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 Dimensional Crossing: Sunset

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Star Sentinel
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 1:58 am

The vast expanses of the uber-city and command center of the defenders and watchers of the multiverse known as Calcutta stretch for hundreds of miles in its own pocket dimension. Many transports to the rest of the multiverse lay in guarded hangars, protecting them from unauthorized access going in or out. One of those ships was a small vessel, no bigger than three meters any way. It just sat there, looking unimportant. To the captain of the ship though, it was home. Speaking of the captain, she was not home at this time. Instead, she was in one of Calcutta’s many many meeting rooms. Several of Calcutta’s high-grade field agents were in the meeting room as well, discussing past adventures with one another.

As the captain of the previously mentioned ship, named Sunshine, was telling them a riveting tale about her last adventure, she noticed something peculiar on the table. The table was covered in decorations and snacks What caught Sunshine’s eye though was a blinking centerpiece. “Um… Is it supposed to do that?” She asked. The other approached the centerpiece, all obviously curious. Sunshine, however,stepped back. “I don’t think it’s safe. It looks like a-”

She was cut off as a red aura engulfed everyone around the centerpiece. A loud grinding sound and their screams of pain were heard before the red aura flowed back into the centerpiece. The agents all flopped over, seemingly unconscious. Then a large red shockwave blew everyone back. Sunny was hit and slammed against the metal wall behind her, knocking her unconscious.

When Sunshine awoke, she was in a medical ward. She wasn’t the only one. A dozen others were in there with her. The doctor told her that several arcane bombs were used as an attack on Command, attacking and stealing the souls of high-priority targets, using powerful shockwaves to damage anything or anyone nearby, and that these were the survivors of the attacks. Since most of the other high-class field agents were taken out by the bombs, Sunny was given a new mission. Find the culprit. Since there was a dimensional transport missing from hangar 17-B, the culprit most likely left Command. While the doctors insisted Sunshine stay a little while longer, she wasn’t exactly injured aside from a bump to the head. She quickly hopped out of bed and made for her ship as fast as she could.

Sunshine knew she couldn't complete this mission alone. She started up her ship, known to her as the Bardis. While not usually empty, she left her friends behind in another dimension so that she could attend the meeting. Activating the dimensional transition, the Bardis ended up in a mall in Canterlot, much to the surprise of many ponies. Sunshine stepped out of the Bardis and sat next to it, just watching the crowd, looking for someone to take along with her.

Players - Characters

  • Wild Card - Wild Card
  • Rayne - Flailing Spirit
  • BronzeFog - Neon Fire
  • DragonXneoN - Wyvorn Whitewing
  • Brony_Khaos - Edda Epic
  • Star Sentinel - Chrono Clockwork
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Age : 26
Location : In my closet

Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 2:31 am

A mare wandered by some random kiosks, just browsing. She had dark grey fur and a vividly neon green mane and tail that was styled like fire. Her name, ironic to her mane and tail, was Neon Fire. She was wearing her normal outfit that suited and matched her mane and fur, colored dark green, light green, grey, and with yellow trim. Her cutiemark, which was a neon green fireball, was hidden by her clothing and saddlebags. Her spear was hidden in her storage spell, but her beautifully crafted and designed shield was strapped to her back, between her saddlebags. She strode by each kiosk, smiling softly, bright green eyes sparkling with happiness at just being able to relax. She moved with confidence, but also indifferently, as if she was ready to get into a fight, but she was too good-hearted to pick a fight without being provoked.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Wed May 28, 2014 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 2:51 am

Flail was indeed giddy today, lost in thought the changeling had forgotten his disguise, realizing that he couldn't just hide and change into a regular pony he just shrugged and kept moving, nopony had harmed him, so he intended to keep it that way. By staying as silent as he could and offering his... Produce.

He set his cart down and went inside slowly, picking out a few choice potions, He came out levitating a few vials, one yellow, one pink, and one red. The pink one he kept WELL away from himself, while the other two he eyed with a much more curious look. As well as the slice of pizza at the nearby stand. Pondering how to get it he simply shrugged and walked over, "Uh... May I have this?- wait! Sorry... I need to pay... Don't I?" The mare unicorn gave a slow nod, and for some reason looked like she was reaching for the pizza cutter... Odd.

"Uh, ok... How much?" Flail asked curiously, he hadn't been anywhere so public before, and was starting to draw a few unwanted stares...

"J-Just a bit..." The mare stuttered out, to this he sighed, "With what little information I have on ponies, I know I'm NOT going to eat you, would you calm down? And put that pizza cutter down before somepony gets hurt!" He commanded, talking down to her. She dropped it, and breathed a relived sigh as Flail tossed the bit at her and grabbed the slice of pizza, sure it wasn't near as filling as Love, or any other emotion. But it's good to have something that has such unique flavor as pony food every once in a while, he sat down next to his cart again, near the central part of the building keeping the door, and his satchel under his watchful glowing slightly yellow eyes.
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 6:47 am

Chrono Clockwork, a light brown earthpony stallion wearing a red top hat, orange bowtie, and a brown watch. He lifted up his front hoof that had the watch on it and check the time. He realized he spent less time at the mall then he had originally thought. He looked around his surrounding and saw something suddenly pop out of nowhere with a yellow mare sitting right next to it, a mare who's mane seemed to be of fire, and a changeling...Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary for him. It was just a normal day in Canterlot.

He pulled out a piece of paper and looked at what was on it. Get some more burn cream, check. Get another top hat and bow-tie, check. Sharpen little knife, ...Meh. Sharp enough. He went through his mental before crumpling the paper up and throwing it in a trash can. He leaned against the wall of a nearby store, slightly eyeing the changeling. Even though he crossed it off as normal, he still wondered why there was a changeling in the middle of the mall.

She shook his head and turned his gaze to the green fire mane mare...Boy that sounded better in my head... He shook his head and turned his gaze to the yellow mare sitting next to the thing that just appeared in the mall. He could walk over to her, but he didn't want to. And he could continue with his travels, but there was something that intrigued him about the mare. It was probably the fact that she came out of a weird thing, but he felt it was something...else. For now he stayed back and against the side of a store.

Last edited by Star Sentinel on Wed May 28, 2014 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 3:24 pm

A part-eagle and part-snow tiger griffin, going by the name of Wyvorn Whitewing, was just walking through the mall, admiring one of the swords he just purchased, loving the sharp and shiny new steel, still warm from the furnace as he watched it being made for him at the smith. He loved the details of wings that were making up the hilt of the sword. Around his neck, there was a rather long dark-blue scarf, one of the ends hanging dangerously close to ground, just asking to be stepped on, but it never did. the As he continued walking, he first noticed the dark grey and neon green mare, as she was standing out from the others the most. 'Such unusual combination... ' Wyvorn thought and then noticed the changeling. 'Changelings? Here? Canterlot really has changed since the last time I was here..' he thought and made a few steps closer to changeling's stand, the curiosity getting the better of him. Once Wyvorn saw that changeling was selling some sort of potions... and also eating a slice of pizza. Wyvorn's stomach growled at the sight of it. 'Damn, I will be getting myself some on my way back. I have to!' he thought to himself again and smiled at the changeling before noticing a brown stallion in a top hat. Wyvorn always found top hats funny for some reason, but also wondered what he would look like wearing one aswell. He decided not to question the almighty top hats for now and kept looking around. 'I wonder what other sights does this place have to offer... or items.. I could really get a new cloak with.. with a hood!' he happily thought and finally noticed the yellow mare, standing next to... something. Wyvorn was sure that the yellow mare and the thing weren't there a moment ago. His curiosity ordered him to go closer. He did make a few steps closer to the yellow mare, but then stopped, and moved back to other stores, acting like he's interested what the stores have to offer him, while still keeping one of his sharp eagle eyes on the yellow mare.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 4:05 pm

Walking through the mall at a leisurely pace was a dark blue pegasus stallion with a black and red mane and tail, wearing a suit, blue waistcoat, white shirt and blue bow-tie. He smiled to himself as he walked past the countless shops displaying many varieties of things, from food and confectioneries to clothes and furniture, while the stallion looked into a few of them when they sparked his interest - mainly the suits - but he never entered any of them.

However, something else caught his attention while he was looking around. The fact that ponies in a certain area appeared to be surprised by something. This, coupled with the sight of a changeling holding a slice of pizza made him feel slightly nervous and confused, but he didn't let this show on his face as he carried on walking through the crowd of ponies browsing everything the mall had to offer. 'Changelings eat food? Like, food food?' 'It would appear so. Still, we should probably keep our distance. We did come here to buy a gift.' 'And no changeling is going to stop me.'

The pegasus chuckled quietly to himself. 'You make it sound like it's the greatest mission we've ever been on, Cupid.' 'Now now, I don't want any arguments between you two. Got it, Cupid, and you as well... what did you change your name to again?' 'Cheshire.' 'Right.' Finally the blue stallion's gaze fell upon the yellow mare, and his eyes widened in surprise, even more so due to the Bardis being next to her as well. 'Is that?' 'I think it is.' He thought to himself, and wandered over to where she was sitting. As he stood next to her he raised a wing slightly. "Hello Sunny, fancy meeting you here." He said cheerfully in greeting. "Here on business or just leisure?"
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 2:39 am

Ah, the glimmer of the sun on such fine glass, its light reaching down to us mere mortals. This is always such a beautiful time of day~

Practically prancing through the shopping center came and went the blue-hued stallion, trotting along at his own pace. He didn't seem to have a care in the world, besides just blankly looking around and staring at anything and everything that dared to be stared at.

It's just such a wonderfully cloud-free day today, and all the lovely butterflies outside were so pret...

However, something unexpected drew him out of his reverie. Something black. Something that looked a bit like a butterfly, if butterflies were the size and shape of ponies and had the wings of a fly. Something that certainly did not belong in a mall's environs. So, he did the only thing a reasonable pony presented with the sight of something dangerous, and likely capable of silencing him with just a thought but which had not yet noticed him, would certainly not do.
He screamed. Exactly like a little filly. It didn't even have any words behind it, it was just the screech of vocal cords against air, an ancient utterance that any creature nearby would likely understand.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 12:12 pm

Sunshine eyed every detail of the crowd as she sat there. The mare with the flaming stylized hair moved with a different gait than what she would normally expect for someone that happy. Then there was that changeling vendor, who had an interesting product. He might enjoy coming along if given the right incentive. She glanced at the earth pony stallion, who kinda gave off aura similar to another stallion she used to know. Must have been in a different dimension. When she saw the griffin with the sword, her eyes locked on to his for a second. She saw his curiosity, and he looked like the fighting type just from that new shiny sword he was admiring.

She smiled as a very familiar face came right up to her. "Ah, Wild. Great to see you again. Here buying something for the lady in your life? It's kinda almost obvious." She gave a light chuckle before turning serious again. "Sad to say I'm here strictly on business. I've been assigned a new mission and I'm not exactly at full strength. You see, Calcutta was attacked. It caught us completely off guard. I'm supposed to find the one responsible. I'm here to look for some company to help. Do you mind helping-" She was cut off by the sound of a filly screaming, but when she looked past Wild towards the source, all she saw was a stallion screaming his head off. "...Right... Anyway, there are a few here I saw that might make for good traveling buddies. You mind helping me out with recruiting them? Just sweet talk them a little into adventure." She asked, and pointed out the earth pony stallion and the flaming maned mare. She also pointed to the griffin and the changeling. "I'll get those two. I know how much you don't like changelings, but there is something about him I find very interesting." She said, and stood up. She started walking towards the griffon with the intent to talk to him. She waved at him to get his attention.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 12:53 pm

Wild Card chuckled heartily at Sunshine's first comment. "Is it really that easy to tell? I thought I had a brilliant poker face." "It wasn't our face that gave it away, it's the fact we're here in a mall in Canterlot." He said to himself, before frowning slightly as he continued listening to the yellow mare. "Attacked? Well, I'd be happy to help-" Just then he also heard the scream of a filly, turning round to look at what Sunshine had seen and then noticing the sound came from a fully grown stallion. "Well, that's certainly an impressive display of what vocal chords can do." Wild commented hesitantly, slowly turning his head to look at the ponies Sunshine had pointed out to him. "Well, as long as you're dealing with the Swiss-cheese shapeshifter, we're okay with it."

The stallion then tipped his hat towards Sunshine with a smile, and decided on which pony to go to first. The stallion had impeccable taste in hats, and the bow-tie to boot, yet his gaze moved towards the neon green flame-styled mane of the mare, who looked very much like she was going on an adventure already. 'Might as well redirect her adventuring so that she joins us on ours, and to be honest, you'd get so immersed in talking about hats with the other guy we may not even get to the mare in the first place.' 'Oh ha ha. Just because I enjoy the finer points of head gear does not mean you need to poke fun at me because of it.' Wild thought to himself, and began walking nonchalantly towards the mare.

Finally he stood next to the mare, wearing a kind smile and tipping his hat towards her. "Good day, it appears by the looks of that shield that you are ready for an adventure." He said cheerfully. 'Good start, commenting on the shield.' "Well, I come to you with an offer. An offer of adventure itself, and it starts just over there." He pointed to the Bardis with a hoof, and then at Sunshine. "So if you'd like to go on an adventure that makes all others worthless in comparison, that yellow mare will arrive back at that... object and inform you of the adventure that awaits you." Wild explained, finishing off his (what he thought to be) adventure-inducing offer and still maintaining his kind smile, waiting for her response. 'I think you used the word "adventure" a bit too many times.' 'You can never use the word "adventure" too many times!'
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 1:41 pm

Neon had just bought herself a small, tennisball sized rubber ball, when the stallion approached her. She idly bounced it as she smiled from his comment on her shield. "Adventure, eh?" She said as she listened intently, tossing the ball into her saddlebags. "Well, sounds like fun, but may I ask your name, sir?" She holds out her hoof, and returned his kind smile, her bright green eyes staring at his intensely, as if testing him, and she was, if he looked away she would believe he was being just a bit suspicious, and would possibly skip out, but if he kept eye contact, she would go with it. She was satisfied enough after a bit, and moved over to a pretzel stand, getting herself two and some melted cheese, nibbling on them delicately as she moved to the odd object, sitting on a bench nearby, and continued to eat.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2014 2:04 pm

Wyvorn noticed the dark-blue pegasus approach the yellow mare and her.. thing. Something was off on the pegasus, Wyvorn knew it. He wasn't just any dark-blue pegasus that would just walk around like that. Wyvorn decided to not mind it for now and instead continued watching as the two started talking. He did not hear what they were talking about, but their expressions already told Wyvorn that they knew eachother.

The yellow mare already had Wyvorn's attention way before she actually decided to show it. When Wyvorn noticed her walking towards him, he stopped walking and waited for her to get close. He smiled as the yellow mare waved at him with the intention of talking.

"Hello, there." the gryphon said, watching the yellow mare's every move.  "That's certainly a weird thing you got there..." the gryphon began and then remembered. "Oh, where are my manners." He said and sheathed the sword on his side. He extended his claw to shake the yellow mare's hoof. "My name's Wyvorn. Wyvorn Whitewing. How may I help you, miss...?"
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeSat May 31, 2014 6:15 pm

Clockwork looked around the rest of the crowd seeing a griffin. "Hmm...You don't see griffins around here in Canterlot..." He stood up straight so that he wasn't leaning against the wall anymore. He didn't normal see griffins in his travel, but it was always a sight to see one. He was going to walk over to the griffin when he heard a little filly screaming.

His ears pressed itself against the side of his head to block out the screaming. He looked around too try and find the filly, but all he saw was a grown stallion screaming. "Dear Celestia, that stallion has some vocals..." He turned her attention back to the griffin, but saw that yellow mare that was siting next to that thing talking to him. He let out a sigh and shook his head. He lean back against the wall again, keeping his eyes on the yellow mare.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 1:46 am

Sunshine extended a hoof to meet his claw and shook it firmly, smiling. "My name is Sunshine. I see you're well equipped for adventure. I also noticed you were curious about me and my odd mode of transportation. Yes, that is a vessel I use for travel. I'm recruiting some company for a quest I'm going on. Promises to see many different sights and possibly find treasure along the way." She turned so he faced her side, the side that had her artificial wing, made out of metal. It looked very advanced. She pointed at the Bardis. "That vessel is unlike anything you'll most likely see in your life. You wanna go on the biggest adventure of your life Wyvorn?" She asked.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 6:35 am

Wyvorn smiles. "Pleased to meet you, Sunshine. Well, I am sort of unemployed right now, so... Sure! Why not? If it's an adventure and it's free, I'll surely go on it!" he said and smiled. "But how is ..that a traveling vessel?" He wondered. "And just what happened to your wing?" He wondered more.

Last edited by DragonXneoN on Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 5:26 pm

Flail nearly dropped the rest of his pizza, noticing a stallion screaming bloody murder he whipped up a quick spell and buttoned his lip shut, "Would you calm yourself?! You're making a fool of not only yourself, but embarrassing me. Now, sit down and talk or go find the nearest opera, and scream all you'd like!" Undoing the spell he huffed and finished his pizza, walking into his cart he downed the red vial and smacked his lips, "Yum." He said as he began searching for his money chest he keeps in the cart, "Where in the hell did I put that thing...?"

He was however didn't notice he two ponies going around and speaking with everypony else, for obvious reasons he was in a bit of a bad mood, stupidity would not be tolerated on a simple day at the mall... Or so he thought.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeSun Jun 01, 2014 6:10 pm

The pegasus shook Neon's hoof with his own, all the while maintaining eye contact with her. "Card. Wild Card, and I'm glad you've accepted this offer" He said cheerfully, placing his hoof down afterwards and watching the mare walk to a bench near the Bardis. 'Wow, I'm surprised that actually worked.' 'See? We didn't say "adventure" too many times.' 'Just as long as we don't slip up the fact we're all in here, they won't be too weird-ed out.' Wild basked in the glory of this small victory for just a moment, enjoying the feel of doing something right, before looking for the other pony Sunshine had mentioned.

It was rather easy to spot him, due to the fact top hats were shining beacons to Wild, and soon the pegasus wandered over to the other hat wearing stallion. He raised a wing in greeting and smiled kindly, just like he did when speaking to the mare. "Good day, fine sir. My name is Wild Card, and I would like to offer you the chance to go on an adventure." 'Oh Celestia, here he goes again with adventure.' "Now I can see by your choice in head wear and bow ties that you are a stallion who enjoys breaking away from the norm, I mean, how many other ponies wear hats?" Wild chuckled lightheartedly at this rhetorical question. "And this adventure is definitely not the normal kind, so I myself think you would do fit in quite well if you joined me and a few others. So if you would like to partake in this offer, head over to the object that appeared and wait for the yellow mare to give more details about it." Wild explained, holding out a hoof to the other stallion.
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 02, 2014 12:02 am

Clockwork looked at Wild as he approached him. "Adventure? I'm a traveler, I go where adventure takes me. And as for your question on hats, many ponies in Canterlot. Blimey...My father always has a hat in his saddlebags where ever he goes." He chuckled a little. "Not a normal adventure? Ha! You make me laugh. All my adventures are not normal. I'm used to not normal." He said giving a slight shrug.

He looked towards the yellow mare again then back at Wild. "So the mare is asking others to join her in an adventure? Hehe. Sure. I have nothing to do. Better way to spend my time I guess. Thanks for the offer Mr. Card." He said before walking over to the thing. He sat down next to the thing and looked around. Then he remembered that he forgot to say his name. "Oh you dummy." He facedhoof and looked at his watch, turning the minute hard to about one minute before the current time.

He made his way over to where his past self and Wild was. His coat was now covered in little singed marks, but other than that he was still the same. He waited for his past self to go away before walking over to Wild. "Yeah...Forgot to say my name and shake your hoof...Name's Chrono Clockwork." He took the stallion's hoof and shook it before abruptly running into the crowd. "Alright you dummy, never do that again...Ever."  He walked back over to the...thingy and took a seat next to it.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 02, 2014 5:12 am

Sunshine smiled and motioned for him to join the others next to the Bardis. "All will be explained once I ask the changeling over there." She said, giving a little giggle. She then trotted over to Flail. "Hey there. I see you're selling goods. May I inquire as to what you have here and why you're selling them? Also, may I offer you a deal of a lifetime? I want you to join me and a few others on a grand adventure. It'll be fun. Adventures I go on usually are." She said. Flail could clearly see her mechanical wing from her angle.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeTue Jun 03, 2014 1:08 pm

Flail pokes his head out of the cart, "Adventure? Actual interest in my work? AND not afraid of the "big bad wolf" of the unknown? You have my attention Pega- he stares a moment too long at her wing, "U-uh... Yes! Yes I'd be happy to come along." He nodded rapidly busying himself grabbing a odd looking satchel, that looked like it had way too many pockets.

He paused and looked back as his horn began to glow, "And as for my work, I was the changeling who invented liquid emotions, then almost laughed at how easy it was once I figured it out."

He jumped out of his cart and paused wincing, "Hmm, ah-HA!" He shoots a rather dim lighted spell, signifying that he was rather adept at magic, for his cart began shrinking into a very small wooden block, he picked it up and placed it in his satchel, "I suppose we should head out then hmm? Didn't think I'd get any sales anyway, the way ponies were looking at me was... Bugging me." He said with a cheesy grin. He stood by here ready to be directed, only now seeing a odd vessel, the BARDIS.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 3:10 am

Sunshine brightened up and followed Flail to the Bardis. The others were already lined up in front of it. She cleared her throat to get their attention. "Hello. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Sunshine. I am a traveler who has decided to recruit you all for a special expedition to places unknown. I assure you, there will be danger galore on this trip. I'm giving you the option to back out now because I dunno if you'll get that chance later." She said. She opened the door to show them the massive control room of the Bardis, with the console in the center surrounded by a very decorative bar, with games and a small lounge. "Welcome to the Bardis. Looks like a bar. Rhymes with TARDIS."
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 12:00 pm

Neon had listened to Sunshine, then finished her pretzels as the pegasus opened the door to the Bardis. "Nice." She smiled, then hesitated a bit before trotting inside and finding the first couch to sit in. She adjusted her shield, it still on her back, and looked to the others with a smile before she looked around, impressed. "Place is huge…bigger than I have seen, at least. Seems like one of those bag enchantments to hold a lot more than the physical dimensions might allow."
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 3:54 pm

Wyvorn's jaw dropped as he saw the insides of bardis. "Woah..." Was the only thing he managed to say, walking inside the bardis and looking around it. "How in the seven hells..." he continued, obviously amazed. He walked around it for a bit, admiring the details, consoles, even walls. He eventually sat down on one of the sofas. "How is this even possible, I still do not know..." Wyvorn continued wondering out loud.
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Star Sentinel

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 4:40 pm

Clockwork peeked his head into the Bardis. His eyes widen in surprise at the sight of the inside. He quickly straightened his top hat and bow-tie before walking into the Bardis with a slight smile on his face. "Now this...is cool." He looked at the console in the middle of the room with interest. He eyed the very decorative bar for a moment. He never really liked drinking. Thought he did drown his sorrow in a nearby bar whenever he went traveling. He quickly took a seat next to the griffin, still somewhat curious as to why a griffin was in Canterlot.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeTue Jun 10, 2014 5:44 pm

Wild Card had to register the fact that the stallion he talked to appeared next to him just as he left, but after remembering the fact he himself had been transported to different worlds, times and dimensions, this occurrence seemed rather normal to him, so he simply smiled to himself and walked up to Sunshine, who had opened the door of the Bardis.

"Sunny, I am just going to the jewelers to pick up the gift I had made specially for Strawberry." He explained. "So we're gonna return in a little bit." "Even then, it does look like a wonderful turn out when it comes to new recruits. Anyway, at some stage we must catch up on things-" "-maybe over a drink-" "-or tea, but we will be right back." Wild said happily, and then wandered cheerfully in the direction he knew to be the one leading to the jewelers.
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Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2014 1:12 pm

Flail calmly walked into the BARDIS, "Why this place is won-" staring hard at the main room he smiled largely, his fangs shown, although the goofy smile took away any threat from them, "It's... It's just like my bag! Only, well on a much larger scale... But still!" He began wandering around, keeping in the main room however and examining everything like a colt on Christmas.
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PostSubject: Re: Dimensional Crossing: Sunset   Dimensional Crossing: Sunset Icon_minitime

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