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 A whole new world (Game)

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Star Sentinel
Mr. Market
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 6:02 am

Sunshine looked over at the group who had made it through the portal, watching the exchange with interest. "Well this is crossing the border of awesome right here." She said, approaching them. "So Zero is a changeling. Well this I didn't expect. Nonetheless, it is very welcome." She gave Zero a pat on the head. "By the way, check this out." She turned to the tree beside her and gave it a few kicks. The tree cracked, but instead of shattering, one again it just broke off a perfect cubic chunk of the wood, leaving the tree floating and a small cube of wood on the floor. "Now... what can we do with this?" She picked it up and tossed it to Sugary. She then broke off three more chunks of wood. "Geez, these things are tough. I can only make a guess, but this tree resembles something I've seen before. Its either Aspen, Gerbonia, or Birch. Not that it matters, but it's for my research purposes." She tossed a chunk of wood to each of the ponies, as well as keeping one for herself. "There. Wood for everyone."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 10:03 pm

While Sugary had more or less began to assess that Zero might not be a threat, he could not help but feel the others might have been too trusting too soon about him. Fact of the matter was, he had no easy way of knowing if he was genuinely not here to cause trouble, but then again, he was there with them in a new dimension for better or worse. He'd put his spear away as a sign of dropping the hostile act, while the shield was kept close by for good measure. Between the revelation, Sunshine's unorthodox discovery, and the day's major event, he needed to at least be wary of surprises that would do them harm. "... I don't hate you, but I don't trust you either... I do expect you to pull your weight around here. Do so, and you'll earn my trust. Simple as." His tone towards Zero was stern, but passive, showing neither anger nor disdain. A word of caution more than anything. He knew few things about Changelings, but most of what he knew was more negative than positive, so he had every reason to keep wary.

And then, to his surprise, Sunshine had nonchalantly demonstrated a little more as to how things worked here. So he took the pieces of wood carefully, looked them over without tampering with them, and stored them away before addressing Zero again whom had taken out some things out of a chest. "... So... Zero... What did you find in there anyway...? And to everyone else, I ask again... Should we set up here for now while we figure out more how this place works before exploring further, or do we start moving about?"
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 12:52 am

Griff did not see the excitement of others. He attempted to stay hidden next to the portal that he just went through, observing the group. All he felt at that moment was furious anger. Anger that he could not transform into any of his other forms. He continued silently sitting next to the portal, hoping he will stay hidden from the group for long enough. For a few moments, he was even thinking of going back into Equestria to live with his other forms again.
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Star Sentinel

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 1:25 am

Zero looked at Sunshine, catching the block of cubed wood in his magic. He looked around it for a moment, seeing the occasional black bits on the wood. "Did you just....kick a tree to get wood? ....This world is so very odd.....Usually kicking trees hurt one's hooves." He said taking the wood in his forehooves. He glanced up at Sugary and his very clear warning.

"If I hadn't pulled my weight a long time ago, I wouldn't be alive right now, would I? Those who don't pull their weight where the other changeling live...die. Simple as that." He kept his stoic face, but his tone faulted a little. He dared not speak more about that topic for it would have to include his brother and he really didn't want to be so open to that topic to ponies. "What'd I find? I have no idea. I would have seen it more if someone hadn't scared me." He let out a little sigh and used his magic to take out the books he had put in his saddlebags.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2014 2:28 am

The books in Zero's magical grasp had a few different colors to them. One was a plain brown looking book with numerous pages and notes seeming crammed in between the covers. Another had red covers and was much thinner, only containing a scarce few pages within, but the cover was decorated in some fancy looking magic symbol that had a very feint glow to it.

Opening each would reveal very different things. The brown book would open with something somewhat surprising. Written on the first page was, "Hello, and welcome to this wonderful world. If you're reading this then you've probably found another book. Both of these will help you in this world, but this is the one to start with. Inside, you'll find some useful tips and tricks, I'll even tell you the first, punch the tree to get the wood, punch the wood to get the planks, stack the planks to get the sticks, good luck." Past that were dozens of pictures seemingly going from one side to the other featuring pictures of the small blocks on a 2x2 grid arranged in various patterns. Then an arrow pointing to a new picture of something new. Past a number of the 2x2 grids were 3x3 grids with the same setup, showing additional items to be 'built'.

The red book was considerably less informative. Its very few pages were actually blank aside from a single picture of a framed book sitting next to a light blue pool of water. It was at this time though that the portal flickered again, signaling the arrival of a new pony through it's dimensional barrier breaking vortex. Depositing them on the opposite side of where Griff was, leaving him still out of sight because of the portal.

Around the group, the forest seemed to go on for quite a ways in all directions and as stated there was a hill off to the right side of the portal. In front of the portal though, the trees seemed to thin and possible open grassland laid beyond. To the left and well off in the distance, a tall mountain loomed over the trees, only being visible because of it's great height.

((OOG: Alright, little explanation. The brown book is a basic building guide, showing most of the generic/basic recipes and such like how to make doors, crafting tables, furnaces, basic tools etc. See I told you I wasn't going to leave you all in the dark.

Also, Fantasy, Sharp, and Obsidian, you're free to enter the game 'stepping' through the portal now. Remember what I told you in the sign up, and when you get there any kind of connection to Equestria that might have been isn't there anymore.))

Last edited by Zen on Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 12:38 am

Bronze was a latecomer through the portal, stepping through the portal and coming out calmly on the other side without a care in the world it seemed, having kept her balance through the portal in spite of her very jarring mechanical leg that replaced her left foreleg; none had yet asked what had happened there and she hadn't discussed it.

Bronze immediately took stock of her surroundings, swishing her extremely long white and brown mane out of her face and tapping the white tree with her mechanical hoof.

"That book got any actual information about this place?" Bronze asked Zero, looking curiously as her tapping the tree made small cracks despite not hitting it hard; her eyes widened a little as, once she stopped, the cracks began to fade away again.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 2:24 am

Soon after Bronze walked through the portal, it shimmered once again as a new pony was about to cross over. However, it seemed to shimmer for longer than it had with the other ponies, and a tad more violently, too. Finally, after one particularly violent ripple, a lightly-colored blur (probably screaming as well but it was hard to tell given the velocity) rocketed through the air.

For about three seconds.

Then it, also known as "she", crashed into the ground, leaving a blocky, narrow trail of destroyed ground in her wake. She stopped next to the tree Sunny had destroyed and reassembled, her head and a majority of her body buried in the blocky ground and her butt sticking up in a very ridiculous way. Her butt was the color of fresh parchment, with a white quill cutie mark with black outlines; her tail was wavy (and now very messy) and dark brown, with a reddish tint. Her leg twitched.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 7:59 am

Insight caught the tree trunk in his telekinetic grip. His magic sight let him see all around it and even into it, investigating the queer cube inside out, and he eventually concluded that it was nothing like he'd known before. He didn't want to take the lead in this expedition, so he elected to stay silent and give his throat a reason to not be used.

Then the two newcomers arrived. He still elected not to say anything, merely examining them. Oh how he missed his ability to read thoughts... maybe he'd get it back at some point.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 10:44 am

Another pony stepped through the portal, four swords passing through shortly behind her. Her long, blue mane complimenting her white coat nicely. This pony radiated confidence, that is... until all but one of her swords fell to the ground with a clank. She turned around, looking at the three inert blades.

Her first instinct was to reach for her horn, maybe something had gone wrong during the trip through the portal... "Nope. Still there." She mumbled to herself.  "Well then. That is... certainly different. Where nopony has gone before indeed." She continues.

Straining to pick up the blades all at once and failing... She decides to pick up each of them individually, with a silent curse, she grabs them one by one with her magic and puts them into their respective sheaths, two on each side. She then looked around, taking in this new and mysterious land.
"Survivable indeed!" She chuckles.
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Star Sentinel

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 2:59 pm

Zero looked up at the three new ponies who stepped through the portal. He paid them no heed and went back to looking through the brown book. "Punch the wood to get planks? This world....I think I'm gonna need to visit the moon after this..." He muttered, doing as the book said to do and punching the wood. To his surprise the wood turned into four more cubes that looked like the wood that would be used to make the wooden floor of homes. "....That actually worked...." He grabbed the four planks and looked at them.

"Soo...Stack the planks to make sticks..." The stacked all four of the planks and.....nothing happened...He let out a sigh and looked at the book again. He grabbed all four blocks again while he flipped through it. He stacked three of the planks on top of each other and once again nothing happened. He growled a little and moved the last one next to the stack. He took one of the planks off the stack and glared at it. "It said stack the bucking thing! It never said how many!" He threw it at the odd arrangement of blocks and fell on his back. The block just barely made it between the last corner and when it did, the planks changed into another block. Zero, however didn't see it change or didn't want to see the blocks anymore.

He lifted the books in the air and let them hovered there. "The brown one is probably the most useful. You can flip through it if you want." He said, sighing and closing his eyes. He needed some time to get away from the blocks. They hurt his brain a lot. He was a mercenary after all! Not a pony who'd be looking around undiscovered worlds!
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 3:42 pm

Griff backed a little when a few more entered the world. His plan was to observe them, let them figure out how to make things, then read the basics book, maybe even take it. And to finish his first plan, he'd run. He'd get away from the group. All he wanted was to get his own abilities back, and messing around with blocks wasn't getting him any closer. He continued hiding behind the portal, as the ponies and the changeling seemed too busy with figuring stuff out to notice him. "If all goes as planned, they'll eventually forget I ever came in here with them.. at least I still have my swords."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 5:00 pm

While the new arrivals appeared, Sugary caught sight of Griff as he simply looked in the general direction of the portal since, aside from confirming who the others were, he'd still need to look in every direction as it were since all of it would need to be observed one way or another, even if there was seemingly no immediate danger. "... Why is he over there...? Looking at the portal up close...? Guess I'll leave him be for now..."

While seeing and listening to what Zero was reading and doing regarding the book and how things seemingly worked, he greeted the newcomers by waving at them, somewhat surprised they did not seem to mind there was a Changeling among them. He wondered if he was genuinely the only one being cautious about it, or if the entire group was just that laid back... which he was okay with, but hoped that would not be the case with every situation that seemed to require some prudency.

He would have gone along with reading the book himself, but was instead focused on making his way over to the mare that had practically crash landed with some haste, genuinely surprised that several of the others had yet to acknowledge it as he was. "Good grief! This day is just full of surprises!" As he proceeded to help out the mare back up and make sure she was fine, another thought went through his mind. "... And hardly anyone so much as tried to answer my question... If communication is gonna be struggle between us, I don't see this going well... Either that, or they must really not like me...?"

Last edited by Mr. Market on Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 04, 2014 2:16 am

Given Fantasy's current position, Sugary had to pull her out of the dirt by her tail. It was a bit of a struggle, but the bigger unicorn did manage to pull the younger one out of the ground. Fantasy barely managed to sit up, hacking out small dirt bits and gasping for air, her head spinning and her vision doubled, blurred, and full of dirt specks. Oh, this adventure would be lovely, she could tell already; well, with the part of her brain that was still working properly, anyway.

"Erm, thanks... uh..." Fantasy slurred, waiting for the helpful pony to state his/her name, swaying in various directions while her sense of balance tried to re-calibrate itself.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 3:01 am

Sunshine watched as Zero fiddled with his new wooden planks and tried the same thing with her wood. Punching it, she smiled as four planks of wood came out of it. She quickly took out her notebook again and scribbled this discovery down. "This is incredible. The way this world works is just baffling. I love it." She said to herself. She put the planks in her bag but kelp the notebook out in case there was anything left to discover.

The arrival of the newcomers made her grin. "Yay, more ponies!" She then noticed the trail that Fantasy left as she rocketed through the portal. She also noticed that the dirt she disrupted formed into little blocks as well, so she gathered them as well, jotting this quickly in her notebook.

Sunshine then took the brown book from Zero. "Thanks." She said. She flipped through it, taking some notes of the more important things. After she was done, she placed the brown book on her head and balanced it there as her eyes caught sight of what Zero had inadvertently created. "Hold on, what's this?" She picked up the new block, letting the book fall off her head. "Anyone else wanna read this book?" She asked, kicking it forward a bit as she examined the new block.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 3:21 am

Thanks to her examination of the book, Sunny would be able to see the new block created which seemed to be a modified wooden block with tools and such on the sides and a 3x3 square grid on the top. The wield new block was called a crafting table, according to the book, and it was the last item before the 3x3 guides began in the instruction manual, including the section with the tools.

Suddenly though, something moved off to the side. Then something else moved on another side of the group. It seemed creatures were surrounding the group, gradually moving closer and closer until they moved into sight. In a motion that could be considered a hop, though it would look more like the creature just moved vertically for a moment, a blocky sheep wandered towards the group. It looked at them for a moment then turned and lowered it's head to eat some grass, going right on as if the ponies either weren't there or it didn't care about them in the slightest. Closer examination of the other creatures around the group would reveal them to be additional blocky sheep. There seemed to be 4 in total and they all were just moving about aimlessly and occasionally 'eating' grass even though the actual action just involved them lowering their heads to the ground and then one of the extra tall grass growths would disappear.

Overhead, the sun continued on it's slow journey across the sky, it was nearing the halfway point by now, the shadows gradually but visibly shifting along the ground as the sun moved on. Another thing of note was from the occasional high grown grass block, as it was destroyed, a small group of small round 'seeds' landed on the ground nearby.


OOG info: Just for the record, you DO need sheers to get wool from the sheep without killing it. So if anyone touches/hits one with anything else, then the sheep will flash red, hop up slightly and then try to run away. Just figured I'd add this already established reaction for these SPECIFIC sheep so I will allow auto-hitting against these. They don't run that fast, there's no reactive combat, and there's no hazards to really run into, so yeah against THESE sheep you can auto hit. Each sheep if killed will drop one wool and one haunch of meat, and these sheep are white just to specify.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 5:13 am

"Sugary... Sugary Market, Miss... And don't worry, take it easy. You just took quite a tumble. Only try to move and tell me your name when you really can... On that note, are you hurting anywhere...?" He kept looking at Fantasy to make sure she was alright, though he honestly was having a bit of a hard time telling if anything was wrong at all with her since her body had taken a blocky form, and abnormalities were hard to spot when all he saw were abnormalities to begin with.

While he would not be looking at the book just yet, he kept looking and listening to what the others did with the tools and materials they used and found. He took particular notice of how Sunny was handling things for the time being. He felt it was wise to pay attention to her most of all and learn slowly.

That said, his attention was partially beckoned when the sheep passed by. He was alert of them at first to be sure while he stood near Fantasy, but he then realized that it was just a seemingly harmless flock of what he was steadily more certain were just sheep. He did take note of the seeds that were suddenly appearing though. "... Hey... Could anyone get those?" He pointed specifically at the seeds as he was still watching over Fantasy to make sure she was alright before doing anything else.
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Star Sentinel

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 5:43 am

"Wait what?" Zero said, lifting his head to look at the new block that was in front of him...."I can make that," He yelled pointing to the crafting table. "But I can't make sticks! This is stupid. This whole world is-...." He stopped to look at the herd of sheep as they seemed to come closer to them all. The herd of blocky sheep. He slowly opened his saddlebags and pulled out the knife that was provided to them with his magic.

One of his eyes twitched as he quickly stabbed one of them in the head and waited....A moment later it flashed red and ran away from him. "What?! How is that thing not DEAD!!!" He yelled chasing after the sheep as it went behind a tree. He stabbed it again in the head only for it to flash red again and run from him. "DIE!!!" He yelled even more as he chased the blocky sheep around some trees. He stabbed it in the head for a third time and it was still running. "GRAAAA!!!!! DIE YOU LITTLE BLOCK OF.....Of.....of.....OH JUST GO TO HELL!!" He was getting furious, for all he learned while he was a mercenary went down the drain in this world. He threw the knife at the sheep, and to his surprise the sheep puffed into a little cloud of smoke and not on the ground was a chunk of meat and a block that was white....Also his knife was on the ground too.

He let out a deep sigh as he finally killed the blocky abomination. He used his magic to levitate the knife then block of white (he could only guess) wool into his bag. Afte he put those two into his bag, he levitated the chunk of meatwith him back to the others. "Sheep.....Sheep apparently don't die if you stab them in the head....Good to know..." He looked at the Sugary then at the seeds he was pointing to. With a shrug he set the meat down and levitated the seeds into his bag. He then looked at the chunk of meat and levitated it up to his face to glare at it. "It would have taken one stab to the brain to get you back in Equestria...." He muttered, angry.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 07, 2014 5:48 am

Sunshine watched Zero chase around a sheep like a crazy pony, and busted out laughing. She calmed herself down and grinned at Zero. "You know, that display was both completely over the top and absolutely hilarious. More to the point, it shows that these sheep are very resilient. I bet I could poke it and nothing would happen." She said. To prove her point, she walked right up to one of the sheep and poked it. To her mild surprise it did the same thing the stab to the head did. It made the sheep flash red and run. She watched the sheep as it ran around erratically before going back to mindlessly nomming on blocky grass. "Huh... Well if anyone else wants to play 'Whack the Sheep,' be my guest. I'm going to see what this block does." She said.

Sunny placed the block on the ground, no longer surprised by its sudden growth. "Hmm, looks like a table one could use to make things... I have nothing to make it with except these four wooden planks..." She took two of the planks and placed them on the 3x3 grid. To her surprise the planks turned into four sticks. "I think I figured out what Zero was trying to make from the book. This table is quite useful. Even if those tools on the side are just for show..." She was having fun with this table. "This has to be some sort of magic this world has. Very impressive." She stopped rambling to herself for a second and placed the other two planks on the table, but this time added sticks until she got something. Her experimenting paid off when two planks with a stick under them produced a wooden sword. "...Awesome... I need more wood." She took the wooden sword and rushed to another tree and pounded away four blocks of wood with her hooves as well as some leaves, disappointed to find out she got nothing from them. She then produced planks out of those wood blocks and clumped them onto the table. "Step right up! Today's the day to make something great with wood! Everyone watch closely." She made four more sticks with two planks on the table. I have seven sticks and ten planks of wood here. Everyone can have a chance to make something with them. Experiment! If we run low I can get more wood. It's all around us!" She announced very excitedly.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 07, 2014 6:51 am

"One sword is better than none, I suppose." Accentria said cheerily. "I mean, if push comes to shove... I could just throw them one by one---Like water balloons at overzealous cat priests." She continued, talking to no one in particular.

She began to trot into the world proper, having been standing on the base of the portal all this time she had simply observed the group. She took particular interest in the odd pony with a knife who managed to make a sheep implode into a block of wool and a chunk of meat. How he managed to do that to a poor, defenceless sheep was beyond her, so she decided to make a mental note to keep an eye...or two---- and maybe a sword...or four---- on him at all times.

Upon seeing what became of the creature after being stabbed in the head AND having a dagger thrown at it she tilted her head in confusion. "I'm no biologist, but, I'm fairly certain that isn't suppose to happen."
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 07, 2014 7:52 am

Hm. Insight watched the events going on around them. So by punching the trunks we can get wood... I wonder if this works for anything else, say... He looked around slowly, his gaze eventually turning to the very ground he stood on. Worth a try.

He bent down low and started punching the dirt with his bare hooves, wondering if something was going to happen. And then, with a suddenness that sent him reeling backwards in surprise, the block popped out of the ground, leaving a distinctly cube-shaped hole where it had once been.

Well. I suppose I ought to have expected that. Insight took the block and, backing away from his spot, moved it a little distance from the others. I wonder what I can do with- whoa!

He suddenly stumbled and fell, his hoof having suddenly met unexpected resistance. Another block behind him, apparently. The dirt he had been carrying fell from his grip and... locked itself onto the ground again, becoming a cube jutting awkwardly out of the ground.

Insight blinked. Huh.

He went over to the hole he'd dug earlier and began to punch at the ground next to it. He soon retrieved one, then two, then three new blocks, which he brought over to his original one and stacked two of them on top.

He was holding the last block near the pillar he'd created, wondering what to do with it, when it made contact with the side of the uppermost block by accident and locked itself in place. Insight flinched backwards, expecting it to drop, but it didn't for some reason.

Well... His smile grew. I think I can work with this.

He cleared his throat and said to the others, "Uh, don't mind me. I'm just... experimenting over here."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 08, 2014 5:27 pm

Sugary was left with a deadpan look as he saw Zero practically go berserk on the odd sheep. There were now two things on his mind about Zero: Either he had a lot of pent up anger issues, or he had an insatiable bloodlust for a fight. Either way, it only meant Sugary now had even more of a reason to be very wary of the Changeling.

That one big oddity aside, he kept looking at how the sheep seemed to behave before they seemingly died. Needless to say, he was in full agreement with Accentria as to what he saw and how... wrong it seemed in the way the sheep keeled over.

His broad sanity and sense of logic being tested, he did his best to mentally adapt to his surroundings as he saw the others read from the book and work with the materials. He had yet to actually do anything himself, but he felt he was nonetheless learning little by little watching the others as he waited right next to Fantasy and making sure she was well before moving on.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2014 9:17 am

After a few minutes, the stars in Fantasy's vision did finally clear up. When they did, she blinked several times and rubbed her eyes with her hooves, to make sure her eyes were in fact alright. Everything was blocks. Block trees, block grass... block changeling chasing and murdering a block sheep out of unrestrained and rather disturbing rage. Fantasy didn't have any of that "where am I?" going on; she already knew what this was: Minecraft.

What was taking over her thought process was How. Of all the possible universes, how Minecraft? A video game?... asks the human girl who became a unicorn in My Little Pony. Fantasy shook her head to clear her thoughts. She wasn't going to get helpful answers anytime soon, she knew that much already. Best to just put a pin in it for later.

Fantasy hadn't heard Market's question; his voice had been little more than a light rumbling in a fuzzy and starry scenery, so she didn't actually say anything just yet. Instead, her eyes briefly scanned the surroundings- yep: trees, hill, sheep -before she decided to take a longer look at her own group. The first thing she noticed, oddly enough, was not the changeling, but the pony hiding by the portal. Normally Fantasy would've just written him off as shy, but... something about him told her that wasn't quite right. Maybe it was his posture, or his eyes. She didn't know what, but something seemed... off about him. However, despite her suspicions towards this pony, she didn't feel too worried. It was several against one, after all.

The second group member she noticed was the Changeling, glaring at the meat part of what exploded from the sheep he murdered. Fantasy didn't react to the strange physics of this world, as she pretty much knew the jist of what to expect here, and she contained her reaction to the (rather frighteningly brutal) Changeling to simply a skeptically but also noticeably fearful raised eyebrow. She hoped somepony would at least keep an eye on him, because her eye was only so good until she needed to defend herself or somepony else against the love-draining creature, and she was a shitty fighter.

Wait... Fantasy's ears wilted slightly. At night... all those things. Creepers, spiders, Endermen, zombies... probably more. How am I going to defend myself from those?! I'll have to build a tall base. A tall base with many supporting blocks, since Endermen. Wait- shit! I'm going to need a weapon! Where would I get one? Fantasy, being oblivious to the swords near her (or deciding to ignore them, as she doesn't see a wooden sword as much more than a thin battering stick), continued her mental rambling. Wait a minute, what about everypony else? They know nothing about this world, or the dangerous creatures! Does this world allow them respawns? Wishful thinking, probably. I may have to warn them before sundown. But... they'll ask how I know. How am I supposed to tell them where I'm from?! They'll think I'm fucking insane! Or dangerous, possibly as dangerous as the Changeling! But I can't leave them to learn about these creatures the hard way! What am I going to do?! Fantasy would have to decide before sunset.

Last edited by veryveryfluttershy on Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 09, 2014 1:40 pm

Overhead the Sun reached, and then passed the halfway point on it's little journey across the sky, still slowly but visibly moving. The sheep continued their 'grazing' if it could be called that, and remained rather indifferent or oblivious to their other sheep's demise.

The tree that Sunny had gotten the wood from (all of one tree) seemed to be starting to disintegrate. The large collection of leave which was all that remained started disappearing 1 by 1 until they were all gone, from three of them dropped what looked like mini trees of the same type, but these didn't even completely fill a single block.

Insight's little dirt tower continued to stand, not swaying in the slightest despite the obvious imbalance and almost mockery of gravity. The one overhanging dirt block just staying where he'd accidentally placed it. Below where he got the dirt from though was a different colored block, one that was a smooth grey color and was exceedingly resilient to punches.


OOg: you do need a pickaxe to mine the grey colored stone
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Star Sentinel

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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 10, 2014 1:19 am

Zero shoved the meat into his saddlebags after glaring at it for the longest time ever. He check the bag to see how much food was in it and saw it was about a day's ration. "Well....That's one use from that damn sheep..." He muttered before falling to his side and sighing. Zero...What have you done with your life? ....Nothing...Nothing other than kill ponies and earn bits. He though to himself closing his eyes to think some more. He was mentally asking himself question in a way that acted like his brother Kill ponies Zero? Why would you kill such innocent ponies? He rolled back onto his hooves and stood up. He stomped the ground with a hoof. "Because I had too..." He said, just below a whisper.

He looked up and stared at Sunshine as she did a, somewhat, odd thing. He shook his head and walked over to the mare. He took two sticks and three planks in his hooves. He glared at one of the sticks and used his magic to throw it at a sheep. "Stupid sticks..." He picked the stick back up and messed around with the planks and sticks until it made a...pickaxe? "Huh..." He looked at the hole Insight had dug then at his new wooden pick.

He gave a shrug and hopped down the hole, taking his pick in his magic. He looked down at the gray block and hit it with his hooves a few times to make sure he wouldn't...mine? ...Yeah...Just go with mine. To make sure that he wouldn't mine it with his hooves...or well he couldn't. "The yellow mare said experiment...So...experiment." He swing his pick at the stone a few times to see what it would do. Or what he did.
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A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2014 2:16 am

Insight smiled. Maybe this apparently inherent adhesiveness could work to his advantage. He was not an engineer by any means, but perhaps he could exploit this to make some shelter for the lot of them. It would have to be big enough to accommodate all of them, though.

He began moving around the ground and punching it more thoroughly, harvesting a multitude of dirt blocks and bringing them to his dirt structure. Slowly, he piled three blocks of dirt on the opposite side of the existing three blocks to form an archway, albeit a squarish one.

He stepped back and observed it for a moment. Alright, good. Now we need to expand.

Bringing the remaining twenty dirt blocks with him, he took a few more steps back and proceeded to trip and fall into the wide but shallow one-block-deep hole he'd created by digging it up. He stood up clumsily, shaking his head, then dug up another four and returned to the archway.

Stepping around it, he began to construct a wall from the archway, placing it at the centre of a one-block-wide, two-block tall wall that stretched six tiles in both directions.

"Just making us some shelter!" He called back to the others in his gravelly voice. I have got to use this throat more often.
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