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 Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)

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PostSubject: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 09, 2015 1:04 pm

The rain kept coming down outside the Blackthorn settlement, the undisputedly richest settlement of the entire region. A 10 foot high big concrete wall surrounded an old, solitary hotel building on a hill, a tall building that could be seen from all around. The people inside didn't seem to like interacting with other people, especially those with any mutations. "Unclean", they called them. Of course, that left a big dent in their numbers, and their clientele, since a great number of people had mutations in the wasteland. There were some tolerant and kind people in the community, but they were unheard, thanks to the more vocal and hostile majority.

Inside the building, a tall unicorn stallion with a fabulous mustache walked down the hall of the third floor. He was dressed in some rather fancy clothes, the most prominent item of his attire being a red tailcoat. Behind him walked a massive, eight foot tall stallion, covered in fluffy black fur and bearing thick muscles all over his body. He was dressed in much less eye-catching, but much more practical attire, that being a dull green sweater, leather vest, a hooded brown leather trench coat over that, and some thick jeans and boots. He held in his hand a Kalashnikov weapon. A Kalashnikov, or Kalash for short, was any weapon that used the same mechanism as the famous AK-47. This weapon, a 12 gauge shotgun, looked like an AK-47, but had a tube magazine instead of the standard banana magazine, and it had a pump-action on the front. It was a clearly sturdy weapon that could take any manner of wear and tear without issue. At the imposing earth stallion's sides were a pair of massive dogs, one of them a Black Russian Terrier, and the other a Caucasian Shepard. Both had on lesther vests for extra protection, and they stood right by their master's sides, waiting on his command.

The unicorn was giving the larger stallion a briefing as they walked, and he eventually led him to a certain room on the third floor. "Now, mister Maxwell, you and your hounds will be tasked with guarding the mistress Bell at all hours, and you will be given this room here as part of your payment. It has a doorway leading straight into her room from near your bed, should you need to enter her room at a moment's notice. You will also be tasked with helping her in general tasks as she needs, and you will do so with the utmost respect to her. Her family is the one paying for you to protect her, after all." The snobby unicorn then took two steps down to the next door and knocked on it. "Miss Bell, are you in there?" He called. "Your new bodyguard and helper has arrived!"
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 09, 2015 2:20 pm

There was a rustling within the room and a heavy thump, a groan coming from behind the door before, after a long pause, the door opened, a shorter mare peeking out slowly, her light grey mane rather messy, while her pale white fur was looking cleaner than the average person in the wasteland around, to be expected, really, living here of all places. "I'm awake...Who's the bodyguard?" She mumbled groggily, extending her hand slowly as she leaned on the doorframe lightly, trying to reach out for her new guard, but she had extended it towards one of his dogs on accident.

She smiled weakly. "My name is Inanus Bellitudo, mister. Err, call me Bell, like everyone else...my name's a bit too old-fashioned for most..." She frowned, staring down, before stepping back from the door slowly, almost tripping over a stool, but the mare miraculously didn't, letting the door swing open, revealing all five and a half feet of the mare to be clad in a simple, if slightly tattered, white nightgown, which covered most of her body except her feet, hands, and head. "Umm, I suppose you want to check my room?" Her pale, dark purple eyes stared ahead of her, while she tilted her head slightly, listening for an answer while trying to stay out of the way. "And, um, leave the stool on the floor, I mean, if you...were going to try to...pick it up..." She mumbled, blushing a bit and frowning, trying to point at the stool, but instead pointing closer to the door.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 09, 2015 3:25 pm

The giant stallion smiled and reached out, gently placing Bell's hand in his own larger one when she reached for his dog. "My name is Maxwell, Miss Inanus Bellitudo." He replied in his deep voice, which was kind and almost nurturing. "And miss Bell, the stool is about a foot behind you. Seven o'clock position." The unicorn stallion was silently watching Maxwell, wanting to see what he did with the small mare. Maxwell motioned his hand, and his two dogs slowly went forward and licked Bell's hands. Maxwell smiled as he walked inside the room a bit. "Miss Bell, this is Charlie, to your left, and Daphne, to your right. They will help keep you safe, and you are free to pet them any time you wish."
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2015 12:38 am

She blushed softly, and started to back up, only stopping when her bare heel taped against the stool. "Thank you, Mister Maxwell." She started to walk, but then felt her hands get licked. "Are..." She placed her hands on the two dogs' heads. "Are these dogs!?" She squealed happily, kneeling down and hugging both dogs at once, giggling and petting them eagerly, scratching Daphne's chin and Charlie's ear, the mare knowing where most dogs liked to be pet, but she moved her hands slowly after a while, frowning in concentration as she slid her hands along the dogs' bodies, as if searching, but the two stallions in the room might recognize it as her 'looking' at the dogs.

She giggled again after, going back to petting them. "These two are pretty healthy, Mister. I'm happy for that." She smiled in his direction, before standing up and tapping her heel against the stool again, walking carefully to her rather large bed, which was the only piece of decoration in the room besides the stool. She sat down happily and patted the bed. "C'mon, Daphne, Charlie. You two can come onto my bed." She smiled warmly, holding still as she waited for them, before looking to where she thought Maxwell was. "Mister Maxwell? Can, err, can I 'see' you?" She asked softly, blushing darkly as she extended a hand forward, letting it hover in front of her in wait.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2015 1:00 am

Maxwell smiled as she saw Bell's happiness with the two large dogs, and the unicorn nodded and walked away, shutting the door behind Maxwell. The two dogs didn't move when Bell called for them, and Maxwell just chuckled a bit. "Sorry, Miss Bell, they only really listen to me." Maxwell gave a quiet whistle, and the two dogs climbed onto the bed. Maxwell set his backpack and shotgun aside, then sat down beside Bell, gently taking her hand and putting it in his own. "Well, go ahead. Do what you'd like, I don't mind being touched."
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2015 2:16 pm

Bell giggled softly, smiling weakly and slightly embarrassedly. "Sorry, my fault. I really should have expected my new bodyguard's dogs to only listen to him..." She happily started to pet the closest dog, before feeling the bed shift as Maxwell sat down, and she looked in his direction, blushing a bit as he took her hand. "Okay, Mister Maxwell..." She trailed off, hands grasping his arm a moment, slowly sliding up his arm and to his shoulder, the mare frowning lightly in concentration. Her hands separated, and she was now moving her hands along his broad frame, eyes widening lightly as she reached up slowly, one hand touching his chin, and with a feather-light touch, traced along his face slowly, avoiding his eyes as best she could, but almost poking them several times. She finally pulled her hands away, resting them on his thigh carefully. "...You're really big..." She mumbled, blinking slowly, soon grinning up at him with a blush. "I don't think I've met anyone as big as you, Mister Maxwell. And..." She scooted closer, hugging him lightly for just a moment before she pulled away and began to pet the dogs and lay beside them. "Thanks for taking the job...I'm glad for someone with such healthy dogs is my protector. It means I can do this." She hugged Charlie tightly, giggling and nuzzling the dog happily.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 10, 2015 2:58 pm

Charlie licked her cheek and hand lightly, then the schnauzer-like dog laid his head in her lap, wanting to be petted. Maxwell smiled and hugged Bell back, and he patted his lap. Daphne laid down in his lap, and he rubbed his fluffy dog affectionately. "I'm glad I'm protecting someone who loves dogs." He replied with a warm smile. Maxwell placed his large hand on Bell's shoulder, then rubbed her back a little. "It's about dinnertime. Does someone deliver to your room, or does someone lead you to eat somewhere else, or...?" Max asked, wanting to make sure he knew his charge's schedule. It would be much easier to keep her safe if he knew where she would be at what time.

Elsewhere, out in what was left of a small town, a diminutive white earth mare sat about inside an old supermart. She was only about five and a half feet tall, but very curvaceous, with huge, round breasts, almost like watermelons, and wide hips and butt cheeks even bigger than her breasts. Her upper body was overall fairly lean, but her legs were much thicker and bulked with muscle, gained from lots of walking. She blinked her beautiful sapphire blue eyes and adjusted her warm violet turtleneck sweater, and the dull blue hoodie over it. Her jeans were stretched over her muscled legs, and her feet were covered by old boots. Beside her was a massive dog, an Akita Inu. It was about 185 pounds, muscled and thickly built, with thick fur colored in a pinto pattern. It had a black head with a white underbelly, and black, grey and tan swirling patches all down its back, sides and hindlegs. (picture link)

The mare sighed as she sat about in the old store, an old 20 gauge over-under sporting shotgun in her lap. The gun's barrels had been cut down a bit, though the stock was intact. She patted her lap, and her big dog shifted over and laid itself on her lap. The mare gave a soft "oomph" and giggled as she held her warm doggy. "We'll leave when the rain lets up, Red." She said softly, stroking the huge dog's head. Suddenly, Rex snapped his head up and looked to the door, and he gave a soft growl and leaned his head forward a bit. The small mare frowned and picked up her shotgun, checking its barrels. Slugs, good for the 30 meter distance to the door. She held her shotgun in her hands, ready to snap it up and fire at whoever or whatever came through the door. Rex also seemed ready to attack, even climbing off of his owner's lap and standing facing the door.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2015 3:50 pm

Bell giggled happily as the dog licked her, continuing to pet him happily. "I used to have one, but he got old and passed on a few years back. I miss having him keep me so warm at night." She smiled happily and continued to pet Charlie slowly, scratching his ears playfully, looking up to him with a slight blush at the back rub. "Well, usually they deliver it to my room. Should be soon. And I rarely leave my room, Mister Maxwell. I don't know the place as well as I do my room, I trip all the time, and I don't like headbutting the floor." She pouted lightly, frowning, and blushing slightly, before she reached over and patted Daphne's back lightly, almost patting Maxwell's own hand instead.


A massively tall, snowy white Diamond Dog stumbled through the doorway and shut it with a light kick as he fell down, sitting up and hastily pulling a revolver from his jacket, aiming at the door and going silent, freezing near-completely as his other hand fumbled to pull his rather well taken-careof M-16 from off his back. He was easily seven feet tall, from the looks of him, and built like a bear, with large amounts of muscle all-around. He was wearing what looked to be a sleeveless hoodie and cargo pants, both black and looking to be padded. And they were, leather, steel, and iron plates and strips all around within those clothes, protecting the Dog for the most part, while his feet were protected by heavy black combat boots. He slowly relaxed after a while, and sighed, flopping onto his back and holstering the revolver within his jacket, before he froze again, hand still on his revolver. He sniffed the air slowly, and grumbled. "Please don't tell me I ran into more of those guys..." He mumbled, sitting up and carefully turning towards Maria, and letting out a relieved laugh.

"Ah, good, just an angel. At least it isn't those crazies out there...Hullo, M'Lady!" He grinned, emerald eyes locking onto her and her dog, standing up and brushing himself off. "Please pretend I didn't just fall on my ass like an idiot and disregard the burning smell, one of those idiots had a incendiary grenade, and thought it would be funny to toss it out when it's pouring." He grinned at her like he made a good joke, then deadpanned and started patting away at himself, checking for new holes in his clothes. "Phew, they didn't get me...Err, Miss, I might as well introduce myself, since I'ma be hiding here a while." He bowed lightly and extravagantly. "Aes Alistar, at your service. And, uhh, nice dog." He smiled, waiting for her to say anything with a nervous shifting.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2015 4:15 pm

Maxwell just smiled and kept rubbing Bell's back, determined to help her feel relaxed. "Well, I'm going to be by your side for a very long time onward. Maybe we'll take a few walks around the building together." The giant stallion kept rubbing Daphe's back, and Charlie nuzzled Bell's chest and tummy affectionately. Maxwell found himself smiling widely at the sight. "Charlie really likes you, miss Bell. My dogs are good at judging a person's character, and Charlie seems to be happy to be with you. Daphne..." Maxwell looked to Daphne, who had rolled onto her tummy and was panting happily, and Maxwell laughed his deep, sonorous laugh and began rubbing his doggy's belly lovingly.

Maria just nervously held her shotgun level at Aes, and slowly lowered it as she listened to him talk. Rex was standing rigidly and staring Aes down, giving a few deep, soft barks. The mare eventually sighed and gave a short whistle, and Rex walked back over to his owner and sat down beside her. "My name is Maria." The diminutive mare replied, standing up a bit as she leaned back against the wall. She slowly put her shotgun back onto her backpack by a strap, her backpack sitting on the floor beside her. "Um... So... We're not gonna hurt each other, right? We're just going to stay here until the rain stops." It was clear Maria was nervous, and she seemed ready to snatch up her shotgun again or give Rex a command if Aes did anything threatening.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2015 2:01 am

Bell smiled at Maxwell happily as he rubbed her back, soon relaxing and just nuzzling and petting Charlie eagerly, giggling as Charlie nuzzled her. "Hey, there, big guy." She murmured to Charlie softly, scratching under his chin as she laid on her side slowly, holding onto the dog quietly and humming happily. "That sounds nice, but it might take a while to get used to the building. And I'm glad he likes me, I love dogs, they're usually pretty loyal compared to people who claim to be my friends...I...hope you'll be my friend, too, Maxwell." She said, smiling as she nuzzled the dog she was hugging.


Aes grinned lightly as she lowered and put away her shotgun. "Thank you for putting that away." He bowed his head lightly, smiling as he walked over to a nearby wall and shook himself lightly, the dog surprisingly dry for how bad it was raining. He slid his M16 to the ground carefully, before sitting down and leaning back against the wall. "Eh, you haven't done anything that would make me try to shoot you. And yeah, after this rain stops, I'm running off to the closest settlement, what about you?" He asked curiously, smiling warmly. "Oh, and I'm sorry if I startled you on my way in, I, uh, was kinda in a hurry." He chuckled sheepishly, then sighed lightly, pulling out his revolver and checking it, making sure it was loaded, before he sat it beside his M16. "There, unarmed, and you can frisk me if you like." He winked playfully, but from his weak grin, Maria would see he was exhausted. "So, uh, how are you?" He asked lightly, trying to start a conversation.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2015 12:39 pm

Charlie snuggled up to Bell as she laid on her side, and the big dog licked her nose a bit and wagged his naturally bobbed tail happily. Maxwell had laid down on his back a bit, holding Daphne in his arms like a big teddy bear, and he smiled and reached over at Bell's request for friendship. The stallion gently took Bell's hand in his own, giving it a soft squeeze and stroking the back of it with his thumb. "I'll be your friend, Miss Bell. You can count on Charlie and Daphne here to keep you safe, and I'll protect you and help you out whenever you need." Maxwell gave Bell's hand another squeeze. "That's a promise."

Maria slowly bared a warmer smile as Aes sat down and set his weapons down, and she sat down and let out a sigh of relief. "I'm okay. I'm just waiting out this storm in here, and I plan to get going after it stops." Maria smiled to Aes a bit more, and she looked to her huge Akita, who was sitting beside her. "Rex, go say hi." Rex got up and walked over to Aes, and the powerful dog sniffed Aes a bit, then licked his cheek and sat down in front of him, wagging his tail. Maria giggled adorably as she watched. "Aww, Rex likes you. You can pet him, he just wanted to get to know you first. Hence the sniffing."
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2015 6:43 pm

Bell giggled softly as she was licked, nuzzling the dog back happily and yawning, before blinking and turning towards Maxwell slowly, listening to him and blushing lightly. "Thank you, Mister Maxwell." She mumbled softly, smiling brightly as she squeezed his hand back, before lifting her head, sniffing lightly. "Whatever that is, it smells good..." She mumbled, stomach growling lightly, and she blushed harder, giggling softly. "My food should get here any minute...I think..." She pulled her hand away from his slowly and got up carefully, walking to one edge of her bed and finding her wardrobe, humming as she felt her way through it. "Need to actually put something on...this look good?" She asked Maxwell, pulling out a simple dress with lace-like trim around the edges, but all black.


Aes grinned lightly at the dog, putting an arm around him and pulling him closer. "Hey, there, Rex. How you doing?" He asked the dog, patting his side with the arm around the Akita, while Aes's other hand reached up and lightly scratched and rubbed the dog's neck. "Nice dog you got here, Maria. He looks pretty strong." Aes grinned, playfully patting the dog's muzzle. "Anyway, what's an angel like you do around these parts, hm?" He asked, smiling at her brightly and warmly. "And you aren't gonna frisk me for weapons?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows playfully then laying his head back against the wall slowly, closing his eyes. "Damn, was running a bit longer than I'd like." He yawned lightly, and grumbled to himself, releasing Rex but continuing to pet him.
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2015 8:48 pm

Maxwell smiled warmly and nodded. "It looks lovely, Miss Bell. We'll wait for the food to arrive, I suppose." Maxwell dug some bowls out of his backpack, then took out a burlap sack and poured his dog food into each one. It was his own special "trail mix" for his pups; dried meat bits, some herb shreds, little crouton bits, some oats, all the good stuff. Daphne and Charlie happily hopped down and began eating, and Maxwell patted their backs before sitting back down on the bed. "Do you like to listen to the radio, Bell?" He asked, looking around to see if the mare had one in her room.

Rex just growled and backed away at the hard patting all over, and Maria frowned and sighed. "He doesn't like to be patted like that, especially not on his muzzle. I thought you'd be gentler with him." Rex laid back down in Maria's lap, and the mare snuggled up with her fluffy dog. "And stop asking me to frisk you." She mumbled with an annoyed tone, closing her eyes and resting her cheek down on Rex's fluffy back.

[Quick, have him be gentle and considerate! o3o ]
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2015 1:28 pm

[This thread is now on indefinite hiatus]
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PostSubject: Re: Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog)   Nothin' But a Hound Dog (Private w/BronzeFog) Icon_minitime

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