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 National Identity

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Star Sentinel
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 10:58 pm

Updated Maps
National Identity Map3_by_erebus566-d8xbpg9
National Identity Nation_stats_by_erebus566-d8xbpd4

The Mistypeak Trade Conglomerate:


The Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

Lunar Republican Governance:


The Gallentine Republic:



New Pegasopolis:


World Issue:

Nothing in terms of International conflicts, or telegrams.

Equus Union:

As Glacia is the only member at the moment, the EU essentially doesn't exist. It is up to Glacia to induct new members into the Union, by whatever means it deems proper.

Last edited by Sharp on Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2014-03-20
Age : 28

National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 11:41 pm

Issue response:In regards to the problem of the ever increasing population of Eternia, as well as its rather infantile land, the Prime Minister Paladin Amor, as well as his cabinet of ministers, has decided upon the construction of a new artifical island city. Further, given the displacement caused by the lack of natural land, he has requested aid from Glacia, in exchange for the temporary use of their larger cargo vessels.
World Issue response:The Prime Minister maintained his defensive stance, quite happy with the world peace.
Equus Union Interaction: Wishing to maintain the peace enjoyed by its citizens, the Government of Eternia has sent a request to join the EU.
Telegrams: To the nation of the Imperial Utopia of Glacia: To my old friend, I am inquiring if the nation of Eternia is able to rely upon its stalwart ally once again. Due to our relatively tiny nation, we were wondering if we could send some of our citizens to one of Glacia's cities temporarily, until a new floating island can be completed. In exchange, we will divert some of our larger cargo ships, for you to use as necessary until the Island is complete.
Non-Issue-Internal-Action: There have been no major policy changes or actions regarding anything other than the issue.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 11:46 pm

Throughout the foggy streets of The Silver Square, disgruntled murmurs are heard regarding the latest controversy. Mistypeak was a city of trade, and with that came gossip.
"did you hear-?" "Yes, of course!" "I heard they already made a decision!" "Oh? What was it?" "well I'm not telling you for any less than 30 pence!" "You cheek!" "It's over nine thousand!" "I hear they've given the author her weight in gold!" "Well I hear the strung her up!" "No! Surely not!"
Many citizens believed that the conference room of The Six Who Are One, the rulers of Mistypeak, is a darkened audience chamber with six ebony thrones and silver plated flooring. In reality, this is the audience chamber.
The meeting chamber is a rainbow colored, fur rugged living room with an adjacent kitchen and various fluffy couches, chairs, and lounges strewn about the place.
"So! This latest issue eh?" "Did we not already legalize same sex adoption? And herd adoption, for that matter? I could've sworn we did when we legalized homosexual marriage and herd marriage..." "It may have gotten lost or one of the clerks was a prude. Who cares? We'll make the proclamation, and I'll drown anyone who tries to make a fuss over it.! Easy peasy!" "We can't just drown everyone! Think of the chaos! I'd be so lucid I could run this country myself!... Still, I'm with horns. We intended for this to be legal long ago, and I for #*##%%*#%* am embarrassed we didn't!" "How did we manage to just up and forget to legalize this?!" "Well we did, and the only thing for it now is to fix that mistake. Get your seals everyone, and I'll pin it to the wall. Whoever hits farthest from the line has to cook dinner tonight!"
And so, the Oligarchy officially legalized adoption by homosexual couples, and restated the legality of same sex and herd marriages.
Equus Union Interaction: Mistypeaks has sent as request to join EU.
World Issue Response: Peace is nice!
Telegrams: Lunar Republic Governance: We wish to extend an offer of trade. Magitech goods for raw materials. We advise you come to the meeting table sooner rather than later.
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 12:12 am

Issue Response

Speaker of the Congress Keen Edge, after consultation with her staff and the Justice Ministry, calls a press conference a week to the day that the discovery of the wrongful execution of Literary Innocence and gives a statement, reflecting the government's intended response to the news and calls for the suspension of the death penalty:

The Lunar Republican Congress has been deeply grieved to learn of the death of an innocent citizen by the hoof of the state, and I personally wish to offer my deepest condolences to the family of the victim of this miscarriage of justice. Literary Innocence was wrongfully placed on death row and wrongfully executed for crimes of which she was demonstrably innocent; never has the sentiment that it would be better for a hundred guilty to go free than an innocent be convicted been more starkly and painfully true than now. It goes without saying that the Governance will pay all funeral expenses and make financial compensation should the family wish it. But while our system of justice has clearly stumbled in this instance and has done a terrible thing, there are clearly cases for which capital punishment is appropriate to see to the proper administration of justice. As such, abolishing capital punishment entirely and in all instances would be inappropriate, at least for the time being. In keeping this option, however, this tragedy makes it clear that careful examination of Literary Innocence's case is indispensable, and this inquiry has already begun by an inquest panel composed of the legal experts composing the Capital Punishment section of the Justice Ministry and members of the Innocence Project organization. I beg the patience of Innocence's family and of those asking that the government abolish the death penalty; such an inquest must be detailed, must be thorough, and must be given time to learn the entire truth of the matter. When the inquest is complete, its results will be made fully and freely available, although names must be redacted so that if errors were made, those who have made these errors can be dealt with justly without public outcry or legal retaliation clouding the issue.
While this inquest is proceeding, I have requested that the Congress form a temporary subcommittee, with the option of said subcommittee being made permanent if appropriate, to examine the entire legal process of applying the death penalty with an eye towards giving those so convicted greater access to the extent of the evidence against them, lengthening the process between conviction and execution by one year, and free access to investigative tools such as DNA to minimize the prospect of a repeat of Literary Innocence's fate. Depending on the results of the inquest, the scope of this subcommittee may be expanded to consider the entire legal scope of Literary's movement through the justice system, up to and including the intervention of law enforcement, the grand jury system, and the office of the prosecutor. I wish to emphasize that contemplating this expansion in no way reflects the belief of the government that these institutions acted wrongly, but we feel that we would be negligent to ignore the possibility however remote.
We feel that these two actions, an inquest into the tragedy itself and a formalized response to consider reforms in an effort to prevent a repetition, will permit the continued and necessary operation of capital punishment while reflecting our determination to do everything in our power to avoid the conviction and judicial murder of the innocent through a punishment designed for naught but the worst monsters. Thank you.

World Issue Response

The Lunar Republican Governance remains at peace and has no intention of aggressive or unfriendly policies towards its neighbors or any world nation.

Equus Union Interaction

The Lunar Republican Governance remains committed to respecting the wishes desires of the international community. However, it feels that there is at present no reason to join any manner of formal international organization whose decisions may be binding upon it.


TO: Star Sentinel et al of the Heroarchy of Nocturnia
As part of our monitoring of near-planetary events due to our ongoing construction of a geosynchronous orbital facility, we have taken note of the current state of your orbital mission. As part of our commitment to the safety of our cosmonauts during this construction work, we maintain enough emergency return vehicles to service our construction crews twice over for the purposes of redundancy. I have consulted my Minister of Extraterrestial Programs and he has told me that it should be possible to launch a mission to the platform under construction and then attempt to synchronize orbits with your space shuttle in an effort to deliver enough ERVs for the shuttle's crew. Alternatively, assuming sufficient fuel, we may be able to grapple the craft and guide it into orbital interception of our platform at which point the situation can be further assessed.
Respectfully Yours
Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

TO: The Ladies and Lord of the Mistypeak Trade Conglomerate
We would be delighted to forge a trade agreement with you under terms approximate to those of the offer in your telegram. It is our hope that integration of the science of magitec into our more terrestrial sciences will open up even more opportunities for cooperation and trade between our nations in the future.
Respectfully Yours
Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance


Domestic policies will continue as currently constituted, with the exceptions as noted in response to the tragedy of Literary Innocence.

Last edited by DualThrone on Thu May 21, 2015 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 1:06 am

Issue Response: The leaders of Nocturnia have decided they will trust the LRG to bring back the crew on the SS Star Fish back safely. They will also do their best to calm down the families of the crew. In the meantime, they will look into what happened with the ship and hope they find out what their problem was.

World Issue Response: Nocturnia enjoys peace and would like to keep it that way, but they will keep their defenses held up high and prepared.

Equus Union Interaction: Nocturnia does not wish to join the EU at this moment in time. But they will think about wanting to join some time soon, maybe.

Telegrams: To the NRG: We, the leaders of Nocturnia, appreciate the offer to help. We can supply you with the fuel you need to guide the ship into orbital interception with your platform. Do keep in mind that the lives of the crew on that ship are at stake. We are trusting you to bring them back to their homes and family safely. We would also like the assess what happened to the ship and hope we can fix it for next time.
Star Sentinel of Nocturnia

Non-Issue-Internal-Action: All is going by normally. Nothing is to be changed.
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 8:39 am

Issue Response: After conducting a survey over the incomes of the populace, a national minimum wage is being implemented.
Also being put into effect is an additional policy to where employer's who face trouble maintaining this minimum wage pay rate can receive monitored government support.

World Issue Response: Lavinya is certainly in favor of peace and would like to see it kept.

Equus Union Interaction: Lavinya will send a telegram stating it'd be honored to join the EU

Telegrams: None are being sent out at this moment.

Non-Issue-Internal-Action: 2% of Government spending is being diverted from Administration towards a special project widely agreed upon and accepted by the majority of administration.
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 10:16 am

Issue Response

By royal decision, the offer from the Republic of Eternia has been accepted; the trading city of Lequa, in the Divine Sea zone, has been designated as the temporary housing city. The cargo ships from Eternia will be put into immediate use as ferries.

Additionally, the Air Force Dreadnoughts Praetorian, Judicator and Hypersonic will be diverted from homeland capital garrison to act as backup ferries. The less sensitive areas of the Dreadnoughts will be adapted for ferrying purposes, and security on board the three vessels will be increased.

World Issue Response

The Imperial Utopia of Glacia reaffirms its stance on world peace and harmony, though it would like to state that this does not indicate apathy and inactivity in the face of serious global issues.

Equus Union Interaction

As the current Host of the Union, Glacia is honoured to welcome our new members, Eternia, Lavinya, and Mistypeaks, into the Union. Ambassadorial representatives will be received at the host city of Partia with all due haste. Glacia will be represented by Delegate von Kafka in the Equus Union.


Telegram to: Leader Star Sentinel of the Heroarchy of Nocturnia, Queen Aurora of Kingdom of New Pegasopolis, and Prime Minister Paladin Amor of the Republic of Eternia:

Telegram to: Prime Minister Amor of the Republic of Eternia:

Telegram to: Lady Scarlet Writ of the Federation of Lavinya:

Telegram to: Lady Scarlet Writ of the Federation of Lavinya, Prime Minister Amor of the Republic of Eternia, and the Lady of the Feathered Bastions of the Mistypeaks Trade Conglomerate:

Telegram to: Ser Dedan Cardine of the Gallentine Republic:

Telegram to: The Lady of the Feathered Bastions of the Mistypeaks Trade Conglomerate:

Telegram to: Her Majestically Glorious Esteemed Premier Accentria, the Undyingly Undeniably Magnificent and Great of the Eternal Ultimate Democratic People’s Republic of Accenture:

{PRIVATE} Telegram to: Prime Minister Paladin Amor of the Republic of Eternia

Non-Issue Internal Action
The bit is officially recognised as legal tender in Glacia, and the value of the Icee will be pegged to the bit, effective by next month.

Last edited by Ician on Thu May 21, 2015 12:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 10:30 am

Issue response: When Queen Aurora got word that a crazy cult that worships a holy butt was asking for pony sacrifices, she burst out laughing. “Hahahaha! They can’t be serious? Is this a joke? Fallen Shard, is this payback for booby-trapping your cake last spring?” After it was confirmed this was a thing and the request was serious, she sighed. She had a batch of cookies baked and wrote a letter to the leader of the cult.

Dear Leader of the Order of Buttz,

Our nation does not approve of ritualistic sacrifices of living ponies to holy butts. If I catch word that you are doing such sacrifices, there will be consequences. Instead of pony, I am offering cookies to give to your holy ass instead. If these are not accepted, too bad. Do not ask for a sacrifice again.

Queen Aurora of New Pegasopolis

The letter and cookies were then shipped to the cult leader, with explicit instructions to the mailmare to “not get too close, or you might be sacrificed to a butt.”

World Issue response: Peace is good. We like peace. We keep peace.

Equus Union Interaction: Aurora looked over the news about the EU. Her advisors are quite mixed on the subject, and urge her to not make a decision just yet. For now, New Pegasopolis is not joining the EU.

To The Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

Non-Issue Internal Action: Nothing new to report here.
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 11:28 pm

National Issue: "We Like Living"
"Well this seems to have been quite the inventive lot. No one's tried rock-based delivery systems for quite a while." a certain unicorn mused to himself, reclining in a comfortable little padded seat. He held this new object of interest up in his magic, eyes scanning over it as he grinned. "Most attempts did end with the message completely destroyed, either by the rock breaking, or the paper just disintegrating on impact. Even if we got the paper to survive, the ink tended to get messed up. But these lads, these lads got it working just right. Just enough force to reach the destination, and not so much that the message is still legible. They must have spent a lot of time figuring this out. Much less, the shot a rock at me, personally, and that's the sort of thing those democratically-elected-leader-things have been telling me is a good sign. They're too far away to get a message to though...hmm...I'll just have to issue a proclamation then."

And so it was that Lord Faye made his stance on improving the lives of his people known. Fliers were to be sent to every corner of Hydrargyria:

Hear ye, hear ye
His Highness Lord Faye would like to graciously reward all those who deemed it necessary to shoot a rock through his window. They are to be commended for achieving a once-thought impossible deed, and for their bravorism in the face of what many have called "an absolute tyranny".
The first ten ponies to report to His Lordship's doorstep and make a claim of their involvement are to be given their righteously-earned rewards.
His Splendid Majesty, He of the Moonwater, Sol Invictus, Lord Faye.
World Issue: "An Excess of Peace"
Hydrargyria, as always, is in support of a healthy amount of peace; this news, however, has been cause for an investigation into what exactly is the proper amount of peas the world should have at any one time. The investigation is also set to discover what, in the lack of peas, the world should have. Hypotheses have included carrots, beans, and walnuts, though some very radical ideas have been heard, such as radishes, apples, and canned tuna.
One pony was dunked in a pool of water late last night to see if he was actually a witch, after he suggested that perhaps the world needed more canned swordfish. As all citizens of Hydrargyria know, eating canned swordfish is strongly discouraged by His Majesty. He instead suggests that citizens should enjoy their swordfish fresh and that they do not need that much tin in their diets anyway.

Equus Union
The formal invitation to the Equus Union sits undisturbed on Lord Faye's desk as almost all paperwork is. Multiple responses have been drafted, but His Majesty is unsure of his willingness to join such a group at the moment, if the only opportunity to propose legislation is during one's turn at hosting. Certain affairs will have to be dealt with before the invitation can be given any attention.

To the Lord and Ladies of Mistypeak:

Internal Affairs
Resources have just been set aside to set up some magically-shielded "safe zones" in Hydargyria to foster diplomatic representation within the country's borders. This is supposed to be a show of good faith, and should speed up communications somewhat, if only because it's hard for Hydrargyrian embassies to exist outside of the country.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2015 6:45 am

Issue Response
The king has responded to this issue amongst the artists of the nation by giving them funding that comes from the mercenary groups who appreciate such things - a surprisingly high amount. King Brutus also commissioned a piece from the greatest of the artists. The piece is called "The King and His Coffers".

World Issue Response
As the world is currently free of conflict for the most part, mercenaries from the land of Minotauros have hired themselves to various duties that suit their occupation - bouncers, extortion racket thugs, bodyguards - as a result their pay is not nearly as big but for now they're managing.

Equus Union Interaction
As a mostly non-pony nation, Minotauros has not had much interest in the affairs of the EU. However, hopes for information gathering and potential clients have resulted in the King requesting membership, with great weight being laid on the fact that should there be war where Minotauros mercenaries are involved, they are to be treated as members of whatever nation they were hired by.

To the Leader of Nocturnia, Star Sentinel:

Internal Affairs
The king has commissioned a fleet of transport ships and has also informed the people that griffon marines have been underappreciated as of late and that all new and old griffon marines who join the king's mercenary forces will recieve double pay for the next 3 months! Recruitment centres are bursting with hopefuls who wish to make some cash.
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Location : Sherwood, OR

National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2015 10:00 pm

Non-Issue Internal Action -- Mercy Mission

Governance Emergency Return Vehicle E.R.V. Beta-Nine
Stellar Venture, Commanding: Welcome aboard, folks. I'm Captain Stellar Venture and I'll be running your shuttle back to friends and family. Hope your stomachs are settled from the grapple; that got pretty exciting for the first hour or so. Sorry you have to leave Star Fish up here but it's that or piss away all the bits you spent to build the thing. We have every intention of landing her safe and sound later, but first we have to fix some things and rig up a hardened remote assembly to guide it in without putting any more ponies at risk. Check your straps while I whistle up home and get a go.
Selune Base, this is Beta-Nine, approaching alignment with Governance territory for return trajectory. I am carrying half of the Nocturnian crew, Charlie-Three following with the rest. How read, over?

Selune Extraterrestrial Mission and Aerial Command Center
Selune reads high cirrus clouds with low moisture content. Weather clear over 75% with a heavy fog in the arctic reaches. Recommend anaerobic burn at atmosphere to confine landing zone to northern waters. R&R on zone standby, over.

0:0:0:0 Beta-Nine copies. Releasing clamps and commencing entry burn. Charlie-Three to follow in two.

0:0:6:22 Trinary coverage is nominal, Beta-Nine. Anaerobic standard insertion with aerobic option and drogue.
0:0:31:51 "All personnel on hand, this is an SOP Red Alert for ERV incoming with second ERV trailing. Release and burn is minus-T thirty seconds, tracking stations report that elevation is seventy thousand metric with nominal tick-down."
0:0:36:11 "Altitude is sixty thousand, confirming nominal tick-down of 1500 metric. "
0:0:37:39 "Stratospheric entry is... marked. Beta-Nine is dark
0:0:39:44 "Thermal bloom indicates that anaerobic retrorockets are firing. Tick-down dropping by 100 metric per sierra."
0:0:42:87 "Altitude is fifty-thousand metric."
0:0:55:28 "Secondary bloom. Trajectory is now rocks and shoals, moving north-northwest."
0:1:12:52 "Tick-down is now 600 metric."
0:1:12:92 "Altitude is forty-thousand metric."
0:1:13:69 "Thermal bloom fading. Hotel-Alpha confirms blow-free of anaerobic and tertiary drogue."
0:1:18:06 "Hotel-Alpha confirming secondary drogue deployment."
0:1:18:98 "Altitude is thirty-five thousand metric."
0:1:35:37 Beta-Nine, this is Selune Base, callback.

0:1:39:79 Beta-Nine. Heat shield intact, nominal instrument.
The first hard part's over, colts and fillies. Drogue chutes will be dropping us to a nice sweet hundred or so meters per second and then we put out the safety silk. I'll give you the word to brace for impact but we're sailing into the water so we're not going to hit much of anything. Knock on wood, but I think you'll be safe and sound in a half hour or so.

0:1:45:49 (Light applause in background) Heat shield intact, nominal instrument, aye. We're shifting you over to afloat monitoring for final descent and retrieval.
0:1:58:55 Charlie-Three, status?

Governance Emergency Return Vehicle E.R.V. Charlie-Three
Night Light, Commanding: Time to go home. Foreign friends, meet the Mark Fifteen Emergency Return Vehicle which is going to crash gloriously and get you home without a scratch on you. Ain't expendable metal the cat's meow?
0:2:00:13 This is Charlie-Three, all systems green. Redundancies glowing like emeralds. Copied whatcha gave to Venture. Blowing free and coming home.

0:2:02:16 Charlie-Three, be advised of eastern drift of thick cirrus and northeast bluster.
0:2:08:19 Charlie-Three, confirm advisement.
0:2:11:21 "Altitude is sixty thousand metric. Tick-down is 1300 metric."
0:2:12:45 "Bloom indicates early anaerobic burn."
0:2:14:57 "Uneven bloom. Charlie-Three is dark."
0:2:18:77 "Branching blooms."
0:2:21:88 "Altitude is forty-six metric. Tick-down is 1000 metric."
0:2:25:10 "Bloom flare, secondary blooms. Tick-down dropping by 200 metric per sierra."
0:2:31:15 "Hotel-Alpha is negative. Repeat, Hotel-Alpha is not responding."
0:2:32:17 "Trajectory is hard shoals, no drift."
0:2:43:31 "Tick-down is 200 metric."
0:3:01:45 "Altitude is fifteen thousand metric."
0:3:09:55 "Detail tracking indicates deployment of tertiary silk."
0:3:15:78 Charlie-Three, this is Selune...

0:3:18:99 Hi guys. Enjoying your heart attacks down there?

0:3:23:62 Charlie-Three, what the buck?
0:3:24:77 "Altitude is five kilos, tick-down fifty meters per sierra."

0:3:24:91 Redundancies went completely to shit. Hotel-Alpha got heat-stripped. But I'm the best, and engineers are paranoid buckers so we're sailing smooth. Got us a ride?

0:3:35:48 "R&R is reporting visual confirmation of intact touchdown Beta-Nine."
0:3:37:43 "R&R tracking reports safe touchdown of Charlie-Three."
0:3:55:12 Charlie-Three, R&R is on its way. Pop your coupling for aerial lift.

Popping coupling. I've always wanted to be a sailor mare.
Hold your applause, I know I'm awesome. But that's just the icing on the cake. You can bet I'll be glued to the tube watching your families mass-glomp the lot of you. Toldja the Mark Fifteen crashed gloriously and got you home safe. Let's hear it for the nerd squad and their rampant paranoia about possible equipment failures. Wish I had a good cigar...

And we're sailing like champions. Thanks for flying Governance Space Rescue and hug your loved ones extra tight for me. It's an honor to help some fellow space ponies out of a jam, and I hope to see y'all back upstairs in better circumstances.

Last edited by DualThrone on Tue May 26, 2015 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2015 11:46 pm

Issue: 'That's probably not healthy...'
Ser Dedan sat behind his desk, glancing his computer occasionally. He was of a red coloration with purple mane, and decided that today was the day to wear a dark grey suit. Two letters sat on his desk, one from the Imperal Utopia of Glacia, and one from the newly formed EU, dreading the political can of worms each one presented. His claws trembled as he grabbed the letter opener, the Derrende Combat Rig he was wearing under his clothes reving as it shoved a handgun out of one of his sleeves and knocking the letter opener away. "Daft frakking system...I can't believe I have to wear this stupid thing..."

The letter opener hit the moth pony who opened the door, the President of the Voices holding a letter between her antennae and frowning when she saw his handgun. She wore a dark brown suit that matched her coloration of a tan coat and brown mane, tail and wings. "Ser Cardine, I implore you to put your gun away." She walked over and placed the letter on his desk. "Emergency directive from the EPD, large mercury leak."

Ser Cardine sighed, the handgun sheathing itself back into his sleeve, and he picked up a second letter opener, opening it up and reading it over. He sighed, looking at her. "Well Ms. President, direct a quarter of a million drachens their way and send them to investigate." He eagerly awaited the explanation and solution to the problem as the President of the Voices left.

World Issue Response:
Ser Dedan turned to his computer, clicking over to the 'world news' section of the news website he was on. He looked over the latest article; 'More Problems with Nocturnia's ships: Can they save their brave, space faring ponies?' He sighed, turning away, knowing he had no way to help them.

Equus Union Interaction:
He opened the letter from the EU, and read it over, shrugging a bit, placing his name in the 'To be delegated pile' and sighing at the amount of beruacracy needed for that one. "Bloody system...it's for the best, but it can take time on things that aren't directly important to the nation in the now..." He said to no one in particular.

He finally got to the letter from the Imperial Utopia of Glacia, opening it with his letter opener and readin the letter inside. He smiled. "Finally! Something under my jurisdiction!" He immediately began making a telegram to Empress Ciergey. He also had two other nations in mind for an alliance.

Telegram to Empress Ciergy of theImperial Utopia of Glacia:

To The Lady of the Feathered Bastions of the Mistypeaks Trade Conglomerate and Speaker of the Congress Keen Edge of the Lunar Republic Governance:

Internal Affairs: Dedan finished making the telegrams out, and checked the time. "And it's time to oversee this year's graduation from the military academy." He put on his overcoat that designated him as the Head of the Republic, and departed from his office, heading down to his car while flanked on each side by security ponies. When inside, they departed to the Capitol Military Academy for Gifted Ponies to attend and oversee the graduation.
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 1:11 am


TO: Ser Dedan Cerdine of the Gallentine Republic
Your proposal has significant merit and constitutes a significant potential advancement towards our national goals, especially that of advancement of our extraterrestrial scientific and engineering programs. I feel that the members of your proposed alliance ought to hold a conference at the earliest possible convenience to discuss precise terms and the precise mechanics of our mutual cooperation. I hardly need to tell you that a major equestritarian achievement like the aiding of Nocturnia's stranded astronauts greatly empowers a new administration, and I anticipate highly favorable political dividends from a sympathetic and emphatic response to the tragic state murder of Literary Innocence. I happily await further communication on this matter from you.
Keen Edge, Speaker of the Congress, Lunar Republican Governance
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 2:08 am

To Ser Dedan Cerdine of the Gallentine Republic
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 4:06 am


The Mistypeak Trade Conglomerate:

Lunar Republican Governance:



The Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

New Pegasopolis:


Minotauros :

The Gallentine Republic:

From this point on it's one post per gm post.
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 5:16 am

Issue Response

Speaker of the Congress Keen Edge, in response to a question from a reporter at her daily press briefing:

"The Governance stands willing to entertain minor alterations to the present laws concerning the disposition and occupation rights of citizens who follow a nomadic lifestyle. We will add a provision to the present law requiring that the property owner who wishes nomads to vacate his land give notice to the nomads no less than twenty-four hours in advance of using legal means to force them to vacate the premises. Nomads who wish to occupy private property must give notice to the owner in advance of actual occupation; if at this point the occupation is refused, the nomads in question will be considered trespassing. We will alter the provision specifying that the property owner is entitled to just compensation for any damage or consumption that accrues during the occupation of the nomads to specify that the period during which compensation can be assessed will extend from the time of entrance to the time of exit. Beyond these changes to the law, we strongly encourage both sides to be reasonable, generous, and respectful of each other. Private property owners worked for what they own and that should be respected. Nomads are fellow citizens and equals who have chosen a lifestyle that may be unusual, but by no means deprives them of any hold on the good graces of other citizens." Keen Edge leans over the podium and grins widely, showing off very white and well cared-for fangs. "In other words, be polite to one another. It costs you nothing but breath and can buy you as much as your life. I promise you that if the government is forced to divert its energies from critical matters to adjudicate petty squabbling, both sides will come away very unhappy." She then leans back from the podium and smiles brightly, practically radiating pleasantness. "Next question, please."

World Issue Response

The Lunar Republican Governance remains at peace and has no intention of aggressive or unfriendly policies towards its neighbors or any world nation.

Equus Union Interaction

The Lunar Republican Governance remains committed to respecting the wishes and desires of the international community. However, it feels that there is at present no reason to join any manner of formal international organization whose decisions may be binding upon it.


In Reply to Telegram on May 26
TO: Star Sentinel, Heroarchy of Nocturnia
Every life is precious, and I'm glad my nation was in a position to return your citizens to their families. As soon as we're able, we'll bring the Star Fish out of orbit and return it to you but at present, we feel unable to do this safely before the cause of the malfunction is known. I hope we'll be able to work together in the future on extraterrestrial matters but in the meantime, I wish to offer full access to the engineering specifications of the technologies we currently use, in case they'll contribute to the safety and effectiveness of your own program.
Best Regards,
Speaker of Congress Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

In Reply to Telegram on May 29
TO: Empress Ciergey Sergla, Imperial Utopia of Glacia
We would be delighted to exchange embassies with you, Your Imperial Highness. If you wish, we could facilitate construction of an appropriately secured embassy compound for your ambassadors prior to their arrival, although we certainly understand if you would prefer to undertake this yourself in the interest of security, cultural concerns, etc. What do you feel would be an appropriate level of military guard for our own ambassadorial staff on your soil?
Best Regards,
Speaker of Congress Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

In Reply to Telegram on June 1
TO: Empress Ciergey Sergia, Imperial Utopia of Glacia
In that case, we'll commence construction of a secure embassy for you immediately. When all is in preparation, we'll inform you. Ambassador Matchstick and her staff with protective detail will be arriving within the month, assuming there's a place available for them at that time.
Best Regards,
Speaker of Congress Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

Non-Issue Internal Action

The Congressional subcommittee formed in response to the tragic execution of Literary Innocence has returned an initial set of recommendations for reform of the process of applying the death penalty. Except for the recommendation of requiring multiple layers of appeals before the convict is remitted to death row, the Justice Ministry implements all of these.

The inquest panel's initial report has concluded that over-reliance on eyewitness testimony and a flawed police identification procedure arising from eyewitnesses of dubious credibility were a major factor in Literary's initial conviction. Further investigative details will be forthcoming as they're discovered. This initial finding has triggered a federal bar examination of the primary prosecutor that will be independent of the Justice Ministry inquest panel.

As of June 01
Ground was broken today on a secure embassy compound in the capital city for representatives of the Imperial Utopia of Glacia.

Last edited by DualThrone on Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:55 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Star Sentinel

Star Sentinel

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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 5:24 am

Issue Response: All four leaders sat around a table thinking about how to deal with the religious talk show host. "Hmm...We should take this pony off the air. Then calm down the mare's rights group and tell them that we won't be banning contraception. If we were to ban contraception it would be to health risk reasons, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Mares have the right to deem if they want a baby or not."

"As the only mare leader here, I say Star here has a point. Take the man off the air. He has no right to call for a ban on contraception. He is no mare who knows the issues of having a baby! The nerve of him. I would even say throw him in jail but even I know that is a birth much for something so...little. Now if he had made the Mare's Rights group damage property to get our attention...that would be a different story."

"Nonsense. You both are being irrational. Think about what would happen if we take him off the air. No...We need to deal with this a different way. We will assure the Mare's Rights group that we won't be banning contraceptives. Hmm...We will keep him on the air but keep an eye on him for if he causes another furor again. Let him have his voice on the air for now but give him a warning about his opinions."

With that all four leaders then decided (with some mild arguing afterwards) that they will reassure the Mare's Rights Group that they wouldn't be banning contraceptives anytime soon and they would give the talk show host a warning about next time he causes a furor.

World Issue Response:

Equus Union Interaction:

To The Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

To The Minotaurs:

To The Lunar Republic Governance:


Last edited by Star Sentinel on Tue May 26, 2015 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue May 26, 2015 4:31 pm

Issue Response: The court of the federation recognizes this case to raise more than a single issue related to it. Firstly there's the issue related to the committing and punishment of such a horrible crime. To alleviate this, funds have been redirected and researchers commissioned to develop a manner in which to prove without doubt that the act was intentional or not as well as the nature of the act.

Secondly, this case shows the controversy over the punishment of minors for capital grade crimes. The ruling reached is that depending upon the nature of the crime and the intent behind it, a minor might not be spared any due process, but only should the act and intent be without doubt. Otherwise, they will be provided counseling and other 'help' until such a time as they are deemed fit to return to the populace.

World Issue Response:

Equus Union Interaction:


To the Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

To the Nation of Nocturnia:

Non-Issue-Internal-Action: Lavinya has begun another project using a slight combination of ERD and infrastructure funds to begin work on increasing the agricultural capabilities of the nation in hopes of being able to provide additional food stores and trade, initial estimates look promising.

Updated Telegrams:

To The Lady of the Feathered Bastions of the Mistypeaks Trade Conglomerate::

To the Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

Last edited by Zen on Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 8:25 pm

Issue Response: As the scientists seeking their grant put in their request, a raven waits on the other side of the slot through which letters are slid. It quickly snaps it up in its beak, and flies off the gloomy, eternally grey-skied castle of the oligarchy. Castle's golem meets it at the window, gives it a dead mouse, and gently slides the letter out of its beak. The golem pronks back to its post while reading the letter. Meanwhile, within the plush room of the oligarchy, a flesh and blood Castle delivers the news.
"I have wonderful news! We finally have a group ready to attempt another expedition to the ocean! And they're asking permission this time, so they don't get eaten!" "Yeah yeah, don't eat them. Got it Castle." "Well I just wanted to be sure.." "We'll still have to fork over money to them though, won't we?" "That is the point of a grant, no? I'm for it." "As am I. If none are against, let us give them a reply!"
The scientists would be summoned to the dim, cold stone audience chamber. In each chair, a mechanical golem, beautifully detailed, ready to give the verdict. As one, the golems speak.
"You Shall Have Your Grant. An Inspector Will Accompany You To Your Lab To Oversee Your Progress."

World Issue Response: Mistypeak begins preparations to host the World Freestyle Disco Contest in the its second largest settlement, Fandango.

Equus Union Interaction: A chimera like golem makes its way to the Embassy at Partia, and asks around for Delegate Francesca von Kafka. It wears a tough traveling cloak with several cloud like patterns attached, and carries the proper identification for the delegate of Mistypeak.

EDIT(Response to Icy): The Chimeric Golem nods respectfully to Delegate Francesca von Kafka. Her metal body is a beautiful swirl of blues and greens, blending with her mist patterned uniform. Only the dragon head and the goat head nod, however. The lion looks proud and discerning, as if with every von Kafka speaks a massive library about her is being updated to provide the best ways to run her down in a savannah. "A pleasure to meet you, Delegate." says the dragon head smoothly, its articulated, silvery tongue flicking across its teeth. "I would be pleased to accept whatever quarters you can make available for me."  She walks with the  Delegate, her joints utterly silent. At a distance in dim light, it would be very easy to believe it was a flesh and blood chimera. The Lion head speaks up "You may call me Chimera. As to the Empress's telegram, well...." The Goat head takes of the sentence, its voice old and tough, yet speaking with a dissonant elegance. "Exact details should be discussed privately, but I can freely say that we would be delighted to accept such an offer. I imagine you will be receiving all manner of students and professors eager to collaborate with your own intellectuals. " All three heads seem slightly wistful, with patriotic undertones, as the Goat finishes. Clearly whoever is running this golem takes a great deal of pride in the intellectual abilities of Mistypeak, and will likely judge Glacia based on its own.

To Lord Faye of Hydrargyria:

To the Nation of Lavinya:

To the Nation of Nocturnia:

To Her Majestically Glorious Esteemed Premier Accentria, the Undyingly Undeniably Magnificent and Great of the Eternal Ultimate Democratic People’s Republic of Accenture:

Non-Issue-Internal-Action: Mistypeak has also begun research into better defenses, such as golem turrets that have a none-magical backup system and magitech shield domes for their cities.

Miscellaneous Affairs (Updated 2/7/16)
Still at Corvasiath
As son as the scroll is on top of the box, the front of it pops out of alignment, before being slowly pushed aside by a robotic wolf paw. A robotic octopus tentacle slithers out of the box, and wraps around the scroll, it pulls it inside, unfurling it. there is a brief pause, presumably during which the scroll is being read.
Out of the box steps a timberwolf sized golem. It's design is smooth, appearing almost lifelike. But it's dark, onyx colored metal betrays its magitech nature. It's strange body vaguely resembles that of a Displacer Beast, yet its head is that of a proud wolf.
It steps fully out of the box, the scroll held securely and safely in a tentacle. "Mistypeak strongly agrees. I am equipped to make the necessary agreements."

Last edited by Lorthalis of Crows on Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:59 pm; edited 3 times in total
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeFri May 29, 2015 3:46 pm

Issue Response
Measures are put in place relatively quickly. In a unanimous decision by the Inner Cabinet and the Empress - the extent of unanimity that was due to pressure and coercion from the High Councillor and military commanders is unknown and publically unconsidered - the impersonation of such military personnel is declared unexceptionally illegal. Laws criminalising the act are passed quickly, with a more detailed and foolproof version pending review by the Judicial Council awaiting its introduction onto the statute books.

Dressing as decorated service members, however, is not entirely illegal. It will be allowed if ‘there is a significant feature of the clothing and other assortments that distinguishes it from genuine service uniforms and decorations’. The interpretation of this clause will be left to the local courts to determine.

World Issue Response
Glacia continues to maintain its stance on world peace, and also to extend invitations to all countries for the Equus Union.

Equus Union Interaction
A single griffon, her midnight and sickly green eyes alike wandering over the enormous domed superstructure in the centre of the walled city of Partia, gently runs a claw through her green head feathers. She is dressed in a long, dress-like faint blue snow coat, and a band with the Glacian crest is wrapped around her right arm.

Her gaze traverses the city from her position atop the first set completed steps to the superstructure. Scaffolding and machinery is everywhere, as are all manner of labourers and infantry lining the structure. Two large Dreadnoughts hang over the outer walls of the city, and the intimidating visage of an imposing Flying Fortress looms over the outer walls, though backed away far enough that it casts no large shadow over the city.

The griffon is flanked by four unicorns, two on either side of her, dressed in similarly coloured hooded cloaks that obscure their faces from view. White staves float on either side of them, enveloped in equally white auras. They stand almost perfectly still, until the griffon catches sight of a lone golem wearing the colours of Mistypeak wandering around, and approaches. The unicorns do not hesitate in the absence of orders, moving forward as one beside the griffon.

When she stands before the golem, she gives a deep curtsey. The unicorns simply bow along with her. When she raises her head again, a smile is upon her lips. “I apologise, Delegate. I was not informed of your arrival. I am Delegate Francesca von Kafka, and I will be your correspondent and Glacia’s representative in the Equus Union. These are the Seraphim, of the Empress’ Guard.” The Seraphim lift their heads on cue.

“You’ve come at an unfortunate time, sadly,” she continues. “The Grand Embassy is currently undergoing construction, to replace the old Embassy building.” She gestures to a smaller building, further off to the side. “I must ask you to bear with us for a while, Delegate, while construction works are underway. We have arranged the best quarters possible for you in the Embassy.” She begins to lead him away to the Embassy building, later to introduce him to the quarters he will stay in. “If I may ask, what is your name? Oh, and also, does the Conglomerate have any response to the Empress’ telegram?”

Equus Union Interaction (Updated 1/6/15)

“I see, I see.” Francesca nods, continuing to walk alongside Chimera towards the Embassy building. “That is very pleasing to hear. Indeed, Glacia will be sending her own prodigies to Mistypeaks. It was upon insistence from a…” she briefly glanced aside. “... prominent scientist of ours that this be arranged. The Empress was very pleased with the idea.”

She eventually ascended the steps of the Embassy building and slipped inside. She resumed her journey through well-lit, lavish corridors, with tasteful decor, tapestries and painting adorning the walls beside them. The Seraphim fell into step behind both of them.

“In any case, we would be pleased to initiate negotiations as soon as possible. When would you like deliberations to be held?”


Telegram to: Leader Star Sentinel of the Heroarchy of Nocturnia:

Telegram to: Queen Aurora of the Kingdom of New Pegasopolis:

Telegram to: Ser Dedan Cardine of the Gallentine Republic:

Telegram to: Speaker of the Congress Keen Edge of the Lunar Republic Governance:

Telegram to: Lord Faye of the Empire of Hydrargyria:

Telegram to: King Brutus the 23rd of the Empire of Minotauros:

Telegram to: Lady Scarlet Writ of the Federation of Lavinya:

Telegram to: Leader Star Sentinel of the Heroarchy of Nocturnia, Queen Aurora of the Kingdom of New Pegasopolis, and Prime Minister Amor of the Republic of Eternia:

Telegram to: Her Majestically Glorious Esteemed Premier Accentria, the Undyingly Undeniably Magnificent and Great of the Eternal Ultimate Democratic People’s Republic of Accenture:

Non-Issue Internal Action
Construction of a two-way portal between Vandia, of Lavinya, and Partia, of Glacia, is well underway, as is the construction of the massive new Grand Embassy in Partia. A new detachment of Dreadnoughts, Riposte, Falchion, and Nightingale, are being rotated away from the Barrier Islands towards the mainland. Together with Praetorian, Judicator, and Hypersonic, they will form a regular patrol and shipping route between the mainland and the Islands.

Additionally, funds within the International Aid budget have been repurposed to assist with the finance of Eternia’s educational system.

Updated Telegrams (1/6/15)

Telegram to: The Lady of the Feathered Bastions of the Mistypeaks Trade Conglomerate:

Telegram to: Speaker of the Congress Keen Edge of the Lunar Republic Governance:

Telegram to: Lord Faye of the Empire of Hydrargyria:

Telegram to: Prime Minister Amor of the Republic of Eternia:

{PRIVATE} Telegram to: Prime Minister Paladin Amor of the Republic of Eternia

Miscellaneous Affairs (Updated 2/6/15)
At Corvasiath
A shuttle moves quickly but carefully through the morning air. As it approaches the designated location it begins to slow and descend, finally coming to a complete halt just above the ground before raising its wings to point perpendicularly upwards and lowering itself gently onto the surface proper. A hatch opens from the front of the shuttle, revealing a cloaked griffon with a hood over his head. The tip of gold head-feathers just barely peeked out from under his hood. He descended the ramp, four fully-armoured soldiers flanking him. In his hand, he held a simple scroll.

He pulled his hood back, revealing his face and the gold colouring around his eyes. “Diplomat Swiftwing here,” he called out to no one in particular. “Corvasiath is a pretty nice place, if I may say so myself. I’d want to look around inside sometime.” Clutching the scroll closely in his hand, he looked around the place until he spotted a wooden box. He nodded to the guards by his side, who moved in front of him and approached the box.

“Wakey wakey, Emissary,” he said, knocking on the box. “I’ve got a direct message from the High Councillor.” With that, he left the scroll on the box, waiting for it to be read.

Scroll {Strictly for Mistypeaks eyes only}:

Last edited by Ician on Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:10 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeSat May 30, 2015 10:33 pm

National Issue: "Showing Up"
"It is very nice to see all of you here today," the bright-eyed unicorn stared down at his subjects from his, actually pretty simple throne, "Though it does appear that you are not as good at math as I assumed you were. Do you all know what you've even done? Do you even realize what you managed to do? You've perfected a technology that nobody has ever gotten close to working, that's what! And while I'm sure the rest of the world doesn't care, I. Am. Im. Pressed.
"Now, see, here' the problem. You debuted this whole thing by shooting a rock at me. Now, under normal circumstances, I'd just lops off all your heads and have a good laugh about all of this, but I really don't want to do that. You all clearly have such beautiful and smart little heads, and I've been told those work better attached to a pony's body. But I can't have ponies thinking that shooting rocks at me is acceptable. You can see what kind of bind I'm in, I hope.
"Then I had a thought, though. I don't have to actually cut your heads off! I can just tell everyone I cut off your heads, and they'll believe me because that's what they would expect. But I need to make all of you disappear. So...basically, all of you are being moved into Hydrargypolis and all of those pesky things like 'expenses' and 'food' will be taken easy care of, effective today. Anyone who resists will have their head regretfully actually cut off, rather than the metaphorical symbolic head cutting-off.

World Issue: None, suckers

EU Participation: None, clearly. The invite is just sitting untouched at a certain someone’s desk.

To the Empress Regent, Ciergey Sergla, Mistress of Glacia:

Non-Issue Activity:
"Our first order of business, however, is a little bit of a trip. A bit of a proving ground, really. We’re all going to Mistypeaks. Doesn’t that just sound wonderful?"
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeSun May 31, 2015 2:40 am

Issue Response:
The senate was filled with noise as the members of both major parties filed into Parliament, Paladin watching them quietly. Even once seated, they continued to murmur to each other quietly, until a single loud cough echoed through the hall, and silence fell instantly. Paladin smirked, and nodded his thanks to the armoured pony who sat at the head of the room, before he rolled his neck and stood up. “Hello everyone, I thank you for coming in on such short notice. We normally do not convene on a Sunday, and I am grateful that you have made time for me. I will not beat around the bush. We have a problem, a serious one.” He nodded and his adviser, Cynthia Clause, began to pass out a short report. “It seems that we have been underfunding our education system, and as such, companies have begun to advertise to our children.”

The opposition leader blinked in surprise. “They’re what?”

“Precisely,” Paladin nodded, and sighed. “Fortunately, our ally in Glacia has redirected some of their International Aid budget to assist in with the funding shortfall. As such, I believe we should introduce legislation, which you will find in the document passed around.” The ponies around him looked at the document properly, reading it carefully.

“Are you mad?” The opposition leader asked. “I mean, I agree with removing all advertising from around and in schools, but how exactly do you plan to ensure that no fast food restaurants are within eyesight of school grounds? I know of several that are…”

“Simple. We pay for them to be moved. It would a rather simple task, and would be a sign of good faith between the government and the large corporations.” Paladin raised an eyebrow, as if daring anyone to object. “Let’s be rational about this guys. We need to protect our children, after all, they are our future.”

World Issue Response:
Once again, Eternia is enjoying the peace, and will nothing to disrupt it.

Equus Union Interaction:
Despite having joined the EU, Eternia has not yet decided upon its ambassador, and is still deliberating.

To The Imperial Utopia of Glacia:

{Private} To High Councillor Tact Ician:

Eternia has redirected funds from its Defence budget to three separate projects: 2% of overall funding has gone to Project Heaven’s Rain, another 2% to Project Rose Petal, and another 4% to Project Gaia’s Bounty.
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Brother Roga
Brother Roga

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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 8:26 pm

Issue Response: With this issue being brought up King Brutus started an undercover investigation to confirm these claims. In the end it turned out that for the most part, these claims were in fact correct. The reasoning for it was not simply corruption and negligence, however. The reports go into great detail to see how working with these patients, most of them being soldiers who were driven insane during conflicts, resulted in a fair amount of these doctors persuading the soldiers to bequeth their pay to them instead, which they used for various amenities in these asylums, at the cost of not keeping the rest of the establishments at peak condition like they were supposed to. They, in essence, became too greedy, even fired the cleaning staff and got cheaper guards who broke asylum rules. New staff have been hired to take the place of the old ones, while said old ones are now "permanent residents" of the asylums they once ran.

World Issue Response:

Equus Union Interaction:


Internal Affairs:
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 6:11 am

The Mistypeak Trade Conglomerate:
Research into the Oceans of Equus has begun, and is going smoothly. In fact, several species of kelp have been discovered during the past month. The scientists are all rather excited. I wonder if any of them will faint when their submarine is finished being built.

As for Mistypeak’s research into magitech shield domes, a major snag has been hit. Mages and scientists alike are struggling to find a system that allows for that much power to be consistently controlled without imploding after mere minutes of stress. Integrating non-magical components into golems has also proven to be troubling. No matter what happens, most Mistypeak golems are too complex for non-magical operation, claims the scientists behind the project. They still continue their work, however.

This months issue: ‘Whips, Chains, And Leather, Oh My!’
An organized crowd of leather-clad individuals, some of whom are on leashes, are protesting against discrimination for those who share their interests.

“We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities,” explains BDSM enthusiast Fuzzy Cuffs, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip in his magical aura. “Shops exist to cater to the needs of ‘normal’ ponies, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!”

“Yeah,” exclaims Violet Ray, another enthusiast, wearing nothing but a collar, “and like other couples, we want the right to display our affection in public. If Master wants to take me walkies in public, he should be able to.”
Telegram from Premier Accentria of The Democratic People's Republic Of Accenture:

Lavinya’s research into detecting the mindset behind certain actions has gained direction in the form of what scientists and mages alike are calling ‘The Memory Orb’, while only a concept at this stage of development, the eventual plan is to allow ponies to experience one another’s memories as if they were the one making the memory in the first place, complete with emotional response and all. Research proves promising. The decision to provide help and rehabilitation for minors has been met with mild approval, some question why their tax Vens should go to helping twisted children, some applaud the government’s initiative to assist the troubled youth.

As for the research project regarding agricultural capabilities, researchers have deemed it possible, but incredibly expensive, to modify the very genes of plants to yield higher, more lasting produce. They seem to think that, should more time and Ven be invested into the project, they could reduce the cost enough for mass application. However, little is known of the side-effects of the modified produce.

A new issue has sprung up for Lavinya:
The recent drama of the Nocturnian space program has prompted calls for Lavinya to develop its own space program. With expressions like “We can totally do better,” or, “Wouldn’t have happened in Lavinya” dominating the media.

In regards to last month’s issue concerning the outspoken talk show host's call for the banning of contraceptives, and the heroarchy’s decisions on the matter, the general population seemed rather pleased, if a bit uneasy that their right to speech could be threatened so easily if they spoke out of line with the heroarchy. The topic of Nocturnian freedom of speech, and its guarantee is a hot one in the nation’s media.

New details behind the Spaceship Star Fish’s explosion have recently been brought to light, chiefly, the cause: mathematical errors (Incorrect unit conversions, to be precise) by one of the ponies at Den Command were confirmed to have been the main cause behind the near-tragedy.

This month’s issue:

Pen Stroke lies immobilized in a hospital bed, unable to move. She has end-stage cancer, and wishes to end her struggle against death. However, laws prevent her doctors from obeying her wishes. These very same doctors approach the heroarchy requesting that they be allowed to end their patient’s suffering, and that the exception be made law.  

Lunar Republican Governance:
Last month’s issue regarding the publicization of a farmer’s Gypsy trouble has been largely forgotten by the general populous, and no reports of agricultural troubles of the same kind have been made.
This month, however, a new issue has sprung up in the form of a proposition from a league of doctors. They request that the government introduce mandatory organ donations. Their argument:

“It’s not as crazy as it sounds,” says Dr. Galactose. “Every day, ponies die because we don’t have the organs to save them. If the government allowed us to take organs from the recently deceased, we could save hundreds of lives a year. And come on, the dead don’t need them. It’s illogical to refuse this petition.”

On the opposing side of this issue, lies those like alarmed, terminal hospital patient Bronze Shield. “You keep your damn hooves off my organs! They are my organs, and I’ll do with them what I like. The government has no right to my body.”

Naturally, all of the ponies agree to stay. They bring their families too.
Lord Faye Departed for the misty peaks of the Mistypeak. I get to slack off! Woo.

With assistance from the Glacian government, Eternia’s schools have been able to shed their advertising and remain functioning. However, several business owners have voiced their complaints about being forcefully relocated, claiming that this action is a serious invasion on their rights, naturally this has become a rather juicy topic for the Eternian media.

The three projects begin making headway into their particular tasks. Nothing concrete as of this moment.

This month’s issue:
Test Results Deemed 'Ungood' After Global Survey
In a worldwide survey, it has been revealed that Eternia's population has been graded 'dim' by international comparison.

Fraternity Furor
After a drunken brawl between rival fraternities resulted in the deaths of five university students, concerned citizens across Glacia have questioned whether fraternities serve a purpose in modern society.

The king's decision will take time to bear fruit, but initial reviews of the effected facilities are promising. However, the families of those whom were condemned to permanent residency in the asylums are protesting the decision. The movement goes stronger by the day. Their main argument? The king is too powerful. They demand the people be given more power. More flock to their movement daily. As of now, they are as non-violent as minotaurs can be... but with soldiers and mercenaries alike rallying to the cause... it's only a matter of time before things get violent.

To the two nations who were not addressed in this cycle due to negligence, the issues are to be considered ignored. Respond to them in this cycle.
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National Identity Empty
PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 7:24 am

Issue Response

Five days after the issue reaches national circulation and has been raised by several reporters in press conferences, the head of the Speaker's Council on Bioethics, Bunsen Burner, is given the floor by the press secretary and reads from a prepared statement.

"After consultation with the Minister of Justice on the present state of the law and consultation with recognized authorities on issues of medical and biological ethics, the Governance's position vis a vis the issue of compulsive organ harvesting is as follows. First, that there will be no law proposed to compel organ donation or mandate the harvesting of organs without explicit consent from patient or a patient's recognized proxy. Second, that any attempt to pass such a law by the body of the Congress will be vigorously opposed by the office of the Speaker. Third, that this compulsion would be grossly unethical under currently accepted standards of medical ethics and as such, is not worth considering. Fourth, the Speaker's Council on Bioethics proposes a voluntary exchange of service whereby the Governance will fully subsidize the funeral expenses of any pony who will sign and carry an organ donor card. It is the belief of the council that fully relieving the family of the deceased of funeral expenses, and implicitly giving them the resources to hold a funeral above their ordinary means, is just repayment for a minor imposition upon the deceased for the well-being of very ill ponies suffering extreme deprivation of quality of life. Finally, the Council unequivocally and enthusiastically endorses current research into the dual fields of induced puripotent stem cell treatments, and therapeutic cloning of stem cells in furtherance of said treatments. As such, the Governance wishes to announce ten additional research grants for the explicit purpose of researching these fields with the goal of realizing the potential of these fields to permit growing replacement organs from the genetic material of the patient, thus permanently alleviating the shortage of viable donor organs."

Bunsen pauses and flips the page, scanning the lines. "Speaker of the Congress adds, and I quote 'If you need to be bribed to help sick ponies when helping them doesn't cost you a bucking thing, we'll bucking bribe you.'" He pauses again, clears his throat, and looks mildly embarrassed. "Um... naturally, the Council does not endorse what is clearly the very colorful personal opinion of the Speaker."

World Issue Response

Deeply concerned for events currently in motion in the neighboring nation of Minotauros, the Lunar Republican Governance places its conventional forces on alert. Military units are observed moving towards established fire bases and fortifications on the border. Minister of War Carrot Manestein announces that the the Lunar Forces will not cross the border at this time, but also will permit no incursions by governmental or non-governmental forces originating from Mintauros.

Equus Union Interaction

The Lunar Republican Governance remains committed to respecting the wishes and desires of the international community. However, it feels that there is at present no reason to join any manner of formal international organization whose decisions may be binding upon it.


TO: King Brutus the 23rd, Monarchy of Minotauros
Your majesty, our signals intelligence has picked up indications of the situation developing in your borders. The Lunar Republican Governance wishes to formally express our concern for Your Majesty's well-being and especially the physical integrity of your military assets. We will not interfere with a possibly legitimate protest and revolutionary movement, but our forces stand ready to secure Your Majesty's physical safety if required and offer you safe haven. Be aware, however, that if signals intelligence indicates that any weapons of mass destruction may be poised to fall into the hands of a violent revolutionary movement, we will militarily intervene. My deepest apologies, Your Majesty, but our national security cannot allow dangerous ordinance to pass into unstable control. We will not attempt to take such weaponry or otherwise interfere with its disposition, but it will be secured against revolutionary attempts to seize it, with such security lasting until stability is reestablished.
Speaker of Congress Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

TO: Scarlet Writ et all, The Federation of Lavinya
We were delighted to receive your invitation to a worldwide festival celebrating the peoples and cultures of our world. In light of the deeply concerning events across our border and the real possibility that the Lunar Republican Governance may be required to invade Mintauros to protect weapons of mass destruction from falling into the hands of violent and unpredictable revolutionaries, we welcome the possibility of a festival of peace in which our uniqueness and diversity can be celebrated and shared. We are very proud of our nation, our history, and what we've overcome, and we joyfully accept your invitation to celebrate it with others.
Deepest Regards,
Speaker of Congress Keen Edge, Lunar Republican Governance

Non-Issue Internal Action

The budget allocation of the LRG has been adjusted as follows:
6% Government HSA Matching Program, 2.5% Temporary Welfare, 8% Long-Term Welfare, 18.25% Security Research Grants (-4%), 20% Infrastructure, 12.75% Extraterrestrial Research Grants, 10.5% Perpetual Education Endowment, 4% Additional Scientific Research Grants (+4%), 18% National Security.

The three investigations regarding the accidental execution of Literary Innocence remain ongoing and the Congressional panel is due to issue their final report relatively soon.

The construction of the embassy for the use of the Imperial Utopia of Glacia ambassador proceeds apace and will shortly be completed.

Last edited by DualThrone on Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:21 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: National Identity   National Identity Icon_minitime

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