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 Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)

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Darth Quadro

Darth Quadro

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 3:39 am

Equestria is gone… and as far as anypony is concerned, it never existed. Tens of thousands of years into the future the world has destroyed itself again and again. Society would rebuild itself only to tear itself apart again. Now the world has given up on trying to recover and succumbed to the madness that is now the wasteland. The will of survival is the only motivation for ponies now as they no longer feel hope of building anything up again. In their desperation most ponies have turned to the rulers of the way stations, known as the metal lords. The metal lords are ponies that have somehow amassed great power in the wastes through any means necessary. Rumors proclaim they are the last of the once mighty alicorn race who now use their great natural power to force ponies to their will. Although, most of the time the poies are bent under their will through extortion and racketeering. However, its still better than the wastes.

Out in the wastes there is even more hardship than the way stations have to offer, comparatively they are the shining beacon of shelter and protection. Out in the wastes the very land itself seems to want you dead with freak sandstorms, mutated creatures and, even in some places it rains fire. On top of that, groups of ponies or griffons known as Dusters have learned to thrive in the wastes as they rob and/or murder everypony that crosses there path. There is no religion or known deities left in this world but a new religion has risen in the wastes as they have come to worship metal itself. These are the mechanist cults as all technology has become their god and they will kill for their god as they see fit. There are a few places though that no pony dares to tread, not out of fear but because some invisible mental force does not allow them to. These places are the Domes, giant monoliths of hyper advanced technology inaccessible to the outside world. While no pony may ever enter the domes, every so often a pony will leave the dome. Those that leave the dome never have any memory of what life was inside the dome, they are lucky to leave with even a name at all. The only reason ponies know advanced technology exists inside these domes is that sometimes a pony coming from the dome may have had their body augmented with technology in some small ways, whether it be mechanical eyes, or some sort of webbing interwoven into their muscle structure.

Magic is a commodity that few have and those few know even less about it. The knowledge of the arcane arts has been lost over the centuries, and even that which was taught by word of mouth has steadily been forgotten. True every so often a unicorn might figure something out but without any arcane direction or motivation it is rarely much more than a variant to simple levitation. Rumors speak of the arcane arts still existing in far off northern lands, protected by the fabled dragons of old. However know pony has ever seen a dragon in ages and their existence has been steadily falling into that of mere legend.

This is the world, this is what it has become. What will you do with what little life you’ve been given. Will you simply survive like the rest or will you strive for more as so many have tried and failed before you? Whatever you choose, no one survives the wastes alone but no one survives the wastes by trusting others either. Assemble your group but be weary as the will to survive prevails over all and fear will be the end of you.

You are at the south eastern Way Station approximately 4 days journey to the next closest station by walking and 2 by official transport vehicle, on the horizon is one of the monoliths known as the Domes. This way Station gets its productivity by utilizing the wandering Dome Refugees to keep the residence healthy enough with their knowledge. The way station is about the size of a medium sized town. It is divided into two sections; the living area which included the shops and bars and the medical "facility" if it can be called that, the other section is the metal works, almost everypony living here works in the metal works doing whatever job they can force out of them. All in all its a pretty decent waystation given the circumstances. The living area is a slum, houses composed of entirely rusted through sheet metal. Every single "building" looked as if it was to collapse at any moment, some did. The bar was in the best shape though as almost all pay is spent there as they drink away the bitter monotony there life is and always will be. The metal works are heavily guarded, nopony gets in unless they have work there and all workers are searched on their way out for stolen goods. The metal works are in a constant state of blistering heat as the fires are never put out. The guards are not there to protect the citizens but instead just to keep everypony in line. Harassment and brutality by guards is common place and eveypony accepts it as part of life, they know they would be the same way in the same position, its understandable as its a form of relief to forget the hell hole they live in too.


This is an RP about survival, there are very few left in this world with a morality resembling good and most ponies are out for only themselves. This is the mentality you should have entering this game, of course you are free to choose whatever morality suits your character, but know that most ponies will lie, cheat, and steal just for a scrap of food.

The story is player driven, which means events will not transpire in order to force the story along, you can literally choose to spend years working at a waystation and life will continue as normal. Your characters may be special but this world certainly doesn’t think so. It is by your actions that events will unfold and stories are created, I will merely play as the world itself reacting to the moves you make.

Choose your characters wisely, nearly every character is just as likely to die as the next and it is either the synergy of the team or the cunning of your betrayals that will keep you alive in these wastes. A single bullet to the head will kill any character no matter how durable you are.

A new backstory is also required for any pre-established character used. This world will drastically alter any character to enter it given the lifestyle that is most common. I will give a list of possible origins and base classes you can optionally pick from to help you out in reworking your character to fit this domain.
*Waste lander: You’ve always been in the wastes, the monotony of growing up in the way station has finally gotten to you and you want things to change but how? Waste landers are good as all around characters they have decent knowledge and starting access to decent weapons with decent upkeep, you see what I’m getting at here. Midlevel everything.
*Ex-Duster: You were once the scum of the earth, raping and pillaging your way through life but somethings changed now, and you can no longer be a duster and you have to get away from them or you know they’ll kill you next. Dusters have very crappy equipment but a larger variety of it. Guns, knives, swords, and bows but whatever it is, its about to fall apart. Dusters strength comes from there resistence to the wastes itself, they live out there and thrive out there and have tougher skin and can hold water and nutrients longer because of it…. However they rarely have had any form of an education whatsoever and aren’t known to be the brightest bunch. Vareity is shitty equipment, and good resistences.
*Mechanist cult disciple: You were raised to worship metal and all its potential power, to the mechanist metal is god as it both creates and destroys and shapes the land under its power. However things suddenly change and you need out, but the mechanists don’t like letting go of their disciples and you either live under the mechanist faith or die by the metal. Ex-mechanists are generally pretty weak they spend all their time in worship of death that they welcome it when it takes their withering bodies. However mechanists always have the best and well-kept equipment. Your weak but well-armed.
*Dome Refugee: You were thrown out of the domes and your entire life is now somehow gone. You can’t even remember who you were or if you had family. You woke up at the foot of the dome not even the slightest marking of where you were thrown out from and somehow you got lucky and managed to stumble your way to a way station. The dome refugees our strong and healthy having once lived in a pinnacle of self-sustaining city of immense technology and commonly quite intelligent. They are not used this harsh and desolate world though and were given no time to prepare themselves as you were forcefully kicked out for reasons unknown. In some rare cases a refugee may have had their body augmented with advanced technology before whatever happened to them, these are almost always very small changes to their body but they require no upkeep, however some augmentations can be used against you. A recent dome refugee has absolutely no equipment as they have just stumbled into town in a foggy daze with no idea what was going on. Healthy, strong, and intelligent, but no resistences or equipment. (There are no exceptions to the memory loss, anyone who comes from the dome has absolutely no memory of what was inside and probably never will, it is up to you how long it has been sense your character left the dome)

Class roles:
*Mechanic: Smart and handy, all equipment upkeep is left to this pony. They know how to work the metal and sometimes even improve upon it. Your skill will grow with time and practice and if this RP lasts long enough you get to build your own mech suit! Yay! ….but it runs on steam and is a real bitch on upkeep….
*Headhunter: If you don’t have a job you’re either a scavenger or headhunter, you grab money through collecting bounty’s or selling captured slaves. Pretty much just a scavenger turned warrior. Variants of this class include- Sniper, Soldier, Assassin, Gunslinger, Bounty Hunter, Slasher (strictly evil characters), Fighter, Bladespony, Ranger, Slaver, and much much more!
*Scavenger: You pick up everything and you find a use for everything. You’re a scavenger…. What do you want from me?
*Medic: Got shot? Broke a bone? Shanked by some crazy pony? Go see a medic, they use the most primal means to patch you up and send you on your way, usually feeling worse than when you entered. Hey, but at least your alive right?
*Druid: One of the few that actually bothered to figure some things out. Druids live off the land and know what the land provides. Very helpful for long treks, they’ll keep you from getting poisoned or dying of starvation…. Even if it means eating nothing but moss and lycans for months on end.

Possible Combination Classes:
*Druid/Mechanic= Hobo Alchemist: "Drink this. Its for science." You may not have learned to live off the land but the land certainly provides something for you. So congratulations you found an alchemical formula that will literally make ponies shit out their intestines. One day you'll find something that actually helps somepony.... just remember not to drink your own brews.
*Headhunter/mechanic= Trapper: "I can catch a helpless animal, Skin it with my bare hands. I wake up muddy, And I go to bed bloody, 'Cause I'm a trappin' man." Your the talk of the town... not because anypony likes you but because you keep accidentally maiming everypony that walks just out of town. Your a fighter that doesn't fight, because why fight when you can just make them kill themselves.
*Scavenger/Mechanic= Arsenalist: "This looks like a weapon.... right?" You follow the scavengers code with deadly intent, everything you pick up is a potential weapon once you put a blow torch to it.... though don't expect it to last long.
*Druid/Scavenger= Pack Rat: "Wait! Don't throw that away! I can still use it!" Ok, so maybe you should calm down on all the junk your picking up. Whatever it is your certain it will come in handy at some point, whether that be scrap or some dead rotting thing you found in the street.
*Medic/Headhunter= Combat Medic: "Walk it off your fine. Oh.... wait, no your dead." At some point someone made the terrible mistake of saying that you weren't bad with a needle. Now you've gotten in your head that you can be both a soldier and a healer. Your experience in the field at least tells you when something is worse than it looks... but I wouldn't trust you with a scalpel.

Of course all these are just optional routes to take, only here to just give you a basic idea of what jobs and backgrounds are available to you as the players. Of course variants exist of all these and I tried to keep things as straightforward as possible to give you room to make changes wherever you see fit. If you are insistent on playing a magic focused character that’s fine but know that you will not start with any additional magic but due to your devotion and because you triggered one event or another you will be granted more magic. Be warned if you mess up the events, you could get a different form of magic than you wanted or even another party member received the magic because of your failure to act and you will be stuck without any magic.

I understand that the tone of this RP is dark and oppressive, but the point is still to have fun with it don't feel like your not aloud to be happy or fuck around at times. Of course certain actions will have consequences but sometimes those consequences just add to the fun, play your character how you want them to be. While, yes everyone's character is starting out a bit weaker than some of you may be used to, your characters will become stronger over the course of the game. Think of this as a new starting point for your character, these are the events that led to your character becoming a major bad ass in this universe. This is potentially a save the world style rp if you really break it down some, if you cant tell the world has gone through the apocalypse enough times now and may finally be ending. Life itself is on the brink of collapse as nopony wants to step up and do anything about it, but thats where you come in. I have a variety of turns in which this RP can take planned out, each are determined by the actions you and your group will take.

Some extra info on the domes:
The domes are much like the vaults or stables in the fallout universe except much more advanced and are not meant for nuclear warfare given their above ground appearance. They are meant as models of efficiency and productivity. Of course every dome has something goin on inside and a whole shit ton of secrets and coverups. These are usually the main reason someone will get thrown out of the vault, somepony discovers a secret they get their mind wiped and tossed on their ass. The domes were the last resort plan, in which the ponies finally decided this was it and the world was no longer worth saving. Only the best and brightest were let in and nothing got out. Super advanced technology but they are all a bunch of self-serving assholes. Their soceity works based off of a importance based on employment, and given on what one needs and what rank they are they are given more. Militia and civil defense authorities will be given various defensive augmentations. Scientists often develop their own augments and doctors are sometimes given precision and procedural augments. others are deemed unnecessary. If you are not working to further develop the dome in some way then you arent given shit and looked down upon.

Last edited by Darth Quadro on Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:06 am; edited 5 times in total
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 4:24 am

I will be signing up Lunatic Veil, the Discordian! Heavily modified from the original. I'd like her to possibly maybe get magic later, but not as much as she would normally have, instead replacing it for even better dexterity and general physical prowess.

Other than that, I'll play an ex-duster for origin. For my class, I'll do Medic 2/ Druid 1. With a lack of magic, Lunatic Veil will be perfectly sane until/if she gets magic, assuming she gets chaos magic, or any magic at all.
For her (shite) equipment, she has a bow, a bone-saw (only thing in good condition), and a duster (ha.). Oh, and ammo.

Lunatic Veil started out her life as the daughter of one of the few "medical professionals" left from the many collapses. She was very intelligent, and learned medical knowledge and combat skills from her parents. Her Discordian Race had managed to revive itself with the chaos of each successive collapse, and her parents carried

Then Dusters killed everyone.
Lune was taken captive by the Dusters. After watching her go through the many horrors of living with raiders, the Duster leader realized how skilled a medic Lune was. During one of the battles, Lunatic noticed that one of the few Dusters that had been somewhat kind to her (by Duster standards), so she tended to his wounds. The leader of the Duster group noticed this. Seeing as he was sick of his minions dying from infected wounds, he removed her from the entertainment roster, and reserved her for himself. He had her begin learning how to defend herself. Didn't want her to get killed afterall, though it never occurred to him she might seek revenge. After much combat training and learning to adapt her medical knowledge to the crappy supplies available around the Duster camp, she eventually gained a measure of respect amongst the Dusters. She became adept at stealth, wielding her bone-saw with brutal efficiency during Duster Raids. Eventually however, she tired of wasting her effort on Dusters. So, one night, she slaughtered the leader of the group and his "lieutenants", raided what supplies she could, and left.

Last edited by Lorthalis of Crows on Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Darth Quadro

Darth Quadro

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 5:03 am

Oy! Crow, no grenade launcher. There are no grenade launchers, well not yet atleast. Especially not a relatively small Duster group as the one you were with. Explosives are something only a very experienced mechanic can make if he takes the chemist route instead of a machinist route. I'll be willing to give you a two shot steam pistol that works, or a steam rifle (no scope) that misfires every other shot.

As for the character, okay so far discordian seems like it would be pretty rare even still, can i get a brief little tidbit bout how her race has survived or where her parents got medical training. what did she do to show the dusters she had first aid skills, and what roster and why the [redacted]? after those few things i think you should be good.
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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 5:06 am

Welp, time once again to break out my tried and true survivor OC Krix the exiled diamond dog.

At the start of the game, I'd like to have Krix with most of the gear he's got on his sheet, probably without the chainmail armor, and the bladed shield could be more stone than metal (though it'd probably have to be a little thicker to maintain it's durability), but the heavy hooded cloak, trousers, probably some kind of foot/paw wrapping, the piercings in his ears and the pack with various survival/scavenger related items like rope, a larger tarp, possibly a map, and other general survival related gear.
Krix is strong, and in a way smart, but the intelligence is more cunning and application of the knowledge about survival he has. When you look at his mechanical knowledge, it's almost non-existent and is more a case of just finding scavenge-able goods and then being able to take them apart enough to haul in for trade. Also due to most of his early life being with other dogs, Krix doesn't speak pony language well, he talks very slowly and avoids the larger words.

Born into the wastes and well away from most ponies, Krix was exposed the hardships of this life rather quickly. Fighting the odds however, the dog managed to force himself to survive through the early years of his life. Early on, Krix was taught survival means through remnants of the clan's druids, learning what could be consumed out in the wastes even with minimal preparation, how to find water when one only sees the barren ground, and where to find shelter when none is visible.

All these survival tricks however won't keep what else lurks out in the wastes from deciding to make you the next meal or you have something they suddenly decided they wanted as Krix found out one horrid day. When doing a little bit of scavenge work, though more just tagging along and seeing what was actually valuable, Krix spotted a seemingly unconscious figure outside one of the domes. As he got near though to investigate, the body suddenly sprang to life and swung a knife at Krix's face. The blade went high, slicing across one of his eyes and one of his ears, blinding the eye and tearing the soft tissue of the ear.

A duster ambush was sprung in that instant and while the others that Krix had been accompanying fought for their lives, Krix ran away with the pony that'd cut him following. Krix ran all the way back to the remnants of his clans hideaway and told them about what had happened. The message was received abruptly and the notion to pack up and leave was made minutes later. However, with a storm picking up, the small clan decided to wait until the next day to move.

In the early morning hours of the next day, Krix was awoken by the sounds of another battle, but this time he didn't have the option of running away as the Dusters from the prior day had launched another attack after the one that had followed Krix showed the rest where the clan was. While the Dusters fought savagely, they were ultimately repelled by the dogs but only after heavy casualties. Krix was blamed for the attack and the prior ambush, and quickly gained a lot of animosity among most of the surviving clan, all of which had lost someone to the attacks. Rather than kill him though, the clan leader had Krix exiled to the wastes, expecting him to die off soon in the harsh landscape.

Krix however didn't die. He'd paid close attention to what the druids had taught him and kept that knowledge close as it kept him alive in the following days. Retracing his steps to the ambush site, Krix scavenged around, struggling to find a few at least semi-valuable pieces. After finding a couple meager things, the dog headed towards the nearest way station to sell his junk and see about acquiring some new gear. Over the years, Krix continued this process of going out into the wastes, scavenging whatever he could find either from ruins, post battle sites, and anything else that seemed like it might hold anything, as well as a few places that at least appeared to hold nothing.

Arriving at the South Eastern way station to drop off his latest haul, Krix might hang around the town a little while before looking to depart again. Easily found near the metal works or various shops depending on the nature of his haul, and then after he sold it, he'd likely work his way over to the bar or other shops to resupply and/or upgrade his equipment.
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Darth Quadro

Darth Quadro

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 5:40 am

Your character is good except for some minor changes to the gear: Your shield would be stone, no chainmail armor (that would be super valuable), and no rope simply cuz no one has rope.... yeah i know thats a wierd rule but no one makes rope anymore cuz the supplies are used on other things. Though if you do find legit rope its worth a high price you can also make it out of spider silk if one of the characters learns to weave....... but you might not find the rope worth it once you see the spiders...

but yeah character approved! cheers
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Darth Quadro

Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 5:46 am

Crow your character is good now too, but i have to warn you. due to your unique nature you will be the target of frequent headhunter attack. As a rare specimen, the metal lords would pay a good price to buy you as a slave. So you will be attacked more often
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 12:56 pm

Noted and accepted.
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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2014 2:07 pm

Cool, and yeah I was expecting the no chainmail. The shield I can live with, Kirx is meant to be pretty dang strong. Sucks to hear about the rope, but I'll make do without.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2014 12:43 am

Sticking this here to say a maybe to signing up
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Two Sides of the Coin

Two Sides of the Coin

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Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeFri Nov 21, 2014 11:06 pm

Maybe signing up depending on what happens
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The Notebook

The Notebook

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2014 5:54 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeSat Nov 22, 2014 6:00 pm

A small chance of signing up once I bother reading all of that.

EDIT: still couldn't bother to read, let's see what future brings.

EDIT 2: Not joining, I'm here to RP, not write fics.

Last edited by DragonXneoN on Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:17 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : .)
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 9:21 am

I think I’m going to go with Harun. His weapon consists of a six foot long spear, which thanks to some secure and clever rigging, has an antiquated rifle mounted at a comfortable position. He’s a wanderer of the wastes with a very small budget but several contacts if he ever loses the pride to not redeem such offers. He’s homeless but with a cart, which at the present moment is just sitting out in the wastes.

Being born of an unprovable lineage was tough on him. Having only one parent to look after him, his mother, meant he was constantly the target of insults. Wanting to keep his mother from turning to any demeaning acts in order to get the extra income to support a child, he started to try and help in his own way the moment he was allowed out of her sight. He was given a book that had survived at least one of the apocalypses. It described a world as bad as what he had knew of the wastes. He had some decent literacy skills, partially from the number of ponies he had interacted with, some using strange words he had never heard before. The pony in the book did not give up though, it was like a fairy tale against a very dark backdrop, even ending on a somewhat happy tone. No matter the original purpose of the fiction, it resonated with him. You could still do good and have personal victories even in the most trying of times  

When he began his unofficial work, it was small things at first, he offered to help people with heavy loads, gave directions. Sometimes he got some meager payment, but he believed favours were as good as currency as any. That philosophy was both a good friend and a great enemy. Once he got a little older, when he was no longer a little kid, or at least in the eyes of others, that was when he got his first taste of real violence. In the end, his own good reputation worked against him. He was considered honest and virtuous enough to not be trusted. He was becoming a danger to himself and the only family member he had. He knew he needed to leave soon. He was going to pull himself into a fight he couldn't win, which pained him a little but much less so than the smoking barrel of gun he could end up facing if he stood up to the wrong group of ponies. He kept his profile low for a while after that, practicing the more disciplined fighting style of the hero in the book. A strong spear and a strong spirit against a dead world.

His philosophy of trading favours did win big in this one instance, making all the other times worth it. The pony he had helped when he was younger was retiring from his work as a scavenger. Shocked and at the same time pleased as to how the world had not changed him, he put retirement on hold in order to train apprentice. The pony knew Harun could make very good use of the skills he had to teach. Unclean brawls and melee’s were all had before, as well as his meditative training, and so he favoured the lower end of the the tech scale. The value of a more modern weapon was not lost on him however, so he attempted to hybridise. He learned some techniques for making the most out of what materials ponies of long ago had left behind and training with his odd weapon before finally departing.  

The quest to be the silver lining of the metaphorical gray clouds looming over the world have continued since then. Bringing together scattered, friends, families and lovers, repairing homes, bringing supplies from afar. He’s well aware that love and honor types do not have a great lifespan or style, but he still wishes to try, even if he gains following for such a thing. The story of him ending up at the way station is a rather embarrassing one for him. He can help people, but alone he really can’t protect them very well from anything. After a slightly tense standoff, he surrendered himself as a slave in exchange for the escape of the targets, which to him seemed good natured. They claimed their bounty anyway. The whole way back he regretted his move, thinking it might have been better to have taken life than taken a chance. A slight crisis of faith, which may get worse or be overcome.
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Darth Quadro

Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 10:53 am

Okay, this character is good and will be approved, just one thing i need to make sure you understand. Alright your backstory states he gave himself up as a slave. This does mean your a slave then, and escape will not be easy, along with this you will not have your desired weapon. While it is possible to get it back, that isnt for certain. So this is fine but your putting yourself on a very difficult beginning. If these slavers are bringing you back to a waystation, they probably plan on selling you to the metal lord. As there arent many who can afford a slave. So are you sure you want to stick with this backstory, as even escape from just the slavers will be merciless.

Also about the gun, did he hire a mechanic to attach the spear or do it himself?
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 11:41 am

It's a harsh world, it wouldn't do to not be in keeping with the theme. I understand and accept the difficulties ahead. And the weapon, if it is seen again, was a professional job he paid for. The only thing he understands about it is how to use and the instructions he was given to make the thing last longer.
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Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 7:24 pm

Alright then, well good luck. i'll see what i can come up with in regards to how to start your character off. And yes its a harsh world but your throwing yourself head first into the shitter at the very start, a bit extreme but i am impressed with your determination.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 1:50 am

I'm going to try and sign up Eq as a steam golem. He's going to be very old and damaged. His rusty metal will cave and expose his fragile internal gears with a solid hit, and a well-placed bullet will probably cause the pressurized steam inside of him to explode him. Instead of sentience, he will have a simple goal that he will carry out at any costs : Protect the weak.

I fully expect him to be turned into scrap metal at the earliest possible opportunity, but what's a good thread without dead OCs?
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Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 1:59 am

Eqbotanium, Iron golems are already a thing in this universe, sorry no i cant approve this character
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 2:09 am

Wolfe, possibly?
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Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 2:13 am

Sure, make a backstory for him though
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 2:28 am

Wolfe will be a fighter of some variety.
Backstory :
Wolfe grew up in the slum of the way station. His weapon is a simple fire ax, which is the only weapon he's only found. This specialization makes him excellent in fighting with axes or similarly weighted blade weapons, but overall pretty bad at fighting with anything else. Generally, he lived a pretty unremarkable life as a way station resident, occasionally getting in a back-alley fight with some desperate ponies as was probably expected. Sometimes he came out on top and stole their possessions, sometimes they came out on top and stole his. He'd decided that he needed to do something different after the most recent fight, when he'd been left for pretty much dead and made broke again. He was tired of climbing up the ladder over and over again.
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Darth Quadro

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeTue Nov 25, 2014 3:56 am

Being a character that grew up in a way station, not much time would go into practice for fighting, so your skills would be decent at best. However character approved.
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Darth Quadro

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Okay Everyone, we now have enough sign-ups to finally start this thing and so im announcing i will start writing the first post soon. This thread is semi-open so you others may join in when we are in a good starting place such as a another Way Station. There will be a point when open sign-ups will close but thats not for some time now so dont worry. So heres who we got for right now:
Lorthalis of Crows- Lunatic Veil, the discordian unique creature
Zen- Krix, the diamond dog
Chowatron- Harun, arabian style earth pony
eqbotanium- Wolfe, common earth pony
Sharp- Ampera Bandex, Common unicorn

Remember Sign ups are still open and i havent typed up the Starting post yet cuz i got shit to do right now. So yeah good luck everyone, i will post again on here to let everyone know when the first post is up. The first post will also include the more specific rules of this thread and detailing some of the mechanics of this style rp as well. Mostly stuff you already know though.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2014 4:08 am

Let's leave this here, shall we?

History: From birth, Ampera Bandiix Charge was raised to glorify metal to the point where it was borderline godlike, and to her… It was. Metal destroys, Metal creates---A saying hammered into her head by her parents and elders quickly became her own. Her life revolved around the cult’s doctrines, her very reason for living given to her from the moment she took her first breath. For a time, she took comfort in that. It was a good life, a life with clearly laid out rules, goals, and structure. You live by the metal, and you died by the metal. It made sense.  

But what of those who did not follow with the doctrine? That question was met with a brutally answered when a waste-lander caravan had wandered too close to Ampera’s settlement. The caravan never stood a chance against the Mechanists’ quality arms. All of them, immediately branded as heretics by the patriarch, were ordered purified and their belongings seized. Children, mothers, the elderly… None were spared, and Ampera had been part of the group sent to purify them. As she overlooked the massacre, the weight of what she had just done hit her like a steel wall. Silent tears streaming down her face she realized the harsh truth of the Mechanists’ saying. Metal destroys… And she had served metal.

That was the final night Ampera spent in the Mechanist settlement. Collecting whatever supplies were allotted to her family and her own personal equipment into saddlebags in the dead of the night, she took off, eventually ending up at the South Eastern Way Station.

Class: Soldier

Out of the list you gave me, I think I’ll take the repeater. For actual clothing/armor, Ampera will have her disciple robes paired with light leather armor, as discussed.

Last edited by Sharp on Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Pseudologia Fantastica

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence)   Sign-Up: The Land of Fire and Iron (Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk RP)(Survival, gore, violence) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 26, 2014 4:59 am

Sorry about this being so late, but I'd like to sign up a much older Doctor Kings as a hobo alchemist.  They're a dome refugee, but they've survived long enough to get some equipment.  They'll have a whole lot of bottles, some random ingredients, a notebook full of recipes and ideas, and a pencil.

Kings's personality will be rather different, to suit the atmosphere.  Kings's immunity to his own emotions will be a larger part, for one.  They'll be much less focused on making others feel good, and much more intent on making them feel strongly towards Kings, so Kings can use their empathy to find out what feelings can be like.  They'll also sometimes "persuade" others to take their new mixtures, as they can't test them on themself.  Overall, a chaotic neutral with intent to learn at any cost.


Kings's life is an extremely long one, though they have no idea just how long.  As their theoretically eternal life continued, supported by thoughts from others, they continued to learn more and more skills.  However, soon it became clear that their memory for anything but skills was degrading, and fast.  So Kings started keeping notebooks, all the time, so as not to forget.  As the world outside became dangerous, they locked themself away in a dome to continue research.  This continued for years, until one day, they became curious about the dome itself, and decided to give adventuring one more shot.  They found something they weren't supposed to, and they were kicked out with a significantly emptier mind and a distinct lack of notebook access.

Kings lost all but their most ingrained skills:  how to learn skills, how to do science, and how to fake a smile.  So they put these skills to use, first making an attempt to master survival.  During this, Kings rediscovered their immunity to chemicals, which they attributed to augmentations from the dome. (Which happened to be the explanation they were given for quite a few things, such as the reflective-looking eyes. This being despite their lack of any actual augmentations.)

Eventually, Kings moved into their preferred realm of chemistry.  They started trying different things with ingredients they found in the wasteland, or just about anywhere.  Since they couldn't be affected by their own mixtures, they started making others try out the mixtures, and marking down the effects.  It was during one of these tests that Kings got their first strong taste of empathy, in this case a burst of anger, and started experimenting with that as well.  Now, they wander in search of new mixtures and unwitting test subjects.

Let me know if I need to make changes for this to be acceptable.
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