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 OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)

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Age : 28

OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 16, 2015 3:23 pm

Name: Dream Sickle but prefers Icee
Race: Unicorn, mare.
Age: 26
Mane: Aquamarine Style short except for one portion of her mane which is white in addition  is longer and in front of her face.
Coat: Azure
Cutie mark.: on snowflake with a a wave behind it. Icee's mark (not my creation)
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: The small white portion of her hair smells like vanilla.
Distinguishing Features:
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Can breath snow and turn it to ice. She can also form the ice to shapes. If it calls for it she could also turn them to icicles and use them to fight.
Weaknesses:Doesn't take well to critics but yet who does. Although she can't get a cold she does get fevers more. Has a hard time keeping a romantic relationship(most ponies don't find a blast of snow to the face, romantic.) When she hot, her snow turn to water. turning her to a pretty much a pony water gun.
Occupation: Ice sculpture (sells her works for weddings,parties, anything that wants an ice sculpture.)
Gear: Has a pair of ice skates in her saddle bag.
History: B orn to a family of unicorns her life was pretty normal. esip for one thing her home town being near a mountaintop the town always had snow, to most it it was a pain. But, Sickle never saw an issue with it. Snow ball fights, snow ponies, hiding in piles of snow and jump scaring ponies, all that kind of stuff, she was into. "Don't stay out in the snow too long or you catch a cold." She would hear her mom constantly remind her. Even though she never got sick, her body just didn't like the heat. One day during school every thing seen be going fine example of one thing Sickle sneezed. This being weird for her since this is the first time in 8 years she sneezed, also the sneeze, coat the classroom and mates with a blanket of snow. She might of got 2 week detention. but she got her cutie mark. As the years pass ponies started to leave town eventually the town became more barren and in ruins eventually, Dream sickle join them and left town. She moved to Vanhoover, Cold enough for her to work there, but not to busy that she becomes too big of a celebrity. She hasn't kept in touch with her family since doesn't have the slightest idea where they went off to. Her greatest accomplishment was have one of her works at the grand galloping gale, Until "the pink one" destroyed it.  
Personality: An little immature for her age but she claim it to be a kid at heart. She open to friends and has no problem making them. When she gets mad she could get a little too harsh with her words. She like being happy and likes when other are happy, so she doesn't deal with downers.
Current Home: Small house in Vanhoover
Misc: She HATES all thing Disney and Guess Why!
Also not a fan of her original name (gives so ponies the wrong idea of her talent) or ice puns (unless she does them.)
Will make an path of ice to skate on, If she board and/or lazy to walk.
Has a fear of phoenixes. "It a bird the blows up and burst to flames how do you not freak out"
even though she love winter her favorite holiday is Nightmare night.
Her goal in life is to find that special some pony to share her life in. (F.Y.I she bisexual)
Surprisingly enough she a huge metal and dubstep fan.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2015 1:36 am

((This sheet contains a married couple.))

Name: Ampere "Amp" Spudger

Race: Earth pony

Age: 55

Mane: Yellow

Coat: Red

Cutie mark.: Open chrome toolbox filled to the brim with a mishmash of tools, cables, and circuit boards.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: This mare has a tendency to smile often. Orange eyes.

Distinguishing Features: Often seen wearing round glasses, and sometimes wears either blue overalls with a matching cap or a white lab coat while at work.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): A tried and true mechanical engineer, as well as a rather proficient inventor, programer, and researcher in the ways of magitechnology and chemistry. Can generally pilot/control some of her more ambitious projects well enough... after the usual trial and error. Her husband has helped her become more of a grease monkey herself through working and living together for so long. Hot Blooded will.

Weaknesses: She truly is a peppy mare, but she is still an aging mare whose strength and stamina can only take her so far. Tasks requiring extra force of labor will certainly take their toll on her, even if it involves something she can theoretically deal with herself through knowledge. A non-combatant overall by herself, though underestimating her as a coward is a mistake as she WILL defend herself. Her greatest regret is never being able to have offspring to pass her knowledge onto, or that her beloved husband could have a chance to be a father.

Occupation: Officially retired as an engineer for the best R&D company in Vanhoover, she still works back with them on and off site through commissions. Some by old friends, some by interested investors, and some for the sake of improving older concepts time and time again. Fully intent on making her own private R&D company some day as she works on her own self-imposed projects.

Gear: Mainly, computing maintenance tools. General purpose experimental utility belt, and experimental utility watch.

History: Born and raised by a fairly average but well off family in Manehattan, she would prove herself to be quite the smart young lass in school growing up over the years as she always seemed to be a step ahead of most academically. As time went on, she attained an affinity for making small but complex toy models with ease, as well as skip a few grades with her intellect, always cheerily studying and fiddling with her hooves, eagerly sharing her passion with others any chance she could. Eventually, she had moved with her family out of the rather noisy ambience that was the ever developing Manehattan, and went over to the quieter, smaller, but still developing city of Vanhoover to further her studies, and then specialize in engineering. She also had a strong fascination with comic book heroes and epic heroes of Equestrian history.

Between her studies and her soon quickly professional level of work, she would soon hold the distinction of being among the first to develop computer technology in Equestria for more common use later on, which opened more possibilities in terms of research and studying, as well as speeding up her own growing ambitions and projects, and allowing her the time to broaden her knowledge further; Including making larger complex animatronic toys among other inventions made of superior metals and alloys.

It was during these prime years that she would meet a fairly rugged looking handsome stallion who would then become the love of her life as he, coming from seemingly nowhere within her circle of friends and co-workers, lent his support when she truly went all out on her work and no others could keep up but him no matter what. When work ended, their time together would soon blossom to passionate fun and learning. Their marriage would surprise no one with how much they got along and spent time together.

Later on still, her research would take on a somewhat different focus than to simply improve upon things as she noticed events that would alter the lives of many time and time again. Return of lost monarchs, living legends running amok, supreme magical beings and relics being unleashed reminded her of something: Some way, some how, the alicorns, unicorns, and pegasi were often the ones making the really significant changes compared to the Earth ponies and their affinity for just the land. She did envy their influence, but more than that she saw it as a challenge of her intellect. She'd come to hear what the Magic of Friendship had brought to the land, but with the events of Tirek in particular, she had finally come to a decision: She would devote more of her time so that Magic alone would not have to bear the burden of righteousness and justice for the greater good; Muscle would also play a part, she thought as she'd contact for aid on the matter. Muscle... in the form of her Super Robot projects... She always did like her toys...

Personality: Generally lively, hearty, and a great supporter for new ideas, be they magical or otherwise. Always has the belief that magical and weather controlling creatures can be matched if not surpassed by the Earth ponies. It's all one big challenge to her. May have a bad habit of wanting to share, or show off, her newest inventions to others... for better or worse.

Current Home: Private compound in the outskirts of Vanhoover, perfect for making her personal projects unhampered.

Misc: Main Theme


Name: Ford "Grease Monkey" Wrench

Race: Saddle Arabian

Age: 50

Mane: Purple

Coat: Green

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: This stallion's mane and tail are rather short and curly, and has a thick bushy moustache that more often than not covers his mouth even as he speaks. Blue eyes, and bushy brows that lend a constant shadow to them.

Distinguishing Features: Is very often seen smoking from his wooden corncob pipe. Often wears blue overalls or white overalls with matching caps while at work. The fact he's a Saddle Arabian makes him distinctly tall and exotic compared to the average pony.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): A true handystallion. Just about anything involving physical labor is right under his proficiency, but he truly shines when it comes to the dirtier jobs. If he's not covered in oil, smudge, splinters, grime, or burns somewhere on his body at the end of the day, it's a slow lazy day. Years spent with his wife has boosted his knowledge on technology to where he can try to keep up with her magitechnobable at least, as well as maintain delicate equipment with more ease. Often the number 1 co-pilot of his wife's more ambitious projects. Adamantly stoic.

Weaknesses: As great as he is with tools and sharp with his mind, he's never truly had a fully-fledged education which means certain subjects will just fly over his head due to his early upbringing. His wife helped remedy some of it, but matters of history, geography, literature, and pop culture often eludes him. Sometimes feels burdened with the thought of never being able to have foals with his beloved wife despite their attempts.

Occupation: Still active as a general purpose handystallion in the city of Vanhoover, but the more his wife has taken to self-imposed projects, the less he's been going to tend to others as time goes on to show his support and help with her projects.

Gear: Toolbox, toolbelt, experimental utility watch made by the wife.

History: He was born in Saddle Arabia, but barely lived there long as his family immigrated to Vanhoover for a better shot at life since his parents would see opportunity to be gained in a developing location before he was barely able to walk straight on all fours. They were right in a way, but schooling for him would come mostly from his mother at home only, while his father did his best to constantly show him the family trade of being a handystallion every chance he could, teaching him the importance of hard and honest work constantly.

Life was hard from him growing up. He could not get along too well with many of the youths, not because he was foreign, or because he could not speak much of the same language at first, but because a home-schooled handystallion in the making that was more often than not working instead of having fun to earn his keep and that of the family. Fortunately, he was good with his hooves at carving objects of his choosing. It brought him peace, as did smoking with a pipe given by his father further on to deal with the stressful but fulfilling work easier.

Things would take a drastic turn in his early adulthood and life in general however when he'd take his father's place in getting a job at a prestigious institute when the elder fell ill and couldn't take the job himself. It was there he met the would-be love of his life... as she practically drafted him to work for her long hours time after time after literally dragging him into the institute as she was always busy with something when they met up, and he happened to be the only one available to keep up with her busybody ways and demands for manual labor where as many of the others simply could not keep up with her seemingly endless energy.

At first, he thought he'd just have to put up with a crazy eccentric mare for some bits, but soon he'd learn that the more he worked for her and the institute, the more he'd come to enjoy it. He learned to appreciate that she was just like him, working to their very best of their abilities for a goal, as well as respect that her projects were almost always with others in mind as he'd come to learn since she'd speak with him during their time together, even if he usually kept quiet. Plus, he found much of her end results to be quite fascinating time and again, even if he didn't fully understand what they were for but how they were made between them. While he had always liked the jobs he did in some fashion or other, it wasn't until he worked with her that he learned to really enjoy the work being done, just because she was actually fun to be around and keep up with.

What truly came as a surprise to him though, was how he'd come to learn something about her that she would not do for most anyone else. She'd slow down and make time for him in ways only her family ever seemed to get from her. Most notably, whenever they were done with work, and he'd get to carving figurines from wood, while she sat next to him and watched. It never mattered how long he took, she'd always watch from beginning to end as they met early on. He'd also come to learn that she was actually quite the big shot among students, as she was far ahead of most with several graduating titles to her name already that most would struggle to get in one go, and she was still a spry young adult at the time that was also already taking jobs from outside. The biggest of all surprises though? Her willingness to accompany him for the occasional dinner with his family, even when she and others of her league were getting praise and nominations for their continued contributions to society that she would pass on. Their marriage would come as no surprise, since no one appreciated his work more than his wife, plus it also meant they could get their own place and live together and spend their spare time further learning from one another, and having fun building things on their spare time, even if that meant taking risks along her as her number 1 assistant in experiments.

Much of his life was straightforward compared to the innovative wife who always looked for new ways to make things better, but even he would notice some of her worries, and all it took was a single evening to comprehend what her worries were regarding events in the land. He didn't fully understand some of the problems as she saw them, but he knew one thing when he finally learned what her next big project was going to be about: She was going to try and make some changes, and was asking for his help most of all. He thought and told her it was the single most insane idea she had ever come up with... and was more than ready to help her out with her Super Robot projects... Because at the end of it all, he always did like playing with the toys they made...

Personality: Generally a quiet sort, patient, focused, and an admirer of hard work. Likes to brag that none smile more than his wife while at work than him, but whether he's joking or not is hard to tell when his moustache always covers his mouth.

Current Home: A private compound in the outskirts of Vanhoover, perfect for the safety of others to keep them away from some of the more dangerous projects.

Misc: Main Theme

Last edited by Mr. Market on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:38 am; edited 3 times in total
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OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2015 4:07 pm

jz96 wrote:
Name: Dream Sickle but prefers Icee

I'm sorry, we already have an Icee. Wink

Quote :
Misc: She HATES all thing Disney and Guess Why!

Then she should be very pleased that Disney does not exist in Equestria. Wink Not gonna ask you to take this out because it's so nonsensical and funny, just be aware that your character hates something that does not exist, at least to them.

Quote :
(F.Y.I she bisexual)

Most girls are, it seems... Wink

Quote :
Surprisingly enough she a huge metal and dubstep fan.

Metal men are gentlemanly as shit. So I strongly approve of Dream Sickle's decisions in this regard. Smile

As you can tell, I enjoyed commenting on this (the first thing about us already having an Icee was a joke, if that wasn't clear) but I see no problems with it. Approved. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2015 4:50 pm

Mr. Market wrote:
Name: Ampere "Amp" Spudger

Name: Ford "Grease Monkey" Wrench

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OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2015 12:55 am

Name: Cotton Candy

Race: Thestral

Age: 26

Mane: Blue, Fluttershy's length but slightly messy

Coat: Fluffy. Very fluffy. Pink.

Cutie mark.: A rainbow-coloured hat, similar to Applejack's Stetson hat.

Distinguishing Features: She is well-known in her community due to her social nature. She's also a bloodsucking thestral, but only trusted friends actually know this in particular.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): She is really good at making hats.

Weaknesses: She is susceptible to heartbreak. If someone important to her leaves her, bad things can happen as she's prone to emotional breakdowns.

Occupation: She owns a hat shop. (City varies per canon)

Gear: Lots of hats.

History: Cotton Candy was born as the daughter of parents socially prominent in her place of birth that they had settled in, and life with them growing up had been good early on. They, however, were also bloodsuckers as she was. When discovered of this fact, they were relentlessly chased out of Equestria, mistaken for monsters, while Cotton was forced to stay behind in hiding for a time. The locals didn't know the filly was vampiric as she hid it well, and remained to live on normally among them. In time, she became well-known with the local ponies for her friendliness, which let her make a living in peace from there onwards.

Personality: She is very bubbly and energetic, but not always understanding. While she tries to be, it doesn't quite work. She's similar to Pinkie Pie, I suppose, except more huggy and less party-y.

Current Home: She usually has a bedroom attached to her store, whose location varies depending on the canon.

Misc: She's cute. The fact she's a bloodsucker has to do with her being based on the actual bloodsucking Vampire bats, not the supernatural monster vampires of lore.

Last edited by Cynicalwhovian on Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2015 7:10 am

Cynicalwhovian wrote:
Name: Cotton Candy


As an aside, I viewed your original sheet prior to all refinements and edits and the only changes I'd have suggested or sought clarification about was in some of your wording. The character as originally written was just fine, but thanks for giving it an extra coat of polish. Smile
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Mokuba: Hero-Of-Legend

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OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Empty
PostSubject: My OC: Mokuba.   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2015 7:42 pm

Name: Mokuba

Race: Alicorn

Age: 9

Mane: Grey, Long

Coat: Dark Blue

Cutie mark.: A star With a sword across it, what it does is relive the prophecy, fighting, and star alliance when obtained.

Distinguishing Features: The first alicorn prince, winner of 3 fighting tournaments, poet and writer at heart.

Specialty: Starlight Magic (created by him), Sword combat.

Weaknesses: Chaotic Darkness, Soul Stones, Ancient Magic Gems

Occupation: Prince, Fighter, Adventure

Gear: Summonable Key-blade

History: A prophecy was once told about a young alicorn filly would fall from the sky and rise to defeat the darkness that broke loose from a galactic void known as, "The Void of Shadows." That prophecy was once an ancient belief, but to others, the prophecy was just a myth. Years had passed, and the myth died off. Until one night in the equistera known today, in Pony-Ville, a meteor shower was going on, and the main 6 watched on from the castle they lived in, until they saw a fast meteor heading for the outside of their castle, and crashed there. They found out it wasn't a meteor, but it was a filly, who's name was Mokuba. Mokuba was in a coma when he crashed, and they brought him in. Hours passed, and he woke up very slowly. He was Greeted By Twilight and her friends, and they helped him heal. When Celestia, Luna, and Cadence met him, they found out that he was a part of a prophecy told long ago, and he needed to train up and rely on Twilight and Her friends. Months passed by, Training was complete, and the Darkness from The Void Of Shadows came. Twilight and her friends tried to fight it off with the elements of harmony, but it was not powerful enough, Mokuba joined in and used his starlight magic along side the elemental beam from the elements. They defeated the darkness using the powers of the elements and the powers of starlight magic. He now fights to protect others, and is currently a prince!

Personality: Serious at times, Gentle, Calm.

Current Home: The Crystal Empire, With Shining Armor and Cadence.

Misc: Can go in different forms, like a saiyan.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2015 8:53 pm

Mokuba: Hero-Of-Legend wrote:
Name: Mokuba

Race: Alicorn

Age: 9

OK, so he's an alicorn foal. This could work.

Quote :
Cutie mark.: A star With a sword across it


Quote :
what it does is relive the prophecy, fighting, and star alliance when obtained

...what...? It... cutie marks are pictures on your flanks, they don't do anything.

Quote :
Distinguishing Features: The first alicorn prince

Of what nation?

Quote :
winner of 3 fighting tournaments

..at AGE NINE?

Quote :
poet and writer at heart.

...he's 9...

Quote :
Specialty: Starlight Magic (created by him)

OK, now he's the kid of Twilight Sparkle?

Quote :
Sword combat.

...but he's nine...

Quote :
Weaknesses: Chaotic Darkness

...he... what? What does this mean?

Quote :
Soul Stones

...this isn't Elder Scrolls, Mokuba

Quote :
Ancient Magic Gems

OK, so, new magic gems don't bother him. Good to know.

Quote :
Occupation: Prince

Being a prince is a hereditary monarchical position, not an occupation.

Quote :
Fighter, Adventure

Nine. He's nine years old. As in one year short of ten.

Quote :
Gear: Summonable Key-blade

You ripped off Kingdom Hearts too?

Quote :
...and the main 6 watched on from the castle they lived in...

Oh, OK, so he's not related to Twilight.

Quote :
until they saw a fast meteor heading for the outside of their castle, and crashed there

Destroying most of Ponyville in the process and killing them instantly. Because that's what meteors do.

Quote :
They found out it wasn't a meteor...

Oh, OK.

Quote :
...but it was a filly, who's name was Mokuba.

...the alicorn prince is a girl...?

Quote :
Months passed by, Training was complete, and the Darkness from The Void Of Shadows came.

...but... but... nine... Nine years old. NINE.

Quote :
Twilight and her friends tried to fight it off with the elements of harmony, but it was not powerful enough

...the Elements of Harmony are a magical superweapon that can imprison what amounts to a GOD. What the hell?

Quote :
Mokuba joined in and used his starlight magic along side the elemental beam from the elements.

OK, so the Green Ranger added his Dragon Dagger to the Power Rangers' blaster. OK, makes sense to me.

Quote :
He now fights to protect others, and is currently a prince!

...Oh, OK. Celestia adopted him.

Quote :
Current Home: The Crystal Empire, With Shining Armor and Cadence.

...so Cadence adopted him...?

Quote :
Misc: Can go in different forms, like a saiyan.

...so... he's over 9000...

I'm deeply, deeply sorry for my mocking and inconsiderate tone through this entire sheet but this... this is a mess.
1. Alicorns are heavily restricted in this group and have to be severely limited in power.
2. Cutie marks do not do anything other than indicating special talent. There is some indication from the season 5 opener that they have some kind of metaphysical significance beyond that, but the specifics are not clear. Regardless, they do not do what you describe.
3. I suppose that being an alicorn automatically makes him a prince, but of what lineage? What of the three kingdoms in the show (Equestria, Twilight's Kingdom. and the Crystal Empire) is he a prince of?
4. He's nine. He cannot possibly have even been PART of a fighting tournament, much less won one, much less won three.
5. Unless you imagine his writing and poetry skills to be very, very rough, then he's no writer OR a poet.
6. You cannot create your own magic. This has happened ONCE in canon and only through the efforts of a unicorn so powerful as to be essentially unique.
7. He cannot specialize in sword combat at age 9.
8. What the absolute hell is chaotic darkness and how is it a weakness?
9. What the absolute hell are soul stones, and how are they a weakness?
10. What the absolute hell are ancient magic gems and how are they a weakness?
11. Being a prince is an inhered position in an monarchy. It is not a profession.
12. At age nine, he cannot have an occupation, much less being a fighter and adventurer.
13. Giving him a keyblade is a direct and explicit rip-off of another series and universe. This is never, ever acceptable. The only instance of this sort of thing being acceptable was when it was indirect and when the player in question inserted enough of their own creative work to make it based on an existing universe rather than an explicit copy.
14. This prophecy is such an obvious contrivance to bypass all the deep issues with this character that I'm going to say no to it.
15. He fell from the sky. No, no, and hell no. Unless you create an actual origin story for this, it can't even get into the same universe as acceptable.
16. Filly is a term used for a female pony child. A male is a colt.
17. A short training montage to magically give him the skills to defeat some kind of vague cosmic threatening force is not acceptable. He's a CHILD.
18. Not a single thing was specified about this threat. What it could do, where it came from, or anything. It's a clearly invented threat for a horrifically overpowered character to defeat to prove how badass he is.
19. The Elements of Harmony are a magical superweapon that represent the strongest magical force on the planet. Especially after their upgrade with rainbow force colors, the show has made it clear that they are an order of magnitude more powerful than the entire magical power of all ponies in existence combined, including all four princesses. There is no possible way that your character is powerful enough to add a crucial power boost to a weapon on this scale.
20. As to the saiyan comparison, this is actually the most revealing part of this entire sheet. By comparing your character to an impossibly powerful race, you pretty much expose that this character is meant to be so powerful as to dominate any thread and any situation. This kind of character cannot be allowed.

This is so badly broken that I cannot imagine any way to fix it. I'm afraid you'll have to start from scratch and collect help and advice from the admins of the site, whose names and contact information is on the front page.
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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2015 7:52 pm

Name: Silver Blade

Race: Pegasus

Age: 24

Mane: Silver with white streaks, kept short; same goes with tail

Coat: Dark grey, white muzzle and his right forehoof is also white

Cutie mark.: A dagger with a silver blade and a purple ribbon around the hilt (handle)

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: He has purple eyes, the same purple as the ribbon of his cutie mark and the ribbon he wears on his dagger.
Because of his profession, a blacksmith, he is strong and almost always covered in soot, coloring him black.

Distinguishing Features: His purple eyes and his discolored muzzle and hoof. Aside from that, not much really.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He is very proficient in swordfighting and hoof-to-hoofcombat. He is stronger than the average pegasus.

Weaknesses: When he gets angry, he can lose his control. And when he’s lost control, he often makes mistakes. He has a bad habit of running away from his problems, never really confronting them.

Occupation: Blacksmith

Gear: Belt with his weapons, a special sheath for his dagger, his saddlebags with his belongings.
His dagger, is a story apart. It was enchanted by a warlock, who would later become his mentor. (see history). It is enchanted to stay in his hoof (he learned how to properly hold an un-enchanted sword on a later age), and only he can pick it up with his hooves. It would always slip out of other’s grips, be it magical or hooves. It cannot hurt its owner and it will always return to him - not actively fly back to him, but if he ever lost it or it would be stolen, he would always find it again. It is near-unbreakable and doesn’t require much maintenance.

His other weapons are ordinary. He prefers his dagger over any other weapon.

History: As a colt, Silver helped his father, Forged Blade, anytime he could. He was a blacksmith as well. He learned Silver every aspect of making day-to-day objects, as well as weapons and blades. He didn’t learn to use them, though. That day came when his father was commissioned a dagger, made of the strongest and purest silver, that is to be enchanted by a warlock. The commissioner - who, to this day, remained anonymous - had sent his apprentice to pick up the blade and bring it to the warlock, but he never arrived.

Eventually, the warlock went to pick the dagger up himself. After hearing of the fate of the commissioner and his apprentice, he asked Silver and his family if he would be interested in learning how to wield a blade. Of course, Silver said yes, and after a bit of convincing his parents agreed to it as well. And so, the warlock enchanted the dagger to be Silver’s. Over the course of a few weeks, the warlock started to train Silver how to properly handle the dagger, learning him everything the dagger could do and what he could do with the dagger.

But he didn’t get his cutiemark until one day, when the attackers of the commissioner and his apprentice tracked down the Warlock. They had almost killed Silver’s mother and had severely wounded his father, but Silver picked up the dagger and desperately tried to defend himself and his parents. He tried everything the warlock has learned so far - and finally, he disarmed the attackers and they fled, promising to come back one time for the warlock. But the warlock had disappeared during the fight.

All that he left was a purple ribbon, that had tied itself to the dagger, and a note tied on the other end. ‘Find me’, the note read, and as he picked up the dagger again, his cutie mark appeared. Thankfully, his parents fully recovered and kept working in the blacksmith until he became an adult, and all that time he kept up his abilities in swordfighting and combat. Once he had finished his schooling, he travelled from place to place, trying to find his friend and mentor, the Warlock. When he wasn’t searching, he would set up his own blacksmith or work in one until he was certain the warlock wasn’t there. This could range from a few weeks to months or even years. He hasn’t found his mentor yet.

Personality: He is adventurous, always curious. This could get him in a lot of trouble. He does know when to get serious. He is silent near strangers, but more open with ponies he knows. It takes time for him to warm up to new ponies. He isn’t very talkative, even with friends, and when he talks he is always the voice of reason. When he gets angry, really angry, he can lose his control and sometimes go even so far as to kill. He immediately regrets these outbursts and runs. He always runs from his problems, and he prefers never to go back to the town he’s lived in, even if there were happy memories there. The only place he’d go back to is his parent’s home.

Current Home: A small town outside of Manehattan.

Misc: His favorite color is purple.

Last edited by Civviq Writer on Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2015 11:51 pm

Civviq Writer wrote:
Name: Silver Blade

Approved. Smile
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Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 5:46 am

OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Nuria__commission__by_grimdark_graveyeard-d8wg8lf

Name: Nuria Wintersbane
Race: Feathered Kirin
Age: 26
Mane: Her mane, which grows down the length of her back, is a lighter copper.
Scales: Nuria is adorned with off white scales.
Cutie mark.: None
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Her kin, the feathered kirin are descendant from a band of pegasus that abandoned the newly formed Equestria, feeling that Commander Hurricane had done them wrong by forming an alliance with the other two pony tribes. They traveled far south for nearly a whole winter, slowly freezing and starving to death. But they were fortunately saved by the warmth of a merciful dragon's flame. Seeing that the cold did not bother the dragons, the band decided to start mimicking nearly every aspect of their dragon saviors, from adapting their stomachs to meat, to breathing flame and building nests until, nearly a thousand years later, they had evolved to be nearly dragon themselves. They formed tribes of their own and eventually one large nation, ruled by the strongest as King or Queen.
Distinguishing Features:Claws and enlarged canines of course. A pattern of blood red diamonds shapes in her scales that run from the tip of her muzzle, down her back, and to the end of her tail. Golden eyes. (See history)
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Dragon-like fire breath, aura sense.
Weaknesses: Her eyes are more easily susceptible to over stimulation, which can cause headaches. Cold based magic or extreme cold weather can disable her fire breath.
Occupation: Travel guide.
Gear: A fancy spear, and a silken robe that she wears for special occasions.
History: Nuria was born in a far away land, populated by both Dragons and Feathered Kirin where the two coecisted peacefully. She was originally born with a pair of sky blue eyes, and couldn't actually see very well. This was particularly bad because of the warrior culture of her tribe. Her parents feared that she would not be able to hunt or care for herself as a result, and that no one would want to take her for a wife. Her poor eyesight contributed to many losses in fights, and was proving again and again to be a hindrance. She tells of a day that she sat in a dragon's nest, caring for the eggs within when she was visited by a particularly dazzling dragon of golden scale. This dragon seemed to know of her plight, and so, out of kind mercy, took her sky blue eyes for itself and replaced them with two pieces of gold, promising that they would never fail her. Ever since that day, Nuria has been able to see just fine and she believes that she was visited that day by the Mother of Flame, the god of all dragons.

Since that day, she had never trouble seeing again, and started surpassing her peers in skill on the battlefield, and on the hunt, and in general intelligence. One day, she made an ambitious move. When the time came for a new King Chief to be selected, she decided that she wanted to prove herself with the ultimate test. She challenged her ruling King Chief for the throne and thusly defeated him in a battle of wit and strength. She now lives as the Queen Chief of the entire Kirin nation and enjoys a happy lifestyle.
Personality: Though sometimes she seems distant, she can have a fiery spirit when angered, though she is mostly mellow and calm. She is often lost in thought and may not pay much attention to an immediate conversation. Under pressure is when she seems to concentrate the most. He eyes often wander away from whoever she speaks to.
Current Home: Kirin Nation of Dracotalon

Last edited by Alpha P on Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 5:59 am

Alpha P wrote:
Name: Nuria Wintersbane

Must not be influences by wubbable picture... must not be influence by wubbable picture... must not... ah, buck it! *glomps that Nuria* I can be bribed... >.>

In case you were wondering, the resubmitted version is approved. Didn't even have to think about it. Now, back to wubbling that Nuria... <3
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Mx. Thinkamancer

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2015 11:48 pm

Name:  Miracle Worker

Race:  Earth Pony

Age:  26

Mane:  Auburn, well brushed

Coat:  Light Grey

Cutie Mark:  A bright white star within a swirl of black

Distinguishing Features:  The coat color around his eyes is slightly darker giving a hint of a natural mask; typically dresses to impress in fancy (sometimes even exotic) outfits

Specialty:  Has a talent for instilling hope in others as well as willing to perform seemingly impossibly tasks when called upon.  This seems to extend from an innate understanding of the world around him and the act of synergy and reactions.

Weaknesses:  Curious to the point of being nosey; can be too "passionate" about things; sometimes is too flamboyantly verbose; danger tends to spur him forward rather than make him think twice

Occupation:  Traveling Magician and occasional Mentalist and Medium (both stage and street performances)

Gear:  Several outfits and coats designed for catching the eye and covering up/aiding his tricks; a trunk filled with props, gadgets, and chemicals; a notepad and pencil incase inspiration strikes;

History:  Miracle Worker's past is muddled beyond understanding, the result of a combination of spectator speculation and his own tall tales at performances.  Some claim that he is the first Earth Pony to be capable of magic that till then only Unicorns could perform.  Others believe he learned the occult secrets of the Zebras or some other species, drawing upon power never seen before.  Still more believe that he's nothing more than an ordinary pony with an extordinary gift for sleight of hoof and misdirection.  And a hoofful more think that he made a pact with some undiscovered being to which part of his bargin was to help those in need and face down danger.  When actually pressed, he smiles and says, "a magician never reveals their secrets."  What it is about his past that needs to be kept a secret is a topic subjected to further speculation.

Personality:  A bright and helpful pony, often using his skills to help others as much as they do performing.  Unafraid to showboat when desired, but mostly to boost others' confidence in him.  Possesses a curiousity that always has questions (even if not spoken out loud) and a sense of optimism that's nearly overwhelming and infectious.  He also has a sense of wanderlust that keeps him moving from place to place, seeking new stages to perform on and more people in need of help.  

Current Home:  A seemingly simple home attached to a large hot air balloon which seems to hold more than most would think possible, the weight of it all making most believe magic is involved in getting off the ground to begin with.

Misc:  Has skill with the violin and loves to play it when relaxing; also has an occasional liking and use of rhyme and prose; while unable to cast actual magic himself, he has been taught in the magic theory that Unicorns learn; his performances are actually everyday stage magic and "sleight of hoof" tricks combined with some alchemy/chemistry concoctions and basic engineering.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 1:07 am

[b]Cutie mark: red shield with two red handle swords in a cross in front
[b]Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: he doesn't know much about equestria due to coming here from another dimension so he sometimes mess up on common knowledge. he has a sword with him though he always seek a peaceful solution first. he was a monkey guardian knight in ook. that was the dominent species. when coming from ook to here, he turned into a pegasus. taken by surprise it took a while to learn everything about his new form. mostly walking,flying and fighting.
[b]Distinguishing Features:he has Heterochromia. his left eye is blue while his right eye is brown
[b]Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): he very good at sword fighting. very fast at flying and using air attacks. he very good at fighting with his hooves.
[b]Weaknesses: despite being a good fighter he gets distracted a lot. he also keep his own feelings inside. never letting it be known if he sad or angry etc. he very awkward around others and keep to himself a lot. he not very trusting either.
[b]Occupation:He's the general in Ka's gang. also love to keep lookout over the used castle they call home. he also a mentor to anna, teaching her hoof to hoof combat.
Current Home: everfree forest.
History: in ook,monkeys rule the land. there was 5 tribes. chim foo,sea dragons,ootu mystics,ice raiders and mek teks. dingy wasn't part of any of these. he decided to stay in the crossroads and join the guardian knights. guardian knights are the royal guards of the monkey king. these knights been around for a long time and fight off the threats to their home. ka was a powerful demon but the monkey king deal with him though they both died. this was part of ook history that dingy had to learn if he wanted to become a guardian knight. after years passed he was finally accepted in the guardian knights though many teased him about it. he had to learn many skills even how to fight in the pitch dark. his teachers did noticed that he got distracted way too easy. also that he rather try peaceful ways then fight. they also notice how he don't order others around despite having reasons to do so. one night after a hard session dingy saw a shard on the ground. he quickly pick it up and heard a voice speak to him. it was telling him that he needed more shadow shards in order to help him out. at first he didn't trust this voice and wouldn't do what it said til it help him in training. soon he was much better and having high marks on all areas. soon he was ready to be on his own. his first mission was to collect shadow shards and burn them. (not done with history yet.)
Personality: he very kind when not around ka's gang. very polite and soft spoken except when a fight breaks out. then he get loud to be heard and want to solve things peacefully. cares for his crush deeply though doesn't show it. when meeting others ponies or non ponies he often nods respectfully at them. though he might stare at non ponies cuz he very curious about them but is polite enough not to ask. he doesn't shy away from others but get annoy really quickly once they ask about his eyes. he a very good listener and like to help if there trouble. though he don't reveal where he from.

Last edited by shadowphil666 on Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: OC request application    OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 4:55 am

Name: Quick Snap Buckly

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 23

Mane: Mostly red, with orange bangs. Messy.

Coat: Dark Blue

Cutie mark: Camera

Distinguishing Features: None, really.

Specialty: Incredibility talented at taking photos and a highly skilled journalist. Impressive strength and speed from many years of playing hoofball. High intelligence.

Weaknesses: Forgetful and unfocused on thing that do no pertain to his current article. Has a tendency to ignore other ponies when very deep in work.

Occupation: Photo journalist.

Gear: Camera, pen, and notebook

History: Quick Snap always loved the art of photography. The idea of preserving something for a long time was a grand thought. So, he dedicated most of his time to studying the craft. On his 10th birthday, he was given his first camera. He would spend the next few months taking pictures of every from varying perspectives. It wasn't too long after that when he got his cutie mark. Some years later, he would come to work as a photo journalist for a paper in Manehatten. During a trip to Ponyvile while working on an article about country life, he interviewed the Apple family, where he meet and befriended Big Mac and Applejack.

Personality: Quick Snap is a pony of great passion and effort. Everything he does always has a great deal of effort behind it. He works incredibly hard for his article, often spending days or weeks researching the subject of it. However, his passionate personality often leads him to shut others out in order to get his article just right. Despite this, he never comes off as arrogant, rude, or anti-social, and has shown to be very apologetic to the ponies he cancels on. Quick takes great pride in all of his work, making sure every detail about the subject is one hundred percent true.

Current Home: Manehatten

Misc: He has a strong dislike of Oranges, Mushrooms, heavy metal and rock music, loud places, and gossip articles and a strong liking of Pineapples, hay burgers, classical music, R&B, peacefully places, and weird new articles. His hobbies include: Taking pictures of beautiful scenery, playing checkers, playing hoofball, and drinking cider.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 5:40 pm

Note: North Star, and basically anypony affiliated with Star Caravans is made for a Fallout, or Fallout Type setting

Name: North Star

Race: Earth Pony

Age: 32

Mane: Dulled Gold

Coat: Felt Green

Cutie mark.: A white, eight pointed star

Distinguishing Features: North carries a scar on his cheek from taking a talon to the face, and a large mark in his side from taking a shotgun to the hip.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): North Star, renown bounty hunter, expert markspony and frontierspony. North knows very well how to survive and kill, most likely at the same time. He is a deadly match with any weapon, even his bare hooves.

Weaknesses: North is an admitted alcholic, a recovering addict from both Steady and Buck, and suffers heavily, emotionally, from failure or loss.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Game Hunter/Caravanner

Gear: North's selection of personal weaponry ranges from his personal, custom build Lever-action Rifle, a pair of lever-action shotguns, a .44 Revolver, and a knife & hatchet combo. He keeps the smaller of this selection holstered between his scavenged Pre-War SWAT armor and his black duster. He's also often seen with a hat, black to match his duster.

History: North started as a runaway from an estranged family after meeting his biological father in a bar, and then witnessing his death to radiation poisoning. In the years following, North became the sheriff of a budding settlement, watched as it burned to the ground, started as a caravan guard, was knocked unconscious during a raider ambush, settled with the surviving caravanners in an abandoned Stable, and stood firm in defiance as a crazed Talon Mercenary overloaded the Stable's reactor. After surviving the resulting radioactive explosion, North wandered the wastes until he found the courage and the caps to start up his own Caravanning business: Star Caravans, which he heads to this very day.

Personality: North is typically seen as the stereotypical cold sniper, and in most cases he is, but when he isn't behind a rifle, North is a caring, protective stallion, willing to put himself on the line for the sake of his friends and comrades. When he's behind a bottle, North is much more brazen and headstrong, and often believes he can sing like his brother.

Current Home: North can be spotted either on the trade route or blazing a new trail, but can reliably be found at his home where Star Caravans calls it's HQ in the Equestrian Heartlands

Misc: North's drink of choice is Whiskey, most often without ice. North also has a minor-moderate fear of fire.

Last edited by Someonewithapen on Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 9:01 pm

Name: Cloudy Dreamer
Race: Unicorn
Age: 18 [may shift a bit for the purposes of an RP]
Mane: Dark blue and quite long, though it is normally a big ol mess of bed-mane, when properly brushed out it actually hangs remarkably straight and hangs right to the ground... though he's more likely to just stuff it into a hat.

Coat: light blue with cuddly long fur and some white on his muzzle that forms a circle on his snout when viewed from the front.

Cutie mark.: His mark is a bit ambiguous, seen as both a white pillow or a fluffy cloud depending on who is asked.

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:

Distinguishing Features: That moon-shaped blotch on his snout, and often wearing a purple Beret that keeps his messy ass mane out of his face.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): He seems to have a specialty for 'persistent' magics, reffering to things that don't require the user to constantly channel it, such as enchanting and runes. Other magics seem to have a habit of backfiring, which is actually a great unfluence in why he looked into pesistent types of magic, though he adores 'experimenting' to try and make new magic anyway, it frequently just blows up in his face to rather comical affect, though usually not harmfully so. He is particularly curious about his own rather un-unicorn ability to stand on and interact with clouds like a pegasus, despite not having wings. He doesn't personally know it yet [or might depending on age changes in an RP], but his ability to interact with clouds and weather are born of a sort of half-breed syndrome, putting him between a unicorn and a Pegasus, and is also somewhat responsible for his difficulties with normal magic that calls for steady focus.

He has a wild imagination and interesting dreams, which help him with being a good story-teller, exercise his inventive nature, and occasionally quite the problem solver.

He is an extremely active dreamer, though that normally wouldn't be a big deal, his seem to include a pretty steady flow of precognitive dreams, even if they are most often benign and simple. They tend to become trigger memories that he'll just suddenly 'remember' after a series of cues just 'click' for him. The oddity of his dreams 'did' attract a certain pony's attention, being the patron of dreams afterall, and he enjoys the insightful dream-talks with her.

Weaknesses: The Spectacular streak of spell-backfires amongst what many would consider 'simple' spells.

He's not in actual control when one of his dream memories is triggered, his mouth runs off without him, and in the case of some particularly strong dreams, he might simply slip into acting it out.

When he's not especially 'active' he tends to be unusually lethargic, the type of pony to flop and nap just about anywhere, or get lost in day-dreams while dozing off.

[copied from above, because it applies here as well technically] He doesn't personally know it yet [or might depending on age changes in an RP], but his ability to interact with clouds and weather are born of a sort of half-breed syndrome, putting him between a unicorn and a Pegasus, and is also somewhat responsible for his difficulties with normal magic that calls for steady focus.

Occupation: Well, he fancies himself Ponyville's Resident Story-teller and Dreamseer, though not an 'official' job, he does occasionally wow somepony into giving him a tip for being helpful or especially enetertaining. He occasionally takes up the chance of 'foal sitting' and using some of his more fanciful stories to keep them entertained and out of trouble.

Gear: Standard Bag of holding, often chock full of scrolls and papers, writing utensils, notebooks, things he keeps around so he can jot down notes at a moments notice because he knows he'll probably forget it by the time he gets home. He also keeps a collection of his own smaller enchantment experiments in it, like his patented 'boom-shoes', Putter-ring, or cloud-maker.

History: For the most part Dreamer is just a normal pony born in ponyville, just, a 'normal pony' who happens to have dreams that predict things for ponies. He's known to explore a lot, and thanks to his preference for wandering about at night he tends to be pretty good at sneaking around. For the most part though, nobody really knows what the hell he does at night, since most other ponies are fast asleep when he gets to wandering, but he has shown a habit of staying awake sometimes for 2 or 3 days so he can still be around during the day to help ponies. It is not an advertised fact, but he also 'moon-lights' as a Friend of princess luna... honestly, his specialty involves unique dreaming, It'd be pretty far-fetch'd that she would 'not' notice him.

Otherwise though, he's mostly known as that one weird colt who naps everywhere, predicts weird stuff, and occasionally makes something explode...

Personality: Dreamer is typically quite friendly and open, not shy about opening his mouth either as he tends to spout random things to other ponies when his memory strikes up such as reminding them suddenly where they'll find that missing book or the bits they dropped.

He 'is' a bit odd in that he prefers to be awake at night for various reasons all his own, and can occasionally be seen if any pony actually happens to be up at the right time of night... yet he manages to still be present during the day while finding time to nap here and there or maybe even out-right sleep walking sometimes.

Current Home: He lives alone in a small house on the edge of ponyville, with a basement full of stuff. Though he's there rarely enough it may be more accurate to say that his 'home' is anywhere he can plop his head to sleep for a bit.

Misc: He's an acceptable cook, likes to sing or hum to himself, and tends to have a perpetually sleepy look except at night. He also likes to drink recreationally, and luckily is a nice drunk... his favorite drink is 'moon'shine, hur hur.

Last edited by Shoryu on Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Nicole Evermore

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 11:28 pm

Name: Nicole 'Column Hooves' Evermore
Race: Unicorn
Age: 35
Mane: Solid Blonde
Coat: Lime Green
Cutie mark: None
Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add: Bright Green eyes.
Distinguishing Features:
Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Access to minor chaos magic and a small hammerspace pocket.
Weaknesses: Can't push her magical boundaries, as her chaos magic will express itself in unpredictable ways, often inflicting at the very least minor property damage.
Occupation: Hotel Owner
Gear: Nothing
History: Nicole Evermore was born to the unicorn mare, Spell Write, and the Earth Pony Sweep Swift on the day of Discord's reign in Ponyville. Fearing for their foal, as soon as she was born, they fled to the city of Manehattan.
As she grew up, they knew something had happened to their foal that day, but they just couldn't place it. It came to the front when she went to school. It turned out her magic, outside of basic levitation and short range teleportation, never had predictable results. She began hearing a voice, the Nightmare, offering her power, but she turned it down.
This prompted the foals to mock her, repeatedly. She began hearing a voice, the Nightmare, offering her power, but she turned it down. This eventually pushed her over the edge though, causing her to snap. During the event, her eyes changed color to yellow and red, and all the students and the teacher fled the room.
Her parents were called in after she calmed down. When the teachers found out about the circumstances of her birth, she became a Nonperson in the school. Teachers wouldn't call on her, students wouldn't talk to her.
Then, one day, a unicorn stallion calling himself Mr. Lance approached the family. Claiming to be a master of Chaos Magic, he began mentoring Nicole Evermore in controlling and using her magic.
Over the next three years, her abilities and skills grew, until she hit 14. Then she hit some kind of block. She just couldn't make any more progress. Then Mr. Lance took a weeks vacation to Ponyville, leaving her to her own devices. Desperate to improve in anyway, she tries her hardest to pass the block. Her struggles again draw the Nightmare to her. Now the Nightmare promises enough power to make Mr. Lance proud of her. Nicole readily accepts and is given a small fragment of the Nightmare's power.
When she tried to channel the power, it reacted catastrophically with her own Chaos magic and blew up, sending her back through time to long before her birth.
Unable to send herself back, and her link to the Nightmare shattered in the blast, she's since spent the last 20 years catching up to the current point of history again, becoming the owner of a small hotel back in Manehattan, 'Column's Comforts'.
Personality: Motherly and always looking to help.
Current Home: Sleeps in the attic room of her Hotel.

There it is... Please let me know if I should change anything minor... I'm kind of attached this backstory and I apologize for it being so... Over the top...

Last edited by Nicole Evermore on Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:20 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 11:59 pm

Mx. Thinkamancer wrote:
Name:  Miracle Worker

It's been a very long time since I've had to say this, but while your character's history can be a mystery to all other characters, it can't be a mystery on the sheet. Anyone who reads, especially me, has to know what the character's history is or I can't give a fair evaluation. Please fill this in, because the rest of the character is golden and has no issues.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 12:13 am

shadowphil666 wrote:
Name: Dingy
Personality: he very kind when not around ka's gang. very polite and soft spoken except when a fight breaks out. then he get loud to be heard and want to solve things peacefully. cares for his crush deeply though doesn't show it. when meeting others ponies or non ponies he often nods respectfully at them. though he might stare at non ponies cuz he very curious about them but is polite enough not to ask. he doesn't shy away from others but get annoy really quickly once they ask about his eyes. he a very good listener and like to help if there trouble. though he don't reveal where he from. his first loyalty is to ka and his gang after all.

Alrighty then...
1. You need to do a grammatical revision so this is fully readable, although I was able to make enough educated guesses to evaluate it.
2. If he's been in Equestria for any length of time, he should be familiar with it.
3. No, he cannot use any weapon. The most accomplished fighter cannot simply pick up and use any weapon they choose because even among swords, there is no two swords that are perfectly identical.
4. What is "pony kung fu"? "Kung fu" is a general term for a state of mind or a code of living your life, like the samurai bushido code. It isn't a fighting style, movies like The Matrix notwithstanding.
5. Remove this "know attacks that not from equestria" nonsense. If a pony is capable of doing it, the knowledge of how exists in Equestria.
6. Having odd mannerisms isn't a weakness. It gives him no disadvantage and thus doesn't count.
7. What abandoned castle in the Everfree? Are you talking about the one built above the Tree of Harmony, where Twilight and her friends visit often?
8. Your history is about half history and half just random information about your character. Remove the random information and make it a history. Also, expand it to explain where he comes from and how he came to ally with this Ka, and what happened after he got to Equestria.
9. What "gang" are you talking about? A demon has a gang? And the Princess of Friendship living just outside the Everfree hasn't wandered in to drop a mountain on him? This is simply not credible at all.

Basically, Shadowphil, you need to revise your sheet for grammar, revise it to reflect my issues with it, and you have to better formulate how this Ka fits in because there's no way a demon could be hanging around that close to the Elements of Harmony without a beatdown for any length of time. If you need help fixing things, the front page of this group has links to all of the admins on the site, all of whom can help.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 12:15 am

SilverKaizer wrote:
Name: Quick Snap Buckly

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 12:17 am

Someonewithapen wrote:
Name: North Star

Approved, for the appropriate settings.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 12:20 am

Shoryu wrote:
Name: Cloudy Dreamer

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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 12:46 am

Name: #4330715, often abbreviated to Fifteen.

Race: Changeling.

Age: 9, roughly equivalent to early twenties.

Mane: Technically just an extension of his head... crest thing that flops over to one side.

Coatshell: Standard for changelings; dark gray.

Cutie mark.: None.

Distinguishing Features: Apart from his pseudo-mane, nothing really sets him apart from the rest of his kind.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc): Being a changeling, he's naturally skilled with disguise magic, and is decent with hypnosis spells. However, apart from that he's fairly limited in his magic; telekinesis and a basic light spell are the only other things he knows how to do. Basically, his most powerful defense is not being found in the first place.

Weaknesses: Like most changelings, #4330715 has a noticeable lack of empathy especially towards ponies; this has bitten him in the flank several times when he's tried to maintain a disguise. Also, as mentioned above he knows basically no offensive or defensive magic, making his horn and fangs his only real way of defending himself.

Occupation: Security guard at some hospital in Manehattan.

Gear: an old Royal Guard jacket (think WWII-era US Army) he got at a flea market; he wears it a lot off duty since Manehattan's frickin' cold. He is aware of the irony in wearing it.

History: #4330715 hatched in Chrysalis' hive, and during the time between reaching maturity at about a year old and the 2012 Canterlot invasion he spent the majority of his time away from the hive pretending to be ponies and doing whatever other stuff changelings do. Just before the invasion, he was sent to infiltrate a Royal Guard base in Manehattan and ensure that they had no indication an invasion was coming. Although he succeeded, the attempted takeover of Equestria didn't; the second he read about the failure he noped out of the base and proceeded to, under another pony's identity, "go legit." As he was still awaiting further orders from his Queen and needed to pay his rent somehow, he applied for about ten different jobs; the only place to respond was a hospital offering a crummy security gig.

He somehow managed to keep his identity secret for around two years, only revealing it on accident in an incident involving another changeling, a box cutter and a mild concussion. With about ten ponies watching. Still, with several hours' worth of explaining coupled with the general low amount of bucks given by Manehattanites, he managed to keep his job.

Personality: Not necessarily friendly, but not quite into "total dick" territory, lying somewhere around "I'll talk to you but only because you ponies are ridiculously social." True to his hive-based origins, he doesn't have much tolerance for inefficiency and always feels like he should be doing at least something. "Relaxing" isn't really in his vocabulary.

Current Home: A tiny studio apartment in Manehattan; a bed is crammed into one corner and the rest of the room is full of... stuff. Crappy drawings, home-built radios, any kind of project that takes more than twenty minutes to complete.

Misc: Fifteen stays fed mostly by posing as various ponies' SO's over the course of about one weekend a month. He once accidentally built a radio transmitter that somehow interfered with the changeling Hivemind, giving him the magical equivalent of tinnitus. Also, he's a terrible cook. Goes with not having to eat.
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PostSubject: Re: OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above)   OC Character Thread 2 (This thread is now locked, please use the OC Character Thread 3 above) - Page 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 27, 2015 1:10 am

Nicole Evermore wrote:
Name: Nicole 'Column Hooves' Evermore

Approved! ^_^
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