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 A Good Intention

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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 5:50 pm

And so the sun rises on another day inside the quarantined city of Canterlot, or more specifically the Royal Carriage Inn where several visitors to the city were more or less trapped when the quarantine was erected. Paranoia was at an all time high as nearly all the residence were panicky about the status of the quarantine and rumors ran amok in the multi-story hotel. The hotel staff and owner had already apologized about the inconvenience of having everyone trapped in the hotel, and made the assurance that despite the forcibly extended stay, they wouldn't be charged anything extra along with the assurances that everything would be alright. The common rooms and social relaxation areas were as deserted as they'd ever been, and what few dared to venture from the relative safety of their hotel rooms did so with face masks on, and didn't get close even to the ones they were talking to. Even fewer dared to venture outside the hotel, and the rumors of those few never returning spread like wildfire, even if they were proven false hours later. However the news that the originally infected 4 had died drove the hotel's patrons into a whole new frenzy of fear and paranoia.

Room 214:
Located on the second floor, Llumia might not have been having the best of times even if the quarantine hadn't gone into effect. Her neighbors on one side must have had at least 3 very rowdy kids who were very bored. The noise from that room almost never seemed to stop and more than once it sounded like something broke. On the other side, a harsh wracking cough had been going on since even before the quarantine had been put into effect. Luckily for her though, the pool for the hotel was mostly empty any more, so there was no one to disturb her if she wished to go for a swim, as limited as it was, it was still better than nothing one could suppose. Next to her bed was a nightstand, and on it was a hospital face mask, one provided by the hotel staff. The window view from her room wouldn't be as grand as some of the higher story ones, but it still allowed her to see a decent chunk of the dead looking streets where barely any ponies walked. Whatever morning routine she had or hadn't been planning on though would be interrupted as a crash from the hallway outside her door resounded out. Some metal container clanged loudly on the floor, and it sounded like several other things fell as well, followed by some muffled words.

Right outside her door, one of the workers who'd been pushing a cart turned a corner too fast and crashed it, spilling a bucket of ice, several towels, and an unknown number of cleaning supplies across the floor.

Room 107:
On the first floor, Purple Fang would be faring little better as the rooms on either side of her room were nothing but coughing, and it hadn't started until a day after the quarantine had gone into effect. Though it would serve to note that the coughing from the room on her right (room 106) had died down considerably as of yesterday. There wasn't any crash outside her room though there was a good bit of traffic from the sounds of ponies moving about outside her room, and being on the ground floor gave her the easier access to the other services that the hotel had offered up for free in this unfortunate event. Things like free access to the workout room, free breakfast in the commons, and free use of the sauna.

She too would have a limited view of the streets outside from her window, and on the bedside stand was another mask, once again provided by the hotel and even modified so that it would fit the tiny patron. A good thing too because recently the entire first floor of the hotel it seemed was starting to get a rancid hospital smell.

Room 413:
About halfway up the hotel, Silver found herself working the beginnings of what would be looking like another busy day. Ever since the quarantine had gone into effect, there'd been around the clock calls for nurses, doctors, practitioners, hell even the pharmacists were making house calls, and Silver would be no stranger to all the wild rumors that spread about because of the illness. She however would know the real symptoms and early tell signs of what the mysterious illness caused. First off, there was the harsh wracking cough as the sickness attacked the throat and lungs. From there it seemed to spread outward fast, and reaching the skin within one to four days of the coughing, where it formed a harsh red rash. What the more experienced doctors had said was that so long as it was still at this stage 2, the disease could be stopped with preventative measures to ensure that the infected was cut off from continued exposure, and a few powerful antibiotics. If the rash continued to spread though, stage 3 started appearing around the spots where the rash first appeared. Painful, blistering, bleeding, sores would show up, pocketing the infected's skin, along with blood leaking from the eyes, nose, mouth, and occasionally other orifices. At this stage, the patient was to be considered terminal and further quarantined from other individuals to prevent additional spreading of the disease. From here death was imminent, either internal hemorrhaging or asphyxiation, and so far all bodies of those lost to the disease, some of which after an autopsy, were cremated to prevent additional spread of the disease.

That unfortunately was what she might be on her way to deal with this morning. Cornmeal, an elderly stallion in his late 60's had come down with a harsh cough 4 days ago and diagnosed with the new virus the following day. Today, 4 days after the initial infection, she was to checkup on the stallion's condition and see if he had or hadn't entered stage 2 of the infection. As Silver walked down the hallway towards the room, she would be passed by a few other doctors as most of the residence seemed to refuse or were unable to leave their residence.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 6:42 pm

(we can start now correct? o:)
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 7:07 pm

Upon hearing the noise outside Llumina looked at her hotel door where the noise came from. "What was that?" She mumbled while cocking her head to the side. Upon taking one last glance at the pool she walked towards the door and put her ear on the door in hopes of hearing some poney. She could nearly make out the words that were said from the other side but from the sound the only thing she could come up with was "Did someone drop something heavy, like metal or something?" She stayed silent for about 15 seconds when the silence was interrupted by her neighbors kids noises "Gah... Cant even have peace and silence in here!" She said covering her ears with her wings. She than trailed of and sat near the window which was located right across from her room door. She stared out wondering if it would be best for her to go for a swim.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 2:51 am

Room 413
Silver gives a little sigh as she levitates her clipboard in front of her and reads the medical file of the pony she's about to go in to see. Sixty years of age, good health prior to confirmed infection, no known respiratory or liver complaints. At least he started with a fighting chance. Now, since no one's really checked up on him since diagnosis... who knows. She tucks the clipboard into an exterior pocket of the closed-circuit "space suit" that was standard practice when dealing with an unpredictable biohazard with unknown vectors. It was probably more than necessary--the usual measures for dealing with an airborne pathogen were usually adequate--but Viridian had rationally pointed out that the most intelligent practice was to assume the worst and take measures appropriate to the worst possibility, and then back off the severity when all the relevant facts became clear. She wished that her niece's rather fanciful notion of layering the suit with toughened canvas, and wrapping all the joints with hard plastic had been feasible, since the entire isolation scheme of the suit depended on it not being penetrated, but ponies needed her and she knew how to take care around sharp corners and objects. Just in case, though, she carried a crude Y-bar in case some kind of mental alteration caused Cornmeal to become irrational or violent. After quickly inspecting the suit to see if there were any visible leaks or breaches, she goes up to the door and knocks on it firmly. "Mister Cornmeal, it's Doctor Silver Rose from the hospital. I'm coming in to check on you, alright?" The knock was really just a courtesy--she had a skeleton key with her that would allow her to enter any room she needed to--but she didn't want to frighten the old stallion any more than the disease already probably was. She waits for several moments before turning the knob and pushing the door open even as her magical grip also slipped around the Y-bar.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 11:22 am

Purple Fang looking out her window she quickly looks over to the door, panicked from the noises of ponies talking outside she crawled down the wall to get to her mask "I hope that's nothing bad" She whispered putting her mask on. She jumps from the bedside table, then makes her way to the door and pokes her head under to see what is going on.

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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 3:55 pm

Room 214:
As Llumia continued watching the outside world, there was still little activity on the streets below. In the skies overhead though, she could see the more obvious signs of the quarantine effect as numerous clouds held pegasi guards. There were also a decent amount of flying carriage traffic flying by, but from her distance and with the guard to maintain it, it was impossible to make out what they were carrying.

Those distant thoughts though might end up interrupted as the noise from next door started to reach a crescendo of heavy sounding thuds. The neighbors were really at it this morning, and it would seem to have been enough to startle whoever it was outside her room as the metal object clanged to the floor once more, and the muffled words grew more panicked before becoming distant and fading away.

Room 107/first floor main hallway:
Purple would be met first with the sight of a wheel passing just inches from her face when she poked it out from under the door. Then a second one and a set of hooves as the doctor pony pushed a gurney down the hallway and towards the hotel lobby, a pony was strapped onto it with an oxygen mask over it's face and the breathing was erratic at best. Shortly after that one passed, a new doctor pony pushing an empty gurney passed by on their way to a room. Then a couple other doctors, one going to and one coming from other rooms as well, or maybe even just trying to reach the second elevator at the end of the hall since it could be reasonably assumed that the one in the lobby was busy.

This kind of traffic continued for a little while, with little difference aside from when one doctor who didn't appear to be in nearly as much of a rush pushed another gurney towards the hotel lobby. This one had a pony on it, but there was a white sheet over the whole thing, with more than one red stain bleeding through the white fabric. The doctor paused for a moment 2 doors down from Purple to cough into his hoof a couple times, and then continued onward. While the doctors seemed occupied with their own work, a new sound would manage to creep towards Purple Fang as she examined the surroundings under the door. The sounds of a tired and quite possibly pain filled moaning from her neighbor's room, room 106.

Room 413/fourth floor hallway:
There was no response to Silver's knock or her questions, and when she turned the nob of the door she could see why. Cornmeal was laying down with his back to the bed sound asleep, complete even with the phantom trail of drool from when the stallion had apparently been snoring earlier. The thick covers were pulled up to just under his muzzle and while his breathing appeared to be a bit shallow and fast, it was still constant. Even with this somewhat good initial sign, the sickness was still leaving it's mark on the old stallion. His face looked a bit sunken from weight loss and there were deep bags under his eyes, probably from a lack of sleep recently.

Behind her, another room's door opened and a newer nurse walked out with a sad and weary look. Silver would recognize her as nurse Crisp, and her usually perky demeanor was all but gone as she made a couple marks on a clipboard while shutting the door to the room.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 4:22 pm

Llumina sighed at all the commotion around her. She had come here to see what it was like in well a city the above world as she called it. This was some what her first time leaving the ocean her home for such a long time and who would of known this would of happened? Llumina turned around and decided to head to the pool, see that no poney was there she thought she could at least wet her tail before it dried up. This was the downfall of having a fish tail as a tail she thought as she opened her room door slowly making sure to look both ways. She saw just the tip of a tail of who ever had been there outside her room door just seconds ago. She than locked her room door bringing along the mask she was given. She could make water pure to some extent but she could do nothing about the disease that was going around and she did not know if it was spread by the air. Even so, Llumina silently went to the back where the pool was.
She, was not quite sure if she was supposed to be their at all so she had to be careful. Upon looking at the water she moved it around with her magic ".. seams ok.." she stated siting on the floor while dipping her tail in slowly. Ah, perfect temperature, she thought as she flicked her tail around in the water careful to not make to much noise. She contemplated once more if it was safe to go in, but than while she slowly slid in the water she would make sure to keep the water circulating just in case.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 5:49 pm

Room 413/4th Floor Hallway
Silver sags very slightly with relief at seeing that Cornmeal wasn't visibly worse than he had been, and then turns as Nurse Crisp steps out and shuts the door with a sad and weary look that was becoming a more and more common sight for medical professionals. She steps back from the room and steps across to put a suited hoof on the nurse's shoulder. "I'm sorry," she says gently and sincerely. "I hope it helps to know that you're doing everything you can do." She offers the nurse a brief hug before she turns back to the room with Cornmeal and enters, walking over to him and gently laying a hoof on one of his. "Mister Cornmeal, it's Doctor Silver Rose from the hospital. I'm here to check up on you and see how things are doing."
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 6:35 pm

Purple Fang crawls out from under the door and up the wall to make sure she doesn't get stepped on, she looks behind her to see another gurney coming her way with no pony on it "I hope that's not for somepony" she thinks to herself turning her head back. She hears a strange sound coming from next door, she moves to her neighbors door crawling in the crack above the door "Are you ok?" she asked looking around to see if she could see the pony.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 7:10 pm

Falling in the water the feeling of simply bliss filed her entire body. The cool water was perfect for her. "finally, i can breath normally" she said happily and laid at the bottom of the pool. She than looked up and her horn eliminated. The pool water started to circulate in random patters mainly so if something bad was in there (like a virus ex..) there wouldn't be a big concentration in a certain area. "Finally peace and relaxation!" she almost yelled out. Finally this felt like a vacation yet, she could not shake the fact about her other neighbor and what was going on around. She knew she could not leave for she knew the hotel must be guarded all around, plus she could not fly very well because she was not taught how to fly at all so that option was out. serounded by stillness and quietness, the only sound she could hear was her own breathing and the circulation of the water, and to tell the truth it was hard to stay awake. Llumina curled up on the bottom of the pool and keeping one eye open she keeped the other one closed. "Maybe when i'm done here i can see how everyones doing on my floor." she thought out-loud before being sent to a half dream like state.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 8:17 pm

Royal Carriage Inn:
Llumina wouldn't have much trouble exiting her room, aside from a couple ice cubes and other things that'd been spilled on the floor and left by the worker who'd fled. As she went through the halls with her mask on, she was occasionally passed by ponies in white coats with their own masks. Some would give her a look of curiosity mixed with concern, others waved, and the rest just kept their faces buried in the clipboards they carried.

The first floor halls were much the same as the second had been, more or less bare aside from the occasional doctor or similar profession having pony who were quickly moving from room to room. The pool though was truly though one of the most cleared out places there were. Only a sparse few chairs had been left out for the guests as most had packed away since so few were actually using the pool these days. The waters looked clear and when Llumina slipped in, she'd find the calm aside from her magic's stirrings water luke warm. As she settled on the bottom, there was something to be said for the peace that'd be present, though the view was somewhat lacking as it mainly consisted of an exterior wall of the hotel. She wouldn't get long to rest though before the door to the balcony for one of the third floor rooms was suddenly thrown open and a pony stumbled out. He was obviously sick with the disease, she'd be able to tell even from her distance as the pony stumbled to the railing, leaned over it, and coughed violently several times. Around the fourth cough, Llumina would see the droplets of blood splatter onto the pavement near the pool. This went on for a little while, getting more violent until the body wracking coughs offset the pony's lean over the railing too far and he suddenly toppled over. The pony plummeted to the ground, still coughing too hard to even scream.

Room 106:
Purple wouldn't have any trouble getting to her neighbor's door in the brief lull of hallway traffic, but the sight beyond when she squeezed through the crack at the top of the door was something else entirely. There just standing in the middle of the room was an obviously sick pony, it's hide riddled with the large bleeding sores. When she called out to it, the pony's head twists about with a surprising swiftness to reveal a slack jawed expression and paled eyes. Thin rivulets of blood leak at a slow but steady pace from early every orifice on it's face.

It was difficult to tell if the pony was even looking directly at Purple, but never the less it began taking slow and unsteady steps towards the door. The pony occasionally let out a cross between a wheezed and gurgled moan before finally reaching the door where it more or less just slumped against it with a wet thump. A weak, sore riddled hoof began reaching for the doorknob, but the feeble attempts continually missed.

Room 413:
Nurse Crisp appeared grateful for the hug, returning it tightly before responding, "Thanks Silver, and yeah... it does, a little..." Then she picked herself back up and began proceeding on to the other rooms listed on her clipboard. It would also serve to note that she didn't sport the full suit that Silver had, and instead sported just a simple gas mask.

Back in the room, Cornmeal continued to not stir to the either the vocal stimuli or the physical, though when Silver's covered hoof touched his, something did happen. There was a soft squishing sound as her hoof came to rest on top of his, making some liquid seep up trough the dark colored cover... the very dark cover. Pulling back the cover would reveal what could possibly be described as a worst case scenario, for as the stallion's body came into view, Silver could see the dozens of large open and bleeding sores that all but coated the elderly stallion almost as thoroughly as his fur. The blood leaking from these wounds had even started to pool in the depression in the mattress where the stallion was laying. The act of moving the blanket also would trigger the first response from Cornmeal, a short series of bloody coughs, leaving the trickle of the thick red liquid slowly leaking down the corner of his mouth. Once through with that though, the stallion return to his comatose like state.

Silver wouldn't be given long to study Cornmeal though as a sudden scream from the hallway could potentially draw her attention. It came from around the corner which currently had it's owner out of sight, but it sounded like Nurse Crisp.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 9:13 pm

Llumina looked over and swam up but not close to where the drops were falling "dam it.." she stated swimming back and geting out of the pool with a clean swim jump, she stumbled a little finally being on land. As she saw the poney fall a million thoughts raised through her mind. What should she do? She could not fly and if she did she would most certainly fall with the stalion. Second she did not want that blood on her for she knew enuph about how pathogens spread but again, she did not know how this one did. She thought of taking the pool water and make him fall onto the water but depending on how fast he was falling he might just go straight through the water. Llumina closed her eyes not knowing what to do.
She quickly decided she would bid her chances on saving him with the water from the pool. Llumina used her horn and slowly the water from the pool rose in a snake like moment and hovered above where the stalion would land. She stepped back just in case her plan failed. Closeing her eyes she some what screamed waiting for eaither a splash or the sound of the splattered poney on the floor.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 9:15 pm

Room 413

Silver's hoof trembled slightly as she heard the soft squish but medical school had proven that kids could always find time to entertain themselves with cheap giggles even when they were pulling 46-hour shifts as residents. More than once, the grade-school discipline that made her arrest her natural reaction to bulling and calmly walk on as if nothing had happened, had been excellent practice for the times--it had happened more than once--where a sleep-deprived resident had a bad day, decided she was a fun target, and somehow arranged to put a carefully-preserved cadaver in her bed. She'd always been impressed, despite herself, by how much cleverness had gone into stopping putrefaction and making the lifeless flesh actually squishy without decay fluids completely ruining her bed. Long and the short of it: Silver had touched things that were more revolting than open sores, and seen injuries more stomach-churning, and so she schooled her reaction to the squishy feel and very carefully pulled back the covers to visually verify what she knew she'd see.

The emergency room, part of her mind calmly reflected, was excellent practice for seeing the sores covering Cornmeal's body. The coverage was so thorough that his skin had effectively sloughed off and he was naught but a mass of blood and flesh somehow still breathing. She took in a deep breath and then let it out, using her magic to pull out the clipboard with his records on it, flip a page over to the standard form for in-home visit notes, and write. "Patient, one Cornmeal, manifests Stage Three symptoms of an extremely advanced nature," she writes, murmuring her words as she does. "Patient is comatose, possibly as a defense mechanism against extreme pain as the virus appears to have destroyed his skin to a degree of sixty percent or..." She looks up sharply as she hears a scream, again schooling her reaction to prevent sudden movement. She looks towards the doorway, towards Cornmeal, then towards her clipboard.

"It's about to get worse." She then turns and gallops for the door, stashing her clipboard hurriedly as she does and pulling the door shut and locking it. She hesitates at the closed door for a moment before she pulls out a spare pen, jams it hard into the lock and snaps it off to prevent anyone from unlocking it. She then takes out a felt marker, scrawls "ISOLATION. EXTREME DANGER. DO NOT ENTER" before galloping down the hall and around the corner, her magic once again wrapping around her Y-bar just in case.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 9:50 pm

Purple panics seeing the horrifying sight of this pony making its way towards her, she backs out of the room and back into the hallway "Oh my Celestia that was not a pretty sight" she said breathing heavily. Heads back to her room to came down "I think I will let the medical staff take care of it or maybe I should, at least, say something" she debates in her head.

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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 5:49 am

Llumina would actually get the chance to hear one of the sounds she was expecting. There was a definite splash as the pony hit the snake like formation of water, but the tendril proved to be too thin to stop the fall entirely. The pony plunged through the water, and resumed falling to the ground but at least now at a significantly reduced speed. So when the pony did hit the ground, they only hit with a thud instead of a splat. Still, the pony was in very rough shape, breathing very hard, visibly displaying a lot of pain, and still bleeding from the numerous sores and orifices that littered it's body.

Despite the act though, the pony was still alive but one couldn't say for how much longer given how sick they looked. Llumina wouldn't be the only pony in the pool area for long though as a white coated doctor pony must have seen the pony fall and was currently opening the doors to go outside in a rush. They wasted no time in kneeling next to the pony who'd just fallen over the edge, though the questions they started asking were directed at Llumina. "Do you know this person? How far did they fall? How long have they been sick? Do you have any medical experience?"

Room 107:
Back in her room, Purple would be left to a relative peace in these moments. The soft moaning sounds from room 106 however still continued, even though they were almost drowned out by the sounds of the coughing from the room on the other side, room 108. For the moment, activity in the hallway seemed to have lulled, the doctors either having business on other floors or the night shift were finally going home while the day shift just hadn't arrived yet.

4th floor hallway:
Cornmeal didn't change or react at all to Silver's actions, even as she shut the door, he was still laying in the comatose state. As Silver came around the corner, she'd spy nurse Crisp crouched on the floor and her left forehoof grasping her right forehoof where a little bit of blood could be seen trickling down around the covering hoof. Nurse Crisp looked up with a slightly pain filled expression at Silver and forced a grin. "Oh Silver, the patient in there, Ms. Pyre, she was... was just lying there one minute seemingly asleep, then I made a few checks on the clipboard and when I looked back her eyes were open but unfocused and... and she took a swipe at me. She... she must have had some sharp shoes on, it's not that bad though," the nurse explained as she hesitantly showed the small wound.

Across the hallway, the door to room 402 was shut tight, but regular thuds could be heard as the resident continued to beat on the door. "What's going on though Silver, there wasn't anything about irrational behavior or violent tendencies in the recorded symptoms," she asked still obviously a little shaken up, but already beginning to pull out a gauze wrap to treat the wound.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 6:33 am

As llumina opened her eyes she sighed and almost calapsed on the the ground "thank god..." she stated keeping the infected part of the water in the air not knowing what to do with it because after all, the poney was bleeding. But in mear seconds she saw differant doctors rush out and suddenly she did not know what to say, with so many questions being thrown at her all at once. "I... Um... Well.... I'm not sure" She would stumble through the words as she looked at the stalion and thought I hope he is all right at least. still keeping her distance she shoke her main a little so that her mane would not be in her eyes because she just a minute ago she was in the water. "Look i'm not sure i just saw him falling and, well... No i do not know who this stalion is i.... hu? No how would i know how long he has been sick!" she started to answer these questions in a better way after she toke a deep breath before answering the doctors questions. Her wings wraped around her as a blanket. Yes, This was to much excitement for one day. She thought with almost a small grin.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 3:52 pm

Pacing back and forth Purple tried to make sense of all of this, she stopped after a little while, looked over her shoulder back at the door and sighs then runs out of her room down the hallway trying to avoid the passing doctors. She gets to the main hall and looks around for somepony she could try and get some more info about all of this.
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PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 4:38 pm

4th Floor Hallway

Silver's grip on her Y-bar relaxed as she saw that there were no aggressive patients that she had to force off of the nurse, but if Nurse Crisp is at all experienced in a hospital setting, she'd see Silver's expression settle into the compassionate and guarded face that a doctor wore when they were trying to determine exactly how to phrase a piece of bad news to a patient so the patient wouldn't panic. "Because until now, Nurse Crisp, the disease has followed a very predictable and gradual pattern from Stage One to Stage Three," she said gently. "Crisp, when we're done wrapping your injury, we need to get you to the hospital." She lays a hoof on Crisp's shoulder. "My patient progressed very rapidly to full-body sores; yours has suffered mental effects. New symptoms on a new schedule means that we must be more careful: presume injury equals infection, and presume that infection needs immediate worst-case attention. Like wearing a closed-circuit biohazard suit, I'm being more cautious than necessary in case it is necessary, but there is no need to panic."

She kneels beside Crisp and slathers a tube of disinfectant on the wound before helping the nurse wrap it firmly so movement wouldn't dislodge the dressing. All the while, a soft silvery white glow remains around the improvised Y-bar Silver brought with her and her ears remain firmly canted in the direction of Room 402, listening for any sign that the door had or was about to give way and she'd need to restrain Ms Pyre. "Now, up you get. Would you like me to go with you? I have the unfortunate feeling that my rounds have ended early today."
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 6:49 pm

"Sorry and thank you miss, but I'm going to need your help if we're to have any hope of saving this stallion," the doctor said without looking up as they began to pull out various pieces of medical equipment from a bag they'd been carrying, including several rolls of bandages that were quickly being applied to the stallion who'd stopped coughing for a moment. "Here, I need you to take a roll and begin lightly wrapping the stallion's back left leg. If you can't though, I'll need you to go back into the lobby and ask for another doctor to come and assist me, can you please do that?" The doctor continued without looking up from their work.

First floor, main hallway/lobby:
Purple wouldn't be searching for long before another doctor turned a corner and began walking right towards her. The doctor didn't see Purple though as her head was face down towards a small stack of papers. She seemed to be mumbling things to herself while reading from the abundant notes that practically covered the papers from edge to edge. There were also a few small picture paper clipped to the stack of papers that seemed relative to the disease.

4th Floor Hallway:
"R-right," Crisp replied at first as she offered a little assistance with the wrapping herself though her defeated expression proved accurate to the information Silver refreshed. Crisp listened to the rest of Silver's statements but when she stood up, her hooves remained where they were on the ground and she fixed Silver with a hard look. "I- I can't leave just yet. There's other patients I have to check on, and you have the rest of yours as well. We can't just abandon those ponies Silver, some of them might have even started to recover, and if any of them have then they're invaluable. The antibodies they might have could lead to a cure. It save those who're worse off, maybe even..." Nurse Crisp trailed off there as her expression became more strained for a moment.

"Even if injury translates to infection, I'm not going to leave these ponies," the nurse said once she'd recovered herself. A sudden hard thud against the door of room 402 though brought on a fierce and frightened wince from the nurse and she worriedly looked back towards the door. "But you might have a point about being more careful. Maybe we could get through our rounds together with safety in numbers and such?"
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 7:31 pm

Llumina looked at the doctor who spoke with her. She was walking away but than she looked back at the whole sceine and she sighed. " Gah fine." She said using her magic to grab the role and she started to do as she was told. "Good greef.." she said still keeping slight distance to the infected stalion leting her magic do the work for her. "L-like this?" she said knowing she was not that grate at using magic for things not to do with water. "Who told you it was a good idea to jump off the third floor" She said sarcastically to the infected stalion, the corners of her lips raising in a slight smerk in hopes of throwing a joke to lighten the mood.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 8:17 pm

She saw the doctor she tried to their a tension but failed "Miss!! Miss!!" Purple shouted with no response, with this she claimed up the doctors back leg and up onto her head looking down at the papers. there were pictures of patients that had died from the disease "Eww... now let's see what is going on" She muttered to herself, looking up and down the page.
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2016 9:16 pm

4th Floor Hallway

Silver smiles broadly at the determined nurse through the plastic shield. "Your selfless determination does you credit, Crisp. I may not think it's wise to continue to walk around on an injury, even a minor one, that is probably infected but courage is never wise." She withdraws the Y-bar fully from its carrying pocket and snaps it out to full extension. "However there is courage and there is foolishness, and it'd be foolish not to treat every patient we check on as potentially prone to sudden violence from delirium. We can't help the sick unless we're healthy and functional, so take no chances and we'll finish our rounds together."
She looks at the Y-bar and at Crisp's face mask and smiles ruefully. "It's funny, you know... my niece just this morning was enthusing about some fantastical idea of hers involving armoring biohazard suits with heavy canvas and plastic. She thought it'd be 'cool' if we could dress all the medical staff in some sort of full-spectrum protection, and didn't really care that it'd be ridiculous and expensive." She sighs. "Not so absurd now, if there are more patients than Ms. Pyke who're delirious and potentially dangerous."
She pulls out her clipboard and pages passed the records of Cornmeal to the next patient. "Who's next on your rounds, Nurse Crisp?"
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A Good Intention Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2016 8:46 am

Pool side:
The stallion that fell didn't respond to Llumina's joke, but she would find that when it came to trying to wrap the bandages around the hoof, the act was considerably more difficult and required more magic than it normally would for such simple levitation. Still, the act would be doable and soon the obvious wounds from the fall were wrapped. At that moment the doctor stood up and looked towards Llumina "Thanks for your assistance, but you should really have your mask on if you're going to be outside your room," he said with a point to the article (which I'm assuming was taken off when she went for the swim, but I saw no mention of trying to put it back on)

"Also, if you are heading back to your room, would you mind directing another doctor this way if you pass one, I could use some help transporting this patient to the hospital," the doctor asked as he turned his attention back to the wounded pony once again.

First floor hallway:
The doctor continued walking at first, she'd been really absorbed in her notes that Purple could now see. The pictures she would be able to see would reveal different patients in different stages of infection. The first one just showed a fairly normal looking pony, the second had visible red spots on their hides in the forms of rashes, the last had one that looked somewhat like what Purple had scene in room 106.

Purple didn't have too long to study the pictures though before the doctor finally seemed to notice the small being on her head, and soon after, she reached up to see what was on her head. The stack of notes lowered to the side, out of immediate view.

4th floor hallway:
"Ehehe, you can say that again," Nurse Crisp said with a glance towards the bandage around her forehoof. Then a clipboard was levitated up to in front of the pale pink colored pony as she pushed a lock of mint blue mane out of her face. "My next patient is... Mr. and Mrs. Grace, in room 502. Mr. Grace was showing just the signs of presumed stage one infection, while Mrs. Grace was stable in stage two," Nurse Crisp replied.

Silver's own clipboard would reveal her next patient was Iron Nuggest, a stallion of 25 who'd be solidly in stage one and was beginning to show early signs of stage two by his last infection. He was currently in room 511.

OOG (Out Of Game): I'll be heading off on a trip for more than a few days starting a bit after this post. The game isn't off, but it won't be updating for roughly 4 days or so. Sorry about the inconvenience.
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PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2016 11:33 am

Purple screamed at the hoof coming her way, she quickly jumped back down to the floor but her horn got caught and cut the doctors hoof a bit "That was a close one" she ran to the closest room not looking where she was really going, "Now let's see what I can remember about her notes" takes a deep breath.

Sorry mine aren't very long ><
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PostSubject: Re: A Good Intention   A Good Intention Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2016 11:46 am

She noded "well i dont need to specifically have it underwater, It wouldn't help either way" She said while giving attention to her gills on the side of her neck which she uncovered by moving her mane away from them "Although i wear it when i do leave the water." she says picking her mask up with her magic and putting it on "Alright i shall go look for more nurses to come help you." she said while leaving the pool side, As she walked she was still wet yet she used her magic to keep the water drops on her, mainly on her tail.
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