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 Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)

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Star Sentinel
Wild Card
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Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Empty
PostSubject: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 14, 2015 9:27 pm

In the years before the Great War, Princess Twilight had commissioned a research facility for the hybridification of science and magic to better Equestrian life.

This facility, known as Big Mountain, or Big MT for short, drew the brightest and best Equestria had to offer. And while under Twilight’s supervision, it brought along great scientific and magical progress towards a brighter future.

Sonic emitters, space age alloys, DNA hybridization, force field particle research, Auto-Doc advances in cranial, cardiac, and trauma surgery... the hopes and dreams of a century became realities in the electronic forges of Big Mountain.

The nucleus of this research was the Dome, a huge stone facility that held the labs of every science and arcane knowledge known to Equestria. It was a think tank where no problem could not be solved, where no question could not be answered.

Once the Great War began though, things turned dark.

Twilight was forced to abandon her role as supervisor of Big MT, and left the job to a group of extremely gifted unicorns.

Shady projects and research started being conducted, using dangerous substances and modified DNA. Tests were carried out using sites such as the famous Sierra Maredre; and even Stable-tec allowed their experiments inside a couple Stables.

The experiments continued to grow until they threatened the safety of all of Equestria. Unfortunately, as things were nearing the tipping point, a bigger threat emerged: the bombs.

In the aftermath, Big Mountain went silent, the fate of the facility and it’s scientists unknown. It faded into obscurity, then into a legend among the Wasteland.

And so, the great stone in the middle of the Big Empty lay untouched, filled with countless technological wonders... But should those those wonders ever be discovered, and what are the consequences of doing so?

A few rules.

1: One OC per player. You can have two, but you must discuss it with me or else.

2: You can bring equipment with you. However, I must know all the equipment you plan on giving your character. If you want a pipbuck, you must give me a good reason why you should have it. Not everyone gets one.

  • 2a: No more than three weapons, with ammo for any guns. Ammo does have weight and mass, so you won’t be carrying around a Missile Launcher or Red Glare with lots of ammo. I will allow more smaller caliber ammunition though. But any three weapons are allowed.

  • 2b: Also, armor. I need to know what you’ll be wearing. You all get a backpack to carry anything you can’t holster or pocket.(seriously, where does all that shit go? Fallout hammerspace?)

  • 2c: Lastly, if you want chems or other aid items, let me know. The more you tell me, the easier it gets for everyone.

3: It really pays to explore. Treasures are everywhere and mysteries lie in wait to be solved. Just be careful, dangers are constantly present and you are being watched.

4: SPECIAL stats are not important. However, tell me what specialties your OC has. Anything else is optional, but helps.

Last note, if you have any troubles with equipment or anything else, check the Fallout wiki. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki Or ask me. Both work.
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 14, 2015 11:27 pm

Gonna sign up Wild Card for this Fallout adventure.

"Lucky" - 100 .357 magnum rounds
Plasma Defender - 100 energy cells
Hunting Shotgun - 100 12 gauge shotgun shells

Assassin Suit
(Misc clothing) Dapper Gambler Outfit + Hat

5 Stimpaks
3 Stealth boys
5 Purified Water

As for specialties, Wild is incredibly lucky, and favours the stealthy option over the "charge in head first" option when it comes to dealing with problems. He's also good at dealing with pain, as he can siphon it off to one of himself who enjoys it greatly.
As for a Pipbuck, Wild could have obtained one sometime during his life in Las Pegasus after an opponent in a casino lost to him and had no more caps to spare, and exchanged his Pip-buck in for the ability to leave with no harm come to him.

Last edited by Wild Card on Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 15, 2015 12:52 am

Ungetüm Jäger will be trying to join the crew as one of the little science fair projects that are still running around this mad house.

-Proton axe
-Proton throwing axes (As many as I can start with)
-Saturnite fist

Clumsily armored Lobotomite Jumpsuit (A few crude chunks of metal are just slapped on and barely secured)

Jäger's specialty first and foremost is his durability. He's been shot, stabbed, poisoned, dipped in acid, dismembered, killed, electrocuted, blown up, and set of fire, and still got back up to keep fighting, though that's kind of what he was designed for. He's definitely a 'combat model' who's built almost solely for the purpose for charging in head first and still be the last one swinging, or shooting if he's got firearms. However, Jäger's not exceptionally smart, in several area's he's even below average.

As another of the super soldier projects, Jäger's been literally built for war with heightened regeneration and durability, enhanced strength, and a nearly complete lack of a sense of self preservation. Even equipped with a robotic left arm (Protectron arm for at least the beginning) and wings (that currently don't let him fly for he's too heavy and the wings are pretty damaged), Jäger was going to the first of a new army. But the project was abandoned when the necessary budget was proposed and laughed right out of the military.

Jäger however was kept around afterwards for the purposes of heavy lifting and occasional experiment extermination. While he's not forced to follow his creator's commands, Jäger does have a malicious form of respect for them and so long as they continue to ask him to fight, he's more than happy to oblige.

Last edited by Zen on Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 15, 2015 1:08 am

I'll sign up Star Sentinel for the fun.

His weapons are a 10mm pistol with an extended mag, a sniper rifle with a silencer, and lastly a cowboy repeater. As for armor and clothing, he has on combat armor and a Rattan Cowboy Hat. Then add 150 10mm rounds, 75 .308 rounds, and 100 .347 round and that all adds up to weigh 56.875 lbs. And yes I did calculate all that just because. o3o And chems...He'd probably be carrying around some Steady and a couple fixers.

Specialties...Uh. He is very perceptive(god I hope I'm using that correctly) and goes for stealthy more then going in head first, but if the situation is right he will very much go in head first. He's also kinda like a somewhat fast pack brahmin. Oh and no Pip-buck. Besides the use of music in the heat of battle and a map, Star wouldn't really use it much. Plus he never happened across one in his wandering around.

Last edited by Star Sentinel on Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 15, 2015 2:33 am

Gonna sign up Razor Back and Bronze Gasket (the two character thing has been discussed with the GM)

Bronze Gasket


Laser Pistol- 80 rounds
Combat Knife


Bounty Hunter's Duster

Merc Troublemaker Outfit

Blacked out Aviator Goggles

Weapon Repair Kit

5 doses of Med-X

5 stimpaks


Bronze is an electronics expert, favored towards robotics but almost equally specialised in computer hacking and repair. Not trained in combat, Bronze nevertheless knows how to use a sidearm enough to stay alive out in the wasteland.

Razor Back


Super Sledge

Service Rifle- 140 rounds/6 clips

Railway Rifle- 40 spikes (Note: Kept in pieces in rucksack until needed for easier carrying)


Recon Armor in the colors of the night guard (lacking headpiece)

Raider's Blaster Master helmet

Black bounty hunter's duster


3 stimpaks

2 doses of psycho


One of the original founders of the notorious raider gang the Bullet Club and now one of the main field operatives for the Royal Guard, Razor Back is well versed in many forms of combat but favors up close and personal combat when possible with her super sledge, originally property of the first Super Mutant she killed. What Razor lacks in technical know how and subtlety, she makes up for in combat training and a knack for using every resource available to her efficiently.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeSun Feb 15, 2015 8:26 am

I'll be signing up Vipera for these funtimes.

Weapons: Sawed-off Shotgun, one hundred 12 gauge rounds. Dart Gun, 125 darts. Bowie Knife, sharp enough to shave with.

Armor: Vipera wears Recon Armor, that she herself dyed and painted black. She also wears a bandanna around her neck.

Extra: 5 stealth boys, 20 bleak venoms, 2 stims, and two weapon repair kits. And a bottle of her own saliva.

Specialties: Vipera's mostly one to op for stealth, and since her appearance puts most off, a solo route is the most likely for her. Vipera is extremely fast, and immune to all venoms, but not poison, so she wouldn't be afraid to venture into Cazador-infested areas. She also has her own brand of weak, neurotoxic saliva.

Last edited by BronzeFog on Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 12:14 am

I'm going to be signing Rain up for the fun.

Weapons: Ballistic Fist. Chinese Sword. (NOT Samurai sword) Because even here Rain enjoys his swords. And if at all possible, an Alien Atomizer. Since only one really requires any ammo, most of my ammo 'capacity' will be for the gun. Which will be 40 rounds, two full clips.

Armor: Winterized Combat Armor (Because Rain would be too damn tempted to do the Robot in power armor.) No helmet however, because he is still Rain.

Consumables: (That you don't really consume, because eating stimpack sounds bad for your health) Just three Stimpacks, and a Rad-Ex pack as well.

Specials: High Hand-To-Hand, and melee weapon skillz. Still has his flask, unless deemed unfit for the Thread, which'll make him have a sad.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 9:25 pm

I'll be signing up Viridian Rain for this Fallout adventure, and hope blindly for the best.

Weapons: Hunting Rifle, 50 rounds of Hunting Rifle ammo (I forget the in-game caliber), .44 Magnum Revolver, 90 .44 caliber rounds, machete.

Armor: STABLE-class medium security armor w/ helmet.

Consumables: Weapon repair kit, 3x stimpacks, 10 bottles of pure water, 3x bottles of Rad-X, 6x RadAway.

Specials: Lockpicking, Repair, Guns. Viridian tends to specialize in precise shooting at a distance and is highly skilled at keeping her weapon of choice operational. Dexterity with smithing a gun turns out to translate well into dexterity with "tickling" a lock so she finds herself getting into lots of locked places she isn't wanted and really shouldn't be in.
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 11:09 pm

I'll be signing up Auftrag Tyrannus for this thread.

Weapons: Laser Rifle (Scope), Laser Pistol (Iron Sights), Grenade Launcher, 100 MF cells and 150 E cells, 10 grenades for the launcher

Armor: Ranger Combat Armor

Consumables: Doctor's bag x2, stimpack x5, pure water x5

Specialties/Extra bits: Energy Weapons, Explosives, Medicine. Auftrag is extremely perceptive and highly knowledgeable, and puts his skill set to good use. He has had his previously blind right eye replaced with an artificial one that can temporarily boost his reflexes (huzzah for bullet time!) and he retains his short range teleportation (maximum 5 feet).
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2015 11:43 pm

I'd like to sign up Natural Tune.

Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Rock-It Launcher, 10 sticks of Dynamite , 5 bundles of C4, 3 Bottlecap Mines, 20 grenades for the launcher.

Armor: Advanced Riot Gear and Raider Blastmaster Helmet

Consumables: Stimpack x 5, Purified Water x 5, Mentats x 3, A total of 20 miscellaneous objects as ammo for the Rock-It Launcher

Specialties: Explosives, Unarmed, Melee Weapons. Tune is especially skilled at using his explosive arsenal in creative ways and is also known to combine these weapons to great effect (One time he fired a bottlecap mine with his Rock-It Launcher), though these weapons are usually either short-lived and really specialized or eat through ammo quickly.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 12:03 am

I will sign up Attrition.

Weapons: Laser Rifle (scope), Grenade Launcher, Plasma Rifle (accelerator).  Microfusion Cells x60, 40mm grenades x10, Energy Cells x 30.

Armor: Recon Armor

Consumables: Stimpacksx5, Doctor's Bag, Weapons Repair Kitx2.

Specialities: Energy Weapons, Science, Explosives. Attrition is very intelligent and decent in physical abilities, but very unlucky.
Extra bits: Former Enclave spy.

Last edited by Lorthalis of Crows on Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 5:28 am

Congrats to the victimsplayers chosen for this:


Star Sentinel




Brother Roga

Thread will be up shortly
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PostSubject: Re: Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure)   Sign-up: Fallout: Secrets of the Big Empty (violence/gore, anthro, adventure) Icon_minitime

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