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 Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2016 10:31 pm

(Far Far Away...)

The matters of Scarabi were many, even in times of peace. The Royal family and its subjects were often playing a delicate game of Chess to make sure things progressed well in the short and long, whether by complex unification or just plain keeping watch over things... But this time, Princess Thryssa had been given a mandatory order to just chill away for a few days by her parents. No Changelings for her to command or look after, just head out and clear her head for once, away from all matters while her father would supervise her tasks in her place... Fortunately for her, that meant she was allowed one loyal non-changeling companion if she couldn't help herself...

... In a small coastal town west of Equestria, Sugary remained close by his Bosslady as they walked down the main street, wearing a long blue robe in the chilly wind of the early evening, and somewhat drowsily looking at a map he had. It was all so last minute for him when news of the mandatory vacation came about that he barely had time to suggest where to go, but with the help of the Spynetwork, he was able to get him and Thryssa a small beach house; He felt a hotel might be too much for her being around so many ponies, and chose that town instead to ease her into it... He hoped his instincts were right after they were escorted there by incognito flying carriage after they parted ways from their escort. He looked up to her with tired eyes and a light smile, just to check on her mood. "... Nice and peaceful, ain't it?" He really hoped she'd come to accept her family thought she was working too hard and not relaxing enough.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 4:44 am

Thryssa has decided to go with a guise of being a black unicorn with the same body type, hair color, hair style, eye color, cutie mark, stature, and pretty much everything else she has in her true form except for her wings. She sighs out a grumbling acknowledgement to his chipper observation that it's nice and peaceful before wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him a little closer to her. With ample time to prepare (albeit only about an hour more than him), she'd bundled up in a heavy winter coat in the same scarlet color as his favorite hat, a furred hood, mittens, and snow boots with heavy insulated pants. Compared to the stallion at her side, she looks absurdly overdressed and truth be told, is becoming mildly drowsy herself from being far too warm. After a minute or two of silence in light of his comment, she sighs and smiles a little down at him. "It's peaceful." Then she leans down to kiss the tip of his horn. "Thanks for taking care of the arrangements, Sugary. I just hope Masquerade and Belladonna will be able to hold the fort down in my absence. I hate leaving my work, especially at a crucial time." Admittedly, though, she seemed to regard all times as crucial, so this statement didn't mean a whole lot and she probably realizes it.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 5:48 am

A constant almost grin remained on his muzzle as he looked to how overdressed she still was, and how not-relaxed she still was... And then he perked up as if a spark ran down his spine at the kiss. He wrapped an arm around her waist in turn, speaking a little fast. "Pleasenotinfrontofeveryone...!" He coughed and sighed a little, looking at the map once more. "Thryssa, really now... Your father is supervising them. I'm sure he knows a thing or two, so they should all be fine for a few days... What's crucial is that you use your time to not worry about it..." He affectionately gripped her closer still as they walked before lightening it, gently nuzzling the shoulder of his head-taller companion, and smiled. "Just wait till you see the house. It's anything the castle isn't... I'm sure you'll love it!" He was enthusiastic despite sounding tired. He had not slept as well to make sure things were okay.

For now, they walked on, and the town was rather lacking in much to really make it stand out... At least until some event kicked in the coming days... "And Thryssa... If anything's bothering you, let me know right away, okay? You're not still feeling too cold are you?" He held back a chuckle, wondering if it was all in her head. Sure, the area they were in was no desert region, but it was at least somewhere between Template and Tropical.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 6:04 am

Thryssa smiles at the mention of her father. "OK, fine. Yeah, Dad is an old hand at being a soldier and I'm not worried about how he'll handle things. But the person at the top never has nearly as much control as the people in the middle and further down the chain, which is why I'm worrying about the two main people I left further down the chain." She looks down at him with a bit of a grin. "Considering that I find the castle comforting and welcoming, Sugary, I'm not sure how to feel about being reassured that this beach house is anything that the castle is not." She grins and kisses the tip of his horn again despite his rapid-fire pleading for her not to and then continues walking. "No, I'm not too cold at all. I just believe in being prepared, which in this case means baking myself to a crisp inside of clothes woefully inappropriate to the weather. When we get to the beach house, I think I'll need to take an icewater bath or something so I can feel myself again." She pauses, walked for a few seconds. "Wanna join me?" Although she doesn't look down at him this time, he can see her grinning widely as she asks the question.
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 6:59 am

Sugary figured his tired state set him up for that verbal jab by Thryssa about the house, but took it in stride. And before he could try and get her away from thoughts of work, he was already tingling from another kiss... He was quickly realizing she was much more flirty when she actually didn't think of work as much now that it was just the two of them, especially when asked to join for an ice bath. He certainly looked up to her, almost leering even, searching for any signs of a bluff. "... For the ice bath? No. 'Or something', however, sounds more appealing..." He'd lightly smack the back of her leg with his tail from under the robe, also looking straight ahead with a little tired grin. "You tease... And honestly, do I need to remind you where you live?"

For a brief, and hushed few moments, he gladly reminded her of the fact she lived in a very large and very gorgeous floating palace with many a fancy and practical facility, full of much art from past and present. Even her room was high class, even if she was the most practical of her family. "... I'm saying it's less like that and more like the rooms in my airship."

Along the way, a few here and there would wave at them, just the locals giving a typical greeting to visitors. He wondered how Thryssa would handle that much.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 5:23 am

"So you're in for the 'or something' but not for the ice bath." She nods. "I see how it is. You don't want anything to cool your secret burning passion. You must maintain your secret identity as the great and powerful Captain Steamy for the good of the world and cute mares everywhere." She turns to grin at him this time and pats him on the back. "Oh yes, my youngest sister is the most shameless gossip you'll ever know and she thought that if I was going on vacation with you, I needed a whole arsenal of ways to tease you so I can pretend to be a real-life mare instead of the military mare I actually am."

The grin fades a bit as she actually puts what it clearly a thought into words and she sighs. "But seriously, Sugary... do you agree with my family, that I can and must step away from my duties and try to be real? Do you think I can even really do it?" She makes polite waving-like gestures towards the ponies that greet them as they walk. "Among... well... these? The ponies that couldn't love and tolerate ponies that look different than them, so much so that it all ended up with Princess Celestia sending us off to a desert?" She looks genuinely uncertain. "Do you think I can actually be better?"
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2016 5:43 am

Sugary continued to gain a growing blush as Thryssa kept teasing him with names now, even if a little drowsy... Though he didn't try to deny any of it, instead grinning more and smacking her leg again.

And of course, he placed the map away as he looked up to her with hopeful and understanding eyes as he urged them to stop by a corner. He'd stand before her now, raising his warm hands up to her cheeks and gently rubbing them. "... For one thing, you didn't pretend they weren't waving at you. That's as good a start as I can hope for..." He very lightly rubbed her braided mane and scalp. "And you are and always will be real enough to me, and to everyone back home, you big silly Lovebug...!" And there was the nickname again, full of affection as always. "But it seems that I, Captain Steamy, will have to teach you to make Love and not just War." He'd gently cup her chin. "Not everything's an epic battlefield, sometimes I just want to stop and smell the Desert Rose blooming before me~"
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 6:07 am

Thryssa blushes as well and giggles a tiny bit before she successfully stops herself, mentally reminding herself that giggling is very undignified for a princess and a commander of soldiers. She replaces the undignified giggling with picking Sugary up, compensating for the difference in their height, and plants a good strong heated kiss right on his lips, hugging him against her. "One of these days, Sugary, I'm going to get her for planting that idea in your head," she tells him with exaggerated but utmost seriousness. "I'm not sure how I'm going to get her, but I'll find a way." She puts him down. "I'm also going to steal Tetti's cocoa beans for letting you have too many sappy romance novels because you're clearly getting too many ideas from them." She grins at him and then proceeds towads their reserved beach house.
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2016 7:17 am

He was happy to get her to laugh, ever a gleeful moment out of the otherwise fairly stoic mare. The kiss he got, however, had been the most passionate by far along with the hug; She certainly knew how to take his breath away... she had a very strong grip when hugging, but the light daze from the kiss more than made up for it. "Eh heh heh~..."

He was left with a constant light blush when let go, though did regain his senses soon enough to talk. "Oh, those are actually my b-... Er... I mean, right! Tetti! She probably drinks too much coffee anyway. I'm sure she won't mind a little intervention to cut back a bit..." He cleared his throat and quickly kept escorting her about...

Along the way, he took a somewhat alternate path to where they needed to go; Nothing fancy, but it meant they walked over an area where grass and sand meet sooner. He figured she might feel more comfortable still walking over sand again. He also walked closer to her now, an arm constantly around her waist and his head resting on her shoulder a little.

The sound of evening waves became ever more notable as they reached the end of the path, the beach just over a tiny hill a short walk away, having led to a modest house of cement surrounded by palm trees, grass, and more sand. They weren't far from the main part of town where they could reach with a more direct stone path, but otherwise could keep to themselves very easily. "Well, here we are. Happy holiday home..." He sounded eager just as much as he sounded tired, taking a short moment to get some keys and open up the screen door followed by the main door entrance... And began the odd adventure of seeking out blindly for the lightswitch before grumbling, using his magic to light up the room more, and then turn it on proper. It flickered at first, but it worked to reveal...

... A very basic living room with just one big couch, the kitchen set and counter nearby, a fan above, and little else but the doors that led to their room and bathroom. He yawned contently and began to unpack their belongings on the counter. "Mm... Cozy..." He was looking steadily more tired, almost not in the mood to even unpack, glancing every once in a while towards the bedroom.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 4:39 am

"Sugary, that's coffee beans," Thryssa smirks. "Cocoa beans are what chocolate is made from. For some reason, Tetti likes to eat them raw despite them being extremely bitter and very unappetizing to any normal person."
She smiles and makes sure that they're walking pleasantly close together as they approach the little cottage and Sugary got the key from his pocket and opened the door. Thryssa looks around the place and grins. "Very spartan, nothing wasted. I think I rather like this place, Sugary. I'm not a mare used to excessive luxury, despite living in a castle, so something plain is comforting and familiar." She watches him tiredly begin unpacking and lets him for about a minute before she gently takes the things out of his hands, lifts him up, and walks him into the bedroom where she deposits him on the bed. "Sugary, you look exhausted. Sleep. I'll get things unpacked, get things shipshape and ready to my satisfaction, and then I'll come in and collapse on top of you or something."
She sheds her coat, her mittens, her cap and thermal pants, and then she sheds a rather sweatsoaked looking t-shirt that she was wearing under the coat and without a hint of shame or self-consciousness, heads back into the main room in nothing but her underthings to unpack. A moment later, Sugary would be able to hear the motor of the fan starting up and the sounds of various items hitting various surfaces.
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 5:32 am

Sugary protested mildly but ultimately didn't mind and began to relax on the bed while Thryssa revealed more of her non-bughorse form and left the room in very little. He could swear he felt the heat off of her clothes for a moment even...

Since their room was considerably warmer inside than out, he took off the robe and remained with only shorts and his smaller but buff physique and caramel cream candy colors as he discarded a shirt as well, laying on the bed, and waiting to see if she actually jumped on him later on or not, glad she liked the space so far...

... And then came the noise; He jumped out of the bed and sought to see what was the noise as he looked once he opened the door, lightly rubbing his eyes. "Thryssa!? What happened here?"
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 5:45 am

Thryssa looks over her shoulder at him as she neatly stacks clothes from their suitcases. "Um... unpacking?" She looks him over from hoof to horn and grins. "Also admiring a rather Sugary sweet stallion I brought with me and whom I'm destined to sleep with in under an hour. Also, didn't I pick you up and put you in a bed a few minutes go and way I was going to join you?"
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 6:08 am

Sugary blinked at her a little incredulously a few times before he dragged himself over to her, picked her up with his own strength with ease and left things as they were, and took her to their room with a drowsy smile. "... Well uh... Just pretend an hour passed... We can totally save these for tomorrow... I just want full peace and quiet... Just this once..." He truly sincerely hoped she'd forgive him, but her calm bodyheat was much more favorable than her own effort at making house. The only extra he brought were pillows, and in what was his most forceful treatment of her by far... gently lay her on the bed, looked down upon her with affection... and flopped next to her with a tired neigh. "... Finally..." He didn't have the will to tell her to try and get on him. He just wanted to rest as he murred next to her.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 4:20 pm

Thryssa blinks as she's physically hoisted and carried to the bed by Sugary, surprised enough that she doesn't try to struggle or even make any sign of protest. She finds herself without the items she was unpacking and laying on a relatively soft bed with a mostly-nude Sugary flopped beside her mostly-nude self, and smiles a little. "OK, peace and quiet, just this once." She scoots over and wraps her arms around Sugary from behind, spooning contentedly with him and burying her face in the back of his neck. "You're a strong little guy," she murrs into one of his ears in a sleepy fashion before relaxing to let herself fall asleep.
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2016 7:24 pm

He smiled and snorted pleasantly at having his boss lady spoon and nuzzle him, returning the affection by stroking one of her hands and laying his tail upon her thigh. He also spoke a little more audibly before sleep took over. "... Strong... Beautiful Desert Flower..." He spoke fondly of her. "... And no one to smother us to get together... Heh..." As much as he did like having others encouraging their curiously steady but slow building relationship, he longed for the chance for them to forge it in their own time one way or another.

And with the next several days free for the both of them, he went to sleep with that peace of mind, likely feeding her in her sleep as he was very comfortable in her embrace... Of course, he probably slept too comfortably as he awoke to himself lightly, and lewdly, suckling on her fingers. "..." He slowly turned his head to see how aware she had been about that.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2016 6:37 pm

Before Sugary gets his head all the way around, he feels a mouth latch onto one of his ears and suck lightly on the tip. "Enjoying yourself, Mister Market?" Thryssa murmurs around a mouthful of stallion ear. "Because while I've never really tried out this playful sucking on random parts of a pony's body thing, I think you suckling my fingers is sort of endearing and sucking on the tip of your ear makes me feel silly and giggly." She lets his ear go and noses him. "Sleep well, XO?"
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2016 9:22 pm

(Vacation: day 1)

Sugary was startled stiff as soon as Thryssa caught his ear, sending him into a light tingling of sensations all over as she spoke her husky voice right onto his ear first thing in the morning. When he first tried to respond, he let out what sounded more like a low deep moan than a word before shifting some more, clearing his throat, and trying again with wider eyes as he let go of her delicious fingers from his mouth, voice cracking a little at first. "I'm fine! Just fine. I slept very very well... Good morning, Thryssa." His tail shifted over her thighs for a bit as he nosed her back.

Normally, he'd be more willing to get to things right away, such as unpacking, but here he was, on a nice bed, with her body still by his. He hadn't even let go oh her hands as it were... Procrastination it was then. "... Sooo... Did you sleep well?"
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 1:52 am

"Like a filly," Thryssa says cheerfully. "I had this great dream while I was asleep, that I was in the too-big-for-me bed that I slept in when I was small, and that I was hugging my stuffed toy unicorn while i was sleeping and he made all kinds of cute noises and did all kinds of cute things--it's a dream, it doesn't have to make sense--and liked to bat my let with his tail and then he did this adorable thing when he started to suck playfully on my fingers. Then I woke up and found that I was hugging my toy unicorn stallion while I was sleeping, and he was suckling on my fingers. I'm not sure whether or not I'm actually awake but I'm happy to pretend I'm dreaming about being awake."
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Mr. Market
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 2:28 am

He felt rather heartwarmed and bashful after the reveal, and thought to indulge her with a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm glad you find me that cuddly... Still wanna pretend we're asleep then, or should we just... Start with the day?" He remained with her still. Ultimately, this was her vacation to do with as she pleased with him along for their private time needed... Though he did still technically have to follow her orders to an extent as long as they did not contradict the Queen's. For now, he was just content being her personal bodypillow.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 6:08 am

Thryssa kisses him back warmly and hugs him close. "Well, I'm under official royal orders to have a vacation and according to my crash course in how to relax and have a vacation, you have no responsibilities or anything forcing you to get him and stop being lazy. So I think that the day has already started and we have no reason to get out of bed until we cant stand laying around and cuddling." She gives him a kiss on the horn. "Although I'm strongly in favor of getting up soon-ish so we can have breakfast. I'm thinking that since I'm on vacation, I should abuse my generous vacation stipend to get as much succulent, fresh, sweet, delicious fruit as I possibly can and share it with a certain Sugary sweet stallion." She sighs. "Damn shame we couldn't bring your Mambo... it'd be vastly more enjoyable to go on a day cruise in. No worries about the sea, none about the weather, floating around in an exotic flying warship at whatever altitude we want to... would have been great."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2016 6:32 am

Sugary chuckled as Thryssa recited a summary of her 'orders', but felt it was just a normal day with her this way; The matter of the airship got him thinking of other things they could do, however, on top of indulging her with food... Once he composed about the horn kiss.

He'd turn to face her, cuddling very close to her as he rubbed her back and nuzzled her neck. "True, the ship can't be used just yet, but we can always find our time of fun here~..." He sounded rather playful before whispering in her ear. "... Also, you can fly. I would be happy for you to carry me in your embrace to explore the area around the town a little." This time, he nuzzled her and then stretched himself away from her and out of bed, flexing his body quite a bit in doing so, but intentionally for good measure. "... You're right about breakfast though. And we never did unpack, huh...? Almost wish I did that last night, I briefly dreamed that took forever, before..." He went quiet, thinking of what got him to suckling on her at all. He just smiled with a blush and offered her a hand to get up from bed. "Well... We can cuddle at any time all day anyway."
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PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 2:54 pm

"You're right, I can fly," Thryssa practically purrs into his ear. "But I don't think we're going to be going on many long aerial cruises relaxing on the stern if I'm carrying you on my shoulders or in my arms." She happily takes his hand and gets up from the bed, stretching languidly and rather intentionally displaying considerable pleasant curve and lean muscle, a very physically-active mare in keeping with her position in the royal court. "So! It seems as if we have many directions we can go from this point in time. We could share a shower." She gives him a slow, playful wink. "Could get steamy, you know. Or we could switch off and take turns unpacking while the other is in the shower, and then go out and about and snack on something cool and sweet. Like fruit."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 27, 2016 9:48 pm

Sugary smiled as he considered Thryssa's options, having admired her flexibility, then looking towards the wall where the bathroom was, and then beck to her before he walked out of the room. "... Alright. One refreshing shower it is then..." He opened the door to the living room and gazed back to her. "I've been meaning to find out how a wet Changeling feels like." He winked expecting her true form, removed his remaining clothes teasingly out of her view and tossed them past the door, before heading into the bathroom with some soap from the packages along the way. The water would already be on and him inside by the time she caught up; The curtain was closed, off course, but a his silhouette was visible.
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PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 7:22 am

Thryssa blinks at Sugary being as playfully forward as she was being, and her expression of being very slightly stunned by it persists for as long as he's looking at her. The moment he's out of sight, the surprise morphs into a grin and then a short, pleased laugh. "Sugary, you are a bold stallion, and a smart one as well." She sends a pulse of her magic flowing down her form, giving a comfortable sigh as she resumes the form she's accustomed to: pitted and shiny limbs, a open spiral horn, and the anistopteric wings of changeling nobility, along with the customary jet-black 'coat' that is the supple and soft chitin combined with the toughness of iron plate, a contradiction that came of their consumption of love energy. She slips entirely out of her clothes as she steps into the bathroom, piling them on a counter and then slipping deftly into the shower from the side of the curtain that his silhouette indicated was opposite of the way he was facing. "So you wanted to find out what a wet changeling feels like, mmm?" she asks in a lightly playful tone, thrumming her wings and hugging him around the chest from behind, pressing very slightly against his back. "I can't say I've ever tried to find out. Maybe you could tell me?"
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 8:17 am

At her presence, he felt a little more relieved that she actually made good on her word to do this. Upon proximity, he smiled more. Having her form lightly pressed to him, holding him, wings thrumming under the water... he sighed giddily at all the sensations, and chuckled at her question as he moved his hands to her own. The unicorn began to feel changeling skin intently, little by little up her arms. "... Supple like leather..." He felt over her shoulders and neck, then further down her sides, and still looking forward. "... Smooth as glass..." His hands carefully kept moving, one to her thigh feeling for... muscle? "... Tough as steel..." He pressed his back to her abs and chest some more. "... Chiseled like marble..." He looked up to her, eyes full of absolute curiosity and admiration while his other hand gently caressed her cheek and braided mane. "... Tall and beautiful..." He said and did no more for now, staring into her golden eyes. They didn't really have much intimacy prior, and he was taking his time to admire an exotic creature he was now alone with; His boss, and flirt of a mare, had him all to herself at this point in time.
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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)   Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual) Icon_minitime

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Princess Lovebug.(Private w/Dual)
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