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 A whole new world (Game)

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Star Sentinel
Mr. Market
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PostSubject: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2014 7:07 pm

Several of Equestria's best and brightest have wondered for decades about the existence of other worlds. New lands where magic, physics, and even basic principles can be very different than the world they're currently in. Up until recently though, travel or study about these new worlds have been halted by the natural barriers surrounding them. Until however a certain event came to light where not only a pony went to another world, but the princess of magic herself conducted the travel. After this, she gave her findings to some of Canterlot's greatest minds where they continued to develop and perfect the techniques until now.

Scientist ran this way and that as they scrambled to make the final preparations for this momentous occasion. Magically sensitive equipment dotted the floor, making islands in the raging sea of pony bodies. The largest of these was a pair of pillars on a raised pedestal that were going to serve as the frame for the opening into this new dimension. Magical energy that had been charging up in the condensers was showing signs of reaching it's maximum capacity meaning that the opening would be created relatively soon. Every level the magical energy climbed seemed to be reflected in the excitement of the room and by now it was even beginning to have an effect on the princesses that were present for the event.

While Celestia over saw some of the more sensitive equipment, and Luna double checked the supplies of the ponies that had volunteered for the mission, Twilight trotted over to the group that would be making the leap into this new world. "First off, I'd like to thank you all for volunteering to actually make the jump," Twilight started with just a slight hint of her awkwardness at acting princess-like. "The truth is, we don't know much of anything about this other world past it having a survivable atmosphere, but we've packed saddlebags accordingly in hopes that you'll have anything you might need. Are there any questions?" she asked then as some of the awkwardness was replaced by a slightly more teacher like tone.

1) The general group rules of courtesy, combat, and such still stand.

2) Seeing as this is the largest group I've ran, I think ever, I'd like to say keep some sanity to your posting. We don't need 5 pages of dialog between only 2 players.

3) You can die in this game, fairly easily in some cases. But that doesn't mean you are out of the game. In the spirit of MC, you'll respawn, though possibly with some sort of debuff, this will likely be a bridge we cross when we come to it.

4) I'd appreciate it if the majority of OOG questions and discussion was done over in the sign up thread, as a measure to try and help with the relative organization of this game.

Ician- Insight
DragonXneoN- Griff
Star Sentinel- Zero
Mr. Market- Sugary Market
StrawberryGamer- Sunshine
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 1:50 am

Among the volunteers, stood a large unicorn stallion well in his prime in terms of age and physical prowess, wearing a red set of clothing that might seem unique to some if not many of the local, but most of all was well and ready to lend support. The idea and news of this discovery made regarding other worlds and dimensions was nothing new for him; Especially given that he himself wasn't a local from Equestria.

But whether or not he traveled far didn't mean he had no interest in becoming a part of the expedition team. On the contrary, he thought that perhaps his previous knowledge and experience would serve well under the circumstances for the land and citizens he's become fairly fond of in the last couple years, and decided to become directly involved instead.

Aside from the gear he'd been given, he still did have his own set of equipment. But if there was one thing he had learned in his career, it was that many things were subject to change one way or another no matter what. He only hoped things would not change too drastically.

After hearing Twilight's question, his response was a fair one in return as he raised his hoof. "I have one, Princess... The way back is as ensured as can be, right?"
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 2:08 am

"Of course uh," Twilight paused for a moment as she tried to remember the ponies name. "Ah, Sugary Market. The portal should be open for as long as we want to sustain it, but in the case of a problem, each of you has a special devise in your packs to teleport you back to the portal," Twilight explained with a simple smile, silently proud of herself for not going into full lecture mode.

"You all will also find some food and water, some matches, a compass, a tent, a knife, and some other basic survival equipment," Twilight continued happily as she listed off the contents of their packs.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 2:23 am

Insight, the white unicorn clothed as usual in his long, flowing purple and gold robe, stood silently in the midst of the group. He decided to let the others speak first, since he hadn't any proper questions yet, at least none that had taken shape in his head in the form of sentences, and even the ones which had were questions such as 'are you sure this new world isn't going to kill us immediately upon arrival', which he felt that the Princesses could answer with a degree of certainty that he still would not share.

The whole death business began to make him question why he had agreed to go on this journey to begin with. The original appeal had come from Luna, who'd asked him to tag along as some kind of interdimensional telephone line so she could call every night and ask how things were going. He was quick to point out that he wasn't even sure if magic would work the same way in another dimension, or if it could move across dimensions in some kind of... Dimensional Crossing. But he'd finally ended up going anyway, 'just in case'.

He sighed. Shaking his head, he began to skim his companions' surface thoughts, partly because he hadn't yet and he wanted to know what they were thinking, and partly because he wanted to use his magic one last time before going to this new world.
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Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 3:22 am

A teal blue unicorn stallion stood a little bit in the back of the volunteers. He had an orange mane and his cutie mark was that of a zero. He had a stoic look on his face. But he was not who he seemed to be, because under the facade and under the coat and mane was a changeling who feared to even be around ponies. He feared that he would not be accepted in such a society that did not welcome changelings after his queen has so idiotically tried to take over Canterlot.

When this changeling had heard the news about other worlds and dimensions, he had to explore it. He figured his brother would have come with him too if he was in the hospital and in a coma. He was really glad that he found a way to keep the illusion on his brother's disguise up, but was also worried about a certain mare....He quickly shook his head to clear all his worries.

He glanced around at the other ponies, listening carefully to what they had in their bags. He decided to stay back and not ask any questions so that he doesn't draw attention to himself. If he died in this new world then he'd meet his brother in the after life. If he didn't....He'd have to tell all about the adventure he went on to his brother, hoping against all odds that he could hear his story. He knew his brother wouldn't wake up anytime soon, but he wanted to have an adventure to tell him when he woke. For now, he stayed quiet and waited till it was time to go through the portal.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 5:55 am

Sugary took full note and re-did a mental note of the items he had with him in his given backpack and currently in his Inventory Bag for good measure. About all he had to do was to wait for the mission to begin as far as he was concerned as he thought about things to pass the time that might have to do with this particular portal. "... -nd then maybe send us 2,000 years into the past to defeat Chaos? Possible, but it's not like the Warriors of Li-... Hm...!?"

It was at around that moment that he began to expel his own magic subtly as a defense mechanism on his mind to keep foreign spells away as he felt a subtle use of magic seemingly poking into his mind. While he was incapable of mind reading spells of his own, he wasn't a stranger to such sort of magic in the least. Especially when part of his training was to keep himself from ever coming under control at the whims of a malevolent Sorcerer from sheer mind tricks easily, lest he become a very dangerous puppet. In short, so long as the user of the spell kept using it, he'd eventually detect the source. And if the user of said magic happened to persist in the prodding, he'd return the favor with a scolding most likely as he slowly began to look in the general direction of Insight with a subtle look of disapproval though still guessing.

He was, of course, briefly distracted by the changeling in disguise as he felt... something from him, though not the source of the spell he was looking for the time being. Though he had to wonder why the Zero marked unicorn stallion seemed high strung nonetheless as he spoke to him, still keeping his thoughts from being read without permission or unusually strong prodding. "Hey... You're not nervous, are you? Listen, I'm nervous too in some ways, but someone's gotta do the job, right? Just focus on that, okay?"
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 6:11 am

A yellow mare stood by Celestia, holding a checklist. This mare was making double sure the equipment was okay and met standards. "Okay, everything checks out. The transition should go off without a hitch. Though I do like my own transport better. Crusin' the multiverse in style." She said, giving the checklist to Celestia.

The mare's job was to first make sure everything was good to go. There would be no malfunctions or complications under her experienced watch. Then, she would supervise the group that goes through. However, the term "supervise" is used very loosely. She really just there to have fun and conduct research on the world for Command. She thought of it as a good experience to go nuts. Shame her usual crew weren't with her, but she'd make do with this new crew of ponies to explore with.

The mare flew over to the group of ponies who would make the trip into the unknown, right next to Twilight. "Good day to you all. My Name is Sunshine and I'm the representative of Calcutta sent to monitor the exploration. But really I'm an explorer looking for some fun. I just happen to have a little more tacked onto that. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy yourselves. This is going to be a new experience for all of us." She said proudly.
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A whole new world (Game) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 7:29 am

A dark green unicorn was standing at the side of the group, quietly. His mane and tail were spiky snow white with dark green tips and his eyes were dark red. He didn't talk much since he got there, but he knew he would have to be with these ponies for a while now, even if he rather worked alone. Most of his body was covered by a long dark-green cloak, but underneath he had two swords, 'just in case', always ready.

Griff was already interested into this dimension traveling since the beginning, and having no job to do only made his interests rocket higher. He carefully listened to what Twilight had to say and nodded, checking his bags. If there's meat in the other world, I'll survive... he thought to himself and chuckled before quickly shaking the chuckle away and focused on Twilight and Celestia, waiting if they had anything else to say. He didn't really give much of an attention to the ponies around him at this moment or any other moments before, he just wanted to get this thing done.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 2:50 pm

Seeing that there were no more questions from the ponies, Twilight turned a smile over towards Sunshine. She hadn't heard much of the Calcutta thing, but there were rumors and if they were true, then it was a wonder to have her coming along on this venture. Twilight wanted to question her, but this wasn't the time or place for what was surely going to be a long discussion.

It was at this point though that magic began to audibly crackle from the condensers and the scientist began to move with a bit more purpose. Levers were thrown, switches turned on, and machines hummed to life. With a sound similar to fabric ripping open, a slowly swirling vortex inside a hole appeared between the two pillars. The portal wavered a few times, but then steadied and the scientist let loose a wide cheer at their success.

With everything working, Celestia finally wandered away from the components maintaining the portal and over to the volunteers. Luna also came over, though she was levitating the packed saddle bags onto each of the ponies, placing them gently but securely onto their backs. Together all three princess gave the volunteers a bow and smiles. "Alright, the portal is open and stable," Twilight started.

"We can't thank you enough for volunteering for this, and we hope you'll be safe in your exploration," Luna said next.

"And remember, if at any point something looks like it's going wrong, I want you all to come back through the portal," Celestia added lastly before all three princesses stood back along with the scientist so that the five would have a clear walk to the platform where the portal sat. "Good luck, our little ponies," the three said together.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 3:09 pm

The others' thoughts interested Insight. There was the dark green unicorn, who, aside from being excited about the prospect of dimension-hopping, was thinking about meat - a strange dietary choice for a pony. He chose not to question it. And apparently his name was Griff.

Then there was the yellow mare whose name was Sunshine. Her thoughts spoke of excitement as well, though she seemed almost at ease with the situation, as if she travelled between different dimensions on a regular basis. And then he discovered that her conversation was a lot more revealing than her thoughts.

The large unicorn stallion was an intriguing case. Insight gleaned something about two thousand years ago, Chaos, and Warriors of... Light, he presumed, before a sudden mental crackdown made him retreat his mental presence immediately. He was the only one who'd not only detected his thought-skimming, but managed to block it out. He decided to look more into this later.

But the last one, the blue unicorn... he wasn't like the others. Insight sensed anxiety, fear, and a form of anticipation somewhat bordering on trepidation. And he was hiding something, too. Insight almost decided to delve in deeper and look, but he feared reprisal if he was discovered. He might tend to it later, but... not now.

He watched the others, waiting for somepony to enter the portal first. He hardly wanted to be in the front.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 9:13 pm

Sunshine, with her bag secured on her back, watched as the portal opened with interest. "Heh. Portals. It may be primitive, but it still works perfectly." She turned to the group of volunteers. "Welp... I think its time to be on our way. Now then, let me show you the proper way to enter a portal. Well... the fun way." She turned to the portal, spread her wings, and flew right into the portal. "Geronimo!" She shouted as she crossed into a whole new world.
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Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 9:20 pm

The teal unicorn looked over at the larger unicorn, who's name was apparently Sugary Market. He was a little put off that his stoic expression couldn't hide his sadness, but shook his head. "I'm not nervous...Just a little.....distant." He looked down at his teal hooves. Teal....The coat color of a pony that will never be... He thought, looking up at the portal as it started to open. The ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. "So a new adventure has begun, but what will be the faith of the adventures who go on it be by the end of the adventure. Only time will tell." He whispered to himself.

He glanced over at the yellow mare as she had introduced herself. He heard the faint voices of the princesses, but his eyes focused on the portal. A different world, dimension, universe...He knew that if his brother was in his hooves right now, he would have jumped through the portal already. He didn't feel when the saddlebags had been secured to his back, but he did notice when the yellow mare flew through the portal. "Well there goes going first through the portal..." He grinned and ran to the portal. "Yahhooo!" He yelled as he jumped through the portal.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 2:12 am

((It just dawned on me that, out of force of habit, I forgot to properly describe Sugary to Ician and Zen fully in this thread. Here's the link to the sheet once more for reference: Good old Mr. Market ))

Eventually, Sugary would lose the signal of the one that was seemingly poking onto his mind. It was a shame in some ways as he was genuinely curious who was doing so and why. He'd just have to keep sharp. Instead, he focused on the young green stallion nearby, listened, and watched him go ahead of him into the portal with a fair bit of enthusiasm, leaving him with a smile. "Adventure... Now that's the right spirit."

He had also regarded Sunshine's announcement and involvement, and was very curious as to what sort of a traveler she was. He got the feeling that she was different from him in that aspect, but now was not the time to question it, and simply take things as they were as he calmly gathered his gear properly once more, trotted eagerly towards the gate, and took the leap of faith after nodding to the princesses...
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 10:57 am

Griff could feel something poking his mind, as if someone was attempting to read it, but shrugged it off. Must've been just energy from the portal, there's a lot of it. He watched as the yellow mare showed the apparently 'fun' way to enter the portal, and how the teal unicorn and sugary entered the portal too. He looked around to see if anyone else wants to go before him, but apparently they were waiting for him to go first. He sighed and slowly and carefully approached the portal, giving the princesses one last look before slowly entering the portal, leading into the new world.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 12:13 pm

Insight winced a little. He'd pressed on Griff's mind slightly too hard, and the latter might have sensed something. He resolved to be softer next time. He drifted off into his thoughts for a little while, coupled with a tinge of reluctance, but he soon snapped out of it when he realised the others were gone.

He drew himself up to his full - albeit unimpressive - height. He turned his milky-white eyes, devoid as they always were of any colour, towards Luna. He nodded once and sent a simple telepathic message: Goodbye.

He sucked in a breath, closed his eyes, and stepped into the portal.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 3:01 pm

The ponies would feel weird to say the least. Feelings of moving really fast, yet not at all at the same time. Being in multiple places at once, general distortion and vertigo a plenty. To say that anypony's stomach would be fine would be something of a miracle. Luckily the trip through the vortex would only seem to last a couple of seconds, mercilessly depositing the ponies one at a time on the other side.

Once on the other side though, there were plenty of sights to see. Right in front of the group was a tree, one of many surrounded them in the forest. It seemed normal enough, standing just a bit taller than the ponies, complete with leaves, white bark, no branches, and square? Yes, the tree itself was actually square and the wood disappeared a bit farther into the leaves of the tree. The leaves themselves seemed to be in a similar square cube groupings surrounding the top of the tree. The whole effect would likely be slightly disorienting but that's far from where it ended.

Off to the right side, there seemed to be something of a hill. However it was marked by clumps of dirt with grass on the top in roughly the same square cube like shape. There could also be seen about roughly 3-4 grey colored cubes under the brown dirt cubes with grass on the top. On the ground in between the trees were also the occasional slightly blocky clumps of raised grass and slightly blocky flowers. All of this was under a massive and gently warm square sun that would occasionally be obscured by blocky clouds that slowly drifted through the sky.

The weirdness continued onto the members of the team as well. All of them seemed to be slightly blocky as well, and while there was more smoothness to their shape, the blocky influence of this world could be seen. The swirling vortex of the portal behind them served as about the only thing that wasn't blocky in shape and next to it was a small cube shaped chest that was roughly to the same dimensions that everything else seemed to be.

Possibly the next, or maybe even the first thing, to be noticed though would be the almost complete cut off of magic in this world. It was still there, it could be felt, but almost all attempts to control it or call it would fail.

((OOG: alright just to clarify what's being lost, or rather what each of you get to keep. Pegasi keep flight, but there is a loss of true weather manipulation. Unicorns have basic levitation/telekinesis, but nothing else, and our Changeling can keep flight (so long as the form you're in allows it).

Now individually, Sunny, you can still 'absorb' light but for now all you can do with it is make yourself glow as a light source.

Star, you have your original form and the one you crossed over in, but for now you don't have any others you can change into.

Market, sorry but your character doesn't really seem to have any non-standard power that is specific to your character, but rather just extensive training with slightly more common spells (at least it seems that way) so you'll have slightly greater range with the telekinesis.

DragonX, Griff's in the same boat as Star, no other forms for now at least.

Ician, you can 'see' with that mental magic but nothing else for now.

Now before you all go and panic, your abilities are out there to be recovered along with new abilities you may learn. Hence all the 'for now's' used above. Any questions/clarifications please bring to the sign up thread so we can avoid clutter here. That said, good luck, I hope I haven't scared anyone off, now let's have some fun and build stuff!))
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 4:55 pm

Zero had felt a strange feeling, but it only lasted a few seconds before he was thrown out onto the other side of the portal, face first. He landed on his muzzle and stayed there for a few long seconds before finally looking up at the tree. The....blocky tree...His jaw dropped as he stared at the tree that seemed to be shaped into a square. He quickly got to his hooves and back up a few steps. "Squares...That tree is made of squares..." He said, bringing his forehooves up to rub his eyes and face. It had to be a dream, because he knew for a fact that trees were not square. He moved his hooves away from his face only to see that they were also a bit squarey...

He almost fainted, but he took a few deep breaths and looked around them. He saw the...hill...."More squares..." He could have swore his right eye went smaller, but he shook his head and turned his gaze over to the portal. At the corner of his eye, he could see the cubey chest. He walked over to the chest and lifted the lid with his magic, feeling that it was a tad bit harder than normal.....It was then that he realized most of his magic was gone...

In a panic, he changed back to his changeling form to make sure he could at least change forms. He sighed in relief, forgetting about the other ponies who had went through the portal with him. He decided to test if he could make his illusion still, his horn glowing with a green magic aura. A few seconds later, nothing happened. He sighed deeply and looked into the chest to see if there was anything to note in it, still in his original changeling form.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 7:37 pm

Sunny passed through the portal completely fine. It has been awhile since she passed through a Class D portal, but she has long been used to traveling, so her stomach remained fine. However, her head would not remain that way. Not for long, at least. Since she flew into the portal at quite a brisk pace, she wasn't expecting the blocky tree to come up and greet her face right away. She swerved to avoid the immediate tree but instead crashed into the next one. "Oh sh-oof!" She slammed into the tree head first and crashed right through it, landing on the ground in a daze. "Owww... What a way to make an entrance."

She picked herself up and rubbed her head. "Hang on... I just crashed through a tree. Where's the sound of it falling over?" She turned around to find a whole section of the tree gone, but everything above it just floating in midair. "Incredible! The tree is defying gravity." She looked inside her bag to find a few small research tools in it along with the survival tools. She pulled out a notebook and started writing down everything she saw about that tree. When she was done, she put the notebook back and found something else out. The chunk of tree she crashed through was sitting right next to her. It was a small cube that looked just like the trunk in front of her. "Hmm... Curious..." She picked up the block and set it on the tree trunk. To her astonishment, the small block suddenly grew to be as big as it was before, making the tree look good as new. "This world is awesome!"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 10:54 pm

((8-Bit Theater))

Being sent over long distances and through magic portals was nothing new for Sugary, but he still needed to endure the switch brought upon from going from one dimension to another for this articular case.

Once he exited the portal, he needed only to remain calm and get his bearings as he got used to the after effects of the transfer while looking left to right slowly, making sure the coast was relatively clear. Of course, what he would actually of himself, the others, and the new world around them would make him well and truly... oddly nostalgic. The world was blocky, and that wasn't something he was particularly used to. Yet he could not help but feel as if this 8-Bit-like world was something out of an old and cherished memory. It reminded him of his home, and yet it didn't, and yet still made him think of the days of old nonetheless. It was just as odd in the comfort it brought him as it was just plain odd with how everything looked.

He was perplexed to say the least, even more so as he watched the oddball of a mare that was Sunshine crash through the tree, experiment, and put it back together. It taught him a bit about the new world, kinda. But it also raised various questions that he'd have to tackle one at a time.

He then tried to feel if his magic was different seeing as a lot felt different... and was disappointed to feel that much of his innate magic had been severely suppressed... But he had a feeling this would happen, so he simply took a deep breath as he resigned himself to deal with things one at a time. "Say, guys... Think we ought to set up a camp here near the portal, or should we move about?" He began to move a bit, oddly enough not the least bit bothered by his blocky form, again feeling a strong sense of Deja VĂș and nostalgia with every movement he made in his new form.

He looked over to Zero for a moment as he swore he saw the flash of green light... only to see someone he had not seen before. "... Who the hay are you...!?" He stood on alert, managing to activate his personal Inventory Bag and bringing out in a flash of light a Steel Lance which he held firmly in his blocky grasp, and a Steel Oval Shield which he held with the one form of magic that seemed to work aside from the storage capacity of his Inventory Bag, his Telekinesis.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 7:41 am

Panic. Panic. Panic panic panic.

Insight tried again and again. Every time, his horn did nothing but spark and sputter uselessly. It wasn't often that he sank straight into the depths of acute anxiety, but as things stood now he couldn't even see. He was blind.

Please let this work this time. Please, please...

A spark. Then suddenly, the sparks intensified, and his horn glowed to life.

I... I can see. Oh thank Luna, I can see. Insight breathed a sigh of relief, just a brief moment before he detected the changeling shifting forms beside him.

I knew he was hiding something. He expanded his senses and took in the new world. Abruptly, his mental processes slowed to a halt. ... Huh. This is not Equestria by any means.

He turned to the others and spoke telekinetically to them. "Is everyone-"

He stopped. As far as he could tell, his messages weren't going through. "Everyone?" Yup, not going through.

He grimaced. Damn.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 11:20 pm

Yes, the hyper active Sunny did in fact crash through the white tree, and when she did, there were a few small little cubes left on the ground nearby. These smaller cubes had a different color on the top and bottom as well as a feint design further showing them to be wood and the square thing to really be a tree. When she grabbed them up and went to place them back, the cubes also returned to their original size, allowing her to literally rebuild the tree.

As Zero lifted the lid of the chest, he caught a glimpse of what might have been books, but in his panic, he let go of the lid and it shut itself before any confirmation could be made. The lance and shield that Market had however might also serve as a source of interest as they seemed to be about the only thing that had made the jump and retained their original look.
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Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 1:27 am

Zero looked behind him in a panic, yelping in fear and the sight of the lance and shield. He looked down at his hooves and saw he was not in his disguise and shook in fright. "Don't hurt me!" He scooted over to the back of the chest so it would hide him. His horn glowed for a moment, but sparked as he couldn't use his invisibility spell. "Damn..." He thought quickly of what to do in this situation and thought of what the unicorn had said...Who the hay are you.....Hmm...Maybe... A flash of green came from behind the chest and a teal unicorn head hopped out from the top of it. "Uhh...Don't hurt me? Please?" He gave a nervous smile, his now teal coated body shaking.

He really just wanted to look at what was in the chest. He saw a book...maybe, but got scared when Sugary had pointed his lance at him..."Wait a minute...Why is that lance and shield not...blocky? Everything in this dang world is a cube! We are cubes!" He let out a quick sigh and used his magic to open the chest again. He peeked in the chest before Sugary could stab him with the lance...if he was going to stab him with the lance. Books....Maybe some information about this world? Orr...How to survive in this world? He thought, scooting so that he was at the side of the chest and not the back.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 2:22 am

Sugary's expression went from a stern and cautious one, to a perplexed one the moment he heard Zero's voice. In truth, he wasn't completely lacking in attention to detail as he noticed that the changeling wore just about the same gear they all had. But his appearance had changed so much that he needed to make sure it wasn't someone he needed to worry over... Except now there was a conundrum as far as he was concerned. "... Zero...? Is that really you...? For your sake, you'd better explain yourself, fast." He kept his voice stern, but now he needed to be extra cautious of Zero's behavior and that of the others on this predicament.
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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 2:44 am

"I don't think-" Insight stopped himself, remembering that his mental transmission didn't work in this new world. He opened his mouth and spoke through a throat that hadn't seen use in ages.

He faced Zero. "I sensed many things in you," he said. His voice sounded sort of gravelly, but it wouldn't be helped. "Fear, anxiety, apprehension. But I didn't find a hint of malice." He trotted up to Zero slowly, making sure his magic was indeed showing him the true surroundings - he had no idea if the world was wreaking havoc on his sight too - and put a calming hoof on his shoulder. "If it means anything, I trust you. And I'm no stranger to the fact that we all have our secrets. All I want is... your friendship." He extended his hoof. "Can you agree? Friends don't betray each other. If you become my- no, our friend, I have nothing to fear from you."
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: A whole new world (Game)   A whole new world (Game) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 01, 2014 3:52 am

Zero looked at the two unicorns. He looked away, shrugging Insight's hoof off his shoulder. "Malice...One of the many words ponies explain changelings as. You're all just ponies...You wouldn't know what a changeling has been through..." He looked at his teal hooves, growling a little at them. With a flash of green and changed back to being his original changeling self with his holely legs. No one knows what I've been through...What I've seen. He looked at the extended hoof, not knowing what to do with it.

He glanced over at Sugary. "Of course it's me...Who else would have zero concerns about all of you and nearly zero percent of his life controlled by himself? I've been a changeling the whole time, but I am no spy to the hell other changelings calls a queen. After the things that happened on Canterlot...." He trailed off, not wanting to think about what happened. "Please put the lance away? I don't need anymore holes in me." He gave a slight chuckle...not even a chuckle before putting on a stoic face.

He grabbed Insight's hoof and shook it before turning his gaze back to the chest. "That's somethings new...A pony making friends with a changeling...You ponies sure are weird..." He said, putting whatever was in the chest into his saddlebags.
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