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  The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)

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PostSubject: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2015 11:35 pm

The Multidimensional OC Bar

Open to all, No signups, No special requirements(Note: Using an approved OC is not a special requirement, it's mandatory). Come and go as you like. Even join in late if you want. Multiple characters are allowed but you may only RP one at a time and your previous character must have clearly left before you can bring in a new one. Fourth wall breaking is allowed. SFW only.

This bar and grill exists simultaneously in multiple dimensions and locations throughout Equestria. As such it can service any OC in any story at any time. Characters can pass into the bar from their own reality, have a drink and a meal, and interact with any other characters, the bar has a strict no-violence and no-time-travel policy but otherwise most things are allowed. Upon entry, characters are rendered physically invulnerable to damage, all injury, disease, ageing and decay is halted, and all weapons cease functioning. No violence really does mean NO violence. Characters can only leave the bar back into their own reality and when they return they will return to the exact moment they left.

The bartender is a kindly earth pony named Shirley Temple. The servers are Martini (unicorn) and Tequila Sunrise (pegasus). The chef is a draconequus whose magic also maintains the multidimensional nature of the bar and enforces the rules. As they are public NPCs  any poster may freely use these characters as secondary/background characters in their posts.

You can order any type of food or drink that exists in any reality. The only restriction is that meat products are not "true" meat products but perfect simulations retrieved from a reality that has such technology. Nevertheless if human blood and dragon livers strike your fancy, you can have them... simulated.

As for payment, the bar actually runs off emotions of appreciation so all currency is accepted and any pony can afford a meal. Even if they are penniless Shirley Temple will accept even a song as payment as that conveys appreciation.  

Nonetheless, enjoy yourself and have a drink and a good meal in the The Multidimensional OC Bar. Talk about your troubles to the staff or interact with other OCs in a safe environment outside of space and time. Get away from whatever crisis you are facing in your world and listen to advice from those in another.

I won't be around to serve drinks. So feel free to assume the bartender/servers have gotten you whatever you ordered.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2015 6:41 pm

A something vaguely resembling a pony wanders in through the doors and right up to the bar. Most of the body is a dirty orange in color, though the back left leg is yellow enough to be noticeable and the front right leg is a mechanical prosthetic that'd seen better days. A large pair of prosthetic wings in a similar shape lay folded up along the thing's back. It's mane and tail are both short, haphazardly cut, and each is a different shade of green. The cuties marks along his flank are different for each leg, one sports a rock while the other bears the symbol of a shield breaking under hoof. As the creature looks at the long row of drinks, a grin breaks out across it's face, revealing the large and not properly meshing pointed teeth, a few of which had even poked out slightly when it's mouth was closed.

"Hoo, dis ish goot bar, hy tink hy'll have dey drink dat sharez mein name. Jägermeister ples, leaf dey bottel," Jäger said as he left a couple bits on the counter to pay for the drink, and after a moment spent deciphering what was actually said, Jäger was happily sipping away at the drink. He spun about now on the bar stool, looking out at the bar and it's patrons, and seeing if there was anything of interest to approach. Or if anything of interest would be approaching him.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2015 2:36 am

Slowly, the door of the bar creaks open. A brown-coated unicorn with a yellow mane steps into the bar, taking a deep breath. Behind him, whatever winds were stirring from outside makes his dull grey cloak to flutter weakly before the door swings shut and the unicorn steps into the bar proper. A green snake is coiled around his head, but he pays it no heed.

A faint smile is upon his lips as he surveys the bar. His smile widens and he shakes his head. "It's good to be back." He turns to the counter. "Water, please. The usual." He nods to the other presence in the bar with a polite "good day" before going to sit down at one of the tables.
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Alpha P

Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 4:13 am

The door opens and through it steps a scaly set of claws. Nuria had heard of this place from one of the ponies she had guided across Equestria, some kind of special bar where all sorts of different ponies and other creatures gathered. She stepped all the way in and looked around, brushing her copper mane from her face. There were definitely some strange folks here. She sets her bag down and approaches the bar. The stranger had said that this bar would have literally anything to eat.

"Excuse me." She starts. "Can I get some Fire Wine?"
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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 6:29 pm

The door opened once again, and a small unicorn mare peeked through the door. Then, she entered fully, and closed the door softly behind her. She looked around, pushed the glasses a bit further up her nose, and stepped in. She put her yellow saddlebags on the floor - happy to be relieved of the weight - and stepped towards the bar.

Many ponies - and, other creatures - were waiting around the bar, but she tried to ignore them. They did look a little... intimidating, though. She took a deep breath and approached the pony behind the bar. She only hoped they would accept bits.

"Uh, excuse me?" she said, in a soft, light tone, trying to get the attention of the bartender. "Do... you have some cider? I'd like a small glass."
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 7:12 pm

"Oiy veetle von, hyu should drink dis inshtead," Jäger commented as he leaned over a little in his seat and held his bottle of Jägermeister out to the pony who might have been normal sized to others, but Jäger himself was a bit bigger than the average pony. He also flashed a smile to the new pony to try and show friendliness, a feat that might have been achieved had he actually looked like a normal pony and not some kind of monster poorly pretending to be a pony. "Ish good und share's my name, vhich ish Jäger by deh vay."
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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 6:59 am

Civviq looked up, a little intimidated - nervous, even scared - at first. She stared blankly at the Jägermeister bottle, and back to the huge pony and his... 'smile'. She realized her mouth hung open, and quickly, she slammed her mouth shut, inwardly chiding herself for being so rude. He was only trying to be nice, she thought. She pushed her glasses a bit further up her nose and she smiled, a little awkward.

"U-uh, no thank you, I, uh, don't really like heavier alcohol..." She gulped, but managed to keep up her smile. "And, my name's Civviq. Civviq Writer. Nice to meet you."
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 11:02 am

"Shiviq? Vell ish nishe to meet hyu too, even if hyu dun sheem ta know vot goot drink ish, hehehe," Jäger commented with a little chuckle. "Und dere's no needs ta be nervoush, ve all ish friends 'ere," he went on before leaning back and tiling the bottle with him to take a long drink from the bottle. When he finished the drink, and the bottle left his lips, he let out a content sigh and looked back over to Civiq. "Hyu haffen't sheen too many like meh, haff hyu?" Jäger asked then.
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Alpha P

Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 3:38 am

Finally, someone who looked normal. Nuria recieved her fire wine, a liquid that resembled thin blood, and walked over to the two who were talking; the pony and the... other thing... "Greetings." She said. "Pleasure to meet you both. Do you come here often?"
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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 10:09 am

Civviq chuckled nervously as she watched Jäger chug down his Jägermeister. She shook her head. "N-no," she said, smiling a bit awkwardly, "no, I haven't."
At that moment, the bartender gave her her cider and she gave him the right amount of bits in return. She smiled as a thanks and took a little sip, lifting her glass with her magic. She put the glass down as she saw the Kirin approach.

"U-uh..." she said, her nervousness re-ignited. She was so big! She shook her head in reply. "N-no, this is my first time here, actually..." She smiled, carefully. "I had to find shelter against the upcoming storm... My, uh, friend had told me to look for this place. It was supposed to be quite interesting." She chuckled, this time less nervous. "And, interesting it is, indeed."
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 11:18 am

"Dis ish achtully mhy fursht time 'ere as vell," Jäger replied to the new thing that was addressing both him and the unicorn, after waving to the new thing when it greeted them of course. It was nice to see something he didn't have to physically look down at, or at least not as much, and to celebrate such a notion, he raised the bottle of Jägermeister a little before taking another drink right from the bottle. "So vot are hyu?" Jäger asked the new arrival.
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Alpha P

Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 6:03 pm

Nuria took a sip of her wine while the other two spoke. "Heh, I had a friend tell me about this place too." She said. "I'm a kirin. Of the feathered variety." She replied to Jäger, showing off her feathered wings as well as scaled coat. "My tribe lives far away from Equestria, but it's been so much fun meeting so many other creatures."
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 12:56 am

The door open to appeared an , dark caramel, black mane Earth pony. Upon entering the door she looked around the room with her bat like eyes. "Rather interesting ponies here or whatever they call themself." Looking around she noticed a rather interesting looking... pony? a unicorn and a copper mane..scaled griffin? "I'm far too curious to know these guys story too walk away." She decided to walk over to the small gathering. " Evening " She said in a nice voice.
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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 11:28 am

Civviq smiled to the newcomer. She seemed normal, if it wasn't for her eyes. Then again, what is normal in here? She sighed inwardly at her nervousness and told herself to just go with it. As long as nopony would eat her here, she'd be safe. She hoped.
"Evening," she replied to the newcomer and nodded as a greeting.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 3:23 pm

Jäger nodded as he listened to the explanation of what the feathery and scaly thing was, and then the new pon-. 'No, dere ish shometink not poneh about dat von', Jäger thought to himself after just a glance at the newcomer. "Evenink, hy'm Jäger," Jäger replied with a kindly smile, one that almost show cased the abundance of teeth in his maw.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2015 5:07 pm

" Nice to meet ya, Jager. Name's Nightingale." she addressed back. " Now from a closer look this guy seems.. odd, and that coming from me. Hmm..., best play it safe and smile" Gale thought to her self. Giving off an little smile at both jager and the unicorn.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 8:52 pm

Well... this is certainly... bizarre. A nutmeg-brown pegasus stallion stood just inside the doorway. His inquisitive, coffee-colored eyes darted back and forth as they attempted to make sense of the space-defying environment before him. That intricately-designed door he had just found standing like some lone sentinel in the Everfree Forest certainly had some surprising properties. There must be magic involved here. I know for sure that door wasn't attached to any building from the outside...

Taking a few steps forward, he further examined the contents of this eatery, mystified by the style of the decor which bore little resemblance to any culture he was familiar with. Or, perhaps it could be interpreted instead as containing elements borrowed from many different heritages in some kind of synergistic blend? Either way, it seemed to be a very well-kept place. There were no stains on the walls or floors, no cigarette smoke clouding the air nor were there any belligerent drunks making a fool of themselves.

Marble Rye's presence had not gone unnoticed, as the unicorn waitress Martini soon approached the stallion and invited him in. It was getting late, so the idea of investigating the cuisine was becoming increasingly appealing. He consented to her suggestion and decided to take a seat at an empty table. After questioning the lack of a menu, it was explained to him that such an item was not necessary as there was no limit to the kind of food which could be served to him here. That knowledge definitely got his attention. In order for that to be true, surely there must be many highly-skilled unicorns running the kitchen which were proficient with a massive array of synthesizing spells. Such magical talent was rare and highly-prized, so there was little doubt that any dishes he ordered were going to be astronomically expensive.

The mare quelled his monetary concerns, explaining that a large portion of the payment came in the form of emotional gratification and thankfulness created by the customer. This quickly altered his theory about the chefs from being unicorns to being changelings. Martini corrected him once again, explaining that the kitchen was staffed with a draconequus. Marble had not known of any draconequi other than Discord, and even he hadn't been such a bad guy lately. At least that would also explain how an isolated door could be a portal to a bar and grill. Maybe this place was okay after all. Well, now he was going to have to think his order through. The dirty blonde pony requested that she come back in a few minutes while he made his decision. As he sat quietly contemplating his options, Marble would sometimes catch himself staring at the other patrons. They sure were a strange bunch, but who was he to judge? Perhaps it would be wise for him to guard his gaze lest he run the risk of offending them.

Last edited by Kryptid on Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 8:58 pm

(There are a lot of different entrances Kryptid, and this thread were built so no interpretation would be wrong... Even the inside can be a bit different from person to person telling about it since it is Multi-Dimensional as the title says.

I do know that there are a rule about OOC chatter in threads, but I thought that this would be a nice thing for all to be able to read.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 10:03 pm

sweetcake wrote:
(There are a lot of different entrances Kryptid, and this thread were built so no interpretation would be wrong... Even the inside can be a bit different from person to person telling about it since it is Multi-Dimensional as the title says.

I do know that there are a rule about OOC chatter in threads, but I thought that this would be a nice thing for all to be able to read.)
(No rule when it's just that clarity is needed. Also welcome to the group Kryptid.)
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 1:56 am

A blue Pegasus walked in, the bell on the door ringing to alarm a newcomer has joined. Winter Frost, a new pony that is new to this odd life, was quite surprised to see a bar here. "...What? H-how does this even work?!" He questioned.

He gave a look around the bar. A couple of ponies sat around, and other creatures that he was sure that shouldn't exist. His mind was blown at the moment. "This is what happens when some pony tells me to go to the store." He muttered. A bartender was scrubbing the counter, and Winter couldn't help but walk over to him. "Uh, hey, you got any Iced Soda?" He asked.

"Let me check, their should be some in the back." The bartender said. Winter nodded, and sat at one of the empty tables. Taking a look around, he wanted to speak to some pony while he waited, but they look like they went to a private gym, and was able to train hours on end. "This is certainly odd." He said to himself.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 2:04 am

Jäger listened to the reply, but affixed Nightingale with a predatory and calculating look. His prosthetic hoof suddenly started clicking as it was lifted up towards a new pony, but it only held the bottle of his jägermeister. "Vant ah drink?" he asked as the look softened back to the sabotaged attempts at friendliness towards this new comer.

Last edited by Zen on Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 2:22 am

Winter looked at the strange pony. "Ah, no! I mean, no thanks." He stuttered. He quietly cursed to himself. Have fun making friends now bro, his brain taunted.

Regardless, Winter waved his hoof. "I'm just waiting for my drink. Thanks for the offer, though. Names Winter!" He said, holding out his hoof for either a brohoof or a hoofshake.
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 2:36 am

"Jäger, ish pleashure toh meet hyu," the strange looking thing replied as the blatantly fake limb creaked and clanked outward to meet the other hoof with a surprisingly gentle yet still very firm amount of force. Then tt's prosthetic wings shifted a little bit, gears grinding and such as Jäger tried to make them collapse back a bit more onto his back. "Vhy dun hyu come ovah and chat vit us. Hyu too pegashush," Jäger added with a point towards the brown pony who'd also entered recently. And then Jäger gestured for a couple of seats for them to take. "Now Nightinkale, dere ish shometink about hyu, shometink Jäger here tink'sh he's sheen before."
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 3:00 am

Her giggle entered the bar before her body, the mare, for it was certainly a females bubbling laughter there were heard, having a musical and very contagious quality to it.

"Now now, listen here, I simply can't stay... Stamp collection you say? Why yes it does sound entertaining, but sorry sweetie I am simply not that kind of mare!" That kind of mare being a rosa one of that, her flank pushing the bar door open as she sought a way away from whoever she had been talking with just moments before. The mare wearing a light summer dress over her rather curvy form, a violin case as well as a pair of booming saddlebags being balanced between a set of wings as slender and delicate as the rest of her.

"I am so sorry, but I need to hit the road now, other places to see, ponies to entertain," her hurrying to close the door as quickly as she could after having ended her sentence, leaning herself up against it while slowly breathing out before looking around, her flattened ears slowly raising up to full attention as her eyes slowly were growing in size and filling with confusion. "Say... How the heck did all of this end up in the back alley behind The Drunken Ass?"
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PostSubject: Re: The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social)    The Multi-Dimensional OC Bar (Social) Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2015 3:29 am

As he sat with a forehoof propping up his head, Marble continued conjuring up a list of fine edibles in his mind. That is, until the mish-mash of an equine "thing" sitting at the bar called out for his attention. His eyes widened at the invitation, feeling a trace of worry that this pony-like creature had taken an interest in him. He reasoned that it was best not to be rude and risk some fight with a stranger who looked like he could do some real damage if crossed, so the pegasus reluctantly agreed, "Oh, well, if you insist..."

Marble climbed out of his chair and slowly paced over towards the group, taking the new seat as indicated by the sharp-toothed individual. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously with his free hoof, clutching his tan knapsack with the other. What does this guy want? He's not planning to mug me, is he? If so, maybe some of the more normal-looking ponies here would call for help. Maybe.
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