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 Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)

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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 18, 2016 10:23 pm

Sugary was moaning the more the magic cock stimulated her from within, nethers colvulsing lightly at the odd sensations, but the legs and pace kept up. Since Sakura seemed to enjoy the most when she got treated a bit more vigorously, she'd expand on the magic to coat the hard log from base to tip, and had the magic coating slide around from side to side as if it were like rubbing her cock and balls around velvet; She'd also be more experimenting and instead of simply lowering Sakura, she'd lower her arms faster as if dropping her on the white-tipped cock, pushing Sugary down onto Eve's Magic cock faster as well, and then forcing their way up faster and more roughly as the cold kept making her move up without taking a break. "Ah~... Ooh~..." The tendrils inside Sakura also began to spin a bit along with the coating.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2016 5:53 pm

Sakura's eager moans only continued as her Sugary worked her shaft and inner walls so well, the treemare panting and squeezing Sugary's length as she quite passionately made out with Eve, the plant woman still spurting into the bowl, her moans getting a little lustier, as if she were getting close to her peak, and she began to ride Sugary a little faster, eagerly bouncing atop the shaft, until, quite soon, she erupted, sending another wave of seed into the bowl of fruit, while Eve's hand groped her balls, milking even more of her syrup out into the bowl.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2016 8:22 pm

Sugary was getting quite the nice morning workout with Sakura and Eve, especially since their nethers were both making Sugary dash on the edge of ecstacy with ease. The odd sensation of heat and cold made her tremble with delight, and the challenge of keeping up with Sakura was all the more arousing as her cock began to swell the more pressure she felt.

Sakura may have come earlier than Sugary, but not wanting to be left halfway done, she stood up while holding her a bit more upright, and roughly squated on Eve's chair cock while pounding Sakura's supple bark and core for a while longer, biting down softly on one of her mane roots to keep her still as she snorted more deeply. She grunted, and soon after, neighed as she finally caught up and gave Sakura a cream filling of her own to go along with the breakfast...
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2016 8:44 pm

Sakura had only moaned blissfully and eagerly as Sugary really railed her flank, her marehood squeezing and milking his shaft as she was fucked so firmly, and Eve, as Sugary filled Sakura's womb and velvety walls, would slide the magic shaft hilt deep into Sugary's marehood. An ice cold pillar of magic flaring it's equine flare against Sugary's cervix, Eve adding a bit extra, making the shaft imitate orgasm, and throb and pulse, spurting thick, ice cold liquid mana directly into Sugary's womb.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2016 2:01 am

Sugary had reached her own limit just there and then, as Eve's magic cock did a number on her nethers which made her tremble and moan loudly as she was made to come from her nethers as well, the juices spilling over the chair as she struggled to keep standing and keeping herself buried in Sakura.

It was tough, but she'd endure, smirking over to Eve's head with a labored laugh as she held up and rode out the extra pleasure. It was then that her own spells would stop, and simply give Sakura a light nibble on the ear, grinding her groin softly and waiting for Eve to stop the spell herself... Eventually, she'd remember something, blushing deeply. "Oooh~... I-I forgot to... Sterilize..." If only they knew...
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2016 2:18 am

Eve did, floating her head back to her body, dissipating the liquid mana and the shaft she had made, and watching as Sakura relaxed from her lovely experience, resting comfortably atop Sugary and purring softly. "Mmm~ Thanks, hon~ You really know how to treat a mare~" She purred teasingly, slowly getting up and getting her pants and panties back on, wiggling her flank lightly and sitting down with a sigh. "I don't mind~...That was lovely fun~" She purred, kissing Sugary lightly, and she relaxed in her seat very comfortably, closing her eyes.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2016 6:44 pm

Once Sugary's cock slid out, she'd sit back on the chair with a looong sigh, chest heaving in quiet bliss even as Sakura kissed her back. She had no intention of putting anything on just yet, letting the air cool her off for now.

In time, she'd grin at Eve as she composed herself again. "... I'm gonna get you back for that someday." A promise? A threat? One thing was certain; Sugary had certainly sparked a strong flame of passion for Evoltit as well by now. Given her state, however, it was up to the others to decide the course of the day as she then began to indulge herself in the exotically sweet coated fruit...
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 22, 2016 1:40 am

Eve only grinned, winking at Sugary and just relaxing eating her fill of syrup-coated fruits and watching Sakura relax and do the same, the two mares both very relaxed and happy. They didn't have any plans...except Sakura would slip off to go cast a spell to check for pregnancy later in the day, and Eve would ask how close they were to their destination...
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 22, 2016 11:22 pm

Sugary would try their best to explain what Sakura said regarding their next destination, and while Sakura tended to very personal needs, she would give a rough estimate to Eve on the table. There was no way to give a fully accurate answer without Sakura, but there was some assurance that it would likely be less than a day's travel time in good weather for sure... There was also the sensation of having gained a guilty pleasure from eating fruit coated with Sakura's sweet syrup. The prospect of rutting for more occasions like that filled her with glee.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 23, 2016 5:47 pm

Eve would sigh and just wait, yawning and slowly getting up, heading over to the deck to just watch the scenery as they traveled. But Sugary would once again feel Sakura's arms curled around her waist. "Hunk...I found out something...I really found quite the virile stallion to play with." She giggled softly and nuzzled Sugary's neck lightly. "You knocked me up. On day one." She said softly, breaking the hug and just leaning back, smiling softly. "I did not expect that..."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2016 4:40 am

Sugary held Sakura's arms gently, blissful that the morning was going so well for a change compared to days prior; But then came the good news! And then her grip became shaky and her stare to Sakura was... that of tremendous surprise. "Whaaaaaat!? Sakura, what!? You're pregnant!? Already!? You're gonna bear my children!?" There was a mix between joy and despair. This was not expected in the least indeed. "And... And... And... You're okay with this!? How did you find out!?" She looked nervous all around.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2016 10:45 pm

Sakura giggled aloud and nuzzled Sugary, kissing her nose playfully and giving her a hug. "You aren't the only one with magic, yaknow. I used a simple spell to check for pregnancy. Turns out you knocked me up the first time we screwed around. And I'm fine with it because I've been expecting to become a parent one way or another, with the way I screw around so often..."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2016 2:02 am

Sugary really didn't know what to feel, still reeling over the news. She really did not want to upset Sakura, especially since it looked like she really looked forward to this. "Uh... So, you've never been pregnant before? And... You were really wanting this? I mean...Now what? You want us to raise the... Uh..." She looked to Sakura's belly, and lightly rubbed it. "... The sapling...? How DOES pregnancy work for your kind anyway...?"
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2016 2:49 am

Sakura laughed lightly, patting Sugary's rump. "No need to worry so much. I've been mentally prepared to find out I'm a parent for years." She said, waving off the worry. "And as for the sapling, it'll be about eight or nine months, usually eight. Then the pregnancy's about over. But a word of warning. Treefolk get to adult bodies and minds at any age from seven to eleven. Depends what kind of plants we are." She said, yawning lightly and smirking. "It's a boy, by the way."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 30, 2016 1:06 am

Sugary was about to protest further, still deeply unsure about the circumstances, until Sakura mentioned her intentions. "... For years...? You've been wanting to have a sapling for that long now...?" Perhaps it was worth trying to understand Sakura more before criticizing her decisions. "... And a male... And you're really all for it? Having something grow in you, and... grow up that fast soon after? How does... What's it really like? Mating for your kind I mean. Does it change nothing that you mated with me instead of your own...?" She was genuinely curious, and also trying to be rational.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 6:38 pm

"I've never wanted to have kids, but as I said, I've been ready for it to happen for all these years. I'm in my fifties, Sugary. I should have had kids in my forties." She said, shrugging it off, before grinning. "Treefolk can breed with other species very easily. The child will be a fullblooded whatever-the-mother-is, with a few visual traits of the father, he might even be a unicorn, might have really strong magic, seeing as we're both powerful mages...But yeah...the kid will grow quickly. And they learn easily, too. I learned four languages young, but one never came in handy, and I'm speaking another as we speak."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 9:21 pm

Sugary blinked, gears in her head being shifted about. "Wait, you're over fifty?" She looked Sakura's body all over, taking in her lover in a somewhat different light, while also giving more careful thought regarding her kind. She smiled, still uncertain about what was going on, but slowly warming up to it. "Heh... Fast growers... Fast learners... Longlived too, huh?" It was then she stood up, slowly, and went in to hug Sakura very affectionately as she nuzzled her cheek. "... You're making me a father... I'm not sure I'm ready for it, but, I'm happy you let me sire you... Is there... Anything that's expected of me, once the sapling is born?" Maybe now was a good time to learn more about her culture and ways.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 4:06 pm

Sakura giggled and hugged Sugary happily, pressing their chests together. "Fifty six, to be exact. And most of us live to see two hundred years old. Though...the Eldest in my village is nearing his five hundreds. You'll meet him. He's a nice guy...Sees me as a grandkid of his, but you should be fine." She added, smirking playfully. Sakura kissed Sugary, passionate and gentle. "If we seperate, well, as long as you visit once in a while, that'd be fine. But if you and I stick together for a while longer...Well, just be a good dad."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 7:14 pm

Sugary snorted contently, pressed up against Sakura as they kissed. She held her lover and stared contemplatively at her last comment, seemingly more understanding of the circumstances. "... So if I go my own way, all you ask is that I come by, huh...? No matter what, I'll do that much at least. I don't wanna miss out too much on what I helped make happen with you." She leaned up and kissed her lips lightly again before pulling back and gently rubbing her belly, smiling more. "... But then again, I've yet to say I'm going my own way... Just uh... Make sure you at least help me with whatever you go through, alright? I can't very well consider bringing you along as much if I'm gonna work for that matter... Ah, speaking of which! Did we ever actually invite Eve to come along with us to your home? I like that she's with us, but it might be wise to make sure she doesn't have other plans."
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2016 8:46 pm

Sakura shrugged lightly, nuzzling Sugary. "Moral support would really be best, as well as, yaknow, coming by every so often. As for Eve, well, she hasn't asked where we were headed yet, so it's safe to assume she doesn't care too much...You could go ahead and ask, if you like." Sakura said, nonchalantly smooching her Sugary and yawning.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon May 16, 2016 5:00 pm

Sugary giggled softly during the kiss, petting Sakura's blossoms and roots gently. "You know what? Let's ask her together." She then began to whisper. "I think the old gal likes having us as lovers spoiling her... She might really like if we hug and nuzzle her to come with us. Sound like a plan?" She was already willing to go right for it, waiting on Sakura to come along as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeMon May 23, 2016 4:38 pm

Sakura grinned and nodded, nipping at Sugary's ear playfully as she followed her lover along to the deck, where Eve stood by the rail, watching the landscape below, but perking up as she heard the others coming out. "Hey." She said softly, looking a little tired, but her eyes, oddly, were completely icy-blue, but as she became distracted by Sugary and Sakura coming near, they darkened back to the grey-blue they were before.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeTue May 24, 2016 6:17 am

Though the change in eyes did briefly distract Sugary, it wouldn't stop her much from just smiling at Evoltit and going in for a sudden hug and gentle nuzzle against her neck. "Eve~! You know you're welcome to come with us, right? But how does visiting Sakura's home a week from now sound to you? We'd be escorting the Princess there as well, but there's something else we wanna share..." She'd look to Sakura, wondering if she'd share the news.
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeTue May 31, 2016 11:08 pm

Sakura giggled and did the same as Sugary, but nuzzling into Eve's other side, hugging tightly, but Eve felt Sakura grinding against her thigh teasingly. "Honestly, I had meant to just follow you to wherever you'd be going...And what is this 'something'...?" She added, frowning and seeming concerned.

"I'm pregnant." Sakura said with pride and a giggle, grinning at Eve softly, but frowning as Eve laughed.

"Wait, you just found out? I thought you guys already knew, I could sense the life energy since we met..."
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private)   Traveling Tantalus and Tree Tits Troupe. (Private) - Page 27 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2016 5:22 am

"What? You knew this whole time...? Sheesh, I suppose I'm grateful you didn't spoil the surprise. Heh..." Sugary was in a good mood regardless, happy to know Eve was coming with them and that they were all alright with news of the coming sapling. "Well, that settles it. Guess we all know where to go next..."

From then on, the odd trio would travel again in relative peace. Sugary would eventually revert back to his old self and continue to watch over and love upon Eve, if cautiously, as well as Sakura and their offspring while learning more of her kind and polishing his skills. Sakura would remain as optimistic and loving as ever, if a little mischievous. And Eve would still struggle with her own personal demons, but having Sugary and Sakura around helped to lighten the burden; She may yet free herself of her cursed state and find true peace on her own terms than be consumed by it...
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