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 Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]

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Dusty Roads

Dusty Roads

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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeWed Jul 29, 2015 3:13 pm

I will try to keep this short as to not take to much or your time.

I'm fairly new to RP, and I'm trying to get better. To help me get better, I was wondering if any of you would like to make a private RP thread with me. I'll be using my OC, Dusty Roads, so I'll put his character sheet below for those interested.

Also, only female OCs since Dusty's a guy.

Here's his character sheet:

I've changed my OC Dusty Roads up a bit, nothing too bad, but still some significant changes. The changes will be in italics.

Name:Dusty Roads



Mane:Reference profile picture


Cutie mark.: Gibson Les Paul with wings (but lets just call it a Hoofson Les Pony, since Gibson doesn't exist in Equestria).

Extra details that aren't needed but are nice to add:Instead of using his hooves, Dusty uses his wings to play his guitar, hence the wings on his Cutie Mark. Also wears a gold necklace and a yellow/tan cowpony hat with a brown trim. He also smokes and chews tobacco. In addition, he lives in Froggy Bottom Bog, in a boat that is stuck in a tree. The boat has a space inside big enough for one Pony to live comfortably, two if necessary.

Distinguishing Features:Dark golden yellow eyes. Has a deep southern accent.

Specialty (eg. special spells, unique powers etc):As an outdoors Pony, he has learned to live off the land, and can be extremely quiet if he needs to be.

Weaknesses:He does not like the dark, saying that "Ah ain't scared of the dark, Ah'm scared of what's in it." He is not always aware of whether he is being decived (Doesn't read the fine print, so to speak). Is very quick to act on impulse, and doesn't tend to think things through. Extremely claustrophobic.

Occupation:No job at this time.

Gear:Hoofson Les Pony, pocket amp crystal (no cables required), his cowpony hat.

History:When they were young, Dusty and his brother Anema were out in the White Tail Woods, when they found an abandoned house. Deciding to look around, they ventured down into the basement, where they found two guitars, along with two amp crystals.

Picking up the Hoofson, Dusty fiddled with it until he got the hang of it. After playing a particularly awesome solo, he found that he had earned his Cutie Mark.

When he was in school, he met a mare named Rosetta (A sheet will be made for her later), and they started dating. Four years later(at the time of the Canterlot Invasion) when they were 18, Dusty gave her one of his primary feathers and asked her to marry him. She said yes, then told him about her being a Changeling. Troubled, he walked out on her, going back the next day to apologize. When he got there however, he arrived just in time to watch her get deported to the Badlands. Ever since, he has been looking for her, and beating himself up about his mistake.

Personality:Dusty is pretty laid back. He often doesn't care what ponies think of him. He is quite comfortable with the life he's led so far Except his decision to leave Rosetta. He is very respectful to others, but tends to have temper issues with ignorant ponies.

Current Home: Froggy Bottom Bog


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Age : 26
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Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeWed Feb 10, 2016 6:39 pm

I would be interested o: i can put Llumina in
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Dusty Roads

Dusty Roads

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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2016 3:39 am

Alright, sounds good to me Smile just shoot me a message and we'll get everything smoothed out.
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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeFri Feb 12, 2016 6:42 am

Alright what would be the seting ex.. o: or we just start rping?
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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2016 12:28 pm

Do you want to start?
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Dusty Roads

Dusty Roads

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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2016 11:05 pm

Hmm, for the setting, I was thinking that Dusty could visit the beach, where he might bump into Llumina, and we could go from there? If you have any ideas, I'd like to hear them. I'll also get a private topic started in the stories section.
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Age : 26
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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitimeSun Feb 14, 2016 12:30 am

Alright and sounds good to me ^D^
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PostSubject: Re: Private NSFW RP [Sign Up]   Private NSFW RP [Sign Up] Icon_minitime

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