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 The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids

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Lorthalis of Crows
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PostSubject: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeSat Apr 30, 2016 10:14 pm

<style>ul.fancylist{list-style:none;padding-left: 1.2em;text-indent: -1.2em;} ul.fancylist>li{color:white;font-size: 13pt;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;text-shadow:initial;text-shadow: 0 0 2px black, 0 0 4px red, 2px 2px 4px blue;} ul.fancylist>li:before{content:'§';margin:0px 1em;color:black;text-shadow:initial;text-shadow:0 0 1px red;font-size:14pt} td[class^="row1"] {background-color:#FFFFFF;} td[class^="row2"] {background-color:#AAAAAA;} div.letter{background-color:#ffe6ff;border: solid black;border-width: 0px 5px;padding:5px 10px;margin:0% 10%;color:white;font-size: 13pt;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;text-shadow: 0 0 2px black, 0 0 6px green, 2px 2px 6px yellow;} p.maintext {margin:0px 10%;color:white;font-size: 11pt;text-shadow: 0 0 2px black, 0 0 4px green, 1px 1px 4px blue;} #Khaospost {font-size:14pt;color:black;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;text-shadow: 0 0 1px red, 2px 1px 2px black;margin:0px 2em} hr.fancy {border: 0; height: 1px; background: #333; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ccc, #333, #ccc);margin:0 5%}</style>

<div class="letter" style="border-top-width:5px;">
<p style="text-align:center;"><span style="color:white;font-size: 40pt;font-family: 'Edwardian Script ITC ', 'French Script MT' , 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;text-shadow:initial;text-shadow: 0 0 3px black, 0 0 6px red, 2px 2px 6px blue;">Congratulations!</span></p>
Thanks to recent initiatives in enhancing diversity at the newly redubbed Neverland Academy for the Extra-Ordinary [formerly the Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids], you have been cordially invited to attend our prestigious academy, at no expense of your own.

</div><div style="margin:1px;box-shadow:0 -5px 16px white;">
</div><p class="maintext">Now, normally, that’d be a bit strange, right? Schools don’t just send out free scholarships out like some kind of lottery you don’t need to even enter. Much less, you'd never even heard of this place, there was no telling what it was like. Normally, well, that might have been enough to keep you from considering it. But...well, they were certainly aiming to ensure you wanted to go...</p>

<div class="letter" style="box-shadow:inset 0 3px 3px white;border-bottom-width:5px;">
You will be provided with the following amenities at no charge whilst you remain a student:
<ul class="fancylist">
<li>3 4-star meals per day</li>
<li>A generous expense account</li>
<li>A board-certified education in the field of your choice</li>
<li>The finest musical education in Equestria</li>
<li>A wide variety of clubs and other recreational organizations</li>
We do hope to see you with us at the beginning of the semester. Please, do consider our offer, and if you do wish to accept, simply respond to the enclosed return address.

<div style="text-align:right;margin-right:3em;color:black;text-shadow:initial;text-shadow: 0 0 3px black, 0 0 6px red, 2px 2px 6px blue;">Sincerely,
<span style="line-height:20.2pt;font-size:20pt;font-family: 'Edwardian Script ITC ', 'French Script MT' , 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">Prim Alha
Head Dean</span></div>


<hr class="fancy">
<div id="Khaospost">Hallo everyone, Khaos here with one of his very silly threads. See up there, that there is your invitation. You, for whatever reason or another have accepted this little offer (probably because of money, to be honest) to go to the Academy.
Just for background info, the Academy is similar to an American college, and these invitations were sent to recent highschool graduates; ponies just reaching into adulthood and looking for vocational schooling, for the most part. While you might not have heard of the school before, looking into it (if you bothered to do so) will reveal that it is highly-rated and very well-respected, if a little bit obscure.

Of course, upon arrival a few things will become apparent to your characters. Namely, that this is not a normal school. It’s a school for monstrous creatures; things that aren’t really ponies or any of the other civilized races of the world. While all of them seem capable of some kind of magical shapeshifting to physically resemble these dominant species, they are at their depths inequine.
Which is where the fun really is, because this is where I introduce the most fun part of the thread:
Quirk Points.

Quirk Points (QP) are an out-of-game resource with in-game benefits. You can get them in 4 ways:<ul class="fancylist">
<li>By taking a “Quirk” at signup, a troublesome character trait that causes your character stress, and/or which also presents an opening for me as the GM to rope you into events. You may take any number of Quirks at signup, but you will only receive a QP for 5 of them at most. To be clear, there are two sorts of things that make something count as a quirk: They either present a threat of revealing to the school that you are, in fact, just a normal pony (not good, as you will find out), or they make the character concerned that the letter sent to them was actually not a mistake, and that they are a monster (internal stress, requires you to actually RP decently).</li>
<li>By having a Quirk assigned to your character during play. Generally I will talk such things out with you ahead of time if I feel the character needs a kick, but that isn’t necessarily going to happen. But essentially I can and will feel free to assign Quirks during play if you have less than 5 of them, and these will often pop up at the worst possible time. You will get 1 quirk point for any quirk assigned cooperatively, and 2 if I foist one on you entirely of my own design.</li>
<li>Being sufficiently stressed out due to a Quirk you have. This is the reason to take more than 5 quirks, because the more stress they cause your character the more QP you can get your grubby little hands on. Generally this will only net 1 QP, and I am the final arbiter of whether nor not any given situation constitutes enough stress. Life-threatening situations that come about as a result are basically a given, but there are plenty of lesser problems you could find yourself earning QP for.</li>
<li>I can give out Quirk Points however I feel like and for completely arbitrary reasons. For example, if you honestly make me laugh, either from something in this thread or something OOC, I might feel the need to reward you with a Quirk Point just because.</li></ul>

But now you’re probably asking why you would even want these things, but that’s even simpler: Quirk Points can buy you favors and information. Which have direct, in-game effects. Information your garner through QP arrives to your characters as a hunch, as a strong, intuitive feeling of what is and is not correct. Favors manifest as actual events occurring in the game.
The following things have set QP prices. Favors are bargained for on the spot and are thus unlisted.
<ul class="fancylist">
<li>0.5 QP gets you a "Common Sense" question, which can basically be used to ask "Is this a good idea?" or "Does this sound reasonable" sort of question. It must be answerable in the form of a “yes” or “no” and I am obligated to answer truthfully.</li>
<li>4 QP can be spent all at once to earn a game of 20 questions with me; I will answer twenty of your questions, you can only ask the same question once ever. However, I get 3 free "Maybe" answers and 1 lie in any given set of 20 questions. (notably, phrasing it differently will still lose you that question, but asking a question that is meaningfully different will get an answer: "Will I die" and "Will I not die" are functionally identical, and will lose you the question, "Will I die from the axe" and "Will I die from the noose" are functionally different and will both be answered, likewise, asking "Will I die" in two different situations at different times is also functionally different and both will be answered). These questions can be anything that I can answer with "Yes", "No", or "Maybe", and can be about any thread-related subject.</li>
<li>8 QP can be spent for an "enhanced" 20 questions game: I can't lie at ALL, I can't "Maybe" anything unless I honestly have not thought forward with something, and if I do answer with "Maybe" I have to sit down right there with you to work out the answer and I have to strongly consider your input on the subject no matter what it is. The only exception is truly future events, things I could not possibly plan out given that it's a roleplay; I will refund the question if you ask such a thing, since this is Enhanced 20 Questions. Any time you start up a round of Enhanced 20 Questions, all questions that have been asked before are wiped, so you can ask a question again every time you play E20Q.</li>

<hr class="fancy">
In addition to quirks, I strongly suggest that while you’re signing up you figure out what kind of monster you will claim to be during the thread. You will find the impersonation relatively easy thanks to a few ‘gifts’ you’ll be receiving, no matter the species, so go wild. Just make sure to tell me once you’ve got an idea so I can give you a yes or a no.
And for those of you with monstrous OCs like wombats and vampires and sylphs and hippocampi and whatever you have that isn’t a ‘normal’ pony or griffon or something, I invite you to sign them up anyway. Why? Because even though you’re relatively sure they’re monsters, that just enhances the surprise if I do something silly like “reveal” that they’re not actually monsters.

So without further ado, I invite people to sign up. I don’t expect I’ll take more than 4 or 5 players; but I will accept multiple characters from players. And please don’t forget to have fun and I hope you enjoy.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeSat Apr 30, 2016 11:05 pm

First sign up is Lunatic Veil.
She thinks she is a monster.
  • Once a month on a random day, Veil is compelled to break out into song about whatever is currently running through her head.
  • Despite looking like a Kirin, Veil cannot breath fire, nor does she possess any special vulnerability to it. This vexes her to the point of causing her to actively avoid fire.

The rest are up to the GM.

Second sign up is Castle.
She thinks she is normal.

  • Castle tells her deepest, darkest secrets to Corvids, and implicitly trusts them.

The rest are up to the GM. Or until I think of more.
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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeSun May 01, 2016 12:53 am

Going to sign up Nightingale.
She a vampire (or vampony.) If I need to change the age or make her look younger; I'll do so.
. Gale enjoys the "arts" (rather that from music to performers to creative arts) in which she'll carry some form of a book rather it's a book a play based on, music book with sheet music or sketch book depends on what mood she in.
. Does every day tasks with her kunai knife. (picks teeth/ fangs, trims hair. use it as a fork. And other stuff that normals should never use a knife.)
.makes a lot of anime references. (You get the idea as the thread goes on.)
. Has a high case of nosocomephobia. (Fear of hospitals or clinics.) Due to a huntress that works at a hospital and tortures "extraordinary" ponies.
As for anymore Quirks, I'll let the GM do so.
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 4:16 pm

im interested but could we talk so i can get some things set up right
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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 2:51 am

jz96 wrote:
Going to sign up Nightingale.
She a vampire (or vampony.) If I need to change the age or make her look younger; I'll do so.
. Gale enjoys the "arts" (rather that from music to performers to creative arts) in which she'll carry some form of a book rather it's a book a play based on, music book with sheet music or sketch book depends on what mood she in.
. Does every day tasks with her kunai knife. (picks teeth/ fangs, trims hair. use it as a fork. And other stuff that normals should never use a knife.)
.makes a lot of anime references. (You get the idea as the thread goes on.)
. Has a high case of nosocomephobia. (Fear of hospitals or clinics.) Due to a huntress that works at a hospital and tortures "extraordinary" ponies.
As for anymore Quirks, I'll let the GM do so.

1, you need to actually be a young adult mentally and you should probably look the part of an 18- or 19-year-old.
2, there's a subtle disconnect here; while these are all certainly quirks, lowercase, most of them aren't Quirks, capitalized. We can discuss what makes something Quirk-worthy if you need me to.
3, given your time in First Wing, just as an individual, I'm not sure I want to take you in to this. I'm a peculiar GM, in that I want to regularly communicate with my players; additionally, I do like to actively discuss large parts of setting lore and information about my threads in OOC chats. I like to write properly cooperatively with my players. And I just don't see that from you on skype. It might just be that you're not in the side chats, but I just don't see you as active enough in the OOC realm to not miss out on rather large chunks of information that's unlikely to show up directly in-thread.
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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 5:34 pm

So I'll be signing up Lagnia for this. He thinks he's completely normal. Totally normal.

-He will at random intervals have the urge to set something on fire and cackle evilly while everyone watches.
-He will always try to interrupt someone trying to burst out into song at random.

The rest are up to Khaos. Flying Spaghetti Monster help me.
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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 5:43 pm

I am signing up Tawn and Fervor.

Fervor grew up in one of those smallish towns and went through high school doing lots of artsy and some musical things. He likes to play stringed instruments, like guitars, fingerstyle, and doodles a fair amount of the time. He thinks he isn't a monster.

- Fer has always had a love for shiny things and will occasionally obsessively collect eye-catching trinkets.
- He bites things when he's thinking or when he's stressed. This includes objects that really shouldn't be chewed on violently, like objects with sentimental and/or monetary value, himself, his friends and close/loved ones, et cetera.

The rest is up to Khaos~~

Tawn always knew there was something off about her. Oh well. She did art throughout high school, focusing on painting for the most part. The things she does sometimes with her art makes people uneasy. Tawn is pretty sure she's not just a zebra, seeing as how she either has or can convince people that she has too many claws somehow? or something along those lines. She's working on how to shapeshift properly, if possible.

- She has a difficult time speaking to people. Maybe it's a speech impediment? She needs to focus on what words she's going to use and how she's going to pronounce them with great care. In moments of stress or hurried speech, her words become jumbled and unintelligible. She can write stuff in the air with green glowy magicky powers, but subtitles and images sometimes don't get everything across and that requires lots of concentration too and often falls to the same pressures as her speech.

Likewise, make shet up~~
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PostSubject: Re: The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids   The Neverland Academy for Extraordinary Equids Icon_minitimeWed May 25, 2016 1:28 am

If you still have room, I would like to enter as Indicus, (Obviously heavily edited as far as history and the like but not appearance)

he is a 20 year old vampire/(Vampony) that grew up outside of equestria for the first fifteen years of his life but had to move to Equestria with his aunt Midnight Song after his parents were killed in an attempted robbery gone wrong.


1. Violently aggressive if his parents are insulted this has gotten him in trouble in the past.

2. Due to only learning that he was a vampire at twelve years old and never really getting much formal training in his vampiric abilities he has a hard time controlling them. Meaning sometimes he will use his vampiric strength by accident when greeting another and other such mishaps.

3. While he possesses a high mana pool and affinity towards shadow magic, due to lack of formal training his spells are prone to misfire if anything beyond levitation is used the chance increases when he is unsure of himself or nervous.

4. He was home schooled for most of his life to hide his vampiric nature better so his social skills are poor causing him to be blunt around most or in some cases especially when speaking to crowds or mares nervous. (Combine with 4 for extra fun.)

5. He tends to like fighting as a result he rarely refuses a challenge even if out classed.

6 (Just want to include this I know the QP limit is for 5) Is defensive/protective of any friends or family he has or has made as a result of losing his parents this also includes a fear of losing friends and family he has.
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