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 The Land of the Dead

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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 6:53 pm

The world as we all know it is gone. The Dead now roam the land. We knew about zombies for so long in works of fiction, yet that proved to be our downfall. After all, zombies were fictional monsters, not the harsh reality we faced that Spring. By the time the masses fully realized what was going on, it was too late. The military did their best to deal with the threat. Evac centers and refugee camps were made. Some existed solely for killing those who were presumed infected, which was almost everyone. All those efforts were in vain. The dead were soon swarming all over the place, overrunning the evac centers and refugee camps. For those who witnessed those events, one thing became clear. This is the end. Of course there are people who find that answer unsatisfactory, and far from the truth. There is still hope as long as there are still people who have the will to live. I certainly have the will to live. My name is Dusk Hammer, and I’m a soldier, and not one of those that slaughtered so many innocents for nothing. There are a handful of people with me, and we are making our way to Canterlot High School. It was an evac center that got overrun, but we heard some people managed to survive and are still taking refuge there. Wish us luck.  For those who wish to follow, we wish you the best of luck on your way, and we hope it will turn out to be the refuge we hope it will be. May you make it here in one piece.

Dusk Hammer

PS: Forgive me for writing such a long exposition. I felt I needed to explain some things from my point of view. There is still hope for us. Fight on my friends.

The note that had this written on it was nailed to a post on an empty street, all except for the abandoned cars, a few dead zombies, and two or three live ones that were hobbling about. The stores either held useless items or had already been picked of most of their wares. If those who read the note kept walking straight, they'd see the school mentioned. As it was, a group of survivors was going down that road.

The game has begun! For anyone who wants to join in, click here see the sign-up, as well as the rules.

Anyone who signs up now will have to find a good spot to come across the group.

Also, here is the current list of Canon Characters and who's playing them. If you would like to play as one, or want to request one that is not on the list, do so in the sign-up, not here in the game please. This list will be updated as more spots are taken.

Rainbow Dash:
Pinkie Pie:
Sweetie Belle:
Applebloom: Dieteticchutoy3
Sunset Shimmer: veryveryfluttershy
Trixie: CloudCrusher
Babs Seed: Dieteticchutoy3
Big Mac:

With that, let's begin. Have fun everyone.

Last edited by Dragon Soul on Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 8:27 pm

Martial gave the note one last cursory glance before he turned away from it. With a tired sigh and a tug on his pack's straps, he began down the street. The middle aged martial arts instructor was a little weary, but still holding up well despite the horror and gore that had become common place in the world. The staff he carried was the stallion's only visible weapon. A simple piece of wood that had once had a broom head attached to it, but now the side ended in a crude point.

Then a few sights come into view, one of a larger group that was moving too coherently to be more undead. With a wave, Martial continued to jog up to the group. "Hey, going to the school?" Martial asked as he approached.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 11:14 pm

The building that had once been the coffee shop and baked goods shop owned by the Cakes had been largely boarded up; the windows were mostly intact and had been boarded over from the inside and the outside at different times, the outer boarding and the outer cafe walls themselves covered in all kinds of graffiti. Oddly, rather than vandals looking for a desperate last laugh, most of the graffiti seemed almost like advertising.

Survivors Here.


We have food and supplies.

Up on the roof some form of tarp was visible, strung up on what looked like tent poles. Three bits of plywood propped up formed makeshift walls for this little shelter as a hunched over figure in a heavy black raincoat could be seen observing the streets below with binoculars.

There was movement on the opposite roof too; across the street, on the roof of a DIY shop, a small figure dressed head to toe in pink was fiddling with the skylight, trying to be as quiet as possible.

The figure on the cafe roof spotted a group coming down the road and instictively drew his gun, or rather he drew back on arrow on his looted hunting bow. He paused when he saw that it was a group who appeared to be living; nodding to the figure in pink on the roof, he made a hand gesture.

The smaller figure nodded and took a small hand mirror, using it to reflect light from her torch at the faces of the oncoming group. If they were dead they wouldn't care.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 2:28 am

(I'm assuming the group is Dusk's group)
A younge red and blue girl walked closely holding her mother's hand down a quiet street. She wore a large red/blue coat which was rather large going to her knees, which kept out the cool night air. Her mother who was blue shivered in the cold wearing only a average t-shirt and jeans, on her back she carried a large backpack which slowed her down. The two began to see a large group of people in the distance and Sharie noticied a quick flash of light in the corner of her vision, shaking her head to clear the idea away she asked"Mommy who are they?" her voice was a bit nervous and shaky. "I don't know.. I hope they're good people..."Hazel replied."But you said all people were bad after the gas sta-" "I know what I said! But they were bad people...I did what I had too...protect you...."Hazel said cutting off Sharie.
A moan was heard next to a garbage bin as a dead girl got up and began moving towards them. Hazel picked up Sharie and ran to the group yelling "Help! Help!".
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 3:17 am

Before the walker could get too close, a bullet went through it's head as it fell to the ground with a heavy thud. "Two more survivors hmm?" Said a surprised yet slightly arrogant voice as a girl with blue skin walked out of an alley, her eyes violet and her hair silver with light blue highlights. She wore a blue t-shirt with a wand on the chest, a purple cloak with golden stars all over it, a pair of blue jeans and black boots, which seemed to go right below her knees. She held a silver pistol in her hand that had a steady stream of smoke pouring from the nozzle that she simply blew away, "Are you two alright? No bites or anything?" She said cautiously as she pocketed the pistol.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 3:30 am

Hazel looked at the blue skinned girl a bit worried, then nodded her head.
"Thanks..I know this is stupid but we don't have weapons so we run from the dead ones...I'm Zephry Sherbert but everyone calls me Hazel and this is Palmie Sherbert but everyone calls her Sharie. Sharie is my daughter"Hazel said calmly. Sharie looked around still scared.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 3:36 am

"A mother and daughter? No father?" She asked as she tilted her head, "Well, My name is Trixie Lulamoon. I was a student at Canterlot High, and one of the most talented girls the school had ever seen." She said with a bow.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 3:43 am

"I was a dentist back in Manehattan very well known..I had a one night stand with some guy and I got Sharie, We were riding up here for a big party I was invited when..This dead rising stuff occurred, We continue to walk here with my little girl hoping the military would help..guess not.." Hazel said sadly as a tear rolled down her eye. Sharie looked at Trixie and said"You look..nice" then hid her face in her oversized coat.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 4:07 am

"I see... Well, I've been traveling here and there, won a few talent competitions with my singing and magic, but unfortunately I guess that doesn't matter now." She shrugged and sighed, "If you want, you can Han around with me. Maybe that group over there could help us out too." She said as she pointed over at them.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 4:33 am

Dusk was very surprised that someone was coming to follow them so soon. It was obvious this person was alive, and likely meant no harm. If he did, he wouldn't have called out like that. Another member of his group, Rainbow Dash, saw the flash that was coming from the former Sugarcube Corner. Assuming they were friendly, she gave a them a big, exaggerated wave. Then there was the gunshot, and Dusk suddenly felt a headache come along.

"Blast it all. It hasn't even been thirty minutes and things are kicking off. We don't have time to waste, it's getting dark. Rainbow, go see who fired that shot. I don't hear any more, so that person should still be alive."

"Got it Boss. Come on Scoots," Rainbow said. Despite the cool air, Rainbow and Scootaloo were dressed simply in T-shirts and shorts. Dusk, meanwhile, was dressed in his soldier's uniform, along with body armor that he managed to keep and a helmet. He also had an assault rifle, pistol, and a combat knife. Dusk found Rainbow and Scootaloo together, and though Scootaloo was young, she was quite capable of defending herself. That left the other four with him. Twilight, dressed in a violet jacket, a blue blouse and a violet skirt, and Rarity, also wearing a violet jacket, a white blouse and a violet skirt, kept their eyes trained on where the flashing light was coming from. Sweetie Belle, who was wearing a white coat with a pink T-shirt and jeans, stayed close to Rarity, and Dusk's little sister, Pastel, who was wearing Dusk's dark green jacket, a purple T-shirt and jeans, was the most nervous.

"Why don't you girls meet this gentleman that coming to us. I'll go speak to the people over there. Wish me luck," Dusk said. He then started walking towards the people at Sugarcube Corner, and also drew his assault rifle, though he didn't aim it at anyone.

Rainbow and Scootaloo ran past Martial, and soon came to where Trixie, Hazel, and Sharie were. Upon seeing Trixie, Rainbow felt her blood boil a bit. "You!? What are you doing here?!" she shouted.

Rarity and Twilight walked over to Martial, with Pastel and Sweetie Belle right behind them. Rarity was the one to speak. "Why hello there. I don't suppose you saw the note from our friend, Dusk. We are planning on going to the school. We weren't expecting anyone to be right behind us, so it's a good thing Dusk stopped to write that."
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 5:23 am

Trixie turned to Rainbow Dash and a look of shock draped across her face, "Rainbow Dash?!" She said in surprise and then smiled, "How nice to see you again Rainbow. As much as you loath me, it truly is heart warming to see you safe and sound. What about the rest of your little friends? Are they alive as well?" She said with her usual condescending tone of voice.

From a high point nearby, a figure kneeled on the ledge of the roof of, what used to be, a gun shop until the outbreak, where many people grabbed almost all the ammo and gunst they could... Before the soldiers came and went on a killing spree. They were in a tight fitting black tank top under a bullet proof vest with black jeans and combat boots to match, a black mask only covering their mouth as the only visible part of their body was their eyes, their long black hair with a single strand over his left eye, hiding the other crimson orb, and his arms, his hands covered by fingerless gloves. In his hands was an M98B, a sniper rifle he was able to sneak away with after all the chaos from the flood of scared civilians died down, quite literally. Having trained since he started high school to join the army, he learned how most of the guns in the shop worked, since he worked part time there and full-time during the summer. He peered through the men of the weapon to see what all the commotion was about, "He looked over them all, seeing Trixie and the woman with her daughter, to Dusk talking to the group holding up in Sugarcube Corner. He sighed and strapped the weapon to his back as he stood, "Other survivors... He said as he sighed, "Good to know some of the other students survived." He said as he turned to go to the fire escape and talk to them.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 5:44 am

Rainbow wasn't sure whether or not to satisfy Trixie by answering her question. However, she didn't think Dusk would be happy if she turned her away. There also was the mother and child to consider.

Scootaloo was the first to speak though. "They're alive, just you wait and see!" she shouted.

"Take it easy Scoots, of course they're alright," Rainbow said. She then turned back to Trixie and continued. "Twilight and Rarity are with me. We think the others are at the school. I'd ask you to come, but I'm not sure you'd want to hang out with the cool crowd."
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 5:49 am

Martial nodded with a slight bow. "That I did," he responded in a surprisingly calm and slightly deep voice. "It was a very fortunate chance too as I hadn't originally seen your group when I entered the street," Martial went on. "My name's Martial," he went on as his eyes lingered on the mares before him. Eventually though, they did wander up towards the school building beyond. "I seem to recall this place being advertised, but unforeseen actions caused too great a delay in my arrival and I thought the place overrun," Martial said before he looked back down to the mares.

"But yes, if you're accepting others into this collection of ponies, I would be happy to accompany."
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 5:55 am

She smiled, "I'd usually take your silence towards me as a no, but in this case... I truly hope I am wrong in that regard..." She said slightly running her hand up and down her arm, "Come now Dashie, talk to me." She said as she looked at her.

The male landed from the fire escape ladder on his feet and walked out onto the street, making his way towards the others, "You're alive... Good to know..." He said in a deep voice, his hands in his pockets as he stood before them.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 6:36 am

"Wonderful," Rarity said, "I believe introductions are in order then. I am Rarity. This is my sister Sweetie Belle-" Sweetie Belle then waved to Martial, "-This is my good friend Twilight-" Twilight waved as well, "-And this is Dusk's little sister, Pastel," Rarity said. Pastel stuck to peeking from behind Twilight, even though she was sixteen. "We are all pleased to welcome you Mr. Martial," Rarity said.

Now this was a side that Rainbow didn't often see from Trixie. Again, Rainbow knew Dusk wouldn't be happy if she turned her away over a past quarrel. "Alright, you can come with us. But so you know, Dusk Hammer is the big boss, so you'd better listen to him."

Upon hearing the unknown man speak, Dash jumped and almost drew her pistol. "Gah, not cool dude. I coulda shot ya there," Rainbow said. After getting a good look at him, she then asked, "What's up with the killer goth look? I mean, it's awesome in a way, but, still, it's creepy."

Scootaloo decided to speak with Hazel, since Rainbow was preoccupied. "Um, hey. Are you looking for a cool group to be with too?" she asked them.

Dusk, meanwhile, decided to call out to those on the buildings by Sugarcube Corner. "Hello. My name is Dusk Hammer. I was assigned to the evac center in the high school before it was overrun. We don't mean any harm to you and your friends."
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 7:00 am

The man rose a brow at Rainbow Dash, "It helps at night for hiding from the undead. If you're unseen and unheard, you're alive." He said with a simple tone as he crossed his arms. He then took his mask down and sighed, "My name is Jet Stream, I was a student at Canterlot high, if you remember me. Not many would since the only person I'd spend my time with was either your friend... Fluttershy I believe since she was the only one who would speak to me, and my broth--"

He was cut short when he looked behind her and saw the very person he was about to mention running towards them, his bag strapped to his back with a baseball bat hanging out. He had a pair of white wristbands on with fingerless blue gloves, though he was covered in dirt and grime, more than likely from scavenging. He also wore a pair of baggy blue jeans, dirty whit sneakers and a with a filthy blue tank top on. Even with the backpack he was carrying, he seemed like he was running pretty quickly, not effected by its weight by too much. His hair was the same length as Jet's, but there was a single blue strand in his blond hair, his eyes an emerald green. He screeched to a stop as he ran up to Rainbow Dash and smiled, "Well hello hottie." Sonic said with a smile as he walked past her and stood side-by-side with Jet, showing that, though their eyes and hair were different colors, otherwise, they looked exactly alike.

Trixie smiled lightly, "Thank you Rainbow Dash... Where are Pinkie and Applejack? Are they not with you as well? And what of Principal Celestia and Luna?" She asked before she peered over at Jet and then back st her.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 7:07 am

"A pleasure to meet you all, now if only it were under better circumstances," Martial continued in his calm tone and light chuckle. "Please however, lead on and I'll watch the rear here," Martial added as he shifted the crude spear to his other hand.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 3:05 pm

"Yes. I'm Hazel and this is my Daughter Sharie, We come from Manehattan where I'm a well known dentist, we been following a radio signal sent out a month ago..We don't own any weapons but I'm a dentist and I took some medicial courses in college so I'm of use there" Hazel said with a smile as Sharie held her hand tightly.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 4:31 pm

Rainbow decided to speak to Jet and Sonic first. "Yeah, your name and face don't ring any bells. Fluttershy went missing near the beginning. She wasn't even at the evac center. I wouldn't put it past her to still be hiding in her house," she said to Jet. She then turned her attention to Sonic and said, "And I'm glad somebody thinks I'm hot. Dusk has a big st..." she was going to continue until she remembered Hazel and Sharie were still nearby, "Anyway, Dusk doesn't look at any of us in that way. Saying we're pretty is one thing, saying we're sexy is a lot better in my opinion."

When Scootaloo heard Hazel was from Manehatten, she excitedly asked, "You're from Manehatten?! Did you meet a girl named Babs Seed?"

"Indeed, the circumstances could be better. And it's nice to have another strong man in our midst," Rarity said to Martial. She then looked at where Rainbow was and said, "Looks like Rainbow Dash is doing okay, we can join Dusk then." As she and the others turned to join Dusk, Pastel was already halfway there, and was running. "Ah, forgive her. She's rather timid, more so than a good friend of ours," Rarity added.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 4:43 pm

Martial chuckled lightly again at both the compliment and the timidity of Pastel. "It's alright, she would hardly be the first filly to be timid in my company. Time however will smooth things over, along with maybe a few other good gestures," Martial commented as he strode along side Rarity and the others. The relaxed looking stallion however was careful to keep eyes and ears aware of his surroundings and the grip on his pole didn't waver.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 7:50 pm

''Babs Seed?, Yes I do know of a girl named that..she was on the same train as I was heading to go see her cousin. When the dead hit we travelled together for a while and she helped keep the dead away..she was pretty brave, we separated a day ago near this dirt road as it lead to her cousin's farm..she promised to arrive at the school in a day or so with her cousin's family..whoever was left anyways. Share adored her but I didn't really get to know her, kinda thought she was a tomboy of sorts with her hair style but Sharie loved playing with her''. Hazel said in a thoughtful tone remembering the past. Sharie smiled and said to Scootaloo''Your friends with Babs as well? She's the most amazing girl ever! Always Brave and Tough and..Cute'' She blushed after saying the last bit embarrassed as she buried her face in her coat.
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 7:52 pm

((Well my initial post was pretty much ignored entirely and this game is moving far too fast for anyone with a job or school to keep up, so unless that changes you can consider me dropped out))
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 8:44 pm

ObsidianPony wrote:
((Well my initial post was pretty much ignored entirely and this game is moving far too fast for anyone with a job or school to keep up, so unless that changes you can consider me dropped out))

((I had Dusk speak to your characters a few posts ago. I admit I should've had him say something to them earlier. I'll put it in here so you don't have to look for it.))

Dragon Soul wrote:
Dusk, meanwhile, decided to call out to those on the buildings by Sugarcube Corner. "Hello. My name is Dusk Hammer. I was assigned to the evac center in the high school before it was overrun. We don't mean any harm to you and your friends."

((As for the pacing, the only thing I can think of to solve that would be a "one post per GM post" rule. I don't really want to do that when it's just conversation, and now that I think about it, it might not actually help. However, I am perfectly content with waiting. I don't want you to feel left out of this.))
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 8:50 pm

((A one post per GM thing for actions would certainly help, because for those of us with commitments taking up a lot of our day it's impossible to keep up. Also a presence on skype would help))
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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 8:56 pm

"If you don't want to hurt us, stop shouting." The pink figure on the opposite roof called back down to him in an equally loud voice. The figure on Sugarcube Corner didn't lower the crossbow but kept it levelled at Dusk; even though he obviously wasn't of The Dead, he could just as easily be looking to mooch off of their supplies.

"If you're here to try and loot you're too late; the place was already mostly stripped dry when we settled here." The figure on the bakery's roof called down to Dusk. "I know the school's overrun, I had to get my sister out of there."

"I can handle myself!" The pink figure pouted from across the rooftops at who was, presumably, her brother; both of them had thick north English accents.

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The Land of the Dead Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Land of the Dead   The Land of the Dead Icon_minitime

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