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 Just like a Storybook

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PostSubject: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 5:52 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

It's been many years since he has been in this area. From this distance he could just barely see the towering skyscapers of Manehattan. A gentle smile crossed his face as he shook his head and took off to the north. His destination wasn't Manehattan, rather there was something driving him north, was it a new story to tell? Who knows but his cutie mark can be quite convincing metaphorically speaking of course. He knew of a village that was located in this area. He's heard about it, but he's yet to actually visit it. A small, quaint village. What was it called again? Leading Trot. Yes, that was it's name.

There was a lot of farm lands in this area, so he was expecting a much elderly audience. "What story should I tell this time?" he'd asked himself as he trotted northward. Oh how he adored traveling, there was such a huge freedom about it, the wind in his mane, the earth beneath his heart-shaped hooves. To him this was the life.

He had arrived while it was still morning, though a bit closer to noon. He would calmly walk into the village. His sky-blue colored eyes gazing about, a gentle smile upon his androgynous face. There was a charm to a place like this and it put his heart as ease. Though his own appearance would be a bit striking in comparison too most, given his coat is quite bright, raspberry red, with his odd facial markings, and even a couple body scars as well. On top of that his height was a bit taller than a normal ponies, you could say his height fell somewhere near the height of Princess Cadance.

He would glance about, his puffy tail bouncing behind him as he took a calm and steady pace, spotting for the age differences in the area.

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 6:28 pm

For Civviq, it was just another day. She calmly walked through the village, on an errand for Granny Trot. New books had just come in, and she had collected them from the post office just now. Her yellow saddlebags were stuffed with new books, old books, second-hands and worn-down pockets that needed her help. She was going to patch them up, for sure.

She smiled happily, nodding greetings to the several ponies that were walking about this time of day, always getting smiles in return. Her blue-purple tail swayed happily with every step she made and she hummed quietly a little song she heard before. Strands of her yellow-orange mane sometimes got in her eyes, but she swiftly tucked them away with a purple hoof when it happened. Her glasses sometimes slid off her yellow muzzle as well – especially when it was pretty warm, like now – but she took no heed to that.

The weight of the books was a little much; she wasn’t the strongest unicorn around – a bit smaller than average, and a tiny bit heavier – It’s all fluff, of course – but she didn’t mind carrying them. After all, they were hers. And she absolutely adored books, that was for sure. And not just the books themselves – the smell of old paper and ink, the sound of paper rustling in your hooves when you quietly turned the page – but the stories they held as well. Time and time again she would get lost in the epic tales of the heroes and villains the books held, the worlds they showed and the secrets they hid.  

She grinned a little wider. She couldn’t wait to return to the library and fix them up so they can be read again. After all – it was what she did.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 7:00 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

He made mental notes as he moved along keeping track of the ponies he saw. Numbering in his head just how many older ponies were there in comparison to the young ponies. Though he was basing their ages all upon their appearance, so it wasn't an exact estimate, but usually it gave him a good judgement in the end of what he could do. Though he figured it would be best to get familiar with the scene first before starting up another one of his storytelling shows. Of course he'd also have to ask permission to do so as well. For now...he would just take in the sights and enjoy himself.

As he cruised about in town his eyes would eventually come across an irregularity. He had paused a moment to allow his sights to review what he just looked at. There was something that stuck out to him like a sore hoof. He will admit to just standing there, just a little off to the side of the road gazing at this particular mare.

He looked around to the other ponies in the area and then back to her. She had something they didn't, just what was it? It took him a moment before he realized it. She was carrying books...a lot of them, the bag she had looked quite full. Would it be a good idea for him to walk up too her and start a conversation? Maybe not, but he was going to do it anyway.

He would trot up after the mare coming to a steady pace when he come up alongside her. "Pardon me, madam. I couldn't help but notice the quantity of books you're carrying." he would give a gentle smile. "Would you like help in carrying some of those?"

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 7:24 pm

Civviq turned towards him, surprised. She came to a halt.
“Oh!” She looked at the raspberry red stallion that had approached her and smiled back.
“Uh, thank you, but, no,” she answered. “I can carry it on my own. But, thanks again.” She smiled softly.

She started to turn around, but she hesitated. She realized she had never really seen him before around these parts. Should she ask him where he’s from? Or should she just walk away…? She chuckled softly under her breath as she felt the silence lasted a bit too long for her liking. She took a deep breath and turned around to face him again.
“Well, uh… I don’t think I have seen you around here before,” she said, smiling sheepishly. “What’s your name?”

She winced a little – almost invisibly – and her mind raced towards the possibility of him already having been here before. Gosh, what awkward would that be. But she was fairly certain he was new here – she would’ve remembered him, she was sure of that. He looked… special. Different. She wondered who he was.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2015 7:58 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Heartstring came to a halt when she did and looked at her with a gentle gaze and nodded his head when she rejected his offer. "Very well." Right there he was planning to just let her go, but he tilted his head when he noticed she didn't immediately walk off. There was a hesitation in her step. His left ear twitch when she faced him once more.

He gave a light chuckle when she asked for his name. "Ah! That is correct, pardon my rudeness. My name is Heartstring." He would bow his head to her slightly. He didn't want to bow to low, because well he had a longer than average horn and getting one of those in the face wasn't exactly a welcomed thing.  

He'd lift his head after introducing himself. "I just arrived in the village today, if I may be so bold. What's your name?"

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 7:41 am

Civviq smiled, relieved that he took it well. "Heartstring." She gave a little nod back.
"My name is Civviq Writer. I work at the local library."
She nodded with her head towards the saddlebag with books. "I gotta bring these books there, actually," She grinned. "I'm going to fix them up until they're almost like new!"

Civviq chuckled. "But, enough about me. How about you? Where are you from?"
She hesitated. "Uh, if I may, of course." She smiled sheepishly.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 8:06 am

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

A librarian? Oh how lovely! The look on Heartstring's face seemed to brighten up. "Civviq Writer, well that's quite a nice name." he said kindly. He'd then listen to her questioned as he gazed upon her slightly more animated state. He gave a light chuckle. "Please let us walk and talk. I wouldn't want those books to weigh you down any longer." he stated as he insisted for her to walk and talk, but he would answer her question.

"I am from Manehatten." his answer short and simple. "Though where I am currently coming from is a different story. I've not been to Manehatten in years."

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 4:22 pm

Civviq smiled a bit as he complimented her. Then, she nodded and trotted up to Heartstring, leading the way. She had a slight spring in her step.
"Oh, what a coincidence! I'm originally from Manehatten too. I moved here because I just didn't feel at home in the city..." She slowed down a bit, reminiscing the past, but soon she'd walk on again at the same happy pace as before.

She turned around to look at him and smiled. "I take it you're a traveller, then... say, how did you find this village?" Civviq asked, curiously.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 6:44 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

A Manehattian here? Well he smiled at that thought that he met someone from his home city.He gave a light chuckle. It was kinda nice to know that he met someone who originally came from there as well. He had a moments look of concern when she had slowed down a bit, but smiled when she picked up her happy pace.

He much preferred positive emotions over negative emotions, but knew their importance. He would nod his head. "Something like that. I asked around for the location of this village. I knew of it's existence for a while, but i never knew exactly where it was located. I've been to many places, and I usually try to visit places I've never been to before."

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 6:55 am

Civviq nodded as she listenend to Hearstring's story.
"I see." She chuckled under her breath. "Yeah, we don't see many travellers around here."
She looked at him, curiously. "Say, have you ever been to the Chrystal Empire?" she asked, hopeful.
"I always dreamt to go there some day. See the Crystal Heart and all." she said, dreamily.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 5:10 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

He eyed her a moment before he gave a smirk and nodded his head. "I have it's quite the trip. It's west of here just Northwest of the Neighagra falls." He took note of her body language and how she sounded. "You should head there someday, it's quite a beautiful place. Structures crafted from crystals, reflecting the light in such a way that it seems to cast an almost permanent shimmer all over. Not only that but even the ponies themselves have this crystalline appearance."

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 8:01 pm

Civviq gasped softly. "You have?"
She listened intently to what he had to say and sighed. "Wow... I wish I could see it with my own eyes..." she said, dreamily. "It sounds so awesome. I don't have the money yet, though, but with what I earn at the library, I'll get there one day."

She walked on for a little while before she came to a halt in front of the local library. It wasn't a big building, but it stood out from the rest of the houses because of it. There was a field of grass around it where ponies would sit and read on a sunny day. The library itself was entirely made out of dark wood, unlike the surrounding stone buildings, so it gave offa nice homely air. The roof was made out of straw, and there were huge double doors that were almost always open, seemingly welcoming you in.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 8:14 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Heartstring nodded his head to her gasped question. He listened to her wish and smiled gently. "Well I hope you get to reach there in comfort someday, unlike me..." momentarily pausing as he lifted a hoof showing her the bottom of his hoof, unique note, his hoof shaped out a heart. "I had to take the really long way and hoof it." he chuckled soon after and put his hoof down.

It should also be noted Heartstring doesn't carry any bags, all he has with him are the cloths around his neck, the belt around his waist, and the neat little flower with a rainbow colored ribbon attached to his right ear.

When they arrived upon the library, Heartstring stopped in his tracks a moment to take in the scenery. He looked between the library and the other buildings and held a gentle smile. He rather enjoyed the fact of how warm and welcoming the library appeared. He'd walk up beside her. "This is the library?"

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 8:31 pm

Civviq looked at him sympathetically. "Wow, hoof it all the way...?" She looked at his heart-shaped hoof in wonder. "That's really far..."

When Heartstring walked up beside her, Civviq smiled and nodded. "Indeed it is... isn't it lovely?"

She took a few steps forward and then stopped to look back at Heartstring.
"Will you come in? Or do you have somewhere else to go?"

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 9:27 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Standing there beside her he gazed at the library with an almost wide-eyed wonder stare. As if her were excited to see just what was inside. "I'd love to come in." he answered her as his gaze shifted to her. "I don't have any place in particular to be. I usually visit places out of the blue." he'd follow Civviq inside the library. "Libraries are one of my favorite places to visit."

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2015 7:26 pm

Civviq chuckled as she saw him staring wide-eyed at the library. She nodded and walked into the library.

Inside, it was surprisingly light. There were magical lamps floating in the air like fireflies, giving off a soft yellow, but clear light, perfect to read with, and on top of that, not harmful for the books. The books were all stored in hardwood bookshelves, rows upon rows ahead. Most of the walls were covered, as well as the space in front of that. Some easy chairs and desks were spread through the library, with each a floating magical light to light it better.

There was a path cleared on their left, for there was a desk that was currently occupied by an elderly, parchment-brown, unicorn mare with a silvery white mane that hung limply over her shoulders. The one feature that really caught one’s eye were her eyes, that despite her age still shone as if she were decades younger. She smiled brightly nodded slightly towards the two unicorns that had entered the library.

As Civviq grinned and nodded back, she stood up and slowly walked through the door behind her to the back, where their living quarters were. After all, it was time for her afternoon nap. Civviq would handle the library while she was away.

Civviq magically lifted the heavy saddlebags from her back and put it on the desk. She quickly slid behind the desk, opposite of Heartstring.
“There we go.” One by one, she brought out the books she’d picked up and put them all down on a pile. Some looked pretty good, others were old, and so battered that it’d be better if they were just thrown away. Of course, that was exactly the opposite of what Civviq was going to do.

Civviq smiled and looked back at Heartstring. “Well then, why don’t you take a look around? See if you find anything worth reading.” She chuckled softly. “We don’t have much, but what we do have, is pretty good, or so I say.” She nodded with her head towards the books, looking at them proudly. “I have some books I need to take care of.”
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 12:54 am

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

It was a fairly simple and homey Library nothing out of the ordinary, well maybe except the floating lamps, but that was a cute touch. Heartstring smiled as her surveyed it. He shifted his glance towards the elderly mare and his bowed his head to her when she nodded to him. He shifted his glance towards Civviq who then moved to replace the elderly mare.

He watched as Civviq went to work with the pulls magically pulling them from the bag one at a time. His eyes looking over each book. He took her offer. "Hmm...you know I'll do just that. It's been quite a long time since I've last been to a library." He would bow his head a moment to Civviq and then turned to look toward's the bookshelves. He wondered where should he begin, so many books, and not all the time in the world to read them all. So he had to make his choice. For now though he would walk calmly toward's the books and through the aisles and he looked over the books seeing if there was anything in particular that caught his eye.

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 2:53 pm

Civviq chuckled as she watched Heartstring wander through the library, and was glad that he was at least enjoying his time here. She brought her focus back to the books in front of her and started tending to them. She started with the worst first.

It was a very old, battered tome about some ancient spells. It was hoof-written and there were several interesting diagrams drawn in. Not really a light read, but at first glance it had some interesting information about how the sorcerers of old used the spells and their look on them.

The book had taken a lot of damage - water damage, a couple of coffe stains, half-torn pages, folded upper corners and crumpled-up paper. Oh, and let’s not forget the loose pages. It was a miracle no pages were lost. She checked. Of course, there was the matter of the binding too, as well as the cover. The letters on the cover were nearly unreadable, worn away by age, among other things.

She sighed and got to work, lighting up her horn. This one would take the most work, but it’d be worth it, she thought. The first spell lifted up the book in a glowing, yellow light.

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 8:11 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Heartstring casually strode through the library stopping every so often to look at a book, his horn, eyes and facial markings lighting up a sky blue whenever he grabbed a book to look at and read it's description.

There was a small selection of books in comparison to bigger city library's, but it didn't mean it was a bad selection. There were still some interesting books. Heartstring first went through the non-fiction section, though he didn't stay there too long before he moved over to the fiction section, particularly the fantasy section. In the midst of him looking at a book, he felt the magical energy that came from Civviq and he turned his head in her direction. He'd place the book back onto the shelf and he'd peek through the spacing's of the book to see Civviq at work.

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeFri Jun 05, 2015 6:53 am

First, Civviq thought, the cover. After all, what good is a book without its cover? The feeble leather lit up in her horn's glow and, with a lot of effort and concentration, the faded letters were slowly restored to their former glory and the weak leather was strenghtened again. The stains stayed, however, but she had a different spell for that. She looked at the result while she paused a little to gather her strenght. 'Historica Magica', the cover read. Now her curiosity was piqued, but before she could read, she had to finish repairing it.

She lit up her horn for the second spell, this time to repair the torn pages in the book. First, she would go to the page that was torn out and she'd try to fit the page in the space it was torn from. Once she found it fitted, she'd lit up her horn and try and 'fuse' the pages together. She had yet to perfect the spell, but for now it was almost seamless. Only a slight yellowish line would show where the pages were stuck together, but that would fade over time as well. Same went for the tears in the paper.

Missing corners, however, were another story. Missing corners were the result of bending the corners too much, to mark which page you were, and eventually the fold became too deep and the corner would just fall off. While she took a short break from spell-casting, she stood up and went to the back to fetch some spare paper that'd fit to replace the missing corners.
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 7:51 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

His interest piqued as he watched from the spacing's of the books from the aisle he stood in. In his mind he pondered the kind of spell she was using and watched carefully, from what he could notice at a distance, and noticed the difference of the cover from when she started till now. Is she repairing them? he thought to himself. A smile growing upon his face the longer he watched this little peek at Civviq's ability.

It was fascinating to see such an ability in action. Well at least he himself hasn't seen such an ability while traveling around Equestria, then again he never came across a place that fixed things like this in public. When she want to the back, Heartstring would walk back up to the front desk and he looked closely upon the book, he didn't touch it, just looked at it from where it laid. "My that is some powerful magic." he whispered to himself in fascination.

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 4:05 pm

Civviq returned with a piece of paper that would do. It was almost like the page of the book itself, just the right texture. Sure, it’d still show, as well as the cracks her magic would leave, but it’s better than nothing. She held the pieces in her magic as she walked through the door into the library. Then, she looked up and noticed Heartstring. She smiled. “Found anything yet?” she asked.

She sat down behind the desk and picked up the book with her magic again, but she hesitated before using the spells. She didn’t want to be rude and ignore him while she cast them. It would take up all her concentration and attention, and she didn’t want him to feel offended. Meanwhile, she looked up the pages with the missing corners and marked them by putting a sheet of paper between the pages, letting it stick out a bit from above, so she would be able to find them back easily.

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 2:11 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Civviq had returned and Heartstring would shake his head to her question. "Ah, no nothing of particular interest on the shelves stuck out to me. Though I do have a question, well a request, this may seem a bit odd kind of place so please don't take it the wrong way." He would look around the library a moment to see if there were other ponies inside before settling his gaze back toward's Civviq. "How often do children come around here? I'm a travelling storyteller you see and I often visit various places to tell all sorts of stories, so I was wondering, if there is an abundance of ponies that gather here at a specific time of sorts, if I may perform a telling?"

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Civviq Writer

Civviq Writer

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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 6:25 pm

Civviq's eyes widened and she could barely suppress a gasp. "A... travelling storyteller?" she said, amazed. She smiled, trying to hide her excitement to not creep Heartstring out. Of course, this didn't really work. "Oh, that's amazing!" she said, grinning slightly. "I love stories!"

Then, Civviq put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Well, mostly, you'll find a lot of ponies in the market in the town square, mostly in the afternoon. However, the school fillies and colts will be off playing on the school grounds..." She hummed, thinking. "But if there's a big event, most ponies will gather on the meadow just outside of town..." She nodded to herself. "Yes... this is a small town, word spreads quickly. They would like something like this. When can you tell?"
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PostSubject: Re: Just like a Storybook   Just like a Storybook Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2015 7:32 pm

Just like a Storybook Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

To say the least her reaction was not expected and Heartstring took a single half-step back in his surprise. It took him less then a second to process it and then accept it as he took a half-step foreword and smiled and nodded his head. He'd tap his hoof on his chin as he considered what was told. "Not immediately, maybe a little later in the day. I still would like to have a good look around the place and get a feel for the ponies here." he'd bring his hoof back down to the ground and smile at Civviq. "I'd presume most of the ponies here would be working about this time, so later in the day would be best, correct?

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