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 A Space Opera!

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PostSubject: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 4:39 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

They say that no one in space can hear you scream. Well that doesn't matter here, for the sounds will be turned on for the sake of the audiences viewing pleasure. Space! Where also sentient beings yearn to reach someday.

The year is 90XX ATP (After The Princess), Equestria has long since reaches the so called vast beyond. They have settled throughout the galaxy near and far. Many stations have been created and colonized, many planets have been civilized, interactions with aliens, the whole nine yards. Many different species, many different cultures and religions, so many stories to pick through. Though for this particular story, yes, this very one we will be watching, takes places within the Milky Way galaxy.

The Grand Central Galaxy Enforcement Agency, GCGEA, is the prominent enforcement agency that protects all within the Milky Way galaxy. They are merely a branch of the GEA which has their reaches in various galaxies. They are the leading Enforcement throughout many of the known galaxies. Though even with one GEA in each galaxy, the galaxies are usually fairly big to patrol on their own, so they have further sub branches that patrols over each of the known planets.

Our story focuses further on planet Earth. Focusing even further to a GEA sub-branch located on the continent of Equestria. Technology and Magic has insanely advanced at this point. Flying vehicles, teleportation pads, nano machines, super-high tech computers!

The Canterlot GCGEA branch busy as usual. Answering phone calls. Responding to incident reports, detaining criminals.

"Oi! Where the hay is Ampera?! I thought I told you slackers to bring her to my office now." a rather loud mare yelled to a poor pair of secretaries who scrambled to their feet and began typing their hooves away at their computers trying to locate Ampera.

The loud angry Mare, who coat was a dark blue, her mane, black as night, was tied up into a bun as she wore a dark blue had that had a golden badge on it that read 'GEA'. This mare is the Chief of the GEA branch located in Canterlot. Her name Rough Cuff'em, though she just prefers to be called Chief Cuff'em.

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 5:08 am

Ampera Banxiix Charge was a good officer. She showed up to work on time, did what she was told, and only slightly electrocuted criminal scum.  Naturally, a good officer would show up relatively quickly when prompted by their chief… Unfortunately, Chief Cuff’em was… a bitch. A bitch Ampera couldn’t slightly electrocute, because again, she was a good officer.  She chose instead to delay her response time in minor rebellion, showing up a few moments after the chief had yelled at her unfortunate secretaries.

Ampera sported her uniform, and, her hair red-orangey mane was styled in her characteristic razor cut. Unlike a good officer, however, she did sport a tattoo in clear view: a blue lightning bolt under her right eye.

“You called, M’aam?” she said, saluting Cuff'em politely.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 5:31 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Chief Cuff'em was await in her office, looking out the window, a single hoof clopping against the floor as her eyes narrowed and she looked left and right as if she were trying to spot something, or someone. She would then lift a hoof to look at the watch she wore on her 'wrist' and then drop it back down to proceed to clopping a hoof against the ground.

Ampera had finally shown up and Chief Cuff'em would walk past her and close the door behind her. "Sit!." she commanded as she locked her office door and then walked past Ampera and went behind her desk and sat in her seat.

In front of Chief Cuff'em's desk were two chairs. Decorating her desk were several piles of papers, files, reports. Pictures of her family. The rest of Chief Cuff'em's office had shelves that had awards placed on them. Award's for various honors and thing's she's done for them.

Chief Cuff'em would speak when Ampera was sitting down. "Look I won't waste your time with the pleasantries. You're one of the best officers I got out here and probably one of the few I would even bother with calling in for something like this."

Chief Cuff'em would lean foreword and give Ampera a serious look, though it normally looked like her regular normal angry bitch face. "Did you finish your last assignment? The homicide case?"

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 5:55 am

Ampera sat down as commanded, her attention on Cuff’em herself. “Uhh… Thank you for the compliment, M’aam, and yeah, It’s done. Filed and everything. What do you have for me?” She asked Cuff’em, waiting for the other mare to continue.

“Sweet Celestia… does she have any other expression? Jeez… It’s like she was born with that pole up her ass or something… Maybe she just needs to get laid.” Ampera thought to herself as she spoke.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 6:07 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Chief Cuff'em would nod her head listening to what Ampera stated. "That's perfect then, so that leaves you to be one of the few officer's that have nothing assigned to them at the moment. Wonderful."

Her hoof would glide over a particular spot in the center of her desk that seemed to have activated a particular device. The windows in the room automatically covered themselves, and the windows that also allowed for Chief Cuff'em to see to the rest of the precinct also covered up. So the room went rather dark. From the ceiling a opening revealed itself an an orb slowly dropped out and it scanned the whole room. A ding! could be heard and then a masculine voice could be heard as well. "The room is clear, you may proceed, Chief."

This voice was Chief Cuff'em's personal artificial intelligence system, cutely named, PAI. The orb would disappear and in the air space between Ampera and Chief Cuff'em would appear a hologram, an image of large file floating between them.

"I have a new assignment for you. Though I can't reveal to you what the assignment is until you accept it. So will you accept it?"

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 6:18 am

“That almost sounded like she was upset at me for doing my job…” Ampera thought, slightly amused with Cuff’em’s first statement.  When the chief shut the shutters and darkened the room, Ampera got a little excited. It wasn’t every day that you got a job important enough to prompt precautions like these, and important jobs usually ended with promotions. Promotions meant more money… and more money meant more booze, which naturally meant a happier Ampera.

Ampera waved slightly at the personal AI. Just because they were synthetic, didn’t mean they didn’t deserve some respect too. “Of course, M’aam.” she said in response to Cuff’em’s question.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeTue May 19, 2015 6:42 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Pai had taken note of Ampera's wave.

Chief Cuff'em would nod her head. "Very well then." She would sit back and point at the file. When she did the file would open up and the image of a spherical orb would appear. It's color was clear, though inside of it looked to be some sort of galaxy. "This is known as the Core of the Galaxy. It is an ancient artifact belonging to the Xyians of Planet X."

The image would change to show the image of Planet X, which from space it looked like a dark orb, with various patches of white and green. The patches being the clouds of the planet. Public knowledge of this is that Planet X is a dangerous planet, with only a small amount of species capable of living there, though very few things are actually known about it because of the tremendous amount of difficulty actually getting anything into the planet. As far as the public is concerned only the Xyian's are able to get in and out of the planet because of their specially crafted ship.

"As of three weeks ago, the Core has been stolen from them somehow. It seems, according to the report given to me, that the Xyian's were in the middle of a transport between their planet and a neighboring planet when their ship had been attacked and boarded. Though they managed to fend of their robbers, they came to find out that their Core had been stolen. the GEA has been requested to find this Core and bring it back to their home planet."

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 5:33 am

Ampera looked at the orb, and later the planet, with genuine interest. “Alright… do they have any leads?” she asked Cuff’em. She assumed that the chief would provide for transportation, and whatever else she’d need during this mission, so she chose not to ask. Cuff’em may be a bitch, but, she was a bitch who was good at her job. "And, is this going to be a solo mission?" Ampera finished with a question.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 5:58 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

"Well I'll get to that in a moment. Now, we have the core in our possession." she stated. She would wave a hoof and the pictures changed to show a rather bright red pony, with sky blue mane with red highlights. His tail the opposite as it was raspberry red with sky blue highlights. Upon his face tribal markings, and an longer than average horn.

"This unicorn is known on the streets as 'The Storyteller' quite a loved attraction really. He travels from city to city sharing stories. I'm sure you heard of him a few times. What you don't know however is that he's also a member of GCGEA, rather he works strictly with the main head quarters on undercover missions. Normally, he would have handled this mission alone, but given the importance of the object, he has requested assistance and that's where you will come in."

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 6:13 am

When the pictures changed as they did, Ampera gave the displayed pony the same treatment she gave every other pony upon first seeing them. "Mmm... Nice flank. Decent curvature, pretty face... interesting markings. A solid seven. Not. Bad." she thought to herself as Cuff'em went about explaining that the core had in fact already been acquired, and that she was basically going to be relegated to becoming this pony's side-kick for the duration of the mission. The latter did irritate her slightly, but, when she thought about it... the prospect of eventual boozing overpowered her irritation.

"Alright, I'm with you so far." Ampera said, prompting Cuff'em to continue.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2015 6:32 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

"Now that's the simple part, going to meet him and help him out." She made another hand motion and six other pictures popped up on three; Four were Stallions and two were Mares.

"I'm sure you recognize these six; The Syndicate Six. We've been trying to get these six for many years now, but we've yet to be able to get any proof on any of them. Contacts tell us that these six are trying to get their hooves on the core for one reason or another. We have suspicion that they may want to sell it on the black market, but whatever their reason, you musn't let it fall into their hooves."

Chief Cuff'em shifted in her seat. "While you're still on Earth, you have to be especially wary of Bottom Ripper. With his connections throughout Equestria it's going to be difficult to get off of this planet without him knowing about it.

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 2:18 am

Ampera naturally did what she did to new faces once again, rating them as Cuff’em went on. Their collective scores averaged out to ‘meh’.  Sure, she’d seen the Syndicate Six before, but, she’d never really looked at them closely like this, in eye popping 3D. When Cuff’em spoke of Bottom Ripper, Ampera had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing… “Honestly, who the buck names their foal ‘Bottom Ripper’.” she thought as she listened to her chief’s orders.  “I understand, and, I’ll do my best to avoid Bottom Ripper. If we do run into one another, what are your orders?”
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 2:49 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

"If on the off chance you do run into him, you are ordered not to die. You have to get away by any means necessary. Though I will advise this, killing him is not an option. You need to keep this mission under wraps and go about as unnoticed as you possibly can. Bottom Ripper has ties all over Equestria if something happens to him, there will be a severe backlash and i'm not talking about his men." She would point to the pictures of the Syndicate six as a means of the other things to worry as with the loss of one of them could mean the others could try and take over.

"I will have transport set up for you and some basic gear to take along with you. Your officer restrictions have been lifted and you now have the same perks as an undercover agent. What that means is you are free to roam the galaxy as you please, and some laws can be broken and you'll be protected, but you cannot push it too far. Keep undercover as much as possible and hope you do not run into any of the syndicate six. They will not be nice, and if they catch you...well. Let's just say I already have funeral plans prepped just in case."

Chief Cuff'em would tap a couple things on her desk, and soon Ampera's badge would make a bleep noise, and it's design would change some, overall it would stay the same bearing the GEA symbol upon it, but instead of it saying Office #0867, it would say Cover Op #5309. "Before I wrap this up, is there any other questions you may have?"

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 3:54 am

“Noted. I’ll avoid dying to the best of my ability M’aam.” Ampera said in response to her chief’s orders.  Personally, Ampera would’ve rather just electrocuted them all, consequences be damned… then again, there existed these annoying little things called ‘rights’ and, even criminals had them. Plus, she was ordered not to by the chief bitch herself, and good officers followed chief bitch’s orders.

“How very thoughtful of you, M’aam…” she said when Cuff’em mentioned the funeral plans. “... I wonder if her expression would change if I applied fifty thousand volts straight to her crotch.” Ampera thought to herself as the chief lifted her restrictions.

“No questions, M’aam. I’m ready to go.”
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 4:04 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

"Very well." She would press a button and the hologram disappeared. "You are to rendezvous with this Agent in Ponyville. From there you need to head to Las Pegasus, that is where your ship will be waiting, on the ship will be your supplies as well. The Storyteller will also provide for you the crucial details once you successfully make it off the planet."

The room's light would turn back on and the windows would reveal themselves and the hole in the ceiling would disappear. Chief Cuff'em would stand up and look at Ampera. "Good luck, and be sure to come back in one piece." Probably the only time Ampera would see this as Chief Cuff'em gave her a sincere smile and what could be taken for worried look, though that only lasted for all of a second before she would return to her normal bitch face.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 4:16 am

“Chief Rough Cuff’em… actually smiled. Holy shit. There wasn’t even any corporal punishment this time. Probably drugs.” And then Ampera noticed the chief’s worried expression, “Definitely drugs.”  

Officer Charge gave Cuff’em a smile in return. “Don’t worry, M’aam, I’ll be back.” she said, once again saluting before she turned to leave the chief's office.  Ampera had to get to ponyville… it shouldn’t be terribly hard, it was 90XX ATP, after all. She’d seek the easiest way to get there, and pursue it to the best of her ability, and then seek out The Storyteller.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 4:41 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Ponyville had long since become one of the more popular cities in Equestria, especially since this was the location of the Castle of Harmony. Once home to the Princess Twilight Sparkle and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, though now a days, it was occupied by the descendants of them. Ponyville's appearance did seem more rural in comparison to Canterlot, but their technology was still mostly up-to-date.

It was mostly a residential place, as homes outnumbered the amount of shops there were. Though it's biggest noticeable feature about it, is the amount of nature vs technology this place had. the Everfree forest not that far off, plus Sweet Apple Acres is still in business with the Apple family still in control of it. Their methods of farming hardly changed in all this time, of course with new technology kept some updates to the farms equipment, but mostly tradition is what bound them and somehow that kept them quite strong.

With many ponies out and about going on with their daily lives. Shopping, working, hanging with friends. Oh there's also a popular 'after school program' that has their own building, kinda like a boy scouts thing, though this one was called 'Cutie Mark Crusaders of Equestria' founded by Scootaloo, AppleBloom, and SweetieBelle many, many millennium's ago.

The Storyteller's location was within this town, though he didn't appear to be wandering the streets. Word on the street there's something interesting happening at Sugar Cube Corner.

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2015 12:24 am

Ponyville’s rich history mattered not to Ampera, she had a job to do; more specifically, a pony to meet. She trotted through the streets village, looking for The Storyteller. A few moments of searching would bear fruit in the form of intrigue about an interesting occurrence at Sugar Cube Corner, a pastry store.

Ampera followed every lead to the end, a conviction born of the dedication she had to her job. So, she made her way to and into the aforementioned store of sugary goodness and looked around.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeSat May 23, 2015 2:13 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

When the door's opened to Sugar Cube Corner the first noticeable thing was that the inside was quite colorful. It was VERY child friendly. From the looks of it immediately you can tell it was a birthday party being held here. Banners, balloon's decorations galore. Many children were standing about and when Ampera had entered inside she could hear them stomping their hooves on the ground with excitement.

"woahhhhh!!! That was awesome!!" shouted one child, soon many other children filled in with their cheers and stomps of joy and excitement.

Two rather obnoxiously bright ponies seemed to just fly through the air, their voices squealing in excitement. "Oh golly gee willakers! That was stupenderifous!" shouted one of them.

The other bursted into a bout of giggles. "Yessireee, sissypoo. Fantasterastic!" Seemingly making up words as they went along with their poofy bright hair, one bright blue and the other bright pink, odd as it were, they were both earth ponys, yet their movements seemed to defy any sort of logic. They would then land before a rather tall pony, one that would look rather familiar to Ampera.

They looked toward's the ground. "Don'tchu all agree, Everypony?!" said the blue one.

The pink one then spoke out. "Alright everyone, that's enough story time for now. Let's get this party rockin!! Hit it, Table Turner!" the pink pony pointed toward's another pony who whose coat was white and wore large shades, that were tinted black. Speakers arose and that pony would press a button and music began to fill the Sugar Cube Corner.

While this was happening that rather tall pony that was recognizable at 'The Storyteller' would politely bow his head to the twins before stepping away from them while the children began to dance and mingle.


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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeSun May 24, 2015 8:25 pm

“Sweet mother of diabetes…” Ampera mumbled when the sight of Sugarcube Corner’s interior came into view. She ventured further in, spotting The Storyteller as the foals went about fangasming over what she assumed was a story. “Well, at least they’re not doing drugs, still, hell’a annoying.” she thought as she listened to their made up words and watched them move like spazzing ragdolls.

For a moment, Ampera worried that she would have to wait for her soon-to-be partner to finish entertaining the foals, but that worry was quickly replaced with minor relief when the two ragdolls turned up the music. Ampera, still clad in her officer’s attire moved towards The Storyteller himself, waving him a hello as she approached.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeMon May 25, 2015 9:17 am

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

The Storyteller took noticed of the GEA officer who waved hello to him. He paused for just a second and stared at her, a moments pause as he judged her. Thinking her an idiot already, but he just smiled and nodded his head in her direction. He walked up to her, his gaze gentle now as he walked by her heading for a table. "I'm glad you could make it." He said loud enough for her to hear him over the music. His voice quite gentle as his appearance.

He would move to a near by table that was settled near the wall the furthest away from the speakers.

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 4:30 am

“You sure seem popular.” Ampera responded in like loudness. She followed The Storyteller to the table of his choice, and sat with him. “Come here often?” She asked half in jest. Ampera was really just making small-talk at this point, honestly not sure how to proceed with the conversation, or how to breach the topic of their mission. It was the first time she’d ever done something like this, and the prospect of failure forced her to limit herself. Normally, she’d be blunt, grab the stallion and go to town on the mission… but this was important, life-endingly important.
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 7:01 pm

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

Heartstring would smirk and shook his head as he had found some amusement in what she had stated. "I'd like to say I'm pretty popular with the children. They tend to love my storytelling the most. Adults are typically too busy to stay for too long, though they do tend to stand around a bit to listen before scurrying off to their work." he answered with cheer. Though it was about high time they got started on their mission. "Well come with me. You need to get out of those cloths." He stated as he started to walk away from the table.

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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 6:34 am

“The storyteller literally told stories. Well… Uhh… I’m not sure why I’m surprised here.” Ampera thought when her partner spoke of children and adults. At his mentioning of her attire, a lightbulb somewhere within Ampera lit up, and she realized she was still wearing her standard uniform… undercover. “Well… I didn’t die on the way here… So it was probably okay. Probably. Fuck me, Ampera, you're better than that.” she thought, nodding and following the stallion out of Sugarcube corner.

“Alright then, where to?”
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PostSubject: Re: A Space Opera!   A Space Opera! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 3:57 pm

A Space Opera! Heartop2_zps56d14bf2

"Carousel Boutique." he answered as he led Ampera out of Sugarcube Corner. It was quieter not thanks to all the music being contained within the building. You could hear the occasional beats echoing out the the Sugarcube Corner, but for the most part it was well contained. It was easier to talk outside as they didn't have to speak loudly over the music. Her turned his gaze to the mare. "I have a friend there who will be able to give you something new to wear, should you need it. We can't just have you walking around in that, you'll be rather obvious."

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