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 An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)

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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2017 11:32 pm

The night sky above Canterlot was relatively calm, an open ocean of night twinkled with the stars and the moon. Most ponies are asleep. Others maintain patrols or have duties that require a unique schedule. In the far corner of the city though, something nefarious brews. In a once abandoned factory, a mage of unknown origin or goal works feverishly. Scripts of ancient texts, jars filled with various plants and organs, rested on tables surrounding a large, metal, circular frame. The wizard adjusts his thick framed spectacles as he combines several ingredients into a burning beaker, “Soon, soon my work will be complete. They doesn't think I could do it, that a petal between Equestria and Tartratus couldn't be created. But tonight is the night! Now all I need are my tongs, uh… where are they?”

“Here you go.” A hoof reaches out with said instrument. The mage takes the tool and adjusts some of his instruments. He suddenly realizes what had just happened and spun around to find nothing but his equipment. Confused, he takes cautious steps around his room, finding certain things missing throughout.

“W-who's there!?” Silence. With things going missing there was only one thing he had to protect. A trinket, dug up from a lost age with inscriptions throughout. A ring, shining silver with an Onyx gem encrusted within the element. Turning back to his center table, his eyes widen to the stark revelation. The mage’s prized item was gone. “What's going on here? Show yourself!” he is met with more silence, only the breeze from his opened window, the one that gave him a direct gaze into the city, that provided any sound.

A short distance away, a hooded stallion bounds across the roofs of the cityscape. He stops, the sound of the wizards shout of rage having quite a range indeed. Shrugging, the thief shakes it off and continues across the rooftops, bounding along the night to his next destination.

Last edited by Foxtrot on Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2017 8:28 pm

In a street further ahead in the empty streets of canterlot, a dark blue unicorn was seen coming out from a night-open shop that sells some of the more specialised wears not often used by common folks, having the shopping bag over his shoulder as it rattles with trinkets and Tools inside, looking around for his companion who Went with him.

Standing on the rooftops off the same shop, a human was seen looking down att the unicorn, wearing a red t-shirt and blue soft trousers as he was watching from above, the night time helped him avoid the pesky nobles of canterlot from pestering him for not being from equestria.

the human then spoke upp to the unicorn bellow him "you got the goods now cryo? i dont realy trust large Towns in the middle of the night" with cryo the unicorn responding back "yes i got them, we should be able to create more gem-runes with these new Tools and knick-knacks now when we arive home back att ponyville, pyro" cryo said as was looking upp to his human companion, watching the stars past him in the sky, pyro then looked upp aswell, staring solemly with a sigh att the stary sky.
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeSat Jan 07, 2017 6:46 pm

Foxtrot takes one more leap before taking a break onto a corner store roof. He was well enough away from the scene to be even remotely suspected. Then again, why would a wizard bent on total destruction go to the authorities anyway? No, tonight was a good night with a good haul just waiting to be laundered. A task for tomorrow though, his fence was a day person so it'll have to wait. For now, time just enjoy the trip home. He looks over to his left to find two more citizens hanging around a still open store. A pony and a... human? Well, he's heard of such creatures but he's never seen one in person. Regardless, his attention is drawn to his own being when his stomach begins to growl. Shrugging, Foxtrot bounds over to the roof Pyro is resting on and waved. "Good evening gents! Lovely weather were having. Would either of you two know where the closest eating establishment is? I've been running my night shift and need a midnight snack.
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2017 11:54 am

Pyro was brought out of his solem state with a gasp of shock as foxtrot made it over to the roof he stood on and talked to him and cryo, he wasn't expecting to many ponies to be awake att this time of night, even less expecting someone taking the roof route as well.

With a bit off a shocked stumble later pyro managed to get his footing back "geez! Don't sneak upp on people in the dark like that....phew!" He said, catching his breath. Cryo on the other hoof was confused about pyros reaction and walked in a angle to look upp att the roof and saw foxtrot aswell now and asked "huh? Where did you come from?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 4:03 am

"Oh uh... I came from my apartment," Foxtrot answers, "then ran some errands, took a break, finished some things. And now I'm here." He looks over to the point down below, "Hey buddy, does that store sell anything to eat? I'm famished." He then glances over to the human still beside him, "And is not that dark. I can see you plain as day."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 2:45 pm

cryo responded back to foxtrot from below with the response "i can just barely see you upp there, are you using some nightvision spell or something and the streetlights are down in this street, but i Think there is a Place nearby thats still open" cryo said to foxtrot

pyro meanwhile eyed the unicorn infront of him with curiosity Before looking around the roof
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2017 5:12 pm

"Night vision?" Foxtrot asks, "No, nothing like that. I guess I'm just used to the evening shifts." He looks down to find a cart and jumps of the roof onto it before leaping once more to ground level next to Cryo. "However, an empty stomach is something I never want to get used to." The unicorn glances over to the two, "Would you two like to join me for a bite? My treat."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeFri Jan 20, 2017 2:13 pm

cryo nodded and said "sure, i was getting hungry aswell on my end, and you seem pretty agile than most unicorns ive met" he said to foxtrot.

pyro jumped of the roof without even having to land somewhere inbetween and landed on the ground with a slight thud on his feet as he turned to foxtrot "so, any idea of a Place to eat att?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Jan 23, 2017 6:53 pm

"Not really." Foxtrot replies as he begins walking. "I'm just gonna hit up the first place I find. Let fate decide my next meal." As he resumes strolling down the street, he looks over to the two, "So, where are you two from anyways? In or out of town?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeSun Jan 29, 2017 8:34 pm

"out of Town, the outskirts of ponyville to be exact" cryo responded to foxtrot, pyro nodded in agreement as they follow foxtrot "we are roommates, as in sharing a house i mean" pyro added
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2017 4:08 am

"Ponyville, now that's a nice place," the unicorn adds, "I haven't been there in months. Peaceful and quiet. I mean, Canterlot has its conveniences, but it gets too crowded at times. Makes it difficult to work."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 02, 2017 3:31 pm

pyro asked foxtrot "what do you work with if its this late and you are still Active? and ponyville is realy nice and quiet, but canterlot? to snobby for us, similar to any rich Place i have been back on my World"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeSat Feb 04, 2017 9:19 pm

"I mainly do freelance work, which delves into a wide variety of things. Collections, messages, deliveries, you name it, I've probably done it." The dim lighting of a possible destination catches his eye. A small tavern with no patrons outside. "And yes, this town is full of uppity types, but it has its little gems. Over here, this place is open."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2017 3:13 pm

cryo looked att the tavern that foxtrot saw and followed him to there, pyro followed soon behind after checking that he got Everything with them.
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 15, 2017 10:19 pm

Once there, Foxtrot keeps the door open for them before trotting inside. It's the usual fare, patrons at the bar, booths and table. Each are waited on by staff as a calm demeanor fills the air. "Let's go seat ourselves." Leading the two top the nearest available table, Foxtrot sits down, resting his things next to him. The menus are already there, so the new arrivals only need to look at what they might desire to eat and drink. "Do you guys drink? I'll cover the rounds of either of you are feeling a bit adventurous tonight."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2017 3:55 pm

pyro and cryo enterd the tavern as foxtrot held the door open for them Before they Went to the nearest table that foxtrot satt down att, they sat down with him as they Watch trough the menu's, but both shook thier heads att foxtrot as pyro replied "we dont realy drink the strong stuff like alcohol, just simple soda for us"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 21, 2017 6:26 pm

Once the waiter arrives, Foxtrot gives them a nod, "Hey there. For drinks I'll have the strongest stuff you have. My buddies over here will have the soda."

"Sure thing, I'll be back with your drinks and for your orders." The waiter heads out to get their beverages. As they do so, a few guards make their entrance, looking around the establishment.

"My my, the food here looks so good!" Foxtrot says as he hides himself behind the menu. "I'm more of a breakfast for dinner kind of stallion. Either of you have an idea on what you'd want?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2017 10:57 am

both shruged as they looked in the menu aswell Before cryo replied " i would go for something filling like a hayburger", pyro then replied aswell with " maybe a simple ham and cheese pizza for me" he said though the 2 where oblivious to foxtrot's action of hiding behind his menu
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2017 9:11 pm

"Wonderful!" Foxtrot exclaims, waving the waiter over. "Hello there! We're ready to order." The server nods and pulls out a pen and notebook. "I'll have an order of pancakes, hashbrowns, and toast. My friends here will take a hayburger, and a ham and cheese pizza. Both with soda, I'll take a coffee." With the order taken down the waiter tales the menus and trots off to the kitchen. Immediately Foxtrot turns away from the center of the restaurant as the guards approach the manager with a paper in hoof. "Oh I can't wait to eat. I'm just starving! After that I'll probably call it a night and get some sleep." As the guard walk the perimeter, the unicorn rests his cheek on his hoof, facing as far away from them as possible. "So uh, what do you two do for a living?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeSun Mar 05, 2017 1:56 pm

"Well, we make, or craft rather, magical gem runes, letting non unicorns or unicorns with magical problems use Magic, though we sell simple runes, but we 2 use some of the more variants for bounty hunting, adventuring and exploration of equestrian, since we 2 aren't from here" Pyro said as cryo nodded though cryo did raise an eyebrow at foxtrot attempts with not being seen by the guards
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2017 1:14 am

Foxtrot was at first more interested in starting in cover rather than their answer, but worth the mention of assisting unicorns with magic, everything just screeched to a halt. Instantly he placed his hoof down and have them his full attention. The fact that they did bounty hunting and exploring was cool too. He doesn't notice the odd look they give them. "So, can you elaborate more about how these runes you make even work with someone who can't use magic?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 06, 2017 1:56 pm

pyro nodded and said "well, the magic of equestria does flow through anything right? well with enough concentration one can flow the magic into the runes to charge them, and runes are predetermined spells, for example cryo here just needs to "hold" a rune in his magic grip to charge it with magic or mana, some runes do charge by themself aswell which allow others to use runes without being a unicorn" cryo ended with saying "the runes we sell are the domestic home vatiants, but those we use are a bit more geard for adventureing and a bit more harmfull"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeThu Mar 09, 2017 5:26 pm

"I see..." Foxtrot nods, looking deep in thought. He's suddenly broken or of his stupor when the waiter shows up with their meals. "Oh thank goodness! I'm starving!" He digs into his meal, still contemplating on the answer Pyro and Cryo gave him. "So... What would one need to watch out for when using one of these? Would they need maintenance or cleaning or anything like that?"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 10, 2017 11:44 am

Cryo responded first with saying "They do need maintenance if you plan on using a rune for extended periods of time, when the time comes its recommended to let the rune recover itself a while before using it, though doing this will strengthen the rune to last longer, but push it to hard and it will crack and ultimately shatter, when it starts cracking, it's recommended to come to us to do a proper maintenance and repairs"
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 13, 2017 3:14 am

"Huh, I see..." before he can continue, the food arrives. Steam comes off of them as they rest on their plates. Now focused on the meal in front of them, Foxtrot digs in to his meal. "That's something I gotta keep in mind. Just like how I'm gonna keep this food in my stomach! I may just stop by your shop for some wares down the road."
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An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans)   An Evening Stroll (Social/Open/Nighttime Shenanigans) Icon_minitime

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