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 Worlds Collide

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Mr. Market
Star Sentinel
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 10, 2014 12:03 am

Viridian accepts the blanket, which she promptly unfolds and lays over top of herself, adjusting it so that the ends don't drag on the ground. She then takes the pillow and buries her face in it. "The last word in mobile comfort, for your very traveling convenience!" she declares from inside the pillow. She then puts the pillow on top of her head, seeming to be totally unaware of the fact that she looked incredibly silly this way. A cheerful expression became even more cheerful as she saw the aesthetic monstrosity that was their transport to the town of Ponyville. "Wow... Disney is, like, the most dominant corporation in the history of ever! They've so good at taking over the world that they've infiltrated this place as well." And then she gets in a line with the other ponies, grinning at the two thestrals who are in obvious physical distress from the painful gaudiness of the train.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2014 9:51 am

Oathbound couldn't hold his laughter in as he saw the train.
He began to laugh wholeheartedly and it took him a long while to regain his senses.
"Hooo...hoho, I don't even know why this is so funny! It's just a train that has one of the weirdest color-schemes I've seen anywhere!" He said before laughing some more. His face was now completely red from all the strain on his facial muscles.
"I fear I might die of laughter if this keeps up." He chuckled as he got in line.
He also looked at Viridian before grinning.
"Be wary, I think we might find some sorts of analogues to Disney here during our stay." He said, still keeping his grin.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2014 12:40 pm

Silhouette looked a bit confused at what exactly a "Disney" was but still she scratched her mane sheepishly until the train pulled up. "Just try not to speak that too loud okay? This train was the first thing Princess Luna had commissioned when she came back. It might look silly but she was really proud of it, so please do spare her feelings?"

Razor "hmmphed" grumpily and slid open the door for them; where there would have been rows of seats on a normal train there were instead beds. "Make yourselves at home, we got a few hours to kill anyways." Razor spoke hurriedly as she dashed to claim one of the beds that would have a view of the mountains as they left.

Silhouette sighed and shook her head before gesturing around to everyone, trying to be inviting. "Everyone feel free to make yourselves at home, as Razor so aptly put it, I'll be in the kitchen carriage making a late dinner; how does mashed potatoes, sausages and gravy sound to everyone?"

((Before anyone brings it up OOC, yes the sausages are a vegetarian version. Since ponies don't eat meat Silhouette wouldn't have any need to specifically call it that. Feel free to inquire though IC.))
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2014 5:29 pm

Viridian, making absolutely no attempt to address the silliness of a pillow on her head and a blanket draped over her body, hurriedly zips over and claims the bed nearest Razor's, however situated that bed happens to be. She then takes the pillow from her head, puts it on the bed, and buries her face in it with a muffled sound of happiness. The mention of mashed potatoes, sausages, and gravy makes her perk up and look at Silhouette with an almost scary amount of intensity. "I heard the word 'sausage'," she intones. "Sausage is mother. Sausage is father. Sausage is air and breath and life." She pauses after making this pronouncement and grins widely. "I've gone to the magical land of ponies and they have the sausage. If they also had the bacon, I would need no further life, for I had found heaven. Or whatever you call it here."

She pauses again. "Mashed potatoes, sausages, and gravy sounds fantastic. Thank you, Miz Silhouette." She gives the thestral a smile and returns her face to her pillow.
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2014 5:48 pm

Star could help but laugh a little at the mention of Disney. Though, taking a look at the train again, it did look like something Disney would make. He sighed, shaking his head as Silhouette said something about spearing the princess's feelings. Something, however, peaked his interest. He thought his next question would get an answer in the tone as his first question, but shrugged it off and asked anyway. "Wait...You said back. What do you by back?" He resisted the urge to facepal-...facehoof at his own question.

Star trotted inside the train and picked one of the beds that had a window near it. He threw the pillow and blanket on the bed. He put his envelop off towards the top of the bed, where he usually kept stuff that he didn't care much for at the moment. He flopped down onto the bed, snuggling the blanket a little bit. "Hmm...If only I had my husky...Sigh." He mumbled letting out a deep sigh. He shifted around on the bed for a moment, trying to find a comfortable spot to lay down and rest a bit.

Well...Now he just needed to figure out how to lay in bed and he'd be all set for the rest of his stay here in Equestria. He moved around in the bed a lot because he couldn't laydown like he normally would lay. He finally let out a frustrated groan and rolled off the bed and sat down on top of it. "Fuck it. I'll figure it out when we get to Ponyville." He grumbled frustration clear in his tone. He took a deep breath and looked at Silhouette. "Mash potatoes? All me yes. I mean..." He let out a cough. "Mash potatoes, gravy, and sausages sound good."
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2014 2:47 pm

Oathbound simply waited in line, thinking of the shenanigans that would ensue if this line of comedic entertainment would continue...

Once he got inside the train, he sat down on a stool and found it difficult to sit like he did as a human. Deciding to drop off the attempt of imitating a human, he simply went to a nearby bed-like area and laid down, finding it quite comfortable.

Oathbound was confused at the mentioning of sausages. His education about ponies never mentioned them being acceptive of eating meat, nor was he under the impression that just because the new arrivals to the world of Equestria were previously omnivores they would serve meat to them even though they were in the form of herbivores now.

A thought struck him.
"I think she means the vegetarian variety of sausages..."
He voiced out his thoughts to the others. Personally he wasn't a fan of sausages, though mashed potatoes were something he enjoyed. He'd only had the proper stuff once, with small chunks littering the otherwise smooth mash. It was perfect. Ever since then he has only had the incredibly sticky goo made out of potato powder that tasted awful. But gravy on top of the mash... His lips were starting to drool excess saliva at the prospect. He never had gravy before, but from what he could understand of it... It sounded delicious.
"Anyways, I'd love to have some." He replied to Silhouette.

Last edited by Brother Roga on Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 17, 2014 9:48 pm

Market was still having a hard time opening the envelope, to the point he was slowly thinking of it as an obstacle as the seconds went on by along with the frustration of failing to open it thus far. That aside, he didn't have a problem with the train itself so long as it worked as intended, but as he got in slowly when invited in at last, he could not help but feel the train was so familiar to him, but couldn't quite recall from where. When Xereth came close to open his envelope, however, he kindly refused. "Ah, sorry, but I'd rather learn and figure it out... Thank you, though..." It was a self-imposed process by this point, but he needed to to keep trying one way or another while he could as no one had yet to come and claim his ticket.

Hearing the mention of food while looking at the inside of the train -and pretending he didn't hear Viridian's Sausage Mantra as he passed her by while nonetheless chuckling about it-, his ears perked up and his eyes lit up a bit as he somewhat followed Silhouette in curiosity. It didn't take much time for him to remember that, among the basics, what the ponies ate in general did not include meat, and assumed a vegetarian meal was oncoming. Either way, he'd know the difference having eaten vegetarian imitations of meat before, and usually liking them almost as much as the real thing. "... Excuse me, Miss Silhouette... Was there a reason we had to stand in different lines...? Also... Mind if I watched you cook...? I just wanna know... how you do stuff with your hooves." He looked at the slightly crumpled envelope in his own hoof and then back at her again, hoping to get a yes to sate his curiosity.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2014 2:34 am

Fantasy was hardly a social person- er, pony now, she supposed. Being not a social... pony, it wasn't surprising to her that she wasn't really keeping track of everyone else's words and actions. Except for when the dragon had cut open her envelope. Great. Now she was afraid to move. If she did, her hooves would as well and she'd drop the contents everywhere. She looked into it and saw a sum of golden coins and a small letter that was probably what told her who she'd be bunking with.

Luckily, an idea came to her. Fantasy lifted the envelope to her face and simply bit the open end of it. Now that dropping it was far less likely, she was ready to move on to the... what the heck. At the sight of her transportation, Fantasy nearly dropped her envelope and its contents all over the floor. Ears fully perked and eyes wide, Fantasy took in the sight before her, and was kinda glad it wasn't daytime. The train's loud purple and gold color scheme was only made worse by the stars and swirls that covered practically every square foot, making the entire thing one gaudy mess on wheels.

After taking a full two and a half minutes to recover, Fantasy only just got up when she felt something soft, yet kinda heavy, placed on her back. She turned her head to look- and was very surprised when turning her head actually allowed her to see what was on her back. Her equine back. This was going to be strange for a while. But, onto what was on her back! Blankets; and a pillow. Fantasy smiled a little. She did have a habit of falling asleep on moving vehicles. Eager to get on the train and let her mind wander until she fell asleep, Fantasy speedwalked happily into the train, slipping here and there and nearly having her pillow and blanket slip off her back but otherwise made it without much problem. As she stepped onto the train she paused to look around the interior, particularly for the most preferable bed to choose.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2014 5:33 am

As Aerv Xereth entered the train, he was rather surprised to say the least. The inside looked much more comfortable than the trains he used to ride. He smiled and walked to one of the seats, trying to sit down the human way, only to find that his tail was in the way no matter which position he tried. Xereth then attempted to lie down on the seat, finding that his half-folded wings were in the way now. He tried many different positions, still unable to use his tail and wings, and thus ended up grabbing his tail to move it out of the way, but that failed too. In the end, he decided to lie down on his stomach. He looked at Silhouette as she mentioned sausages and mashed potatoes. He wasn't too sure about gravy, as he never before ate it, seeing as they don't serve it in his own country. "Yeah.. sausages and mashed potatoes sound great right now.." He said, smiling at Silhouette and Razor.

Last edited by DragonXneoN on Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 18, 2014 5:54 am

Sunshine gave the train a look of indifference. Sure, the train was gaudy as Disney's personal hell on wheels, but Sunny still had a slight break from reality. "If you think that's weird, you should see my brother's room. Geez..." She approached the train and stepped inside. "The interior is slightly better. I think I might enjoy this ride." She hopped onto one of the beds and rolled around on it. "Woo! So comfy!" The beds were softer than anything she had ever slept on, aside from hotels. Of course, having a back-killing hard spring mattress at home will do that to a person.

Sunny had never been a huge fan of sausages. She also hated gravy. A lot. Needless to say, she wasn't keen on the food being offered. However, her tastes in food had to diverse if she wanted to stay in the others good taste. So she shrugged and decided to accept the offer of edibles in her belly. "I guess I could go for some noms. This body is getting pretty hungry." She said.

Another thought occurred to her then. She brought a bag of books with her for entertainment in just this sort of situation. They had taken her bag at some point though. She turned to the nearest thestral, which was Razor. "Um, excuse me, but I didn't get my bag back. Do you still have it, and can I have it back?" She politely asked.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 20, 2014 12:43 am

A toy train, was all Arc could think while he stood in line with a blanket and pillow resting on his back. The crazy doesn't stop here, this is where the crazy takes us on a wild ride through loony land. With slight delay, Arc boarded the purple and yellow train, careful to keep his new equipment balanced on his back. Once he saw most of the others settled in, choosing their seats or beds, Arc chose his own from whatever was left open. He shook the blanket and pillow combo onto the open bed, then laid the envelope that he held in his mouth alongside the tossed sheets. It took a few awkward attempts to get onto and lay down on the bed. Arc rolled to his back to stare at the ceiling of the train not bothering to respond to the call for food as he wasn't hungry. His thoughts were primarily focused on the future, he thought about their destination, he thought of the one he would be staying with, and he thought about the how much he would still see of the others once this train ride ended. There was plenty he could speculate on and his anxious mind would keep him occupied for the long trip to Ponyville.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2014 11:45 pm

Silhouette gave Sugary a nod and beckoned for him to follow her to the catering carriage, leaving Razor to attend to any other needs the passengers had; she passed their luggage back out, the bags having been turned into saddlebags (she gave a slight bop over the head to Sunshine with her back but it seemed a friendly gesture, like a punch on the shoulder for human friends).

She looked over to Star, Sugary and the other ponies who had been struggling; with a growl of annoyance she leaned over and effortlessly opened the envelopes with a mix of her hooves and her wings. She unfortunately didn't slow down too much, they only had a brief glimpse of her technique but they could see that she seemed to simply curve her hooves and, somehow, manipulate the objects in them flawlessly.

Silhouette facehooved as she led Market to the back. "She can be... impatient." She excused Razor as she began pulling out frying pans and a pot for the gravy; much like Razor she seemed to only use subtle movements of her hooves and wings, though with Silhouette she very slowly proceeded, letting Sugary see exactly what she was doing so he could mimic it; she didn't bother slowing down her wing movements since he couldn't mimic those anyway.

"As for the small one's question, yeah we lined you up for a reason." Razor noted, taking out a satchel of her own and handing out small, silvery rings to the unicorns. "Anyone with a horn, put these on to stop your magic going off out of your control. You can take them off once we get you a magic teacher. I have wing sheathes here if anyone would rather keep their wings tied down until they're trained too."
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2014 1:18 am

Star looked down at his hooves, trying desperately to figure out how they worked. It was slowly driving him made how they didn't seem to follow logic! Though....that was just his logical side of his brain thinking....And yet he seemed to somehow have forgotten he had turned into a male. He groaned and hung his head in defeat. "Stupid hooves...." He took a deep breath and decided to try his hand- er...hoof in laying down again.

He slowly slid his forehooves a bit forward and bent them a bit so he was laying on his stomach or...barrel. He had no idea what to call it! He wasn't an expert on horse...er...pony anatomy. He groaned a little and shoved his have into the space between both his forelegs. He did have to admit this way was similar to laying on one's stomach and watching T.V. It was a bit more comfortable though as one does not have to stretch their neck. A small smile crept back onto his face.

He lifted his head and started at Razor when he heard the words 'Wing sheaths'. They didn't really sound...good...Or maybe the word was uncomfortable. Either way he didn't want to think about his wings being tied down. He looked back at his bat wings and smiled. "Hmm..." He chuckled a little as a though came to mind. "A creature of the night, I have become. Use my wings wisely, I will." He muttered quietly to himself so no one else could hear him.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 4:38 am

Market was caught by surprise when Razor took his envelope and opened it rather abruptly, much to his disdain even though it did mean he finally got to see what was actually in it. He also looked to Star whom he swore sounded awfully familiar to someone from a movie he saw a long time ago about a galaxy far far away.

He at least paid attention to Silhouette's insight on the matter of the other Thestral's attitude, and could only nod in agreement. Right after, he got the ring he was told to put on and why that he almost dropped. It was at that moment he considered more and more his situation: He was in a world that seemed full of magic and wonder... And the more he thought on it as he followed Silhouette into the kitchen, the more he smiled about that fact. This was something he, deep down, looked forward to for a very long time... But he also knew that, as much appeal as it had, he'd prefer to take things slow. And clumsily but eventually, if a little reluctantly, managed to place the ring on his horn.

Once the ring reached as far down on his horn as it could, it was then he began to feel a numbing sensation over the tingle he had been feeling since he had come out of the portal. While the numbing sensation wasn't bad for him so to speak, it felt oddly unnatural... and yet his form wasn't his own to begin with, so the entire experience gave him mixed feelings.

Still, that did not keep him from paying attention to the cooking Thestral as he saw her get to work and actually take time to show him how she did things with her hooves. He was rather grateful for it, but he also closely admired how precise the use of her wings were. It was an odd sort of thing he couldn't stop staring at because it was just so fascinating to see her use her wings like an extra set of limbs. Other than that, and content in knowing where his stuff was, he gladly watched her work... and slowly began to have his mouth water as she cooked the sausages and the smell reached his now more sensitive snout, drawing it closer to get a better whiff, but then quickly retracting it and scrunching it as one of her wings nearly slapped him in her quick movements. Even so, he sat, watched, and waited while his tail flicked in anticipation of the meal subconsciously, though he did say something in the meantime to her. "... Thank you... And that smells great!"
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 9:01 am

Oathbound's eyes widened slightly as he saw the saddlebags that he had been crushed by earlier be given to him, remembering that he had his books come along for the ride.

After a bit of fumbling with the bags, he finally managed to take one of his hardback books out, only to stare at it in a confused silence.
"Mitä helvettiä? Aiemmin tässä luki WarHAMMER, eikä WarPONY..." He thought in Finnish as he wondered how the book's contents seemed to have changed.

Come to think of it, the last time he took a look at his books was before he stepped through the portal...
"Umm, am I the only one here or has everyone's books contents changed into pony versions? Because mine certainly have." He opened up a page, originally depicting the Emperor of Mankind's remains sitting upon his throne on Terra, this time occupied by a pony in golden armor.

"Did the portal have something to do with this?"
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 9:24 pm

"Odd. Don't go asking me though, I've never been through that thing." Razor mused, taking a look at one of Oathbound's books with a curious eye. She flicked the book over onto it's back and got a somewhat bloodthirsty grin at some of the gruesome and powerful looking creatures adorning the back of the book.

Silhouette appreciated the compliment on her cooking and wheeled the cart out. "Come on everypony, enough for everyone." She assured them, handing out rather large plate fulls to everyone to eat from; it seemed everyone ended up with at least five sausages each. "If anyone wants cutlery I have it but most ponies just eat with their muzzles and hooves." She then took a quick bite of her own mash with just her muzzle, showing how to do it without smushing their entire face into their food.

There was a loud sound of a train whistle then a slight jerk as, slowly, the train began to move.
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 10:07 pm

Star looked at the food on his plate, looking at Silhouette to see how she ate the food. It was...odd to not have a fork or spoon, but then again....he thought it'd be difficult to hold the cutlery with hooves. But then again, eating things with just one's mouth and hands...err...muzzle and hooves was something he knew how to do. After all, having cake and having no spoon can make one eat with just hands and mouth.

He grabbed one of the sausages and chewed it happily. He never had a vegetarian sausage so that was something new for him. He also ate some of the mash potatoes, he loved the smoothness of it unlike the sorry excuse for mash potatoes he had eaten back on earth. He figured he should thank Silhouette for the food. He licked whatever mash potatoes was on his muzzle and looked at Silhouette with a smile. "Uhh...Thanks for cooking this food. It's great."

He winced a little at the sound of the train whistle. He never though his hearing was that good. In fact, he though wearing headphones all the time was making him more deaf. He had to take a guess and go with the fact that it was his near ears and body that made him have better hearing, similar to how the others seemed to have better eyesight. He couldn't wait to learn to fly, but for now it was time to eat sausages and mash potatoes.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 12:09 am


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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 1:19 am

Arc politely refused the meal prepared by Silhouette, “No thanks. I appreciate it, but I’m not hungry.” He sniffed the air, smelling the wafting scent of delicious food, “No matter how good it may smell.” In truth, Arc just didn't feel comfortable eating in front of others. He would often go without food at school and would refrain from eating at parties or similar gatherings. Arc then turned his attention to the blanket and pillow he had thrown lazily onto the bed he had chosen. He struggled to get himself under the sheets, completely submerging himself into the depths of the lightweight fabric in the process. He barely managed to poke his head out for a breath of air before quickly going back into the mess of sheets to retrieve the pillow. Again he popped his head out from the clump of sheets with the pillow in his mouth. He set it down so he could lay his head on it. Arc then curled himself into a ball as close as he could with his new body, snug as a bug in a rug. He tried to close his eyes, but they refused to stay shut for long. I’m not even tired, now what? At least the blanket will keep me safe, he thought as he pulled the sheets close to his body.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 3:12 am

Market did his very best to look at Silhouette up until it was time to eat, to which he promptly and gingerly made his way over to the nearest bed he could find that was away from the rest and set down his sheet, pillow, and the opened envelope so as to not have to keep carrying anything and having a spot that would hopefully be quiet enough during the trip; He was not looking forward to spending time next to anyone snoring while resting after all. He had enough of that as it were.

When the food was served proper, he thought on his options, and then looked at the Thestral who had been rather kind and patient so far. "... I'd like to try the utensils... May as well keep practicing..." After taking up on her offer, he looked at those nearby and around carefully and thoughtfully. Eventually, an important question would surface on his mind he needed to share with everyone. "... Hey... I'm Market... But which of you is which...? I can't tell." He chuckled lightly afterwards. He wondered why this wasn't done sooner. While some acted in familiar ways, they were all still different than before.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 3:54 am

Viridian's face emerges from the pillow just in time to see Razor offering her a ring about the right size to be put over her horn. She accepts it from the thestral with a cheery smile and, having paid no attention at all to what it was for, puts it into one of her very loaded saddlebags before her face, once again, ends up in the pillow.

The next emergence was in response to the smell of food approaching. She gives Silhouette a broad and sincere smile of gratitude as she accepts a plate of food from the thestral and carries it off to the nearest horizontal surface which, in this particular instance, is the bed she selected. Using her hooves, she carefully slips the plate of food up onto the bed and just as carefully, clambers up on top and lounges before the plate, putting her pillow at the foot of her bed but keeping the blanket in place. She looks around to the other ponies and then the thestral who did the cooking. "Thank you very much for to making this food," she says. "And now, heads down. SAUSAGE!" And she buries her face in the plate of food and the very enthusiastic sounds of munching emerge from the faceplanted unicorn.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 30, 2014 8:06 am

Oathbound saw the glint in Razor's eyes as she looked at the back cover of his now ponified book.
"You can borrow that if you want, miss Razor. I got plenty." He said, scrounging up some more of his books, all of which had changed contents now. For a moment he wondered if the others had the same thing happen to them, but the sight of the plate of food threw such trivialities to the sidelines.
"Ya know, this is a great opportunity for me to check what has changed. Heh, it's like reading a completely new and improved edition of an old book that has been read a thousand times over!" He mused as he mimicked Silhouette's actions. At first he was considering using utensils, but then his lack of fingers came to the spotlight of his thoughts. "Oh right." He thought before looking at Xereth and enviously glanced at his claws.
"Lucky bastard." He thought, smiling. Even though he was envious of his partner's fortune, he didn't mean ill.
It was at that moment he heard Market's question.
"Ah. I was the fat guy with the glasses and the white hoodie." He said, throwing one of his hooves up in the air as if he was in a classroom trying to get a turn in answering a question asked by the teacher.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 7:50 pm

Aerv took the plate and set it on the flattest stable surface he could find. He looked how everyone else tried to eat, but he decided to attempt to use the cutlery he was given. He didn't really have full control of his claws yet, as they worked as.. rather fat fingers. At least he had fingers, he thought as he saw others having problems with hooves, and attempted picking up a fork. The smell of the food in front of him was delicious, and for a moment he thought that his smell was.. better. The reason for that could be that he had Dragon's friggin' nose!. After successfully picking up a fork he carried the food to his mouth and.. it felt like an explosion. An explosion of deliciousness and many other tastes that made it so much better. His hunger just doubled the effect. He continued eating in silence, trying to ignore and not laugh at others' attempts to eat, especially Viridian's attempt, which made him want to burst out laughing. He made a small pause after eating half of his plate and looked at Market. "I'm Luke." He shortly said and started eating slowly again, enjoying every bite.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 04, 2014 2:03 am

Sunshine smirked at Razor from that head bop. She accepted her bag pleasingly and began to dig through it, looking for her book on clouds. Seeing all the pictures and the rest of the book exactly the way it was before eased her mind a bit. The clouds were really nice to look at. She liked the pictures of the auroras especially, even though they weren't clouds. "Meh, so what if this book is 10 years old. I still love these pictures." She said to herself.

She put the book back as the food was being passed out. She took her food with a firm nod and a "thanks." The scent of the food wafted into her nose and her body immediately responded with a growl from her stomach and a bit of salivation. "I... just realized how hungry I am..." She denied the silverware and instead opted to follow in Viridian's hoofsteps. "Banzai!" She faceplanted into the food and started munching happily. After a few seconds, she pulled up to breathe and looked at Silhouette. "Um, thanks for the food. Its good." She said with bits of food all over her muzzle.

She then turned to the tan unicorn known as Market. "Oh, hi there. So you wanna know who I am now or who I was? Because now, my new pony name is Sunshine. My old human self; I was the dude who was eating a pop tart on the way to the meeting this morning, Will." She answered his question. She then went back to nomnomnoming in a very faceplanty fashion.
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PostSubject: Re: Worlds Collide   Worlds Collide - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 16, 2014 7:07 pm

Fantasy, still being a bit woozy from the whole portal thing, didn't really react to anyone or anything. She didn't know these people (though she'd know them better later), she didn't like sausages, and the one thing she was interested in right now was watching the landscape roll by her window until she fell asleep. Now that she thought about it, that was especially enticing. This was an entire nother world; and entire nother planet. There was loads of stuff to see here. Surely the train ride would be a great opportunity to see some of the local landscape, if not more.
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