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 Survival Island

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Dragon Soul
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 6:45 am

Wisp silently enjoyed the warmth of the embrace, even though her own artificial body gave off none, or even a heart beat. Yet that still didn't mean she wasn't happy to be held by Dusk and watching this night sky reflected in the water.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 1:02 pm

Dusk soon let his mind wander a bit. Though his thoughts were mostly on Wisp, he soon began thinking about the others. They had been gone for days without any sign of them being around, other than Griff.

"Wisp, I think we should start looking for the others tomorrow. They've been gone for a while, and I'd hate to leave the island without knowing whether or not they're okay."
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 3:22 pm

"Oh, okay then," Wisp replied from where she was lying and watching the night's sky. Wisp then snuggled in a little closer, relishing in the warmth that Dusk was able to provide and enjoying the sounds of the waves crashing over on the beach. Once comfortable, she started to doze off happily for the night and in preparation of tomorrow's search.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2014 12:12 am

Dusk soon thought he should've known Wisp would have no objections, but he didn't want to just assume she'd agree with him on everything. That was a recipe for disaster.

As Wisp dozed off, Dusk planted one final kiss on her cheek for the night, and decided to get some sleep himself. I hope everypony's alright, Dusk thought before closing his eyes in search of sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2014 12:49 am

Just moments after, Griff decided he had enough time resting in water and swam back to the shore, jumping out of water and shapeshifting back into his unicorn form and landing on the beach, looking at the pair. "Well, best leave them alone, I guess..." Griff said and attempted walking past them as quiet as he possibly could in his pony form to not wake them up. He then lied down in the middle of the beach and slowly dozed off.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2014 7:41 pm

Morning came a bit too early for Dusk, thanks to a strong, cool morning wind. He certainly noticed the wind was blowing harder today, but when he checked the sky there were no signs of a storm. As another gust blew over him, he unconsciously snuggled closer to Wisp, seeking for the warmth that she unfortunately lacked.

Unable to get comfortable again, he got up, grumbling and shivering a bit. He could take the heat fine, but he did not like the cold at all. He soon got to work getting a fire going, and let the heat warm him back up. "Some blankets would do us some good," he said to himself, "Or perhaps I should add a back to these tents. That would help keep the wind out."

He soon noticed Griff had slept outside of a tent, and also that no one else had returned. "Maybe some of them made a camp in a better spot and forgot to tell us. It's possible. It would be nice to have Rebel and Oliver here."
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2014 9:30 pm

Despite Dusk's movements in the early hours of the morning, Wisp stayed sleeping. She snuggled a little more into the tent, and finding a comfortable position once again, she fell back into her sleep.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2014 5:32 am

Dusk heard a bit of Wisp's shifting. He was afraid he had woken her up until she settled herself, still asleep. He gave a sigh of relief and turned back to his thoughts.

"I never imagined I'd fall in love while stranded on an island. My sister will love to hear this. I can already see the look on her face when I tell her she's going to have a sister-in-law, and when she's going to be an aunt. Ha ha, I know those are some big ifs but..." He then realized something, and what he realized troubled him greatly. "Wait. She's a ghost. She can't have foals. ...No. No, no no no no no no. This is not good. I've always wanted to be a father, and to a foal born from me. But I love Wisp. I want to be there for her. ...You stupid idiot. Either I give up a very important dream for me or break her heart. How did I get into this mess?"

He then found himself lying down in the sand next to the fire. Sleep wanted to take him again, now that he was warmed up. He figured he'd need that extra bit of sleep, so he let it take him. Perhaps he'd have a decent dream to help cheer him up after thinking about the trouble he was in.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 10, 2014 2:37 pm

Griff woke up a while back, but decided to just pretend to be sleeping. He overheard the whole conversation Dusk had with himself and silently chuckled at it before hearing how he went to get some more rest. Griff decided to go... feel the air a little, but he didn't want to wake up, so he decided to 'draw' the hint of where he had gone. He grabbed a stick and managed to put together a crudely drawn eagle-like bird in the sand and underneath it the symbol that his sabretooth cat form had... A crescent and a dot. After he was done, he gave the two sleeping ponies one more look before transforming into his eagle form and flying off to get a few better looks of the island.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2014 5:18 am

After getting a couple more hours of sleep, Dusk wake up again, and more rested than before. The wind was still strong, but not as cold, and the fact the fire was still going helped too. Sleep, however, didn't help his concerns. His situation with Wisp was no better than before.

He soon noticed Griff was gone. When he walked to where he last saw him, he saw the picture he had drawn. He assumed the bird was his eagle form, and that he was flying around somewhere. The other picture was unknown to him, and he had a feeling he should know what it meant, but he wasn't going to bother with it.

He soon went back by the fire and sat down. He then went to work how things would work out today. He wanted to go search for the others, but he also thought somepony should stay behind in case some of them come back while he's out, and the only option for that was Wisp. She'll be fine at camp, although I should give her something to do while I'm away. Besides, I could use some time by myself now, he thought. Now to wait for Wisp to wake up, because he didn't want to disturb her.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2014 5:27 am

Dusk wouldn't be waiting long as Wisp's eyes slowly fluttered open. She yawned quietly while stretching out a bit and only then did she notice the lack of Dusk next to her. Looking around for a moment, her eyes soon found the other stallion and with a happy smile, Wisp pulled herself out of the tent and stood up so she could walk over to him. For a moment, a fleeting uncertainty came across her features as she remembered something. "Go-good morning?" Wisp said with some reluctance at the unfamiliarity of what was a common greeting for normal ponies.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2014 1:23 pm

Though Dusk was waiting for Wisp to wake up, he wasn't actually paying attention to whether or not she was awake. He didn't know she was up until she said good morning. When he turned his head to see her, he unconsciously smiled, and he said, "Good morning Wisp." He remained sitting though, seeming a little distant as he went back to his thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 11, 2014 1:42 pm

If Wisp noticed the slightly distant reactions of Dusk, she didn't show it as the mare simply trotted over towards the other pony and settled down next to him. "So we're going to look for the other today?" Wisp asked, her wide eyes looking up curiously.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 12:54 am

Dusk turned his head back to Wisp as she spoke. "That's the plan, but I think one of us should stay at the camp in case anypony comes back here. I was actually thinking you could stay here, and to help keep yourself busy, adding a back to the tents would help keep wind from blowing through. I'll leave the hatchet here for you to cut the branches you'll need. Is that okay with you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 1:13 am

"Oh, umm... Sure," Wisp replied with some hesitation as she looked at the small shelter they'd built the prior day and tried to figure out what Dusk had wanted her to do to them. "Yeah, I'll get it done while you go looking for the others... Good luck," Wisp added at the end hesitantly. Thinking back on what Dusk had done so many times before, and assuming it was just a normal thing to do, Wisp leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before leaning back shyly. Her wide eyes watched him to gauge the reaction to see if she'd accidentally done something wrong.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 1:31 am

Dusk was surprised by the sudden kiss. He certainly was blushing, and it had shaken him from his thoughts. He placed a hoof to where she had kissed him for a bit before lowering it again, and gave her a warm smile.

"Thanks Wisp," he said, he then leaned over and kissed her cheek as well before getting up. "If I'm not back before sunset, you can start worrying about me. See you when I get back." Dusk then walked over and into the forest to begin his search.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 3:35 am

Wisp smiled happily back and nodded as Dusk turned about and left. Then she turned her attention back to the shelters and what she'd claimed she'd be able to do. Grabbing up the hatchet, Wisp started working on something of a back for the tents to keep out the wind.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 12, 2014 1:29 pm

As Dusk walked, he found his thoughts drifting to the realization he made earlier that morning, and to the kiss Wisp gave him. Though the thought of the kiss made him smile, it didn't make things easier for him. He hoped there was a solution where he could be with her and still give birth to a foal. Maybe if I find the pony that worked on her current body, he, or she, could add some things to it, like the ability to have foals. But if not.... He really did not want to think about leaving her and breaking her heart. He simply pressed on to see if he could find anypony.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 16, 2014 3:43 pm

Dusk soon found he had walked to the hot spring. It certainly was a good place to start, since everypony, except maybe for Wisp and Griff, needed the water from it. However, he didn't want to sit and wait by it all day. After getting a quick drink, he started walking again. He wondered if there were other bodies of water on the island, and if there were, perhaps he could find the others too. So, he started calling out for the others, hoping they'd hear him and come to him. If that didn't work, he'd look near bodies of water, if he found other sources of fresh water. He hoped he'd find them. He did not want to leave them behind when help came.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 17, 2014 12:23 am

As Dusk left, Wisp got to work, or at least tried to. A few swings of the hatchet left her teeth rattling and she soon deposited the thing in the sand with a sour expression. Taking the few flimsy bits of wood she had, Wisp settled for instead just trying to weave the large leaves onto/into the back of the tents. This too however wasn't going well as the weave either kept coming apart, the leaves would tear, or the whole thing would prove too flimsy and simply collapse under it's own weight. Still, Wisp continued to work, determined to not let Dusk, and whoever he might find, down.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 8:59 pm

After a number of hours, Dusk had not found anypony. He had found an abandoned camp, and it was obvious other ponies had been stuck on this island at some point, and their fate was obvious, considering the skeletons in the remnants of the shelters. He wasn't too sure how they died, though it had to be slow from how they were positioned. A pair of skeletons was found in eternal embrace, obviously a couple, holding each other in their final moments. Near each of the skeletons was rotting fruit. The source of the fruit was easily found after a little searching. It wasn't like anything he had seen, being pink and kinda shaped like a pear, so he took one and carefully took a bite out of one. He couldn't determine much from the taste, other than that it wasn't very sweet. It being safe to eat was a concern, considering it could very well be what killed these ponies.

He swallowed the fruit in his mouth and dropped the fruit, figuring one bite would be enough to tell him whether or not it was bad. He found a canteen near the skeletons of the couple. It was filled with water that from smell alone he could tell was bad. He washed it out in the nearby stream, and then filled it with clean water.

Finding nothing else of use, he started following the stream, as it likely flowed right to the beach. From there he could easily make his way back. However, his stomach was starting to complain. That soon turned to a dull ache, and finally almost intolerable pain. Nausea soon came with it, and Dusk did in fact vomit as he followed the stream, although he had enough control to make sure he didn't vomit in the stream. When he finally got to the beach, he felt weak and sick, and knew for a fact that the fruit was poisonous. The sun was already hanging low in the sky when he got to the beach, and he knew he wouldn't make it back before dark, if he made it back at all. He soon laid himself down on the sand by the stream, his will to move on fully spent.

Eventually, Dusk saw the sun begin to dip below the horizon. He didn't feel any worse than before, but he also didn't feel better. He knew Wisp would start looking for him soon, and maybe Griff too if he had gone back to camp. Dusk certainly wasn't going to be back there any time soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 9:55 pm

Just before the sun completely slipped behind horizon, Dusk could hear some quiet sounds of a running animal approaching. The sounds were getting louder and louder before the approaching animal finally grabbed him by the skin on the back of Dusk's neck. If Dusk would've looked carefully he would notice that the animal looked like a sabretooth tiger. Right after He got snatched, the sabretooth swung him and threw him on its back while still running fast. Eventually, they reached the beach, with camp being nowhere in sight. The sabretooth tiger stopped running and gently put Dusk down onto the sand. The tiger then transformed into a familiar unicorn, Griff.

"Stay with me now..." he said as he started casting his pain-killing spell. "It's a good thing I flew over just before you collapsed... ya could've been a nice dinner for any animals on this island.." he continued talking. "Now, I dunno where the heck we ended up, but it's still a beach. We'll try to find the camp tomorrow, if possible." he said and finally finished casting. Dusk should now feel no pain at all, not even nausea in his stomach.
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 10:34 pm

"Ugh, I'm not going anywhere quite yet," Dusk weakly said. It was more to say he was going to live, but he also wouldn't be able to move much for a while. Even though the pain was gone, the weakness was still there. He soon said, "If you see a pink fruit that looks like pear, don't eat it. It's poisonous."
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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 24, 2014 11:17 pm

"So that's what it was..." Griff said and transformed back into the sabretooth tiger form. With the weak visibility, Dusk could now see the symbol on Griff's side just above the foreleg, the same symbol that he drew on the beach under the eagle before he disappeared, except on his sabretooth tiger form, it was blue. "Don't worry, I've spent too much time in the wilderness all by myself to know not to eat just anything that's on the ground or on a tree. Anyways, should I get you something apart from a big leaf for a temporal blanket?"
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Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul

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PostSubject: Re: Survival Island   Survival Island - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 25, 2014 12:06 am

"I should be fine, I've dealt with more uncomfortable positions. I'm more worried about Wisp. She'll start looking for me pretty soon. I told her I'd be back before sundown," Dusk said. Dusk soon reminded himself that Wisp had no meat on her, so predators wouldn't eat her. However, it was a rather convincing fake body just from looking at it. He could even come up with a reasonable explanation for the ethereal wings.
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