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 Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2016 6:56 pm

"Aaah~... Yeah~... But I kinda wanna take my time here a bit~..." By that, he meant enjoying the afterglow some more as he swayed against her lightly from below, and gently fondling her body as he washed it on top of him; That also eventually included washing out the bit of cum he did get in her between his fingers and magic...

In time, they were both back up and he held her dearly from behind, his cock partially sheathed, and his arms massaging her shoulders right after he shut the water off. He spoke to her ear softly. "Mmm~... I take it it's dinner and bedtime now... Or do we just go straight to bed~?" All things considered, he didn't feel very hungry, feeling plenty satisfied so far with something else in his mind.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 9:01 pm

Shanny chuckled. "Well, I'm still 'full' from the large meal before, but I can join you for dinner if you'd like~" she said. "Oh, I wanted to add.... uhm... you could make me a few feet closer to my size than before, just enough so I can still fit inside the boat and at the same time you can fit... elsewhere?" she sheepishly asked. She knew they weren't going to go to sleep just yet, but rather have some 'activities' before that, and she wanted to be able to 'survive' said activities without being stretched too badly.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2016 10:36 pm

Sugary murred and gently prodded his groin against Shanny's rump some more. "Goodness, that'd be our fourth time today~! Are all dragons this vigorous in love and lust, or am I just that good to be around with?" His pride was at an all time high today thanks to her, and Tabithi and Naina lately. He was a fortunate Stud to be able to make several friends and partners that happy and satisfied intimately... It then briefly stumped him why all three were carnivores once more... Danger adds to the excitement, he figured.

He began to dry them both with a towel. "Still..." He continued as he dried her cheek gently. "... We should probably have a snack break at least. Do you like fruit and vegetables? Or maybe something with a bit more fat in it? Like... a milkshake?"
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 9:34 am

"Sometimes, some go with a whole day of constant 'messing around' if that tells you anything." she says and smiles. She wasn't the kind that would go for that long, but she still enjoyed it now. "A milkshake sounds nice." she answered, lightly blushing as he went over her sensitive places with the towel, her scales being surprisingly quickly to dry up.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 8:59 pm

Sugary would be done soon enough in the drying, helping Shanny out as he did getting her in carefully. "It won't take too long to make... As for your request about size..." He hummed in thought, placing his arm over her shoulders to caress her with ease. "Please stay like that. I might have an alternative you'll find just as comforting... But if it's not to your liking, I promise to just do as you asked later." Whatever he was planning on, it seemed he wanted all of her to be easy to reach still.

He'd move out to the kitchen, ignoring any attempt at putting clothes back on the rest of the evening as he got to making that milkshake for them, starting by carefully freezing milk and vanilla cream with magic, and then mixing it with assorted fruits as bananas, and strawberries. It wouldn't be long before he was done; He was all ears to her as well if she had any curiosities to ask for or share.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2016 12:45 am

"Well as long as this alternative of yours doesn't rip me." she commented and giggled, watching him make their milkshakes, also not even bothering to look around for her clothing. She felt so free naked, and her fear of being naked around those who knew her, especially Sugary, disappeared. Shanny would only take one when it was offered to her, to make sure Sugary didn't want to make any finishing touches before she took it. The dragoness slowly sipped it, enjoying the taste before swallowing each time. "Mmmmm.... delicious..." she said as she finished drinking it, letting the glass down on the counter again.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2016 6:40 pm

"It won't." He smiled, preparing and serving contently; Especially since she seemed to like it by the end of it. He too, had some for himself, and gasped lightly at the refreshing flavor. "Aaah~... Much better..."

He'd later walk around her, picking up the glasses and cleaning them up, lightly swaying his flank and tail for what was to come later. And then later began as he walked back to her and began to massage her shoulders. "Shanny~... Come to my room~..." He leaned down to nuzzle her hair. "I wish to cuddle you~"
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2016 1:33 am

Shanny sighed contently and closed her eyes as her shoulders were massaged and her hair nuzzled. "I have no objections to that..." she silently answered, leaving Sugary to lead her to his room. She continued wondering what was it that he had in mind for her this time around as she laid down on the bed, for now on her back and looking at Sugary. "How do you wish me to be, sir?" she asked and gave him a warming smile.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 03, 2016 7:54 pm

He looked to her up and down, smiling softly as well. "... I wish you to be... As cuddly as you can be~!" He hopped onto the bed, playfully pouncing lightly onto her afterwards and cuddling, kissing, and nuzzling her like a foal before laying more of his body on hers on purpose and wrapping his arms around her more. Passion there was plenty of for later, but now he just wanted some affectionate fun with the mini-dragon on the comfy bed to set the mood.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2016 1:18 pm

Shanny would return all the kisses, huggles and nuzzles as she could, and she kinda felt more of his weight now when he laid on her while she was so small. Sugary while pouncing around on her and being so jumpy slightly reminded him of someone rather young. After a while, as he finally laid down on her, she would wrap her arms around him and push him in her chest as if to playfully smother him with her full breasts.
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Mr. Market
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 05, 2016 6:35 pm

He muffled a chuckle between her breasts, and soon he'd be suckling on her chest. At first it was playful, but then he was getting mouthfuls of her with light murrs as his hands trailed down her body to grope her thighs. Along with that, his horn shone briefly to start massaging her wings in view with soft tendrils snaking around.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 8:05 pm

Shanny giggled at Sugary's affection towards her, moaning lightly due to the attention her big breasts were receiving, and soon, her wings too. She would try her best to relax and let Sugary do with her what he had in plan, but had a hard time doing so with all the fondling suckling and massaging going on over her body, and she gasped audibly as she felt Sugary's hands on her inner thighs, which were somewhat sensitive, causing her legs to lightly twitch.
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Mr. Market
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 12, 2016 8:55 pm

"Hm~?" He flashed a grin up at her, groping around her thighs till he figured she twitched and moaned most at the inner area. "... Feels good here, huh~? Don't mind me then~" He slid down her belly and began to kiss her thighs, from the outer to inner regions, caressing her meaty legs slowly.

Eventually, he was suckling the area right by her nethers; The spot between her legs and waistline, before playfully nibbling softly. His gaze up to hers was a hungry one, mouth drooling lightly with how close it was to her nethers. He stuck his tongue out... and moved away to lick from the tip of her tail upwards of it, ending with a kiss to her nethers. He snorted, neighed, swaying his cock from side to side a little. 'May I~?' he mouthed at her.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2016 11:30 am

Shanny nodded at his first question. Her inner tights somehow felt super sensitive at that point, even with all the scales. When he began licking and kissing around her bottom regions and teasing her with how close he always was to her nethers but never touched them till the end, she continued her light panting and occasional moans and her slight uncontrolled leg twitching. After his second question, she blushingly nodded. "Yes, b-but aren't you still... slightly too b-big...?" she asked. The dragoness wanted him inside her, but she was much too small for his meat at this size.
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Mr. Market
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2016 7:50 pm

He chuckled softly, patting her belly gently. "I know, I know~! Just wanted to save it for when it counted, sooo..." He flickered his fingers as his magic began to sparkle through them, and moved them down to his groin, rubbing it in front of her with a grin. It began to shrink, and once done, his cock was half its normal size though his balls remained the same. He moved a bit from side to side, giggling a little. "Hoh~! That never not tickles, but it should do~! Now... Here I come." He leaned forward on top of her, aligning his cock with her little cave, and slowly pushed in steadily, spreading her tight walls with his smaller flare and neighing softly while leaning down to kiss her gently on the lips.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 1:46 pm

"Come already? That was kinda fast~" Shanny jokingly commented on Sugary's choice of words, gripping the bedsheets and groaning with delight as the unicorn pushed himself inside of her tight hole. He groans were very swiftly muffled by the sudden kiss, which she returned and began pushing her own tongue inside Sugary's mouth. She soon moved one of her hands onto his back, trying not to grip too tightly with her clawed hands while her tail somewhat instinctively wrapped around the unicorn's sack.
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Mr. Market
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 20, 2016 6:28 pm

The humor wasn't lost on him, grinning wider during the kiss and sharing tongue with her soon after; But he had no intention of cumming any time soon though. He'd keep steady for now, once he pushed in all the way and groaning when she grasped his sack, began to thrust back and forth with notable sways; Each time he went deep, he made sure she felt his press against her nethers and thighs as if trying to spread her legs further through motion and light grinding alone.

Eventually, he reached around her back with his arms, a strong grip lifting her once massive body with ease. He hummed into the kiss, pushing his equine tongue in deeper as she was lifted and her body was pressed a little more against his. Keeping good balance, he thrusted swayingly somewhat faster now once he got his arms down to grope and hold her thighs lovingly. The bed creaked a little below them...
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 12:57 am

Shanny gasped in surprise as she was suddenly lifted off the bed, her arms and legs clinging around his back as he continued to thrust into her. Her insides would eventually begin to feel a lot warmer than usual, and her juices would begin leaking a lot more as the dragoness moaned and panted, every now and then softly biting into Sugary's neck from pleasure, her claws getting a bit better grip on his back.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 26, 2016 1:28 am

He snorted with a grin as she felt warmer and wetter every few thrusts, aiding him in picking up the speed a little more as he pumped into her chubby little body with a better lubricated meat pole with a stronger grasp at her rump. Eventually he pushed and grinded a lot when deep in her as he spoke with a lustfilled whisper. "Shanny~... Wanna try hopping on me again~? Unless you rather I keep pressing my body and weight on yours~?" He held her tight, his chiseled torso heaving a little against hers, and nibbled onto her ear while she answered, caressing her wings with one arm.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 5:35 pm

Shanny nodded between moans, eventually using her weight and wings to push Sugary down on the bed until she was sitting on top of him again. "Nnh... feels really weird being this small, heh.." she comments as she begins to lift herself up and down on his crotch, eventually picking up the pace and riding him. Her juices began coating his whole lower regions with her juices while moaning loudly.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2016 6:36 pm

He lay back with a chuckle and a soft moan once she got more into the groove of it. "But it feels nice, no~?" As long as they were having fun, the details were unimportant. And fun it was for him to help her bounce upon him with his own hip thrusts pushing her up while using his legs and back as leverage.

He held one of her arms so she'd keep balance, while another arm fondled her breasts and caressed her belly. His horn would also shine shortly after to add to his grasp and reach, magic caressing her wings and tail upwards and outwards; He had a certain kink for the illusion of sex mid-flight.
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2016 1:55 pm

Shanny nodded with a moan to his question as she continued bouncing her chubby body up and down Sugary's pole. She would soon lean down a bit, using her arms on each side of unicorn's body to support herself. She was already panting by now, seemingly getting exhausted from so much physical exercise. "M-mind taking over the thrusts for now?" she says as she leans down even more, her erect nipples just barely touching Sugary's chest whenever they bounced around, tickling them and adding more pleasure to the chubby dragoness.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2016 6:03 pm

He leaned up a bit for a light kiss, urging her to slow down with one arm and grinding her nethers with a deeply thrusted groin. "With pleasure~..." Tendrils would spread out from him, massaging more of her body but mainly helping her stay in her current position before he got to thrusting again with a deep snort, though this time he picked up the pace where she left off, pumping her tight dragon pussy vigorously. He'd also take one of her breasts eventually and suckled hard on it while groping her rump with both arms to pull it down on his cock as well mid-thrusts, and soon after made one tendril grope and tug her other breast and nipple as he did with his lips and tongue with the other, while another moved to her clit to tease very lightly all around.

He certainly had the stamina to go on for quite some time still; How much longer would Shanny last like this now that her breather went from hopping to getting pistoned?
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2016 11:23 am

Shanny's panting would become more and more apparent, every now and then a soft groan escaping her mouth as she was being fucked by Sugary, her breasts occasionally spurting a tiny bit of spicy draconic milk as Sugary suckled and played with them. Shanny would've started panting harder and moaning louder, signalling her approach to climax, until she finally roared upon said climax, collapsing ontop of Sugary and still panting very hard.
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Mr. Market
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Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2016 5:41 pm

Between the savory taste of her breastmilk, her cute but strong roar, and having her flop onto him from exhaustion, he let up on the magic as he continued a little bit further with the thrusts, tightly grasping her desirable rump before filling up her tight nethers with horsecock and her womb with a gush of seed. Rather than neigh, he muffled his pleasure by suckling hard on her neck, pulling her onto him from above and swaying his hips excitedly for a brief time.

Eventually he calmed down, tail swaying lightly and his suckling becoming light kisses upon her cheek and muzzle as he cuddled gently with her, stroking her fur and horns as well as her back and tailbase. With his cock and medial ring in her still, the seed was kept nestled in fully while his cock pulsed lightly in her treasure cove for her to keep for now. "... Haaah~... You feeling good there, Shanny~?" He certainly felt fantastic, nuzzling her affectionately; Their lovemaking for the day, the times he spent casting spells, and the fact he made a good friend all day was a good workout as much as it was a fulfilling experience that he hoped she had enjoyed just as much.
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PostSubject: Re: Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private)   Dragon's Charm, Wolf's Allure, Shark's Desire, Unicorn's Passion. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitime

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