when she left for work... That is, until shortly after when she returned just as he was about to depart from the city, having been fired for breaking some rather expensive furniture unintentionally. With the maid out of a job again and the mercenary about to fly, he gladly took her with him to find work elsewhere; He was confident she could find her place... And if nothing else, it gave them a bit more time to indulge in passion till they had to part ways once more when she was ready to take off on her own once her confidence and bearings were back.

The stallion on his own once more eventually, he looked to the sea, land, and sky, thinking and hoping that his lovers would do well as he kept up his own magical journey. He always did look forward to when they could meet again, intentionally or otherwise...

To be continued...
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 28 Icon_minitime

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