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 Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!)

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Empty
PostSubject: Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!)   Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 3:17 am

About time I did this!

Okay, location creation writing contest... announcement. 1st Prize is a bust drawing of a character of your choosing. Now that I hopefully have your attention, I must point out this is not the start of the contest per-sé as we the judges have not yet picked upon the exact scoring method given numerous setbacks, but we're on that. What I do have here, are a small set of guidelines to get early birds started before a submission requirement and deadline are set up.

October 31st EDIT: Apologies for the delay, but now we're finally ready to do this proper. Just as before, submit your work directly to Obsidian Pony, or myself but preferably him, so we may keep track of the willing participants via GDocs. At the moment, there's still no deadline, but given the original time of announcement, do not expect it to be beyond the end of November. Now for the remaining few details to establish the final criteria we want:

- People making cities or larger regions in general should focus on using only the highlights of it in a summarized manner, same with historical or social details if they're added for we WILL be doing our darnest to pit highlights vs highlights between people regardless of one having 10 times as many words as the other written down total. It is, therefore, strongly advised that people intending to make large regions save their full effort for the OOC related thread below instead, for they will be given more scrutiny by comparison in having more for us to read.

- In contrast, we WILL be penalizing for details that seem to not have any correlation with one another within the same writing/setting. It's for this very reason that we advise further down for people to not confuse details with filler, and why we suggest people making larger regions above stick to summaries and carefully chosen highlights.

- No, there's no need to sign up for the contest itself. Writing submitted will be all that matters regarding that since we can't judge people we have no writing from. And Obsidian and myself will be the only judges this time around.

(The rest proceeds as before.)

In particular, we want people to create a place that can fit within MLP or a setting much like it if even if you don't have colorful horses in mind. What I mean by this, more specifically, are things such as, a personal establishment, a landmark, a cave, a scenic route, a world wonder, a Breezie spot, a town or possibly even a city; Any place that you can think of really, but we're also gonna be looking into what makes this location unique/creative in its own way, ranging from the populace in the area, to natural or supernatural phenomena, to wildlife, to simply trying to wow us with basic visual quirks if you can.

The following is something we hope people will greatly keep in mind as they brainstorm:

- Remember that we are looking for creativity and quality, not quantity. Your entry can be as long or short as you please, let your imagination do as it will; But try not to confuse details with filler.

- Consider how the location may have relevance, historical or otherwise, in the setting as a whole; And in the event of staff/populace, what unique customs they may have for it. This may help in creating a more structurally sound description.

- As a thread had been made prior to this specifically in terms of the theme, it is highly encouraged to use the sample format and writing here for additional guidelines: https://ocroleplay.forumotion.co.uk/t586-location-thread

And yes, Lolk and JZ, feel free to use what you already have there for the contest once it begins proper, or take the time to refine what you have. The contest theme, after all, was inspired by this thread to begin with.

With that so far, please be on the lookout as we decide upon a deadline.

Last edited by Mr. Market on Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!)   Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 5:00 am

So... Just totally out of curiosity and not any intention to do this, is it possible to post more than one location? I... I mean, people, might have more than one idea for places to write about. Yes.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!)   Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2016 4:51 pm

Well, you can post as many as you like in the linked page, but for the contest itself, we will only be accepting and reviewing one per person.
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PostSubject: Re: Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!)   Prime Real Estate contest!(Now for realsies Halloween announcement!) Icon_minitime

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