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 A Bar and A Hot Place

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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2015 7:54 pm

Volt-Opt hates crowds. Well there's a lot of things that Volt hates, but there are some things that he cannot avoid. Having just finished a major cleanup operation where the Guild had to clear out a very dangerous pack of Timberwolves, Volt-Opt was looking forwards to refilling his Kit and getting a good night sleep.

However, some of his Guildmates, particularly one who Volt-Opt saved with a well placed flechette round, decided to "treat" Volt to a night of drinking right after they reach back into Canterlot. Despite the hot weather and the sun still being up that is.

Despite his protests, Volt is now sitting around a table where his Guildmates are currently drinking heavily as he rubs his temple," I hate my life."

"Oh cheer up Volty!" says one of the Guildmate," Have some fun, loosen up a bit. After all I'm buying!"

"Right...." said Volt-Opt as he got out of his sit and readjusted his Kit," You guys continue on, I'm just going to the bar for a while."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeWed Dec 16, 2015 10:48 pm

The door to the bar swinged open. Walking in was a sand coat earth pony, mare, She looked like she been in a quite a clash. Cuts and bruises cover a majority of her body, if that didn't freak any pony out. Her right forearm being metal might.  She had a large metal case holster on her back. She seemed annoyed about something (possible the blood in her eyes.) 
Not saying a word till she took a seat the the bar and plopped a decent bag of bits on the counter.       " Barkeep, a bottle of whiskey for the cuts, a bottle of Bourbon for myself. a rag  and the rest for you not to ask me anything." the mare said coldly and blunt.
The bar keep didn't say a word ,but his disturbed face says it all as he went to grab the mare's request.
OOC/ Metal arm.:
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeThu Dec 31, 2015 9:06 am

Volt-Opt was about the reach the bar when he saw the mare walking into the bar in the state taht she was in, while slightly curious of what got in a fight with her, decided to just get to the bar without a fuss... at least he tried to.

Sighing to himself and knowing he may regret doing this later, Volt-Opt turned to the mare and said," Miss maybe whiskey on your wounds would not be the best idea, i got a med kit here which if you would allow me I can give you some medical attention."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeFri Jan 01, 2016 4:27 am

Sandy didn't turn her head but her eyes turn to the stallion. "Do whatever you want, just don't expect a decent payment if any at all. My piece of garbage client went short on me. Apparently he doesn't take a a photo of the bounty as proof. Wounder how high he is medic bill is?" Sandy responding taking the rag and wiping the blood from her face.
Finally turning her head to the rest of the bar and to volt. "So what your damage? You giving off a "I hate my life as much as you hate yours" kind of vibe." Sandy asked pouring her self a glass.
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeFri Jan 01, 2016 5:21 pm

"I'm already paid pretty well in my line of work. So no charge." said Volt-Opt as he opened up his Med Kit and started rummaging though it. "One of the reason why I'm glad I don't have to deal much with the clients I guess. Er quick question, You prefer stitches or the more magical sort of healing Miss?"

Volt-Opt stopped for a moment to think before replying," Yeah I do think I give out that sort of vibe don't I. At least when my mates over there drag me out for drinking." Volt-Opt points over his shoulder to the bunch of Blue Lance Mercenary Guild Members who are hamming it up and drinking as if beer is endless.
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 8:14 pm

Sandy's face turn slightly softer. (probably because it was free.) 
"Which ever works for you. I normally pour alcohol on it and light it on fire to seal, kind of hard to be a self medic with hooves. Also you can stop calling me miss. It sandy."
Sandy looked over volt to take a look at his drinking merc group. "Ugg, Reasons I like to work solo, Every time I'm in a group it could normally fall in to three groups. Idiots, cowards, or back stabbers. plus I have to deal with their whining when I do something they don't like. Ever done solo work?." Sandy taking a shot of her bourbon.
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 3:39 am

"Sandy huh? Well since we are exchanging name, I'm Volt-Opt, Master Sergent of the lot back there getting drunk." said Volt-Opt as he pulled out several types of healing potions, a collapsible mixing pot and cotton swabs.

"Yeah doing medical work without a horn is hard but not impossible, it just need a lot of training and sometimes some special shoes. Also this may sting a little," said Volt-Opt as he applies the potion combo to a cotton swab before sniffing it," And you may smell like root beer for a while...."

"Sometimes I work alone, most of the time I work with these guys. Being part of a Mercenary Guild, you tend to get dragged into group operations. But then again, I had a few solo missions under the kit too, mostly cause competent Combat Medics are far and few in between."

As Volt-Opt applies the healing swab and hearing the thud of someone passing out," Don't get me wrong, they good ponies but the newer guys tend to be more bunches and punch heavy compared to some of the older Vets. Also heavier drinkers too since they got newer livers than the vets as well." As he said that he could hear the thunk of two more of his guild mates passing out and falling off the chair.

As he finished applying the magical medicine, he asked," So Sandy, any internal damage or not to sure yourself?"
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 7:37 am

Sandy raised any eye brow to the root beer comment but, doesn't feel like arguing with a medic.
"I normally have a mare in ponyville patch me up. But she out dealing with some sombra followers and she's one of the sketchy ponies I know... Free tip if a mare acting far too friendly at a bar and far too eager to go in an ally to make out. She might grow fangs and drink you blood. I'm not joking."
Sandy said monotone.
((She referring to an other OC, Nightingale))
"As for internal damage, beside the 25 years worth of mental scaring and the nerve damage to my arm when my dad shot me as a filly. I'm fine."
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 4:44 pm

"...I see, makes me wonder why I don't go into Ponyvile more often. Its a silly place." said Volt-Opt as he threw away the cotton swabs, although at what Sandy said he did pause for a while before looking through the kit and saying," Yeah, maybe something I can fix, prehaps a broken bone or a punched kidney.... I ain't to good with regrowing limbs and doing therapy."

"But if your dad was one of those," said Volt-Opt using hooves as quotation marks," 'Nobles' then I may have a simple solution and its called a .45 round to his face. Silver too just to make sure the dead stay dead."
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 6:22 pm

"Several thing wrong with that plan their volt. One I been hunting him and his new wife for years, I only met his wife once,and the posse she runs make this look like a paper cut. Luckily, a supernatural huntress was out for a swim that day and has a hobby of patching up bodies. I Haven't seen my dad for seven-teen years so I don't know where he is. And lastly, a bullet to the face? ha ha,no, when he dies it be as painfully as i could make it. Second his death be by me, not by one of you drunk merc, No offences. and lastly a bullet to the head for destroy my life, killing my mom, and pretty much turning my life into an living Heck? No, lighting his insides on fire might be more suitable. And trust me  he barely worth a bullet let alone a silver one." Sandy clearing holding back a lot of rage.
"Which kind of bring up my question, Why do you care?"
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2016 10:47 am

"Mostly because family is important," said Volt-Opt as he closes his Med Kit," and the betrayal of that is worth the effort to hunt the bugger down."

Volt-Opt pauses for a bit and looks around to see if anyone else is listening in," I know that kind of betrayal. Though mostly because I myself was used to hurt my own mom. But unlike you I can't shoot mine. They are too.... protected. I'm just lucky that me and my mom could pick up our lives after the nobles shut down our noble house and took my mom's enterprise for their own."

"That noble house that we were apart of was everything to my mom. I mean she carried it for years alone and I was pretty sure she was going to let it die with her, if not I'll be a Sea Fox Merchant by now. When they took it and butchered it... it almost killed her and then they used me to hurt her even more. Would you believe I was one of the few Pegasi that managed to earn a place at the Canterlotian University for Medicine? So imagine being forced out cause some noble brats that you never met said I rape them? My mom was so heartbroken I was afraid she would just... stop functioning."

"Still. We survived with a little help. I'm still indepted to the Colonel for taking me in and making me into the medic I am today. That help mom get back on her feet too."

Volt-Opt wiped a tear form his eye," Heh Sorry, I don't usually get emotional anymore. Don't worry though, the guild that I work for don't usually do pony hunts unless its an operation with the Guard. So there is very little chance your dad or his... crew would come across us. Although making him suffer can give him a chance to escape though. Although i do agree with using fire to light his insides though... I wonder if I can mix DMSO with Napalm.... nah. Sounds to unstable." Volt-Opt shakes his head at the though knowing the mixture is a bit too unstable for that.
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2016 4:34 pm

Normally sandy would tone out the sob story, she heard them all far to many times. but volt... he seem different or at least somepony worth a listen.

After hearing volt story she did felt bad for the guy. "So these nobles destroy your's and your mom dreams. Okay." Sandy put her saddle bag on the bar and pulled out a note book and pen. 

"Talk about the nobles that faultily accuse you. You say they protected, doesn't mean they untouchable. Every pony has a weakness and a breaking point."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2016 5:14 pm

"Sorry. But no," said Volt-Opt," True they aren't untouchable but there is a lot more than just me getting revenge here. After all, just capping one of those idiots would be easy."

Volt-Opt took a moment to think before explaining," I'm mostly thinking of the collateral damage here. The ponies I want to get back at have a lot of things that could hurt Equestria if they are taken down. Don't get me wrong, I do want justice against those bastards, but that would need more evidence than just capping them you know?"

"Now if the offer was to help me gather said evidence..... that would be a different matter."

"Next time you are around Canterlot and need some medical help, hit me up at my place." said Volt-Opt as he handed her a card," Address is at the back."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeWed Jan 13, 2016 10:16 pm

Sandy grabbed the card. "Like I said, every pony has a weak spot. We find out more about these guys, get dirt on them and use that to break them,and If it involves breaking stuff and bones, I'm all for it. All that matter is the result, Which lead to the next question, what do you want to get when this is all over?"
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeThu Jan 14, 2016 3:49 am

"....in all honesty? Nothing. I just want these so called "nobles" cannot do such a thing ever again, and believe me they have done this before." said Volt-Opt with a bit of disgust in his voice.

"Right now though I'm focusing on some of the nobles who are currently controlling Equestria's Exports. I do know they are flattening and sabotaging anyone in their way so that they can control all exports to a certain extent. I know the Crown keeps an eye on the exports but for some reason not on them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were bankrolling your father or any similar gangs or underworld contacts."

"This is more for Equestria's growth than satisfying my personal revenge although it is a pleasant bonus."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2016 4:00 am

"Hmm, they clearly have many ponies out their that hate them. A problem being that if they see you they would know something up. And if we tries to export any thing bad. It be track back to us. I already have enough ponies out for my head i don't need the export gang. And make it worst if what you say is true. not even the strongest pony i know could end their rotten lives with them." Sandy finish her glass." So I picture this tree ways. A. we commit multiples of perfect crime of murder so nether of us go to the slammer. B We perform a heist and steal every bit to their names. Or C Some how charisma them out of their exports. This is not going to be interesting"
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2016 12:38 pm

Volt-Opt cluckles a bit before adding," Or the original plan and book them with the evidence. Knowing these types, if you have them gridlocked by facts and having Princess Celestia or worse Princess Twilight personally look into their matters they will crash and burn themselves."

Volt-Opt looks around and sees that most of his friends have passed out drunk on the table," I've seen it happened before, mostly due to an auditing error. Granted he wasn't even on my target list but after a while he sort of.... cracked and he now stuck in the asylum. If he didn't go crazy I'm sure he would be stuck in prison doing 75 to Life."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2016 4:17 pm

(may i join? im new to this whole place and not sure how to start a rp here XD ^^'')
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A Bar and A Hot Place Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 3:30 pm

"Ehh, prison could work, not as destructive to his life as my plans, but your the Client, but may I add we should try have celestia or Luna deal with it. from what I heard, all twilight does is deal with her problems with friend ship."
Sandy looks over to the passed out crew. "I was wounder why they weren't bother you for talking to a mare. And i guess it just be me and you."
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 5:07 pm

"Oh that's easy." said Volt-Opt with a chuckle," Most the guys over there know not to screw with the medic core or else the next time they need a bandage we can..... you know do stuff." Volt-Opt ended with a rather sadistic smile.

"So I'm a potential client huh? Well I'm not sure if I should be honored or something else."

"And what about you? What do you get out of this. Other than a crash pad for free medical assistance?"
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PostSubject: Re: A Bar and A Hot Place   A Bar and A Hot Place Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 7:56 pm

" To be straight with ya, You may want to be scared, Normally I don't offer till I see my benefits, but I hate family ruining scumbags a lot. Keep in mind If this was some kind of elaborate plan to off me, or your planing to sell me or do any of the sort that would get on my bad side. I'll make sure you'll watch your whole life burn to ash before you die an slow and very painful fate. (And from the way she saying it, she not bluffing.)
"Keep that in mind before you sign this contract." *pulls out an contract and pen placing it in front of volt.* "I'll help you get even with these noble man, I wouldn't leave till the job is done, as of what I get out of this you as the client must make the offer, Only requirements is that if it involved multiple of nights is a roof over my head, granted I probably don't need a place to sleep just a place to plan."
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