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 Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)

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Wild Card
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PostSubject: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 8:25 pm

Our group has had some experience with Fallout RPs and also with "sandbox" RPs. I felt that now is the time to try and combine these two concepts which seem to naturally go together like bread and butter, into the (loosely titled) Fallout: Into The Sunset.

Now here are some basic ideas that will be present for this thread:

1. Most importantly, you can die. This will be permadeath if you do die. Think carefully.

2. You will be able to have three things to start; a melee weapon, a gun and an armor. I can link the Fallout wiki for anyone who wants a basic idea of these. You can also trade in one for another (EG, no armor but two guns).

3. The thread will begin at a small trading outpost name Pleare. Why your character is there and what their history is is entirely up to you with only one exception, that the OCs cannot be Vault Dwellers (Stables for those only familiar with FOE). Feel free to use this to do some world building of your own.

4. We will be using this tool to determine OC skills. Don't panic; this is mostly just to give the GM an idea of baseline, we won't get mixed up in the complexities of a full levelling system. Anyone who needs a hand with it and knowing what everything does need only ask.

5. If anyone wants to ask questions about Fallout or just have a link to something on the wiki, don't hesitate to ask.

6. This will be an Anthro RP, for the record.

And now the Character Sheet (feel free to fill this out now if interested):





Cutie Mark:



Skills: (Only list the parts that say SPECIAL in the character creator, so Strength, Endurance and etc.)


This as stated is mostly an interest test but if you know you'd be interested feel free to fill in that character sheet now, it will save time when the full signup goes up.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 8:57 pm

Name: Wyvorn

Age: 24

Race: Griffin

Description: Front part of him is that of an eagle, the hind part is of a snow tiger.

Cutie Mark: /

Equipment: Flight goggles, a black trenchcoat with numerous hidden pockets and a dark-green shirt underneath, dark blue pants, a silenced bolt-action sniper rifle (Similar to JNG-90), a machete and bullet-proof armor under his trenchcoat.

History: Wyvorn locked himself in a distanced army bunker just before the bombs exploded, keeping him safe from the blasts. In that bunker he also found some guns and decided to take a sniper rifle with a silencer. After the bombs exploded, he stayed in the empty bunker until it was safe enough to go outside, and started roaming.

Strength – 7
Perception – 7
Endurance – 5
Charisma – 5
Intelligence – 8
Agility – 4
Luck – 3

tagged: Sneak, Lockpick, Guns

Misc: red eyes, long blue scarf.

Last edited by DragonXneoN on Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 9:21 pm

Name: Verde Tin

Age: 26

Race: Unicorn

Description: Emerald-green coat, emerald-green eyes, white tail, white mane that's cut somwwhat short.

Cutie Mark: A golden hammer striking a golden anvil.

Equipment: Scavenged Stable security armor from Stable Ten plus the helmet. .45 Automatic pistol.



Strength -6
Perception -5
Endurance - 6
Charisma - 4
Intelligence - 10
Agility - 8
Luck- 1
(Guns, Medicine, Repair tagged)


Name: Astraylzenika

Age: 22

Race: Zebra

Description: Coat is zebra pattern streaked with scarlet. Mane and tail are both white with scarlet streaks. Mane is worn somewhat long.

Cutie Mark: An eye divided in half, with one side ordinary and the other side faded.

Equipment: Heavy duster, broad machete



Strength -8
Perception -5
Endurance - 7
Charisma - 4
Intelligence - 8
Agility - 6
Luck- 2
(Melee, Sneak, Unarmed tagged)


((In case it wasn't apparent, I'm interested! If it gets off the ground, I'll fill the sheet in more thoroughly))
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Wild Card

Wild Card

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 10:47 pm

Name: Wild Card

Age: 24

Race: Pegasus

Description: Dark blue coat, Orange eyes, Black and red mane and tail.

Cutie Mark: A single card, split diagonally, with one half showing the four of clubs, the other showing a joker.

Equipment: (Will fill in if this thread gets more interest.)

History: (Will fill in if this thread gets more interest.)


Strength – 2
Perception – 6
Endurance – 6
Charisma – 4
Intelligence – 4
Agility – 8
Luck – 10
Tagged - Energy Weapons, Lockpick, Sneak.

Misc: (Will fill in if this thread gets more interest.)
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 10:58 pm

Name: Accentria

Age: 25

Race: Unicorn

Description: Sky-blue coat, red eyes, Blue eyes, Mane/tail are both Cerulean blue, both are long.

Cutie Mark: A bull's-eye with a handshake in the center.

Equipment: A suit similar to Tenpenny's suit , and a Marksman carbine.


S: 4
P: 6
E: 2
C: 8
I: 5
A: 5
L: 10
(Speech, Barter, Guns tagged.)

((I'm very interested as well, OP, and if you do decide to make this an actual sign-up, I'll brainstorm up a history.))
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 11:21 pm

Name: Texas Red (named Red)

Age: 21

Race: Earth Pony

Description: Emerald Green coat, with a brown mane, that has Red streaks in it, and his tail is the same.

Cutie Mark: I've got a picture. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/297/a/e/reddened_chaos_cm_by_creativenyx-d6rnxjq.png

Equipment: A Police Baton as melee, and a pistol for starting firearm. I have a picture of the pistol
as well as a set of armor, which was taken from a body.

History: He's a mercenary for hire, he arrived at the trading post looking for a job, and to survive in the wasteland. He's typically a violent stallion, who doesn't care what others think of him. He's got a nigh unstoppable Rage, for when he's pissed off, which tends to be easy to do. He usually only does good things when it suits him.

Strength: 10
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 1
Tagged Skills: Melee (38) Guns (32) and Unarmed (30)

Misc: Even though he's a Mercenary, he will go out of his way to aid those he cares for, that he got close to. Even if he is typically, a dick from what some would call him.

Last edited by ObsidianPony on Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Images interfering with forum)
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 21, 2014 12:08 am

I am in.

Bio to come with the actual sign up.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 21, 2014 8:38 am

Name: Espia

Age: 25

Race: Changeling

Description: Dull black exoskeleton, has long jet-black hair unlike most changelings, blue eyes.

Cutie Mark: N/A

Equipment: Combat knife, plasma pistol, laser rifle

History: (I'll fill this out for the proper sign-up, at the moment my mind is blank and I just need to indicate my interest.)

S: 5
P: 10
E: 4
C: 4
I: 4
A: 8
L: 5
(Tagged: Energy weapons, Lockpick, Sneak)

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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeSat Jun 21, 2014 10:11 am

Name: Dark Wing

Age: 25

Race: Pegasus

Description: Rust colored mane, tan coat, black desperado hat, red bandanna, and green eyes.

Cutie Mark: Two Gears Connecting

Equipment: Hatchet, Cowboy Repeater, Reinforced Leather Armor

History: (Will fill out when RP is up, also when I'm awake more)

– 6 Strength
– 6 Perception
– 6 Endurance
– 2 Charisma
– 7 Intelligence
– 7 Agility
– 6 Luck
Tagged: Lockpick, Guns, and Energy Weapons

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 22, 2014 9:50 pm

Name: Krix

Age: 31

Race: Diamond dog

Description: Ashen grey fur with black speckled pattern. Paws for both hands and feet as well as the snout is black. Left ear is missing the tip and the right has three hoop piercings. Scar over the left eye which is blind, and a scraggy mess of black 'hair'.

Cutie Mark: None

Equipment: A small collection of explosives (a mix of dynamite of both fuse lengths and possibly some grenades) for the ranged weapon and door opener, scavenged metal armor with a bandana instead of the helm for armor, and a bladed gauntlet for melee.

History: An almost common scavenger, Krix usually wanders the wastes in search of his own big score, not afraid to use either brute force or his explosives to fight off any that'd attack him or infringe on his finds. Though the caps are only part of the reason Krix looks for the scattered remnants, he's also constantly searching for lost things from the past, almost consumed with a desire to find these 'relics'. He's come to the trading post after his last search to resupply and maybe do a little trading of his own.

Strength- 9
Perception- 4
Endurance- 9
Charisma- 3
Intelligence- 6
Agility- 4
Luck- 5
Tagged: Explosives, Survival, Unarmed

Last edited by Zen on Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 25, 2014 5:44 am

Name: Hazel nut
Race: Earth pony
cutie mark: grey shield
Equipment: Power armor,LMG,powerfist
Description: Very large and muscular,khaki coat, black buzz cut and five o clock shadow.
History:Born into the steel rangers trained to be a warrior of the ministry, donning the signature power armor he now hunts down tech and fights the enemies of the rangers.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 25, 2014 6:05 am

Excuse me, steelranger22, but have you read all the rules of our group yet? You won't be able to roleplay in any threads with your characters without registering any of them in the New OC sheets section and then have them approved. Please, do so  sooner rather than later. On that note, we have an OOC chat for near real time chatting in case you need more active guidance.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitimeWed Jun 25, 2014 12:20 pm

steelranger22 wrote:
Name: Hazel nut
Race: Earth pony
cutie mark: grey shield
Equipment: Power armor,LMG,powerfist
Description: Very large and muscular,khaki coat, black buzz cut and five o clock shadow.
History:Born into the steel rangers trained to be a warrior of the ministry, donning the signature power armor he now hunts down tech and fights the enemies of the rangers.

A few things to note in addition:

- This is not Fallout: Equestria, this is just a Fallout crossover. The Steel Rangers aren't a thing here.

- That equipment is FAR too strong for a starting point. Low level equipment should be started with.

- As Mr Market pointed out OCs need to be submitted to the New OCs Character Sheet. Yeah this thread will be an alternate version of them obviously but the main OC has to be approved first.

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PostSubject: Re: Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up)   Fallout Roleplay (Interest Test/Sign Up) Icon_minitime

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