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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2016 1:24 am

The arc of energy broke the shield but dissipated before it could hit him then he opened fire Indicus at this point was looking for anyway to damage the damn minocentaur mech and briefly wondered how much it would take to magically bind it's shadow to the ground and it and how long it would take for them to notice and break the bindings deciding to risk it he cast his spell using his mech to amplify the spell and bound the minocentaur's shadow to the mech and ground using numerous small bindings.
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Alpha P

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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2016 9:43 pm

Alpha looked around at the arsenal surrounding him. He then looked at the turtlebot and nodded, getting to work immediately. The armor would be good, letting him take more hits if he needed to. And he decide on the giant bazooka, a hard hitter if there ever was one. A fitting revenge for the hit he took earlier. He grabbed thr nearest wrench and with the help of the turtlebot, got everything that needed bolting down bolted down and mounted his extra ammo before hopping back into the cockpit and firing up the mech again. "Take two." He says, his newly refurbished mech walking onto the battlefield once again.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 12:09 am

Dust again jumped into the air with the hydraulic assist, this time firing missiles filled with the same sticky fluid at the wings to hopefully lock them up and throw off its balance a bit. Meanwhile, her autocannon fired at the mech's fingers on the battleaxe, trying to get it to drop it.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 5:37 am

Nightwing has Tetsuijin pick up the shield, turning it over and admiring it. "This'll work. Now to get him in closer..." He noticed one of the friendly mechs firing rockets and thought Bingo. The smoke and heat signatures will disguise the approach. He has Tesuijin Prepare his Electro-Sun kick, timing it just behind the explosion of the missiles to catch a guard. He would then, upon success, shield bash him away.
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Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 6:15 pm

The Adjudicator had a sudden surge of power now that Lagnia was fully awake and aware of his powers. "So I'm cute when I'm angry, eh? I've never had a mare try to desperately flirt with me as she's about to die." The Adjudicator flickered out of the way of any attacks she made, and he chuckled at her statement. "You tried to capture me, and so I retaliated." The Adjudicator appeared right next to bat mech and drove its blade into it, attempting to force it to the ground with extreme force and speed. "This never would have happened if you hadn't fucked with me and your friends hadn't interrupted the expo."
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 2:58 pm

" Or ya know to do the same thing, the definition of insanity folks look it up." See how the mhec are back to just hitting it again Sandy went to gun it and fire missiles at it.
She then caught a glance of lagnia with the bat mech, Idea. 
"Dude holding on to the bat. Get that thing grounded, but don't fully destroy it, I have an idea."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 20, 2016 3:59 pm

((Great golden opportunity!))

And so it finally happened! The mysterious group of 5 finally began their transformation sequence; Unlike the Yokai-Minocentaur's, the second group's transformation was slower and much more methodical as each individual machine prepared for docking with one another as they approached the field of battle for magnificent justi-!! "What the heck!? GAH!" Fortune turned in favor of the group of allied combatants as the fast approach and transformation of the extra 5 mechs distracted the pilots of the villain mech long enough for them to get some hits in with less trouble.

Dusty's and Sandy's barrage would his first, blocking some of the view for Lagnia's Adjudicator to come in close and strike the side with some success; However, the giant mech proved much sturdier and faster this time, and after having taken the sticky missiles with one of the wings and blocked the shots through sheer resilience, the other wing and arm held fast as one large hand forcibly crushed the partially penetrating beam blade with a mighty grip backed by sorcery, disabling the weapon temporarily. The free wing, instead, made a fast swatting against the Adjudicator towards the ground with a hard impact, though one Lagnia and his mech could likely survive.

The close range initiative of Lagnia opened the way for Dawn's Tetsujin going from the other side to enter with a strong kick that hit very hard, but not quite as deep an effect as the thicker armor could withstand the heavy Tetsujin's might better than before. When the shield bash came, it was parried by the double-axe and forced the iron giant with a shield away.

Between the two previous attacks however, they forced the Yokai-Minocentaur to stay grounded long enough for Indicus' barrage and shadow grip. The grand foe roared in anger and annoyance as it took moderate damage from the attacks all around in total, and the ground kept it moving sluggishly. It was only a temporary measure however, as it retaliated fast by attempting to cut the shadows with the double-axe backed by sorcery as well like vines and raw legpower; The sticky wing also forced its way out of the tough resin. It followed along by using a much stronger firebreath wave towards Indicus, and used the free wing to launch numerous missiles both summoned and protected by sorcery towards the Adjudicator, Tetsujin, Sandy's tank, and Dusty's mech... It's horns sparked vividly...

Aside from the others being safe for the time being, the new mech had finally finished its transformation, and now stoo-... Er... Pratfallen on the ground face first as something wasn't working quite right when it was completed. "Ba ba bam! The Bolt Lion-V is here to save the day!"

"What are you talking about, Professor!? We can barely get it to stand back up with all the interference! Much less fight and save the day!"

"Not with that attitude we wont! Just a minor setback anyway."
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Alpha P

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Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2016 10:24 pm

Alright. The time for vengeance was now. They busted up his mech but good, and now he was going to return the favor, carrying his bazooka that was clearly too large for his mech, but carrying it nonetheless. His newly armored mech took a knee, aiming at the back of the yokai-minocentaur's head. "Alright, slick." He says, turning on his advanced targeting. He turns to the little turtlebot in the cockpit with him and grins. "Watch this." He says, pulling the trigger and firing a shot that nearly knocks his mech over from the power.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2016 4:49 am

Nightwing directed Tetsuijin quickly back inside the bigger mech's guard, boxing out the axe arm while delivering a Lil' Mac express order to the Mechabomination. His fists sparked with the electric lightening of heavy metal justice and his gaze burned with the intensity of 1000 small suns, bringing to bear the might of the large, brawling titanic mech.
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 3:58 pm

lightning continued to pull stuff up from the ground, large metal pipes more pods and continued to bombard the mechator, all while calling in another strike of drop pods this time targeted at the mechator from all above angles, lightning at this would begin throwing objects from most angles at the super mech.

sky on the other hand was charging up, the ground cracked as the relics she possessed did there work, her "aura" shon pink red but seemed to darken as finally she propelled herself like a speeding bullet at the mech with a single jump, she recoiled her fist ready for a punch as her boosters accelerated her even more.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 28, 2016 1:03 am

Sandy pointed her guns upward and began to open fire on the missiles trying to shot them out of the sky. "Anyone has a foggiest of an idea of how to kill this Bastard?" She asked backing away from the giant and it's missiles.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 28, 2016 1:28 am

Indicus backed up to get some breathing room, "No clue damn thing is resistant to my energy weapons and I doubt a Alpha Strike will do shit and firing till dead is not working so well either." Indicus then continued firing trying to find some sort of weakness.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2016 5:53 am

The missiles would reach fast over to Dusty's and Lagnia's mechs, dealing damage to Lagnia's thrusters and Dusty's legs to where both would stagger trying to move right away from the damages. Dawn moving in with the Tetsujin might yield a couple good hits on the torso, but it would be short-lived as the missiles homed in from behind and damaged the Tetsujin's thrusters as well before it was then attacked from the front as the unicorn crotch piece extended and rammed the Tetsujin's shield, knocking the iron giant onto his back.

Sandy and Indicus playing it safe would work for them, but Indicus in particular would not get more hits in yet as the flames melted his efforts for the time being from his position. It seemed attacking while it was still able to counter was not going to be easy to manage for them up front.

It was a different story from behind and around, however, since Lightning's constant barrage would be countered by the lightning bolts coming from the horns atop the Yokai-Minocentaur; It in turn would be having greatly distracted its attention away from Alpha's Giant Bazooka round flying from afar somewhat slowly but surely striking with a lot of power as the giant mech took a rough hit to the back of the head, leaving it seemingly vulnerable again as it staggered, waving it's Dual-Axe around sluggishly along with the wings. It also fired a lot of heat breath at the ground around it however, making the flames rise...

Further away, the Bolt Lion-V was attempting to stand as the limbs struggled to set in proper motion, until it eventually kneeled proper, revealing its bulky lion head and bear claws clenched into fists properly, both being aimed at the Yokai-Minocentaur. A lot of steam then began to pour out from both arms in preparation for something. Soon after, communications would begin to spread between the radio, with Amphere being the one to speak through static. "...-ire while movi-... -n a circle. Bash it when stag-... using po-...-ful melee. Abuse y-... strengths and numbers, it shouldn't b-... to keep up wit-... -eryone."
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Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2016 6:01 pm

The Adjudicator took the hit from the bat mech and basically shrugged it off like it was nothing, reciprocating the blow with a very hard punch before the neural link briefly glitched, causing the Adjudicator to not be able to react in time. It took a hit to the back 'thrusters' from the missiles. However they were almost unscathed, save a few dents and scratched metal. However, as they lifted up over the shoulders of the Adjudicator and started aiming towards the bat mech, they detached and began flying at extreme speeds towards the bat mech, seeming to have homing capabilities that couldn't be stopped with countermeasures.

The Adjudicator then moved on to other problems at hand. Like that unicorn mech from earlier. Reactivating the beam lance it carried, it fired a few shots from its sniper rifle at the unicorn mech first, attempting to hit it from odd angles and weak spots. When shots had found their marks, the Adjudicator would appear behind the unicorn mech again, this time attempting to lance it with the energy lance.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2016 1:43 am

Indicus heard the tip over the radio and was able to piece the transmission together. "Guys I'm gonna try to overload the Minocentaur by activating my Alpha Strike but it will take about ten or fifteen seconds to charge so I need some cover hopefully it will absorb the energy and over load also hitting it with energy attacks should help it overload." Indicus transmitted the message on a encrypted channel that would prevent their enemies from hearing him. 'well here goes nothing.'

Indicus started circling behind the Minocentaur and started charging the alpha strike making sure to keep it aimed at the Minocentaur's head as he charged the attack four large spheres of crackling light purple energy appeared in front of the Star Adder's four cannons and would get more erratic as the Alpha Strike charged.
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2016 12:42 pm

"thats good, that was already part of the plan" lighting with one hand continued the bombardment of objects while her other began to glow brighter than she was, befor any notice could be expressed she unleased a huge beam of magic aimed right for the minotors horn, it would quickly shift frequency to find the polar oppersite charge of the minotors magic, once found lightning would stop the bararge of objects and pit ALL her effort and energy into the beam, reaching heat that plasmated the gas around it. she would continue to put more and more power into the beam as her relic set kept charging her up more and more.

to avoid being eaten by the beam, sky changed her tregetory and aimed for the neck giving it a flurry of full thrust barrarge punches. the air would begin glowing from the friction, speed and impact of the punches.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2016 7:39 pm

The attack was fully charged and he fired it the homing balls of plasma energy hit the minocentaur in the upper chest normally a killing blow against anything but a undamaged Atlas which would need only one more alpha strike to take down. That said, Indicus held no illusions that the attack would kill the minocentaur right away. Indicus's mech shut down after he fired the Alpha Strike due to the excessive amounts of heat generated but moments later was back up and running and Indicus continued to circle around and fire this time adding the plasma PPC's into the mix.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 01, 2016 3:01 am

Nightwing hissed, having Tetsujin load up on his shoulders and push off, aiming a double-footed kick at the head of the over-sized mechtuar from the push off.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 01, 2016 3:08 am

It didn't take much effort to tell what the cutting off voice was saying. "Attack in circles, bash it when staggering and use powerful melee attacks. And with that massive size moving around it should be a snap. Hope yall got that pilots." Seeing one of the mech firing a massive attack up front, sandy went to move to the sides and fire missiles at it while also reaching for the tank's sword.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 02, 2016 4:30 am

The Yokai-Minocentaur was once more taking a beating as shots and strikes came from all around, but it wasn't quite being focused upon enough by all to stop it long enough to take more hits...

Nightwing's maneuver was risky, as attempting to kick only led to being blasted upon by the harsh flames torrenting out from the maw of the giant Mech, beginning to melt the Tetsujin's armor. The Turtle Bot next to Nightwing was flailing its arms in panic. "Turtle. Too direct. Get the shield back. Turtle."

Lagnia, Sandy, Indicus, Lightning and Sky got in many a good number of hits, breaking down the armor from all angles and even breaking down the middle horn of the head. However, just before Lagnia's Adjudicator could strike from behind for another attack, the Yokai-Minocentaur surged with yet another wave of energy, instantly sending Sky away once more in a rough blast of flames it had been building up around it with sorcery, and leaving Lagnia staring into empty space as the giant Mech had vanished from up front the original targeting location... only for the Adjudicator to receive a much harsher punch from behind as the giant Mech wrecked the right shoulder mounted weapon in the process. "Your demonic essence is pathetic against my raw power!" This time, the distorted voice was from the same female Lagnia met earlier; It still held a strong spiteful tone as the mech had come out of a small rift in space. It looked damage all around, but its energy output kept rising as it roared.

Soon after, it attempted to once more strike Lagnia by throwing the Double-Axe at it fiercely, but it was caught midway when a giant fist with bear claws came rocketing by by and grabbed the weapon before it hit. From the Bolt Lion-V came Aphere's voice again over a loud speaker as the mech had finally stood up to its full 35meter height and the right arm had been fired away so far. "Darn, we missed! It didn't stay still... Got the axe though. Could you dearies try pinning it down again? We're still having technical issues here." She and her crew once more began to aim for the next attack.

The Yokai-Minocentaur roared towards the Bolt Lion-V, but it then instead focused on Indicus, Sandy and Lightning as it then stomped the ground, and earth spikes began to rise magically in their way. It'd take quite the deft maneuvering or assistance for them to come out of it safely, while Lightning would have quite a hard time preventing the attack's execution near her...

Last edited by Mr. Market on Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:27 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 02, 2016 5:04 am

Indicus quickly started moving backwards and blasted earth spikes that were getting close into slag with the PPC's and his own shadow magic he also tried to help Sandy when he caught a small break "Fuck this," Indicus shook his head and charged up some magic and stomped on the ground with the foot of his mech releasing a shock-wave of magic into the earth spikes.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 3:13 pm

[Find You]

The Adjudicator tanked the hit, one of the launch pads on its shoulder damaged from the attack. The Adjudicator moved to range and Lagnia could be heard laughing. "Demonic essence? Child, you haven't tasted power yet." It held the blade forward, but this time, it turned into a lance twice the size of the Adjudicator. All of its thrusters activated, and it immediately jumped in total energy output. There was an extremely loud boom. It flew at the giant mech, and would adjust to continue targeting it if it tried to dodge out of the way.

However, within 5 meters of the giant mech, Lagnia would hit the frontal eject button, launching himself even faster than the Adjudicator at the giant mech while the Adjudicator kept its course, acting as if it had an autopilot function. He was brandishing a strange looking sword that glowed with power, and he put his hand on the hilt. "Final Technique: Malevolent Storm." With that, he drew the blade, slashing once at the giant mech, followed by thousands of armor-piercing slashes raining across the entire mech, primarily focusing on the joints. If he was able to get over the mech, he'd try to slash the head.

But after all of that, there was a loud snap and a crunch from Lagnia's right arm, and he'd go flying past the large mech, starting to fall like a rock. The demonic essence faded. He reverted back to his kirin form, and after getting the strike in or being blocked/deflected, the Adjudicator would revert to the Ahmazeke, and gently fly away for a safe landing. Lagnia's breathing was labored and he was barely conscious that he was falling.

Last edited by Wiserodin032402 on Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:44 am; edited 2 times in total
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Unity Wolfpony

Unity Wolfpony

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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 07, 2016 2:31 am

sky landed and punched the ground out of frustration, each time she went to punch the big robot, it just magiceg her away. but sky is nothing if not determined and once more she went on the assault this time assault from the ground, she ran at the mech and when close she jumped and launched herself at the mech's torso.

lightning saw the spikes and reacted to them with an almost reflex like automation, she rose her hand charged as much power as she could and blasted at the spikes pushing back and destroying all the spikes in a 20m circle around her. the light was white/blue an almost blinding, ifnot for the spikes outside the circle it would become hard to see.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2016 1:17 am

Nightwing pilots Tetsuijin away as the Turtlebot flails on his shoulder, "Calm down, you're not helping the piloting. Now, is there some sort of repair station nearby?" He re-arms Tetsuijin with the shield. He had Tesujin you the shield to bash boulders it kicked out of the ground at the Yokai-Minocentuar.
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PostSubject: Re: Mecha Show Expo! (Open)   Mecha Show Expo! (Open) - Page 16 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 08, 2016 1:30 am

Dust had been maneuvering behind the gargantuan robot at this time, charging a different kind of weapon from her EMP. Eventually, the plasma used to generate it became spent, which she then expelled outside a secondary port on her EMP gun towards the minocentaur's back, at the same time firing at its neck with armour piercing missiles.
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