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"That's one small step for man, one... STOP POKING ME!" |
| Maid Work [Private] | |
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Posts : 403 Join date : 2014-03-19 Age : 29 Location : Equestria
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sat Jun 13, 2015 3:25 am | |
| Loose Tinder was left with quite a few decisions to make. First of all, sticking around here. Sure, she had told the mare in charge she was willing to work, but that was before she'd stepped up to her. Now, she was a bit more confused about that mare. That little whiff had set quite a few bits of her mind into a frenzy. And not the good kind of frenzy, whatever that is. Just giving in to it for now, and promising to figure out what the hell just happened, Tinder headed up the stairs, examining her new outfit hesitantly. It was frilly. Too frilly. And probably not fireproof. She was going to have to ask for something fireproof. Honestly, just wearing it today was almost certainly going to be dangerous for the outfit. If she kept it in today, though, then she could probably manage to stick around here for at least a week. That would be nice. Resolving herself, Tinder began putting on the uniform. All of it. Even the very strange and lacy panties. Even if they felt a little strange with that lingering heat in her nethers. Other than that, however, it fit quite nicely, even if it was a rather provocative outfit.
If she went uninterrupted, she would continue on to the fifth floor, still not quite sure what her job entailed, completely. | |
| | | BronzeFog
Posts : 797 Join date : 2014-05-24 Age : 26 Location : In my closet
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:11 pm | |
| Desire sighed softly and nuzzled Final gently. "Trust me, my dear, Ilistar's never lied to me before, and he never lies, period. If he said anything to you, he meant it. He's actually one of the kindest Demons I've ever known. But, ah, refrain from calling him Master. That will make him want to dominate you. Roughly." She trailed off, but soon kissed Pure's cheek softly. "You seem a bit tense..." She murmured, rubbing her flanks against Pure's own, her scent slowly growing stronger, tickling at Final's libido. "Tell me, you are undead, right? But does your body still flow with blood?" She asked curiously, and soon, Final's stomach would feel something long and thick slowly slide beneath her body, but the way Desire stared at the lich, she would not approve of her looking away.
Break nodded lightly. "Yeah, had some pancakes a few minutes ago. I tend to eat first so I'm not getting peckish while others eat." And by all means, eat. I love seeing others enjoy my cooking." She said, smiling very warmly.
As Cherry entered, Arcana nuzzled his neck and closed the door, before nibbling at his neck softly, biting down to tease him, knowing his fetish, but not breaking the skin, that was for later. She then giggled softly. "Well, with the thick scent of Desire's seed all over you, and the scent of your own seed, I could guess it's my favorite little stallion~" She purred to him, before pointing out her couch. "I have tea if you're interested." She said softly, knowing he could follow his nose to go get himself some, while she sat at the couch and waited, sipping her own tea slowly. "It's been too long."
Tinder would immediately see the floor itself seemed very clean, but obviously she would clean the rooms on either side of this floor, as well. The door closest to her was quiet, while others had sounds behind them, be it talking, the sound of a bed moving, or other simple things. It was up to her whether she knocked or not. | |
| | | WiserOdin032402
Posts : 1132 Join date : 2014-08-17 Age : 26 Location : Anywhereville, U.S.A.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Thu Jun 25, 2015 2:39 pm | |
| Sacred licked his lips. "Mmmmm...pancakes...." Sacred got lost in a fit of nostalgia as he smelled the air again, before getting some pancakes, sitting down to eat breakfast. He took the first bite, and made a noise of enjoyment as he continued to eat.
Cherry purred as his neck was nuzzled, and he nuzzled Arcana back, before moaning as she bit his neck, feeling himself becoming somewhat erect. He brought himself back to his senses, listening to Arcana. "Mmm......I need to take a shower, speaking of...." He said as he departed, getting some tea, before returning and sitting next to Arcana. "It has. I'm sorry I left, but I needed some time alone to finish my book. I hope you understand." | |
| | | Lorthalis of Crows
Posts : 718 Join date : 2014-05-17 Location : Where the heart is.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:11 pm | |
| Pure shivers as the vampiress of the house nuzzles her. The previous days events had made her generally stressed. However, she still needed money, and Desire had at least provided care after the thestral had incinerated half her body. She knew quite well that calling an Incubus 'master' was a bad idea, but after Lixir's panic attack and the aforementioned incineration hadn't left her with much ability for thought. Pure could feel the scent growing stronger, and had a pretty good idea of what that meant. The close contact with the admittedly soft mare wasn't helping her restraint either. The mare's questions were also a bit ominous. 'Lixir, you owe me a lot for this. You had better grit your teeth and bear the taste of sushi when we get our pay, or so help me..!' Sighing as she guessed what events lied ahead, Pure nods. "I do have flowing blood. It is unnecessary though." Pure's predictions are confirmed, as she feels the object prodding against her. The mare clearly wanted her to hold eye contact. Pure waits for Desire to answer back.
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| | | Brony_Khaos
Posts : 403 Join date : 2014-03-19 Age : 29 Location : Equestria
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:27 am | |
| Faced with a hallway of decisions and one very obvious one, and a very slim knowledge of housekeeping, Tinder was wont to go for what seemed the most appropriate route. Namely, avoiding running into any of the occupants, she went for the door that was silent. Recognizing that she didn't exactly have a choice to not go for one of the doors, she gave a single, light tap to the door, stil quite a bit nervous about all of this. | |
| | | BronzeFog
Posts : 797 Join date : 2014-05-24 Age : 26 Location : In my closet
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:24 am | |
| As soon as Cherry sat back down, Arcana went back to lovingly nibbling and biting his neck, purring softly. "Well...I suppose I could forgive you...if...you feed me a little? N-no sex yet, just a kiss or two~?" She murmured, leaning into him a bit more and licking his cheek gently, grinning after she did so, the succubus seeming very relaxed.
Desire leaned forward and sniffed Final's neck gently, before leaning up and kissing Final on the lips in a playful manner. "I have a request, dear..." She murmured, swaying her flanks side to side, the thick object beneath Final's gut sliding back and forth, effectively grinding against her. "I'd like to...explore my newest maid. And afterwards...I promise to forget anything that has happened. Be it your freak out or Ilistar's binding. I do prefer to be a bit...close...with my employees." She purred softly, flanks still swaying.
The door would be answered by none other than the subject of Desire and Final's conversation. Ilistar. He smiled warmly and bowed his head to Tinder. "Hello. I assume you're here to clean? Come on in if you wish. I don't bite." He said playfully, grinning at her. | |
| | | WiserOdin032402
Posts : 1132 Join date : 2014-08-17 Age : 26 Location : Anywhereville, U.S.A.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:12 am | |
| Cherry let out a gasp at the nibbling of his neck, closing his eyes and panting softly as Arcana continued. "Ooh.....yes...I'd love to feed you....feed you as much as you want~" He smiled at the cheek lick, turning towards the mare and kissing her lightly on the cheek.
Sacred eventually finished breakfast, heading to his floor to begin cleaning, occasionally adjusting his uniform. "Mmmm...good breakfast...I think I like it here." | |
| | | Lorthalis of Crows
Posts : 718 Join date : 2014-05-17 Location : Where the heart is.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:15 am | |
| Somehow Pure Light is able to freeze up even more as Desire begins to nuzzle her neck. She was already feeling quite warm, and the urge to cuddle the mare was chipping away at her. When Desire kisses her, however, a dark red blush appears across her snout. She would be stuttering, except her mouth was occupied. The object that Desire was grinding between her legs may have been the source of the blush as well. Pure shivers as she unknowingly leans on Desire. "You.. will..?" she says slowly, managing to not immediately begin returning the unsubtle passes Desire has been making. | |
| | | Brony_Khaos
Posts : 403 Join date : 2014-03-19 Age : 29 Location : Equestria
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:22 am | |
| "Oh, uhm, yes." Tinder responded sharply, her face flushing with embarrassment, "I'm actually uh...I don't really...know what I'm supposed to be doing? C...could you point me in the right direction?" She looked over the demon timidly, feeling something like that strange heat from earlier rise up inside her. It wasn't quite the same though here. It wasn't seeping in through her nose, certainly, but this pony here, he radiated pure...something. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but he was certainly full of something. | |
| | | BronzeFog
Posts : 797 Join date : 2014-05-24 Age : 26 Location : In my closet
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:39 pm | |
| Arcana purred softly and relaxed into Cherry at the kiss, melting into him and sighing happily, giggling as she cuddled into his side and closed her eyes. "So, how'd you enjoy Desire last night?" She asked playfully, before adding. "I smell her all over you, which reminds me, I haven't cuddled up to her in a while~..." She murmured, slowly going back to very softly nibbling and biting at his collarbone, her horn lighting as she stroked his shaft lovingly, but very obviously not yet with sexual intentions.
Sacred would see a young, teenage unicorn mare with white fur and a pale, pink-white mane and tail sitting out in the hall reading a book, but looking up at the thestral when he arrived. "New maid?" She asked with a smile, pointing out a closet. "Cleaning supplies and such are in there." She said helpfully, standing up and yawning, before pausing and frowning. "You smell like...my cousin..." She got up and trotted over, sniffing his shoulder. "Yep. Petra fucked you alright. Definitely her scent."
"Pure, dear. I promise to you I'll forget about the incident. All I desire is to explore the lovely mare beside me." Desire said kindly, smiling warmly and slowly rolling onto her side, pulling the object beneath Final's gut away and now out in plain sight, a huge, warm, black shaft of rigid masculinity, it's musk flowing about it, stronger than her intoxicating, powerful scent. "Do I have your consent to play with you, dear?" She asked, her bright red eyes watching Final closely, expression warm and kind.
"It is fine. I am Ilistar, what is your name?" He asked politely, while stepping away from the door and heading out of sight before returning with a keyring floating in his magic. "Right this way, Desire entrusted me with keys to the place, pretty sure she forgot to tell you such. Anyway, the cleaning supplies closet should be right about...here." He said, walking out of his room and down the hall at a liesurely pace, but Tinder'd easily be able to see something long and limp hanging down between his legs, but then he stopped at a seemingly random door, which looked exactly the same as the rest, pausing and looking down the hall, counting the doors. "Apologies. Wrong door." He said politely, with a bit of embarassment. He stepped over to the next door down and unlocked it, opening it for Tinder and stepping back to allow her to see the closet was in fact filled with shelves of cleaning supplies as well as a mop and bucket and several brooms, all anyone would need to get cleaning, bu if she went in, he would stay and watch, his gaze flicking over her form subtly. | |
| | | Lorthalis of Crows
Posts : 718 Join date : 2014-05-17 Location : Where the heart is.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:20 pm | |
| Pure slowly nods. She could feel Desire's scent slowly breaking down her inhibitions, and couldn't entirely deny it was a pleasant experience. She still had enough to make the decision, so the question now was would she actually go through with this. 'Let's see... We need money, Lixir will kill me if there aren't memories of this experience, and I'm already warming up to the idea......The resident hedge witch better buy me sushi.' Pure nods, shifting a tad uncomfortably as the 'object' that had been prodding her is moved away. "You.... do...." She says slowly. Hopefully this would be an enjoyable experience. Turning off the pain receptors was always a hassle, and Pure disliked not getting the full range of the sense. | |
| | | WiserOdin032402
Posts : 1132 Join date : 2014-08-17 Age : 26 Location : Anywhereville, U.S.A.
| Subject: Re: Maid Work [Private] Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:53 pm | |
| Cherry Morning purred as the succubus cuddled up to him during the kiss, causing him to drape a wing over her. "It was nice to see her again...Just as good of a lay as I remember her being~" He kissed her again, letting her nibble at his collar bone, and he felt her stroking his slowly hardening shaft. "Mmmm...you're just as skilled as I remember...quite the advance you're making there~"
Sacred looked over the mare, shaking his head a bit. "Yeah, I'm one of them." He trotted over to the closet, about to open it when the unicorn suddenly sniffed him, eliciting a slight blush. "Er.....yeah...she did. It was after I kind of blew up the other maid while trying to heal her...not so fun..." He went on opening the door, looking over the cleaning supplies inside. | |
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