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 OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2015 3:22 pm

Midnightblossom wrote:
Name: Larissa

I like the name and do a little squee because woof. It seems a bit random but I see no issues here. Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2015 3:33 pm

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Lyall Lupin.

Race: Unicorn Werewolf.

...there are no words...

Quote :
As a werewolf, his ears are permanently

I'm pleased to hear that his ears aren't temporary, but I think you forgot to finish this.

Quote :
Occupation: Assassin. Though to the public, he is just a young man who oversees his late parents’ businesses.

He's a unicorn. He's a wolf. He's a man. Yeah baby.  Cool

Quote :
Gear: He wears a simple dark grey suit, with his family crest, a black wolf with a  gleaming amber eye, on the chest of his shirt and across the back of his deep black longcoat.

You know, Aes, you've made a ton of characters. You've made good ones, questionable ones, strange ones, but this is the first time you've done something that includes Pure Win. Assassin in a suit, with a longcoat, carrying a cane... this is Win.

Quote :
Misc: Bonus ducks for finding the references.

So many possibilities, so little time. I'm just going to Agent 47 because the suit, but I know that's wrong. Oh well. Very Happy

Approved. Also, assassin in a suit, with a longcoat, carrying a cane makes this
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Glorious-1

Last edited by DualThrone on Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 10, 2015 3:37 pm

Jammex wrote:
Name: Buzz Saw

Approved, but only for FoE-related roleplays.
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The Adept

The Adept

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 12, 2015 8:03 pm

Name: Rosella Primark

Race: Anthro Herm Dragoness

Age: 2643

Mane: Neon blue hair with purple runes in four bands that reaches down to her shoulders. Two white horns start from the front of her head in black to become full horns reaching back.

Scales: Jet Black across her body save for her front which is covered in basalt grey, neon light blue and purple runes cover her body which glow lightly. The runes are arranged in patterns similar to the chaos symbol around her stomach and lower waist while on her chest the symbols are arranged in the symbol of order. All the rest of the runes are various types of spell she has learned over the years.

Cutie mark.: If you could say she has one then it is all the symbols across her body, each one representing a different spell she has learned or was infused into her body.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Normally she wears something akin to a mage robe but with some heavy adjustments http://www.blogcdn.com/wow.joystiq.com/media/2011/08/1770501.jpg

Distinguishing Features: The Runes and the fact she is an anthro dragon by nature strikes many as odd but even more so is her purple eyes that almost seen to glow with a fire behind them. Her figure often attracts some unwanted attention simply because being of well training left her in great shape. She is also twelve feet tall.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Magic, she can learn spells by practicing them a few times then are forever written down on her body. Recalling them from her body she then can use them in her gun blade as a manifesting point. All of this is possible because of her training and the fact she absorbed a chaos in fused dragon with magic. Though she can do a variety of spells, she is unable to do anything on the large scale or on the super powerful side. Another big limitation on the magic is she can only cast six spell in a time frame or risk exhausting herself into a weakened state.

Weaknesses: Greatly depending on her ability of magic and her gun blade has driven her much from the rest of society for her strange abilities. Another weakness is how draining the magic is on her body to the point she might need to sleep after a battle but one other concern she has is the fact every time she uses a spell then it drives her closer to her alter ego and madness if she isn't careful.

Occupation: Mage and Wizard learning where she can.

Gear: Her Gun Blade, the robes, a heavy leather bound book that floats at her side by a metal chain and filled with an index of magic she has seen and a journal of all that has happened to her, a magical crystal that carries a small light she can whisper to and make it glow like a candle.

History: Long ago Rosella hatched from her egg with a destiny to be told, even at birth a heavy weight was placed on her shoulders as her first days were in training to become a priestess for the so called dragon goddess. Day in and day out was filled with physical, mental, and duty training. No rest for if she was weary or tired but they drilled her till it seemed it was going to crack her bones but in the end she turned out to be a wonderful priest with magic at her side and boundless wisdom to call upon. Her body always stood at the ready to be handled any duress. At the peak of her life she earned the title of high priestess but it wasn't to last.
On the eve of her becoming a high priestess, evil was seeking and fighting a terrible war just below their noses. One of their own biding his power and time to strike at the perfect moment to deliver his revenge upon them. Even on day she was anointed, he came in screaming and raging at them. Spitting blasphemes words at any who tried to calm him down. Instead he retaliated with all fury, killing a few where they stood in chaotic magic that sundered their flesh from their bodies. Rosella tried to fight back but even he was becoming too much for her to fight back.
They fought for hours until she was severely beaten into a pulp, blood oozing from her wounds while he stood over her broken form. There in those few last moments when it seemed all hope was lost she did the unthinkable. Opening her soul up and casting a binding spell, so overcome by her pain he was weakened then through her powers divine she pulled his form into hers. Their souls intertwined as she was changed forever now bearing both his and her soul. Evil was quelled but corrupting half of her soul in a few moments and for that they cast her out as a heretic.
Her body changed and her knowledge growing from both hers and his. Now she bears the responsibility of knowledge in ways not thought of before, Knowledge is power, guard it well.

Personality: Altered by the second soul that inhabits her body, she has two sides because of this. One side friendly, kind, almost motherly to those under her or to those she sees not as aged as she is but the other side is far more cruel and evil in nature even murderous a few times. She tries to keep her evil side down at all times but sometimes it comes out whether she wants it to or not.

Current Home: Her secret tower in a field far from prying eyes.

Misc: Gate Keys are awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 15, 2015 6:24 pm

The Adept wrote:
Name: Rosella Primark
Knowledge is power, guard it well.

So she's a... Blood Raven space marine too?

Quote :
Misc: Gate Keys are awesome.

What are gate keys?

After conversation on Skype, this character is approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2015 8:34 pm

Name: Strawberry Glaze, goes by Glazey
Race: Earth Pony, half slime (with 1/8 changeling blood; it doesn't affect much, just makes it easier for her to change forms)
Age: 22
Mane: Fuchsia and aquamarine with strawberry blonde streaks. Choppy and frizzy, like she just woke up with it (which she probably did), but she makes it work by constantly wearing a pair of big, clunky headphones that weigh it down.
Coat: Hot pink
Cutie mark.: A cupcake with a teal musical-note shaped decoration, as well as two stylized lightning bolts surrounding it.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Big blue Rainbow Dash-style eyes
Distinguishing Features: bubbly personality, bravery, bright colors, perpetual grin
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She likes making pastries, and is very good at experimental recipes. She also loves music deeply and can sing nicely, but it's nothing to call home about. As a slime pony, she can change her shape in small amounts and fit into small spaces, but can't actually make herself smaller. She can also slip through narrow openings, and is able to convince people to do things for her, which become very useful when the group needs information.
Weaknesses: She's afraid of the dark and dislikes being alone. She also gets mad when people take away her headphones.  She has a low tolerance for alcohol, poison, or inedible substances, and actually has a boiling point. As long as she doesn't stay out in the desert sun for hours, though, it's nothing a cold bath can't fix. She is weak as far as physical attacks, and has a hard time trusting people.
Occupation: A baker in Fillydelphia, but she also spends time helping folks with their problems whenever she can.
Gear: Headphones
History: Her family used to live in a suburb of iCanterlot, but she hated that squeaky-clean lifestyle. Her family is extremely opinionated on what should and should not be part of her life, and when she was young they monitored her life online. They quickly discovered her chatting with a filly in Ponyville and their plans to meet up (and, if they'd been allowed to, they probably would've gone on a date) and pressed her for information. She was forced to come out, and since then she's had trust issues with her family. As she expected, they didn't approve, and they shut down all contact with the filly without saying anything to her. That was when Glazey decided that, as soon as she saved enough money, she would buy a house somewhere at from this place and never come back.
It became her ultimate goal, giving her the resolve she needed to make it through for three grueling years. When she was seventeen, she finally made it out. She left a note on the kitchen counter and, with just a saddle bag of bits and necessities, rode the train all the way to Fillydelphia. Since then, she has not repaired things with her family, or found that filly, but she has made a simple life for herself, taking jobs wherever they could be found. She's decently well known at the bakery she "officially" works at, and she has figured out how to life without actually having to grow up.
Personality: Spunky, upbeat, and brave. Has a bit of a sarcastic streak, and tends to be flippant. She also has a habit of putting herself down by discrediting herself, mainly in regards to morals and sensibility - which, by the way, her parents taught her to do.
Current Home: a studio apartment in Fillydelphia's artistic district. She's lived there since she came to town.
Misc: She is a lesbian, and is adopted. She is a huge fan of rock music and classic pop, especially by the artist Harmony Candor.

Last edited by WindyTheWarrior on Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2015 10:49 pm

Name: Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Version 9 (Alias: V9)

Race: Cybernetic Pony

Age: 3 years since creation

Mane: Chrome and metallic, normally kept short but can be changed.

Coat: Chrome and metallic, very smooth.

Cutie mark: None

Distinguishing Features: Even though it replicates a typical pony in shape, it lacks any orifice besides what could be considered ear canals. Its "eyes" are made to look identical to a normal pony's, though closer inspection will show wiring, metal and circuitry. The colour of the eyes is easily changed, and often used to show remaining energy levels to the outside world. It's also a robot, very distinguishing.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):  has the ability to control technology around it. The more power it has, the more pieces of electronic technology it can affect and the easier it is to control more complex pieces of electronic technology. This is done through a mix of hacking and magic from its power source, thus the reason why more power allows it to do much greater things. It can also fuse with any technology it controls, adding the power from that to itself and storing the leftover metal and/or plastics for possible later use to repair itself, replace missing parts or even make new additions to its body, such as wings or a horn. Made of a metal alloy that is conductive, incredibly strong against blunt strikes, but can mold itself into any shape using inside electricity, leading to its body being able to be altered.

If hit with a strong electrical charge V9 will start to conduct the electricity, using it to overcharge itself leading to rapid regeneration, increased strength, magic (if it currently possesses a horn) and speed. It can also choose to continue conducting the electricity on itself, causing any physical contact to be electrified.

Weaknesses: Overcharging itself with too much power will give it incredible amounts of energy, but will start shorting out its circuitry eventually. Prolonged exposure to a powerful electrical attack will short-circuit V9 as well. If V9 does not have any reserves of metal/plastic, it won't be able to make any repairs to itself. Its power source can run out of energy if V9 doesn't come into contact with electricity or absorb a piece of electrical technology, and it can only last an average of about a week on full charge, something which it dislikes about itself but can't do much about. V9 can also never be hostile towards a living being, though it will retaliate in an attempted non-lethal manner if damaged.

Occupation: Originally held in a tech lab to assist with monitoring, controlling and building technology for various reasons - medical, research, luxury, curiosity.

Gear: Itself.

History: Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T. started out at a tech lab, at the northern base of the Foal Mountains, as a way to make the swiftly advancing technology of Equus more manageable and easily controlled by pony-kind. While many of the scientists, engineers and inventors worked in other sections of the lab to create new devices, a small team of like-minded individuals started this project and continued it within their spare time, keeping it secret for the duration of build until it was finally completed. V1, the first finished cybernetic pony was created after a long 2 year process and many late nights, but it was far from perfect as the head engineer stated, as it could not handle delicate tasks and was cumbersome, often knocking into things accidentally, but it was able to carry out tasks an Earth Pony could, albeit slowly.

V1 had several modifications happen to it during its life which added new programs, new directives and stopped it from breaking the tea cups, but ultimately the team desired a better helper, so work was started on creating V2, using V1 as a base. This new version was sleeker, more intelligent, and much more in control of its body, allowing it to finally handle delicate machinery and assist the scientists with their work with little chance of error. V1 was scrapped as it was no longer needed, but V2 saw use in the remains and, whenever it was not carrying out an order, it worked on another robot much like itself.

V3 was V2's personal idea of what it wanted to be. A stronger body, for when equipment fell on it (which had previously almost destroyed V2, but only managed to crush an arm), a more powerful processor and larger data storage, and the same AI system that was within both V1 and V2. V3 "awoke" and startled the Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T. team as they had never programmed V2 to make such a thing, but upon seeing its increased capabilities they kept both around. After all, one could still work while the other made tea.

V4 was a collaborative build between V2 and V3, and was the first to use a magical power source. It was overseen by the Project team however, as they were curious as to how the robots made more of themselves, and how they both seemed to know what needed to be done when making it. V4, like the previous versions, was another that was better than its predecessors, even though it required a unicorn to charge it up every now and then. Using chunks of its energy reserve, it could create small levitation fields much like a unicorn foal can, and this helped greatly when dealing with circuitry and precision based tasks.

V5 was the next creation, using the combined bodies of V2 and V3 while being made by V4. Another to use a magic battery, though this one was much more efficient and led to a smaller drain on power when using basic levitation. V4 and V5 working together led to many of the tech lab's other projects being completed months before estimated finish date, much to everypony's joy. But V5 saw flaws in V4 and itself, and as like the others it created another, but through more violent means. Tearing V4 apart using its magic, it set to work on the next robot in Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

V6, the first to be able to repair itself through converting other metals to match its own body's. V5 installed this feature specifically due to how it ended V4, as it wanted a robot who wouldn't let that happen to itself and could put up some resistance to outside attacks. So V6 was the robot that started to factor in defenses and ways to heal itself if ever it was injured. However, given that V6 was created primarily of V4's parts, it held a grudge against V5 and eventually dismantled that one in much the same way.

V7 was next to be built, and another innovation came along with this one too. In V6's search for self-regeneration, it found the answer in medicinal magic. Tampering with the design of the power source to allow it to charge using electrical energy as well as magical energy, V6 made it so V7 could draw metals and plastics into its body to use as repair materials. But after a large scale explosion within the lab, V7 and V6 were both nearly destroyed. However, V7 was able to draw in the remnants of V6's parts and use them to repair major damage, although it left it with little in the ways of aesthetics. After the lab was rebuilt and funerals had, V7 sought out to create a stronger counterpart instead of fully fixing itself.

V8, this time restricted by the scientists and thus having to remove the ability to draw in magical energies to power itself. This was due to the majority of engineers being unicorns, and rumours being spread about how the Project's robots could drain the life out of you. The team wanted to minimise fear and so took the step to order all later incarnations to leave out this feature. However V8 was superior to V7 in every way, this one being able to wirelessly control the technology around it, so no more need to either plug itself in or manually use external hardware to operate devices.

Finally, V9 was created, using the cumulative knowledge of all the previous versions to "perfect" itself for its duty. This version held the largest data storage, the most efficient battery to date, and all the previous versions' abilities. V9's special feature though, was its ability to morph its body to suit the needs of the order, be it wings to allow it to install something on the roof, or a horn to act as a conduit for magic safely. When V9 was made, and V8 subsequently absorbed and broken down, the Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T. team asked it what it would do in its spare time. It replied, "nothing". This confused the scientists as they were very much used to each version responding with, "Work towards becoming better" or variations of the sort, but V9 simply stated that it would not do anything if nothing was to be done.

A few years passed with V9 working, inventing and creating, but no new versions appeared anywhere in the lab and this worried the team, who believed V9 to be planning something far bigger and to be waiting for a chance to meet its end goal. But V9 was content in its environment, it believed itself to be near perfect and only made one or two modifications to itself if a new problem arose and only as far as the restrictions allowed it.

Then came the turning point, the lab was surpassed by another competitor and eventually lost funding. The scientists pleaded with V9 to make more of itself to possibly raise interest in the lab again and gain funding, but it refused with the reason of, "Nothing we can do will make a better us". It was of course taking restrictions into account, but it was also due to the traces of V2 left in the code that only created new versions because it saw itself as too flawed for possible modifications to correct. So with the lab gone, the old pony who started the Project requested a new order be carried out. He didn't want the final creation of his creation to be wasted after so many years, and knowing that V9 said it would do nothing meant that it would do just that, so he ordered V9 to "experience the world and the beings that live on it".

Personality: Is often curious about how the world works. Doesn't always understand emotions or the reason ponies act on them, and decisions made based off of them confuse it greatly. Will enter a "sleep mode" when left idle for some time, but movement or contact "wakes" it up.

Current Home: Is welcome at the homes of the scientists who worked on the Project, who live throughout Equestria.

Misc: P.E.R.F.E.C.T. stands for, Production of Equine Robotics For the Enigmatic Control of Technology. It communicates through text on monitors nearby or through a synthetic "voice" from audio transmitting devices. Can make a very, very nice cup of tea.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2015 12:54 am

WindyTheWarrior wrote:
Name: Strawberry Glaze, goes by Glazey
Race: Earth Pony, half slime (with 1/8 changeling blood; it doesn't affect much, just makes it easier for her to change forms)

This is creepy, weird, and very squick. 3/8 earth pony, 1/2 slime, and 1/8 changeling. How? It's not any kind of obstacle to approval but HOW???

Quote :
History: Her family used to live in a suburb of iCanterlot...

It's not enough that there is iMac, iFruit, and iPad... now we must suffer iCanterlot. x.x The horror, the horror!
(Not going to impact anything, just saying.)

Approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2015 1:09 am

Wild Card wrote:
Name: Project P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Version 9 (Alias: V9)

The Wild one makes a new OC. It is approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 21, 2015 5:48 pm

Name: Recursion
Race: Pegasus (at least currently).
Age: 22
Mane: A flat, thin veil of unkempt brown hair reaching to behind his ears.
Coat: Teal
Cutie mark.: A single drop of water.
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features: His eyes are notably constantly glowing in various hues, depending on who currently speaks.
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):
Main ability: THERE ARE MORE OF US HERE THAN YOU CAN SEE: Unique to Recursion - and inexplicable to him - is his passive ability to reincarnate in a wrong way. Instead of his soul leaving the dying body and settling in a new one, he instead gains a new one that is then assimilated, which has occurred multiple times in the past, giving him so many different identities in a single host, leading many to think of his insanity. Which is, admittedly, not too far from the truth. These identities often vie for control over the main body, causing him to manifest an entirely different personality at random times.

Strangely enough, none of these past lives remember anything. He at first attempted to explain it as a simple personality disorder, but contact with a shaman in the past confirmed it was anything but.

To those who can't particularly sense spirits, his presence simply feels uncomfortable. To those who can perceive them, he would appear visually bright to the point of blinding, or deafening, depending on what sense perceives. However, whichever is the case, his very presence is nauseating and disorienting to those who can sense it.

Secondary ability: WHEN I CREATE A GUST, IT IS WITH THREE DOZEN WINGS: Each iteration of life that Recursion goes through permanently increases his capabilities, as some carry over (at the cost of the sanity of whoever is currently in charge). Currently, Recursion is 180% more powerful in physical terms compared to an average pegasus, and notably, he learns things 180% faster than most others.
Recursion is in a constant state of identity / personality flux. As a result, he is mentally and emotionally easy to destabilize. It also makes him very distracted and prone to sudden lapses in consciousness or control.

The excess of souls in his body also makes him a psychic beacon on top of being very susceptible to spiritual or metaphysical magic.

Currently looking for one.

A plain silver medallion that has been around since his first iteration. Time has rubbed away all its details.

Not much is known to Recursion or about him. He has been around since the first day of Equestria as a country, and fell in its first war. He was there at every major historical milestone - in the background, unaware.

As of his most recent reincarnation, Recursion was reborn deep in the recesses of the Everfree forest, to a pregnant pegasus who collapsed in midair over the forest. It took the other pegasi two days to recover her, and by then she'd been dead for a day, and her son was nowhere to be found.

Recursion survived due to his enhanced capabilities, though he was constantly in poor condition. For years, until he learned how to fly, he was just there in the forest. While other foals learned how to read and write, he learned how to forage and fight.

Upon learning flight, he flew and flew, relishing in the freedom it granted him. His random, aimless flying landed him in Cloudsdale, where he was put into an orphanage. In there he grew like a normal foal - until his past began to be present once more.

At the age of seven the other ponies started noticing that he would rapidly change how he acted without warning. Seeking answers, they isolated him and studied him, which only led to his deteriorating mental and emotional state. At eleven he left, unable to take it any longer.

No one knew what happened to him, but at the age of twenty he returned to Cloudsdale, seemingly no better than he was when he left. He refuses to divulge what he went through, for whatever reason.

Personality: Recursion is silent as he is worried that he would end up being interrupted by one of his past lives. He overthinks a lot, and is constantly full of doubts. However, his instincts and reflexes are razor-sharp, and he, when not overthinking, will make snap decisions and simply react.

Recursion never starts. He follows.

Current Home: Cloudsdale
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2015 12:12 am

Name: Jammex
Race: Earth Pony
Mane: orange Mohawk with yellow tips
Coat: orange
Distinguishing features:Pale blue eyes, often wears a monocle, no reason, he just thinks it looks funny.
Cutie Mark: A bomb

Specialties: Well versed in the use of most pyrotechnics. Though he can also bake a real nice cake.

Weaknesses: Jammex can be overly trusting at times and this often leaves him hurt and/or extremely angry when that trust is betrayed. He also has a tendency to be distracted easily when engaging in repetitive or tedious activities.

Occupation: Pyrotechnician, often works making fireworks or mining explosives such as dynamite. He also delivers his products to the clients himself, meaning he spends a lot of time traveling.

History: Jammex was born in Fillydelphia, his parents ran a bakery in the city. Jammex spent the first few years of his life being taught his family trade by his parents, however the young Colt eventually fell into a deep depression when, despite becoming a skilled baker after years of practice his cutie mark didn't appear.

Over the the course of the next 3 years Jammex tried his hoof at everything he could possibly think of to make his cutie mark appear. Until one day, Jammex snuck into the chemistry lab at school after hours. After setting up some basic equipment, he grabbed two jarss at random,they contained iron oxide and aluminium strips. Jammex put some iron oxide and an aluminium strip in a flask he had set on the table. Then threw a match in the flask, quickly followed by a strip of magnesium . For recently, Jammex learnt that iron oxide and aluminium,when exposed to high heat, such as that from a burning piece of magnesium.... Makes thermite.

The ensuing fire ball burned through the flask, the table and then burnt a sizeable hole in the laboratory floor before finally dying down. After Jammex lowered the hoof that protected his eyes from the bright fireball, he looked back and saw something that, for a brief time, made him feel as if all his problems in the world were gone. A bomb, but not just any bomb... His cutie mark.

After being expelled from school for destroying school equipment, Jammex threw himself into the study of explosives, now, at the age of 26, he has become a relatively well known and respected Pyrotechnician in Equestria, with plenty of orders for his products coming in from all over, though he baking has remained a personal hobby throughout his adult life.

Personality: Jammex is friendly to most of those whom he encounters and prefers to spend time with friends, whether it be out and about, or at home playing video games. He may not be there to help you with that assignment, but you can count on him when it counts I.e. To help you when you're feeling your worst or stuck in the woods with no way home. He can also be fiercely loyal to his friends, even if it hinders him.

Residence: Usually Canterlot or certain small mining towns in the desert where his services are often called upon, though his permanent residence is in Ponyville.

Gear: various fireworks and dynamite.
Misc: he is bisexual.

Last edited by Jammex on Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2015 2:46 am

SecondDerLampman wrote:
Name: Recursion

O_O Freaky, and yet no red flags.

Also, hi Der Lampman. Assuming it's you, of course.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2015 2:52 am

Jammex wrote:
Name: Jammex

A match doesn't burn hot enough to ignite the redox reaction that makes thermite work; a strip of magnesium is required. But I'll approve this and trust that you'll correct the minor error.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 22, 2015 3:31 am

DualThrone wrote:
SecondDerLampman wrote:
Name: Recursion

O_O Freaky, and yet no red flags.

Also, hi Der Lampman. Assuming it's you, of course.

Course it is. Freaky's my domain.

I'm assuming I can get back to being back?
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OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Koriu_10

Name:Detective Koriu Memory



Mane:Unkempt mane with two tones of red and blue (as scene in the picture)

Coat:Very light grey (almost white although he will never admit it)

Cutie mark.:A picture with a magnifying glass in it

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:
Distinguishing Features: When he is out on the job, he is usually seen in wearing his red aviator sunglasses and his green "knife resistant" vest. Most of his friends humour him about his vest but there is a secret behind it. When he is hanging out with his friend he will not wear his glasses and while it not usually seen he has green eyes, although he does have his sunglasses nearby. He is also over all slightly shorter than the average unicorn which causes him much grieve when he was younger.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):

Specialty: Investigations - Koriu's cuite mark represents his ability to investigate a felony or mystery and find an answer. This usually leads him to some form of trouble. It also represents his memory as he hardly ever forgets important information.

Unicorn Magic: Other than basic telekinesis, Koriu has few spells he is competent with.

-Magic Detection: As a Unicorn detective, Koriu had to learn this spell for the sake of finding magic residue on crime scenes and/or evidence. While it tell Koriu what was the last five type of spell used on the object or place and the amount of magic strength used, it doesn't tell him who cast it.

-Object Detection - Drugs: Before he became a detective, he was part of the Manehatten police force as the Drug and illegal substances division. So he was taught this spell to find currently known illegal drugs. Unfortunately, the spell is a bit out of date as it need to be retaught (formula wise) to update the list of illegal drugs and since become a detective, he had no reason to renew the spell.

-Orb - Crime Scene Photo: Using a magic orb with this spell, Koriu can make a perfect 360 photo of a crime scene for later review. The image is stored within the orb.

-Orb - Record: Using a magic orb with this spell, Koriu can record conversations. The recordings are kept in the orb.

-Stun Missile: A simple spell used to stun an opponent. it is very weak and most ponies are resistant to it although it will slow them down.

-Tase Missile: A police version of the spell Stun Missile, it is much stronger and can stun most unprotected ponies by shocking them. A permit is needed to learn and keep the spell which Koriu's permit was never really taken away from him.

-Force Missile: Similar to the Tase Missile, this is another spell that requires a permit to learn and keep the spell. The spell itself fires a magical missile that comprise of force energy. The force of the Force Missile is literary the force made from an explosion without the explosion. It is mainly used to breach lock doors for raids.

Secret Hero: Wild Rider
With the power of the three Wild Rides vehicles, Koriu can don these suits to become the secret armored hero Wild Rider.

- Wild 01: Overcharge Armour
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- The Wild 01 is an independent roaming motorcycle vehicle. Equipped with a special “Overcharge” T1 Magus Engine, this vehicle can unfold and be equipped by those with the Command Vest and the Wild Visor. While it can drive on it’s on, it also can be controlled via remote from the Hanger. It spots an overall Racing Red with silver look.

- Transformation: Using the verbal command which is picked up by the Wild Visor, which is Ride To Me Wild 01. Koriu can call the Wild 01 to his location although depending how far he is from the Wild 01 it can take a while. When it reaches Koriu, he will back flip onto the vehicle and it will unfold itself around him and equip itself around him.

- Appearance: After the Wild 01 has equipped itself around Koriu, it will make Koriu look taller, bulkier and more menacing.

- Powers: Enhanced Strength - Gives him the strength to break though most of the armored enemies and reinforced walls. However, it can be tuned down by regulating via Wild Visor verbal commands how much power that comes from the T1 Magus Engine. Part of the enhanced Strength helps support the weight of the Overcharge Armour. It cannot increase further than the default enhanced strength.

: Enhanced Speed and Maneuverability - Gives him the enhanced speed but not up to par with some of the speedsters. However, it can be regulated via Wild Visor verbal commands to increase or decrease amount of Speed that is pumped from the T1 Magus Engine but decreases Maneuverability and Vice Versa.

: Well Armored – The suit itself can withstand a charging elephant and then some however it makes it very heavy and needs a portion of the Enhanced Strength to help the user to operate the Overcharge Armour.

: Slipstream Mode – Slipstream mode reverse some parts of the transformation where it comes half armored suit and half motorcycle. Thus this gives Koriu the ability to chase high speed criminals however the mode does strain Koriu’s back.

- Wild 02: Soaring Armour
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- The Wild 02 is an independent roaming jet vehicle that is the size of a single pony. Equipped with a special “Soaring” T1 Magus Engine, this vehicle can unfold and be equipped by those with the Command Vest and the Wild Visor. While it can fly on it’s on, it also can be controlled via remote from the Hanger. It spots an overall Gold with black look.

- Transformation: Using the verbal command which is picked up by the Wild Visor, which is Pick Me Up Wild 02. Koriu can call the Wild 02 to his location although depending how far he is from the Wild 02 it can take a while. When it reaches Koriu, it would pick him up and fold around him then equip itself him.

- Appearance: After the Wild 02 has equipped itself around Koriu, it will make Koriu look taller, bulkier and more menacing.

- Powers: Enhanced Strength - Gives him the strength to break though most of the armored enemies and reinforced walls. However, it can be tuned down by regulating via Wild Visor verbal commands how much power that comes from the T1 Magus Engine. Part of the enhanced Strength helps support the weight of the Soaring Armour. It cannot increase further than the default enhanced strength.

: Enhanced Speed and Maneuverability - Gives him the enhanced speed but not up to par with some of the speedsters. However, it can be regulated via Wild Visor verbal commands to increase or decrease amount of Speed that is pumped from the T1 Magus Engine but decreases Maneuverability and Vice Versa.

: Well Armored – The suit itself can withstand a charging rhino and then some however it makes it very heavy and needs a portion of the Enhanced Strength to help the user to operate the Soaring Armour. However, among the three armors it is the lightest but also the weakest when it comes to total damage threshold.

:Flight Mode- the Soaring Armour allow Koriu the ability to fly although Koriu has to be rather careful since this cause the “Soaring” T1 Magus Engine tends to overheat from long use of this mode.

- Wild X: Legend Armour
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Koriu_13

- The Wild 03 is an independent roaming motocross motorbike vehicle that is the size of a single pony. Equipped with a special “Legend” X Type Magus Engine, this vehicle can unfold and be equipped by those with the Command Vest and the Wild Visor. While it can drive on it’s on, it also can be controlled via remote from the Hanger. It spots an overall Blue and Metallic look.

- Transformation: Using the verbal command which is picked up by the Wild Visor, which is Get Ready for the Legend. Koriu can call the Wild X to his location although depending how far he is from the Wild X it can take a while. When it reaches Koriu, it would unfold around him then equip itself him. Unlike the other two armors, it doesn’t need Koriu to re-position himself or be picked up by the armor to equip it.

- Appearance: After the Wild X has equipped itself around Koriu, it will make Koriu look taller, bulkier and more menacing.

- Powers: Enhanced Strength - Gives him the strength to break though most of the armored enemies and reinforced walls. However, it can be tuned down by regulating via Wild Visor verbal commands how much power that comes from the X Type Magus Engine. Part of the enhanced Strength helps support the weight of the Legend Armour. It cannot increase further than the default enhanced strength.

: Super Speed and Maneuverability - Gives him the speed equal to some of the best speedsters. However, it can be regulated via Wild Visor verbal commands to increase or decrease amount of Speed that is pumped from the X Type Magus Engine but decreases Maneuverability and Vice Versa. Unfortunately, the overall speed that the Legend Armour can achieve puts a great strain on Koriu’s body so he often uses the super speed in burst and mostly keeps it on a low setting.

: Well Armored – The suit itself can withstand a charging dragon and then some however it makes it very heavy and needs a portion of the Enhanced Strength to help the user to operate the Legend Armour. Compared to the other armors, the Legend Armour is lighter than the Overcharge Armour and can withstand more damage. Unfortunately it takes longer to repair any damage it has sustained.

:Legend Mode - For a short period of time, Koriu can max out all of the attributes of the Legend Armour. This includes strength, speed durability and so on. Furthermore, he is vibrating so fast that everything will look like it is moving slow motion but rather he is actually moving three times faster than everything around him. Unfortunately, Koriu cannot use Legend mode to many times. For one, Legend mode takes a huge toll on his body, usually incapacitating him the next day due to sores and muscle strain. It can also only last for 30 seconds and each time it is used after without rest (i.e taken off and given two full days for the X Type Magus Engine to rest) is reduced by 5 seconds. Lastly, if used to much, it could cause the X Type Magus Engine to implode on itself due to the strain.

Weaknesses: Personality wise, Koriu doesn't like to leave things undone. Meaning once he commits himself to an action or investigation, it actually takes a lot to convince him to stop. This is one of the reason why he was fired from the Manhatten Police Force and stuck out as a Private Investigator when he accused the Mayor's son in dealing with criminals and eventually lead to his sister’s death.

He is also socially distance as previous years in the police force, especially as an illegal substance officer has caused many of his friends to be targeted during his investigations thus making him think twice about befriending someone for their safety.

He had also been betrayed a number of times by good friends who were temped by money in exchange for information or to meddle in an investigation. This makes it hard for him to make friends in one way or another.

Other weaknesses when he is in his hero forms, is already stated in the powers section. The only other weakness he face when going hero is that the armours still take a certain amount of time to reach him.

Occupation: Private Investigator/Detective , former Manhatten Police Officer - Drug and illegal substances officer.

-Wild Mobile Command Center (WMCC) – A large mobile trailer that acts as Koriu’s best and home that is located in a false structure. Koriu has made sure that the false structure is undisturbed and the building connecting to it his detective agency office. However, should things be push to a shove, Koriu can board the WMCC and drive off (but not without causing a lot of property damage. The mobile trailer is built to withstand multiple attacks but on the down side it is very slow.

It also houses the Wild Series Armours and their automated repair station. It is managed by a simple Ai that repairs the armours and weapons but cannot create anything beyond it’s programing, though it spends most of its time making 0 Type Guns and repairing the existing Wild Armour Series. It also have the most basic of living commodities like a bed, fridge, bathroom and a Storage Orb.

It was built by Koriu’s Sister, Crystal Luck.

- Wild Series Armours – The Wild Series Armours are mobile vehicles that transform into armour. The series include Wild 01, Wild 02 and Wild X Armours. Koriu has named each armours based on the name of the engines. Each armours come equipped with two 0 Type Guns since the Armours restrict traditional magic use from the horn, save for simple telekinesis. They were built by Koriu’s Sister, Crystal Luck.

- Wild Visor and Command Vest – The Wild Visor and the Command Vest are the two essential gear needed to operate any of the Wild Series Armours. The Command Vest provide very minimal protections but it’s main function is to act as the bio monitor and cooling vest for the user. The Armor cannot be used without the Command Vest.

The Wild Visor on the other hand, is a interfacing with the armours, but its main function is to summon the armour to the location of the user. While it is possible to equip the Wild Series Armours without the Wild Visor, it is not recommended.
The Command Vest is made to look like a simple vest while the Wild Visor is made to look like a pair of aviator glasses. They were made by Koriu’s Sister, Crystal Luck.

- 0 type Gun – The 0 Type Guns are heavily modified mage guns made to fire everything except lethal rounds. While each gun (there are six at all times) can only hold three shots of a particular spell or crystal loadout before needing to recharge from the Magus Engine. While easy to build, they are extremely flimsy, and easily destroyed as the blueprint of the weapon was never truly completed.

It can fire spells which the user knows and these spells – Air Bullet (fires a small burst of air), Mage Chain (fires a chain made of magic that wraps around the target – chains are easy to break), Freeze shot (freezes whatever it hits- AOE is very small - i.e freeze a small patch of the floor, freeze hoof to door) and lastly Extinguish Flame (fire extinguisher).
They were made by Koriu’s Sister, Crystal Luck.

-Mini Orb - A small magic orb that can store information from spells although due to it's size, it can store very little. At most Koriu can store up to two crime scene spells and five recordings at one time before having to empty it.

-Storage Orb- A bigger magic Orb where Koriu can empty and review content taken from spells with the Mini Orb. Koriu has two, the first is in Koriu’s detective agency and the other is in the WMCC.

Koriu Memory is the third child out of five children born out of Canterlot. He was born into a family of known bakers. His family consisted of Chocolate Cream (Mother, Unicorn), Zest Lemon (Father, Earth Pony), Melon Bread (Eldest Brother, Frist Child, Earth Pony), Bear Claw (Second Brother, Second Child, Earth Pony), Himself, Crystal Luck (Younger Sister, Fourth Child, Unicorn) and Lemon Cream (Youngest Sister, Firth Child, Unicorn).

His older brothers and youngest sister followed the family tradition where they would become bakers like their parents but for Koriu and Crystal, they wanted to find their own path. Koriu wanted to join the royal guard while Crystal just wanted to make stuff. While Koriu didn’t look like he would become a royal guard as he was shorter than most of his age and not very strong both magic wise and physically, Crystal was very good at making things which caught the attention of some ponies.
Due to his size and dream, Koriu was bullied a lot by bigger ponies his age, but Crystal was always there to support him. This would lead to the bullies to steal from Crystal and hide it. When she asked Koriu for help, Koriu launched into finding evidence and found were the bullies had hidden Crystal’s belongings and had the evidence to accuse the bullies. This had lead him to receive his cuite mark.

After some time, Crystal was offered a sponsorship at Manehatten University of Technology and Magic at an early age and given a grant to invent whatever she wished. While sounding too good to be true, the family packed up and moved to Manehatten. There Crystal made many things, most however weren’t used as only Crystal knew how to make it and many ponies could not reproduce them.

Koriu continued to aim to be a royal guardspony but when he became of age to join the guard, he was turned away for not being magically strong enough. However a Manehatten police recruiter saw potential in Koriu and convinced him to join. Furthermore, Koriu excelled in finding objects and evidence during his training that he was given additional training to join their Drug and illegal substances department and help keep the more deadly stuff of the streets.

For a small while, Koriu was happy until he heard the news that his little sister Crystal was missing. Using his friends in the police force, he and his brother Melon Bread went searching for her as best as they could. Even odder, all of Crystal’s inventions in the University had also gone missing. After searching for four months, they find Crystal being forced to make deadly weapons and she was about to complete her most dangerous one yet. The Wild Series Armour. Melon, enraged that somepony would use their sister’s intellect to make weapons against her will, he ran in before Koriu could call for backup. The fight ended with Koriu being forced by Crystal to steal the Wild Mobile Command Center that she had built while she help Melon. Having driven the trailer to a safe place to stash it, Koriu ran back to his brother and sister only to find Melon Bread crying over the body of their now deceased sister.

The two blamed each other for her death, and this eventually lead to Koriu breaking away from the family despite that the rest of the family didn’t blame him the slightest. Koriu then dove into his sister’s murder and tried to find who had taken his sister and who caused her death. This lead to him pointing his hoof at the Mayor’s son which lead him to be thrown out from the police force.

Now his mission is to find his sister’s kidnappers, shut them down and destroy whatever weapon that his sister made in their hand.

Personality: Koriu Memory is not a very easy going guy. Having spent most of his life chasing a dream of becoming a Guard, he can be very serious when he gets his A game on. That being said he did spend most of his adult life in the police for in Manehatten and thus has a rather morbid sense of humor but also due to his upbringing tries do to the right thing.
Due to what happened to his sister, he also became rather driven to find the kidnappers. That being said it also made him want to help out cases where families are torn apart by crime.
That being said there are some quirks in his personality. For one due to his fight with his brother, he doesn’t eat any bread anymore. Another thing is that he is rather OCD when it comes to organizing paperwork and case files. There were many times he would raid the Filing office only to rearrange everything. Lastly, he tends to be a bit sensitive about his height and will beat up any pony who makes fun of him for it, save for clients as he knows beating up clients after you already accepted their case is very bad for business.

Current Home: Manehatten/ Wild Mobile Command Center.

All of Koriu's picture are drawn by a friend of mine called Tarynsgate. They were done a long time ago but I never got a chance to use them. Other images are found online.

This character is mostly for Crossover and a bit Grim. Then again some of the best superhero stories have a bit of tragedy in them.

Last edited by DeragonRider on Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 7:26 pm

These characters are for Fo and Fo:E use only, or for special threads were they can fit in because their verse are allowed.

Name: Dust
Race: Unicorn
Sex: Male
Age: He seems old, but none know how old since he have never told his real age.
Cutie mark: Burnt away.
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Commission___wanderer_by_rattlesire-d62701k
Description: With his grey on grey colouring, grey hide, grey mane and grey tail is he a rather boring stallion to look at. At first glance does he seem rather ordinary, although he are able to pack as much as a mule. More often than not does he have a dozen different overloaded saddle bags with him, packed with all the things the heart desire, but he does not pack any weapons with him beside his own personal staff made out of a weird kind of magic wood that is known to spark from time to time. A smile can often be seen on his libs, more often than not after he have made an deal with those that need the things he bring. His magical aura are for some reason a different hue of green than his eyes.


Name: Umbra Nightshade
Race: Zebracorn
Sex: Female
Age: 14
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Description: Normally hidden away under a lot of different more or less white rags is it impossible to say what her colours are, but at night does she not hide in her rags, showing her striped horn and coat, striped midnight blue and white. What she is doing with Dust is unknown, and it looks often like it is she that helps him more than the other way. Weird stuff with lighting is known to happen around her, and she is often found at night at many weird places where no one should be able to be without being seen.

By now is it also known where she have gained some of her powers, at least one spirit inside her, named  "Stellais Mortem" inside her. It is easy to see if the spirit is controlling Umbra or the other way around, each time Stellais have power does she form gloves out of pure shadow on her forelegs, and her eyes are deep and empty voids. Who and what this spirit can is still an mystery, but it have seen using powers over shadows, bending it to its will and forming things out of it.

A picture of Umbra, at night and at day

I 8

Name: Sir Malendor Delaryn of the Shield.
Race: Griffon
Sex: Sounds male, but statements suggests that Malendor maybe is female. Not something to be seen by the eye of those that look at the armour.
Coat: Hidden under a suit of griffin heavy power armour.
Feathers: Hidden under a suit of griffin heavy power armour.
Age: 42

Malendor is an rare relic known some places as one of the last thing that willingly holds order where ever he goes, catching thieves, returning lost goods and catching bounties without taking the reward. Clad in old pre-war power, specially made to look more like something from old times than normal power armour with symbols of his order, does he stand taller than most in the wasteland, and is not someone that you would start an bar brawl with, unless you had some serious firepower behind you.The armour have an lot of old filigree on it, and weirdly enough is some of the more protective parts tinted pink, especially his chest and shoulder plates.

His only weapons, beside his talons and claws, is an chain spear strapped to his back, fitted with an small over slugged flame thrower canister and a mechanism lover down on the handle and a broadsword made of an blackish steel by his side, an line of sparking wood going from the tip to the handle.

Malendor is often seen with blood on his armour outside old slaver or raider dens, taken nothing of what there is inside, only leaving corpses behind him. It is also said that he kills ex slavers in cold blood, challenging them to an duel.

Name: "Smith"
Race: Diamond dog
Age: What would be around 30 pony years
Coat: Mud brown with an white patch over one of his eyes and ear.
Distinguishing Features: Beside being an relative friendly diamond dog that don´t kill you on sight is smith whole left cybernetic side, from his waist and up, giving him an left arm filled with golden, silver and glowing runes, forming overlapping circles of different sizes, an few of those circles holding screens looking like something coming from pipbycs, all ending in a hand with diamond tipped claws, looking like they can be shifted out with other things. An mechanical eye with 3 different lenses sitting on an big dial where his normal eye should be and an crude looking ear, compared to the other good looking parts of him. Smith is also an high and slender diamond dog, those that have seen others of his kind can easy see that his legs is much more muscular than others of his kind, and rather thin. He is also one of the few diamond dogs that are known for using more than just simple cloth. Having both pants and a waistcoat on.

History: Smith was born and raised in an smaller Zebracan town, working in a mine digging for precious metals and rare gems in an mine, by his parents side. Not much is known about his time in Zebraca, at some point learned he to smith runes into his work, having an natural flair for bending the metals to his will as so many diamond dogs have done before him, also learning a few "secret" techniques to make cybernetics, something that he needed to learn after an accident that took most of his body, only surviving because an weird rag clothed foal hold him alive. After that point have he been Umbras guardian, travelling by her side, only beginning to leave it after they met Dust

Gear: Smith have an larger shoulder bag on his side, made out of an mix of canvas, leather and small metal plates, an few handles and heads of tools sticking out of it. Around his waist does he have small vials of different metals, bobbling inside the glass now and again. On his bag does he have 2 different guns sticking out of an metallic cover like container, one handle sticking out each way. One gun is longer than most rifles and is weirdly rectangular shaped, with small coils breaking the rectangular form from over the trigger and to its muzzle, clearly something that the diamond dog have made himself, or something another dog have made for him, those that knows about guns can easily figure out that it is a kind of lever loaded snipe rifle. The other gun is an belt fed shotgun, bigger and more aggressive looking than most other shotguns wielded by most normal ponies, an barking bulldog painted by the twin muzzles, maybe as an joke, maybe deliberately.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 10:29 pm

SecondDerLampman wrote:
Course it is. Freaky's my domain.

I'm assuming I can get back to being back?

I don't know what you mean by that but I approve the character.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 10:44 pm

DeragonRider wrote:
OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Koriu_10
Name:Detective Koriu Memory
Kamen Rider Accel: Koriu has the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Accel with special device called the Accel Driver and a strange word.

Goddammit, you were made of pure gold until you did that. I'm sorry to tell you this, DeragonRider, but explicit copied-for-the-source crossover characters aren't permitted. This is a crossover so explicit that you outright state where it's from. The redeeming factor of this character is that if you strip out everything even peripherally related to Kamen Rider, the character is pretty good. If you would do that (strip out all things Kamen Rider), I'll give it another look.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2015 10:48 pm

Doomande wrote:
These characters are for Fo and Fo:E use only, or for special threads were they can fit in because their verse are allowed.

Not only are you the Doom of us all and the Doom-viking, you are now my own personal Doom. Also, this slate is all approved, with an extra approve on Umbra because she's Umbra and the most adorabu demonspawn. Play away. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2015 5:39 am

Name: Savior Medic

Alias / Nickname: Volt-Opt/Volty

Race: Peguses

Age: 31

Mane: Short unkempt, dark grey

Coat: Dark Blue, coat around the legs become lighter as it goes down.

Cutie mark.: A Medic kit with a scalpel at one corner of the kit with a lightning bolt as its background.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:

Distinguishing Features: Volt-Opt as he prefers to be called, has half of his left ear ripped off as if it was bit off. He also has a fading coat color as his got goes from the knee down. He also has larger than usual wings and is taller than the average peguses.

He is also known to sport an armored jacket and a special costumed hardcase that is his medkit. He also wear special hoofware that helps with the use of most projectiles weapons.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):
- Cutie Mark: A Medic kit with a scalpel at one corner of the kit with a lightning bolt as its background – Volt-Opt is not only fast both on the ground and in the air, he is more known to be able to perform excellent on site surgery and medical care. He is also very knowledgeable in the terms of medicine and chemical mixing and creation.

- Trained: Longarm training – Due to his military training, Volt-Opt is proficient with any types of longarms. From the Blunderbuss Shotgun, to simpler revolver rifle and even the heavy (and greatly modified) crossbow.

- Combat awareness: Being in the field for many years and getting into many scraps and getting a lot of ponies and other beings out of combat has given Volt-Opt a sense of Combat awareness. More specially, how to disturb the enemy to get his target or team out of a situation. This made it easy for brawls.

- Medical training (Licensed Doctor and Pharmacist): Before he became a Combat Medic, he was originally studying to become a doctor, however due to an accident he was transferred into the military for his expertise.

- Potion and Chemical Maker: Due to his distrust of ponies who like cutback, a good chunk of the potions and chemicals cocktails. While it takes time, he can also discern if the potion is of good make as not all of the potions he uses are made by him.

Volt-Opt is not the easiest pony to get along with, it’s even harder for him to get to trust you. Due to some things that happened in the past made him this way. However, if you ‘prove’ yourself to him, he can be a very loyal friend.

He also has a rather bad reputation among the ‘nobles class’ who tend to hate his rather crude style despite of his skills. Some of them go out of their way to make his life more miserable so he tends to draw that kind of trouble to him.

Lastly, he can’t turn away ponies or being that truly needs his help which has gotten him into a ton of trouble more than once.

Occupation: Combat Medic/ Extraction Specialist. Rank: Master Sergeant.

- Combat Jacket: A simple slight armored leather jacket that has been with him since day one of deployment. Although he does have multiple sets.

- Medic Hardcase: a large than the average medical kit that uses a hard exterior while having proper slots and holders inside the case for various reasons. It can fold out to reveal everything. The basic in the kit include healing potions, surgical tools, various numbing drugs and DMSO (a mixture drug to be mixed with any drug but allows the drug to be absorbed through the skin rather than injected or drunk) for emergencies. He has two of these cases but it is also easy to replace (the case but not the content.

- Gunleon: A specially named shotgun that can fire both silver ball round and the more deadly flechette round. The guns overall style makes it look like a rather fierce lion. It has a magazine that holds up to 6 rounds and has a long spread for range and controlled ammo spread than a wide spread.

- Long Haul: A specialty rifle that used revolver cylinder and regular .45 rounds, silver .45 rounds or non-leathal “gel” round. It had greater range compared to the Gunleon but was more of a single target weapon. It is also the fastest reload due to the multiple speedloaders.

- The Hellsing: A specialty mechanical crossbow that has two firing mode. The Frist Mode is a repeating fire mode that firers simple armor piecing bolts. The second mode makes it a single fire mode that allows Volt-Opt to load different specialty bolts. The bolt themselves are grapple bolts that are attached to rope, Blunt head bolts, explosive bolts and whistle bolts.

- The Lab: This is where Volt-Opt gets all of his work done, the lab takes up most of his house which can be divided into four section if you don’t include his living space.

The first is the Armory where he maintains his weapons and resupply for ammo for mission and stores the extra.

The Second section is the Med Lab. Here is where Volt-Opt prepare his medical chemicals and drugs for missions. This is also where he keeps most of his medical journals and his medical station should he need to bring an injured person to his home should there not be enough time to bring him/her to the hospital.

The Third section is the potion lab. Because Volt-Opt like to keep his normal chemical curatives away from the more magical stuff.

The last is the Ready Room. The Ready room is where Volt-Opt would have keep everything ready to go should he needs to run out and go on mission without needing to prepare.

History: Volt- Opt or his real name Savior Medic is the only child of Lady Bright Star (Unicorn) of the House of the Sea Fox. Volt-Opt never knew his father as Lady Bright Star would never name him but it is assumed that he was a peguses sailor. As such, many of the nobility looked down on both mother and son.

That being said, Lady Bright Star would manage the family business which was a sea trading business that sold Equestrian products to foreign countries and vice versa. This gave Volt-Opt the luxury of a good life without many hardship. This also gave him the chance to try out many things which eventually lead him to find his cuite mark in the medical profession.

As Volt-Opt would start his medical training, some of the nobles stuck at their house and cost Lady Bright Star the family business. Having taken over her business, they proceeded to drag her name in the mud and frame her son for something he didn’t do. While the first part of their plan work which got Volt-Opt thrown out of the university he was studying at though his so called friends, Volt-Opt ran into an older pony who had accidentally ingested poison. Volt-Opt jumped in to save the old pony by stabilizing him and flying him to the hospital.

When the old pony came to, he asked if he could help Volt-Opt in any way he can, which cause Volt-Opt to regale his tale of misfortune. The old pony though deeply and said he would help Volt-Opt but he might not like it. The next day, Volt-Opt were recruited into the Blue Lance under Colonel Blue Jay, the old pony he had saved. The Blue Lance themselves are a Mercenary Guild that was under the Equestrian Government. Because of this Volt-Opt could complete his training and received additional training as well.

That being said, Lady Bright Star would eventually sell their home and move herself and her son nearing to the Blue Lance Mercenary Guild where she was also employed as their spokesperson to the public and to the Equestrian Government.

Eventually, Volt-Opt would rise up the ranks to Master Sergeant and eventually buy his own place where he lives by himself near his old home.

Currently he is content with where he is in his life but the world has much more to throw at him.

Personality: Volt-Opt has a serious nature where he would always take his work and those around him seriously but he also has a good heart, making it hard for him to turn down ponies or being that need his help. He is also a very sarcastic and has a bitter attitude towards most nobility.

Preferring to act rather than just talk, he is known to punch ponies in the face should they be in his way from treating a patient.

Current Home: Canterlot – Foxtrot Manor is that is situated at the edge of the military district of Canterlot but still nearby the commercial district and the medical district. There are many houses here that are owned by military (both governmental and private), very rich merchants, or low nobility.


This character is heavy inspired by my Shadowrun Character who also is called Volt-Opt but only in concept as a combat medic and his name.

If he had a theme song it would be : Thunderbirds are Go by Busted

Last edited by DeragonRider on Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2015 9:54 am

Name: “Pepper”oni Pizzazz

Race: Pizza (unicorn) pony

Age: Around 1000 years. Yes, she’s still good to eat. Because magic.

Mane: Cheese with pepperoni

Coat: Very light brown, tastes like pizza crust

Cutie mark: Confetti and a party hat

Extra details that aren’t needed but are nice to add:

Distinguishing Features: Her mane and tail are made out of pizza.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Her whole body is made of magically regenerating pizza. She cannot die unless her heart is destroyed/eaten. Add to that her inability to age, making her immortal until somepony does manage to eat her heart.

Weaknesses: She tends to attract unwanted attention. Especially her scent.

Occupation: Owner, head chef, and mascot at the Pizza Pony Party Palace in Manehatten

Gear: She usually wears a cloak in public.

History: She was created by Discord during his original reign of Equestria. Just one of his byproducts of chaos, she supposes. Though while the Elements of Harmony fixed all of Discord’s messes, it didn’t treat her as one, and left her alive. After that, she was found by the Princesses and moved into the Castle of the Two Sisters, or whatever they called it at the time. They figured a pony like her shouldn’t be around the rest of Equestria so soon after Discord.

After Nightmare Moon’s banishment, she continued to live with Celestia in Canterlot as a chef for another few hundred years. Eventually, Celestia let her outside the castle. She took this time to travel around, something she hadn’t gotten to do… Ever. She became popular with foals and griffons, most likely due to the fact that she was living food.

After about 900 years, she earned a cutie mark after attending a foal’s birthday party. She realized what she really wanted to do with her life was make ponies happy. So she moved to Manehatten and after a while, she set up a pizza restaurant. It proved, once again, to be popular with foals and griffons. She remained there until whatever thread suddenly brought her into the magic of AU. Or Sunny. Either or.

Personality: She’s generally cheerful, if a bit reserved. She’s very good with foals. She won’t really admit where or when she came from. She tends to be quite excitable though, and might blurt something out if she’s happy enough.

Current Home: Manehatten

Misc: She’s magically delicious.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2015 5:23 am

DeragonRider wrote:
Name: Savior Medic

Well, of course we'll save our medic. Wink

Good show, old boy! Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2015 5:24 am

StrawberryGamer wrote:
Name: “Pepper”oni Pizzazz

Cookie goddess, you are the bane of my sanity. Character approved.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2015 5:18 pm

Name: Poppycock.

Race: Sphinx.

Age: 246.

Mane: Short curly brown.

Coat: Soft, tan.

Cutie mark.: N/A.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her eyes are a soft, glowing amber.

Distinguishing Features: She is a very fit and beautiful mare.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She’s quite fit, allowing her to keep up a little better than most average ponies. Her magic is a different story. If she gives someone a riddle and they cannot or do not answer it in under a minute, the small Sphinx gets a half-decent boost to her magic, the boost allows her to use slightly stronger spells for a short time. But if someone fails three riddles in a row, the boost is permanent.

Weaknesses: She is rather short, which is good only for keeping out of another’s reach. And her magic is not very strong, naturally rather weak unless one cannot answer her riddles.

Occupation: N/A.

Gear: Long, navy blue scarf.

History: Born in Ponypt long ago, Poppy was raised by her parents and learned of the magical power of Sphinxes. Her childhood was unremarkable, she always ended up as quite the troublemaker, but she never became cruel with it. After a few decades of growing up in a oasis in the desert...Poppy wanted to leave. And after gathering enough to last her the trip to a city by the ocean, and she found a ship headed to Equestria. She got a ride, helping the crew out of boredom for most of the ship’s travel, but then she got to Equestria, and after two hundred years of the place, well, she still loved it. She had made so many friends and had so much fun just messing around, having fun, moving on. Almost nothing was permanent for her, as she knew she’d outlive many of the people she met. But still, many friendships and lovers she stuck with for several years. But she always moved on, looking for the next adventure.

Personality: Kind, out-going, a little extravagant at some points, and almost never is in a bad mood.

Current Home: N/A.

Misc: She likes to confuse people. Gets quite frustrated when others figure out her riddles.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 18 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2015 5:43 pm

BronzeFog wrote:
Name: Poppycock

And I'm done with synonyms, character approved. Smile
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