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PostSubject: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2014 5:17 pm

Well, one of the most obvious: Is everyone from the old forum coming over to the new one? Will everyone be informed of the switch? And would anyone need help "Spreading the word?"
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2014 6:49 pm

Well obviously we're trying to spread the word and all the admins are here, as for everyone though, uncertain right now.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 19, 2014 8:31 pm

Well if you need any help just ask. ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 2:32 pm

I am confused about how we get our characters accepted...
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 5:50 pm

aurumtempestas wrote:
I am confused about how we get our characters accepted...

Hello Aurum,

If your character has already been accepted in the group back on the OC Roleplay Fimfiction group then you do not need to wait to be approved. If not, then please notify DualThrone through a PM that you need to be approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 6:06 pm

aurumtempestas wrote:
I am confused about how we get our characters accepted...

I have an update for you on the Character accepting process, if you are making a brand new oc character then please post it in this thread for approval: Brand New Oc Character Thread

Thank you and I hope this helps.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2014 7:33 pm

Two questions:
1.) If you copied a thread from the previous site and pasted it into the proper section here, does it count as copying another thread?
2.) If you were allowed to do the above and did so with a thread that is not on here, does it have to be the original maker of the thread or can anyone do it as long as they are allowed in the game and explicitly said who the leader was in the previous thread?
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2014 10:37 pm

Hegamonia wrote:
Two questions:
1.) If you copied a thread from the previous site and pasted it into the proper section here, does it count as copying another thread?

If the thread is yours, then it's fine. So long as your pasting it into this site in order to continue the roleplay.
So the proper answer is "No, it does not count as copying another thread."

Hegamonia wrote:

2.) If you were allowed to do the above and did so with a thread that is not on here, does it have to be the original maker of the thread or can anyone do it as long as they are allowed in the game and explicitly said who the leader was in the previous thread?

It has to be the original maker of the thread, unless you've been given explicit permission to do so. We don't want an incident when the original maker pops up and says "wtf, I didn't approve of this." So it's all good so long as you have permission from the original author of the thread.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2014 2:54 am

Hey sorry I was gone for a while but just remembered Mr.market told me johnny maker was interested in my headcanon and wanted to make a thread rp with me...just curious if this true....
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2014 3:04 pm

Dieteticchutoy3 wrote:
Hey sorry I was gone for a while but just remembered Mr.market told me johnny maker was interested in my headcanon and wanted to make a thread rp with me...just curious if this true....

You'd have to PM Johnny about that. I do not know or have ever heard this. So I cannot provide an answer, nor can I assume an answer.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2014 6:55 pm

Dieteticchutoy3 wrote:
Hey sorry I was gone for a while but just remembered Mr.market told me johnny maker was interested in my headcanon and wanted to make a thread rp with me...just curious if this true....

To be more precise, that was Maker specifically. I was just trying to got you to make habit in making more robust posts as well as aid somewhat in grammar and how we generally write the posts in the Tutorial.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeFri Apr 18, 2014 11:50 pm

Oh okay thanks for the help
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 11:35 am

Okay, I have a question. I apologise if it sounds stupid or the answer is obvious, but, well, here goes.

It's about what happens to a character after they're approved in the Brand New OC Character Thread. Although details like a character's job or weapons are included in their character sheet, by way of RPing, the character changes and evolves - he might change his job or his house, for instance, or get new weapons, or even undergo some personality changes as events shape him. But keeping in mind these changes... are we supposed to amend the character sheets accordingly? Post new ones? Or are characters simply not expected to change?

Thank you for whoever takes the time to answer this.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 11:43 am

Ician wrote:
Okay, I have a question. I apologise if it sounds stupid or the answer is obvious, but, well, here goes.

It's about what happens to a character after they're approved in the Brand New OC Character Thread. Although details like a character's job or weapons are included in their character sheet, by way of RPing, the character changes and evolves - he might change his job or his house, for instance, or get new weapons, or even undergo some personality changes as events shape him. But keeping in mind these changes... are we supposed to amend the character sheets accordingly? Post new ones? Or are characters simply not expected to change?

Thank you for whoever takes the time to answer this.

It's not a stupid question, it's actually a really good one.

You don't necessarily need to update the changes to the character sheets, but it's always nice to do so. If you do decide to do it, then I'd highly suggest submitting a new sheet, stating that it's an update and providing links as proof to show these changes that had occurred. Overall it isn't required that you'd update it, since people do AU versions of their characters all the time on this site.

So a proper answer would be; that is your decision to make. If the changes are big and drastic enough that it permanently changes your character, then I'd say do an updated sheet not only for yourself, but to keep others updated as well if they ever wanted to read your character sheet.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 12:10 pm

Thank you for the answer. Although this does beg another question; does an updated reposted sheet count as a new one which is pending approval? (To make sure that you haven't made completely ludicrous and overpowered changes.) And, consequently, what would happen if you first got a character approved and then went and edited the original character sheet with unacceptable new details?
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:11 pm

Ician wrote:
Thank you for the answer. Although this does beg another question; does an updated reposted sheet count as a new one which is pending approval? (To make sure that you haven't made completely ludicrous and overpowered changes.) And, consequently, what would happen if you first got a character approved and then went and edited the original character sheet with unacceptable new details?

We once had an occasion where previously approved OCs in the old group needed to be re-screened as part of a more stable and balanced flow of the kind of OCs and RPs being done before the rules and standards became more strict and refined. It should come as no surprise that several OCs were decidedly banned or were asked to be toned down in some, or various, aspects.

If it's about making changes involving personal character growth and development, I see no reason to think that the changes would make it un-acceptable from there onwards. Of course, even if it did somehow -whether by some sort of power or plot device-, I suggest you at least PM Dualthrone-the Character Admin and #1 screener- about the changes made before having to go and post a new sheet altogether since she will ultimately decide what to do with it eventually.

On another note, having a powerful OC won't be an issue if you can use it responsibly and/or within context and have proven to be responsible. I should know, as my main OC is borderline OP and yet I am well trusted with it and tend to place it in situations were having that sort of power is relevant(For example, I cannot have this OC be in a Horror thread when it's clearly meant mainly for Fantasy-Adventure without making AU-ish or self imposed limits). And when it isn't? I just have him behave casually. Hope this helps.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 5:13 pm

Ah, yes, thank you. I think that answers many of the important questions. Much appreciated.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2014 12:40 pm

Ok. So i'm brand new to this site (Not roleplaying thankfully) so I get the general gist of how things work around here.
However, there is one thing that confuses me and it's this.
Where do i 'make' my characters. Because at the other site, often I use the general template for my character then ajust it to fit the nature of the Roleplay and post it. That's what i've done for a while.
However, when I look here, people are posting links to their Oc's and saying what they are ajusting. Now, call me old-fasioned because I have issues adapting.
Is this the correct way to proceed when applying for a Roleplay? I think i read something about it, but i'd rather just clarify things so I don't make any mistakes when making my Oc. And i ajust my character in the signup to clarift what changed to fit the Rp?
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 27, 2014 1:28 pm

Well, there's nothing saying I can't respond to this in this thread, and I know entirely too well what you mean, Midnight. Had much the same way with my transition.
But yes, here we use a centralized thread for characters. This thread, to be exact. You use the bio format on the first page, fill it out, and poof, you have a character. However, note that we have a rule here: you can't use characters who aren't on those sheets and accepted. We've kinda bent that sometimes for "tutorial" threads, or for when someone runs a thread specifically to flesh out a character, but I think that's all been under Mr. Market's purview.
Oh, and only put one character in each post, or Dual will get on to you.

I think the central reason for this was how we started off: the forums were small, didn't have many people, and there was some level of inter-thread connectivity and continuity in many places.
This means that for threads that aren't in normal, everyday Equestria, you'll probably have to adjust things around a bit, normally best to talk to your GM about that.
You could post the sheet in the thread and point out what's being shifted around, but honestly, I find it easier to just write down purely what's being shifted.
I suggest joining the Cloudsdale chat and/or the Skype chat (I or anyone else can add you to it, just ask) for quick responses to stuff, it helps discussing things a lot.
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Two Sides of the Coin

Two Sides of the Coin

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 1:59 am

Seems like it is slow but my question is that how long does it usually take to approve a character?
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 2:08 am

Depends entirely on Dualthrone's schedule and whether or not it has to go through review/rewriting. As well as bio length. Short bios mean Dual could just step in for a bit and be done with the bio. Long bios (like the abominations I make) typically mean you need a time when Dual gets online for quite a while.
So, give a few days, man. The mods can't always be here.
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Two Sides of the Coin

Two Sides of the Coin

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 2:26 am

Brony_Khaos wrote:
Depends entirely on Dualthrone's schedule and whether or not it has to go through review/rewriting. As well as bio length. Short bios mean Dual could just step in for a bit and be done with the bio. Long bios (like the abominations I make) typically mean you need a time when Dual gets online for quite a while.
So, give a few days, man. The mods can't always be here.

Then it will take awhile since I write abominations as well but gods I would like to get into the fray
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 2:51 am

Your big bio is about the size of my shortest biography on this site, wordcount-wise.
When you start writing up ~3000 word bios, then you can call them abominations.

Like I said to Midnight up there, I do suggest joining either or both of the Cloudsdale chat and the skype chat. Helps when you want to just sit around and talk to people, or ask questions, provided that the people who actually answer questions in a reasonable manner are around. Also kinda our social gathering spot, of course.
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Two Sides of the Coin

Two Sides of the Coin

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 3:02 am

Sounds like someone is a bit proud of their work but I would like to see more happen but knowing happens on the chats
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 3:10 am

You are more than welcome to join at any time, Two. We didn't make the chats for nothing after all.
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PostSubject: Re: Questions, obviously.   Questions, obviously. Icon_minitime

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