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 Hot For Teacher

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PostSubject: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 3:29 am

It was a quiet evening in the Wisher household. Only the sound of crickets could be heard from outside, adding to the calm atmosphere that settled itself snugly over the living-room.

Nyxen smiled gently as she looked up from grading some papers, hand propping up her head up as she lays on the bright red sofa. Soft orange light shone through the window, framed by royal purple curtains. Her ear twitched a little, reminding her to once again check on her cubs, seeing them happily coloring in some cutesy picture together out of the corner of her eye.

All in all, it was pretty dang peaceful.

She let out a quiet sigh, not wanting to disturb the quiet too much, as she ticked off one of the last papers, only a very small pile of the things left to go through. This gave her some sense of satisfaction, her tail flicking happily under her comfortable and long purple skirt. Above that, she wore a simple button-up blouse, along with a thin gold chain necklace. She wore no socks or earrings, because she saw no real need.

Raising a slender hand, she adjusted her hair, tightening the bun a little and pushing a stray hair behind her ear. Hmm... it's almost time to start preparing dinner. I should probably get on that. She thought to herself, before starting to get up from her postition. As she did, both of her ears perked suddenly, hearing something, like hoofsteps, outside of the front door.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 4:12 am

Nyxen's hearing was as sharp as ever, because right outside her house was a unicorn stallion moving up to it. And it sounded like he had very heavy steps; Perhaps someone large, or...? Her door was knocked, and a voice would call for her as well. "Mrs. Wisher? I came to deliver a collection of Canterlot vintage Encyclopedias from Celestia's school of gifted unicorns!" There was a brief pause. "... Bookcase included..." If she came out, she'd be met with the sight of... someone literally carrying an antique bookcase and levitating numerous books as well. Not a very standard delivery from one far off school to her home.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 4:28 am

Nyxen blinked.

Did she hear that right? An entire bookcase? Quickly hopping off of the sofa, she scooped up both of her daughters and popped them down where she was originally laying, kissing them each on the nose, before heading for the door and swinging it open.

She stood there for several seconds, head somewhat tilted to the side as she took the sight in. "Well, hello there? U-um..." She blanked for a moment, then shook her head lightly, pushing up her glasses. "Right! Please, if you could, just pop it down inside the house. Anywhere's fine."

As she said this, she stepped back into the house and out of the way of the doorframe, holding the door open. "That does look awfully heavy. Are you quite alright with that?"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 5:13 am

Perhaps surprisingly, the voice was rather at ease after she let him in, moving in everything with care into her home with heavy hoofsteps. "Oh, I'm quite relieved actually! Making the delivery was the easy part, but finding this place was starting to worry me!" And as he passed by, he was revealed to be a somewhat short but otherwise very strong caramel cream colored unicorn with a long whte mane and tail given he had a very buff build akin to a Royal Guard's. "Can you believe someone left out the street name? At least the number was here, but long distance deliveries really get iffy when small details like that go awry..." He looked to her for a moment with a sudden stillness, ears perking. He then grinned a little. "... Ah, I must not look like a scholar, huh? Me coming here was a little short notice, you see... Uh, just point me to where I can leave these, and I'll explain."

He was on stand-by, thinking that, wearing jeans and a short-sleeved tunic, his sudden appearance was far from expected. "The professor who was supposed to come over got in a... complex magic accident. Long story short, he's currently carrying his own head in a flowerpot and has a carnivorous plant on his body." He smiled afterwards, oddly enough. "He'll be fine, but that spell will take some time to undo... So he asked me to come in his place. I've been meeting him regularly these last few months, sharing notes with him and such... Name's Sugary Market by the way."
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 5:50 am

Nyxen slowly nods along to the explanation, a gentle smile on her lips, but you could probably see it in her eyes that she was a little confused. She quickly shook herself out of it, instead opting to glance over Sugary's stocky form for a moment or two. He certainly was quite handsome. And those muscles... No, no time for that right now.

"Well, I'm glad you managed to find your way here eventually. Godess knows this neighborhood can be a bit of a maze at times." She admitted, giggling and folding her arms. "And I wouldn't worry about the professor too much. He's never had his head screwed on quite right to begin with!" She snorted at this, then raised a hand to stifle some childish giggling.

Eventually, she calmed down enough to regain her composure, mirth still tugging at the corners of her mouth. "S-sorry, I kid, of course. I do hope he's doing well. And, um... yes! You can just pop the bookcase against that wall and leave the books beside it. I'll sort them later." She said as she gestured to the wall beside them. "Oh! And my name is Nyxen, but I'm sure you knew that already~ It's a pleasure to meet you."

She nodded, then looked at the clock mounted to the wall, thinking to herself. Another dinner guest wouldn't hurt. She was sure that she had some fish in the pantry...

"Also, would you like to stay for some tea? You must be tired after lugging that thing around all day. It'd be no fuss."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 6:45 pm

"Likewise." Sugary nodded, but of course seemed busy with all the items, so he got around to that first and foremost. As he was organizing it all, his smile brightened towards her. "Oh, yes please~! I mean, I'm not tired, but I'll love you for it anyway." He certainly sounded very grateful for the offer; Nyxen was getting on his good side fast by offering him a drink after work. "And I suppose we could talk details over tea for that matter. I'll be sure to summarize which book is which for ya."

The night was off to a good start. Nyxen got her order, and Sugary got a chance to travel for a scholarly purpose; The tea from a kindly lovely host, and eye candy for the host, was a bonus.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 9:14 pm

Soon enough, the table was set, steaming cups of tea sat between each of them. The smell of cooking fish and spiced potato wedges wafted into the room from the kitchen. Whilst her kittens sleepily lay together on the sofa, Nyxen smiled as she nursed her tea, looking at Sugary across the table.

Once again, she couldn't help but stare at his muscles, but soon had to look away, the steam of her cup fogging up her glasses. After cleaning them off and shaking the unladylike thoughts out of her head, she smiled warmly at him, taking a quiet sip.

"So, dinner should be ready soon, but in the meantime, I thought we could chat a little! I mean, it's not very often you meet one such as yourself this far into Catifornia. I take it you travel?"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2016 9:58 pm

Sugary was too distracted by the tea to notice Nyxen checking him out, but then he has little reason to think she wasn't gonna look away as they were set to drink together. Still, he did get the odd sensation now and then of being watched a little too much.

Her question sparked him out of that sensation of course, happy to answer as he took another sip. "Mm~ Dinner sounds great, Miss Wisher... And yes, I do travel often. Helps that I have an airship to pilot. Makes delivery work that much more convenient." He winked at her and continued. "But that is how managed to get hired for this. Any means to make a living, but far be it from me to pass on a chance to go somewhere I haven't been to yet and cooperate with a Scholar... Speaking of which, I was hoping you'd teach me a little about Catifornia. I mean, when you're not busy with work that is." He took another long sip, letting her consider the request.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2016 10:53 pm

"Well, I don't think there's much to say! I mean, you probably saw all those forests surrounding the city on your way in, but they're our pride and joy. You'll never see forests so lush~" She giggles, then quickly takes another sip.

"But yeah. Other than that, it's just your average town. The people are nice, and the food is good. Granted, fruits are a little expensive, but what can you do~?" She nods to herself, before suddenly perking up. "Oh, and I'm really not that busy at the moment. All I do during these holidays is mark papers and run after my little ones. It's tiring work, but it's worth it~"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2016 11:18 pm

He nodded softly, smiling, content with what he was hearing so far. "Fine by me. Big city or small town, just about every place has its charm. Plus, as much as I look forward to helping you with the books, I do need a good stretch now and then... If you don't mind going out for a walk with your kittens that is." It seemed the outdoors interested him. "... That is, I assume you go for walks, yes? If you'd rather keep looking after the little ones here, I completely understand."
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 12:25 am

Nyxen eagerly nods! "Sure thing! Let me just put the fish on slow cook, and we'll be good to go~" She said before taking one last sip of her tea and getting up.

After a few moments taken to sort out the food and wrap her kittens up in snugly warm clothes, she stood by the door, practically beaming. It seemed as though she was eager to get out of the house, even for a little bit.

"Shall we be going?" She giggled lightly as she wrapped her long, brown scarf around her neck.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 5:46 pm

At first, Sugary was unsure what Nyxen was up to with their conversation, figuring she meant going for the books first but moved in more of a rush than he expected. It then hit him that she was actually willing to walk at that very moment. He grinned at her, blushing lightly. "W-What? Right now? I meant... Uh, I mean, alrighty then! Just let me put this away for you, I'll be right there with you." He chuckled softly as he got up from the table to put the tea cup away. It was then he saw and smelled what was in the kitchen, sounding very pleased after he got a good whiff.

Shortly after that, he looked around, and discretely cast a bubble barrier around the meal and poked a little hole at the top for the steam to come out; Her kitchen was very neat, but he didn't want to take chances for his kindly host's night to go sour when their eyes were away. He returned to meet with them, waving hello at the little ones as well. "Heyo." He then looked to Nyxen. "Okay, ready now~!"
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 10:46 pm

Nyxen smiled sheepishly. She had taken Market's words in a different way than she supposed they had meant to be taken, but it didn't matter now. It just meant she had a little more time to get to know this handsome stallion~

The kittens seemed curious of the stranger, pawing their tiny paws in his direction. This was before Nyxen happily chirped "Alright! Let's get going!" With a little skip in her step, she crossed the threshold of her home to the outside, looking up into the sky.

It was evening, and the sky was draped in passionate oranges and reds. The jaguar figured they had about an hour left until it started getting dark, and she dreaded to think how cold it would get if she were still out at that hour. It was already fairly nippy.

Looking down at her kittens and ever so gently nuzzling both of their noses and pulling up their hoods, she tightened her hold on them, turning back to the handsome hunk still enjoying the warmth of her house. "Come along, you~ I'm not getting any younger!"

Suddenly, Nyxen turned and started plodding off at a good pace, making sure to swish her tail as she walked. She was sure that this kind of behavior was well beyond her years, but she was enjoying herself, and she was definitely willing to gamble that Market was able to play along~
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 11:03 pm

Sugary was doing fine against the cool air so far, likely used to extreme weather conditions by now as he walked close behind Nyxen, though not too close. He kept a grin at her playful enthusiasm, but then kept it along with a cocked brow for slightly different reasons as he could swear she was shaking her hips and tail at him quite a bit. Jaguar mannerisms, or... did she fancy him already? He'd try to observe carefully and more subtly.

In the meantime, they were still in the urban area, so he made some conversation to pass the time and see how far she'd take him. "So, Miss Nyxen... How long have you been a school teacher? Ever had any scholarly adventures of your own, or was it always pretty tame stuff?"
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 08, 2016 11:57 pm

Nyxen slowly runs her tail along the curvature of her butt, then giggles and stops the teasing, letting the tail swish behind her normally. Her ears perked at the question, a gentler smile gracing her lips. "Well, I've been teaching for a good few years now. Mind you, I have a good 15 years experience as a teaching assistant, so I think I know what I'm doing~"

She slowed her walking a bit to walk side by side, looking oddly reminiscent as they started to near the forest's border. "And as for adventures? I simply haven't had time. I have my little ones here, after all, and I love them to pieces. There's still plenty of time for excitement, though~"

Suddenly, her tail started to brush up against Market's leg, but she maintained that warm, friendly smile. "How about you? I trust there's plenty of unexpected adventure and excitement on your travels?"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSun Oct 09, 2016 12:28 am

He felt an adventure would probably come along shortly if he stuck around with her long enough, because even he could feel her tail by now after having seen earlier where it went to. "Oh my..." There was a light tingle down his spine, but he kept composure nonetheless. He wasn't moving closer to her, but he wasn't moving away from her either; Not rejecting her so far, at least. "... Adventure and excitement are frequent for me, yes." He looked to them, mindful of the kittens and choosing his next words carefully. "... I'm what some might call a Freelance Knight. So danger tends to be a little common with that adventure and excitement. But, there's usually something to gain if not something to learn, you know? I can tell you one thing for sure..."

He gazed at her eyes specifically, raising his brows. "I always look forward to fun adventures the most. Knowing there might be one right around the corner? It always excites me a little." A hint that he was accepting of her advances? He continued almost immediately after. "Granted, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy peaceful downtime. A nice comfy bed is still a nice comfy bed at the end of the day."
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 8:34 pm

Nyxen held her gaze with Market, still smiling gently. Inside, she wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl at well her advances were going! It had been years since she'd been nearly this successful, and it certainly put a pep in her step.

She was about to respond with another curiosity, but was strangely interrupted by something lightly prodding one of her boobs. Looking down, she saw the eldest of the two cubs, Moiren, trying to latch her tiny mouth around Nyxen's shirt covered nipple, ears perked. With a gasp and a heavy blush, the momma jaguar leaned down slightly and nibbled the little one's ear, causing her to quickly release and pout.

Pushing down the blush, Nyxen gave an apologetic and polite smile to Market. "Terribly sorry about that. She gets a little insistent when it gets close to dinner time~" She giggles sheepishly, then shakes her head. "Anyway, that's really great! I never took you for the danger-seeking sort, but I suppose I can't blame you when it comes with the job~"

She tore her eyes away from his for a second to look around. They were making steady progress on the path, coming close to the point where it would loop back around towards the house, with the tree canopy overhead dimming the light of the evening sun. "And I agree with you on the comfy bed part. There really is nothing better to make you feel at home~"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeSat Oct 15, 2016 9:24 pm

He couldn't help but watch the little shenanigan by one of the kittens, and ended up briefly looking straight at her face soon after with a light blush still. "No problem. It's natural and delicious, ain't it? Who could resist a good meal for so long?" The rest he kept to himself, still a little unsure if she was coming onto him or was just that flirty for fun... Not that he minded either way.

Eventually, he'd gaze above them once they entered the forested area, humming peacefully in regards what she thought of him so far and looking at the dimly lit foliage and then farther ahead into the darker view. "... Yeah, naps are nice... Ah, hold a moment." He'd gently urge her to slow down by placing his hand on her shoulder, looking down the path they had to take. A light shine began in his eyes, followed by his horn. Soon after, one little orb of light flowed out after another; Three in total were shining in an almost ghost-like manner, moving around and ahead of them like fireflies. "... There we go. I assume you got really good balance with those legs of yours..." He let go and stared at her bare spotted legs. "... But heels might a tad risky in the dark with cubs." As beautiful as the trees were, it would only get darker from there on. He was feeling particularly cautious today having a mother and her young by his side.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 5:10 pm

Well, that was certainly impressive. Nyxen stared with wide eyes at the little floating balls of light, her kittens doing the same. It was almost enough to distract her from registering his comments about her breastmilk.

She blushed. Hard. Just what did he mean by that? Surely he didn't...? Well, not that she'd mind per se...~ Thankfully, it was still dim enough to hide her reddening cheeks and force them away, smiling appreciatively to the handsome Unicorn. "Ah, thank you kindly. It was getting rather risky, I admit."

After tightening the hold on her little ones, and kissing both of their noses, she continued walking, flashing a borderline-flirtatious smile back at the stallion. "That was a very amazing spell~ Did it take you long to learn?"
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2016 5:48 pm

The smile he got was enjoyable, she was having a good time it seemed. His ear wiggled at her question though, smiling more so himself. "No, not really. Emitting light is pretty basic stuff, but uh... How should I put it?" He scratched his chin reminiscently. "... I sorta skipped a few steps when I was a foal when I was learning fire magic. Turns out I was good at burning things... But my aim was lousy." He chuckled nervously. "So, I was declared a fire hazard and ended getting lesson after lesson on focus fundamentals. They figured it was better than assuming I would stop trying to use it, so they taught me how to use it safely... When it came time to learn how to project light like this instead, it was a breeze."

He looked to her intently. "... Ever had a similar weird lesson of your own?"
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 8:20 pm

Nyxen giggles lightheartedly, imagining a little unicorn accidentally setting things on fire. even going so far as to picture him with a little cork at the end of the horn. She chuckled delightedly, almost missing the question for a second.

"Hmm? Oh, well, there was this one embarrassing moment~" She took a second to adjust her hold on her kittens as they came closer and closer to her home, a reminiscent smile gracing her lips. "See, when us female felines are young, we're taught by our parents to gather and hunt for our future young. If we're better at one over the other, then we usually stick with that throughout our adulthood."

"So when I, at the ripe old age of 14, went out into the woods with Father to learn how to hunt, I was very excited. We were having a grand time tracking this one hare. We spent about 2 hours on it! And when we finally, finally found the hare and Father handed me the knife..." She paused, a red hot blush coming to her cheeks.

"I couldn't do it. Not a chance. I was tearing up at the very thought of hurting such a cute thing, begging Father to let it go." She closed her eyes as she stood at the door to the warm cottage, practically beaming. "My dear Father let me compromise and let me keep it as a pet, bless his heart. Mr. Fluffles and I were inseparable for quite a while after that~"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2016 10:18 pm

"Heh... So just in it for the thrill, but not the actual hunt back then. Well, one does have to choose carefully who they want to befriend..." He looked to her and her family warmly. "I'm hoping we'll get along just as well, it's been really nice meeting you all so far." There was a strong interest in them getting to know each other still from him, so she likely wouldn't have a hard time doing things together with him outside of work.

For the most part, he kept to himself, just enjoying the walk as it was and lighting the way for them. He always kept at least one ear towards her, but was otherwise near them at all times, being vigilant of their path.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2016 1:34 am

Nyxen giggles and nods, stepping up to her home, wobbling a little on sore feet. "I really do hope so too. You've been so sweet so far, and I am really enjoying your company~" With another flirty smirk, she looked away, focusing on the door behind her.

With a bit of shuffling and maneuvering, Nyxen managed to open the door to her cottage with her tail, then pushed the door open with a good butt bump. She waited for a moment for the handsome stallion to pass through the threshold, then closed the door behind him, sealing in the warmth.

"Wait right here, sweetie~" She cooed, quickly stepping out of her heels and readjusting her hold on her little ones. "I'm just going to put these two to bed with a bottle, then I'll be right down to serve dinner. Make yourself comfortable in the meantime~" With a wink, she scurried off to the kitchen, then up the stairs and out of sight.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2016 1:46 am

With a delighted mood, he followed them back to their home, and once there, he disenchanted the bubble with a light snap of his fingers. He got ready at the table, humming to himself now that they were back at the cozy place, looking eager to eat as he kept an eye out for his host.
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PostSubject: Re: Hot For Teacher   Hot For Teacher Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2016 8:37 pm

Nyxen soon returns, popping into the kitchen to grab two steaming plates, then brings them to the small table next to the sofa, along with a candlestick. Neatening out her skirt for a moment, she sits down and gently pats the spot next to her on the sofa, politely waiting for the stallion before she tucks in~
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