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 Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)

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Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Empty
PostSubject: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 5:56 am

#3025288 · 1w, 5d ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market SwordSymphony
Masquerade chuckles. "Of course we have all of those things, Mister Market... they're quite basic cooking supplies." She follows Sugary down the stairs and towards the kitchen, vaguely aware of Chenko answering a knock at the door but then she sees him bow the way only a princess could inspire. "Hold on a moment, Sugary; I think Thryssa came back for something."
As Tetti and Sword start into the tastefully-decorated house, a changeling mare steps into view. She's a little shorter than Tetti but has similar dragonfly-like wings instead of the more fly-like wings Sword has seen on other changelings. Her carapace is pockmarked as normal although not as much as normal, and she moves with the unconscious stalking movements of a predator. She stops dead the moment she lays eyes on Tetti.
"Princess Tettidora!" She exclaims. "What are you...? I mean, why are you...?" She sighs and just bows quickly, although sincerely. "I apologize but I thought I'd be seeing your eldest sister returning, not you coming in the door with a... oooh my that is an awfully tasty piece of stallion..."
Tetti blushes very lightly and kisses Sword. "Sword, this is Throne Guard Masquerade. Masquerade, this is Sword Symphony, my coltfriend. Hooves off, he's my stud."
Masquerade smiles and extends a hoof to Sword. "Charmed. And don't worry, Princess... I've got my own."
"Clearly..." Tetti looks around. "Marquess Callista du Dune, scion of the oldest and noblest of the changeling noble families." She looks fully at Masquerade. "You're a lucky mare. You have my condolences."
Masquerade sighs and nods. "Yeah, it's like that."
"One of those things that's changing and will change sooner than you can imagine," Tetti assures her with a warm smile. "So, we came here to meet a rather unique unicorn with a very unique flying vessel. Is he here?"
"Sure." Masquerade turns. "Sugary! Another Princess wants to meet you and give you a hug!"
Tetti looks nonplussed. "...another one...?"
"Thryssa and Lepi already met him and marked him. Your mother too." Masquerade smiles. "Hard to get our hooves on but well worth the effort."

#3025576 · 1w, 5d ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony DualThrone
>> DualThrone
Sugary was just about to start gathering what he needed from the kitchen, but as he wasn't familiar with it anywhere near as well as Masquerade or Callista, he held back on searching for now and instead followed her to see if Thryssa really had returned... and was met with the very surprising sight of Tettidora and her companion Sword very shortly after Masquerade had called him over directly.
While he observed the couple carefully, he had to ponder just who the pegasus was. He had much to ask of the princess, but her companion raised a set number of questions as well. "... He's... Not a changeling...? Could that be the stallion Masquerade spoke of that the princess supposedly met on her vacation...? Something about him... He's no normal pegasus, that's for sure... But meeting the princess comes first..."
He moved next to Masquerade, and gave a short, curt bow to the couple. Remembering Thryssa's words about not every changeling reacting the same way even to encouraged open affection, he held back on attempting to hug them as a greeting right away, but his tone was nonetheless a warm one as he moved over to them. "Hello. The name's Sugary Market... Should I assume a hug isn't the only reason for your visit here...? Also, would you be Princess Tettidora?"

#3025680 · 1w, 4d ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone Mr.Market
>> DualThrone >> Mr.Market "True enough I suppose. Although it would have been amusing to see what a Queen chose as her threat. Thinking about it now, "Eternity spent as a lampshade" isn't something I'd enjoy," Sword replies. "Well, its been a pleasure Your Highness. Perhaps we'll speak again at some point." Sword kisses Tetti back, knowing he'd be standing somewhere else when he opened his eyes. "Well this is certainly an impressive manor..." he commented as Tetti knocked and somepony answered, inviting them in. "Thank you."
"A pleasure to meet you Miss Masquerade. " Sword kissed back and laughed. "Love, why does it seem that every mare I've run across since I've met you is drooling over me? Is there something about dating a princess that makes me inherently more sexy?" He then focused on the fairly well built unicorn, giving him a once over. Sword shook his head. "Ummmm no. Didn't come for a hug. And my name is Sword Symphony. Nice to meet you. And I've not come for more than introductions really. As the only other non-changeling/gorgon in the city, I figured I should introduce myself. Plus, you can probably guess that I wish to inquire about your rather impressive airship sometime One can't have something like that and not draw more than a few questions about it, and its owners origin, but that can wait for another time."

#3029911 · 1w, 4d ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market SwordSymphony
"I would be Princess Tettidora, but I'm not that sexy," Tetti replies brightly.
Masquerade snorts. "Heh... well, I've got a thing for wings. Ask my marefriend... she knows just what I like."
"Oookay, far too much," Tetti smirked though. "But yes, Mister Market, my name is Tettidora." She walks over and gives him a light hug. "And you appear to be a Sugary sweet stallion, in addition to being named Sugary."
"You can taste it too, huh?"
"Like confectioner's sugar, light and delicate sweetness with just the right touch of peppermint," Tetti smiles at Sugary. "Best of all, however, is that our sweet stallion friend brings something new, interesting, and altogether innovative to the table. i've always thought there'd be a future in airships but to actually see one..." Her eyes become bright and childishly curious. "Tell me how it works?"
>> Mr.Market
>> SwordSymphony

#3032667 · 1w, 4d ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony DualThrone
((Meeting mighty magical Mr. Market))
>> DualThrone >> SwordSymphony
Sugary snuggled back Tettidora briefly with a smile. He once again had to wonder just how literal it was for a changeling to taste him through their unique form of magic, though he was currently more focused on her's and Sword's interest in him and his airship, and the fact that they were in fact a couple. Seeing Tettidora's eyes full of wonder, he could not help but smile brighter at them both. "Princess, I'd be glad to share what I can. That said, I hope I'm not asking for too much that we discuss this in the kitchen. I'm gonna make a cake for the others, and hopefully Princess Thryssa as well if I can make it fast enough. If you two are willing to stay and wait a while, I might make enough for all of us... But first..."
Sugary gently lets go of Tettidora and moves over to Sword, smiles very broadly, hugs him close, and kisses him on both cheeks. "First thing you should know about me: I'm an ally and happy to lend my aid to the Queen's plan for unification! A new era is on the horizon, and seeing you here dating Princess Tettidora is solid proof of that! I hope you're as enthusiastic about this as I am!"

#3035635 · 1w, 3d ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone Mr.Market
>> DualThrone >> Mr.Market Sword chuckled. "Yeah, the wings are a nice touch. But being able to shapeshift into any form has its advantages, doesn't it love?" he replied, nuzzling Tetti with a smile. "I'd stay for cake if Princess Thryssa is coming. I've wanted to meet her ever since Tetti told me about her and..." Sword stopped mid-sentence as Sugary hugged him, and then smooched him on both cheeks, leaving Sword momentarily stunned before he gently pushed Sugary away with a highly confused look on his face. "Ummmm.....as much as I appreciate your rather.... affectionate greeting, Imma ask you to not do that again. A simple hoof shake will do."
Awkward Silence.....
"Anyways, its always nice to see another pony looking to help out, although my courting of Tetti has less to do with unification and more to do with how good she.... yeah, unification, bringing two races together, that whole thing. Plus she's a ridiculous cook who doesn't mind my..." Sword grinned. "Assistance in the kitchen."

#3040602 · 1w, 3d ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market
"He's sweet, friendly, and he cooks?" Tetti blinks.
"And he's a merc," Masquerade adds.
"...so... why aren't all the unattached mares in Scarabi currently building a battering ram to get through the door...?"
"I don't think they're aware of the cooking and the mercenary thing," Masquerade laughs. "C'mon Princess... I want to see a stallion with a piece of tatty on his flanks make a cake."
Any movement towards the kitchen is stopped by Sword's last comment and Masquerade turns around slowly. "Assistance."
"Um, yes."
"In the kitchen."
"..." Masquerade stares at Tetti who's turning redder and redder as she goes. "..on behalf of my marefriend, I'm going to have to ask you not to 'assist' the princess while we're in the kitchen," she finally says, looking at Sword. "The last thing my Cally needs are kinky ideas..."
"..." Tetti clears her throat. "Um... lead the way, Mister Market?"
>> SwordSymphony
>> Mr.Market

#3041352 · 1w, 3d ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony DualThrone
>> SwordSymphony >> DualThrone
Sugary didn't mind being pushed back by Sword. He was understanding of his desire to keep distance, and would keep it in mind. He also raised a brow and took note of what both Sword and Tettidora said about their reasons for being together, but he'd keep it to himself. How they met wasn't his business so much as the fact that they served as an example of Chrysalis' goal... Or at least, those were his thoughts on the matter. He also looked curiously at Tettidora when she mentioned getting vigorously sought out by other mares in Scarabi before they had to go to the kitchen to continue where they left off. He just assumed for it to be nothing more than an exaggeration.
Once they were at the kitchen, he began to carefully look through the cupboards for where he assumed Callista would store away the proper cooking ware and ingredients. Eventually, he'd find all that he'd need and start mixing while talking to the others, though it was clear that his attention was mainly on the bowl being mixed which he was carefully taking his time with with a soft smile, happy to be baking for others again. "Hm... Where do I begin? The Black Mambo is, on a practical level, a regular ship with a relatively flat bottom to allow for it to be landed on... well... land. But it's rather stable on water as well. Of course, what really makes it what it is, is the number of propellers attached. Four on the sides, and two on the back allow for great acceleration. The two main propellers that can be retracted from the deck allow it to have some lifting capability. But all of those are really meant to make the most out of what really makes it fly. The Levistone attached into the engine made specially for it. Very precious mineral with high magical properties. According to Masquerade, it's the same kind of material that makes the castle float... Speaking of which, I'm still curious to know how the castle floats by use of Levistone. I haven't seen that much of it yet to be honest, I've barely been here a day... Anywho, the engine is a work of Magitechnology, or Magitek if you will, that allows it to work mechanically by steampower-for the gears, levers, and propellers-, as well as magically empowered -freely floating, magic conduits, and self defense even-... Hm... Where is- Ah! Excuse me, I need to get something quick..."
He let his magic take over the mixing process as he quickly made his way upstairs with the bowl and ingredients following closely, being careful not to spill anything or on anyone. Soon after, he came back down with the various coolers with snow that held the fruit he brought as a gift for Thryssa with levitation as well. Still mixing the ingredients, he looked through each cooler looking for a particular mix of fruits. "Pears, no... Apples, no... Kiwi, no... Ah! Cherries and Blackberries!" He placed the chosen fruit into the mix and returned to his spot in the kitchen, placing the coolers neatly nearby and tried to continue where he left off again. "Um... Ship... Engine... Magic conduits! Yes... The inside of the Black Mambo has rune covered metalwork that runs almost all over the ship. It's this system that allows for the Levistone's power to spread equally and evenly unless someone were to make specific adjustments from the bridge or the engine itself. In short, magical airship... I suppose you're wondering about more specific details. I could share them, but it would probably be better to show you instead... That is, assuming that Ally and his foundry crew haven't already gotten started on examining it. The ship gets stuffy with so many occupants at once unless you count storage space..." Once he's done mixing most of the ingredients, he takes a small amount of Nogales Cacti juice and adds it to the bowl as well. He then places it all in a separate cake tin, places that in the oven, and watches it for a moment while making adjustments as it heats up. He then looks straight at everyone. "... Anything else?"

#3067429 · 1w, 3h ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone Mr.Market
>> Mr.Market "Well we wouldn't want anyone getting ideas would we love?" Sword replied, kissing Tetti and walking into the kitchen with her, Masquerade, and Sugary. "Although since Tetti isn't doing the cooking, there's nothing for me to assist. Although a little exhibitionism never hurt anypony..."
Sword then listened as Sugary baked and talked over his head about his airship, Sword himself knowing squat about "Magiteck" or "Levistones" or anything else Sugary was talking about. Turning to Tetti with a confused expression, he shook his head. "Ummmm can you translate what he said love? All of that went over my head. My personal education is in biology, not machinery and magical theory and applications and aeronautics. I've only got a basic layman knowledge on those. Although..." Sword sniffs, liking what he smelt. "If that tastes as good as it smells, it'll be totally worth being talked over for it. Not bad Mr. Market."  

#3068243 · 1w, 1h ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market SwordSymphony
"I don't know about you, love, but tormenting the honorable Throne Guard by giving her marefriend the idea of 'assisting' her in the kitchen appeals to me," Tetti replies with a smoky purr as she kisses back, giving the mortified Masquerade a wink so she knows she's joking.
"Don't you dare, princess," Masquerade says sternly.
"And you're going to stop me... how?" Tetti grins.
"..." Masquerade sighs but smiles a little. "I'd probably be the one assisting, you know... Cally's the chef and cook and maker of tasty things."
"Just like Sugary here is the maker of delicious sweets?" Tetti points out, giving Sugary a smile. "Because that cake looks scrumptious before it's even made!"
Tetti then turns to Sword and nuzzles him. "I essence, love, the ship is able to fly through a magically-infused stone called 'levistone' that naturally levitates something when energy is applied to it. The palace sits on a bed of levistone which, for reasons we don't know, levitates without power being applied. This ship that Sugary Market owns is exceptional for its number of propellers, which gives it unusual speed., and the fact that the entire interior is covered with magical runes that spread the levitation effect over the entire ship. I gather from his description that it also burns coal to generate steam and thus supply the entire thing with electrical power." She looks at Market. "Is that correct, Mister Market?"
>> Mr.Market
>> SwordSymphony

#3068332 · 1w, 1h ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony DualThrone
>> DualThrone >> SwordSymphony
Sugary somewhat pretends he isn't hearing about all the innuendo talking as he listens in on Tettidora, though he still can't help but chuckle lightly about it all. Plus, he found their displays of affection endearing... until he was reminded of his single status and quickly moved on before he dwelled on it. "First off, thank you! The cake might be a tad soft from the extra Nogales Cacti juice, but should also be more flavorful and moist if I made the correct measurements... As to the airship, you are correct except for one specific detail. While I can use coal for it, I normally use Fire Magicite instead. Basically, it's a magically infused crystal with a Fire elemental charge. It's capable of making the same kind of heat as a lump of burning coal and more if charged right, except it doesn't leave any ash behind, makes no smoke, and lasts longer. So, as long as it's worked with well and carefully, it's a much better choice that's meant to do basically the same thing... Any other questions? The cake won't be ready for a while longer." He then looked towards the direction of the entrance, hoping that the cake would be done on time before Thryssa and/or Calliope returned. "Oh, yes! Tell me more about yourselves if you could. May as well."

#3087096 · 5d, 1h ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone Mr.Market
>> DualThrone >> Mr.Market "Ummmm that pretty much covered it for me love, thank ya." he replies, rubbing his flank against her's and grinning at Masquerade. "Yeah she's pretty much unstoppable when she wants something... And..." Sword turns to Sugary. "Well, what do you wish to know? Granted there are quite a few things I probably won't answer till we know each other better, but I don't mind answering a few harmless questions about myself. I can't speak for the Princess though." he nuzzles her back.  

#3087185 · 5d, 1h ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market SwordSymphony
Tetti turns the nuzzle into a kiss. "Mmm... well, I'm 26, about a hoof taller than my fiance when I'm not staying in a form more appropriate for cuddling and intimacy with him, love books, and act as Mother's grand vizier and curator of the Royal Archives." She smiles at Sugary. "I like instrumental music, cooking, reading, and discussing ancient history with Maredusa. I've got a younger sister I like to pound on general principle, an oldest sister who's more military than is good for her, and an older sister who's so bucking nice that I can't make myself be jealous of her for scoring the Captain of the Royal Guard, and becoming sister-in-law to her most favorite mare in the whole world."
"Masquerade," Masquerade volunteers. "32, too wrapped up with my work to have any real hobbies or interests, right-hoof mare to Princess Lepinora, and absolutely helplessly madly smitten with Callista du Dune. Oh, and I think a certain Tantalus mercenary is the most awesome stallion I know." She turns to give Sugary a look of sincerity.
>> Mr.Market
>> SwordSymphony

#3087274 · 5d, 17m ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony SwordSymphony DualThrone
>> DualThrone >> SwordSymphony
Sugary had a light smile on his face as he listened in on Tettidora's and Masquerade's summaries of their lives, and  Masquerade's wonderfully uplifting compliment, though he was understanding of Sword choosing to remain quiet about it for now. "Alright, my turn... Sugary Market, or Mercado Azucarado if you prefer. 32. Elder of two siblings... You already know my marital status... Tantalus Freelance Mercenary from Melmond, part-time baker, ferryman, and supply courier currently employed by Princess Thryssa, about to take a set of tests to become one of her Right-hoof military staff, a citizen of Scarabi as of recently, blessed by Royalty, and approved by Madam Maredusa and Miss Mara Belle..." He was giving off a slightly nervous smirk and scratching his head by this point, mind wandering off somewhat. "... Ah, so much happened in so little time, yet there's so much to do still... Such pressure... I know I should be resting more, but how can I with what may come? I haven't been this eager to get back to work and lend support to a cause for years! And it's the least I can do after being aided so generously back at the Everfree Forest!" His nervous smirk had been replaced with the same eager smile he had for most of the day.
Looking over at Sword once more, he continued. "You don't have to say too much, just more or less say what we've said. From what I understood, the two of you had arrived recently, so no rush." He then addressed Tetti directly once again. "Also, I was told that if I wanted to learn more about Changeling magic, I should ask you. Again though, no rush for lessons. I can wait for an appointment or audience. I got books to read on other subjects for that matter, so I'll have other things to learn as is." For a moment, he remembered about he Ero-Novels he had borrowed as well... But decided to keep that to himself.
Comment posted by SwordSymphony deleted at 2:47am on the 15th of March, 2014

#3094914 · 4d, 1h ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone Mr.Market
>> Mr.Market >> DualThrone >> Mr.Market Sword nodded. "Sword Symphony, 26. No family to speak of. Former Agent of Luna. specializing in assassination and stealth reconnaissance. I have an advanced degree in biology, speak most modern Equestria languages, and was nearly killed by a group of changelings." he chuckled, nuzzling Tetti. "Which apparently were so far removed from changelings they might as well be classified as 2 different species. Regardless, I met Tetti in Manehatten, you could say we hit it off rather well." Putting a wing over her, Sword smiled. "I'd use the term soulmate, honestly, because I didn't think love could develop this fast. If you wanna know my detailed history, bring a bottle to the library and  get comfy. Tetti still hasn't sifted through one year yet.

#3095470 · 3d, 21h ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market
"What sort of lessons do you want, Sugary?" Tetti asks. "I'm afraid that I can't teach you all the same things I've taught my beloved," she nuzzles at Sword. "but I've got tons of information to share."
"I'm not quite sure that you'd be best, Princess," Masquerade remarks. "You're clearly the most well-informed and intelligent but you're also a scholar. Even a very intelligent merc, and Sugary is, would have trouble keeping up with a scholar."
Tetti eyes her. "Mask, you do realize that I'm also quite well-steeped in the scientific method? And writing papers that can withstand peer review?"
Masquerade blinks. "Um... I've heard that, yes."
"Well, one characteristic of a pseudoscientist is that they can't reduce their theory to the level that an ordinary person can understand it," she said. "Because pseudoscientists don't understand their material well... but real scientists do. I can reduce the most complex of ideas to simple concepts and language, which is a hallmark of a thorough scholarly education." She smiles. "I, and Sugary, should be just fine. So Mister Market, ask anything and everything you wish."
>> Mr.Market
>> SwordSymphony

#3102196 · 3d, 2h ago ·  ·  ·   DualThrone SwordSymphony
>> DualThrone >> SwordSymphony
Sugary's ear flicked a bit when Sword mentioned he was an Assassin. He also showed interest in his former position as a Royal official. "I knew it! He's got that air of expertise about him... I wonder if the fact that he's connected to the Equestrian Royal family is in any way similar to Sir Shining and Princess Chidinida being wed...? Nah... Masquerade already told me that was just a lucky blessing of an outcome despite the original plan. This is likely just more good luck coming their way they could all use. The more, the merrier, I say..."
"Well... I don't drink, but I'll gladly take you up on that offer eventually. First things first though, I need to get settled in myself as is. I got a lot to learn, cultural and martial at the very least, if I'm gonna take on my later responsibilities. Won't do to be either a Guard or a General if I don't even know what it is that I'm protecting against or how to do it properly... At least, I'm assuming I'll have to adjust to a number of things. Better to prepare early, I guess..." His gaze then focused solely on Tettidora. "... Princess Tettidora, I doubt you could be much worse than some of our Professors and Scholars. That said, what I would like to know more is... How does Changeling magic work in general? From what I understand so far, it's not quite the same as a Unicorn's though very similar yet I am unaware of the full potential as is. And then there's the facet regarding emotions, which I understand is a big deal to all Changelings in everyday life. As a fellow magic user, can you sate my curiosity?" After asking the question, he'd look down at the cake still being made carefully. It would not be too long now before it would be ready to serve.

#3102829 · 2d, 22h ago ·  ·  ·   SwordSymphony Mr.Market
>> Mr.Market "Changeling magic largely works the same as unicorn magic does," Tetti replies. "It's a formless stream of magical energy that can take whatever form the user might wish. It can also achieve a precise and predictable effect using an acquired mental framework such as what is commonly called a 'spell'. As in mathematics or more accurately, industrial mass fabrication, spells allow you to feed magical energy into the framework and always get a specific effect out the other. For example, teleportation: you feed energy into it, select a destination through mental visualization, feed more energy in to cover the cost of instant movement to the pictured point, and you will be taken to that point.
"Now, changelings have an additional thing they can do and that is to supercharge an existing expenditure of magic with a mystical well of energy derived from the emotional radiance of other sapeints. This supercharging of the expenditure doesn't so much as empower it as it enhances it. The teleportation spell is no long a multiple-stage framework but a much more simple and highly efficient one. A simple cantrip of telekinetic force becomes a flechette that can run through a charging manticore with the same magical cost as staggering a pony of average size.
"The nature of this mystical well, which we refer to as 'love energy' for simplicity, also infuses the changeling body in all respects, giving our chitinous shells a light, supple, flexible characteristic which is extremely unnatural given the material characteristics of insect chitin. The infusion gives our wings' artificial lift capabilities, enhances average visual, audial, and olfactory acuity, gives our sense of taste the capacity to discern the nature of emotional radiance, and allows simultaneous internal and external reorganization of our bodies into a different shape.
"If you've met my mother, Sugary Market, you'll have certainly noticed that she has an immense magical presence about her. This is partly due to the fact that she was born with fairly immense reserves but mostly because the metaphysical relationship between changelings and the royalty is such that as affection, trust, and confidence in the royalty grows, the emotional radiance naturally flows into the objects of those emotions. Once the connection is established, it's both endless and has no limitation as to the distance that the flow can travel. The flow is significantly more intense in Scarabi itself so if you're here, it's because you're permitted." She smiles. "Or, given the marks on you, you're strongly welcomed and given the personal approval and endorsement of the Royalty."

#3110576 · 2d, 2h ago ·  ·  ·   Mr.Market
>> Mr.Market >> DualThrone   "Well that's a shame. Although I much prefer to just sit and sip a drink while chatting casually. Doesn't have to be booze, although I'll probably be drinking scotch. And the good stuff too, as Princess Lepi was wise enough to reimburse me for a prank that cost me a bottle of the good stuff. Well..." Sword looks at the heavy sack around his neck. "more than reimbursed me actually. Perhaps we'll become drinking buddies at some point, although I get the feeling she drinks in a different manner than I. Either way, It'd be a pleasure to just have some pleasant company such as yourself. As for changeling magic... only thing I can add is that while unicorn magic seems to have a cap that can be increased through training and capped with natural talent, whereas Changeling magic seems to be based on an internal pool. The limit is how much energy they have. Tetti could confirm this for me, as I can only speak for the biology of the equine species I'm familiar with. Although being from a different land, your magic could function differently. There's no way for me to tell."

#3110991 · 2d, 50m ago ·  ·  ·
>> SwordSymphony >> DualThrone
"Hm~... So Changeling magic, in the traditional sense, really isn't all that different from what is generally known throughout... And yet, it is significantly more literal and intimate when it comes to sharing it and nourishing from it through emotions... When I was walking out in the city since this morning, I felt a faint, yet constant flow of energy through the citizens. It somewhat reminded me of the Queen's own..." Sugary seemed to go into a bit of deep thought on that particular subject. "... I can somewhat understand what it means to have the love and adoration of your citizens in a monarchy and return it ideally... But to actually feel it and give it every single day? I don't think I'll ever truly know what it feels like unless I were a Changeling myself... I get the feeling that Equestria as a whole doesn't understand what it once shunned; At least, from what I can tell so far. Because, why reject a race that openly welcomes affection and is quite willing and capable of returning it...?"
Once he was done with some pondering of his own, he returned his attention in full to both Tettidora and Sword. "As for my views on magic and what I learned? Well, I can tell you right now that training and natural talent certainly play a role in that regard. But there are other forms of magic of course. In essence, it's an extension of one's will through an ebb and flow of energy, and just as there are different wills, there are different ways to exert that will to and/or from within; Even those who normally can't use magic in the traditional sense have the potential. Geomancers draw and exert energy from the very terrain they inhabit. Summoners draw upon and channel great spirits that have made pacts with them. And then there's fellas like myself, manipulating and bending our own and surrounding energies to our will... within reasonable limits lest we get carried away and pay the ultimate price for it. But as I said, there are variations. Pegasi have their innate ability to deal with weather, and Earth ponies have a natural knack for working the lands as if it were just breathing to them... Although..." He looked at Sword's band more intently. "... You seem to have quite the trinket there. No clue what it does, but it certainly resonates well with your lifeforce and Mana rather well. Granted, that's just another good example if you use it to exert your will from... I could probably go on for a while longer on the subject, but I think I'll summarize and end it with this: Whatever use is given to magic, the best use is to make improvements to one's lives and that of others. And if you can't use magic at all, you can never go wrong with practicing the magic of friendship." He winked and chuckled lightly at that last remark.
Shortly after, the cake was finally done, and he carefully pulled it out and made a minor quality check by poking it, cutting out a piece from where he poked, blowing on it consistently, and having a small bite. "Mmm~ Tad soft, but good! Time will tell if you see me in a good light from here on out, and I'd be happy to share more of what I know over time as well, but for now, who wants cake?" He then looked back in the direction of the entrance to the manor, wondering if Callista and/or Thryssa would be back at any moment.
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Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 6:15 am

"Well the full extent of pegasi magic manifests in their flight." Sword corrected, extending his wings. "No aviary species could ever hope to fly with the wing to body ratio pegasi possess. The act of flapping our wings is a subconscious trigger for our magical flight. Its so ingrained in us that most pegasi don't even notice, nor would consider themselves magic users. With enough focus.." Sword closes his eyes for a moment, brow furrowed in concentration before he lifted a few inches off the ground. "A well-trained pegasi can fly without the use of their wings." Relaxing, he drifted back to the ground. "As for my band, that's a whole separate deal. It allows for a limited use of a very specialized form of magic that is highly useful for one who used to have the occupation I possessed. But I agree, lets move onto cake!" Eyeing the cake, and also noting his glances at the entrance, Sword raised an eyebrow. "Are we expecting more guests Sugary? You keep glancing at the door as if you're expecting someone important to knock at any moment."
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Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 10:18 am

"I think we're expecting either my marefriend..."
"...my eldest sister..."
"...or both," Masquerade concluded. "I think it'll be some time yet before Cally returns home, though; it's just barely over the lunch rush and no self-respecting businesspony can lightly set aside that amount of business, no matter how much she might want to do unmentionable things to a lover at home."
"Or eat cake," Tetti smiled. "Speaking of such..." She has Sugary slice her a piece of the cake, which she promptly takes in her levitation and brings to her mouth to take a nice generous bite. "Mmm! Dear me, Sugary Market... you certainly live up to your name! It's perfectly sweet... not too much, not too little, just right."
"That wouldn't surprise me, really..." Masquerade chuckles as she, too, retrieves a piece of cake and samples it. "And of course he can cook. Because fighting, gathering, flying, giving Calliope a verbal slapdown, winning the favor of most of the royal family, impressing three very important ponies in Scarabi, being bucking adorable when he gets high, and practically putting Princess Thryssa on her plot when he gave her gifts isn't nearly enough."
"I notice that you have quite a few different disciplines of magic where you come from, Sguary," Tetti comments after another large bite of cake. "You must come from an amazing place to have such a variety and such an intricate system of helping up-and-coming mages specialize in the discipline that speaks best to their talents." She giggles. "Although I guess we have something like that here. Isn't that right, my handsome levitating pegasus?"
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Mr. Market
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Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 4:26 am

Sugary smiled in admiration at Sword's demonstration of innate pegasus potential. "I knew he was something... But he gets what it means to use magic perfectly... And maybe that band of his is some sort of augmenter...?"

Later on, his ears flicked and smiled a little wider once Sword, Tetti, and Masquerade caught on to his door watching. "Well, yes. I was hoping to at least bake this cake before Princess Thryssa returned; Assuming she does. Figured I'd show her gratitude with an extra treat aside from the fruit itself among other things since she liked them so much. Would be a shame if she missed the cake now while it's fresh."

He then blushed lightly at the reminder of his exploits and skills. He still wasn't used to getting praise in this way outside of fellow guild members, even if Masquerade was being honest to a fault. He was nonetheless grinning brightly once he got praise for his fruit filled cake. That was something that would always fill him with pride since his early youth, though he was still attentive of Tetti's talk of his own magical knowledge afterwards. "Thank you... And yes, it's a bit of a hastle, but learning a variety of basic spells as soon as possible is typically expected of every magic user where I'm from... Of course, there's the double-edged fact that others tend to get their expectations too high about us at times later on. I'm sure that applies here as well... Also, I've been meaning to ask about local spells that other races might not normally use that Changelings do. Granted, I may likely be getting lessons on that while training among other troops... That is, I'm assuming I'll be expected to join them at it... But if not, I was hoping for some lessons on those. See if I can't pick up something new. Of course, I'd be happy to share what I know in return. You just need to ask..."

He then served Sword his portion of a cake slice. "Enjoy!"

Last edited by Mr. Market on Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 2:01 am

Sword chuckled, "Well unlike him I can't cook to save my life. Tetti had the chance to experience my "cooking" first hand." Taking his piece of cake, Sword smiled and nodded at Sugary. "Thank you. And thank you as well love." He nuzzled Tetti affectionately before sitting down. "I'm fairly certain Thryssa will arrive exactly when she means to. From what I've heard she's quite serious, and probably takes even the most minor of trivialities seriously. A respectable attitude, if a bit unflexible." Sword took a bit of cake and offered it to Tetti. "It really is quite excellent Love, although no one competes with your cooking." Winking at her, he took another bite. "I'd say so love. In my experience, combat unicorns generally tend to be more versatile than the average unicorns I meet, thus requiring advanced tactics to deal with them. It was rare for me to confront a Combat Unicorn head on, due to my vulnerabilities to magic. Well, one school in general. Telekinesis. Loss of mobility renders me largely useless until freed. So what are you planning on doing here Sugary? I myself obviously don't have plans to be taking up an occupation due to my relationship." Kissing Tetti on the cheek, he turned back to Sugary again. "I'm rather enjoying my retirement, and having an entire libraries worth of material to read will be most enthralling to me."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 4:16 am

Tetti kisses Sword right back, although she chuckles when he says he doesn't plan to take up an occupation. "Love, you're dating and will marry a princess. Being a prince is in occupation unto itself, just like being a princess is. Especially in this family where we all help Mother in various ways: Thryssa as her field general, Chidi as her liaison to Equestrian royalty, I as her grand vizier and ambassador, and Lepi as her spymaster."
"Everypony does their part when you're a single race kingdom in the middle of a barren waste," Masquerade fills in, taking another bite of her cake. "Though don't worry, Mister Symphony... you're not going to go off assassinating people or getting into a war or anything." She grins. "And Thryssa isn't as serious as is advertised. Generous gifts knock her on her plot, just the same as any other pony."
Tetti eats a few more bites of cake. "So Mister Market... what sort of spells are you asking about? What do you mean by 'local spells that other races might not normally use that changelings do'?"
"I think he's asking about spells unique to us." Masquerade smiled at Sugary.
"To my knowledge, there's only a couple and they're... somewhat exclusive," Tetti supplied. "I suppose that with years of work, you might be able to shapeshift but that's more of an exercise in intellect than anything else because of how enormously complicated it is. The other spell exclusive to our race can only be used by our race because the result of the spell would kill the user."

At about that moment, there was a heavy knock on the door and before Chenko can answer it, the door opens on its own and in strides Princess Thryssa. For the first time Sugary's seen her, she's walking around without her perfectly-fitted armor and without it on, it's quite apparent that she's a soldier at the peak of physical perfection. Even her casual movements are sinuous and measured, like a stalking cat, and every one of those movements causes her slim frame to ripple with the lean muscle of an athlete. Although she doesn't technically have a coat per say, her chitin seems to glow with health and the divots and pitting common to changelings is much less noticeable although unlike her sisters and her mother, she's made no attempt to use styling to conceal or decorate the imperfections. Her mane is a vivid aquamarine, like that of her mother, and she has it woven quite tightly into a braid that runs the entire length of her heck and drapes over one of her shoulders. Even without armor, however, Sword can see four kukuris, two to each leg, sheathed in such a way that they're visible without being overly blatant.

"Tettidora!" She exclaims in a strong contralto vibrato, sweeping the visibly smaller Tetti into an embrace of honest enthusiasm and catching the partly-eaten cake just as the surprised Tetti loses her grip on it. "I heard you've come back with a..."
Her eyes catch sight of Sword and she stops, setting Tetti down and smoothly rotating so that she's ever so slightly in between Sword and Tetti, who's looking genuinely perplexed at this behavior. "...a fixer," she finishes, giving Sword a wary look.
Tetti stares. "Sister, are you... you're acting like you're trying to protect me from a threat."
Thryssa suddenly colors a little. "Um..."
Tetti snorted. "Come on, big sis... really? You think I could take him to meet Mother and Maredusa both and he's still in one piece if he's the least big hostile to anyone here?"
The blush deepened. "Well..."
Tetti laughed. "OK, just you watch this, you paranoid thing." She slides around Thryssa, walks right over to Sword, and locks muzzles with him as hotly as she ever has, even leaning into it. Thryssa, needless to say, colors deeper as her eyes get large.
"...I see..." She manages.
"Mmm..." Tetti purrs as she breaks the kiss. "So, I guess there's nothing to be said about that is there?"
"...I... doubt it..." Thryssa admits, clearly flummoxed.
"Good." Tetti takes the cake back and rather blatantly cuddles into Sword as she takes another bite. "Now let your mane down and grab some of this cake. Sugary Market here is absolutely stellar for his sweet things."
"Yes, I noticed," Thryssa remarks, giving Sugary a little smile as she avails herself of a generous slice. "Although if you think his baking is sweet, you should see his gestures of gratitude." She bites into the cake and her eyes sort of cloud over. "...it's... it's..."
Tetti grins. "Yes, it certainly is."
"...ohgodyes..." And Thryssa immediately takes a bite that demolishes fully half of the piece she took, looking to be in utter bliss as she eats.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 6:06 am

((Rendezvous in Scarabi))

Sugary's ear flicked for a moment after Sword finished mentioning his weakness. While it was a general 'weakness' for many, he wasn't expecting for a professional Assassin, retired or otherwise, to make any remarks about things they could not handle. This meant one of two things for him: Either Sword was partially bluffing in the event that they turned on each other and catch him by surprise, which was very unlikely... Or he fully trusted him, which seemed more likely; And with that, he made a mental note to remember to assist him should the opportunity arise. "As I already said, I plan to aid the Royal Family and Scarabi in any way I can, as both a stallion and a mercenary. I also intend to learn as much as I can while I work and live here so that, in the odd chance it might happen, I can lend support as a separate but allied party. Figured that might be worth something in the long run for peaceful negotiations... Also, I am glad you chose to share your weakness..." He smiled a little more at him. "... Not sure if you're used to it, but if it ever comes to it, I'll be happy to defend you against enemy magic by supporting you with my own. Also, you can have some more cake if you want."

While listening to the brief answer that Tettidora was giving him, his attention went fully over to Thryssa when she had returned, which he was quite happy for. What he wasn't entirely expecting was her lack of armor and full body reveal. While he was fairly quick to notice the weapons she had on her, he also saw practically everything else that came with it attentively. As far as he was concerned, her unusually feline-like posture was perfect and imposing, her physiche was flawless and vigorous, and her un-tampered natural imperfections added a subtle charm. In short, he found her overall exotic form to be nothing short of beautiful; Down to the point that he once again looked at her alluring golden eyes until he had actually caught himself staring just a tad too long in admiration, blinked and shook his head lightly, and watched the rest that happened from then on.

And watch he did with raised eyebrows at Sword and Tetti's displays of affection and obvious attraction. "Heh... These two are REALLY into each other... Whoever doubts they hit it off well has to be blind or stupid."

Once Thryssa addressed him again, he smiled brightly and chuckled with mirth at her liking and devouring of his Raspberry, and Cherry filled cake as well as the compliment of his own displays of affection, though he soon blushed subtly and lightly when he recalled how she had returned it with a gentle kiss. "Glad to see you like my cake, Princess! There's plenty more, but you might wanna slow down to savor the flavor and-..." At that moment, he remembered how he had a foodgasm over Callista's cooking when he had breakfast which he devoured with equal glee, and briefly laughed. "On second though, have at it! Let's just make sure to leave a big piece for Callista later. The rest of the fruit is right here next to me by the way..." And with that, he took another slice for himself and simply entertained himself with the rare sight of an employer stuffing her own face with his own treats before he actually got any real work done in a now calm and casual setting.
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 6:49 am

"I suppose it was inevitable that I would have to do something, although Prince Sword sounds odd rolling off my tongue." Not that my tongue isn't used to servicing royalty.... "Although I'll do what I can to help. Anything for you love." Hearing the knock, Sword looked towards the door. "It appears we have a guest. Wonder who.." Sword stopped halfway through his sentence as a very large and obviously royal changeling walked in. He didn't need to hear her name, this mare he knew by her obvious warrior presence and predatory gait. "Princess Thryssa....." he muttered as she and Tetti embraced each other. More affectionate than I imagined.

Still, when she placed herself between him and Tetti, and began to eye him, he tensed, wings extending slightly and band glowing very faintly on instinct. Thryssa would easily note his stance shifting from relaxed, to ready, although the untrained eye would see nothing. He returned her gaze, although his wasn't wary, but rather concerned. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Thryssa. And she does make a rather good point. Although..." Sword halts his sentence to return Tetti's passionate kiss, breaking away with a slight blush and a love-smitten grin on his face. "Truth be told, I was rather disappointed by your mother. She didn't even offer one death threat to me. Not even one. But regardless, you're a changeling, you already know my exact feelings towards your sister just by being around us, so how about we relax and enjoy Sugary's delicious cake. He does seem to be eager for you to try it." And so obviously smitten with her that a blind foal could see it

Returning to his cake, he snuggled up with Tetti. "I would think it'd be a rather apparent weakness, seeing that I'm not a unicorn, although your offer of assistance in battle is appreciated, but hopefully unneeded. And besides, my marefriend is probably one of the most powerful magic users alive currently, I don't think I have much to worry about, and...." Sword watches Thryssa inhale her cake, shaking his head. "Well looks like somepony is enjoying your hard work Sugary."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 7:53 am

Thryssa notices Sugary's attention to her and she turns a beet red, blushing intensely as the smaller stallion is broadcasting his feelings about her in a way that's almost painfully obvious to an emotivore. "Yes, I'm very fond of your... cake," she replies, quickly taking another slice and turning away to scarf it down, all but broadcasting just how flattered she is by Sugary's gaze.
Instead, she turns her attention fully to Sword and gives him a fangy grin. "Sword, she did threaten you. Putting you within reach of an ancient gorgon who has an eternal grudge against pegasi, fully aware of how Maredusa would react, fully aware that Tetti would have talked about Maredusa's relationship to the royal family, was quite the threat. I hear that Princess Celestia has placed certain undesirables in a stone state; surely threatening you with the same thing is relatively serious."
"Be nice, Thryssa," Tetti admonished. "If Mother was threatening him, she wouldn't be subtle. Threats don't do much good unless someone knows they're being threatened."
"If you insist." Thryssa shrugs and steps closer so she can lean down and look Sword in the eye with a broad, fangy smile. "If you hurt my sister, I'll make whatever caused those scars seem like the sweet touch of a beloved. And then I'll eat you, slowly, so the memory of your screaming soothes me to sleep each night." She returns to standing at her full height and takes another bite of cake. "I hope that makes up for Mother's minor oversight."
"Sis, is it a crime to break every bone in your body?" Tetti inquires.
"Mother would certainly give you a time-out," Thryssa points out. "She doesn't like her daughters fighting."
Tetti contemplates this. "You have a point..."
"Of course I do; I'm the heir to the throne." Thryssa sticks her tongue out at Tetti merrily. "I'm always right."
"Then why aren't you jumping the adorable bones of the Tantalus mercenary right over there?" Tetti asks, pointing to Sugary.
"..." Thryssa again turns red at being reminded of Sugary's smitten looks. "Um... I think he much prefers his bones un-jumped." She looks back at Sugary hopefully. "Right?"
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 5:44 pm

For a brief moment, Sugary contemplated on verbally discouraging Sword's relatively unprovoked subtle tension that, where it not for having years of experience reading the behavior of others during good times and bad times, he might have missed it. "... I know Thryssa is imposing, but why is he getting worked up over a sister being a sister, and especially against a royal heir...?" Granted, the thought did not last for long as Sword had eased up well again, and he dismissed it afterwards as most likely just force of habit.

Sugary was a lot of things, but he wasn't dense as he did notice the blush on Thryssa's face, which he was fairly certain it had to do with his lingering admiration. What he wasn't clear on was why she, a princess, was blushing so hard over it. "... Is she not used to getting stared for her beauty...?"

Afterwards, he good a good chuckle out of the royal sisters casual shenanigans, though he had to ponder just how likely it was that Thryssa would actually be serious on her threat under the right circumstances. He then flinched, however, the moment that Tettidora had suddenly pointed at him as a target for what he assumed was Thryssa's affection, not knowing at all if she was being serious or teasing. He then flinched again, blushed lightly, and scrunched his nose a bit in somewhat frantic thought when asked about whether or not he'd accept getting his bones jumped by Thryssa herself. He took a deep breath and raised his hoof as if to speak, scratched his chin and scrunched his nose further when nothing came out the first time, and tried again after giving it some more thought. "Er... Well... I certainly wouldn't mind being jumped by a lovely mare at all. It can't be any less pleasant than getting jumped by an eager line-up of guards out on the castle gates, or a bunch of foals on the city streets, or a group of workers in the foundry- Er... Never mind, that last one doesn't count..."

Feeling that the topic got a little awkward with the sudden focus to himself, he attempted to change it up a bit with another question of his own. Something he had been keeping on his mind for a while as he looked back at all five of them, but mostly Sword, Tettidora and Thryssa. "Um... By the way, I have been meaning to ask something... Suppose Queen Chrysalis' plan for unification with the rest of Equestria were successful in our lifetimes... What do you plan to do then? As in, what do you think you'd do differently if given the chance?"
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 4:48 am

"Well that's certainly graphic, although I didn't know changelings partook in red meats." Sword couldn't help but grin back at Thryssa as she bared her fangs at him. "Funny story though, it was an entourage of corrupted changelings that gave me this scar, so I'd imagine it'd be a familiar pain." Taking another piece for himself, he nibbled at it while they conversed, choosing to enjoy the awkward bumbling between Thryssa and Sugary while he idly nuzzled Tetti  and shared bits of cake with her.

"Well, that's a simple answer. I won't be doing anything differently at all. I intend to enjoy the rest of my life in whatever way I can. Although I predict this will involve me spending most of my time with Tetti, reading, sipping scotch with friends and occasionally taking the time to do a little daydreaming. Honestly I'm just making this up as I go along, although I would guess I'd settle into a routine later on. Perhaps a few foals once we're married, who knows? Sky's the limit as they say." Sword answered.
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 7:26 am

"Funny... I was under the impression that you've been feeding my little sister meat twice daily," Thryssa says with a totally straight face.
"Thrys!" Tetti hits her, blushing.
"Hey, he's the one that fed me the straight line," Thryssa chuckles. "More seriously, Sword, it's probably best that you not understand what the threat meant, mostly because... um..." It was at this moment that Sugary made his comment and Thryssa turns to stare at him with very wide eyes. "...um... I... I don't know what to say, Sugary. I've... never been... um... uh... I've... never had a stallion... uh... express that he... wants... sex from me... um... quite so openly..."
Tetti blinks. "And suddenly it all makes sense..."
"..and just what the hay is that supposed to mean...?" Thryssa demands, turning bright crimson and unable to stop staring at Sugary.
"You are somewhat uptight, sis..."
Thryssa hangs her head and sighs. "Sugary Market, if you... um... if you think of... of... me... that way... I don't... think we can... uh... quite have a professional... relationship... if it's going to be sexual..." Her ears cant. "I'm sorry."
Tetti nuzzles Sword. "Me? I'll settle down with my handsome pegasus husband and divide my days between scholarship, breeding a small army of mutant pegaus-changelings, and having every kind of fun with food I can imagine." She gives Sword a sly look. "One or two of those might tend to overlap."
Thryssa frowns. "I... have absolutely no idea. What does a field general do when she can no longer general? What does an heir do if her throne is just one of many? I have nothing besides my mlitary duties, and cannot imagine anything outside of them."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 5:12 pm

((The Princess Marshal and the Merc))

Thryssa's blunt response hit Sugary like a brick to the face once he realized that she was being outright serious in her thinking that that was what he was talking about. Now was his turn to turn crimson, and neigh deeply only to immediately fake-cough in a crude effort to compose himself to set the record straight as the topic had caught him way off guard. "Princess, I thought you meant glomping me like the other citizens had, not rutting each other... I mean-...! Er... I still want us to be in a relationship- Professional! A professional relationship! Yes... I... Ugh!" He took a moment to lightly slap himself a few times in yet another crude effort to think straight and then continue as even making eye contact was a chore. "What I mean... What I really meant, is that you're lovely because... You don't just look beautiful, you helped me when you could've easily chased me away but didn't; Something that Masquerade can account for since she did so too and was there the whole time... But because of you, I was fed, I was paid, and I was given a chance to start again fresh... You even went so far as to do my job for me. You showed me mercy and respect when I expected none, and so I hoped to return the favor by coming here and lend my support to the cause any way I could... Those who I spoke to about you spoke well of you and your responsibilities. And when I finally do get here, when I finally do bring the gifts I had to offer, you not only accept my offer to lend my services directly to you, but you also show me further generosity and compassion by giving me a home, citizenship, the chance to earn a high official position within your ranks, and time to heal... You have made a fantastic impression on me. I would be more than happy to try and meet with your expectations..."

Getting to slowly become more focused as he went on, he took note of the fact that Tettidora and Sword, much like Lepinora, made little to no effort to hide their obvious affection for their mates while sharing their goals with ease, whereas Thryssa was clearly having a struggle. For a brief moment, he felt the dilemma of being a 'problem solver' by profession, yet having no immediate solution to his employer's apparent plight. And then, a simple thought crossed his mind; A recurring theme that was quite clearly of great importance in Scarabi and for changelings in general. He took a deep breath, and spoke somewhat more calmly and reassuringly, though still with a light blush. "Princess... I can't pretend to know what your life must've been like, but I can at least tell you this much: You are well loved and well regarded. You can keep doing as you are and you should be fine in the meantime... When the time comes..." He raised his hoof and pointed to everyone else in the room and ending with himself. "... You have an entire civilization to ask for ideas if you still can't come up with one of your own. If nothing strikes your fancy even then..." he smiled a little more, as if he were about to say something wise and profound "... Improvise! Pick stuff at random! Take a risk of some kind! Something's bound to turn up sooner or later... Besides, you're much lovelier when you smile than when you frown, so you may as well look for something that'll make you happy afterwards." He winked somewhat teasingly at her, adding in the old Market family charm in an effort to lighten the mood.
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeWed Mar 26, 2014 5:15 am

Sword began to choke on a slice of cake as Thryssa delivered her straight line, him raising a hoof to block the spray coming from his mouth and coughing heavily into it, Eventually, he began to get his breathing under control, wiping his mouth and hoof with a napkin, and taking a few breaths to settle himself. "Well... its not always twice, but I think I know what you meant. Tetti informed me of induction, and the dangers of it. Not something I wish to experience."

Sword let out a short chuckle at Tetti's observation. "Uptight love? I've seen pillars less stiff. And I'd wager this hefty sack of bits that most stallions would be too intimidated to proposition you Thryssa. But while Tetti and I hit it off instantly, from what I've observed these things usually take time. Why not take some time and get to know each other for awhile? And there's no rule that says that you cannot maintain a professional relationship whilst being lovers. You two are perfectly mature, and your professional relationship isn't what I'd call a master and servant one. I'd say give it a shot." Laughing at Sugary's fumbling of words, he continued "Besides this colt has his tongue tied into several knots over you, and laying on the compliments pretty thick. Why not give him a chance? And love?" Sword began to nibble on a piece of cake again. "I'm all for multitasking, but how many are you thinking exactly? I do require sleep."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 12:39 am

"Oh, she did, did she?" Thryssa frowned. "Then you know why the threat was an empty one. The removing your internal organs one by one and showing them to you was serious but the induction threat wasn't."
She takes a tentative step towards Sugary, ignoring the jibes from Tetti and Sword for the moment, and leans down to kiss his cheek. "You're a dear stallion, Mister Market, and knightly as well. I'd be honored to explore a relationship with you, even if it's just a casual exchange of innocently friendly affection from time to time. You are welcome to all that has been done for you; if your actions after are any indication, you're well deserving of my friendship and kindness. You encourage me to smile more and find things to be happy about, and that's why I'm eager to adopt you as my adjutant: you'd be a delight to have around and responsibilities being in your hooves would make me quite happy."
"D'aww!" Tetti grins. "That's so cute!"
"Tetti, if unmentionable things happen to your books, you'll know why," Thryssa informs her casually.
"If your armor is accidentally coated on the inside with turpentine, you'll feel the pain of those books," Tetti grins before kissing Sword. "Mmm... as many as you want, my handsome flying stud."
Thryssa blushes very lightly but smirks a little. "Heh..." she returns her look to Market. "Heal up quickly, Sugary... exploring all you have to offer will be a delight."
Tetti snorts, trying to stop herself from snickering at the unintentional double entende.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 3:06 am

Initially, Sugary felt a tad indignant at being teased into getting paired up with Thryssa under no real apparent basis by Sword and Tettidora... but he made no effort whatsoever to deny the tall mare's kiss a second time on that day, actually leaning very slightly towards it as a show of acceptance. Under a relaxed but constant light blush, he could not help but feel humbled by the compliments being given in return.

Afterwards -and after groaning internally at yet another spurt of innuendo twisted by Tettidora that he caught by her snorting-, he was left to ponder briefly if perhaps the others were seeing something that he wasn't; He thought back in particular to Masquerade's words as he looked over to her for a bit before turning his attention to Thryssa once more. He closed his eyes, breathed in and out for a moment and relaxed, and began to speak softly. "... Princess Thryssa... I hope you can understand my hesitation for dating a Princess and heir to the throne... But if you're actually willing to give me a chance at all, then I'll accept under two conditions...: One, I will under no circumstances attempt to go on an official date with you at any time before my trials occur. Aside from the fact that I ought to prove myself a worthy vassal to the crown still, I'm sure you can agree that it might seem... unfair to others if a newcomer such as myself appears to be gaining too much favor too quickly... Two, while you are a Princess and heir to the throne, I'd like it if you'd share a little more about yourself as just Thryssa right now, seeing as we somewhat talked about each other already." He pointed at the others. "I'd like to know what it is that I'm getting myself into after all... For the record, all I said earlier about myself casually is that I'm 32 years old and the elder of two siblings; I'm an uncle for that matter. And no, none of my relatives from any sides of the family live nearby."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 5:53 pm

Sword D'awws with Tetti, snuggling tighter with her. "They are adorable are they not love? And don't destroy her books pretty please? I want something to read for the next few years." Finishing his cake, Sword licks his lips and sighs contentedly. "Mmmmm.... now that was tasty. And..." Sword snorts with Tetti, but doesn't stop himself from laughing, letting out a hearty chuckle at them. "Oh I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun.. " Sword brings his hooves up, making fake quote marks in the air. "exploring each other. And I look forward to it love. I'll be sure to stock up on water for that night..."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 28, 2014 2:50 am

Thryssa blinks. "A... date?" She colors, which she seems to be doing a lot. "A... um... are are are... are you proposing... um... that we have a... romantic relationship, Sugary? I... I'm flattered but... I.. I... I'm... I... oh dear..."
"Say 'I accept'," Tetti suggests.
Thryssa gives her a look that could peel paint off of a building before returning to Sugary. "I'm flattered, Sugary, but.. um... don't you think it's... a little... um... soon to be... uh... proposing that.. that... you... and... and me... that we... um... date...?"
"You know, I never imagined I'd watch the Marshal of the Everfree Line stumbling over her own tongue trying to talk to a stallion," Masquerade comments conversationally. She has popcorn, somehow, which seems to have its origins in a suspicious-looking bowl tucked into a corner on the counter.
"...how is it you have popcorn...?" Tetti asks.
"Cally has a popping bowl," Masquerade replies with a shrug. "Simple magic heats it up and pops the kernels. I soundproofed it because you four seemed to be enjoying yourself and I didn't want to disrupt the conversation."
"..." Tetti extends a hoof. "Gimmie."
"OK." Masquerade pulls a bowl off a shelf and fills it from the suspicious bowl tucked into a corner and hoofs it to Tetti.
Tetti nods in thanks and nibbles the lightly-salted popcorn, offering some to Sword as she does.
Thryssa has stopped talking and stopped blushing while this is going on, looking genuinely flummoxed. "...why do I feel like this has become a spectacle...?"
"It has," Masquerade tells her. "Please continue."
"..." Thryssa facehoofs. "OK, fine... thirty-six, three siblings, both parents, no next generation yet although Chidi is trying, heir to the throne, Marshal of the Everfree Line, Lady of the Southern Wastes, and I have an unhealthy love for succulent foods... which have been recently gifted to me by a sweet, cute, and knightly mercenary I just met a few days ago." she looks at Market. "Is that enough?"
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeFri Mar 28, 2014 5:29 am

Sugary was roughly as perplexed as Thryssa was regarding what should've been a simple conversation between them... which is impossible to keep it at such when the others are either teasing or unintentionally ridiculing it. He was briefly left to ponder what to make of it all as he rubbed his face. "Great... I misunderstood what she meant... If Ma were here, she'd be encouraging me... If my sister and brother-in-law were, they'd be laughing... If Pa were here... Bah! May as well see this through..." Despite how awkward the moment was, he was steadily becoming more level-headed and sure of himself even if there was still a lingering blush on his face. He wasn't a foal and wasn't about go back on what he had said either as he looked at Thryssa once more, genuinely smiling a little more still as he slowly became more comfortable in her presence.

"It is enough for now... And Princess Thryssa, you're kinda giving me mixed signals here. You told me you'd be glad to pursue a relationship even if it was one of small affection... I thought you meant you might be interested in something more if it came to it, so I offered in advance... That said, the way you flatter me is a very lousy way to make me think you aren't interested." The last line was said with a slightly teasing tone before continuing with an even tone once more. "... If you really aren't interested, you can say no at any time. You're free to choose who you want by your side at the end of the day... Besides, I already did say that I wasn't gonna try anything till much later anyway. When I said I wanted the to earn a date with you, I meant it: Not a moment sooner... Until then, back to business!" He clapped his hooves in an effort to try and prompt a switch in the mood.

"I have some studying to do out of some of the books I got from the library. I was wondering if, as a field General, you'd lend me insight on Flora and Fauna I should be particularly wary of if you can spare the time. Ideally, field research and study would be more adequate, but I might be asking for too much there as is."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2014 5:28 am

"Because this totally is a spectacle now, and thank you love." Sword takes a hoof full of popcorn from Tetti and casually chomps away at it, enjoying the spectacle of Sugary and Thryssa awkwardly fumble with the prospects of a sexual relationship. When Sugary mentioned that he checked out books from the library, and remembering that magical device that had alerted Tetti earlier, Sword took on the biggest, cheesiest grin physically possible.

"Studying eh Sugary? Check out any books from the library that might help ya here?" Sword asked, a knowing expression on his face now, him chuckling quietly. "Perhaps you may have gotten more than one? Mare like Thryssa I'd do all the "Studying" I could. Say love, don't suppose you have a book on how to pamper royalty in that library of yours? Did that little drone of yours say if something like that was checked out in addition to the more.... explicit works that were checked out as well?"
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2014 8:12 am

Thryssa sighs. "Sugary, I mean relationship is a more general sense. Like, a business relationship or more relevant to this instance, a relationship between commander and staff officer. If you wished to pursue me romantically... well..." she gives him a shy smile "...the gift of fruit was an excellent traditional gesture of intent. Granted, an intent gift is usually a little less rich but you're new to this echelon of society so tradition can be put aside."
"Like, say, the tradition that you wait until the third or fourth date to lay your mare?" Tetti asks innocently.
Thryssa gives her the most evil eye she can, although she blushes. "No. Go 'way."
Tetti smirks before nuzzling Sword, nibbling some popcorn before answering his question. "Actually, he checked out volumes of a comprehensive survey of the Barrens, as well as books on changeling history and culture. Although his erotic check-outs were... quite steamy." She grins widely at Sugary. "Which, admittedly, was the fault of Oracle which suggested the highest-quality porn its parameters could find."
"Yeah, that was sort of funny," Masquerade remarks. "I mean, who programs a magical construct so that if asked for porn, it'll suggest the hottest, steamiest, most explicit material in such a large library?" Turned away, she can't see Tetti blushing deeply.
Thryssa grins. "Yes, little sister... I wonder who would do that, and why." With Tetti now silenced and blushing vividly, she turns to Sugary. "Frankly, Mister Market, there's no flora in the desert that's dangerous because as I understand it, the flora relies heavily on animals eating it to spread seeds and pollen. The fauna, on the other hoof, includes some very dangerous sorts. The most dangerous is Maredusa but she's part of your fan club so no need to worry about gorgons. The other dangerous fauna are rocs and sand drakes and of those, the sand drakes are the more dangerous. Unpredictable, invisible until they attack, and we're not sure how to hurt them, much less kill them."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2014 4:51 pm

Sugary just wasn't entirely sure what to make of the constant teasing, though it was obvious by the ever enduring blush and scrunched nose that he wasn't impervious to it and was in fact slightly annoyed by it; A trait which he was obviously sharing with Thryssa since they were both subject to it rather abruptly.

He hadn't intended to for his misunderstanding to go this far either. But the fact of the matter was that, even if it wasn't what he wanted from the beginning, he most certainly wasn't against the idea of spending time with Thryssa in a casual setting if it came around to it. Fact of the matter was, he already liked her plenty for being so respectful and generous towards him once things were settled over at the Everfree. Because of that fact, he was also willing to see a possible romantic relationship with her in the long run since it was becoming increasingly clear she was no less against it herself. If nothing else, he had at least hoped it would bolster a long lasting bond either way if they really did get around to it.

He smiled gratefully, and chuckled a fair bit as well, once she gave him the initial information that he needed for his question of Flora and Fauna along with Maredusa's feelings about him, trying his best to keep his thoughts away from the fact that he had purposely selected 5 best-seller Ero-novels and keep up with the business end of things instead. "I've been told of the Rocs. Heeding Masquerade's advice, I made sure to fly well above their usual dwelling instead of a low altitude. As much as I regret not seeing the barrens all the way through, I'd rather not risk having my airship be thought of as a threat to them if I can avoid it. As for those Drakes? I'll be sure to read on them thoroughly. See if I can't find something resembling a weakness compared to the creatures I know of... Also, Princess, I'd like to know a few more things... Where does Madam Maredusa usually stay while in Scarabi? If it's a specific place, I'd like to know in detail and see if I can't meet up with her tomorrow and ask for some history from her viewpoint. I'd also like to know when you plan on returning to the castle. I'd be happy to bring the fruit over, but if you'd rather do it yourself, it's a non-issue then... And one last thing..."

He hesitated for a moment, seemingly contemplating what he considered to be a serious issue. If anyone in the room were especially attentive, they'd realize that his heart was beating just a little bit faster. "... Mind giving me a clue as to what you like aside from fruit? Just something to keep in mind if we do go on a date... Or would you have me figure it out instead?" While it wasn't a very strong question, it was his way of showing interest to the future prospect of a romantic relationship.
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeSat Apr 05, 2014 5:40 am

"Is that so love? The steamiest novels your Oracle could find? How does one classify the quality of erotica love? I'm curious." Watching Tetti blush heavily, he couldn't help but nuzzle her again and chuckle some more. "Truly I have found the perfect mare..... although Steamy over here seems like he's looking to have a more in depth conversation with Thryssa. Should we take our leave love? Or shall I go fetch refreshments for act two of this romantic comedy playing out before us? I'm good with either honestly."
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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 06, 2014 6:35 pm

"Maredusa--don't let her catch you calling her 'madam' if you value your front teeth--usually stays in a guest room next to Mother's," Thryssa replies. "She's a guest of honor, practically royalty to us, so she's treated that way. Plus, she's practically family." She smiles. "I plan to return to the castle as soon as practical. I'm not going to be in Scarabi forever--duty requires my presence on the Everfree Line more often than not--and I want to spend as much time as I can in my own home with my mother and sisters."
She blinks at his question, a little taken aback. "What things do I like other than fruit?"
"I think he wants to shower you with gifts to show his affection, sis," Tetti says.
"Hush, Tetti... let them have their moment..." Masquerade chides her, nibbling a few more kernels of popcorn.
"Unlike my sister, I can tattle on you Masquerade," Thryssa reminds her.
"Tattle on me to who?"
"To me, Mask," a silky voice says, causing Masquerade to jump a few feet as a simply-dressed changeling mare with a beautifully styled yellow-streaked mane sidesteps the cuddling Tetti and Sword and casually glomps Masquerade.
"Urf... hi love..." Masquerade hugs as best she can in the middle of Callista's affectionate embrace.
"Good day, Marquess Callista," Thryssa turns to incline her head politely to her.
"You could just call me 'Cally' or 'Callista', you know..."
"But that would deprive me of the opportunity to exasperate the nobility," Thryssa pointed out. "I cannot possibly give that up." She turns her head slightly to grin at Market. "Unfortunately, that's one of the things I like that can't be given as a gift."
Callista blinks. "...that incredibly sweet stallion is romancing you?"
Thryssa eyes her. "Please don't act like that comes as a surprise..."
"OK, I won't act," she says. "I'm surprised as all buck."
"..." Thryssa sighs. "I can't win, can I?"
"Doesn't look like it, Thryssa," Tetti grins. "So get on with this and tell the sweetheart what you like as gifts."
Thryssa sighs and turns fully to Sugary. "Armor. Weapons. And competence, although I have a feeling you have lots of that."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)    Rendezvous in Scarabi (Private)  Icon_minitimeMon Apr 07, 2014 1:36 am

Sugary was rather delighted to see Callista return... but once again had to deal with the fact that she was now in on the fact that he had some interest to maybe date Thryssa later on... Possibly. He merely took a deep breath and continued as normal with a smile towards Callista as the numbers getting aware of a simple intention of his kept increasing and adding more pressure to his thought process. "Welcome back, Lady Callista... Yes, this is really happening... No, please don't ask me all about it at once now, I really don't need more pressure than I already have... Oh, yes! Please have some cake!" He pushed the plate a little closer to her so that she could take a bite if she wanted some as well.

With a still faster than average beating heart, he looked back at Thryssa with a slightly wider smile, and a small glint in his eyes would show once she mentioned what she liked. "Ally, I'm counting on you even more now."

"Noted, Princess. And thank you... As for me calling Maredusa by 'Madam'? That was actually the first thing I referred to her as when we first met, and she never once told me otherwise about it... And she literally dropped in on me and coiled herself around me by then. Still she was polite with me the entire time." His expression then became somewhat more neutral, though the smile lingered subtly. "Also, would I be correct to assume that the troops make regular formation drills? I'd like to get familiar with that as well, in the event of a skirmish... Where exactly would I need to go for such lessons later in the week?"
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