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 AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)

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Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:19 am

You wake up feeling... normal. Something feels wrong in the back of your mind but you push it to the side, thinking nothing of it. As you do whatever you normally do, cries can be heard outside. You again, brush this abnormality off, saying it's just someone with children. You step outside at the normal time for you on a Tuesday morning in mid- spring, and start to walk. You're shocked to see hundreds of fillies and colts, all on the ground. You spot a few familiar faces, and only a few adults. A scrawny light blue mare trots up to you and frantically says,
"You haven't been affected?! We have a group of ponies over there who also weren't affected!" She says and leads you towards a group of about 5 or 6 ponies, all standing looking confused and a bit nervous. You turn around to ask the mare a question, but she's already run off to do something else.

Something has been turning millions of ponies all over Equestria into fillies! No one knows why, no one knows how, but someone is messing with everyone. You are one of the very few ponies who are almost immune. Somehow. You, and 4/5 others have the job of restoring the ages of everyone else, but the question is, will you make it?

No mary sue's/marty stu's

No godmodding

No controlling others characters unless you're the time keeper (Even then, time keeper controls ages and a few other things, but not everyones every movement)

You must be fairly active on the RP

Swearing is allowed, but keep it to a minimum

Character sign up:

Starting Age:
Personality: (6 traits, AT LEAST 2 bad)
General Looks:
Other details:

1/5 Travelers

0/1 Time Keepers

My character:
Impulsive, Leader-like, funny, cute, clingy, funny, and pushy
A dark purple mare with a long pony tail mane that wraps around her shoulder. Her mane is black with a blue stripe, same with her tail. Bright green eyes, with a light blue start clip that she wears near her left ear. She has a crescent moon necklace she wears all the time, and her cutie mark is a crescent moon, with the middle covered by a grey cloud. There are little light blue starts under the moon and cloud.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:52 am

Excuse me, but you have not properly submitted any of your OCs for clearing. Until that is done, this Sign-up is rendered null even if you get enough players. For that matter, have you read all of the rules yet?
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Join date : 2014-04-21
Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:54 am

Mr. Market wrote:
Excuse me, but you have not properly submitted any of your OCs for clearing. Until that is done, this Sign-up is rendered null even if you get enough players. For that matter, have you read all of the rules yet?

I'm sorry! I used to be on this back when it was on FIM Fiction. I'll submit my character now, and go refresh myself with the rules. I apologize emmensly!
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:56 am

Okay, slow down. If you were already a member, and had an OC previously submitted and approved in the old group, all you have to do is submit it in the OC sheets for older OCs and that's that. Any new ones are submitted to the New OCs section.
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Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:57 am

Mr. Market wrote:
Okay, slow down. If you were already a member, and had an OC previously submitted and approved in the old group, all you have to do is submit it in the OC sheets for older OCs and that's that. Any new ones are submitted to the New OCs section.

I got a new OC, so I'll go submit for it now. Once again, I'm very sorry.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 3:59 am

Very well. Just follow the format being asked of you, read the rules for good measure, and if need be, come by our Cloudsdale chat if you can for near real time discussions, okay?
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Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:00 am

Mr. Market wrote:
Very well. Just follow the format being asked of you, read the rules for good measure, and if need be, come by our Cloudsdale chat if you can for near real time discussions, okay?

OK! Haha, not the best first impression... *rubs neck nervously*
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:03 am

These things happen. Giving a warning along with instructions is part of what I must do if it comes to it. Simple as. It may seem tedious, but once you get how things work, things are fairly good overall. Smile
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Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:06 am

Mr. Market wrote:
These things happen. Giving a warning along with instructions is part of what I must do if it comes to it. Simple as. It may seem tedious, but once you get how things work, things are fairly good overall. Smile

Quick question about that character thingy, is it OK to link a picture? I put the basic description on, but an actual picture would be good too. Sorry, this probably isn't where I should be asking these questions .-.
Can I re-upload this thread when I'm done? Or is there a way to delete posts? I don't know if it's just me being OCD, but the thread feels kinda cluttered now.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:14 am

In all fairness, I should be doing this via PM, but I had to let others know in case they saw that this thread simply could not come to be if interest were shown because, as it stands, you can't make use of your OC if you intended for it to be used often in the thread itself, which means the thread can't really go much of anywhere at that rate... Though one CAN be GM of a game, not have OCs at all, yet not make use of anything other than NPCs at most. But this rarely, if ever, happens.

Also, you can place a picture if you wish. Nothing wrong with visual aid. Second, you may re-post this thread later on. But save the info you got before you delete this one... Anything else?
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Age : 28
Location : Iowa, 'Merica

AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:16 am

Mr. Market wrote:
In all fairness, I should be doing this via PM, but I had to let others know in case they saw that this thread simply could not come to be if interest were shown because, as it stands, you can't make use of your OC if you intended for it to be used often in the thread itself, which means the thread can't really go much of anywhere at that rate... Though one CAN be GM of a game, not have OCs at all, yet not make use of anything other than NPCs at most. But this rarely, if ever, happens.

Also, you can place a picture if you wish. Nothing wrong with visual aid. Second, you may re-post this thread later on. But save the info you got before you delete this one... Anything else?

Hmm... thats about it! Well, would it be OK to send this site to a few people? I have some friends who adore RP and would make great additions!

I appreciate all your help quite a bit by the way : 3
Thank You
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Age : 37
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AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitimeMon Apr 21, 2014 4:19 am

By all means, invite some more... But make sure to get them to read the rules as well as to direct them over to the New OC sheets if they plan on submitting OCs as well for approval. Also, remember that the Cloudsdale chat is always an option to registered members.

And you're welcome.
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PostSubject: Re: AR Virus (Sign Up Please!)   AR Virus (Sign Up Please!) Icon_minitime

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