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 Who in the group have a PS4?

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Who in the group have a PS4? Empty
PostSubject: Who in the group have a PS4?   Who in the group have a PS4? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2015 1:50 pm

So with Fallout 4 coming out in a few days have I finally brought myself a PS4 to play it on. I know that a few others are gamers in this group as well so I thought it would be fun to hear who there else have the system and what games they have so we maybe could friend up and play together at times.
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Age : 26
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Who in the group have a PS4? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who in the group have a PS4?   Who in the group have a PS4? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2015 1:57 pm

Well, I've got both a PS3 and a PS4, and honestly, I only own two PS4 games (not including Far Cry 4). Those games are Bloodborne and Dragon Age: Inquisition. There isn't a ton of thing on the PS4 library that I would consider getting (because I own them on the previous gen) But there are some FTP games on the PS4 that might be good. I've personally got Blacklight: Retribution, Warframe, and Planetside 2, though I have these games on there because my PC hates them with a burning passion. Indie games are coming soon, and I'm talking quality indie games like The Binding of Issac.
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Who in the group have a PS4?
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