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 Dimensional Crossing

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Star Sentinel
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PostSubject: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2014 10:43 am


Several ponies entered the BARDIS at around the same time: Sugary Market, Ekonata, Fine Fantasy, Lightning Shield, Callista, and Calliope. This commotion caught the attention of Wild Card, Strawberry Breeze, and Lemon Drop. Of course, Sunshine-the captain of the BARDIS-welcomed them all eagerly and after a few questions and concerns were answered, they set off on a new adventure. Arriving on a beach of what appears to be a tropical volcanic island, Sunshine splits up the group. That's when a new and unexpected visitor drops from the sky.

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Sunshine looked around at her rather large group. The black sand felt rather warm under her hooves, but since heat was third nature to her, behind light, she paid it no mind. "Okay, listen up everyone. Since we have a lot of ponies and a couple changelings with us, we're not going to be traveling all together, or even in two groups. I'd like us to split up into smaller groups." She said, then pointed at the two changelings. "You two can partner up, since you're well acquainted with each other. You know what? Take Sugary along with you too. I'm sure you could spend the time getting to know each other. We'll all have that time eventually anyway." She then pointed at Wild and Strawberry. "You two can pair up together. I'd never hear the end of it if that wasn't the case." Then she pointed at Fantasy. "You and I shall partner up for this. I'd like to get to know you better myself." She then pointed at Lemon and Lightning. "You two can pair up. I'm sure you'll do good together." The arrival of the new pony did not go unnoticed by Sunshine, and she looked at her, then Ekonata by the water. "You two are mysteries to me. I think you two should pair up, just so everyone has a buddy."

Sunshine then hovered a bit in the air. "Okay, once everyone gets in their groups of two, except for the one group of three I assigned, You're free to explore this place. I don't know exactly how big this place is, but I'm guessing its a tropical island. Either way, I want everyone back here by sundown, or I'll come to find you. Mingle with the locals, collect a souvenir or two, and have fun, but try not to get into too much trouble." She finished explaining and landed back on all fours again. She motioned for Fantasy to follow her with her prosthetic wing. "Let's get going then. I'm just as excited as some of you are."

Strawberry looked at Wild and smiled. "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go. Adventure awaits!" She said, grabbing him by the hoof and halfway dragging him in the warm black sand. She looked back and saw Wild getting dragged and let go of his hoof. "Whoops, my bad. Sorry."

Lemon on the other hoof, walked up to Lightning and smiled at him. "Well I guess the captain paired us up. You wanna travel by land or air?" She asked, wondering about his opinion innocently.

It was only now that Fantasy noticed Sunny's mechanical wing, but said nothing about it to be polite. She also noticed how warm the sand was, but chalked that up to that science in colors. She found the warmth nice, though, and decided she'd either bury herself in it or roll around in it later. Probably play in the water, too.

She responded almost instantly to Sunny's signal, trotting up beside her within a few seconds. Up close, the mechanical wing looked kinda cool, and made Fantasy curious, but she still didn't want to ask her about it, fearing she might offend her. So instead, she asked, "Where to?"

Star Sentinel-
Somewhere in Canterlot, a teal blue unicorn, who was wearing a cloak, ran from the Royal Guards. Oh how did it all go wrong. He thought as he ran down the streets, dodging ponies. He had done his job and was about to get paid, but the damn royal guards. Now here he was running for his life. And the worst part was he didn't get paid.

"One of you fire an arrow at him!" Zero heard a guard say. His eyes widened at the possibility of getting shot by an arrow. He didn't even feel when an arrow shot him in the right hind-leg, making him trip over himself.
This is how I get arrested huh... He closed his eyes waiting for the feeling of him hitting the hard, stone ground. It never came. Instead he appeared to be falling from the sky. Towards a group of ponies and changeling.

Zero opened his eyes, flailing around. "Ahh!!!" He screamed, completely forgetting he can just change himself into a pegasus. He hit the ground hard, sending black sand flying everywhere. He groaned looking up, spitting out the sand that got in his mouth. The hood of his cloak had come off while he was falling and relieved he had an orange mane. "Belg! Ah my mouth!" He did his best to spit of the sand, oblivious to the ponies and changelings.

"I think I would have rather been arrested by the royal guards then get a mouth full of sand." He got up and shook himself off. Turning he froze and stared at the ponies and changelings. "Uhh....Hi. Would any of you like to tell me where I am? It appears I'm not in Canterlot anymore." He asked, awkwardly, towards the ponies...and changelings. He was oblivious to the arrow in his right hind-leg.

Wild Card-
Wild Card was happily listening when he was dragged by the hoof by his marefriend, thus causing him to fall into the sand... face first. "Mmph mph-mph mmph." He picked himself up by flapping his wings to gain elevation, and then landed next to Strawberry. "It's okay, dear." Wild said, nuzzling the pink mare's cheek lovingly, not noticing he had some of the black sand stuck to his fur. "We're excited too." "Yeah, this is the first real adventure we've been on." He said, before looking at the pony who just fell from the sky. "Uh... I'm going on a hunch here. But I don't think anywhere is weird enough that it rains ponies." Wild turned his head to face Strawberry again, and smiled. "Anyway, which way shall we go?"

Lightning Shield-
Lightning nodded towards Sunny as she paired him with Lemon Drop which only gave him more oppurnity to fail in front of her. He was caught off guard from the alicorn's question since he never been around royalty much less get asked a question by a Princess. It wasn't helped by the appearance of the new pony who seemed to be getting prettier by the second.  "Umm..." He started as mind tried to reform from being mush. "Well...by..." A changeling landed right in front of him.

Lightning did a small jump as he noticed the the creautre and for a moment was tempted to poke though he lacked a good stick, but the thing spoke. "Well, you might've gotten away, but they sure stuck it to you." He said as he quickly yanked the arrow out of Zero's leg while he imagined a drum playing in the background as he tapped his hoof on the changelings leg to leave a mark. The mark was black like the thing coat, or whatever, so it blended in perfectly though if it changed its appearance it would become visible.

Mr. Market-
Initially, young Sugary was shocked that Sunshine had told him to group up with Callista and Calliope on a whim to go exploring. While he didn't feel any real threat from Callista, he was still wary. Where as Calliope still made him uncomfortable to have her nearby.

Alternatively, he had to wonder about Ivy. The new mare had shown up at random and yet he already had one big question in his mind about her. "... Why is she trying to wear magical make-up like Ma and Grandma...? Is she an ugly old hag or something...?" Other than that, he felt no strong need to pay attention to her looks aside from acknowledging that she would likely be joining them.

Ultimately, before he had a chance to be in favor of or protest him being placed with the changeling mares, Zero the changeling in the form of a unicorn had fallen in. Unaware that the injured stallion that literally dropped in was a changeling as well, he began to move towards it in concern... only to move faster still when he saw that Blade had not hesitated to pull out an arrow and do... whatever it was that he did with the mark he placed on the unicorn shaped Zero. Seeing that Zero was still injured all around, he began to focus his Mana and eventually a soft white light emitted from his horn. "Oh... Oh, dear... Please stay still..." He 'aimed' at Zero, and released the Cure spell upon his body in an effort to heal his wounds slowly as the misty healing energies  spread about on his body until he was well enough to get back up on his own, or ended up being in need of greater care. He'd worry about the grouping details later.

Callista and Calliope look at one another and then look at the mare assigning them.
They then glared at each other and sighed.
"I suppose I need to supervise her to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone..."
"It's clear the poor dear needs the supervision of a classier changeling."
They lock glares again before grimacing and walking over to Sugary, looking at the injured-looking changeling.
"Huh... never seen him before..."
"Nor have I..."

Not that those are out of the way...

Sunshine turned back and noticed the stallion that fell from the sky. She raised an eyebrow and looked up. “Hmm. Odd. No matter. Lemon, could you look after him? I want to check out that village.” She said, then turned to Fantasy. “Come on. Should be fun.” She started trotting towards the village at the end of the beach.

Lemon Drop nodded at Sunny’s request and went to greet him. “Hi there sir. My name is Lemon Drop. Would you like to accompany my friend and me on a little exploring?” She asked him politely. She motioned at Lightning behind her.

Strawberry smiled and looked toward the inland. “I think we should explore inland. Most of it looks like jungle, so I guess we should take a more aerial route.” She said.
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2014 12:05 am

"Oh course they stuck it to me. Don't you see the arrow in my-. Yow!" Zero yelped as Lightning pulled the arrow out of his leg. He then watched as Lightning left a black mark where the arrow once was. "Okay so a mark on my leg. At least it's not an arrow."

Zero looked at the unicorn and did as he said, staying still. He felt all the little cuts and bruises start to heal. When he felt most of his injuries were healed and the unicorn stopped his spell, Zero stretched a little. He looked at the two changelings as they finished each other's sentences, or interrupted each other, or whatever it was they did. He remember his own brother and how they always bickered.

Zero shook his head and looked at the yellow alicorn. "Alicorn...I mean, I'm Zero. I wouldn't mind a little exploring. Not like I have anything better to do." He laughed a little bit, walking over to Lemon Drop.
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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2014 12:04 am

Fantasy smiled, and trotted alongside Sunny merrily, excited for whatever awaited them but also a little nervous. This island was beautiful. The black sand contrasted sharply with the blue sky and sea, and the foliage was obviously thriving, judging from how green it was. That obviously meant something bad was gonna happen.

Oddly enough, she felt rather prepared for it, whatever it might be. Maybe it was because she had a lot of new friends to help in case something went awry.

Fantasy shook her head, digging herself out of her own thoughts. This was a nice place, this was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and she wasn't gonna be absent because she's too buried in her own mind.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2014 4:37 am

Young Sugary was pleased to know that Zero was feeling better because of his magic, but he was still concerned over the eagerness he showed afterwards. "Um... Listen, you might be healed, but you might wanna take it easy for a bit first..." He was still unsure what to make of the mark that Blade had left, but decided that nothing else seemed like it would go wrong for the time being, and began to move towards the changeling mares... very slowly and cautiously... Wondering if they would go with the idea or not of traveling together. He looked forward to seeing and experiencing new things, but was still getting used to his present company.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeThu Apr 10, 2014 11:31 pm

Wild Card wiped a bit of the black sand from his face and returned the smile Strawberry gave him. "Sounds like a plan." "Yeah. Might give Ace a few better ideas on how to model his domain correctly." He chuckled, and lifted himself off the ground with his wings. "I think I've done quite well with my jungle. It's got the ancient temple and everything." Wild's expression turned to thought. "Do you think they might have one of those here? A temple?" He asked with child-like curiosity. "He's rather excited about adventure, as you can tell, Strawberry." He said lightheartedly, as he was ready to fly next to Strawberry further in land to explore this new place.
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Lightning Shield
Lightning Shield

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeFri Apr 11, 2014 1:09 am

Lightning felt rather odd about having Zero joining their group. It wasn't because he had just fallen from the sky, something minor compared to being in a space traveling ship. There was something that caused him to be suspicious which wasn't because he shouldn't have anything against him yet there was something he felt rather irritated.

While Zero seemed to have ignored his presence entirely and was focused on Lemon. He made a small whistle as he noticed Zero's awe. "Did I look like that when I first saw you?" He asked as he looked over at Lemon as he remembered his conversation with the alicorn only a short time ago
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Pseudologia Fantastica

Pseudologia Fantastica

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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitimeSat Apr 19, 2014 4:18 am

Ivy let a brief expression of confusion cross her face.  This wasn't how it went in the story, they had just gone out and... well, perhaps, she reasoned, it's because this is a bigger group.  The group had broken into groups of three or so, when it got bigger.  Maybe it's just gotten big earlier on.  Satisfied by her own answer, Ivy did a brief mental check to make sure her magic was in place, making her look noticably attractive, and she sauntered over to her new... she decided on traveling companion.  She stopped next to the water with a smile.  "So, looks like we're partners.  I'm Ivy Vine, and what can I call you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing   Dimensional Crossing Icon_minitime

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