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Lorthalis of Crows
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 11:33 am

The main hall of Academia was filled with a quiet bustle as the room was filled with young and eager ponies, each one a budding hunter or huntress. Seats were quickly filled from the back forwards, no-one, despite their apparent eagerness, willing to sit too close to the stage that had been erected at one end of the hall.

The students were not alone however, ponies wearing the uniform of the Royal Equestrian Military standing guard at each entrance of the massive area, each one carrying a polished rifle. The lights started to dim, and the general hum of activity quietened down as a single spotlight was used to light a microphone at the front of the stage. A mare, looking no more than 23, strode out onto the stage, her low heels clicking. Her long silver man tied up into a ponytail, and her short red coat shining in the spotlight. “Ahem,” she coughed, blinking as the microphone squealed in response. “Welcome, one and all to the newest class of Academia, all of you hopefuls to becoming a hunter, or a huntress. My name,” she paused, eyes scanning the crowd. “Is Cynthia Clause, and I am the Headmistress of this establishment. I may appear quite gentle, and that is generally true. Do not make the mistake of crossing me however. It will not be pleasant for… anybody.”

She coughed again, this time taking a longer pause before continuing. “It is with a minor amount of annoyance, and a greater deal of sympathy, that I must inform you though that because you do not technically start class today, the rooms in which you would all be boarding… are not yet complete. Fortunately, Lieutenant Silver Star, a former student of this school, has been kind enough to offer those of you who want it, an alternative to a sleeping bag in this hall tonight,” she said, stepping back to allow the golden mare to step into the spotlight.

“As Miss Clause just noted, the rooms in which you will all be staying are not quite ready for you yet. Thus, I have acquired the services of the Battleship Arcadia to provide sleeping room for each and every student here. The one condition is that you will be sleeping under the watchful eye of our military.” She smiled and gestured to the soldiers around the room. “Your choices, therefore are either sleep in a nice, warm bed under military guard, or sleep on the cold floor of this hall. Your choice.” She gave a short bow, before walking off the stage to speak with a few soldiers on the ground.

Cynthia returned to the spotlight, tapping the microphone for no other reason to create another blast of sound. “Now then. With sleeping accommodations out of the way for tonight, allow me to go over some details about tomorrow,” she paused again, chuckling as the room was filled with groans. “Yes, yes, I know it’s terrible having to sit there and listen. Now, tomorrow, you will need to be up and ready by 9 O’clock sharp. You will assemble here, before you will be split into groups and taken out to determine your partnerships, and the groups you will be living with for the duration of your education here. Now, I believe that is everything… Oh, no weapons are to be deployed on campus. Seriously, we already had one incident, and I do not want another. Beyond that… you are free to go,” she said.

As the crowds started to disperse, a rising hum of chatter filling the halls, Cynthia blinked. “Oh, ahhh… Would a Xereth, Pyke, S.E.N.A and Mind Blaze stay behind?” she asked, glancing at the tablet she had pulled from… somewhere.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 3:32 pm

Fourth row back and seventh seat from the middle walkway, a pair of purple irises with a yellow outline watched the ponies up on the stage curiously. Their dull light green owner with haphazard medium length light blue hair shifted in her seat as the new of the sleeping arrangements was discussed, hoping that there'd be enough room on the ship to accommodate herself and not fill up before she got there. The weapons talk also made her cringe a little as she cast a glance to the nearly shoulder high cannon that rested by leaning against her. The weapon was already in it's compressed form and even then it nearly warranted a seat of it's own rather than the tripod of prongs that ran along the length of the barrel. Still, that was the ending part of the speech and with it, Sena stood up and began to make for the exit that would take her to the ship.

When the added announcement of her name came though, worry flashed onto her face while she looked up towards the stage. "Buh, but I haven't done anything yet," Sena admitted aloud with a sigh of defeat as she accepted the likelihood that she'd not be getting a bunk on the ship if this proved to take a while. So begrudgingly, Sena slipped her arm into it's spot on the large weapon and stood all the way up so that the barrel's end would be at least a couple inches off the ground, and with her head down she slowly made her way forward towards the stage so she'd be out of the way while everyone else took all the comfy beds. When she got up to the stage, she waited for whatever it was she'd been asked to stay after for with her head still slumped forward and a grimace on her face.

Last edited by Zen on Fri May 13, 2016 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 9:31 pm

The tall blue dragon, wearing a long cloak in attempt to hide the weapon that rested on his back, though the more distinguishing detail was his long, bright green scarf on the otherwise dark blue clothing. He carefully listened to the speech, making mental notes of everything he needed to know. The loud noises made him cringe from the slight pain, and when it was time to decide, he began pondering for a bit. Cold never bothered him as he grew up in the frozen mountains, but at the same time, some warmth would've been nice. The only uncomfortable thing would be being watched by guards. The dragon decided that only due to warmth and increased safety, the Battleship would be the better choice. He was just about to follow the rest of the students when he suddenly heard his name and stopped in his tracks. He didn't do anything wrong on the very first day, did he? He quickly checked to see if his weapon was still holstered and packed up on his back before turning around and slowly and silently walking up to Cynthia. He had only hoped that he wasn't called for doing a bad thing.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 10:46 pm

Mind Blaze jerks awake as she hears her name called. She was perfectly fine with sleeping in the cold halls, her coat wrapped around her. Evidently though, this would be denied to her. She yawns, stretching and popping her back. "i'm coming, i'm coming..." she mumbles, pushing her hair out of her face. She grabs her sheathed sword and duffel bag, then heads up to the stage. She hadn't gotten much sleep, and had been looking forward to the comfy cold floor of the hall.
Blaze trudges up the steps of the stage, falling in line with the others.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2016 11:52 pm

Pykewright had shown up to the hall impeccably late, forcing him to take his seat annoyingly close to the stage. And that annoyed the unicorn to no end. He couldn’t be inconspicuous and just take a nap this close to the stage. Or just screw around. Or even do something actually productive like draw in his notebook. So he had to listen to the speech. Luckily, this did have one advantage: it meant that he knew exactly when it was over.
And with the closing words he was one of the first ponies to start to rise, straightening out his rather odd choice of a pleated, knee-length skirt after the act of sitting had ruffled it up. But then someone decided to ruffle his nonexistent feathers even more than his skirt.
Why the hell did he have to stay? Was it because he didn’t have his weaponry undeployed enough for their rules? Wasn’t strapped to the back good enough for these people? That was basically holstered even, even if he knew how to get it out at a moment’s notice.
Maybe it something to do with the clothes? Dress codes, perhaps? Did they not agree with collared shirts? Were the cuffs too much? Or were leggings frowned upon at such a prestigious institution?
Lacking any way to definitely identify which of the few people that chose to remain in the hall were, in fact, the others who had been called, he had no way to tell whether this was the case. But he knew one thing, and that was that he could not stand for this sort of thing. So instead he just slumped back into his chair to await the judgement from on high. There was nothing else to do for it, really. He had been told to stay, so he would stay.
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 12:26 am

The unicorn mare watched as the majority of students filed out of the hall, before she hopped off of the metre high stage, floating gracefully down till she hit the floor with nary a click of her heels. She watched the three students approaching, checking her tablet before gesturing to Pyke for him to come over. "It is a pleasure to meet all of you today. Once again, my name is Cynthia Clause," she said with an easy smile, extending a hand to shake each of theirs. "I hope each of you enjoys your time here at Academia."

"Now, I must thank you for staying behind. I hate to make students work before school has even officially begun, but I need you to clean up this hall, and you four were those that were selected at random," she said, giving a sympathetic smile. "The chairs will need to be stacked up and moved to the sides of the room, and any rubbish left behind by the cohort needs to be put into bins," she explained as she gestured around the hall.

"Forcing our new students to do your hard work, eh Cynthia?" A voice interrupted the mare, and she flushed as a tall ram, his curved horns glinting in the light, approached the small group, dressed in a tailored suit. "But what you say is true. This room does need to be cleaned." He gave a smile to the four students, before pulling a chair over and dropping into it. "I'm Shatter Stroke, I teach some of the more... academic subjects around here."  

Cynthia coughed and nodded. "He will also be looking after you whilst you clean up, while I have to go attend to other matters around the school. I really am sorry, but as a reward for your hard work, you will get access to one of the few rooms that have actually been completely finished, okay?" She smiled again, before nodding to Shatter and hurrying off.

Shatter watched her go, before chuckling and looking to the four students. "Well, you heard the women. Get to it."
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 8:46 pm

Mind Blaze glares from behind the curtain of her bed-mane. "... As you wish, Ms. Cynthia." she says, grudgingly setting her bag down and grabbing a few chairs. A steady stream of complaining and bemoaning the task ahead cna be heard, but there isn't much rancor in it. She starts stacking chairs, occasionally glancing back to glare with disapproval.
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 11:20 pm

Aerv slowly and cautiously shook Synthia's hand before deadpanning as he heard the reason they were staying behind. 'Randomly selected to clean up this giant hall? Well, down the drain my mood goes.' Xereth thought to himself as he looked around him, trying to estimate just how much work it will take. He then turned around again as he heard a new voice behind him. He nodded at Shatter, deciding to stay silent for now as he began picking up chairs and stacking them as he was ordered to. 'Well, either an actual room or a warm battleship full of soldiers, I wouldn't mind either. As long as it ain't such an open space like this hall.'
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2016 12:05 am

Bidden up, Pykewright joined the others swiftly, listening quite boredly to that little spiel.
“Of course. Random selection. Fun. I assume ‘access’ at least mean we get to sleep there?” Pyke grumbled, looking back over the hall rather than to the teachers. This place really was a mess, looking at it. So many chairs. Well, at least there probably wasn’t too much trash.
Assuming his question were to be answered in the affirmative, he settled into stacking and moving chairs, letting both muscle and magic work on separate stacks. “Seeing as we’ll probably be rooming together tonight, might as well get introductions out of the way. I’m Pykewright, if y’all didn’t do the math for that yet..”
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2016 3:19 am

"So, we're not in trouble," Sena mumbled rhetorically to herself as her eyes widened with realization and then relaxation as the situation was explained. She was even smiling by the end of it as it was announced that they'd practically automatically got one of the finished rooms. So much so that she even nodded swiftly to the command from Shatter. Sena opted to just start off by stacking up chairs and then moving the whole row's worth over to the edge of the hall.

"Heya Pykewright," Sena replied with a grin and a wave before pausing for a moment as she had to think of what to say or do next. "Uhmm, and my name's Sena," she announced aloud to everyone eventually with a little uncertainly.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2016 4:06 am

Time ticked slowly by as the four cleaned the hall, Shatter having shifted to the stage so that they had access to all of the chairs, pulling a small book out from somewhere, humming a cheerful tune as he read. "I'm glad you guys agreed to this. Cynthia is under enough stress as it is, and finding someone else to clean this place up would have probably driven her over the edge," he commented, turning the page of his book.

His hand paused as he went to turn the page again, his ear twitching as a low growl emanated into the room. "What was... that?" He asked, dropping down onto the floor and looking around, closing his book and pulling out a long staff, twirling it between his fingers.

The southern doors, where Sena was placing a stack of chairs, slammed open, a figure dressed in a long cloak came flying in, smashing through several stacks of chairs before sliding to a halt. Staggering to their feet, they looked around, before checking that their hood was still in place as an Ursa barreled through the door. "Son of a bitch," she cursed quietly, her hood sliding down to her shoulders revealing an orange mane that flowed to the middle of her back, and a dark red coat. Her silver eyes sparkled as she picked up her weapon, a thin, golden katana. "Right... uh, a little help?" she asked as she glanced around the room, before she charged forward, meeting the Ursa's swipe with a clash of sparks.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2016 7:27 pm

Mind Blaze looks up, pushing her mane out of her face as the large Ursa Grimm bursts in. Even as she runs towards it, she still has trouble trying to imagine how the hell it even got in here. 'Seriously, we're at a school. How did a Grimm get this far?'
She runs around the side of it, and tries to chop off one of its arms while it is engaged with the orange pony.
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2016 2:08 am

"Huh, did you say something Shat-" was all Sena was able to get out before being literally blasted away by the ursa and the new pony. "Ah, I guess that was what he was talking about," Sena thought to herself as she continued to sail towards the stage. Wanting to stop herself before making contact with the raised platform, Sena slammed the end of her gun towards the ground in order to propel herself into a flip to where her boots finally hit the ground and started to skid backwards. Between the boots and her gun barrel reinforcements, Sena's skid stopped about three fourths of the way to the stage. Instantly she lifted up the large weapon, took quick aim and began to fire the dust enriched high impact rounds from the weapon. Each round was aimed at spots she thought would fare the best. Face shots to throw off the beast's aim and sight, and leg shots to threaten it's balance and possibly knock it's feet out from under it.

"Quick question," Sena yelled out between shots. "Is this normal?"
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2016 5:22 am

"My name is Aerv Xereth. Pleased to meet you." Aerv said as he just finished stacking a few chairs. He slightly jumped as the Ursa blasted through the doors. He quickly pulled out his giant machine gun, loading it with armor piercing rounds before remembering the environment they were in. Shooting and missing could potentially make even bigger mess than there already was, and fire breathing was out of the question too. "Oh you son of a.... You couldn't have met us outside, could you!" The blue dragon said as he swiftly transformed his machine gun into an ultra greatsword, using his wings to launch himself at the beast and aiming to initiate with a stabbing attack to Ursa's head and continue with a long slashing attack along the grimm's back.
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2016 12:53 pm

“I’d say that ‘normal’ isn’t the important bit Sena.” Pyke commented, dashing off to one side of the ursa as he drew the hammerlike weapon from his back. He kept his distance from the beast, letting the others throw themselves into the proper close-combat with the Grimm. Instead, he simply started up a swing while the pole was retracted, but sent it out to its full length just in time to smack the adze right into the ursa’s side with as much power as he could muster.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2016 1:42 pm

The Ursa raged as Mind's blade dug into its arm, not cutting deep enough to sever it completely, but still leaving a significant wound. It turned, roaring and swiping it her angrily. The mysterious mare swung, using Sena's high velocity rounds as covering fire, and her blade slid through the flesh of the grimm, though unlike Mind's weapon it did not slide free, and the Ursa roared again before barrelling into her, sending her hurtling towards Sena.

As the mare's aura crackled and faded, Xereth's aerial assault sliced through the grimm, before it was sent stumbling into a wall by Pyke's hammer, the blow shattering the bone structure beneath its skin and leaving it growling pathetically against the wall.

Shatter watched quietly, before approaching the mortally wounded creature and placing his staff against its neck. He twisted, and it let out a final pathetic whimper before dying and crumbling away to ash. "In answer to your question Miss Sena," he started, turning to see whether she had caught the wounded mare or not. "Normally, we would not allow grimm upon school grounds. I am honestly not entirely sure who this uoung woman is... or how she and the grimm gpt here."

Glancing around at the ruined room, he sighed and pulled a key from one of his pockets. "I think that is enough for today. This key will lead you back to your room... or, you can wait outside till I have finished cleaning up this mess and I will take you myself. Miss Sena, if you would, please look after that mare."
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2016 12:51 am

Mind Blaze yelps as the swipe sends her sprawling. Fortunately, Pyke's attack does not send the large grimm stumbling over her prone body. She props herself up on the sword, staggering to her feet and glaring at the corpse of the Grimm.
"Bastard." she mutter, sheathing her sword and turning to look over at the stranger. Seeing she's somewhat injured, blaze quickly hurries over to check on her. She stops upon seeing her face, and evidently becomes quite thankful that her tangled mop of a mane hides the light blush that appears across her face. "E-Excuse me ma'am, are you alright?"
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Academia Empty
PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2016 2:32 am

Sena kept a straight and focused face as she fired off round after round of the high impact shots trying to keep the beast too offset to mount too great an offensive. As the new arrival however leapt up to drive her blade into the grimm, Sena halted her shots so she wouldn't hit the cloaked mare and then grimaced when the mare wouldn't get out of her line of fire. Sena's eyes shot wide open though when thee mystery mare was suddenly thrown right at her. Not wanting to clobber the mare with her cannon, Sena tossed the heavy weapon off her arm so she'd have both limbs free to catch the mare. Sena's own aura glowed for a moment as she used her own abilities to catch the mare seemingly easily with both hands, skidding back only a couple inches from the impact.

Shatter's sudden words had Sena looking back up with a bit of a start. "Wait, I have to look after her? I uh, uhmm... oh-okay?" Sena stammered out as she worriedly looked about for a bit more guidance. "Why don't we go check out this room!" Sena said just shy of a yell out of uncertainty. "We can let her lay down, and get unpacked," Sena went on before finally letting the mystery mare go if she was awake and able to walk on her own, while also asking for the mystery mare's name. Otherwise, Sena would shift the mystery mare onto her back and then carefully pick up her cannon, carrying it horizontally behind her as a sort of seat for the mystery mare. Either way, Sena would begin working her way towards their supposed room.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2016 3:26 pm

Aerv landed on the ground behind the ursa at relatively high speed turned backwards, spreading his wings to create big air resistance and planting his free hand on the ground in attempt to slow down quickly. He just caught a glimpse of Pyke's hammer hitting the beast. "That had to hurt..." he murmured to himself, cringing while he stood up and dusted himself off. The fight seemed to be over when Shatter delivered the final 'blow', finishing off the grimm. Xereth compacted his giant sword and placed it underneath his cloak on his back. He wanted to make a good first impression and help clean up the mess, but was apparently only given two options: go to their room on their own or wait for Shatter to lead them there. He slowly approached the group, wondering what their choices would be.

As he saw Sena make her way to the room with the injured mare, the blue dragon shrugged and began following her.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 2:19 am

Seeing the beast fade to dust, Pyke withdrew his pole and stashed it across his back once more, letting Shatter speak as he so desired. “I guess I’ll just follow along with everyone else, Mister Stroke. You want any help with her, Sena?” the unicorn said, taking a sedate pace to catch up to the rest of their ragtag bunch of misfits.
And he could tell they were a bunch of misfits because he was pretty sure he was the only one shaking right now. Sure he’d lashed out at the Grimm on reflex, but that didn’t exactly do much to stop his fear reaction. And only a ragtag bunch of misfits would do what they just did without any hesitation.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 11:57 am

The mare grunted as Sena caught her, bloody dripping slowly from several wounds across her body. She gave a weak smile to Mind, and she coughed, blinking up at Sena. "My name is... Summer Blitz. I think one of my legs is... broken, so no walking for me. Once my aura regenerates I should be fine though," she whimpered as Sena picked her up, wrapping her good arm around his neck, before she slowly drifted unconscious.

"As you wish," Shatter nodded, herding them out of the room before closing and locking the door behind them.

The trip to the room was largely uneventful, with the key providing a straightforward map to the room. The room itself was for the most part plain, with two bunk beds and four desks squeezed inside it. The mare stirred as her aura rippled back, her arms tightening slightly around Sena's neck. "Urgh..."
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeWed May 18, 2016 8:44 pm

"Wait, an aura can do that?" Sena went to ask, but the mare had already slipped into unconsciousness. Sena then shifted her gaze towards Pyke while looking curious. "Thanks but I think I've got her, if you want to carry my gun though, that'd be helpful," she added while offering the large weapon to him as best she could while not disturbing Summer. Sena then nodded towards Shatter and followed him to the room where she slipped quickly inside once the door was open and carefully maneuvered Summer off her back and onto one of the beds.

"So this is where we'll be staying for at least tonight?" Sena asked aloud as she looked about the room and also went to retrieve her gun from Pyke. She hadn't really noticed Summer's stirrings, and even now Sena was up and looking about the nooks and crannies of the room rather than by the bed where Summer was placed.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 5:30 am

"Healing aura, huh..." Aerv said to himself before they entered a room they would be staying at. He walked to one of the bunkbeds, letting Sena put Summer on another one while he casually sat down on the bed. "Guess I'll be on the bottom one, considering I may be slightly too heavy to sleep on top." the blue dragon said, testing the mattresses while keeping an eye on the group. "So, I suppose we just wait here until we get new orders then?"
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 1:13 pm

Mind Blaze continues watching the strange made, but once her aura starts repairing the damage she gives a sigh of relief and steps back. She tries and fails to suppress a yawn. "Wake me up when she wakes up." Blaze says as she dumps her back in a corner and lays down on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Academia   Academia Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2016 10:34 pm

Pyke handed the gun back to Sena with a contemplative little look on his face, putting a finger to his lips before he asked a question he'd been stewing on since they'd left the auditorium. "Eh, Sena, how much do you know about Aura? Sorry if that feels kinda personal but you kinda seemed surprised a bit ago."
Pyke just leaned against the wall by the door, settling his own things down along the wall but not yet aiming for any of the beds. It was obvious one of them was gonna be occupied for the time being and he certainly didn't intend to be the one to deprive any of these fine mares a nice bed.
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