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 Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group

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PostSubject: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 12:36 am

Hey all. With how we slowly are getting thrown some adds around on different sites of the web, and with that are drawing new blood and ideas to the site did I think that now would be a really good time to take this up.

We haven't really done anything new and interesting as such in all the while we have been here on Forumotion, and I would say that our honeymoon after our little move from Fimfiction are well over by now. So as the title says, what do you think/feel would improve our group and make it a better place to RP and hang out?

Since I am throwing this up can I just as well give my two cents to begin with.

I would really really really like to see some kind of monthly activity. Like small fun competitions about writing an RP intro in under 500 words that still are catching peoples attention, or a writing competition about inventing a new race or kind of magic. Seeing something short lived, something that I personally know are only going to last a week or so would really spark my interest, because how often have we all not seen a neat new idea and thought that we can't join because the idea would live on for months and months and eat too much of our spare time?

I would also really love to see some stickied RP threads with public themes. In the good days of old had we our cross dimensional inn with thousands of posts because people could just come and leave as they liked, play for an hour or two, a week, maybe a month before something popped up in their life and they had to take a break, only to be able to return a few weeks later and see that the thread are still alive. Seeing a few more casual games, sessions that people don't have to invest 10+ hours into before they even have seen the shadow of some big bad guy would really be lovely.

That was all from me at this point, I know that there are more suggestions and improvements laying somewhere in my brain, but I shall steal more of your time than I already have with this.
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 2:59 am

I like the writing competition idea as I'm a writer myself(Hobby not career) I think it may help give info and summary on certain public rps with detailed summaries to assist others in finding the right rp. Reading from posts may help only so much so a list of the goal, themes and what to expect can help a newcomer greatly plus help current members keep track if absent for a while.

Similarly given the fact the Fandom is filled like any other with cross-over perhaps a area of the forum or a topic can be used to help discuss such content and how it would fit in Equestria to help others bring their other favorite stuff over.

Better use of the chat topic will help for those who cannot use Skype or prefer more calmer uses than the instant messaging of Skype. It can help give them better feelings that they are part of a group with a common interest.

A topic to assist OC development, Bad OCs are rarely trully bad but flawed and can be improved on so some advice from members may work better in its own topic than in Character Creation.

A off-topic chat may help giving it a meet and greet feel since most good groups don't focus just on the interest alone. It's important to remember we are a group and we are brought together by MLP but that isn't all important since we all have interests related and not to MLP and just like the show making a friend is important or something. *Chuckles Embaressed*.

These are my ideas -Chutoy
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 12:49 pm

i have raised this point a few times but, if we could make sub categories in the cc bit for each member it would greatly organise the ocs, and make it easier to reference them to an rp. of course it will take a small amount of time to set up but after it is it won't be hard to add new subtopics for new members, and it may seem like more work for the character admin at that point in time, but if you make sure each subtopic is 'watched' then the notifications will alert when needed.
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2015 3:52 am

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming, we'll be looking into each one of these and see what could be of use.
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Age : 32
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2015 9:15 pm

Another suggestion that just hit me, something that I actually have thought about on and off for a long while by now, a little monthly (I would have loved to ask for a weekly, but I know that are never going to fly with how little there are going on and how often the admins would have to work then) update thread with things like what there are going on, how far improvements were coming, what subjects that the admins had talked a lot about or wanted to announce in an easy matter and such.

As things are right now are there really not any changes at all, growth or improvements in the year and then some that we have been on this site, quite the opposite does it look like we are in a bit of slow and steady decline with fewer and fewer GMs, less and less threads being made, and the only place really growing being our Skype chat.

I am fully knowing how provocative this properly will sound to some, how I am stepping on the toes of people right now, and I am sorry for that. But it is better to be blunt and address the elephant in the room instead of just letting it stay and build your life around it.
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group   Suggestions to improvements of the forum/group Icon_minitime

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