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 Truly Evil?

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Pseudologia Fantastica
Dragon Soul
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2015 3:26 pm

Diamond nodded, formulating a plan in his mind while the princesses spoke. "Well then, I guess I don't have a choice but to jump at the call, now do I?" He said, chuckling a bit, before he bowed to the princesses and began to make his way to the chariot. He wondered just who Mesmerize exactly was, pondering his university classes, and coming up with absolutely nothing.

Diamond climbed into the chariot, deep in thought and muttering. "Mesmerize...noble...not notable enough to be taught to me about, so he must either be a semi-wealthy commonor or a minor noble with little land or power...professor...though he probably doesn't teach anything mainstream or I'd know about him...magical theory? Small enough department...so maybe...probably not runic theory since the backlash was a spell not a rune, but it could have been counter magic...counter magic department is small enough...probable interest in the sciences from what I saw back at the mansion...gah...I need more info..."
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2015 5:46 pm

Faerie Fire bows, and walks outside to the chariot, filing away the information in her mind. She wonders why Silver hasn't gotten on until he offers to help her up. she would accept the chivalrous offer, though she would not say thank you. 'Bloody stupid rules. I'd like to be able to give common courtesies to people...'
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PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2015 8:53 pm

It didn't take too long for the chariot to draw close enough for the falls to come into view, and what a view it was. The normally majestic and radiant falls looked as sinister as the stallion they were going to try and stop. The sky was discolored to a violet pink, and the clouds around were dark and crackled with lightning. Strange, almost ethereal bands of light seemed to partially form and deform at random in the air, a rare case of visible magic. Even the water was off color, currently a deep ruby as the area suffered from some unknown phenomenon.

The chariot tried to get closer, to try and land at the top of the falls, but well before, it was stopped by the crackling storm clouds and strange bands. "It's too dangerous to fly, we'll have to land, but we'll get you as close as we can!" One of the chariot pullers called out as the chariot then angled downward and landed at the base of the falls. During the decent, all three could catch a glance of a single stallion atop some kind of alter like platform and doing something, but details were indistinguishable.
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Dragon Soul

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 16, 2015 5:38 am

When Silver saw the strange stallion, he automatically assumed it was Sin Ester. He felt his blood boil in anger at the sight of him, but he knew the Princesses wanted him alive. A part of him told him that maiming him wasn't out of the question, but he forced that down. He needed to be calm and in control, just like Dusk would be if he was there.

He hopped out of the chariot first with his sword drawn. As he had a full suit of armor, he felt fairly safe being to first one out. Though a sudden strike of lightning made him hope he wouldn't be a lightning rod.

"Well, let's not waste time. Let's get up there and stop whatever is going on here," Silver said. He then proceeded walking forward, looking for a good path to take them up.
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Lorthalis of Crows

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2015 3:14 am

Faerie glares at the magic in the air. "This should be avoided. I will fashion us protection when we land, else I fear what is to come." She looks around, already preparing spells. Mages who bothered to look would sense adept level transmutation magic. Someone who was at all familiar with how the local schools worked might assume she beginner transmutationist that had dabbled in weapons training and illusions. They would be wrong, of course, but Faerie had not yet given that about herself away.
As they landed, the spell would complete. It was a very basic ward often used during experimentation or spell creation. Quite simply, it reacted to transmutation and wild magic attempting to act upon the warded. Using the amount of mana stored within the ward, it would deflect any magic that might mutate the warded, save that of the caster. It had a finite amount of magic, so while it wouldn't last long against higher power magic it couldn't instantly drain the caster's reserves by trying to hold of a High Magic spell.
Faerie steps out of the chariot, her halberd across her back in a position she could easily grab it from at a moment's notice. She was quite content to let the armored guardsmen lead.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2015 2:33 am

Diamond was reading a book, specifically Properties of Metals and Smithing Techniques Compatible with Replication while the chariot flew through the sky. He was about halfway through the book, and had shifted into a Kirin before the chariot took off so that he could manipulate the book better with his claws without magic. He closed the book upon sensing the magic field, tucking it away in his pocket dimension, before rolling his eyes and sighing. "Of course he's going to keep us out. He's always three steps ahead, isn't he?"

When they landed, Diamond turned towards Faerie. "Thank you." Before stepping off the chariot, adjusting his spear, Gae Dearg, so it would be easier for him to go into a combat stance with it, but he would pause to scan the area for magic before proceeding.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2015 2:58 am

Diamond's scan would yield no decipherable results as the entire area was so heavily saturated with a strange and unusual magic. Whatever it was Sin was playing with, it was very old and had a very abnormal feel to it. Yet the path that Silver took seemed simple and straight enough for all three to pass by without hazard. In fact, the path was almost completely unblocked and unguarded, as if Sin hadn't thought anyone would even bother with such a direct approach, and yet here were three ponies proceeding right along what could very likely be one of the most obvious paths to take.

At the top, a wind had picked up due to the power involved, a still rather light whirlwind swirling about at the width of the bluff Sin Ester stood in the center of. He was certainly on some kind of raised platform, and before him stood a tall, thin, stand, holding the stolen crystal above. The crystal itself was glowing a brighter shade of the purple that flooded the area, and the whirlwind certainly seemed to be coming from it. Even from the group's distance, Sin's glee crazed expression could be seen, but he didn't seem to acknowledge the ponies that were to the right of behind him, his focus seemed to be entirely on the crystal before him.
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Dragon Soul

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2015 3:41 am

Silver almost couldn't believe that Sin Ester was right there. He expected it would be a lot harder to finally get to him, but he was not going to complain. He remembered his promise to bring him in alive, but he hoped he'd have the opportunity to break his hind legs for Dusk.

"So, any plan of attack, or do we just go for him?" Silver asked his comrades.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2015 1:10 pm

Diamond Mind saw Sin Ester, and sighed, holding back an immense amount of rage. He merely closed his eyes, his disguise falling away as his horn glowed, strange line tracing themselves along his body. "My body is made of swords. Steel is my blood, and glass is my heart. I have been through many a battle, never have I been put to flight, but never have I stood victorious." The lines began to spread farther out, away from Diamond, and stretching all the way over to Sin Ester. "Its bearer stands alone, atop a hill of blades. For that alone, my life has meaning." A field of all sorts of weapons began to flicker into existence, replacing where they were currently standing. "Unlimited Blade Works!" There was a massive surge of magic, tearing Diamond's world of weapons into reality, encasing himself, Silver, Sin Ester, and Faerie.

Diamond's body was practically aglow with the strange lines, and his mane and tail seemed to be made of fire instead of hair. His horn glowed, and a thousand blue streaks of light shot across the sky of this pocket reality. All of them weapons from legends, or merely weapons that Diamond had seen. "Sin Ester. It's time for you to face judgement."

Last edited by Wiserodin032402 on Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 28, 2015 9:36 pm

Faerie looks around, sits down, and takes a sandwich out of her pack. "Well, seeing as you've got this one handled..."
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2015 1:48 am

(First off I checked with Wise, and Dragon you are actually in the weird thing with them all, Wise just made a small error)

"And it's time you learn your place, noble's brat," Sin's commanding voice called back without a hint of hesitation or surprise. The stallion turned around then, his face obscured by a simple mask and hooded cloak that was finally at rest while in the blade works. "I must say, I didn't expect anyone to bother with the straight route here. I didn't think anyone would be that stupid, so I didn't bother with any of the traps there. Though seeing this is a pleasant surprise, I wasn't aware of anyone of the student body who could maintain a pocket dimension and so many manifested blades, but it won't matter now," Sin said as something that looked like a massive crack erupted up from the ground and arcing into the blackened sky of the dimension.

"My plan's already in motion, my vengeance upon those treacherous nobles is assured and you've only served to accelerate it!" Sin went on as several more cracks appeared, splintering out from the original one and letting in fragments of light. "Know that on this day, they will pay, they will all pay for what they did and how they made us suffer... I WILL KILL THEM ALL FOR TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME!" With that final exclamation, the pocket dimension shattered completely into dozens of little black fragments which them seemed to dissipate into dust before being drawn towards Sin. Any weapon close enough would experience the same effect of shattering into pieces and then to dust before being drawn towards him, as if almost anything magical that got to close to him was being dissolved away. Any completely normal sword would simply be left on the ground, even the magical telekinesis that one would use to lift it was broken and dissolved away.

Behind the mad stallion, the orb began to shake rather violently upon the pedestal and the vortex around it became even more strong.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2015 3:04 am

Faerie Fire sighs. Predictably, the Reality Marble was shattered by the vastly competent Archmage they were facing. Diamond had rather poor tactical sense, it seemed. So really, it was up to Faerie to give them a fighting chance, since a magic assault seemed pretty doomed.
She quickly rolls to her feet, props her halberd upright, and impales her forehoof on it.
What comes out of her mouth is not a scream of agony, but a gently song, as the blood magic wafts around her horn. She was a good distance away, so the magic rending effect shouldn't hit her. This would slow it down a bit, if not stop it entirely.
"Mage Slayer's Tool: Magic Cancel." she carefully enuciates, as a gargantuan, universal anti-magic field expands form the tip of her horn, throwing the colors of the area into dull shades of their former vibrant selves. Cutie Marks dulled, the horns dimmed, and the savage arcane currents of the orb would be erased.

Also, Faerie Fire would begin to die as her fur fell out. But she had been expecting that to happen anyways, so no worries. "Hack him to death you idiots.." she groans out as her halberd clatters to the side and disintegrates into ash. et tail begins to smolder. Hopefully they would kill him before she was simply incinerated by the spell.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2015 2:31 pm

Diamond sighed as half of unlimited blade works was destroyed. Thankfully, that mana was returned to him, since the spell hadn't finished. Then he saw Faerie stab herself, casting a potent anti-magic field onto the area. Diamond drew both a hammer and a halberd from behind him, and lunged at Sin Ester, all the way across the field and swinging Dusk's hammer at his forelegs first, then around at his side. The hammer then flew away from Diamond as it slipped from his grasp, and the halberd came to bear. The axe blade came to Sin's horn at astonishing speed, and if it hit, would take it clean off. Then came Sin's legs. Forelegs first, then hind legs. The axe blade would cleave them off the moment it hit, and then the weapon would break. Then Diamond would draw the only sword that had survived the antimagic field from one of the scabbards he wore. It was the sword of a royal guard, and Diamond would move next to Sin, and slam the pommel down in his back.

Reality would leak back into existence after Diamond did or didn't decimate Sin, and the half changeling would take a few steps, then collapse, groaning in pain.
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Dragon Soul

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2015 5:27 pm

Silver would also charge in, knowing to hold the sword with his mouth instead of his magic, especially once the anti-magic field from Faerie went up. He didn't know what she did, but this needed to end quickly or she was going to die. As Diamond went for his legs, he decided to go straight for his head with the flat of his blade plus an all out tackle. Heck, if he managed to connect and get him on his back, he'd give Sin Ester a few armored hooves to his face for good measure.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 29, 2015 6:06 pm

((Heh well, so much for taking the criminal in alive))

If there was one thing he wasn't, it was a fighter. Sin barely managed more than a knee-jerk reaction to the first of the blows, and his only defense to the following ones were the lack of co-ordination between Silver and Diamond where one's blow would knock Sin into non-optimal range of the next. Regardless though, Sin's suddenly limb-less body rather ungracefully fell to the ground, almost immediately becoming surrounded in a pool of his own blood.

A little ways behind him though, something likely far more interesting was happening. When the magic cancel spell had erupted from Faerie and spread outward, the leading edge that was directly approaching orb seemed to suffer the same fate at the blade works. That part of the anti-magic zone shattering and seemingly being absorbed into the orb as the zone continued to expand outward and around the orb, and as Silver and Diamond cut Sin up. Very slowly, the range at which the orb seemed to break down the anti-magic zone started to expand outwards, offering a rather clear distinction of how far the orbs drain reached.

"Heh, you think cough you've won," Sin croaked out through a blood filled cough. "My death is nothing more cough than my reunion. My revenge will still cough, cough consume you....and those..... damned...nobles cough," and after that last cough, Sin's head falls to the ground, fresh blood spilling from his mouth as the last scraps of life disappear.

Behind him though, the vortex surrounding the orb only grows with the power it acquired from breaking down and draining away the anti-magic zone created by Faerie.
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Lorthalis of Crows

Lorthalis of Crows

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2015 5:50 am

*Faerie disintegrates*
Nyx sighs as her soul reforms in the astral realm of Avalon. "They'd better be bloody thankful... Well, time to get started on that paperwork. Hopefully they won't have gotten themselves killed between now and the next few centuries...." Nyx floats over to the help desk. "I need form 22C-Epislon." The manager looks up. "...Why?" "My body vaporized." "Ma'am, we've recently updated. Please read the help manual, and come back when you have found the correct form sequence." Nyx sighs, looking around for the manual.
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Dragon Soul

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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2015 2:22 am

Considering Silver was no mage, he had no clue how to stop whatever was happening. He didn't necessarily mind that Sin Ester was dead, but at least he could say he wasn't the one who used lethal force. However, that was the least of his concerns. Seeing as Diamond was out of commission, he picked him up and got him on his back as quick as he could before going in the complete opposite direction of the vortex, passing over Faerie's remains as he went. It was sad her spell ended up not helping in the way it should've.
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Truly Evil? - Page 37 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 14, 2015 8:56 pm

With Silver and Diamond's departure, the strange orb remained shaking on it's stand, fueling this strange vortex that surrounded it. When Silver and Diamond arrived at the carriage, they were hurried inside and questioned on what happened, if they completed the mission, and was it finally over. After getting their answers on the way back to Canterlot, both were treated and in the following days, the chaos that Sin Ester had caused slowly began to become a memory. The news published it's story, and then it was forgotten by the next world threatening scene to plague the mostly peaceful nation of Equestria.

One interesting bit though was when Celestia and Luna stopped in on both Silver and Diamond, inquiring as to where the orb Sin Ester had stolen had gone to, as they couldn't seem to find it anywhere. The vortex had stopped and the strange pedestal was still there, but the orb was nowhere to be seen, and there were no hoof prints that weren't readily identified present either. A strange mystery, but one that was more or less ignored in the recovery efforts that followed.
OOC: Welp, it's finally happened. This thread has finished, thanks for playing everyone!
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PostSubject: Re: Truly Evil?   Truly Evil? - Page 37 Icon_minitime

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